Being Taylor Hebert is a (Second Attempt at a) Quest

Conflict engine requires put on a fight!

[X] Fight
You barely see Thinker Taylors, or Thinker protagonists in general in Worm fics.
Thinkers can be a challenge to write well, but I wish we had more of them so much! Easily my favorite power type.

also yessssss my power grows
[X] Well. It was flowers with a card, but when that opened to have a swastika inside, Dad burned it out in the front drive. Best to be absolutely clear about what you think about those sorts of things. There were some matches left over.

[X] Thinker - You feel so hopeless to stop the bullying. You don't know why it started, you don't know why it calmed down just before the break. Every day is a roll of the dice and it's terrifying.
[X] Thinker - You feel so hopeless to stop the bullying. You don't know why it started, you don't know why it calmed down just before the break. Every day is a roll of the dice and it's terrifying.

[X] Well. It was flowers with a card, but when that opened to have a swastika inside, Dad burned it out in the front drive. Best to be absolutely clear about what you think about those sorts of things. There were some matches left over.

Conflict engine requires put on a fight!
I don't believe we technically have one of those yet? It's unclear, to be fair. Maybe it's all some insanely jank extended trigger event and our conflict drive is already running, but my understanding is that QA is taking advantage of some kind of... phenomenon, and the quest is about triggering. Repeatedly.

That said get her ass Taylor! Your out-of-shape twig ass can definitely take a trained athlete who also works as a "hero" (I assume this is Sophia)

[X] Fight
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don't believe we technically have one of those yet? It's unclear, to be fair. Maybe it's all some insanely jank extended trigger event, but my understanding is that QA is taking advantage of some kind of... phenomenon, and the quest is about triggering. Repeatedly.
I'm conflicted- because the set up of this quest will be revealed with the next update, but the old version did do that reveal so if you really want to know check that out but the premise is basically me trying to make a quest out of a roguelite, and I've tagged this time loop on at least on site, if that helps you work it out without going for the answer
I'm conflicted- because the set up of this quest will be revealed with the next update, but the old version did do that reveal so if you really want to know check that out but the premise is basically me trying to make a quest out of a roguelite, and I've tagged this time loop on at least on site, if that helps you work it out without going for the answer
Oops! I will try not to spoil anything in the discussion that I might get from the old thread until you do your reveal then! That said, you do have the timeloop tag like you said, and subtitled this "Aka, Trigger, the roguelite", so at least that stuff is obvious :p

To your benefit, what was actually happening behind the scenes was still pretty unclear at the point the old quest left off. There was clearly some fancy bullshit going on that I'm sure you'd worked out behind the scenes, but from the reader's perspective we were still feeling around in the dark for answers (unless I extremely missed something, which is very possible).

Also, not directed at you specifically, just for discussion purposes:
Name: Taylor Hebert
Callsign: N/A


I find this character sheet very interesting. The use of "roguelite" in the subtitle to the thread rather than roguelike fleshes some of them out too.

(For those who don't know, the main difference between roguelikes and roguelites is that roguelites have meta-progression, as in your actions during a run can in different ways (depending on the roguelite) affect your options and capabilities in following runs. In a pure roguelike all progress is lost when you die, but in roguelites there's special types of progress that stick around)

A big part of why I reached for a Thinker power is because of that "RESIDUAL" attribute (and just because I love Thinkers! ✌️)!

I suspect we may keep some kind of remnants of previous powers -- whether that's just the singular previous? What part(s)? Weakened? I do not know. But if we're going to have any kind of "secondary power", I'd like it to be a Thinker one. If we keep that remnant even before we trigger, than a Thinker power could even open up some major options (that aren't blow up the house... or our identity, or something...) at the start of the run that could heavily influence our trigger event.

The INFLUENCE section... is ∞ another shard (or non-shard influence? are those going to be a thing?)? is it a marker that Queen Administrator's influence will stay with us forever while we may have others that come and go? There are so many little hooks to yank on and investigate here and I am living for it!
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Fight 6, Flight 3 on Spacebattles.

Fight 9, Flight 1 over here.

Looks like Fight has quite the lead at the moment :p I'm glad we all yearn for violence.

People are making a couple arguments that there's not much we can do at the moment and fighting is going to accomplish nothing, but that's not the point of all this. The point is to shape our Trigger event. I'm excited to see what shape this Thinker power takes and how we influenced it with our choices...
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Loop 1.3
[x] Fight

You kick and flail, scream and fight, claw at her eyes and draw blood beneath your nails. It doesn't help.

oh god oh god oh god someone help me i'm in here it's rotting i am rotting help me help me help me they are crawling on me help help help me

what is that the twisting it's not right it's coming for me coming closer
too close too close it's slowing down will it save me please save me it hurts and i'm trapped and there are terrible things biting
where did you go you have to help me please i'll give you anything please help please save me







Synesthesiac expression of detect hosts: EXTRUDE

Overheard in PRT base 712, 2017 c.e.
"How did you manage to eat all those peppers, Hebert?! You won the entire pot!"

