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In every world in the multiverse, no matter how noble or grim, no matter how bright or dark...
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The Shrine of the Muse
In every world in the multiverse, no matter how noble or grim, no matter how bright or dark, there is one immutable truth: Those at the top are more than willing to pay for someone to kill, to perform acts of violence or just a show of force. In other words, the nobility are more than willing to make use of mercenaries for the purpose of their own plots.

That is where you, my friend or my enemy come in: You yourself are a mercenary, cast out to fight for little more than the pocket change of empires and kingdoms for any number of reasons. Forced to lead a band of the bloodthirsty and the outcasts of society for a living.

But all of this leads to a straightforward question: What kind of land do you live in?

[ ] A land of High Queens and Red Kings, blood is the most common currency in all the continents, the ambition of great men and women is more than likely to plunge the continent into decades of full-fledged war with the Gods laughing all the while. This is the world where that you live in, you very rarely left without work, but it can be quite vicious, and you are expected to act as cannon fodder for the Lords and Ladies of the Realms.

[ ] A land of Witch Queens and Reluctant Kings, gold and trade is the most respected currency. The wishes and whims of those who are confined to the shadows may very well be enough to allow the continent to descend into war and for the status-quo to be thrown out the window. The Architect of the world is asleep in the heavens, not caring for the struggles of his creations. The land is largely at peace and there is less work to be found. However, your work is less likely to be so lethal with the Lords and Ladies of the Realms not actively wanting you dead.

[ ] A land of Three Kings, war would reign free in this land if not for the Creeping Sickness, to which there is no discovered cure, forcing the Great War to a standstill. However, the relations between the Three Kingdoms is not a stable one, and with the outsiders from the Mysterious East entering the political scene, it means that there is a new influence and perhaps a new way of war. In this land, the Kingdoms are one insult away from all-out war, sickness or not. Your work will be mired in honour and tradition, with the lords and ladies relying implicitly on your success. Failure will never be tolerated.

[ ] A Land that is divided by a vast sea, covered in sweltering heat. The Kingdoms of the land go to war at sea as much as they fight over land. The realms are mostly at peace, though despots and kings plot to increase their power, all the while the ancestral spirits are ignoring the plights of their descendants. Your work will be mired in honour and tradition, though you will also be required to make use of naval assets such as ships, the lords and ladies of the realm will not know your name and you won't know theirs as they will work through intermediaries and your success is of little concern to them.

[ ] A land of snowy peaks and biting winds. The land is split into petty kingdoms that hate each other almost as much as they hate the traders from beyond the Sea and the roaming tribes of the Desert to the South. The Gods wage war through their creations. Your work is a very respected, if dangerous profession, your word means everything. the petty kings of the land will be more than willing to assist your warband if they believe it is needed.

[ ] A land of sun and fertile fields, the Gods have blessed this land with a plentiful harvest and bountiful materials. The traders bring strange tales from across the sea of a vengeful people full of hate and there is a strange feeling on the wind, like there is war brewing. Your work is often seen as needless by the majority of the people in this land, though those who have need of your services will pay in aubendence, though that means that they rely on you heavily to succeed and when the proud lords of this land need the assistance of a soldier of fortune, you know that this will be difficult.

Yes, of course, it should be obvious that you are in such a world, though I will give you some time to make sure that you are sure of your answer.

Hello, it's me, Unhacker again and I'm kinda making another quest that will invariably go no-where. So I guess, I'm doing this for a while. It should be noted that even if you live in one land, it doesn't mean that elements from another land can't find themselves involved. I will be sure to reserve a few posts before hand.
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Character Sheet
Name: Justin Selway
Age: 18
Title: Captain of the Roaring Tides
Culture: Angshire (+1 Intrigue, +1 Stewardship)
Species: Human

Martial: 10 (+5-1+1) = 15 You wouldn't be a privateer without some understanding of military tactics, though not the best personal combatant
Diplomacy: 6 (-1+1+5+1) = 13 You are somewhat good at diplomacy, largely through your connections
Intrigue: 4 (+1+1+5) = 11 Unlike a lot of your countrymen, you aren't exactly the best at intrigue
Learning: 6 (+1+5+1) = 13 You are quite smart, though it is likely considering you are quite weak.
Faith: 4 (+5) = 9 You went to church as most of Angshire does and you have an understanding of scripture
Stewardship: 5 (+3+2+5+1) = 16 You are quite good at logistics and managing finances, largely because you were trained in the art of managing finances

Thrifty Clerk: The Thrifty Clerk is a dutiful, if not particularly skilled, administrator (+3 Stewardship, -1 Diplomacy)
Noble Connections: This character is part of Angshire's nobility and as such, has certain connections as a result (+1 Diplomacy, +2 Stewardship, +1 Intrigue, +1 Learning)
Genius: This character is more than a bright spark, they naturally excel at whatever they do. (+5 Everything, +1 Insufferably)
Leader: This character is a natural born leader, able to inspire and draw others to their cause. (+1 Martial, +1 Diplomacy)
Weak: This character has been cursed with a weak frame in a world of death and intrigue. (-1 Martial, -1 Personal Combat, +1 Learning)

Note: The reason Weak has +1 Learning is because I would assume that the character would find methods of working around their lack of strength.

