Beneath the Surface... [The Gamer Multicross OC]

I sat beneath my pavilion, saproling corpses stacked like firewood on one side of me, and triffid corpses piled on the other. In front of my was a single saproling corpse, which I was slowly dissecting with my kitchen knife. It was rather strange on the inside - it didn't have blood, per se, instead it had a very viscous sap. If I'd had a bottle I would have tried to collect it, but as things were I simply did my best to keep it from making a mess. I'd already slit the saprolig lengthwise, and was busy slowly cutting loose it's various organs. I'd learnt a fair deal already - It didn't actually seem to have a stomach or disgestive tract. It's mouth seemed to be there merely for biting chunks out of things and breathing, not for chewing and swallowing them. It's internal space was taken up mostly by lungs and a series of dense tubers which also seemed to serve as it's skeleton. Near the front, above the mouth, there was a strange structure that I suspected would be the creatures brain - though it was difficult to be certain. The rest of it was mostly muscles - and a series of seeds, seeming to belong to several different species.

From what I could gather, the creature seemed like it was basically a giant mobile seed. It wasn't expected to live very long - rather, it was intended to go and find a good place to die, where it's seeds would take root. Ideally, this would probably mean chewing something death and taking root in it's corpse. The mushrooms on it's back seemed to be well integrated into the rest of the creature, but I could still not determine their purpose - perhaps waste disposal? Or perhaps they were just another of the species that made up the creature, like the seeds it carried. Regardless, I could probably make use of several parts of it - the seeds should perfectly edible once cooked, and the muscles were perfectly good plant fiber, if a little coarse. The dense tuber skeleton was more uncertain - it should have plenty of energy locked in it, but whether I'd be able to digest it, even once cooked, was uncertain. I could probably burn it either way, though.

Through dedicated effort, a skill has been created: Butchery!

Shrugging, I set to work butchering the dissected saproling, and then repeated the process on the triffids. The triffids were not quite as strange, but interesting in their own right. They were much more conventional, in that they seemed to only be composed of one species. They displayed traits of both plants and animals. Fro the top, the first piece of anatomy would be the sting - and it's attached reservoir of poison. This was attached to a long stem, which led back down to a large cup-like growth - the triffids equivalent of a mouth. It was here that the triffid would cut of strips of meat to digest, and also here that several smaller growth could be found - the creatures clatter sticks. This was how they communicated with each other. Beneath that, it had its various internal organs, including a network of thick nerves that functioned as it's brain. Also here was one of the creatures more useful components - a store of thick vegetable oil. According to the books, this stuff had been both edible and nutritious. If so, it should be quite useful to me.

Now if only I had something to store it in. With a sigh, I got back up to my feet. Maybe I'd get lucky searching the area?

'Eh. It's worth an effort.' With that, I climb to my feet and begin nosing around. It's still early in the day, just creeping up towards noon. On my left, the path stretches back the way I came, likely right into a ambush by who knows what. yeah, that wouldn't do. The other direction... The path lead off, much deeper into the forest. Not sure what I'd find over there, but I wasn't sure I wanted to move that far from my shelter. So that left the area off the path. Luckily, that area looked benign. I was pretty sure I could search there without running into anything worse than I'd already fought. Wasn't sure I'd find anything interesting, but I could try.

'That way looks interesting. I think I see some sort of clearing...' I set off, my weapons readied. I had to carve my way through a few saprolings, but that was hardly an effort at all, at this point. Soon enough, I climbed a low hill, and there was a clearing. Or more accurately, a creek, breaking off from the real one on the other side of the barbed wire and thorns.

'Hmm. Well, that's something.' I scanned it carefully. No enemies, so far as I could see. Maybe I'd find something useful in it? I could try.

So I did. I went down to the creek, carefully watching my surroundings, and took a look.

Unsurprisingly, it mostly just looked like a creek. Lots of water, lots of rocks, bit of dirt. A couple glass beer bottles and some other miscellaneous trash. Nothing to get excited about.

Or maybe it was? Pulling the bottles from the creek, I was pleased to see that they were mostly intact - even if one of the was broken around the mouth. Now these could be useful. I went ahead and stuffed the both of them into my inventory, my eyebrows rising in surprise when they both took up the same slot, with a little "x2" in the corner. Now that was convenient.

Looking along, I could see another item that might prove useful on the other side of the creek - a mass of twisted rusting metal. I had no idea what it had originally been, but it was metal. If I could put together some kind of forge, I could make a pot out of it or something. Wading through the creek, I climbed up next to it and pried it out of the ground with my bat. Probably best to avoid touching dirty rusting metal, even with Gamer's Body. Though I could probably sleep it off...

