Birth of Modernity: Traditional Quest Edition

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Guide your nation throughout the modern age!
Nation Choice
A couple of months ago I tried creating a riot quest based on Paradox Interactive's Victoria 2, itself based on human history between the years 1836-1936. It didn't work out because the sheer volume of interested parties would mean It'd take far too long to write any sort of update worthy of the name.

I'd like to give this game another shot albeit with a more standard quest format. It won't have any mechanics, at least at the start, but it will have sets of choices given by me to guide the nation you choose in a somewhat realistic way.

So without further ado:

Choose your Nation on the starting date of January 1836.

[] The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland:

[] The Kingdom of France:

[] The Russian Empire

[] The United States of America

[] The Kingdom of Prussia

[] The Kingdom of Belgium

[] The Great Qing

[] The Austrian Empire

[] The Great Joseon

[] Another Nation : Write-in
Thank you. After years of failing to get quests with mechanics off of the ground I think that the best one for me as a QM will be one where there is less focus on trying to quantify the results of your choices. I have a good feeling about this one.
Hey man as a QM of many a failed quest, the fact you continue is always an inspiration

Besides I wanna fuck shit up
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So... I can think of several starting problems most nations have, that would be interesting and that Victoria two always has fun siming:

USA" Slavery and expansion in the north American continent, and lots of lads trying to take over and influence the American continant.

The UK: Global Superpower, needs to hold onto that title.

France: Everything is wrong with this country, it has not been a good place since Napoleon, and is going through more revolutions and governments in a century than most nations have in their entire existence.

Russia: Where to fucking start? serfdom still exists, poor literacy, not industrialized, and absolutist state... It is easier to name off the things the Russians have. Manpower, A birthrate that will skyrocket over the next couple of decades, and a huge fucking army.

Prussia: Deutschland!

the Qing: An overloaded bureaucracy, an outdated military, a mindset that is not good for the modern world, everyone eying the place up like a pie, a backwater, rich in resources but not modernized or industrialized. But still one of the greatest powers on earth. THough I would love to see Sun-Yat Sen's Dream of a Republic of China realized.

Hell I might even change my vote to the Qing, just to have a fun time starting a revolution in China.

Edit: Fuck it, lets go to china and save them from a century of humiliation.

[X] The Great Qing
A note on Omakes
I love them.

In all seriousness, this quest by its nature (at least in the beginning) can't bring mechanical awards for omakes. I've decided to reverse my policy. Mechanical rewards for Omakes will be granted!However, I'd like to encourage them as much as possible. So, I'll do my best to reference every omake made for this quest. Canon or non-canon, your contribution will be noted and influence the course of the story!
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I love them.

In all seriousness, this quest by its nature (at least in the beginning) can't bring mechanical awards for omakes. However, I'd like to encourage them as much as possible. So, I'll do my best to reference every omake made for this quest. Canon or non-canon, your contribution will be noted and influence the course of the story!
They don't have to be long, do they?
Depends on what your definition of long is. All I'm looking for is effort. Maybe you spend 10 minutes on the omake. Maybe it takes longer. But as long as you put something into it, I'll be happy with it.
Depends on what your definition of long is. All I'm looking for is effort. Maybe you spend 10 minutes on the omake. Maybe it takes longer. But as long as you put something into it, I'll be happy with it.
Oh, effort definitely!
I was just wondering if somewhere between a 300 and 500 word count would be sufficient.
Though, I'll likely be spending a lot longer than 10 minutes on it since I know nearly nothing of complex world history.
Update 1
AN: It's barebones I know, but if I didn't get it out now I never would have. Also, I have introduced Budget Points and will determine policy success by random number. I reasoned that the mechanics were there to make sure things are at least somewhat fair between questers and QM.


The Daoguang Emperor was only 9 years old when he met the red-eyed dragon.

Back then of course, he was not emperor, and so he went by his personal name, Mianning. Mianning was trained to be aware of his responsibilities as a member of the royal family, but in all other respects he was a rather normal child. The one aspect of him that was markedly different from other children whether born in the yellow or not was his love for his grandfather, the Qianlong Emperor. While not especially unusual in normal circumstances, it was apparent to all that the Qianlong Emperor was not an easy man to get along with for adults, let alone a child.

The Qianlong Emperor had, at the time of Mianning's birth, reigned for almost half a century and it showed on the wrinkles of his face. At some point he had decided to place most of the minutiae of his duties in the hands of his most trusted advisors, who de facto were influential men who simply told the Qianlong Emperor what he wanted to hear. Whether he became spoiled due to the brownnosing or instead allowed sycophants in his court because he desired constant praise and approval was a source of gossip in the palace spread only through the most quiet of tones. Either way, the Qianlong Emperor had aged into an idle and rather grumpy old man.

Still, Mianning had been told of his duties as a grandson to the emperor and took his gestures of filial piety seriously. In return the Qianlong Emperor tolerated Mianning more than any other child. Eventually his tolerance grew to a begrudging sort of affection, and by Mianning's 9th birthday, he had become a welcome companion to the aging emperor on his many hunting trips.

It was during one such trip that Mianning had wandered off from the main party. He had found a young deer that he wanted to slay so that the Emperor and his entourage would be impressed with him. Stealthily raising his child-sized bow, he lined up a shot and loosed the arrow. However, the deer then turned its head and the world changed.

Suddenly, Mianning found himself surrounded by a sort of black fog, making it impossible to see much of anything around him. However, he could make out the outlines of two glowing red lights. Stepping forward as if in a trance, Mianning soon discovered that the pair of lights seemed to be the eyes of an enormous creature clad in white. A voice like thunder spoke: "Child of the Aisin Gioro, look upon me and know the fear that comes from your own insignificance. I take pity on you, and give you one chance to change the scales of fate." Mianning could not move, could not speak, even if he wanted to...