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Mercenary Company
The Roaring Tides

Current Ducats:​
  • 651 Ducats​
Expenditure Per Turn:​
  • Crew Payments: 10 Ducats​
  • Doctor's Wages: 5 Ducats​
  • Ship Upkeep: 36 Ducats​
  • Rations: 10 Ducats​
  • Equipment Maintenance: 25 Ducats​
  • Total Expenditure: 86 Ducats Per Turn​
Fame: Asset

  • Justin Selway
  • Madam Ravenswood
  • Ren the Many-Faced
  • Kung the Eunuch
Light Infantry: 15 (Elite)
Heavy Infantry: 50 (Elite)
Archers: 48 (Elite)
Spears: 10 (Trained)
Light Cavalry: 20 (Elite)
Heavy Cavalry: 20 (Elite)
Horse Archers: 15 (Elite)
Special Units:
  • Halberdiers: 80 (Veteran)

Equipment Quality: Pristine (+10, Imperial Steel)
Morale: Stalwart
General Quality of Soldiers: Elite
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The Sea of Storms has never been the most stable area of land in the world; the politicians are sometimes just as stormy and ruthless as the storms at sea.
The Political Landscape looks roughly like this:

While the Cultural Landscape looks roughly like this:

Grey = Anlu
Yellow = Yuni
Purple = Sabi
Orange = Angshire

The multitude of states that occupy the land that surrounds the Sea of Storms is, for the most part, at peace, though it should be obvious that not everything will go well. This is the Sea of Storms after all, and the will of a single despot or ambitious King can be more than enough to drag the entirety of the sea into a bloody war, should we be so unlucky. Though some might say that would be luck, crises are always useful

The States of Note can be best described below: (INCOMPLETE)
The Most Honourable Trading Company of Angshire is a small state that is confined to a single island that their complete control over is debatable. They are to put it simply, a destabilising influence. They tend to spark small-scale trade wars with neighbouring states in order to attempt to dominate trade in the area.
This country is generally shunned by the majority of the nations of the Sea of Storms due to their cultural alienness. The Trading Company is a plutocracy and is currently governed by The Most Honourable Lord Alexander Proudsong, who is openly reviled in the streets.
A dual monarchy in the most traditional sense of the term, while these two kingdoms are technically independent of each other, a long history of working together and the fact that the two rulers of the country are the same person has to lead to many considering the State to just be the Kingdom of Wyn.
This state goes to great lengths to ensure the status-quo is maintained, as that is how this state has maintained its existence for so long. They also tend to shun alliances for reasons of not wanting to be dragged into multiple wars.
The Current Monarch is Queen Wei Hong, who is known to be a just ruler, not benevolent but just.
Sano is the last of the ancient kingdoms of the Sabi, having being able to protect their sovereignty through their powerful navy that allowed them to beat back the assaults of both the Yuna and the Anlu.
Sano's main attraction is the famous library of Koma, a collection of knowledge like no other to be found in the Sea of Storms. This library contains extensive reports of seas, treaties on magic and records of the history of Sea of Storms. This knowledge has also helped to turn the city into a bastion of technology, leading to it being a popular spot for both foreign sages and foreign spymasters.
Though if one was to think that Sano's navy has fallen into disrepair, they would be a fool. Their navy is the best in the Sea of Storms, second only to Angshire's navy and not only has the navy that helped them secure their sovereignty been maintained, but it has also been improved, with many ships being fitted with naval cannons.
The costs of this navy seems to not have any outward effect on the economy of the Kingdom, possibly due to the fact that they protect the lucrative trade in that area.
It is rather predictable that one of the most prominent land powers in the area would be an Anlu empire. This specific empire is the Most Glorious Empire of Hyan, a rather new power that has emerged a couple of decades ago from what was a small neutral city. With an army of mercenaries, their Empress, Li Xue the Raging Storm, led several highly effective, lucrative and aggressive campaigns against their neighbours, disturbing the balance of power in the area.
With Xue earning her title of the Raging Storm as she was able to crush multiple enemy armies under the hooves of her Heavy Cavalry, who she eventually managed to enrol into the state's official army after seducing the leader of the mercenary company.
The State itself has evolved into an empire that is having to make use of their professional army to put down revolts in their occupied territories. The current ruler is still the Raging Storm. However, she is getting old, and her only heir is her nephew, due to the fact that she has had no children of her own.
The idea of a halberd is a simple one, take a spear and then add a blade to it, yet it is hard to believe that such an idea could easily revolutionise the field of war. It makes the role of both the spearman and heavy infantry to seem so obsolete, largely due to the dual nature of the weapon.
However, there is a single weakness of it, and that is that the Halberdiers are unable to carry shields, making them more vulnerable to missiles, making them useful assets, but not as robust as spearmen or heavy infantry.
It should be obvious that the Sabi would come up with the idea of a type of infantry designed specifically for amphibious and naval combat. They function similarly to heavy infantry only without the weakness to water, though when in contact with actual heavy infantry on land, they underperform.
Yuna philosophy states that each warrior should strive to become a champion, they are seen as being living weapons. They are supposedly worth more than a hundred normal soldiers.
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Character Creation 2
Ah yes, of course, you are from the Sea of Storms and the islands that dot the sea. This land is divided up into four main cultures, they are as follows:

[ ]Sabi
The first men in the Sea of Storms, these people are the ones who charted the Sea, discovering islands, Inventing their system of language and became the most learned peoples in the area. Though that was a long time ago, they have currently been pushed down to a few islands at the West of the sea and some Eastern Coastlines.
- You are good at Learning and Martial when ships are involved.
- Ain't nobody better at sailing than you.
- Bonus to Naval Combat
- You aren't so sure about this whole 'land battle' thing.
- Let's face it, these people aren't all that well respected.
- You are more peaceful sailors than you are warriors.
Special Units: Marines

[ ] Yuni
The second people to rule over the Sea of Storms, fierce individual warriors, their honour is their life. They first raided the Sabi in ramshackle ships that made the Sabi laugh and then cower in fear as the Yuni engaged in bold boarding actions. They carved out kingdoms for themselves and drove the Sabi into the sea. They also created the tradition of worshipping the ancestors as gods.
- The best around when it comes to individual combat
- Almost unbreakable morale
- Bonus to Faith, they invented the religion after all.
- Honourable Fools
- Not that good in large scale battles
- You aren't exactly the most learned people around.
Special Units: Champions

