Blackout on Roanoke


Blackout on Roanoke

Established in 2195 as part of the Fifth Expansion of Humanity's climb into the stars, the Roanoke Colony has fought the ebb and flow of its existence for the last twenty years. While first established as a research outpost, Roanoke has grown to become a strong colonial outpost on the edge of United Nations Confederation Space.

Roanoke has undergone several waves of expansion, with two full waves of colonists having arrived within the last twenty years and saw the establishment of a Colonial Marine Defense Barracks. With the added protection and with a local pool of workers both Apex Corporation and XenFall Industries established several foundries for the mining and refinement of Setti-70, the material used to help power and fuel ships making their way across the galaxy.

With the expansion of the colony, a colonial administration was firmly established under the Articles of Colonization with a Governor appointed and a small governing council put in place. All seemed to be going well, the colony flourishing, materials flowing, when soon signals with the colony became sporadic, until they all stopped transmitting one day. Several days later an automated digress call was received but no information on the situation was forthcoming.

It has been three months since that transmission was received, as it has taken time for a force to be gathered and assembled due to Roanoke being so far in Human space. A combination of Colonial Marine units, specialized Search and Rescue units, Corporate Security Units, Sector Rangers, and other support units have now arrived in orbit, the colony below silent to any attempts to communicate.

As the assembled forces prepare to drop down to the surface, questions remain: What happened to the colony? Why has no communication been had? Are the thousands of people who lived there still alive? Whatever happened, is it still there and a threat? None of these have been answered as the bays on the UNCS Bringer of Dawn launch its first shuttles to the surface…

Welcome to Blackout on Roanoke, a game set in a setting where Humanity has expanded into the stars with one of their colonies mysteriously having gone dark and no communication received. Players will take command of various units dispatched to investigate what has occurred on the planet and discover the mystery behind the communications blackout. This will be a mix of investigating, exploration, and perhaps fighting throughout the game.

Warning: Do note that there is a very real possibility that your character or unit could be killed if you are not careful, do watch what you do and how you go about things!

Brief Lore & Timeline:
  • 2032 - The Third War World comes to an end, nations shattered and the world suffering from fallout and devastation. The United Nations Confederation is formed out of the ashes and began the great task of rebuilding.
  • 2051 - The world is slowly recovering, as Humanity looks to new heights and reestablishes its sights above.
  • 2063 - Humanity returns to Luna, with several small colonies established as new satellites and stations are constructed.
  • 2075 - Humanity arrives on Mars and within a year the first colonies are formed.
  • 2100 - Humanity has expanded into the Sol System, new resources are found with Earth reaching a new era of rebirth and expansion.
  • 2109 - The first fully functional Artificial Intelligence (Human Artificial Modular Assistant - HANA) is designed and brought online.
  • 2115 - The first efforts to expand past Sol are made, known as the First Expansion, with ships arriving on Alpha Centauri and on Proxima Centauri.
  • 2121 - A new material known as Setti-70 is discovered on Alpha Centauri, proving to be a breakthrough in the power and fueling of machinery and vastly expanding Humanity's ability to expand into the stars.
  • 2128 - The Nelson-Whitehead Fusion-Antimatter Engine is made, using Setti-70 as its core components. Humanity is able to reach further and further into the stars.
  • 2142 - The Second Expansion takes place, Humanity reaching out to Barnard's Star and Wolf 359 as new colonies are established.
  • 2145 - Humanity encounters the Vorrid, a race of Insectoids that are on a mission of exploration. Both are suspicious of each other.
  • 2155 - After ten years of encounters, disappearances, and friction along with the launching of the Third Expansion war breaks out between the Vorrid and Humanity. The United Nations Confederation Colonial Marine Corps, Navy and Army are established to fight the war.
  • 2167 - After 12 years of war, the fighting between the Vorrid and Humanity ends. No real peace treaty is signed but the Vorrid withdraw from all occupied human colonies and attacks stop on occupied Ross 154 and Epsilon Eridani.
  • 2183 - The Fourth Expansion is launched, Humanity having recovered from the Vorrid War (and more prepared for unknown encounters).
  • 2185 - The Echi, a race of small but very intelligent Lemur like creatures are encountered who quickly establish good relations with Humanity, informing them that they had visited Earth in the past and that Humanity had been to the stars before.
  • 2191 - The Ronun, a cat-like race, are encountered and while tension exists, no fighting takes place. They warn of a second cat-like race that is highly volatile and militaristic that exists with the goal of conquest and subjugation. They are known as the Euglin. Humanity thanks for the warning but continues to go about their business.
  • 2195 - The Fifth Expansion of Humanity is launched, and several new colonies are established including Roanoke in Groombridge 34 with other colonies established in Epsilon Indi A and Tau Ceti.
  • 2214 - Communication with Roanoak is lost.
  • 2215 - Game Start.
Important Background on various Organizations:

United Nations Confederation Colonial Marine Corps:

The UNC Colonial Marine Corps was formally established in 2155 from the merging of various national units to fight the Vorrid. Since then it has been at the forefront of engaging in "Colonial" Warfare and helping to keep the frontier safe for emerging colonists.

The UNCCMC has been known to be a bit heavy-handed throughout the colony zones, making sure they are secure and safe from all threats, external and internal. Yet when called on, the Colonial Marines can usually deploy enough firepower to secure a colony or planet within a few days.

UNC Search and Rescue:

With so many in space, crashes and accidents take place daily throughout UNC space and territories. A dedicated Search and Rescue organization was organized and funded back in 2109 with the destruction of the colony ship Universal Horizons on its way to Mars and the loss of all onboard. Highly trained in both ship-to-ship rescues and tricky situations in vacuum and atmosphere, these experts find themselves called upon almost daily in many situations.

