Starting to put together a character sheet on page 1. Here is some intresting/good information for those who don't know much about Shadowrun:
Chummer: Friend/Pal
Drek: Shit
Geek: Kill
Null: no/negative
Hoi: hi
Ice: IC(Intrusion countermeasure)
Meat: real world body
Nutrisoy: cheap foodstuff
Razorgirl/guy: combat augmented person
SIN: System Identification Number
Sprawl: Plex: Metroplex
Swag: awesome
Trideo: 3-d video
Wiz: wonderful, excellent
Wageslave: Low-level corparate employee
Grid: A wireless network connection to the Matrix
GOD: Grid Overwatch Division.
Metahuman: Blanket term for all Human Variants
Elves:Thin, tall, and graceful.
Dwarves: Short and squat.
Orcs: Tusked and brutal
Trolls: Large and powerful
Megacorp: Enormous international companies that pretty much rule the world, ranked A, AA, AAA. AA and AAA companies are extranational, meaning they have their own laws and legal system.
SIN: System Identification Number. Social security number on steriods, this includes DNA, Fingerprint, Iris scans, and anything else that can be used to identify and track you. Constantly broadcasts and is used throughout the civilized world as ID.
The Matrix: The digital realm, Internet with immersion. It's very much like the Matrix from the movies except customizable.
AR: Augmented Reality, overlays parts of the matrix on your vision
VR: Complete immersion in the Matrix
Shadowrunners: Deniable Black ops assets recruited of the streets.
The Big Ten: The ten AAA Megacorps in the world, between them they control almost everything. In order of size/Power:
1: Saeder-Krupp heavy industries: Owned by a Great Dragon, which tells you everything you need to know.
2: NeoNET: Matrix and GOD, splintered and random at times.
3: Mitsuhama computer technologies: Computers and Robotics, close ties to the Yakuza and shoot on sight orders towards intruders.
4: Aztechnology: Consumer goods, also owns/Rules Central America.
5: Renraku Computer Systems: Data repository and Grids
6: EVO corporation: Transhuman technology and non-human goods.
7: Ares Macrotechnology: Focuses mainly on weapons technology, military equipment, and law enforcment. But, like all Megacorps, has it's fingers in everything.
8: Shiawase corporation: Oldest Megacorp, run family style and does eveything
9: Wuxing Incorporated: Finance and shipping, this china based corp often flies below the radar.
10: Horizon Group: Media and entertainment, often called the "friendliest megacorp".