Biggest asshole in fiction

Seconding Hazama.

To expand...

You know Flowey? From undertale?

Imagine if Flowey was twice as evil, and 100% more of a troll, and was never a adorable babby goat. Then you have something that resembles Hazama when he's trying to be polite. The man is malice personified, and the only character in series that comes close to his level of terrible is Relius 'I killed my wife and daughter and used their souls to make golems' Clover. Relius 'severe rape undertones' Clover. Relius 'is a actual sociopath' Clover.

And even then, Hazama is still more of a rancid chode than Clover, by dint of Hazama actually taking pleasure in the misery he inflicts. Relius only commits atrocities when he has a goal he wants to accomplish. Hazama does it for funzies.
Bernkastel because seriously Bernkastel.

Even if we distinguish Erika's actions (who would deserve a mention in this thread if not for Bern being orders of magnitude worse) from Bernkastel, which is questionable given how Erika is Bern's self insert Sue we have a character who ruins the life of a young girl who has recently lost most of her family (see The Witch's Tanabata for exactly what she did), manipulates said girl into getting torn into shredded meat to give some motivation to the character she was 'supporting', creates and inserts Erika into the story with the intent of turning it into a bashfic for her own lulz which leads to a bunch of people dying needlessly and an innocent woman blamed for all the murders (oh, and also accused of sleeping with her father-in-law) because it was funny. Then, after those plans are last-minute derailed she utterly loses any sense of 'working within the rules of the story' and devotes all her effort into not just ruining the story but making it impossible to fix by killing off every alternative path that the story can go on (hunting down the one in two million, five hundred thousand possibilities of having things be better and disemboweling it and so on) and then after having gone to the effort of making sure that everyone knows only bad ends are possible she tries to make it so that no alternative stories can ever be written about it ever just in case someone finds a way to make it have a non-bad-end.

All because she wanted lulz, and then because she was a sore loser that someone stopped her getting her massacre-lulz.

Add in Erika's acts like 'forging' evidence (not actually forging but setting it up so that it looks like only one possibility exists) to get an innocent woman convicted of murder and beheading half a dozenish people who were playing a make-believe-murder game with her and...
Pokemon Black and white/ Black 2 and White 2

He adopts a lost boy in the woods as his son ( N)
emotionally manipulate him to think that all pokemon are mistreated.
uses him as a puppet.
tries to use that puppet to gain control of legendary pokemon
runs away
in BW2
he gets control of legendary Kyurem, uses it to freeze a city.
Tries to freeze player character.

One thing I REALLY hate about him is how he is emotionally manipulate of his son and manipulates crowd to think he is right.
When in the end he dose not give a crap about his son or the crowd. He wants Unova all for himself... and will do anything to achieve his goal.
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How does he compare to Cyrus from Sinnoh?

even worse... At least Cyrus had bit of sob story in which he had neglected childhood from his parents...
one could argue that he is a victim of his childhood
Ghetsis is straight up evil!
He EMOTIONALLY CONTROLLED boy he took in as his son. And once his son fails the first words out of his mouth is this
"After all of that, do you think you're still worthy of sharing the name Harmonia with me? You good-for-nothing boy!"
the great example of how insane he is by the events of BW2 is this quote:
"Shut your mouth! Shut up! Shut up! Shut UP! Don't talk like a person, you freak! No real person could talk to Pokémon!"
he says this after he was defeated by the player and N reaches out to him and offers him a chance to turn around and quit his evil ways.
his insanity is represented by his battle music in BW2

just listen to his insanity!
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Ser Otto Alrik from Dragon Age 2

While I don't agree with the Templar's methods, I do understand that magic is dangerous enough that someone has to keep an eye on it. Alrik, however, represents all the problems I have with the Templar in one hatable package.

And to top it all off, he has the gall to share a name with my favorite Templar, Otto the Blind Templar from Origins.
The Slavers. I know it's probably cheating to nominate an entire species, and I'm sure someone will say the Daleks or the Affront are worse, but for me nothing else quite compares to Suicide Night.

Oh, the Thrint! Yea, getting most of the galaxy to just *die* out of spite, by giving a mass suicide command, is fairly assholeish.

Remember, they didn't just do it once. They set it up to happen repeatedly at geologic scale intervals just to make sure that no one could possibly ever survive in a universe that didn't exist to suck upon their cloaca.
Konrad Curze, Primarch of the Night Lords from Warhammer 40,000.

His qualifications are many, varied, and extensive, but I would like to specifically point out that this is a man who, with two Space Marine Legions and three Primarchs hunting him, took time out of his escape attempt to terrorize Roboute Guilliman's aged stepmother with petty horror movie jump scares because how dare people who aren't me have normal childhoods.
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Konrad Curze, Primarch of the Night Lords from Warhammer 40,000.

His qualifications are many, varied, and extensive, but I would like to specifically point out that this is a man who, with two Space Marine Legions and three Primarchs hunting him, took time out of his escape attempt to terrorize Roboute Guilliman's aged stepmother with petty horror movie jump scares because how dare people who aren't me have normal childhoods.

I would say that of individuals in 40k, Erebus beats out Curze; because Curze is completely batshit crazy. Erebus just massively smugs it up every time he's on page, gloating and indulging in all kinds of pettiness that honestly makes me hope that he tries that plan of his alluded to in the Word Bearers trilogy to try and replace Abaddon.