Sector Rangers:

Having greater authority than local Law Enforcement, Sector Rangers are tasked with policing UNC space and tracking down criminals through interplanetary means. Sector Rangers can operate as individuals or as organized groups and come equipped with various tools, equipment, and firepower to bring down their targets and reinforce the law within UNC Space.

Apex Corporation:

Known for helping develop the first Mars Colonizer, Apex Corporation has been at the forefront of developing and expanding technology throughout the UNC for over two hundred years. Part of the team that developed the Nelson-Whitehead Fusion-Antimatter Engine, Apex is now known as the go-to for shipbuilding as well as communication technology.

While Apex has a mostly positive image associated with them, there have been dark rumors of misconduct, especially in the newly established colonial regions. Some say that secret facilities have been established to do testing on new technologies, some of them unethical. This is only a rumor of course.

XenFall Industries:

XenFall Industries made their mark within UNC space with their successful rolling out of their Artificial Intelligence known as HANA, or Human Artificial Modular Assistant in 2109. Since then they have continued to develop HANA with the newest model (Mark V) having just been released two years ago.

XenFall also works with assisting on computer systems in both civilian and military fields, XenFall technicians are regularly seen across UNC Space on many installations, stations, and ships. XenFall denies that HANA and other AI projects can turn against Humanity, saying they have put in safeguards and that there hasn't been a single incident of any wrongdoing. Or so they say.

The Aurora Cartel:

Rumors tell the Aurora Cartel was born from Old Earth history, the banding of old ties into anew at the end of World War Three. Over the last two hundred years the Aurora Cartel has been involved in numerous actions against the law, UNC authorities classifying them as one of the premier criminal organizations within the UNC.

While wanted for many unsavory acts, the Cartel is also known to be in control of a thriving black market throughout UNC Space. The black market traffics anything and everything, from the popular Solar 29 drug to small creatures and even human trafficking. Several Aurora Cartel members are known to frequent the newly developing colonies, hoping to get their hooks in early.

Character & Unit Creation:

You will be making both a Character and a Unit under their preview that you will use to explore Roanoke Colony and find out what has taken place. You can go about this in two ways. You can flush out your character and give them many advantages or you can choose to flush out your Unit and be able take on any number of issues or crises that might come up throughout the investigation. You have 100 Points to choice between Character Advantages and Unit Lists.

Character Advantages:

  • Experienced [10 Points]: You have survived numerous incidents, conflicts, or situations and have learned how to take care of yourself. Your chances of surviving something are increased.
  • Criminal Connections [10 Points]: You are connected to the underworld, you can sometimes get what you need from other sources, be it equipment or information.
  • Corporate Connections [10 Points]: You have connections rooted in a Corporation and are able to gain assets or information from them if needed.
  • Lucky [10 Points]: Sometimes things just go your way and sometimes things land in your lap. Perhaps someone is watching out for you?
  • Medical Training [10 Points]: You have the training and knowledge within the medical field to treat and survive medical situations that might pop up.
  • Researcher [10 Points]: You have education and knowledge when it comes to doing research and getting down to the details of investigating backgrounds or the unknown.
  • Tracker [10 Points:] You know how to find something or someone, you have the skills and means to track what you are looking for down.
  • Well Armed & Armored [10 Points]: You have either bought or come across enough equipment to have a military-grade Pulse Assault Rifle, a hi-powered Pulse Handgun, and extremely good armor for personal protection.
  • Mark V HANA [20 Points]: You have been graced with receiving an upgraded Mk V HANA AI, customized to your specifications.
  • Off-World Connections [20 Points]: You have gained a contact off-world that can provide you with critical information in areas that might be difficult to find otherwise.
  • Personal Power Armor [20 Points]: You have gained a suit of Power Armor, certainly increases your survival chances!
  • Wealthy [20 Points]: You come from money or have deep pockets, but you can pay your way and more when it comes to getting what you want and not worry about how much it will cost.
  • Personal Shuttle [30 Points]: You have your own ship! It's able to hold 20 People, is decently armed, and has a decent engine to make it able to maneuver pretty well in both atmosphere and space.
Units and their Descriptions:
  • Colonial Marines:
    • UNC Colonial Marines Light Infantry Squad (9 Strong) [Costs: 15 Points - UNCCMC Only] - A unit made up of highly trained and motivated Marines armed with Pulse Assault Rifles and Light Machine Guns.
    • UNC Colonial Marines Heavy Weapons Squad (6 Strong) [Costs: 20 Points - UNCCMC Only] - A unit of highly trained and motivated Marines armed with Rockets and Heavy Machine Guns.
    • UNC Colonial Reconnaissance and Assault Squad (CRAS) (3 Strong) [Costs: 30 Points - UNCCMC Only] - Composed of three Marines in fully encased Power Armor that allows for taking heavy punishment.
    • UNC Colonial Marines Medical and Support Team (MST) (6 Strong) [Costs: 15 Points - UNCCMC Only] - Composed of two medics and four support personnel the MST units of the Colonial Marines take care of both the wounded and make sure supplies arrive to keep combat units in battle.
    • UNCMC Fast Attack and Reconnaissance Section (FAR) (4 Vehicles) [Cost: 25 Points - UNCCMC Only] - Made up of lightly armored and armed but highly mobile vehicles, this section is used to scout out enemy positions and act as mobile reserves.
    • UNCMC Infantry Transport and Assault Section (ITAS) (4 Vehicles) [Cost: 35 Points - UNCCMC Only] - Heavily armed vehicles designed to transport a squad of Marines directly into combat and give them ample support.
    • UNCMC Drop Transport Section (4 DropShips) [Costs: 50 Points - UNCCMC Only] - The main transportation of Marine units onto and off worlds, these transports are decently armed and can operate in both space and atmosphere and can transport two full squads each.
  • Corporate Unts:
    • Corporate Security Squad (16 Strong) [Costs: 10 Points - Apex or ZexFall Only] - Armed with Light Pulse Rifles and Pistols as well as light body armor, these units are funded and trained by their respective Corporations and while large, aren't exactly highly trained.
    • Corporate Enforcement and Intervention Team (CEIT) (6 Strong) [Costs: 20 Points - Apex or XenFall Only] - A heavily armed and highly paid group of individuals employed by Corporations that is used to enforce their policies and secure the Corporation's interests.
    • Corporate Research Team (6 Strong) [Costs: 15 Points - Apex or XenFall Only] - A well-funded, and rather well-educated team of experts employed by a Corporation to investigate elements of the unknown for their employers.
    • Corporate Swift Action Team (SAT) (4 Vehicles Strong) [Costs: 20 Points] - Composed of four armored vehicles armed with a Heavy Machine Gun, these units allow Corporations to secure areas quickly and effectively.
  • Other Entities:
    • Sector Ranger Team (6 Strong) [Costs: 20 Points] - Individuals that operate as a team within the Sector Rangers, a Law Enforcement organization of the United Nations Confederation. Varying specialties, but are very good at locating people and investigating.
    • UNC Search and Rescue Team (9 Strong) [Costs: 20 Points] - Lightly armed but highly trained in locating and treating survivors involved in various disasters both planetary and orbital.
  • General Units:
    • Global Dynamics Automatic Worker Drone (10 Units) [Costs: 5 Points]: Designed to be able to work on any planet no matter the conditions as well as working in a vacuum, these units are key for those that need large amounts of cargo and equipment moved and unloaded, also make great use within mines.
    • Mercenary Infantry Squad (12 Strong) [Costs: 10 Points]: - A group of like-minded individuals with differing methods of training and equipment hired for a job.
    • Mercenary Assault Squad (9 Strong) [Costs: 15 Points]: - While smaller than a regular squad, this unit is more heavily armed and better trained (and paid more) with a variety of skills.
    • Doctors without Borders Medical Team (6 Strong) [Costs: 10 Points]: A unit of volunteer Doctors and Nurses that had come together to help those in need, no matter where to who are in need.
    • Motor Transport Vehicle Section (4 Vehicles) [Costs: 10 Points] - Ground transports, very basic armor, no weapons, used for transporting passengers and cargo.
    • Cargo Shuttle Transport Section (4 Shuttles) [Costs: 10 Points] - Composed of universally used Transports, can carry 100 passengers, 4 small vehicles, and cargo.
Character Template:
  • Name:
  • Age:
  • Affiliation: Colonial Marine, Apex Corporation, XenFall Industries, Sector Rangers, UNC Search and Rescue, or Independant.
  • Personal Characteristics: [Use Points and choose from the Character Advantages]
  • Unit Compositions [Use Points and choose from Unit List]
  • Personal Background:
Orders for the Game:

