Azure Striker Chronicles: Dragon Slayer (Azure Striker Gunvolt 3 rewrite: Copen Route)

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What if Azure Striker 3 didn't have a decade long time-skip? What if there was no Moebius and thus ZedΩ sees Gunvolt as the true threat? Having to deal with the potential end of the world and two shady factions that want to prevent it. Copen has to decide once and for all, the path he will take when he inevitably faces an old foe.
Chapter 1 - Sandy Wilderness
Somewhere in the Middle East.
{Sandy Wilderness}

Sand and flesh joining hands.
A demon of red crosses through.
To slaughter his prey hiding under.

Dust and wasteland. It was all that was left after the Adept Slayer had found and smashed his way through yet another hidden base where remaining followers of Eden were lurking. Deprived of any hope after the death of their false goddess, the foul beasts fled and hid all around the globe, hiding in mountains, forests and deserts, any dark place where they could lick their wounds and await the day when they can spread their fangs out once more. Perhaps one of them would rise and proclaim words of vengeance, that their dream of paradise mustn't die! Frightened and desperate, all of them do nothing more but pray for a messiah.

But the only one that answers is him. Like a devil in red, Copen tracks the clues they leave behind, stalks the snakes back to their nests and destroys all chances of them ever gaining a quasi-army once more. All for the sake of humanity is what he tells himself. All for the sake of finding answers he believes, but deep down inside he already knows the truth.

'This isn't leading anywhere.'
Copen thinks to himself as he takes a step over the broken parts of a stolen Sumeragi Tank.

Looking back at his surroundings littered with destroyed mechanisms and many, many dead soldiers for as far as the eye can see. The young man's red armour basks in the sunlight while his bullit-fuelled boots-jets send him flying with blue flames through the desert like a noble hawk, only diving down once or twice to bounce against another surface to keep up the momentum. Despite the acrobatics and fast movements, the man's high-tech gear did not seem to slow him down in any way, yet the hunter's face holds a grimace, as if his current speed is sub-par or perhaps, he's simply in a great hurry.

"Oh, cheer up, boss!" A peppy voice speaks up, belonging to a green-haired girl with wings like a phoenix. Who's holding up two fingers against her cheek to motion a smile. "I know you're beating yourself over up about how you could have done better…I mean you always do- "

"Lola." Copen warns with a curt tone, a classic frown on his face as he keeps moving. "Don't."

"But believe me when I say- " She doesn't listen, pretending that the music blaring from her built-in mics is being too loud, it being her go to excuse that hasn't failed yet. "Even you can't predict what some nutty wanna be messiah could be thinking and that's a good thing!"

Copen bites in a retort and lets out a small sigh instead. Then takes a moment to concentrate on the sensation of the music empowering him, trying hard not to recall what happened.

"Why... Why...," the fallen adept said with fear and disbelief, the very sight of their own blood a grim evidence that they are not as godly as they boasted. "I was... supposed to be... the new messiah...," Copen aims his gun. "How can this be... possible... I was supposed to revive...hope."

Copen halted before his fallen foe with his weapon still aimed, ready to bring it down for one last shot, only sparing a moment to indulge his opponent's last words, for adepts love to blab.

"No…hope still lives in the…future." And blab the Adept did, though he has several bullet holes in his chest and is missing his arms and legs as he bleeds out, the monster still has it in him to give the Adept Slayer a defying smirk. "You hunt our…kind, slayer. Yet even you must have realized already…" the smirk turned into a full-toothed smile. "

That our numbers are growing! And may i-agh…take ten or one… hundr-nghh… years, a day will come where we will be the ones hunting you." The insect stopped to gasp for breath, their message delivered.
Though the Slayer may still live, they can hope that someone someday will stop them, whether that's his own successor or the trials of time. One day, all adepts will rule this planet.

Copen paused for a moment, as if considering those words. Then he darkly chuckled.

"Why…are…you laughing?" The adept spat out, confused, and enraged.

"I've just remembered something...out of all my foes, none were as naive as you are," The hunter said in a calm voice. "Did you think I don't know that?" He had no reason to share any info even to a dying animal, other than indulging his dark emotions and paying the monster back for the collection of wounds that they managed to give him. Actually, that's reason enough. Never mind. "It doesn't matter how many there are, or how strong they'll be."

"As long as adepts live, so will I." he confesses, "Until their existence becomes a past myth."

Does that include your sister or a certain azure striker? hypocrisy asks back. He forced away the intruding thought as his glare towards the adept beneath him remained filled with conviction.

"You monster!" the adept snarled in horror. "You'll never leave this place alive, Slayer," the battered body of the fallen prey said with pure conviction. "I'll take you with me. It would be fitting for me to take you along for one last ride... but this is one way, demon."

Those mysteriously unfamiliar blue eyes shut themselves in a satisfied way and Copen had no choice but to hurry and leave when Lola detected a sudden surge of septimal energy building within the adept. An obvious sign that they planned to take down everything in one blast.

He leapt over the chasm that was created when the adept transformed into some weird angel-robot hybrid that the adept's followers liked to call their…well Copen didn't actually know what they called it and nor did he really care. What mattered then was to get out immediately.