"Oh, got a brain injury in high school. Things just taste of metal for weeks at a time, no idea what sets it off. No idea why. I swear, when we were working on that Empire infiltration counterforce? Couldn't even smell anything. Useful for when we're on the New Marquise border, though…"

PRT base 712 was destroyed 35 hours later, by a Teeth slave raid. There were no survivors.







[ ] Y



[ ] imprint

[ ] aware

[ ] wiggle
[X] Y

A forced vote! Love seeing these.

[X] aware

This one feels right for a Thinker, after all.
Synesthesiac expression of detect hosts: EXTRUDE
Overheard in PRT base 712, 2017 c.e.
"How did you manage to eat all those peppers, Hebert?! You won the entire pot!"

"Oh, got a brain injury in high school. Things just taste of metal for weeks at a time, no idea what sets it off. No idea why. I swear, when we were working on that Empire infiltration counterforce? Couldn't even smell anything. Useful for when we're on the New Marquise border, though…"

PRT base 712 was destroyed 35 hours later, by a Teeth slave raid. There were no survivors.
Interesting! Feels like a "more canon than canon" Thinker power -- the vast majority of Thinkers being the Think Tank kind who "smell purple" and it's up to people to figure out what the hell that means. This Taylor's power never got detected so she just treats it as a symptom of a brain injury. Wonder how often that happens for lower-tier Thinkers.


[ ] imprint

[ ] aware

[ ] wiggle
I strongly doubt we're going to have a good idea of what this means until at least sometime during the next loop, more likely a couple of loops in, but I'm definitely interested in theorycrafting. Someone in the SB thread thinks
PsiRaz said:
Guessing imprint is 'Taylor has vague impressions of prior timelines' and aware is 'Taylor has full memories of prior timelines', but not sure what wiggle would be...
and maybe they're onto something! Although spoilers make me suspect something a little different...

So, in the old thread our options were

[ ] required secondary no used

[ ] aware v1.01

[ ] nosnapplease.ini
and we chose "aware v1.01".

The result of this was


A slender hand slams down on the battered old alarm clock. The head it's attached to groans and moans. You can't quite remember your dream, but you do remember the emotions. Dread and disgust and pain. You feel your back where the spike of pain woke you up, but there's nothing. Just a nightmare. It must have been. Just your mind playing tricks in your dread for the first day back.
and the thread didn't get that much further than that.

"aware" is probably the same, meaning it will (if things are implemented the same) result in a vague awareness of what happened previously, that in the previous thread's case was dismissed as an anxious dream.

In the old thread we also chose "Fight", and Taylor got pissed off, but then calmed herself down, then Sophia pushed her a little too far and she went apeshit, so "nosnapplease.ini" feels like something that would have stopped that "going apeshit" part from happening and extended the scene/given us further options.

"required secondary no used" doesn't mean jack shit to me, I'll admit.

And, of course, the main problem with this theorizing is that we have no way of knowing how it applies to the rebooted quest, if at all. Perhaps "aware" is the only option that carried over, or perhaps even that is changed.
(NOTE: these are relatively minor spoilers IMO since the old thread only went one chapter past where we're at now)

My suspicions for "wiggle" and "imprint" are mostly as follows:
  • "imprint" could be one of several things
    • an "echo" of what previously happened (ex. if we choose "Fight" again, things might go differently because we "have a feeling" we should avoid taking the same actions as this time)
      • this feels like it should be covered by "aware" though? but the spoilers from the old thread (one of the other options) make things a bit more muddled... assuming that Dalek hasn't overhauled the system too much (which is not a safe assumption).
    • an "imprint" of the results of this trigger, somehow
    • an "imprint" from Sophia's shard(?????) that could influence our future triggers?
    • or something completely different from any of these, I'm just guessing here :p
  • "wiggle" I suspect has something to do with giving us more options? The three "gift" options stand out to me, since these are things that we (at the start of our loop) should have literally no influence on. Yet somehow, we get to choose them, bending reality to change the initial circumstances of the loop. Maybe "wiggle" enhances that capability somehow... or perhaps it gives us access to new power types? That could be a reasonable interpretation of QA "wiggling", if she usually grants Thinker/Tinker/Master powers... which feels accurate.

"wiggle" is easily the most intriguing of these to me right now. I'm happy to save information-gathering on the other options for future loops since it has the most interesting implications, I think.

[X] Y
[X] wiggle
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