The Out Of World
Lichte's Brain
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The stranger scowled at the approaching Kai, his body tensing up in preparation for combat. When he saw the man had touched his arm and gradually restored it back to its proper state, gears began to turn in the man's head. This person didn't react to the mention of a Stand without confusion that would give him away as a mundane person, and quite clearly could figure out that it was a Stand User who had attacked him and put him into this state. Moreover, he had reversed the petrification effect of the Stand that had attacked him. By simple logical deduction, this apparent shelter volunteer was the Stand User in question, no doubt too weak to take him on in physical combat; the bastard was trying to cover his ass for biting off more than he could chew.Gokuro's Stand? He would have laughed at the thought if he were a different kind of person. Gokuro was a sensitive soul; he wasn't the type to develop a Stand. Still, that the man was attacked, by one of the shelter's dogs, couldn't be denied. He stepped in, grabbing the stone arm before the stranger could react.
"Any reason why this shelter's volunteer would attack you? He isn't the type to go randomly killing people." Deescalation is necessary. So long as the man's pissed at the two of them, there's no way to resolve the situation without incapacitating him. Slowly, Kai ground his fingers into the stone, fixing the arm. Flesh once more, as it should be. Maybe this'll get the ass to cool off.
"What are you playing at?" The blonde all but hissed as he snapped his now healed arm away from Kai's grip. "Do you intend to kiss my ass and beg for forgiveness for failing to kill me with your Stand? Depending on your answer, I may have to kick your ass!"
The sound of Renato scribbling away furiously with his pen was picked up by the intruder, who had previously been too focused on breaking down doors and being a total asshole to notice. His head snapped toward the rabble of children behind him, causing his scowl to deepen. Ah, so the man with the petrifying Stand had been stalling for time.Hiding her left hand from view, she stuffed it into her skirt's pocket. She stood by her Italian soon to be paramour's side, not letting him getting away from sight. Suddenly, a white mannequin hand with pink ball joints appeared and overlapped her human hand. The doll's hand bended its fingers down to its palm, just enough space to hold a handle of some kind, the human hand mimic the same movement.
"I take it this is your backup, then? I'll only warn you once, I've been in worse situations than this before and always come out on top. Making this a three-on-one fight will just make each of your punishments three times as harsh."