Blackpowder and Blood (A Fantasy EU4 Quest)

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Why, though? Just because they are locals? They are glorified hunters, and nowhere near as good as adventurers, though admittedly more numerous. I suppose given the right training they could be used to replenish the losses among the elites... maybe?
Not likely to leave, and any group we pick now: increased veterancy, loyalty, and morale

So adding more locals that are going to stick around to increase our numbers helps, and all picks now get the above benefits as well so a good sized band of archers that is not leaving.

However, I would favor a plan that would lean towards cutting ties with our house back home, for narrative reasons. Would likely exchange Bronzehardt perks for Stalwart Remnants & Rose Party Contacts, and rebalance the forces with that in mind. I'll see what other plans arise, and if none are to my liking, I'll make my own.
The thing is the additional family perk gives us 500 more budget so not taking it means cutting more boons or troops.

Also by Escani impressed, letters home and local relatives that should combo to letting us have a path to integrate Bronzehardt with the locals to an extent. Also I feel it is likely we can keep more of the levy with the Bronzehardt perks- and the 2 units of superheavy unbreakable infantry are just nice.
Think its worth taking Orcs Decapitated as they are our main foe and would give us eaiser time dealing with them and give us more time before they attack if we dont attack first
I support this, or any plans that incorporate them. Given fortifications, or the right terrain elite archers could be a force multiplier on par with spellslingers. They are excellent skirmishers, although hopefully we'll always have them backed up with infantry. Their only flaw is that they will be nigh impossible to replace, and thus must be used with caution.
Er, the sharpshooters are notably one of the only Adventurer units that doesn't have the Irregular trait, and thus will act better in open battle situations than skirmishing or other abnormal situations. It should also be noted that while they're expensive and difficult to replace, Escann is currently inundated with wandering warriors, so out of all the "elite" units, they're probably the easiest to provide manpower for.
Why, though? Just because they are locals? They are glorified hunters, and nowhere near as good as adventurers, though admittedly more numerous. I suppose given the right training they could be used to replenish the losses among the elites... maybe?
It should be noted that all of the units here selected will have been part of the Band for a while and thus know their way around a battlefield, even units like the cheap Escanni levy. They can indeed later be upgraded with better gear and training, although this is a process that will take some time.
The thing is the additional family perk gives us 500 more budget so not taking it means cutting more boons or troops.
The normal Colonist power boost only grants $250+ points and has a harsher downside, but the Bronzehardt faction is Roland's entire trait and this everything associated with it is frankly a straight upgrade over the alternative.
Think its worth taking Orcs Decapitated as they are our main foe and would give us eaiser time dealing with them and give us more time before they attack if we dont attack first
Buying yourself breathing room with points instead of actions and lives is also a reasonable investment, yes.
Er, the sharpshooters are notably one of the only Adventurer units that doesn't have the Irregular trait, and thus will act better in open battle situations than skirmishing or other abnormal situations.
They do, actually.
-Adventurer Sharpshooters: Keen marksmen and prodigious braggers, these adventures have taken mastery of the bow to the next level and can hit targets from a distance with remarkable accuracy, and can handle themselves in a melee should the situation devolve. [500 Elite Archers, Irregular] ($150)
...also, the Adventurer Spellblades don't have the trait when I really expected them to. But maybe mages are too multi-purposed a unit to be stuck with such descriptors.
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Whup, sorry, I'll get that fixed.
...also, the Adventurer Spellblades don't have the trait when I really expected them to. But maybe mages are too multi-purposed a unit to be stuck with such descriptors.
The more I think about it, the more this makes sense. I'll also edit it in, thank you.
Will the Orcs have more in fighting with the major warlords dead? or any other bad effects like the Goblins attacking them?
The orcs will be stricken by disunity and weakness, yes, as well as just having more of their numbers culled at the start. Whether they'll get into a scrap with the goblins depends on how things turn out, but the two groups are not currently fans of each other, and proximity will almost certainly equate to conflict.
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The orcs will be stricken by disunity and weakness, yes, as well as just having more of their numbers culled at the start. Whether they'll get into a scrap with the goblins depends on how things turn out, but the two groups are not currently fans of each other, and proximity will almost certainly equate to conflict.
Disunity and weakness seems like something the goblins would want to take advantage and a war between is only good for us as we would be able to clear them out after the war
Budget 1500
Marchers -250
-Adventurer Spellblades -250 200 Gish Infantry
Bronzehardt -550
-Wexonard Foot -50 1,000 Medium Spear Infantry
-Wexonard House Guard x2 -250 500(1000) Superheavy Mace Infantry, Unbreakable
-Wexonard Flatbows -50 1,000 Crossbow Archers
-Wexonard Outriders -50 1,000 Light Cavalry
-Wexonard Men-at-Arms -150 2,000 Heavy Sword Infantry
Locals 300
-Blademarcher Pike -150 1,000 Medium Pike Infantry
-Escanni Squires -150 1,000 Medium Sword Infantry
Boons -400
- Escanni Impressed -200 Higher Locals faction loyalty
- Letters From Home -200 Higher Bronzehardt faction loyalty, useful contacts back from home
- Tagalong Relatives Free, Bronzehardt faction strength increased, +500 points
- Vernham's Legacy -100 Military and civilian equipment shortages abated, urban infrastructure repair eased
- Deepwood Mysteries -100 Contacts with and knowledge of the Wood Elves
- Escanni Blood Ties -100 Surviving Escanni relatives discovered alive
- Orcs Decapitated: -200 [Neighboring Orc tribes weakened]