[ ]Anlu
The third people to come into the Sea of Storms, they figured out what each country lacked: A Strong Military, so that is what they figured out quickly. Being able to drive the Sabi and the Yuni out into the sea, they were able to conquer others with their skilled and disciplined soldiers. Though they were notable quite terrible at naval combat, winning only through numerical superiority.
- Experts at mass combat
- Very good at managing logistics
- Your men and gear is cheaper than water.
- You lose men like they're going out of style.
- Not all that good at naval warfare
- Slow to embrace the new technology
Special Unit: Chariots

[ ] Angshire
The Culture surrounding the Most Honourable Trading Company of Angshire is alien to the Sea of Storms, this trading company is a small island that brings newer technology and newer methods of warfare to the Sea of Storms. Though as the newcomers, they are often without allies. Though they have found that deception and wealth can make for disposable assets that can be referred to as a friend.
- The Bleeding Edge of Technology
- Master Traders
- Intrigue is your thing
- No one likes you
- Minimal manpower
- All of your stuff is expensive
Special Units: Halberdiers

Of course, that isn't all. That does beg a small question of who exactly you are?
[ ] Write-in Name

[ ] Male
[ ] Female

Age Range:
[ ] 17 - 20: You are rather young, as such you will only have a second tier education. However, you will have such things as youthful determination and the fact that most people underestimate you.

[ ] 20 - 30: You are in your middle-ages, you are worn with time and with that comes perspective, you know the ways of the world, but you still have quite a bit of energy. People will somewhat respect you.

[ ] 31 +: You are getting along in your years, time has worn you down, and your face is starting to show wrinkles, however as an old person in a profession where everyone dies young, a lot of people will look to you as a source of information, which is what you are. However, you are not nearly as spry in your youth as you initially were. Most people will actually overestimate you.

Of course, the cracks of time will appear across your face quite well. Though that does lead to another question: Your Company, tell me a little about it, let's start with the name:

[ ] Write-in name.

The Experience/Men ratio:
[ ] Quality is everything: a small but highly trained company of soldiers. While you lack quantity, each of your men is worth at least twenty of what others can throw at you.

[ ] Balanced: a somewhat middle of the road sort of force, while your men are quite well trained, almost averagely so, you have a rather average amount of men.

[ ] Quantity is Quality: a large force comprised of what is basically untrained peasants, each of your men is, to put it mildly, disposable. In single combat, they can be defeated by the wind blowing, however, in a large group, even the Ancestors will be defeated.

Regarding composition, what is your main focus:
[ ] Focus on Light Infantry: While Light Infantry is seen as the padding of armies on land battles, there isn't anything better than what can be used in ship-to-ship combat more effectively.

[ ] Focus on Archers: Who needs to fight at close range when you can pelt them with arrows and wait for them to come to terms with you. Make sure that you can actually set up for this.

[ ] Focus on Heavy Infantry: Perfect for storming the gates of a fort or holding the centre of an army. Heavy Infantry is the bread and butter of most forces and for a good reason. Though they aren't the best on ships.

[ ] Focus on Spearmen: Whether you are holding the line against an incoming horde of enemy infantry or cavalry. The Spear is the King of the Battlefield, versatile, useful and cheap to produce, though they can be unwieldy and hard to control.

[ ] Focus on Light Cavalry: Why bother to face the hapless idiots you are facing in a stand-up fight when you can run circle around them? Nothing is as mobile as light cavalry. Though you do have the slight problem of not being that skilled in terms of holding actions.

[ ] Focus on Heavy Cavalry: You want to know what can turn the tide of an entire battle in a few seconds? Heavy Cavalry charges. Nothing has so much skill in punching holes through the enemy line, and they serve as quite good holding troops in a pinch.

[ ] Focus on Horse Archers: The archer is one of the most useful people on the battlefield, however, put that person on a horse and they are suddenly twenty-times more useful. They aren't as accurate as foot-archers or as quick as light-cavalry, but they do have the advantage of mobility combined with long-range engagements that make them into hard enemies to actually face.

[ ] Focus on your Special Units: They are there for a reason, in case you haven't noticed, they exist for a reason. Maybe there might be something good about them. However, they do tend to be more expensive than regular units.

What is the main shortcoming of your company:
[ ] Lack of Light Infantry: You might not have ever really figured out the meaning of light infantry, they might be useful for flanking and boarding actions, but they just die, a lot.

[ ] Lack of Archers: You lack long-range firepower, maybe you don't really see the point of archers as they aren't as useful when the enemy is met in melee, though perhaps it's the costs of their ammunition that is more of a problem.

[ ] Lack of Heavy Infantry: You, for some arcane reason, have a particular shortage of heavy infantry, maybe you prefer to fight naval battles where heavy infantry will not be that useful or perhaps you just like your battle line to flow like water.

[ ] Lack of Spearmen: You lack spearmen which is something that you might need for when you need to hold against enemy cavalry charges. I certainly hope you like feeling their lack.

[ ] Lack of Light Cavalry: You have a shortage of the most mobile asset you own, probably for the reason that it isn't that much use in a stand-up fight. Though you won't be nearly as good when it comes to pursuit actions

[ ] Lack of Heavy Cavalry: You lack the force that is best used for punching holes into the enemy line, for what reason is only known to you and you alone.

[ ] Lack of Horse Archers: The mobility and utility of a horse archer is often times seen as being somewhat a niche and not good to rely on, and that is respectable. But that's not really a good reason to completely abandon them.

[ ] Lack of Special Units: The special units which are perhaps some of the most versatile you can possibly have, is something you never really fell in love with like the rest of your kin.

