Blood is Thicker (Hellsing fanfic)

My, my.

I usually know these things, so I'm mildly embarrassed I have to ask - does the lifeblood of ten thousand legend have a source outside of FMA?

(Also, what characters are you using for Xiaolian? I can guess at Xiao, obviously, but.)
My, my.

I usually know these things, so I'm mildly embarrassed I have to ask - does the lifeblood of ten thousand legend have a source outside of FMA?
No, I made that up. "Ten thousand" in Chinese folklore is a number often used synonymously with "infinite" or "a number vast beyond imagination", so distilling the lifeblood of ten thousand people to make a philosopher's stone seemed appropriately poetical.

Also, that is a fuckload of blood, so it seemed appropriately Hellsingy as well.

And yes, I had enormous fun making the alchemist's artefacts. Especially the arrow. Regarding her relatively poor showing compared to murdering other vampires; Lian wasn't expecting him to be able to use the temple's sanctified qualities like that given how blasphemous the work he was doing was. He chose his ground very well indeed.
Yet more proof that properly prepared magic users are a pain in the ass to deal with, especially on ground they've made their sanctum. I love how you described the magic the alchemist used, with prepared materials that did specific things. And, you know, the ritualized aspect. It's a nice break away from the typical "I shoot fire out of my hands" kind of magic. It also helps hammer in that this old man is pretty well prepared to demonstrate just how bad an idea it is for anyone to mess with him.

Granted, not prepared enough. But hey, sniping has been a viable strategy since the dawn of time, as the Alchemist's ruined hand perfectly demonstrates. Definitely looking forward to the rest of this fight.
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No, I made that up. "Ten thousand" in Chinese folklore is a number often used synonymously with "infinite" or "a number vast beyond imagination", so distilling the lifeblood of ten thousand people to make a philosopher's stone seemed appropriately poetical.

Also, that is a fuckload of blood, so it seemed appropriately Hellsingy as well.

And yes, I had enormous fun making the alchemist's artefacts. Especially the arrow. Regarding her relatively poor showing compared to murdering other vampires; Lian wasn't expecting him to be able to use the temple's sanctified qualities like that given how blasphemous the work he was doing was. He chose his ground very well indeed.
... darnit, random alchemist, you could've just used "eight" and saved yourself the trouble. Or "nine," if you can't be satisfied with aleph-null. :p

And interesting hints at Xiaolian's power there. Her blood puts out holy fires and her legend is enough for this alchemist to get a tad greedy. I wonder how much of her backstory we get to discover :p.
IT LIVES. And more epic, non-Western fantasy awesomeness from Aleph. Its too bad this is a Hellsing fic rather than a completely original work, because that means I can't pay you to write more without creating potential legal complications.