Orders will be presented through a DM on this site with the title [BOR - Character Name] and each player shall have 300 words to be used on what they and the units under their command are doing during their time on Roanoke. You can do what you wish, but note the more you do and the more spread out you are the less effective you shall be. Remember, the possibility of death is real on Roanoke, so watch your step!


We shall be using discord for this game. Updates will be published on SV and ICs are extremely welcomed, but some elements of the game will be done on the server so I fully recommend joining.

Join the Blackout on Roanoke Discord Server!

Check out the Blackout on Roanoke community on Discord - hang out with 11 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat.

Rules of the Game:
  • First and foremost have fun! Remember it is a game at all times and just enjoy yourselves.
  • As GM I reserve the right to kick and remove a player, especially if they are Disruptive to the game and or for metagaming. Please do not make me do this.
  • Discord: Please join the Server!
  • If you have any questions, please please ask me about it, I am always open to questions and will do my best to give an answer. I would rather you ask 50 questions and know the answer than not asking and thus something gets missed and we have an issue.
  • Lastly, remember it is a game and enjoy please!
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Name: Oscar Auranath
Age: 35
Affiliation: UNC Search and Rescue, Colonial Rescue Task Force "CO-TF13"

Personal Characteristics: (50 Pts)
- Medical Training [10 Points]
- Experienced [10 Points]
- Lucky [10 Points]
- Mark V HANA [20 Points]​

Unit Compositions: (50pts, 21 Strong, 4 Vehicles, 4 Shuttles)
- UNC Search and Rescue Team (9 Strong) [Costs: 20 Points]
- Mercenary Infantry Squad (12 Strong) [Costs: 10 Points]
- Motor Transport Vehicle Section (4 Vehicles) [Costs: 10 Points]
- Cargo Shuttle Transport Section (4 Shuttles) [Costs: 10 Points]
Personal Background:
Oscar has always had the fortune to be in the right place at the wrong time.

Graduating from Aldrin University in 2198 with a degree in Medicine, Oscar spent several years as a traveling doctor on the frontier of the Fifth Expansion. Treating frontier sicknesses and training doctors in new colonies, he always somehow managed to be exactly where he was needed when he was needed, even if he didn't like exactly how things went. Shuttle disasters, plague outbreaks, and strange alien diseases always seemed to pop up right as he was there to lend a hand. He even got into a few firefights with frontier criminals set on taking his stock of medical supplies.

After five years of independent work Oscar was given the chance to join the UNC S&R Corps. He jumped at the opportunity. Since then he has participated in several high-stakes Search and Rescue missions across the various colonies worlds of humanity. Somehow, he has always managed to make it out of these situations with nary a scratch.