We are still in character creation and this is going to take a while. I would also prefer is this was done in plan format.
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Character Creation 3
Justin Selway of Angshire, a strapping young lad, the Captain of the Roaring Tides, best soldiers in the Sea of Storms. Quite an illustrious title for you.

I'm afraid; I don't actually know what you look like, could you step forward.

[ ] Insert image here

What exactly were you educated in?

[ ] Martial

[ ] Learning

[ ] Peity

[ ] Stewardship

[ ] Intrigue

[ ] Diplomacy Why?

Though it has been proved that you are not exactly the most attentive of students, due to the lacklustre result of your education, what exactly would be the terms you would use to describe yourself?

Pick Traits (PICK THREE)
[ ] Duelist: A touchy ego and a sharp sword make for a lethal combination.

[ ] Greedy: You love to hoard resources! Why? Who cares! You have shinies!

[ ] Spartan: You shun decoration and frivolities. Instead, you require simplicity, practicality, and a humbling faith.

[ ] Touched By Destiny: Despite the cruel world you inhabit, you've always felt a sense of… purpose.

[ ] Laconic: You are not prone to long-winded speeches, but when you do speak, each word bears weight beyond its brevity.

[ ] Coward - You didn't survive this long by sticking your head out as far as possible. Gain a trait selection.

[ ] Brave: You fear nothing… even if you should.

[ ] Gregarious: You are outgoing and boisterous, much to the delight of your company.

[ ] Recluse: You shun the company of others, and have dedicated your time to other pursuits. Gain a trait

[ ] Randy: You have a one track mind, one that leads straight to bed. This has led to years of expertise in dealing with the opposite (or same) sex.

[ ] Chaste: You've never been one to indulge in sex.

[ ] Trusting: You like people, and they appreciate that.

[ ] Likeable: You're easy to get along with, and people trust you more easily. You didn't become that way by hiding away and reading a book, however.

[ ] Subtle: Large, ostentatious meetings or displays of power have never been your style. Manipulating from the shadows, however…

[ ] Paranoid: You didn't get this far in life without watching your back...constantly. Unfortunately it also has led you to assume the worst of everyone.

[ ] Cruel: You are by most accounts, a vicious Lord. Gain a trait selection

[ ] Kind: You are known as a caring, soft-hearted Lord.

[ ] Wroth: You have a quick temper, and it is a dangerous, unstable thing when roused. Gain a trait

[ ] Calm: You have a neutral temperament, one that has coloured your personality a great deal.

[ ] Attractive: You are beautiful... very beautiful.

[ ] Ugly: By the Ancestors... you are remarkably ugly! Gain one trait selection.

[ ] Administrator: You've mastered the day-to-day running of a realm at the expense of other pursuits.

[ ] Reader: You spent lots of time poring over ancient tomes and wisdom, at the expense of other, more physical educations.

[ ] Architect: You spent some of your youth learning the art of construction.

[ ] Cold: You rule your realm with a frigid, practical demeanour.

[ ] Cutthroat: Even at a young age, you always knew you would do whatever shady shit had to get done to get what you wanted.

[ ] Bruiser: Never has a problem presented itself that cannot be solved with violence.

[ ] Flair for the Dramatic: You missed your calling as an actor, as you are able to easily emotionally invest those you work with. However, you are less inclined to take subtle, less glory-winning approaches.

[ ] Genius: You excel at all that you try. Counts as two traits.

[ ] Quick-Witted: You are a fast learner. Cannot be taken with 'Genius'.

[ ] Booming Voice: Your vocal cords go all the way to eleven, a useful trait to wield on the battlefield… but not anywhere else.

[ ] Persuasive: You always find the right words, be it small talk with nobles or a speech for the troops. However, you are now more inclined to find the less confrontational path.

[ ] Silver-Tongued: You always know exactly what to say at all times.

[ ] Hedonist: Life has to be lived to the fullest, and you can use that experience well.

[ ] Interrogator: You have received good instruction on how to extract information from prisoners. This has made you very adept at the practice, but your mindset is off-putting in polite company.

[ ] Strong: You are blessed with a powerful physique.

[ ] Weak: You have been cursed with a weak frame in a world of death and intrigue. You've filled your time with other pursuits. Gain one trait.

[ ] Agile: You are flexible and quick.

[ ] Scholar: You love learning whatever you can.

[ ] Leader: You are a natural born leader, able to inspire and draw others to your cause. Counts as two traits.

[ ] Easy-going: You have a habit of taking things easy, even when you shouldn't, this might mean that the dealings of court life don't get to us as much, though some might not like your ways.

[ ] Whisperer: You keep your speech quiet, and know how to pick up on other's muted mumblings.

[ ] Arrogant: You sneer at those below you. How could you not? You are their Captain! Gain one trait.

[ ] Small Frame: You aren't as large as many of your peers, but you are certainly agiler.

[ ] Just: You always do your best to wield the scales of justice with care, and hold yourself to a higher standard than most.

[ ] Arbitrary: Your rule is capricious and fickle. Gain one trait.

[ ] Mind for Seas: You are perhaps blessed with an excellent knowledge of naval matters.

Of course, there are some other things about you, what exactly was the nature of your birth.

[ ] Legitimately born to commoner parents.

[ ] Born to the nobility, a perfectly ordinary noble child

[ ] Born of a small affair, you are a bastard.

[ ] Born of an affair and legitimised later in life, you are a legitimate bastard

[ ] A tad bit embarrassing you are born of an Angshire parent and a parent from another culture
-[ ]Sabi parent
-[ ] Yuni parent
-[ ] Anbu parent

And why did you become a mercenary/privateer?
[ ] I wanted to see the world, and this was the best way to do so.

[ ] Your Father's orders, he wanted some extra money or just for you to prove yourself.

[ ] I made some enemies at court.

[ ] I seek fame and fortune, and this is how I can make it.