A focus on Bronzehardt with only a few Marchers to make then a faction that is very weak.
A single group of Escanni Squires to serve as a recruiting ground for local rulers and a group of Pikemen to have that skill in our band.
what would happen if you were to take all the faction strength upgrades? since faction strength story wise i heavily a matter of relative to the other factions it feels like they partially balance each other out or?
what would happen if you were to take all the faction strength upgrades? since faction strength story wise i heavily a matter of relative to the other factions it feels like they partially balance each other out or?
We'll, yes, they'd all be roughly equal with each other, but it'd come at the price of Roland's direct authority. If all the factions are strong, then it means that the state is going to be weak and beholden to their approval.
Boons are better in the long run, we can get more troops and boons later, but more boons in the start would give us a better start
I wonder, if it might not be good to get more knights, since they seems very useful.
There is a reason they're the single most expensive unit on the list, sitting at $300 total points (unless you're getting the discounted Wexonard variants).
Boons are better in the long run, we can get more troops and boons later, but more boons in the start would give us a better start
Keep in mind that the units being selected here are going to retroactively have been part of the Band, and thus possess several unique qualities such as increased morale, decreased maintenance, and special loyalty. Additionally, a bunch of these troops types won't be available for a substantial amount of time. Possessing a strong, elite army right off the bat is just as much a meaningful advantage as the various boons, and crucially, it will enable Roland to accomplish more during the important early turns where the various adventure bands are laying down roots and staking claims. It's all a matter of opportunity cost and figuring out what matters to you all more.
Budget 1500
Marchers -400
-Adventurer Spellblades -250 200 Gish Infantry, Irregular
-Adventurer Sharpshooters -150 500 Elite Archers

Bronzehardt -850
-Wexonard Foot x2 -100 2,000 Medium Spear Infantry
-Wexonard House Guard x2 -250 1000)Superheavy Mace Infantry, Unbreakable
-Wexonard Flatbows x2 -100 2,000 Crossbow Archers
-Wexonard Outriders x2 -100 2,000 Light Cavalry
-Wexonard Knights x2 -300 1000 Heavy Cavalry

Locals -150
-Blademarcher Pike -150 1,000 Medium Pike Infantry

Boons -100
- Escanni Impressed -200 Higher Locals faction loyalty
- Letters From Home -200 Higher Bronzehardt faction loyalty, useful contacts back from home
- Tagalong Relatives Free, Bronzehardt faction strength increased, +500 points
- Vernham's Legacy -100 Military and civilian equipment shortages abated, urban infrastructure repair eased
- Escanni Blood Ties -100 Surviving Escanni relatives discovered alive

I wanted to try and make a suggestion for how we could attempt to get a big and elite army by focusing on Bronzehardt troops.
[X] Plan: Thule
Marchers -250
-Adventurer Spellblades -250 200 Gish Infantry
Bronzehardt -550
-Wexonard Foot -50 1,000 Medium Spear Infantry
-Wexonard House Guard x2 -250 500(1000) Superheavy Mace Infantry, Unbreakable
-Wexonard Flatbows -50 1,000 Crossbow Archers
-Wexonard Outriders -50 1,000 Light Cavalry
-Wexonard Men-at-Arms -150 2,000 Heavy Sword Infantry
Locals 300
-Blademarcher Pike -150 1,000 Medium Pike Infantry
-Escanni Squires -150 1,000 Medium Sword Infantry
Boons -400
- Escanni Impressed -200 Higher Locals faction loyalty
- Letters From Home -200 Higher Bronzehardt faction loyalty, useful contacts back from home
- Tagalong Relatives Free, Bronzehardt faction strength increased, +500 points
- Vernham's Legacy -100 Military and civilian equipment shortages abated, urban infrastructure repair eased
- Deepwood Mysteries -100 Contacts with and knowledge of the Wood Elves
- Escanni Blood Ties -100 Surviving Escanni relatives discovered alive
- Orcs Decapitated: -200 [Neighboring Orc tribes weakened]