When Roanoke went dark, Oscar was given command of the relief mission. No one knows what, exactly, has happened to the colony, but Oscar has been told to be ready for anything. His mission is clear: Determine what happened to the colony, find any survivors, and save as many people as possible.

We'll see how well that goes.
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Name: Miranda Abadi
Age: 57
Affiliation: Sector Rangers
Personal Characteristics: Experienced, Well Armed & Armored, Researcher, Tracker, Criminal Connections (50 Points)
Unit Compositions: Sector Ranger Team x2, Motor Transport Vehicle Section (50 Points)
- 12 sector rangers
- 4 vehicles

Personal Background:

Miranda Abadi is a veteran sector ranger and former USMC pilot, with more experience than anyone on her squads, but only sort of in the "less likely to die" kind of way. More in the "nearing mandatory retirement unless she acquires anagathics and a clear neuropsych report she probably can't afford or achieve" kind of way. A "one last job" kind of way.

Her current posting was created for her, part prestige and part curse, and has had several names over the years. "Complex Threat Investigations." "Major Crimes Unit." "Special Response Team." Currently it is called the Exigent Services Unit, ESU, and it still does the same job: catch jobs so weird, so hard, or so obscure that they don't suit normal sector ranger teams. Most of the time it's cold cases, emergency response, manhunts, or the random small category-defying shit no one else wants to handle. Occasionally it's a high profile mess. Sometimes, like Roanoke, it's rapid response to a situation no one knows how to handle. Even by sector ranger standards her people are eclectic, with a notably high number of former careers from outside law enforcement or the military (mostly scientific, interpersonal, and/or corporate work).

Besides their skills (and hers) at investigation, research, tracking, and adapting to unexpected circumstances, they also benefit from the time old trick of saying "oh, we're not beat cops, we're murder cops" - Miranda has informants, unused favors, and long-lasting relationships all over the criminal underground, which doesn't usually *like* her or her job but respects her as someone who honors deals and doesn't fuck people over when they're not her quarry or shocking the conscience. On Roanoke she suspects she may need to turn to them to "expedite her logistics" in the face of crisis.
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Name: Faust Maria Helmrich
Age: 42
Affiliation: XenFall Industries
Personal Characteristics: (50pts)
  • Experienced [10 Points]: You have survived numerous incidents, conflicts, or situations and have learned how to take care of yourself. Your chances of surviving something are increased.
  • Researcher [10 Points]: You have education and knowledge when it comes to doing research and getting down to the details of investigating backgrounds or the unknown.
  • Corporate Connections [10 Points]: You have connections rooted in a Corporation and are able to gain assets or information from them if needed.
  • Mark V HANA [20 Points]: You have been graced with receiving an upgraded Mk V HANA AI, customized to your specifications.
Unit Compositions: (50pts, 31 Strong, 4 Shuttles)
  • Corporate Research Team (6 Strong) [Costs: 15 Points - Apex or XenFall Only] - A well-funded, and rather well-educated team of experts employed by a Corporation to investigate elements of the unknown for their employers.
  • Mercenary Assault Squad (9 Strong) [Costs: 15 Points]: - While smaller than a regular squad, this unit is more heavily armed and better trained (and paid more) with a variety of skills.
  • Corporate Security Squad (16 Strong) [Costs: 10 Points - Apex or ZexFall Only] - Armed with Light Pulse Rifles and Pistols as well as light body armor, these units are funded and trained by their respective Corporations and while large, aren't exactly highly trained.
  • Cargo Shuttle Transport Section (4 Shuttles) [Costs: 10 Points] - Composed of universally used Transports, can carry 100 passengers, 4 small vehicles, and cargo.

Personnel File:

Doctor Faust Maria Helmrich

Position: Research Executive

Highest Level of Education: Post-Doctorate in Machine Learning

DOB: 04-17-2173

Place of Birth: Earth, Munich, Germany

Employee ID: #FA3B9E76h

Languages: German, Russian, English, Spanish, French

A PhD graduate from the Technical University of Munich, Faust's egotistical and self-centered personality has proven to be a simultaneous advantage and disadvantage. While her unrivaled intellect and talent has allowed her to rise far in the corporate hierarchy, Faust's lack of self-awareness alongside her frequent and often grating displays of open arrogance have so far stymied her efforts to break into the uppermost ranks of executive management.

As a result, Faust is constantly searching for the next revolutionary discovery, a world-changing scientific marvel the likes of which will surely prove her value to the shareholders and the Board beyond a shadow of a doubt.

As a Research Executive, Faust's primary duties are to oversee and administer research projects, in addition to reporting directly to the Board of Directors as well as the company's shareholders. Her priorities revolve around protecting the company's interests, and securing the future of XenFall Industries' investments in the Roanoke Colony.

To this end, Faust has been tasked with the following objectives by senior management:
  • Provide any required technical support to the Joint Task Force.
  • Repair and reactivate communications on the colony's surface.
  • Restore XenFall's mining facilities and refinement foundries to operational levels as soon as feasible.
  • Report any findings and discoveries to the Board of Directors on a bi-monthly basis.
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Name: Captain Camille Herrera

Age: 32
Languages: English, Spanish, and Vorrid
Affiliation: Colonial Marine
Personal Characteristics:
  • Experienced (10pt)
  • Researcher (10pt)
  • Lucky (10pt)
  • Corporate Connections (10pt)
  • Personal Power Armor (20pt)
  • Well Armed & Armored (10pt)
Unit Compositions: Grey Ghosts Team, Bravo Company -- UNC Colonial Marines' Special Warfare Command
  • UNC Colonial Reconnaissance and Assault Squad (30pt) -- 'Grey Ghosts' Team
Personal Background:
Camille Herrera was always considered by her family as a beacon of brilliance and courage. Born into a lineage adorned with strong corporate ties, her path was always destined to be extraordinary. Her academic prowess led her to the hallowed halls of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where she not only excelled but also caught the eye of the United Nations Confederation due to her unique amalgamation of skills in scientific research, intelligence analysis, and cryptography from the moment she enrolled into the ROTC program. This blend of expertise, coupled with her remarkable intellect, made her an ideal candidate for the Direct Commission Officer route, securing her position within the elite echelons of the UNC's special forces operation units immediately after her graduation.