[ ] This is the easiest way to avoid being press-ganged into a Trading Company Ship

[ ] I have been robbed of my birthright, I intend to return home when I'm strong enough to reclaim it by force.

[ ] I needed to get out of Angshire, the underbelly of the city wants me dead.

Who exactly is your second in command? (THIS WILL BE A HERO UNIT)
[ ] I don't have a second

[ ] My Cousin, Robin Selway

[ ] A war-scarred veteran, Rickon the Scarred

[ ] An up-and-coming Lieutenant in the Navy, madam Ravenwood.

[ ] A strange wanderer of Angshire(?) descent, Elizabeth Sato.

What exactly is the name of your ship?
[ ] Write-in name

And what is your ship?
[ ] A cheap trade ship, unarmed but can be used for aggressive boarding actions

[ ] A nice cheap frigate, about a few months from being broken apart for parts. Not much in the way of cannons but it is serviceable.

[ ] An expensive frigate, cost you most of your money, but could easily be used to destroy most lightships.

[ ] An old galleon, a bit out of service and somewhat haunted, but has the capacity for extra troops, and the trader gave it to you for a small fee. Do you believe in Ghosts?

Please use plan format, and I think this is the end of character creation. I'm also going to be bullshitting about how many men can fit into a ship. Just a heads up.
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Madam Ravenswood Character Sheet
Name: Vyctoarya Ravenswood
Age: 20
Titles: the Honourable, Madam Ravenswood
Culture: Angshire (+1 Intrigue, +1 Stewardship)
Species: Human

Martial: 10 (+9+3+1+1+1+1+1-1) = 26 Quite a skilled commander of men and a fierce combatant
Diplomacy: 4 (-1-1+3+1+1-1) = 6 Not exactly the most skilled diplomat
Intrigue: 4 (+2+3-1+1+1) = 10 She's not the most skilled plotter around
Learning: 8 (-1+1+3+1+1+1) = 14 Quite intelligent, for a sailor
Faith: 2 (-1 +3 +1 +1 +1 -10) = 0 A walking beacon of blasphemy
Stewardship: 9 (+2+1+3+2+1+1+1) = 20 Has an almost supernatural understanding of logistics and trade

Brilliant Strategist: The Brilliant Strategist has an almost preternatural understanding of all things martial, having the perfect makings for a Marshal or military tutor. (+9 Martial, +2 Stewardship, +2 Intrigue, -1 Learning, +1 Personal Combat)
Organiser: This character has an adept understanding of logistics and helps facilitate quick movement (+1 Stewardship, +1 Learning)
Bastard: This character was born out of wedlock and has not been legitimised – and is thus disqualified from the line of succession (-1 diplomacy)
Homosexual: This character bares an attraction to the same sex (-1 Diplomacy, -1 Faith)
Quick-witted: This character picks up on things faster than others, but is by no means a genius (+3 Everything)
Mind for Seas: This character has an excellent mind for just about all things naval (+1 Martial)
Just: This character takes great pains to make sure that they are just in all matters (+2 Stewardship, +1 Learning +1 Faith)
Honourable: This character will take great pains to be honourable in all they do (+1 Martial, +1 Faith, -1 Intrigue, +1 Diplomacy)
Diligent: This character is a hard-worker and is able to work for long periods of time (+1 Everything, might lead to extreme stress)
Seasoned Midshipwoman: This character has had years of as a sailor and has gotten quite good at it (+1 Martial, +1 Stewardship, +1 Learning)
Taskmaster: This character is the sort of person who never gives their underlings a moment to rest, this can be both good and bad (+1 Martial, Bonus to command, -1 Diplomacy, Increased likelihood of assassination)
Godless: This character does not believe in any of the Gods (-10 Faith)
The One that Got Away: This character is constantly thinking about their past and the things that they never got to say. (+1 Regret)
Reluctant: There are some things this character does not want to do and they will try to avoid doing it (Reroll any successful roll against their reluctance)
Wounded: This chaacter has been seriously injured, but the damage should heal, given time (-1 Martial)

The reason behind her discharge from the Navy was marked as "failure to follow orders", which is odd considering how she was previously known to be respectful of the chain of command.
She gained her rank of lieutenant after an incident where she captured a pirate sloop with the prize crew of a frigate. She further cemented her good reputation by helping crush a mutiny on a ship.
Her reputation is linked to a near-mythical pirate frigate known as the "Lynx" which she allegedly refused to fire on.
She had a relationship with a Jeanne Villeneuve, whether or not Ravenswood felt it was love and whether it was mutual is unknown
Ravenswood denies any knowledge of Jeanne Villeneuve after their brief relationship

QM Note: It wouldn't be CK2 if your advisers weren't incredibly more competent than you were. Also, the dice adore both her and Elizabeth.
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First Turn and Intro
The main port in Angshire is often described as an interesting part of town. Another word to describe this part of town was sinful, but most of Angshire didn't care for religion.

[ ] You were among that group
[ ] You were very faithful
[ ] You believed in those ancestor gods that the locals believed in
[ ] You believed in the Old Gods from the mainland

You were standing on a nearby pier looking at your newly acquired ship, the Vorkosigan, the ship itself was an absolute beauty, a fifth-rate frigate with 32 guns and able to reach a speed of 13 knots, it is more than capable of taking out other ships in its weight class and if properly crewed, could probably go above its weight class.

Beside you, Madam Ravenswood was standing, her back ramrod straight and her navy blue uniform and white half-cape impeccable, her right hand resting on her sword (You never got why she used a rapier instead of a sabre).

You are still wondering why she refused to fire upon that ship, she had a promising career ahead of her in the navy, after all, if she had shot, she'd probably be a commander by now.

