Again I will point our how we are a Courtier, we aren't expected to do the fighting, we aren't going to do any fighting outside in our own defense, and even then we have people for that, so why is that so hard for you to accept?

Because we voted to go to the Topaz Championship, and that means something. It might be a bushi's contest straight up. But its still where the Empire's best and brightest go to get noticed. So I would rather not make our sensei look like a moron for sending us when we couldn't even compete. Because that costs him prestige too. Maybe I should have argued against it at the time, but it kind of slipped my notice between everything else. But we're here now, and I don't intend to fuck up our best shot at getting a post in the Imperial Legions or the Emerald Magistrates because we wanted fucking Sage or some other inane thing.

Finally, someone picked up on why I even offered the Topaz Championship choice. If you fail, you're going to drag others with you.

For the purposes of the Topaz Championship, you are expected to fight your own battles. To do otherwise, in a contest where exemplary young samurai are tested in the traditional arts, is a grave insult to your sensei, your family, your clan, to the other participants, the samurai who come to watch, the Crane hosts, and to the Imperial families who are going to be. Should any samurai fail to obtain their gempukku, or god forbid spectacularly fail, well... expect to have your status, name, and or life forcefully removed.

Is there a full list of Topaz championship activities? I took Iajitsu 3 so we could be not embarrassing at it, and put a rank into kenjutsu and two into defense to give us some sort of fighting ability. is probably the best place to find a list, it's adapted from the old 3e edition version that was pretty popular.

However, GM is free to change a lot.

gman391 gives good advice.

The wiki also lists the traditional events in the Topaz Championship. I will point out that the Topaz Championship will always have the following tests; Kenjutsu, Iaijutsu, Imperial Law, the Tenets of Bushido, and Court functions. How the participants are tested changes per year to prevent rigging the system (except for the Iaijutsu section, which is always rigged in favor of the Crane and their sword-lawyers). However, any other events is up to the discretion of the Imperial Families who organize the event.

I have a doctors appointment tomorrow, will be busy. I'll close the vote on Saturday and update on Sunday. Finalize plans and votes.
I'm actually interested in losing the Topaz completely - a courtier ronin might be interesting to play.
I changed my plan by dropping meditation and medicine in favor of a rank in athletics and hunting to prepare for the topaz, also dropped raising sincerity to 2 in favor of kenjutsu 2. Our traits will still only be 2 for most of the challenges but we should have the broad skill base to give a decent showing at least.
It's really annoying to have your internet data plan run out in the middle of the month, and suffer 256 kbps internet for a week. At least I had time to make sheets for the 15 other participants of the tournament.

Also. Tally. Vote's tied. Will check in a few tomorrow for changes.
Adhoc vote count started by Kiriel on Jan 31, 2018 at 12:58 PM, finished with 34 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Plan Customization
    -[X] Benten's Blessing
    -[X] Sage
    -[X] Lucky 2
    -[X] Absolute Direction
    -[X] Imperial Court Training
    -[X] Iajistu 3
    -[X] Defense 2
    -[X] Kenjutsu 2
    -[X] Athletics 1
    -[X] Hunting 1
    [x] Plan Topaz
    [x] Hunting 1, Athletics 1
    [x] Imperial Courtier Training
    [x] Defence Training
    [x] Duellist Training
    [x] Benten's Blessing
    [X] Plan Support
    -[x] Imperial Courtier Training - 21 exp
    -[X] Quartermaster Duty (13 exp)
    -[x] Defense Training - 6 exp
    -[x] Benten's Blessing - 4 exp
    -[X] Athletics 1 (1 exp)
    -[X] Horsemanship 2 (3 exp)
    -[X] Hunting 1 (1 exp)
    -[X] Iaijutsu 1 (1 exp)
    [X] Temujin
    [x] Plan Topaz
Last edited:
[X] Plan Customization
-[X] Benten's Blessing
-[X] Sage
-[X] Lucky 2
-[X] Absolute Direction
-[X] Imperial Court Training
-[X] Iajistu 3
-[X] Defense 2
-[X] Kenjutsu 2
-[X] Athletics 1
-[X] Hunting 1

To break the Tie, still would prefer higher dueling Stats but lets get this show on the road.

Does anyone have a plan/Strategy for this tournament?
So far I am at:
  1. Befriend the Scorpion competitor
  2. Have new Scorpion Friend Poison/drug the Kakita Bushi (Because ofc there is one.)
  3. ???
  4. Win Tournament