Camille's tenure in the UNC was marked by her involvement in a series of classified covert missions, central to which was the infiltration of Vorrid territory and keeping close tabs on their military activities. These operations, fraught with the risk of igniting an interstellar war if discovered by the Vorrid, were not only a testament to her leadership but also her determination. Success in these missions provided the UNC with invaluable insights into the Vorrid race's latest military capabilities, an achievement that could potentially help the UNC's long-term planning. Yet, her contributions were not confined to the battlefield. Away from the frontlines, she was equally formidable, dedicating her intellect to collaborating with UNC researchers. Together, they deciphered the secrets of the alien technology and sought to penetrate the encrypted veil of Vorrid's military communications.

Amidst her many accomplishments, a mysterious note was added to her dossier by the UNC leadership: Camile had an uncanny ability to emerge unscathed from missions where survival seemed little more than a faint hope. This perplexing trait only added to her legend, casting her as a figure touched by fate or possessing an unseen edge that guided her through the danger-filled adventures in the galaxy's darkest corners.

The disappearance of the Roanoke colony presented a new challenge, a mystery that demanded a blend of Camille Herrera's unique skills. As the colony vanished without a trace, plunging into silence, Camille and her unit were once again called upon by the UNC leadership. Tasked with uncovering the fate of Roanoke, she stood on the precipice of a revelation that could change the course of history.
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Name: Lieutenant Guy Johnson
Age: 30s
Affiliation: Colonial Marines
Personal Characteristics: Experienced - 10 Points

Unit Compositions: 8th Infantry Platoon, Alpha Company, UNCMC Fifth Expansion Command - 95/100 Points Spent
  • Able Squad, Baker Squad
    • 2x UNC Light Infantry Squad - 9 Marines per Squad - 15*2=30 Points
  • Charlie Squad, Dog Squad
    • 2x UNC Heavy Weapons Squads - 6 Marines per Squad - 20*2=40 Points
  • Echo Team
    • 1x UNC Medical & Support Team - 6 Marines - 15 Points
    • 1x GD Auto-Worker Team - 10 Drones - 5 Points
Personal Background:
Guy Johnson has had an uninteresting life. Born before the Fifth Expansion was announced, he joined the UNC Marine Corps because it was the family trade, starting all the way back to the Vorrid War.

Guy Johnson's service record doesn't have much to it. He has no claims to great feats of heroism or ingenuity, merely years of garrison postings on newly established colonies, participation in punitive actions against rogue groups and pirates, and engagements with hostile xeno flora and fauna. While hardly filled with glory and renown, Guy Johnson possesses a solid amount of experience in maintaining good relations with civilian colonists, navigating the peculiarities of corpo colonial branch offices, and of course combat against a wide variety of threats.

Lieutenant Guy Johnson and his platoon was assigned to the Roanoke rescue mission as the Marine Corps is certain that some manner of hostile action was involved in the colony going dark. Whether it's terrorists, a rebel movement, an unexpected variety of hostile xenolife, or the start of an invasion by a resurgent Vorrid or mysterious Euglin, the Marine Corps wants to ensure that Roanoke will be retaken and secured for the Confederation from whatever holds it. And before anything can be secured, the infantry need to be sent in to take it.
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Name: Lt. Elsy Callahan

Age: 28

Affiliation: Colonial Marine

Personal Characteristics:

Personal Shuttle [30 Points] –
The Cyanocitta is Lt. Callahans own dropship, painted in the "Air Superiority Blue" wrap-around camouflage that the assault pukes adore. Well worn, well maintained and thoroughly familiar to her, it can dance through enemy ground fire, flip in midair and hover over the unfortunate guys on the ground when laying down covering fire.

Experienced [10 Points] – Being formerly attached to Rick's Raiders Callahan had done her tour in the Tactical Group Squadron primarily assigned to gunship missions, performing a wide variety of combat profiles ranging from armed reconnaissance to 'Iron Hand' defence suppression and casualty evacuation in hot combat zones.

Lucky [10 Points] – There are missiles that do not hit, guns that blaze across the canopy but don't penetrate and bombs that go haywire but don't explode in their bays. Piloting a technological marvel through the atmosphere and beyond is a job where every error can lead to your biting it – luck is just necessary if you want to stick to it.

Unit Composition: 3rd Marine Aerospace Wing "Kuat"

Drop Transport Section [50 Points] 4 Dropships

Crewed by Warrant Officers Stoyer, Mclaren, Jann, Bancroft and their co-pilots the 3rd Aerospace Wing is a well drilled unit with experience in various theatres across the frontier – and what it means to head to a local drinking hole after bombing their family and loved ones into the ground a few weeks before. Perfectly willing to play something as innocent as a Cas Evac, they love to play up their assault pilot angle whenever they can get away stomping around with their slick g-suits instead of the aero-pilots baggies.