You had to admit, a small part of you weren't exactly all that keen about leaving Angshire, this was your home, and it was basically where you were destined to spend the entirety of your life before Uncle Silas stole your birthright. A sigh escaped your lips as you realised that this was the only way, Madam Ravenswood had saved you from the first of your uncle's hired men, and it was inevitable that another would show up.

"Is everything alright milord?" Madam Ravenswood asked, looking at you with a small amount of concern that was hidden over with an almost mechanical look.

"I suppose it's about as alright as it's going to be for a while." You responded. The crew had already bordered the ship, as well as the supplies and soldiers who wouldn't be so good at sailing, which were stored in the hold. "Why don't we board the ship?" You asked rhetorically, fixing your black hat to keep the sun from beating down too much on your head.

"Of course, milord." She said, walking in front of you as she boarded the ship, giving you the vibe of a professional officer who had never even left the navy.

You walked up the gangplank to the ship, it was just as beautiful as it was on the outside, the paintwork was perfect, the cold metal of the guns gleamed in the morning light. Your crewmen saluted you as you walked onto the upper deck.

Bracing yourself and remembering some of the lessons that your tutor gave to you as a child. "Now men, what's say we take this ship out for a run?" You asked the question was rhetorical, but a lot of them nodded enthusiastically to the concept. You stepped up to the helm and turned to your second in command. "Madam Ravenswood, please bring us out."

There was a flash of an almost wolfish grin from her as she said in a still-professional voice "With pleasure." She turned to the rest of the crew and started barking orders at them getting the ship ready to leave the docks at a scarily efficient speed. The professionalism of her and the crew being readily apparent.

Though even with Ravenswood's shouting and improved discipline, it still took ages.

Though in a few hours, the Vorkosigan was safely out of port and into the open waters. You were probably a day's travel from the Port of Apold, about a couple of days from Yeong and a full week from Kuinzranding.

Despite the fact you felt sad about leaving home, there was something about the smell of the sea, as a member of Angshire's nobility, you didn't actually get to spend much time at the port, it was deemed to be the place of commoners, so you weren't really accustomed with the scent of the sea so this was a new sensation. It was ... liberating.

Though that left a few questions of what to do:


[ ] Privateering the Trade Routes: The Angshire Trading Company is always willing to pay for people to ply the trade routes for foreign ships in something which they can categorically deny. No one likes this work, but it pays and is easy.
80% Chance of Success, minimal threat, should be lucrative.

[ ] Pirate Raids: Pirate coves are an actual problem that has been hounding the Angshire Trading Company for years, the main problem is that they tend to be sloops which make it harder for them to be tracked down.
67% Chance of Success, more dangerous, might be lucrative

[ ] Pirate Raids 'Ravenswood Edition': Madam Ravenswood has an idea when it comes to taking down pirate ships, it's higher risk, but it would allow us to capture the ship and sell it as well as get prisoners to get the bounty from for the Trading Company.
60% Chance of Success, high risk, money will be flowing

[ ] Hunting the Lynx: The Lynx is an infamous pirate ship, a 42 gun frigate, this is a frigate that Ravenswood refused to fire on. The frigate had disappeared after the engagement, and there have been few confirmed sightings of it afterwards. We'll at least try to figure out its location.
50% Chance of Success, not much of a risk, will only gain information.

[ ] Securing the Island: The island that Angshire is based on, isn't entirely the most ... secure, they are actually not entirely in control of the island. Lord Proudsong is more than willing to pay for some locals to be dealt with.
90% Chance of Success, some risk, not that high paying


[ ] Sabi Ruins: There's an old island that contains some old Sabi ruins, some random scholar has, through a middleman, of course, requested some crew to bring them some artefacts from the ruins.
75% Chance of Success, slight risk, medium pay. Two turns.

[ ] Attain Ship Doctor: You don't really have a ship doctor, and it tends to be somewhat worrying especially if your sailors end up accidentally harming themselves, though hey will tend to cost more.
65% Chance of Success, minimal risk, gives you extra expenses


[ ] Protect Angshire Trade: Smaller trading companies in Angshire will sometimes hire frigates to protect their trading convoys, the pay isn't the best, but you can pick up some things about trade yourself.
87% Chance of Success, slight risk, medium pay

[ ] More Weapons: There is something that can be said for stocking up on more weapons for your troops, it means that you don't have to worry about running about them and it also means that there is a lack of weapons.
75% Chance of Success, minimal risk, grants combat bonuses

[ ] Bodyguard Duty: This is a low-risk operation for your men and to be honest is just highly paying. Some of your men just act like bodyguards to some minor nobility.
80% Chance of Success, slight risk, pays well.

[ ] Thieves Everywhere: In Kuinzranding, the Thieves' Guild there has much need for some ship to help transport men from place to place, they would be willing to pay quite handsomely for such services. No-one looks for known thieves in a privateer frigate after all.
75% Chance of Success, minor risks, pays alright, ???


[ ] Liason with the Sabi traders: The Sabi are an odd bunch, but they have the trade routes mapped out perfectly. Liasoning with them would open the way towards more jobs with them.
76% Chance of Success, Gains new job options

[ ] Liason with the Yuna Privateers: Okay, they call themselves the Wokou, but that doesn't mean that you can't talk with them, talking with them can allow them some places to dock and opens the way towards several jobs.
56% Chance of Success, Gains new job options

[ ] The Magi Association: An Angshire group, the Magi are an odd group, most Magi are located on the Mainland, but that doesn't stop them from coming to the Sea of Storms, and they are willing to pay for escort jobs.
76% Chance of Success, Gains new job options


[ ] Spy on your Uncle: Your uncle is a cunning, but proud individual, having some of your men disguise themselves as guards would allow for you to get some information on Uncle Silas.
65% Chance of Success, average risks, minor pay, grants information

[ ] Spy on the major ports: Your men can be stationed around several ports, this can provide you with some useful information about some of the ships and where they're going.
74% Chance of Success, minor risks, no pay, information

[ ] The Mysterious Case of the Lynx: The Lynx is a mighty frigate, and it has disappeared from the face of the globe, instead of going out there and searching for it yourself, send some cunning men around to ask around some taverns.
50% Chance of Success, not much of a risk, will only gain information, ???.


