Becoming a Freeloder in a New World

Power Manipulation provides you with 5 different slots.
Up to 5 slots can be charged using one Parahuman without adversely affecting them. This may be accomplished in multiple steps. A sixth slot can be charged by the same method, however, this leads to the Target losing his powers.
I don't like this so much, but it might be intentional. As it is, to cause someone to lose their powers he'd need to do so over a minimum of two separate events separated by a decent amount of time (first Charge up to five slots, use at least one of them, wait for Dormant slot to transition into Hollow, and then Charge up enough to have six slots filled by that parahuman). I can also see this being discovered in the story unintentionally and causing all sorts of trouble. Imagine he copies an ally because why not there's no harm right? And they're easily accessible and might have a good power. But then he does it a sixth time and... bam! that ally loses their power permanently.
I don't like this so much, but it might be intentional. As it is, to cause someone to lose their powers he'd need to do so over a minimum of two separate events separated by a decent amount of time (first Charge up to five slots, use at least one of them, wait for Dormant slot to transition into Hollow, and then Charge up enough to have six slots filled by that parahuman).

True, the nullification isn't very easy to use. You need either long time access to the target, or need to face them multiple times for it to work. But yeah, that is intentional. I don't want him going around willy-nilly "Tag! You're out!"-ing other capes. Besides, think of how much better it still is compared to what the PRT has available to it right now.

I can also see this being discovered in the story unintentionally and causing all sorts of trouble. Imagine he copies an ally because why not there's no harm right? And they're easily accessible and might have a good power. But then he does it a sixth time and... bam! that ally loses their power permanently.

Hmm.. Let's make it so that the sixth charge requires much more effort to pull out. So you try it out on a friend, but stop because how different it feels. Then test it out on an enemy and feel glad for the bullet you dodged.
Hmm.. Let's make it so that the sixth charge requires much more effort to pull out. So you try it out on a friend, but stop because how different it feels. Then test it out on an enemy and feel glad for the bullet you dodged.
Aww, I have to admit I was hoping for him to really get screwed here. The scene just had so much potential for an awesome 'Oh shit!' moment. Similar to when he lost his other timelines in the last chapter, but multiplied by a thousand. Even worse, when he gets that sixth Charge and the donor loses their power, he doesn't get a copy of their power. Sure, he can craft a power but it wouldn't be the same and would likely cost a lot of charges to make a similarly powerful power.