Personal Background:

Callahan was pretty much a frontier hick before she made her way into the Corps. Born on a 300-crew mining station at the edge of nowhere, she grew up with the expectation that she would follow her parents example becoming either an engineer or a miner. Disgusted with these prospects she fell for one of the Corps well working recruiting strategies: flight simulator programs and pods that were delivered free-of-charge to schools and youth centres across space. Lured in by the prospects of action, adrenaline and flight she spent her formative years seeking ever greater high scores and daring manoeuvres, eagerly waiting for any update that would make its way to them…

…at least till she was old enough to sign up for the real thing. She wasn't running off from home, but certainly running away from Corp-obligations and for the first years much of her pay check went that way. But who did mind when she got to fly? Uniforms, food – housing: those were the worries of the logistic groups. She was busy flying, getting new high scores as she blasted apart insurgents and spending what cash she had on shore leave with her wingmates.

Life was good, the promotions were coming in with her scores going up after each mission was checked and the number of targets down were marked and the occasional taxi drive and casualty evac played well with both her need for variety and the promotions tracks of valour and other things that went into the highscore.

Life in the Aerospace Wing was good – her pilots were a brash and trained bunch and no time in the simulator could compare to the real thing. So be it blasting apart some sad hovels or riding to the rescue of poor Corp-Serfs: Callahan was here to give her best and make sure all those below her

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Name: Mugali Elbegdorj
Age: 39
Affiliation: Colonial Marine
Personal Characteristics: Experienced, Lucky, Well-Armed & Armored, Personal Power Armour
Unit Compositions: 5th Marine Reconnaissance Company
  • UNCMC Fast Attack and Reconnaissance Section (FAR) [x2]
Personal Background: Mugali was born on Alpha Centauri, born of a Mongol bloodline that supposedly was descended from a former president of Mongolia. But for Mugali, he had one thing, and that was a need for speed. That and a desire to serve the UNC that his grandfather inspired in him from his tales of war. Joining the Marines became an easy decision as if his Grandfather was one during the war. Mugali soon rose somewhat through the ranks, first being a driver in a recon element, and eventual rising to commander of the 5th Marine Reconnaissance Company due to his swift aggression and his belief that scouting helped to win battles. The fact he and his troops have adopted old mongol traditions and symbols is ignored by high command.

Surviving elements of his service through luck, making sure he had the right equipment, as well as spending a significant portion of his pay on a set of personal power armor, Mugali is ready to serve the UNC. And by liberty was Roanoke's colonists going to be found alive or dead. This he swears.
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Name: lieutenant Karl Johnson
Born: Scandinavia
Age: 28
Affiliation: Colonial Marine.

Personal Characteristics:
-Experienced (10)
-Well armed and armored (10)
-Medical training (10)
-Tracker (10)
Total: 40 points

Unit Compositions:
-UNC Colonial Reconnaissance and Assault Squad. 2x

Total: 60 points, 6 strong.

Overall: 100 points

Personal Background: ''In and out, let's move quick!'' Graduating from the UNCCMC military academy in the year 2210 5 years into the 5th expansion Karl would quickly display the skills and leadership abilities to see him transferred into the Colonial Marines Recon and assault squads. Capable of operating behind enemy lines along and fighting in the most extreme circumstances, the R and A units of the Marines are always in high demand and see plenty of action. When news of the disaster at Roanoke hit high command a flurry of activity saw several theories posed to the possible expansion to what happened and none of them were pleasant. Terrorist attack, independence war or criminal takeover were all possible explanations but in lieu of their lack of information High command sought out their recon experts. Karl had technically been on a training mission, one he was swiftly relieved of as he and two squads were rapidly dispatched towards Roanoke. Karl is under few illusions and believes what happened on Roanoke was no accident or disaster and as such has prepared himself and his men for the worst and is determined to find out what happened alongside getting himself and his unit out in one piece.

''Marines dont die, they just go to hell and regroup''
Name: John Irons
Age: 33
Affiliation: XenFall Industries

Personnel File:
John Irons

Position: Head of Security

DOB: 05-13-2182

Place of Birth: Miami, Florida

Employee ID: #SE0C5E55H

Languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Japanese

Personal Characteristics:
(60pts, armed shuttle that can carry 20 people)
Experienced [10 Points]
Lucky [10 Points]
Well Armed & Armored [10 Points]
Personal Shuttle [30 Points]

Unit Compositions:
(40pts, 12 Strong)
2x Corporate Enforcement and Intervention Team (CEIT) (6 Strong) [Costs: 20 Points - Apex or XenFall Only x 2 = 40 points]

A only child of a middle class family, currently a single 33 year old veteran turn mercenary turn head of security, I have served a few tours of duty got honorably dischard and became a mercenary for a few years building a modest reputation with other mercs and former comrades before finding the opportunity to work under XenFall Industries. Examples of his experience in the field include search and rescue, VIP extraction/protection, target asassination, asset protection, and asset retrieval.

Now his new assignment given to him is to head to Roanoke and assist and protect Research Executive Faust in accomplishing her objectives as well as recovering and minimizing damage to company assets. He will have his shuttle guarded by One of his CEIT to provide rapid reaction to important locations and his personal shuttle will be used to evac him, Faust, and other important personell once the operation is over or in need of extract(the shuttle can be used as air support if needed since it is decently armed) while John will personally lead the other CEIT in guarding Faust or locating/recovering assets.
Name: Jaune Miles Arc

Age: 27
Affiliation: Independent
Personal Characteristics: 30pts
-Well Armed & Armored [10 Points]: You have either bought or come across enough equipment to have a military-grade Pulse Assault Rifle, a hi-powered Pulse Handgun, and extremely good armor for personal protection.
-Wealthy [20 Points]: You come from money or have deep pockets, but you can pay your way and more when it comes to getting what you want and not worry about how much it will cost.