Eh. Lets not screw with that. I used a couple rocks to put pressure on the thing, and shoved it into my inventory. 'That should be enough for one trip.'
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... Should I be worried that the government is going to come breaking down my door now? I did just that a few months back...

His stats are still well within human norm.... so I am not sure why they went after him.

I think you would be better off having the government have a few low level clairvoyants or something. People who can go over a list of names real quick and highlight names as they come up. Or perhaps an AI? Meh, just the way it is explained isn't sufficient for the level of commitment they well committed to. Black ops bust down his door and chased him into the night. That is not low key at all.

Also the thing you have been forgetting all this time has been money and item drops. Steady income from hobo fighting is one of the best powers of the gamer.
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Hmm. They did also catch him pulling some impressive physical stunts by satellite. And compared to the his record from school and such, it's quite the marked increase. Though they should have access to clairvoyants capable of something like that, so I'll add that detail. Though the agents talking about it earlier wouldn't have been informed of such.
Hmm. They did also catch him pulling some impressive physical stunts by satellite. And compared to the his record from school and such, it's quite the marked increase. Though they should have access to clairvoyants capable of something like that, so I'll add that detail. Though the agents talking about it earlier wouldn't have been informed of such.

... how many satellites do they have up there that they can dedicate them to watching random civilians? The kind of information deviation your talking about here that would need to be noticed would take an AI to find. Its purely inhuman capability. These kinds of stunts the gamer is pulling of all are still purely human level techniques so finding anything odd about that would take some seriously near end game level bosses in information control and reading to find something like this odd.
Hmm. They did also catch him pulling some impressive physical stunts by satellite. And compared to the his record from school and such, it's quite the marked increase. Though they should have access to clairvoyants capable of something like that, so I'll add that detail. Though the agents talking about it earlier wouldn't have been informed of such.
So they can identify an individual by satelite? It still seems like a pretty big stretch.
Maybe if an agent had seen him store something in his inventory and reported it....
Hmm. You're right, that is a bit of stretch to catch that on a random sweep. I'll edit that part appropriately.
If your going to have super powers be a thing in story then don't be afraid to explain how the "enemy" is keeping up by using such terminology. Even something a simple as divination spells for recent mutations within the last week would be better then random chance managed to pull this off. Give your antagonists competence in a setting of super powers and they will never disappoint~!
Also the thing you have been forgetting all this time has been money and item drops. Steady income from hobo fighting is one of the best powers of the gamer.

That one I didn't forget - he hasn't gotten his "The Gamer" skill high enough to unlock money or item drops.
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I've seen literally every single post on SB and SV which uses 'we' in this context in a thread that isn't a quest immediately replied to with "This isn't a quest".
This statement is almost always accurate, but I'm curious nonetheless.

To me it mostly means they're strongly empathizing with the character(s), but I can only assume there's some history to this universal and swift response that explains why it's creepy.

Yeah, I understand that, but it just feels.....*shudder*. If it's not a quest or something where the first-person we is actually "We" the hivemind, it just gives me this sense of weird "no no no no". That's just me tho.

That said, I am highly amused.
lol, nice.

I do have to love that, even when the Gamer is killing stuff, he's effectively forced into a vegetarian diet.

I look forward to when we run into a pig/boar type of enemy, and the Gamer butchers it into delicious delicious protein.
...And now I'm thinking of the early episodes of Log Horizon, where they literally farmed animals for food ingredients to run a burger stand. Ah, good times.
so he unlocks the skill at level 0 and i'm assuming it becomes useful at level 1? also do you base your creatures off of fiction or reality or something else?
No, skills are useful at lvl 0. Not very useful - just about everything scales "linearly" based on level, so for example, if Physical Endurance gives -1% to physcal injury taken per level, at level 0 this will just be -1% to physcal injury, which won't actually reduce any source of damage lesser than 100. But next level it will reduce injury by -2%, then -3%, all the way until the skill hits it's cap, wherever that is.

the enemies are based off of varous fictions right now. In the future, some of them may be based off of reality - especially if he has a run in with something from the "real world".
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Back at the camp, I'd eventually resorted to the simple expedient of sharpening a few wooden sticks and cooking bits of triffid on them. It wasn't a particularly tasty meal, but it was filling. The fire was pretty hard to start, but I eventually managed to find a piece of flint, and along with some tinder and a bit of triffid oil I got a nice little fire going. I experimented with the various saproling seeds, and a couple of them were even pretty tasty, especially once soaked in a bit of triffid oil. Still, the meal did feel a little lacking. I'd kill for some bread, or at least some meat. 'Maybe there are some animal enemies? I could probably take a boar. Maybe deeper into the forest...'

