Beyond the Fields We Know

...So, I'm too late to vote, but I have a question about the last vote with the guardian. Would this have been acceptable?

[]Should you make an oath that will only bind you after I pay my part to protect myself and my sister from harm, without constraining our freedom or changing us without our permission, and to teach us, I shall rend asunder all other bonds on you, so that you may have your revenge and regain your kingdom.

I would have wanted other people's input on how to phrase it, of course. I know I'm not good at that.

On another subject, I think the Rownes, which are always a valid write-in, are only usable through write-ins. After all, they are changing the narrative of the story. Why should there be a pregenerated option to stop following the structure they come from?
[X] "Ice. Ice, floating in the pool of water, and something in the air which fled from the storm to hide in the cold and dark."
Hi, everyone.

Rather than just have this sit here inactive, promising the ever-diminishing hope of updates, I might as well make a clean break with this and declare it over. The idea of the second story never clicked in the way the first one did, and since only one update came for it... well. Let's be honest here. I think it's better to just leave the first story as a completed, intact, solo story. It actually worked really well as an experiment in a different style of Quest, which I'll take forwards with me in the future for later experiments.

I'd like to thank everyone who played for managing to make a pretty classical fairy tale story through your choices. It even works as a proper fairytale-style metaphor - don't trust a stranger who tells you that they have special sweeties and if you help them they'll give them to you. If you're so inclined, you can extend it to something or other about the development of sexuality and how if it's repressed too much the child will devour their parents or something, but that's probably reaching.

So, once again, thank you for playing.
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