Blood and Secrets (Legend of the Five Rings)

Shizuka shakes her head, "No thanks is needed Akodo-san, the boy was needed for questioning. I wish he had been cooperative pains me to see such measures having to be taken."
@Winged Knight

A co-worker, then... Saori files that away to share with the rest of the investigating Samurai later. "I see. Thank you, Kairi-san." Saori offers the peasant woman a smile. "I will look into this. Now, perhaps you should return home? There is nothing much for you to do but wait, at present, I am sorry to say."

"I suppose, Samurai-sama," Kairi responded, her sudden fire dying out as swiftly as it had come. She wilted away from the smaller woman, her eyes growing wet again. "I just want to tell Ota everything is going to be all right before I leave. Then I'll... I'll just wait."

She looked down at her hands as if they might hold some answer to her troubles. But whatever she saw, it only made her tears come out properly again. When she raised her head to address Saori, however, she had managed to force her expression into a strained smile.

"Would that be acceptable, Samurai-sama?"
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Kimiko shakes her head. "He was no trouble at all, Akodo-san," Kimiko says, giving a soft smile back. "I just hope that he proves more cooperative with us from now on.." Her smile fades. "...for that poor woman's sake, if nothing else."
@Winged Knight

"You will have a word with your son." Saori's response is immediate; there is no way she would ever say no to that. "Now come"
@GilliamYaeger @Dirtnap

Saburou nods slowly, eyebrows slightly furrowing. "Indeed. May the fortunes light upon his judgement and give his mother some peace, now that they needs these the most," he mutters, his mood darknening a little as he realizes there's nothing else to say on the matter. At least not for now.

A beat passes, and he speaks again. "I trust Asahina-san has managed to give the woman some peace, for that matter," Saburou smiles. "She certainly has shown to have a way to talk to peasants and calm their nerves."

"Thank you so much, Samurai-sama," Kairi said as Saori led her to the door of the Goshen's office. She attempted to bow and walk at the same time, only marginally succeeding at the effort in her haste to keep up with the smaller woman. "It means so much to me, and I..." Kairi took a deep breath to keep from being overtaken by her tears. "May the Fortunes bless you."

The three Doshin gave the peasant woman a look as she came in, but after seeing that is was Saori who led her inside did not intervene when the woman moved toward where the holding cells were kept. Soon enough Kairi was in the back room with her son, leaving the Samurai standing outside in a near empty street. The wind blew through gently, bringing with it a scent of water foretelling the rain that seemed so distant earlier.

It seemed appropriate weather for how the day had gone.
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Saburou sighs, relieved this has come to a conclusion. He peers up at the sky, lips pursing when he notices the clouds gathering and the slightly increase of moisture. "Now that we're past this, my humble suggestion is that we should head back to the Inn." He says, exchanging looks with his companions. "Rain soon will reach us, and a warm place for discussing our next move would come handy."
"That sounds like it might be our best option right now," Kimiko says, nodding in agreement. "We've learned a lot from that boy, I think, and we need to work out how to act on it."
"Indeed, Matsu-san. Though for now we must wait if we wish to learn some more," after the Doshin are done with the boy, of course. Saburou keeps for himself, remembering Kimiko's reaction back at the building. "Now, if we may?"

After letting out a sigh (and double checking on his fellow Lion Samurai), the Bushi started to walk towards the Inn.
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Shizuka turns with the Lion, "Hopefully, it won't take long." The sooner the boy talks, the less...damage will be done, she thinks, grimacing at the fact that it's necessary at all.