'Now's not really the time for that, though," I thought as I finished my meal and climbed to my feet. "For now I should probably see about making some kind of plan." I started cleaning up while I let my mind work. 'Well, to start with, I want to be able to return to normal reality without needing to worry about whoever that was with the swat team. Or having the police arrest me for public nudity, for that matter.' I considered the matter while disposing of the triffid bits I had no use for. 'Hmm. Well, proper clothes would be useful, through probably not strictly necessary. I bet I could get by on a decent level of stealth and darkness - or even just running really fast.' I furrowed my brow while sorting my acquisitions. 'For that matter, maybe I should just spend some time here training my stats and skills up? Being able to run, sneak, throw a punch, take a hit, listen, and react to danger are NOT bad things to have when swat teams are chasing you...'

Nodding to myself, I finished my cleaning and stood by the edge of my pavilion. 'Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. I'll do it. Spend a few days training here, then check out where that path leads. Hope it's useful, otherwise just leave the way I came in. Sounds like a plan.' I paused. 'But what skills do I want to focus on? And what stats? Stealth is obviously priority one, but after that? Dex, Vit, ad Str and all pretty good, especially when running. Parkour is awesome, so I'll spend some time on that. Listen is useful when caught in the dark, so I'll try training with that some. And all those various attack options are pretty great. Physical endurance sounds nice, but I'd rather not have to get hit. Maybe I'll train that some If I have lots of HP left at the end of the day.' My eyebrows rise as a thought occurs to me. 'I'm ot actually limited to those, though, am I? I can create new skills. I should probably work on throwing - it's surprising I haven't gotten it already. And some kind of awareness skill, so that I don't get tripped by triffids again.'

That decided, I I find a nice grassy spot to use meditation, boosting my mental stats, and then began sneaking through the forest. I spend several hours carefully sneaking through the forest while listening for enemies, periodically ambushing saprolings and even a few triffids. I also spend a bit of time just kiting saprolings, trying to stay aware of them while they chase me and then pelting them with rocks. This nets me +1 Dex, +1 Str, +4 to Listen, +2 to Stealth, +2 to Targeted Attack, +3 to Bum Rush, +1 to Cripple, +2 to All-Out Attack, Throwing at level 2, Awareness at level 1, and finally +1 to The Gamer. 'Oooh, nice! I forgot about that skill...', I think as I bring it up.

Skill: The Gamer Lv. 6 (01%)
This skill allows you to treat life as a game. Currently enabled: Character Screen, Skill Screen, Quest Screen, Status Screen, Inventory, Gamers Mind, Gamers Body, Dungeons, Item Drops.

'Item drops? That sounds pretty good. And my inventory has expanded too. Just in time...' I grab my bat and quickly murder a couple saprolings. The first doesn't give me anything, but the second gives me a tiny bottle with a ruby red mixture inside it, that Observe identifies as a "Miniscule Health potion. Restore 1-2 health per 10 seconds, for a minute." It promptly goes into my inventory. 'Not bad, not bad. I'll need to see what else I can get my hands on.' The next few saprolings don't don't have anything much to offer, until I find some venous ones. the fourth of these gives me another Vial of Common Antidote, which I stack with the one I already have in my inventory. 'Nice. I should find something beside saprolings to murder, and see what I get.'

A frightening howl goes up from the other side of a nearby hill, and I can't help but think that that's not what I had in mind...
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Do you have the sense danger and sense bloodlust skills? Now would be the perfect time to get them. Immediately at the start of the next update or something like that.
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Hmm. Sense danger would probably require a higher Wis - that's basically limited precgnition or clairvoyance, after all. Sense bloodlust could make sense, though.
Real people can sense danger too, but on average we're really bad at it.
Well I say 'sense danger', I really mean a combination of various conscious and subconscious senses combined with pattern recognition and instincts.

I'm not sure if the Gamer's Sense Danger is actually precognitive either.
That is to say, knowing somebody's about to hit you is different from knowing they're planning to hit you and precognition wouldn't care which (only when).

Anyways animals even have this kind of sixth sense at times. Combat veterans from wars have acquire this kind of sixth sense. Its just that the gamer power makes it a trainable skill like everything else so it doesn't degrade over time and can only improve until it hits its limit.
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Huh, didnt even know it was a word.
Kiting is a practice from games like WOW, where you gain aggro on a mob, then run so it can't reach you long enough for you to attack, then run some more before doing some more smashing.

There are some people who have soloed bosses aimed at full 40 man raids, just by keeping the range up.
So can you reverse engineer a relatively broad skill by having a basic idea for how it works and just trying to do it?

Blame MGS5 for the example but,

If you copied meele attacking from a MGS game would you get CQC?

Edit: Also CQC means Close Quarters Combat, so could you consolidate a bunch of meele skills in a heading like 'melee Combat'
And if so what would be the conditions to do so?

I feel like this post seems nonsensical... But can't think of a better way to say things
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