Ben 10 Producer Quest.

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wait, why would kevin be fighting kraab? or rojo anyway?
are we assuming that the events of the original series already happened.
Foe him fighting Rojo there is an easy explanation at least, Kevin always had "underground" connections and Rojo is a thief at the least and a gang leader at best. She could try to recruit him; he could seek her out as a source of musle It writes itself at least to me
wait, why would kevin be fighting kraab? or rojo anyway?
are we assuming that the events of the original series already happened.
Og Kevin was a runaway with some basic underground connections but was 100% out for himself at this point in his life Kevin would think nothing of fucking over other criminals as long as he got what he wanted. Kraab is a bount hunter he could easily go after Kevin for being the same species as his target or his target could even be his dad. A bounty is a bounty as long as he gets paid.
the juxtaposition between semi-normal teen theif Kevin and terrifying space cop Kraab works wonders
wait, why would kevin be fighting kraab? or rojo anyway?
are we assuming that the events of the original series already happened.
We could explore the idea of how does or has crime changed with the presence of Aliens. Moreover, we can explore the fact that although Kevin's left that criminal lifestyle, crime has a way of intruding back.

If we work with Kraab then we can explore how does interstellar justice work? Sure, the plumbers do work, but they can't be everywhere all the time. Moreover, does truly every species have the same viewpoint on Justice and Crime? Maybe, a distant criminal connection has decided Kevin's been too smug, and they blame him for a problem [he didn't commit]. Whatever the problem is, is not severe enough for prison with the Plumbers, but the Original Contractor [OC clever isn't it] decides they want petty satisfaction.

Alternatively, for Rojo we can have it that her and her gang are something of niche black market. Regular human criminal elements either can't or don't want to interact/ transport Alien goods or tech. However, Rojo with her very early alien tech and contracts can transport things. Rojo made contact with criminal Alien elements, and she's neither scared of them, nor easy to kill( cause of the suit+ other tech she's gathered) nor particularly speciesist. Kevin hears or sees something that convinces him to investigate. Unfortunately, Ben is busy in Bellwood, and Gwen is starting her first week so he has to do it solo. No Biggie, Kevin was mostly solo in the OG series, and in the Null Void. This lead him into conflict with Rojo.
[X] Rojo, the tough leader of a biker gang could definitely work as the first main antagonist. And you probably weren't going to use her in any other projects. It's Rojo, for God's sake...
[X] Rojo, the tough leader of a biker gang could definitely work as the first main antagonist. And you probably weren't going to use her in any other projects. It's Rojo, for God's sake...
I am so sorry! I thought I ended the vote, but I must have forgotten. Real life stuff, and recently getting COVID has really distracted me.

So, uh... voting's ended, and here's the result.

Adhoc vote count started by Yite on May 28, 2022 at 11:19 AM, finished with 13 posts and 8 votes.

  • [x] Rojo, the tough leader of a biker gang could definitely work as the first main antagonist. And you probably weren't going to use her in any other projects. It's Rojo, for God's sake...
    [X] Fuck it. Why not have Kraab as the main antagonist. Hunting Kevin for a perceived crime of his, when it all turns out to be a huge misunderstanding.
03- Kevin Levin Plot Vote.
[X] Rojo, the tough leader of a biker gang could definitely work as the first main antagonist. And you probably weren't going to use her in any other projects. It's Rojo, for God's sake...

You had officially decided that Rojo was going to be the main antagonist of the Kevin Levin movie, which you thought was a good idea for the initial main antagonist.

You had to do a few things first...

Like, first off... you needed to figure out whether or not this is set in the universe of the cartoons, or its own thing.

What do you want to do?

[] It's set in the canon of the cartoons, meaning it's beholden to canon.
[] It's set in its own universe, meaning you could add, or more importantly... not add certain things.

After that, you had to figure out what exactly Kevin's powerset is for the movie. You could go with either Energy or Matter Absorption. Either would work.

Or, Kevin could have both powers from the start... though, you feel it'd be more cinematic to have one saved for later, for a larger threat.

What is Kevin Levin's power?

[] Energy Absorption, give him what he had in the Original Series.
[] Matter Absorption, allow Kevin to absorb the physical traits of matter like he does in Alien Force and Ultimate Alien.
[] Go with both. After all, why wouldn't you want to make Kevin more powerful?

You also had to figure out what sort of... augments Rojo has, for Kevin to fight against. Luckily, you had a few ideas.

What Alien Augments does Rojo have? (You can choose as many as you want)

[] Retractable Claws.
[] Shoulder-mounted Laser Blasters.
[] Wrist Blasters.
[] Laser Eyes.
[] Telescopic Vision.
[] Write-in:

And now, you had to figure out the plot of the movie. You had a couple of ideas for it, thankfully.

What is the plot of the Kevin Levin Movie?

[] Kevin managed to steal some alien tech that Rojo was going to sell off in a black market, to use as an upgrade for his car. So, now... he's being chased by a pissed off cyborg pseudo-alien biker.
[] Kevin's car gets stolen by Rojo, to sell in the black market. So, it's up to Kevin to get it back... no matter what.
[] Write-in:

Alright, uh please use a plan vote format.

Sorry that there weren't a lot of options, I wanted to get this out quickly to balance out the whole... me being late to finishing the vote, thing.

Sorry about that, again.
[X] Plan : PLAN

[X] It's set in its own universe, meaning you could add, or more importantly... not add certain things.

[X] Energy Absorption, give him what he had in the Original Series.