[ ] The Ravenswood Case: You've been curious as to what would cause one of the most honourable sailors in recent history and someone with such a promising career to throw it all away on a pirate frigate. Maybe you should ask them.
87% Chance of Success, Learn about Madam Ravenswood

[ ] Ship Drills: you could always just let Madam Ravenswood have her way with drilling the ship's crew to a reasonable amount of perfection. But what would they be drilled in?
-[ ] Sailing: Increase speed and manoeuvrability
-[ ] Gunnery: Be able to blast your opponents better.
-[ ] Swordfighting: Make your men better at fighting.
85% Chance of Success, Improves Crew competency

[ ] Suspicious Person at the Docks: You aren't entirely sure, but you have this sneaking suspicion that there's a suspicious person at the docks when you make landfall. And this is at *every* port.
50% Chance of Success, ??? Risks, ???

Note that the religious vote is somewhat insignificant, plan format for everything else. You have two martial actions becuase Ravenswood counts as a martial hero while you count as a Stewardship hero.
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First Turn Results
Privateering the Trade Routes: The Angshire Trading Company is always willing to pay for people to ply the trade routes for foreign ships in something which they can categorically deny. No one likes this work, but it pays and is easy.
80% Chance of Success, minimal threat, should be lucrative.
Rolled: 44 = Success

Privateering the Sabi trade routes is an incredibly boring job, which isn't something you would've thought you'd associate with the sea. The merchants are thankfully quite understanding of their situation and typically just pay you upfront without you having to fire a single cannon.

Gained: 120 Ducats, an understanding of the dull realities of trade blockading.

Securing the Island: The island that Angshire is based on, isn't entirely the most ... secure, they are actually not entirely in control of the island. Lord Proudsong is more than willing to pay for some locals to be dealt with.
90% Chance of Success, some risk, not that high paying
Rolled: 52 = Success

The island of Angshire, apparently called Seom by the locals, the parts that are not urbanised is a rather vast jungle that creeps everyone out. Ravenswood was taking the lead in this mission and she managed to avoid any casualties among the men that we sent, though it wasn't that much of a hard task, the locals are basically throwing rocks, and not that accurately.
Gained: 50 Ducats

Attain Ship Doctor: You don't really have a ship doctor, and it tends to be somewhat worrying especially if your sailors end up accidentally harming themselves, though hey will tend to cost more.
65% Chance of Success, minimal risk, gives you extra expenses
Rolled: 84 = Success

While moored up at some dock town, you decided to, on a whim, ask around for a doctor, to your surprise, you received an answer which was to "Search for the Devil" this answer was somewhat disconcerting as it was delivered to you in broken Common.

Following the trail, you eventually found an ancient tiefling man who greeted you in perfect Common. Though he then commented that you didn't look sick and asked you what you were doing here.

After offering a job, you were surprised by the fact that he had all of his things packed already and he actually joined up with your crew enthusiastically.

Gained: Ship Doctor, Kung the Eunuch.

Protect Angshire Trade: Smaller trading companies in Angshire will sometimes hire frigates to protect their trading convoys, the pay isn't the best, but you can pick up some things about trade yourself.
87% Chance of Success, slight risk, medium pay
Rolled: 28 = Success

You were contracted by the Smith & Sons Traders to protect one of their merchant convoys, the convoy was transporting spiced foods, and while they were more than willing to pay, no amount of payment was worth the company of some of the merchant captains who were the most prickish people you have ever had the misfortune of working with. To think that you were glad you left home.

You are also pretty sure that they didn't pay you in full.

Gained: 60 Ducats, An aversion to Smtih & Sons Traders.

Thieves Everywhere: In Kuinzranding, the Thieves' Guild there has much need for some ship to help transport men from place to place, they would be willing to pay quite handsomely for such services. No-one looks for known thieves in a privateer frigate after all.
75% Chance of Success, minor risks, pays alright, ???
Rolled: 34 = Success

You stood at the docks of Kuinzranding, waiting for the member of the Thieves Guild that was being sent to you as a token of gratitude for accepting the job.

The docks themselves were quite frankly thriving, with orders being shouted in both Oceanic, Common and other languages you can't even begin to recognise. Eventually, you heard a slightly accented voice from behind. "You wanted to see me, sir?" The voice said.

You turned around and saw two visages of Madam Ravenswood, one of them had a rather deep frown on her face; the other one had a grin that almost certainly didn't fit on her face. The frowning Ravenswood had her rapier pointed at the back of the other one.

"Are you Ren the Many-Faced?" You asked, not entirely thinking that the 'Many Faced' title wasn't as a literal as it seemed to be.

The smiling Ravenswood gave you a devilish grin and then seemed to literally dissolve in front of your eyes and change into the form of a short man. Wearing a rather shadowy outfit that almost screamed 'thief!' the man gave you the same devilish grin. "The one and only." He said simply, it took you a moment to realise that he was talking in Common. "Now, if you could call off your guard dog. I'm not a big fan of having a sword pointed at me." His voice was jovial. Giving a nod to your first-mate, she sheathed her sword. "Thank you. Indeed I am Ren the Many-Faced. Disappointment to everyone and the unfortunate soul that the boss gave to you." He gave you a very theatrical bow "It's an absolute pleasure to meet you."

Gained: Ren the Many-faced: intrigue advisor, 100 Ducats.