Unit Compositions: 42 Mercs, 4 Vehicles, 4 Shuttles, 70pts
-2x Mercenary Infantry Squad (12x2=24 Strong) [Costs: 20 Points]: - A group of like-minded individuals with differing methods of training and equipment hired for a job.
-2x Mercenary Assault Squad (9x2=18 Strong) [Costs: 30 Points]: - While smaller than a regular squad, this unit is more heavily armed and better trained (and paid more) with a variety of skills.


-1x Motor Transport Vehicle Section (4 Vehicles) [Costs: 10 Points] - Ground transports, very basic armor, no weapons, used for transporting passengers and cargo.
-1x Cargo Shuttle Transport Section (4 Shuttles) [Costs: 10 Points] - Composed of universally used Transports, can carry 100 passengers, 4 small vehicles, and cargo.

Personal Background:
Life had always been pretty good to Jaune.

Born to a loving family who had major stakes in half a dozen megacorps, money had never been a problem and opportunities had been plentiful. He had his parents who were supportive and 7 sisters who were willing to help him with whatever it was that he needed, from school to driving to even some martial arts. As he grew up he hadn't ever needed to truly work or struggle but while he could have probably coasted through life he wanted to do something, make something of himself. So, both wanting to do something fulfilling and help out his families business', he decided to become an Architect and create both beautiful & luxurious buildings for corporate offices and sturdy, comfortable buildings for workers and/or facilities. For over 6 years he had been doing this after spending 2 years training and going to architecture school, going from site to site to help build what his family needed him to.

This semi-idyllic life had a jarring stop when the colony of Roanoke, a major site of fuel manufacturing took place which was a gateway for farther colonies, cut all contact suddenly and without reason. What made it a major incident for the Arc family was that 2 of the Arc Daughters were there waiting to go to one of the outer colonies on a university expedition. As soon as people realized that the signal wasn't being reestablished the family scrambled and started calling up the mercenary companies PMC's they kept on retainer to ask what the hell happened to the groups guarding the girls. What they got back was a whole lot of nothing as they (the PMC's) hadn't heard of any trouble before the silence. Then the Arc family rushed to get together a team to save their family members is where Jaune decided to join as the "Leader" (Read: Supervision/paymaster/piggybank) of the crew with his newly acquired gear.
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Name: Mitch Dermaux - "The Suit"

Age: 43

Affiliation: Apex Corporation

Personal Characteristics: [60pts]
-Criminal Connections [10 Points]: You are connected to the underworld, you can sometimes get what you need from other sources, be it equipment or information.
-Corporate Connections [10 Points]: You have connections rooted in a Corporation and are able to gain assets or information from them if needed.
-Personal Power Armor [20 Points]: You have gained a suit of Power Armor, certainly increases your survival chances!
-Wealthy [20 Points]: You come from money or have deep pockets, but you can pay your way and more when it comes to getting what you want and not worry about how much it will cost.

Unit Compositions: Dermaux Motors - [40pts, 16 Strong, 4 Vehicles, 4 Shuttles]
-Corporate Security Squad (16 Strong) [Costs: 10 Points - Apex or ZexFall Only] - Armed with Light Pulse Rifles and Pistols as well as light body armor, these units are funded and trained by their respective Corporations and while large, aren't exactly highly trained.
-Corporate Swift Action Team (SAT) (4 Vehicles Strong) [Costs: 20 Points] - Composed of four armored vehicles armed with a Heavy Machine Gun, these units allow Corporations to secure areas quickly and effectively.
-Cargo Shuttle Transport Section (4 Shuttles) [Costs: 10 Points] - Composed of universally used Transports, can carry 100 passengers, 4 small vehicles, and cargo.

Personal Background: Human space can be understood as split between two spheres; that of Earth and the core colonies, and the Frontier, where virgin grounds are terraformed, settled, and extracted. Smooth connection between these two places is crucial to the hum and thrum of extrasolar civilization, but the void's a large, dangerous place, and not just because it's vast.

That's where Mr. Dermaux involves himself - or, as his periphery compatriots refer to him, 'the Suit.' On the surface, Mitch Dermaux is merely the active executive of Dermaux Motors: a transportation-focused subsidiary of Apex Corporation. But those who know him understand the man's true profession: that of an interlocuter between earth's far-flung domain and those who wish to conduct business within it. There are so many difficulties that can arise when operating between the stars, and many have paid very, very well to ensure that when issues arise, they have a man on hand who both knows the sistuation on the ground and can speak the lingo of wealth - someone capable of greasing the wheels and making sure no embarrassing admissions have to be given on the quarterly report.

When not on the job, Mr. Dermaux splits his time between visiting the wife and family back in Antwerp, and his other wife and family on New Springfield, and has the finesse to ensure they remain happily ignorant of each other. He's been considering taking a stabler sinecure at Apex one of these days, but his skillset and passion are in the field, dealing with pirates, colonials, aliens, and whatever else needs cajoling, threatening, or removing according to the client's needs. Those are the moments he's alive, and the fortune he's amassed through means above and below the law just a way of keeping score, although he's certainly no austere neo-Mormon. Life is a thing to be enjoyed, after all! And if things end up getting rough - well, he's down for giving that fancy suit of his a spin and making the goon squad earn their wages. The Frontier's a dangerous place, but Mitch is always ready to teach any would-be thieves that Apex Corporation is the furthest thing from a fat target.

So the tides of fate and fortune have brought him above Roanoke, fulfilling the latest request from the Board. It isn't quite how Mitch imagined the assignment going, but never let it be said Mr. Dermaux was caught flat-footed when crisis and opportunity abound.
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Name: Jonathan "Johnny" Creek
Age: 76
Affiliation: Independent.​
"Yeah I was a soldier once. I was young once too. Wouldn't recommend either."

