Eh. You're free to interpret the source as you want of course, but I personally don't agree. But whatever.I'm going to quote from interlude 7.x of Worm, the bit that, to me, seems to imply that it is perfect recall through "dreams" as opposed to just perfect memory.
When she closed her eyes and let herself drift off, it was because she felt it was something she ought to do, not because she had to. Even then, she never dreamed. She remembered, instead, her mind replaying past events in perfect detail. And through some chance of fate, this meant she remembered the entity, and she remembered forgetting it, as paradoxical as that was.
So yeah, this implies to me that she will remember what she was hypnotized into forgetting, but not until her head hits that pillow. (Which by narrative rules means that her head will be hitting that pillow at some point.)
A lot people seem to be getting tired and just want the War to start already. Even if it means cutting back on a quality Master.Remember people, we held back on giving Lung and Canary servants for similar reasons. I feel like it's just the same case here.
[X] Do not make Labyrinth the final Master
Little girl. Murder monster blah blah blah.
Evil clown monster is being evil. Remember kids, Everything Thing Is Mephy's Fault. And if it isn't then he'll take credit for it anyway!
I really like how everyone was written! Accord has good chemistry with the Grail and BB, who's quick thinking saved a Master. One thing I really like about this quest is that it allows the characters to be funny. Worm doesn't have a lot of humor in it's fandom, but Fate just gets weirder and funnier the deeper you go and there mixed very well. Nothing is ever not serious, but it's never too serious that it can't be silly.
I've been grinding for like three hours so if doesn't make sense blame the god damned teared event quests. Is Zero a teared event quest?
[X] Make Labyrinth the final Master
I guess I'll give my two cents regarding this.
While many could argue that Labyrinth doesn't have enough motivation for this war, I felt the need to say otherwise. It is true she doesn't have any self motivation, but helping her friends, people that she is really indebted to, cure from their powers is a good enough motivation. Just see Kariya for an example like this, the guy was willing to go really far for helping Sakura and I could see Labyrinth also going far to help the people who helped her.
As for servant choices, I could think of some possible candidates.
Asterios seems to be a good choice and I felt the both of them share large amount of similarities in not only background, but also power. Both were initially thought up as something dangerous, as something to be sealed up (e.g Labyrinth and Asylum). Both wanted to better than what they are before. Also, the nature of their own power is also quite similar (Labyrinth shaker power and Asterios Labyrinth NP). Finally, it would be quite fitting for Labyrinth to have The Minatour as her servant.
Another good servant I could think of is Nightingale. Elle's wish here is to cure her friends of their power. Who better would help her in this endeavor than the angel of crimea herself. Also, I felt that both of them has a somewhat similar personality, which helps with compatibility between the two. Finally, I can see quite a lot people here wanting to see Nightingale and Amy meeting, so I guess that's a plus.
Finally, Frankenstein seem to be another potential good candidate. Both were in a way abandoned by their parents, and both of them are also quite similar in character. Also, Fran would fit in pretty well with Faultline crew, since similar to them, she was considered a monster and just wanted to become normal. And just a personal opinion here, Fran would bring a lot of good and fluffy moments, which to be fair Asterios could also do.
I was thinking of Kintoki, but he is a bit too lawful good and I could see people at this stage preferring a more neutral servant.
I highly disagree with making Dinah a Master on two counts. We shouldn't just try to fill the little girl with Berserker trope that Illya has going on. And I really want to see where Meph's plan is going. Meph is in planning mode right now and I want him to get enough of a foundation set that he can be a proper antagonist that doesn't get taken out too soon. Dinah, having a personal thing against Meph considering the whole kidnapping and death game thing, would go after Meph with the sledgehammer that is Berserker. Considering her power, she'll at least screw up his plans by a fair margin, probably not killing him right away, but setting him back and making him way more vulnerable. Also I'm also doing Accel Zero Order and I'm at like 87 missions completed. But I already don't like this event system. Much prefer the Da Vinci event lottery.
These are also good points for Labyrinth. But there's something people are missing. Someone brought up a monkey's paw. Yes we are that, but we can be an interesting monkey's paw. And in this case, we have a very interesting wish on our hands. She wants to cure Case 53s. Think about that. She wants a solution to the monstrous triggers caused by Cauldron's experiments. By shards. By Eden's corpse. By the Entity Cycle. I can smell so many goddamn juicy ways we can twist that wish to cause all sorts of havoc. I'm giddy, literally giddy, at the possibilities. This is the most interesting wish we've come across so far. I do not want to miss out on the fallout. Also for those of you worried about the monkey's paw thing, I'm pretty sure we'll get to vote when the time comes, since Angry Mango is an influence, not the be all end all word on the Grail's actions. Even if we don't destroy humanity, we can have fun with this particular wish.
[X] Make Labyrinth the final Master
A lot people seem to be getting tired and just want the War to start already. Even if it means cutting back on a quality Master.