This seems to be the best plan
[X] Plan: The Great Levy
-[X] Adventurer Spellblades -250 200 Gish Infantry, Irregular
-[X] Adventurer Sharpshooters -150 500 Elite Archers
-[X] Wexonard Foot x2 -100 2,000 Medium Spear Infantry
-[X] Wexonard House Guard x2 -250 1000)Superheavy Mace Infantry, Unbreakable
-[X] Wexonard Flatbows x2 -100 2,000 Crossbow Archers
-[X] Wexonard Outriders x2 -100 2,000 Light Cavalry
-[X] Wexonard Knights x2 -300 1000 Heavy Cavalry
-[X] Blademarcher Pike -150 1,000 Medium Pike Infantry
-[X] Escanni Impressed -200 Higher Locals faction loyalty
-[X] Letters From Home -200 Higher Bronzehardt faction loyalty, useful contacts back from home
-[X] Tagalong Relatives Free, Bronzehardt faction strength increased, +500 points
-[X] Vernham's Legacy -100 Military and civilian equipment shortages abated, urban infrastructure repair eased
-[X] Escanni Blood Ties -100 Surviving Escanni relatives discovered alive
An analysis of the two currently proposed plans:
[X] Plan: Thule
Marchers -250
-Adventurer Spellblades -250 200 Gish Infantry
Bronzehardt -550
-Wexonard Foot -50 1,000 Medium Spear Infantry
-Wexonard House Guard x2 -250 500(1000) Superheavy Mace Infantry, Unbreakable
-Wexonard Flatbows -50 1,000 Crossbow Archers
-Wexonard Outriders -50 1,000 Light Cavalry
-Wexonard Men-at-Arms -150 2,000 Heavy Sword Infantry
Locals 300
-Blademarcher Pike -150 1,000 Medium Pike Infantry
-Escanni Squires -150 1,000 Medium Sword Infantry
Boons -400
- Escanni Impressed -200 Higher Locals faction loyalty
- Letters From Home -200 Higher Bronzehardt faction loyalty, useful contacts back from home
- Tagalong Relatives Free, Bronzehardt faction strength increased, +500 points
- Vernham's Legacy -100 Military and civilian equipment shortages abated, urban infrastructure repair eased
- Deepwood Mysteries -100 Contacts with and knowledge of the Wood Elves
- Escanni Blood Ties -100 Surviving Escanni relatives discovered alive
- Orcs Decapitated: -200 [Neighboring Orc tribes weakened]
This plan is most notable for its strong preponderance of infantry, with a huge amount of its points invested in units such as the House Guard, Men-at-Arms, Blademarcher Pike, and Escanni Squires. This means that the army is going to excel in situations that favor heavy foot but might struggle in arenas where ranged units or cavalry are needed, especially if a heavy effort isn't invested in retaining most of the Asperage levy. It's also pushing nearly 900 total points into the Boons section, buying breathing room by weakening the orcs and sweeping a bunch of advantages up as well - most notably purchasing the Escanni loyalty without the accompanying power boost, perhaps ensuring that the Locals faction will remain complaint and cooperative for some time into the future.
[X] Plan: The Great Levy
-[X] Adventurer Spellblades -250 200 Gish Infantry, Irregular
-[X] Adventurer Sharpshooters -150 500 Elite Archers
-[X] Wexonard Foot x2 -100 2,000 Medium Spear Infantry
-[X] Wexonard House Guard x2 -250 1000)Superheavy Mace Infantry, Unbreakable
-[X] Wexonard Flatbows x2 -100 2,000 Crossbow Archers
-[X] Wexonard Outriders x2 -100 2,000 Light Cavalry
-[X] Wexonard Knights x2 -300 1000 Heavy Cavalry
-[X] Blademarcher Pike -150 1,000 Medium Pike Infantry
-[X] Escanni Impressed -200 Higher Locals faction loyalty
-[X] Letters From Home -200 Higher Bronzehardt faction loyalty, useful contacts back from home
-[X] Tagalong Relatives Free, Bronzehardt faction strength increased, +500 points
-[X] Vernham's Legacy -100 Military and civilian equipment shortages abated, urban infrastructure repair eased
-[X] Escanni Blood Ties -100 Surviving Escanni relatives discovered alive
This plan leans very heavily on the Bronzehardt faction's discount and loyalty bonus to formulate a very impressive and balanced military, with Knights, House Guard, Flatbows, Outsiders, the whole nine yards. Combined with the Asperage levy, for the first few turns - or perhaps even most of the Greentide Era, depending on how things play out - the Band will be wielding one of if not the strongest armies in Escann, which will pay all sorts of dividends. This does come at the price of heavy reliance on the Bronzehardt faction, however, and if the strong starting force isn't used quickly to secure farmland and fight the greenskin raiders, keeping it supplied will be tricky. It doesn't quite have the laundry list of boons that the other plan does but those still selected are strategic and mesh well with the overall strategy proposed. Overall, a plan solid that heavily leverages Roland's unique trait to create a very powerful starting position.
I'll be damned, an Anbennar quest? What a present surprise! Ever considered on posting about this quest in the official Discord?

On a plan itself, I'm curious why none have picked Stelwart Remnants so far. A free unit at the expense of additional influence of the Marchers, whose loyalty can be boosted through other boons, seems to me to be ultimately worth it in the end.
An EU4 quest? Watched!
Anbennar?!? Maybe I'll even participate for once!

Now to finally learn... do I just "vote" in my message like everyone else? Vote on a plan someone already made/make and name my own?

In any way, my own side goal will be to destroy Derann before they destroy the Moduk :evil:
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