Personal Characteristics:
Experienced [10 Points]: You have survived numerous incidents, conflicts, or situations and have learned how to take care of yourself. Your chances of surviving something are increased.
Lucky [10 Points]: Sometimes things just go your way and sometimes things land in your lap. Perhaps someone is watching out for you?
Well Armed & Armored [10 Points]: You have either bought or come across enough equipment to have a military-grade Pulse Assault Rifle, a hi-powered Pulse Handgun, and extremely good armor for personal protection.
Personal Power Armor [20 Points]: You have gained a suit of Power Armor, certainly increases your survival chances!
Personal Shuttle [30 Points]: You have your own ship! It's able to hold 20 People, is decently armed, and has a decent engine to make it able to maneuver pretty well in both atmosphere and space.

Unit Compositions :
Mercenary Assault Squad (9 Strong) [Costs: 15 Points]: - While smaller than a regular squad, this unit is more heavily armed and better trained (and paid more) with a variety of skills.​
  • Global Dynamics Automatic Worker Drone (10 Units) [Costs: 5 Points]: Designed to be able to work on any planet no matter the conditions as well as working in a vacuum, these units are key for those that need large amounts of cargo and equipment moved and unloaded, also make great use within mines.

Personal Background:​
60 years ago, in a fit of idealism and patriotism, a young man lied about his age to enlist so he could go out and "bash the bug'. After 12 years of war, the man that emerged from the forge of conflict had little to show for his trials other than a newfound sense of cynicism, a chest covered in medals, a body full of metal, and a very specialized set of skills nearly useless in peacetime. After a few failed attempts to reintegrate into civilian life and a brief stay in prison, at the age of 30 Creek put together a squad with some way buddies in a similar situation and entered the mercenary business. He's been in it ever since. "Creek's crew" has earned its reputation as a small but elite band of guns for hire. There are larger companies without a doubt. There may be better companies (Though don't say that in earshot) but there aren't braver companies. The riskier the job the better, the crew almost dares the universe to find a way to kill them. When the expedition
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Name: Vera Kitevska
Age: 34
Affiliation: Sector Rangers​

Personal Characteristics: (80 Points)
-Mark V HANA: (20 Points)
-Tracker: (10 Points)
-Researcher: (10 Points)
-Corporate Connections: (10 Points)
-Criminal Connections: (10 Points)
-Off-World Connections: (20 Points)

Unit Compositions: (20 Points)
-Sector Ranger Team: [20 Points]

When an entire colony goes dark, your first thought might be to send in the Sector Rangers. If you're actually in a position of influence, you'll hopefully ignore that first thought and send in a group with more teeth. The Rangers aren't defenseless, but anything that can knock out communications for an entire colony is almost certainly above their paygrade.

That is not to say, however, that the Rangers would be happy to be left out. If the problem is resolved without their input. Or worse, if things go wrong without any Rangers being on the ground, it would reflect badly on the organization as a whole, and more importantly, the people in charge.

The risk in this mission is high. Anyone sent may not come back. Thus, anyone sent either pissed off someone in charge or volunteered. For Vera Kitevska, these are both true.

The first part is pretty simple. Don't gamble with your boss. It never ends well. Even if you win. Especially if you win.

The second part is also pretty simple. Vera's brother, Gavril, is, or more likely was, in Roanoke.

Vera and Gavril are twin born to upper-class parents in Tirana. They received the typical upper-crust upbringing. They went to a very nice school in Geneva, met all of the other absurdly rich children, and were both expected to fulfil their parents' plans of being good, obedient, heirs and run the family business someday. Neither were especially keen on the concept.

Vera, to her parents' disappointment, chose to enlist with the Sector Rangers, idealistically envisioning dashing adventures across the cosmos. Gavril received a doctorate in xenobiology. When he was offered a position on Groombridge 34, he eagerly accepted, to his parents' disappointment.

Now Vera has to find out what happened to her brother. She knows it probably isn't good, but she can't just let him stay missing
My backstory is me coming to rescue my sisters, which is what I am referring to
That wasn't approved by me >.<

You need to clear that stuff with the GM before making your own lore that could directly impact things. I have things planned out but that's a bit more than I can plan for as you are making stuff up that I don't have any access or ability to make.

Please hit me up in DMs or on Discord to discuss background.
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Name: Jonathan "Johnny" Creek
Age: 76
Affiliation: Independent.​
"Yeah I was a soldier once. I was young once too. Wouldn't recommend either."

Personal Characteristics:
Experienced [10 Points]: You have survived numerous incidents, conflicts, or situations and have learned how to take care of yourself. Your chances of surviving something are increased.
Lucky [10 Points]: Sometimes things just go your way and sometimes things land in your lap. Perhaps someone is watching out for you?
Well Armed & Armored [10 Points]: You have either bought or come across enough equipment to have a military-grade Pulse Assault Rifle, a hi-powered Pulse Handgun, and extremely good armor for personal protection.
Personal Power Armor [20 Points]: You have gained a suit of Power Armor, certainly increases your survival chances!
Personal Shuttle [30 Points]: You have your own ship! It's able to hold 20 People, is decently armed, and has a decent engine to make it able to maneuver pretty well in both atmosphere and space.

Unit Compositions :
Mercenary Assault Squad (9 Strong) [Costs: 15 Points]: - While smaller than a regular squad, this unit is more heavily armed and better trained (and paid more) with a variety of skills.

Your character sheet uses up 85 out of 100 available points right now. Was that intentional?