What policies will the Daoguang decide to implement? You have 6 Budget points (BP) to start with. Pick any combination of choices you desire as long as it fits within the budget. Write-in options are also allowed and encouraged, but must have Budget Points (BP) Assigned to them or I will assume that the Qing government does not intend to back them up with any financial power. Vote in Plan Format

Deal with the Opium Problem:

-[] Legalize and Tax it: Some members of your court have suggested that you legalize and heavily tax the opium being imported into your country. That way, you can gain a little extra revenue and more importantly discourage use of the drug. +2 BP

-[] Fund Rehab Programs: Those who are addicted to opium must be treated with patience and compassion. Opium addicts should be rehabilitated and given training for future employment so as to get their lives back in order. 3 BP

-[] Crack down on Opium: The merchants who are bringing opium into the Middle Kingdom must be stopped. Warn them once, and execute them if they are caught bringing opium into the country twice. 1 BP (If Legalize Opium is also selected, then this will apply to those merchants seeking to get around the tax)

Military options:

[] Reform the Military: The Eight Banners Military system has sorely degraded over the years. We should invest money into improving it.

-[] Focus on Improving Pay: 2 BP

-[] Focus on Improving Equipment 2 BP

[]Improve the state of the Navy: We really have no navy. As Empire mostly based on land this has served our purposes just fine so far, but we might want to at least build some ships to defend our coasts. 3 BP

Examinations: Government examinations are a key part of how we run our society and often the only way for positive social mobility for the lower classes. Therefore, we might do well to reexamine how we use them.

Quotas: Right now we have quotas that favor the Manchu peoples. A certain percentage of our bureaucracy must be reserved for them. On the other hand, a certain percentage must be reserved for the Han and other ethnicities residing in the Middle Kingdom as well.

[] Abolish Quotas

[] Reform Quotas

(PIck up to two from this category)

-[] In Favor of the Manchu

-[] In Favor of the Han

-[] In Favor of assorted ethnic minorities

On the Jianmin: There are some people, such as prostitutes, actors, and entertainers who we do not allow to even take the examinations, as opposed to the liangmin who are.

[] Allow the Jianmin to take examinations with quotas (If Abolishing Quotas is picked earlier, then the quotas will be decided on class but not ethnicity. If Aolishing Quotas is not picked then they will be decided on both class and ethnicity)

[] Have the Jianmin to take examinations without quotas

[] Expand the Bureaucracy: Will allow more people to gain civil service positions. 2 BP
[X]Plan: Saving the Empire, By Spending All Our Money: A Preliminary Plan
-[X] Legalize and Tax it: Some members of your court have suggested that you legalize and heavily tax the opium being imported into your country. That way, you can gain a little extra revenue and more importantly discourage use of the drug. +2 BP
-[X] Fund Rehab Programs: Those who are addicted to opium must be treated with patience and compassion. Opium addicts should be rehabilitated and given training for future employment so as to get their lives back in order. 3 BP
-[X] Abolish Quotas
--[X] Allow the Jianmin to take examinations with quotas (If Abolishing Quotas is picked earlier, then the quotas will be decided on class but not ethnicity. If Aolishing Quotas is not picked then they will be decided on both class and ethnicity)
-[X]Write in option: Send Observers and students to the British Empire, and have them try to learn more about Western governments, ideology, and agricultural and industrial technology. if these people can beat us, we must find a way to beat them. And prepare the state to invest in such a plan. 1 BP
-[X]Write in Option: Begin a sweeping anti-corruption campaign against the Bureaucrats and Governors, finding out who may be stealing or using their position to enrich themselves and their families. The Opium War defeat is more than enough of a memory to begin this. What needs to be done is to secure the Rule in China. And that means if you must be violent, you must. The Dragon is awaking, and its roar must be terrible. 1 BP
-[X]Write in: Hire Surveyors, purchase modern equipment, begin a large mapping project of the country, the start a massive road infrastructure program. China is massive, and if we are to fully exploit the people, and make China more powerful, we need to know about the land, accurate maps and charts are needed. 1 BP

Alright: My Reasoning:

We need to start by earning money, and trying to stop the Import of Opium will only anger the British and foreigners in a way we do not have the ability to do so. And this drug is a danger to society and needs to be treated as a public health crisis. But in the short term, we need cash. And right now, better the devil we know, because do not have the ability to stop the British from fucking us up.

On the Army: I really want to secure the Navy and Armies Loyalty by increasing pay and beginning modernization... But we just do not have the funds for it, and we have more pressing matters to worry about. Hopefully, this will not bite us in the ass.

As for the Quotas: We are not exploiting the vast population of China to its fullest extent, and while the Manchu and Han animosity are there, we cannot try to force superiority of one over the other right now. We need to build a meritocracy Yesterday to try and get things going. Yes, it may cause internal chaos, and yes, it may create a potential coup situation against the emperor... But we have to try and handle this situation. NOW.

The Write in options: We need to get students into the British Empire and learn how it runs and get tech. China will not survive if it cannot adapt and evolve.

I also look at Modern China for this optino, and while I do not like it, I do believe that a sweeping anti-corruption campaign to make sure the government can be trusted will boost confidence in the Emperor, improve the livelihood of the people, and be a much-needed propaganda win for our nation, after the defeats of the Opium Wars. Maybe use them as a Scapegoat for our defeat if we need to. Plus if it removes our enemies, then more power to us.

Surveying: What can I say, if we can build good roads through China, it will help us in the Long run. Plus People love a big infrastructure project to show things are getting better.

@Bobalo18 does this plan look good?
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So Anyone have anything to say about my plan?

I really wish to make this opening plan good.