[X] Retractable Claws.
[X] Shoulder-mounted Laser Blasters.
[X] Telescopic Vision.
[X] Write-in: A sighting system included in the telescopic eyes that allows him to move and fire his shoulder blaster via his gaze.

[X] Kevin's car gets stolen by Rojo, to sell in the black market. So, it's up to Kevin to get it back... no matter what.
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[] It's set in the canon of the cartoons, meaning it's beholden to canon.
[] It's set in its own universe, meaning you could add, or more importantly... not add certain things.
So I believe this is going to be super important going forward. What would be better.
What is the plot of the Kevin Levin Movie?
I have an alternative idea:

[] Kevin has just dropped Gwen off at College, and Kevin is driving around late at night to see the neighborhood of the town he's moved to. While going past, he notices Rojo entering a bar. Flip-flopping between Concerned and Apathy, Kevin decides to go.

Unknown to Kevin, Rojo is just looking for late night munchies; she's thinking wings. Unfortunately, she's just not getting any good service; the other people mock her, her tech, no wing sauce, and the wings are lukewarm( the waitress is cute though). She floats the idea to the other patrons that the times are changing, and they should really get new weapons and maybe learn how the Internet functions( the Neanderthals). Just before Rojo decides to be a sociopath, and shoot up the bar for their insolence Kevin interrupts. They fight, often quite comedic, but surprisingly, it ends in a stalemate.

Unfortunately, this convinces some other local gangs that Rojo is right. They do need an upgrade, and would Rojo be willing to sell. Now, it's a race between Kevin and Rojo over an arms deal. Kevin trying to stop an arms deal, and Rojo is trying to deliver.

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[x] It's set in its own universe, meaning you could add, or more importantly... not add certain things.
[x] Matter Absorption, allow Kevin to absorb the physical traits of matter like he does in Alien Force and Ultimate Alien.
[x] Retractable Claws.

[x] Laser Eyes.
[x] Telescopic Vision.
[x] Kevin managed to steal some alien tech that Rojo was going to sell off in a black market, to use as an upgrade for his car. So, now... he's being chased by a pissed off cyborg pseudo-alien biker.

I thought for a while and this sounds best to me. I mostly flipflopped on the matter of canon- making it not beholden to the cartoon gives us the most freedom but making it canon compliant means that the cartoon made a lot of groundwork for us. Personally i would have made it canonical to the cartoon until a certain point after which it branches of.
I thought maybe we can make Rojo not just a alien cyborg but also a slight technopath like Cooper only instead of externally influencing like him she controls tech inside her and in direct contact with her( That we can use as a explanation how she survived becoming a cyborg in the first place)
Okay, but isn't Kevin going to have a character arc in this, or isn't it more of a stand-alone? Because it would be cool if, after what happened to him with the omnitrix (which, how did he become normal again in the main series' canon that first time?), he became reluctant to use his powers to their full extent? (Or a all?) That would also make Rojo a more credible threat.
Okay, but isn't Kevin going to have a character arc in this, or isn't it more of a stand-alone?
With some thought, I don't believe Kevin quite needs a character arc. This movie serves multiple purposes, but a way to emotional or mentally transform Kevin is not one of them. The movie acts as a good time for viewers, a domino to set up a cinematic universe, proof our character is the right woman for the job, and an experiment with side characters.
Because it would be cool if, after what happened to him with the omnitrix (which, how did he become normal again in the main series' canon that first time?), he became reluctant to use his powers to their full extent? (Or a all?) That would also make Rojo a more credible threat.
For the first point, I agree that Kevin's change back to normal is something of a mystery, but I feel we should save this for a latter date. Moreover, as we choose to keep his power with a narrower focus than
[] Go with both. After all, why wouldn't you want to make Kevin more powerful?
both any kind of reluctance feels misplaced. If Kevin only has access to matter absorption than why would he ever feel bad about using it? As for Rojo, we don't need to make her a physical powerhouse, nor give her extra power( in the abstract) to make her a credible threat. We can make her a problem through other means.

We can have it so, despite Kevin's past connections to the criminal underworld, Rojo has and is developing stronger ties. Kevin's been out of the game and on the social outs with criminal elements. All that do-goodening with Ben and Gwen, but more importantly The Plumbers, mean criminal elements are hesitant to associate with Kevin. In a contest, between whether criminals and outlaws want to associate with Kevin vs his old partner Argit, the criminals trust Kevin more; however, Kevin doesn't interact as much as he used. Unlike Argit who is steeped in the criminal culture, but who keeps burning contacts for being a metaphorical two-faced rat. Sure, Kevin has some support with giving people like the Forever Knights and Highbred an ass-kicking, but there's always that question of: Is today the day Kevin Levin wears a wire and ruins my personal racket for the forces of legality? Kevin could surely win over these criminal elements with his charisma from Rojo, but is the cost actually worth the effort?

Or, Rojo can have an easier time escalating violence, but Kevin requires he has materials on hand. Sure, he can always fallback on the ever reliable stone, steel and concrete, but Rojo's basic alien weaponry wears down human building material fairly easy. Worst come to worst, Rojo spends the extra cash, favor or influence to get something heavier or more exotic to use. Whereas Kevin can't quite do that. Back in Alien Force, I believe Gwen tried to set up Kevin with material marbles in a bag, but the problem with that is there, wasn't enough material to cover his whole body. There's also the issue that some materials are much more expensive/rare to find. Or Kevin's truly mellowed out, so he doesn't go for violence as easily as he once did. He wants to be a better person, and better people do not flip a switch to be homicidal.
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