Just because I really want to see what the Despoiler's going to do to him once Erebus fails.

EDIT - Also, the cheap jump scares you mentioned do mean that Curze gets a face-full of Thunder Hammer, so, eh. Most of Erebus' dickery never gets punished (even if James Swallow is determined to come as close as he's allowed to finally putting Erebus out of the audience's misery).
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I would say that of individuals in 40k, Erebus beats out Curze; because Curze is completely batshit crazy. Erebus just massively smugs it up every time he's on page, gloating and indulging in all kinds of pettiness that honestly makes me hope that he tries that plan of his alluded to in the Word Bearers trilogy to try and replace Abaddon.

Just because I really want to see what the Despoiler's going to do to him once Erebus fails.

EDIT - Also, the cheap jump scares you mentioned do mean that Curze gets a face-full of Thunder Hammer, so, eh. Most of Erebus' dickery never gets punished (even if James Swallow is determined to come as close as he's allowed to finally putting Erebus out of the audience's misery).

I don't dispute that Erebus deserved his spot on the list, it's just the pointless, punching down nature of Curze's antics in Unremembered Empire that stick in my craw and cause me to put his name forward.
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It's been so long since I read Known Space... what happened to that repeater?
Ragtag bunch of weirdos blew it up as it was spinning up to kill the galaxy. Well, the human raised telepathic Kzin blew it up, while the rest of the bunch that had been sent to try to keep anyone else from grabbing the immense Slaver artifact tried to kill him while enthralled. Due to shitty Slaver construction and personnel safety standards it might have only been able to kill all non-bandersnatch life in the galaxy one more time, since the deactivation of stasis not on schedule spaced a bunch of idiot Thrint, it is however possible that unThrintlike forethought went into building and manning it, and back up crews were safely in the interior.

Last story in Man-Kzin Wars 10 if you wanted to try to track it down in detail.
Neither holds a candle to Suicide Night.

While the scale of "Most of the known galaxy is made to off themselves" certainly outstrips the worst excesses of Mssrs Konrad and Erebus, the torments those two inflict on others reasons like "I was bored" and "It amused me" will, in general, make being forced to commit suicide look like a seaside excursion in pleasant weather whilst amply provisioned with sandwiches and cold drinks.
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While the scale of "Most of the known galaxy is made to off themselves" certainly outstrips the worst excesses of Mssrs Konrad and Erebus, the torments those two will inflict on others reasons like "I was bored" and "It amused me" will, in general, make being forced to commit suicide look like a seaside excursion in pleasant weather whilst amply provisioned with sandwiches and cold drinks.

Trust me, Suicide Night was just the capstone to a billion years of mindless dickery.
Let's see...

1. She's much worse than the average terror teacher.
2. She tortures her students by making them write lines using their own blood.
3. She is willing to use the Cruciatus Curse on her students.
4. She is racist, especially towards muggle-borns, those whose parents are of different species, and those who aren't exactly human.
5. She arbitrarily evaluates and fires faculty due to her arbitrary standards.
6. She has blatant favoritism towards Slytherins, pure-bloods, Death Eaters and the like.
7. She is very rude.
8. Etc.

Also, she supervised the Death Eaters' show trials of muggle-borns, who were punished for their "theft of magic" by being fed to Dementors. She kept a swarm of them at bay with a Patronus right in the courtroom; given that Patronuses are powered by happy thoughts, she most likely gets genuine joy out of the idea of muggle-borns' souls being annihilated by horrifying monsters.
Ragtag bunch of weirdos blew it up as it was spinning up to kill the galaxy. Well, the human raised telepathic Kzin blew it up, while the rest of the bunch that had been sent to try to keep anyone else from grabbing the immense Slaver artifact tried to kill him while enthralled. Due to shitty Slaver construction and personnel safety standards it might have only been able to kill all non-bandersnatch life in the galaxy one more time, since the deactivation of stasis not on schedule spaced a bunch of idiot Thrint, it is however possible that unThrintlike forethought went into building and manning it, and back up crews were safely in the interior.

Last story in Man-Kzin Wars 10 if you wanted to try to track it down in detail.

Ah, I had never read 10! Good to know :)
Konrad Curze, Primarch of the Night Lords from Warhammer 40,000.

His qualifications are many, varied, and extensive, but I would like to specifically point out that this is a man who, with two Space Marine Legions and three Primarchs hunting him, took time out of his escape attempt to terrorize Roboute Guilliman's aged stepmother with petty horror movie jump scares because how dare people who aren't me have normal childhoods.

That is almost comical. Really? A demigod with the command of armies and daemons did that?
That is almost comical. Really? A demigod with the command of armies and daemons did that?

Unremembered Empire, by Dan Abnett. It happened.

To be...fair, at the time Curze was all by his lonesome, having just escaped off Lion El'Johnson's flagship while leaving most of his First Company to rot in Dark Angel holding cells, but still.

"What is the most important thing I could be doing as I flee from a manhunt conducted by the bulk of two Astartes Legions? Obviously, it's trying to scare Roboute's mum into cardiac arrest." :facepalm: