Applications soon to close notice
Okay, applications are closed at midnight. Applicant list is updated with everyone who has a PM with me. You may want to double check your sheet and make sure everything is in order. I'm planning on doing one last sweep of discussion once list is static, but would like to make sure everyone is okay on their sheets first.
Player List
First wave of players will be @Ψυχή, @ApocalypticFish, @Bondo, @Nanimani, @The Out Of World, @Deadly Snark, @Bladestar123, and @InfiniteDaze. OP will probably be in a few days. Need to figure out the scenarios for each of the start points. Current planned starting groups are Bondo, Fish, and Blade as well as Daze, Snark, and Ψυχή. OOW and Nani form the final party.

Waitlist is likely to get used assuming this doesn't stall too fast. Bondo and Nani especially coordinated their sheets such that they're almost obligated to duel to the death eventually, and there's always the possibility of botching a fight. Waitlist is likely to shift a bit based on who died, Dakka, Wizard, Erl, and Eagle are the most likely, but it partially comes down to who would be amusing or useful to throw at the current groups, and a couple of those apps are likely to get lowered in priority depending on circumstances (Wizard for instance is only likely to replace Nani or OOW).

Just figured I should get this posted since it's been a few days of consideration without feeling the need to fiddle with it any more.