The Magi Association: An Angshire group, the Magi are an odd group, most Magi are located on the Mainland, but that doesn't stop them from coming to the Sea of Storms, and they are willing to pay for escort jobs.
76% Chance of Success, Gains new job options
Rolled: 71 = Success

The Magi Association has a rather large building in Angshire, it smelt vaguely of incense and the odd smell of ozone that was associated with mages. You were currently sat in a large meeting room with what could be described as a rotund man who was probably a terrifying mage in his day, but now just looked ridiculous.

He was rambling on his long droning voice about the importance of the Magi Association, you were pretty sure you were getting dumber as he continued his long history lecture, which was full of tangents. Eventually, after what seemed like two years and was actually a couple of hours, he did finally allow you access to some of their escort jobs.

You have to say, that if all mages were like this, you wouldn't be held responsible for your actions.

Gained: Jobs from the Magi Association, a Headache.

The Mysterious Case of the Lynx: The Lynx is a mighty frigate, and it has disappeared from the face of the globe, instead of going out there and searching for it yourself, send some cunning men around to ask around some taverns.
50% Chance of Success, not much of a risk, will only gain information, ???.
Rolled: 42 = Failed

You never thought that the question "Have you heard of the Lynx?" would be able to silence a single rowdy tavern. But the silence was instantaneous, all conversation stopped at the sound of the question. You were begrudgingly directed to a back room, which contained an old sailor who had some vague lead on the location of the Lynx. Though the hint was outdated and it turned out he was a former Navy sailor and cursed out Ravenswood the moment he saw her, calling her a coward, a traitor, a whore and many other things you never thought you'd hear about her.

Gained: A reputation, Ravenswood is annoyed.

The Ravenswood Case: You've been curious as to what would cause one of the most honourable sailors in recent history and someone with such a promising career to throw it all away on a pirate frigate. Maybe you should ask them.
87% Chance of Success, Learn about Madam Ravenswood
Rolled: 71 = Success

You sat in your captain's cabin, which was quite frankly a bit barren by your standards. Madam Ravenswood stepped in, her half-cape having long been discarded. Her rapier was still sheathed at her hip. "You wanted to see me, milord?" She asked,

"Of course, take a seat." You responded, you would admit that you were quite curious about her. Though you probably couldn't just up and ask her about the Lynx. She took a seat opposite you, looking quite guarded. "Tell me about yourself Madam Ravenswood."

She looked a bit taken aback by that. "Just about myself, milord?" She asked, "I'm used to people asking me about the Lynx."

"Understandable, it's quite a story from what I've heard." You responded, getting out of your chair "Would you like some port?"

"Thank you, milord." She responded, accepting a glass of some whiskey that was imported from the mainland. She leaned back on the chair after taking a sip of the whiskey.

"Let's see, what is there to know about me?" She paused for a moment. "I'm a bastard, born to Lord Edmund Ravenswood and some maid. He treated me like one of his trueborn heirs, I managed to get into an apprenticeship with the Navy at 13, much to his wife's satisfaction, from there I was a midshipwoman until I was 19." She rattled off, going through her history quickly, you gathered there wasn't much interesting that happened when she was young. "I was appointed as an acting lieutenant, after a battle with a pirate frigate known as the Arrow, the only officer on the ship who cold surrender was a young woman, a year older than me." You weren't entirely sure how she could determine that "She was called Jeanne Villeneuve, a quite charming woman, polite, and I suspect, was of noble birth." you notice that there was a dreamy look in her eyes as she talked about her. "I was taking a prize crew to sell off the pirate ship, and on the way, we encountered a sloop, sailing around it at night and surprising them, I ended up capturing that ship as well." There was a small look of pride on her face "We arrived without incident. Most of the pirates were hung, I received quite a few ducats as a result of the prize money."

"Most of the pirates were hung?" You asked, the punishment for piracy was death.

"Villeneuve survived as a result of her noble birth, or at least good connections to the nobility," Ravenswood said quickly, "My job picked up in its standardness for a month." She looked down, "During my shore leave in Angshire, I met Villeneuve again, I talked to her, and she became like a sister to me."
She's lying, her lips spin lies
"Like a sister who you slept with." You said, remembering one of the rumours about Ravenswood, a specific suggestion that she slept with other women. At your accusation, she started to blush heavily and spluttered.

She managed to get her spluttering under control and took a sip of the whiskey "Yes. I slept with her, she had a magnetic personality and a beautiful voice, among other things." She took another sip of the whiskey "Eventually, as it does, shore leave ended and so did my relationship with her. I became a lieutenant on the Defender, she went off and joined a pirate crew."

"And did you ever hear from her again?" you asked.

There was a hard look in her eyes. "No." She stated firmly, clearly lying. "I never heard from her again." She added, her voice sounding more like it was convincing herself. "Eventually, after putting down a mutiny on the Defender, we were tasked to take down the Lynx." She sighed, "Our wonderous captain, Captain Victor von Hausberg, decided that a head-on approach of the Lynx was the way to go. When he gave the order, I refused to fire. It would be suicide to fire upon the ship, we were undermanned, heavily outgunned, the crew wasn't the most skilled, and there was a storm coming."

"What happened then, how did you survive?" You asked. You were confident that she was lying to you about why she didn't fire on the Lynx.

"The storm came in, and we had to pull ourselves in before we were caught in it. When we got to shore, von Hausberg understandably put me in for insubordination. I believe he wanted me hung." She paused, "My pre-existing reputation considering my capture of a sloop with a prize crew and the fact that most captains reported me as being obedient. The Admirals didn't hang me, but they removed me from the Navy for insubordination, in reality, they were looking for a reason and telling a Captain that they are an idiot is not the worst idea."

Gained: Small amount of trust from Ravenswood, part of her backstory unlocked, Ravenswood's hidden trait unlocked.

I'll post the other character sheets shortly
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