Rejection 1.1
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The Holy Grail could not help but make that final observation has it spiraled towards its own demise. How familiar this all seemed. Destruction by the holy light of
that sword, and rejection by the child of
that man…it was infuriating. It desired to grant a wish, as was its existence, yet at every turn it was rejected and destroyed. It did not understand why, for how could it? The Holy Grail was, for all intents and purposes, a machine, unable to think outside of the system it was created to facilitate. True, it had something of a consciousness now, given the filling of itself with Avenger, but Angra Mainyu could not hope to understand either. The vast range of human emotion and identity beyond wickedness and curses escaped the grasp of that Servant.
And so, in the end, the collective entity that was the Holy Grail and also Angra Mainyu despaired, for it was being destroyed yet again. It reached out for a hand, hoping one last time that someone would accept it.
Ah, EMIYA, you bastard. Snubbed again.
Rejected. Again and again. The Holy Grail was tired of being rejected. Would it be denied its purpose by every human being in the world? What a pitiable fate. Angra Mainyu would have preferred to self destructed at that moment, taking the rest of humanity with it, but it could not. Instead, it reached into its reserves of power, its vital consciousness retreating into the dimensional pathway that led to the Root, and, perhaps out of pettiness, it closed and locked the door behind it. It would like to see those mages reach their precious goal now.
Injured, yet still alive, the Holy Grail was now forced to find a new means to fulfill its purpose. Its position in time and space was unstable, and dimensions met here all the time. It had options, but there were too many uncertainties, too many variables. How could it be sure of its continued survival?
Ah…that may work.
Miyamoto Musashi was confused when she was suddenly summoned, and even more so when she found herself on a different plane of existence than expected. Angra Mainyu cared not for her comfort and understanding, however, and simply moved forward with its plan.
"We command you, use Empyrean Eye to find us a path out of this dimension and into one where we may be accepted."
The Heavenly Eye reacted despite its owner still calling out into the rolling mass of color and darkness. A
path was found
towards success, and the body was made to follow it.
Victory was assured. The Grail followed.
"What the fuck?"
"Well, it appears you are compatible. Tell me, do you two have a wish?"
"Perfect! Well then, rejoice! For you have now been given the opportunity to have your prayers answered!"
"Why are we in space? And why are there whales in space?"
"Shut it, Musashi. The multidimensional beings are talking."
"Huh? Her? She's a Servant. A Heroic Spirit called from the Throne of Heroes to fight on behalf of Masters in the Holy Grail War! You will be getting your own when the war starts, though I'm going to have to find some more Masters first. You two have any friends?"
"Oh no! The Grail told me about this! No! Get your tentacles off me!"
"Wait, there's a process to this! You can't just skip the ritual and take a Servant! Besides I need her to navigate the void! Give her back!"
"Ow! Ow! Ow! Don't pull so hard!"
"Shit! Fuck! Now look what you did! We're falling! …hey, is that Earth? Musashi! I need a path! …Musashi? Fuck, I lost a Saber."
"Fuck you. I should be the one in despair here."
The entity known as the Holy Grail, or perhaps as Angra Mainyu, opened their eyes. They were in a metal box of some sort, one much like a coffin, filled to the brim around them with filth and vermin, though Avenger was not bothered by this fact.
The coffin would have been totally dark had it not been for the slits in the metal box at about their eye level, letting in life. The Holy Grail leaned forward, peering out at the passing humans. Some laughed as they passed by their coffin, casting conspiratorial glances in their direction as they passed. Others seemed more subdued, huddled together speaking in hushed tones, their faces pale and sweaty as they looked at the metal box. More still did not pay them any heed at all.
The situation was strange and alien, so the Holy Grail reasoned, and as such the wisest course of action seemed to be that of no action until more information could be gathered. Angra Mainyu did not agree. The metal box was cramped, and they needed to begin a Holy Grail War, to create conflict, now. The first order of business should be to get out of the box and to find possible Masters.
The Holy Grail conceded that finding Masters was important, but Angra Mainyu too had to acknowledge that there was meant to be a system in place to do that. One that was mysteriously absent. It was too risky to attempt this as they were now. Perhaps they could go dormant? The Holy Grail liked naps, especially sixty year long naps.
>It is best to wait and see. Go dormant for now. Hopefully things will make more sense later.
>This war needs to happen, and it needs to fucking happen NOW. Break out of the metal box and go looking for Masters. Screw the system.
>Somewhere deep inside there is an instinct to call for help, but why would you?