Copen could not remember how he managed to escape the core of Hidden Underground Pyramid, but he could remember a sudden call to his private comm from an anonymous source, urging him and telling him which way to go. Naturally sceptical, it was only at Lola's urging that he withheld his doubt and surprisingly was going the right direction. But once Copen reached the exit, the final blasts caught and tossed the Adept Slayer into the sky.

"It's only thanks to your Anthem that I'm still alive, Lola." Copen admits, the memories having flashed back to him anyway. "I should have twin shred him the moment he was down..." he made a mistake, one even a child could have seen through and even if he didn't mind falling in combat if it meant the death of one more adept. Lola should not have to go down with him.

"Stop talking like that!" Lola gives him a small slap on the back of the head, letting out a huff off exasperation. "When you act like that, it's no wonder everyone thinks you're gloomy."

'Define everyone' Copen does not say, instead staying quiet. Fully aware that when Lola talks like that, adding anything in would only fuel her even more and make the chat last longer.

"And by everyone." Lola continues, as if she read his mind. "I mean I, me, and myself. And believe me, they know what they're talking about. After all who's the beautiful girl that's still following you around during your world-wide crusade? That's me, so, instead of speaking in a begrudging manner, why don't you instead say 'Thank for the save, Lola. You're so reliable'."

Copen remains silent. Wondering how she can make things sound so positive.

"You always become silent when you can't deny something." The winged girl replies with smugness, now laying on her back in the air as if what she said was pure genius.

"Even so, had I acted better." Copen tries to reason. "We wouldn't have- "

"But you didn't. Get over it." Lola interrupts, then pauses for a second. "Ah, not to be harsh of course but come on, sure you messed up. But you're still alive now and can only get better!" she orbits around him for a bit to really help set the vibe, before stopping next to him to poke his cheek. "So, turn that frown upside down, be glad the job is done and praise me for the clutch save!" and ends it all with a smile of her own, as if the sight could infect one on him.

Eyeing his comrade with a raised eyebrow, Copen lets out a small sigh, some tension leaving his body. "Fine, I'll stop thinking about it." That pleases Lola immensely, but he's not done, for he uses his left-hand to move his cheeks up in the impression of a smile. "Thanks for saving me, Lola." He says with no sarcasm or obvious humour in his voice, "And for cheering me up."

"Well…" Lola holds in a giggle, rubbing her chin instead as she thinks of something. "If you're that grateful, then let's visit some nearby town! I want to hear the music of this place before we have to go again. Oh, and see the sights too, it'll be like a real vacation!" her eyes sparkle at the thought as she trails off about similar topics, Copen half-heartedly listens to all of it.

"I'll think about it." He declares once she stops rambling for a second, then holds in the urge to roll his eyes when his muse lets out a shocked gasp off overblown proportions soon after.

"Boss!" Lola says with her arms held against herself, as if she is facing a fiend. "How could you say something so devilish and deceptive?!" Copen just gives her a flat look, which prompts her to accusingly point one finger at him. "Don't look at me like that! I may just be a humble BCD (Bit Control Device) but even I can tell that when people say, 'I'll think about it' they truly mean various cruel things that aren't even remotely close to the answer 'yes'!"

"State five then." Copen challenges her, more out of a sense of humouring her and to pass the time than any true interest in what he knows is just her being her usual chatty self.

"One: When someone is in a new relationship, having one of the guys or girls say, 'I'll think about it.' Translates to 'Not a chance in hell do I want to go another date with you, now stop texting me and go pound SAND'. After which the recipient of the message will be 'ghosted.'"
Lola explains in an overly robotic tone, which is just really her speaking like a wise ass.

"I doubt it." Copen contests back. "Perhaps the person needs time to consider their options."
Though he's not much of a social person, he believes that right now, Lola is just exaggerating.

"Yeah, but when it is YOU. The answer may as well be no! Sure, you'll think about it. And then after a minute or two decide that it's too dangerous to hang around or that we're too busy hunting adepts, honestly boss." Lola lets out a sigh and her voice becomes a bit heavier.
"…. A full year has passed already. And not once, not once did you- "

"I get it." Copen speaks up, already seeing where she's going with this. "And you're right." That statement alone is enough to silence her, due to shock and joy? Something like that. "We're in no condition to do another mission any-time soon. And it's been a long due to indulge you."

"Aw, thank you boss!" The muse throws herself against Copen, latching onto his shoulders and hugging his back. Unbothered by the g-force of his uninterrupted air-manoeuvres. "Let's visit their seas and their temples and oh, I definitely want to see what an elephant looks like!"

Copen just nods his head as he stays focused, truth is he was planning to stay here for a while the moment that anonymous caller revealed their presence. Whoever the person was or why they helped wasn't much of an interest to him. What did matter is that they knew he and Lola were there and what they were capable off and that shouldn't be possible or be let be.

Sure, he didn't wear a helmet or mask his voice. But the Slayer always made sure that any footage featuring him was deleted or even better, have Lola disable all cameras in the vicinity after successfully hacking their way through the area's network. The same rules applied to his enemies because nobody can spread tales of his appearance or skills if they are not there to tell it. And there's a good reason for all that caution. If his foes know his appearance then he can be tracked down or hunted, if they know his skills, then he can be countered. Copen can't have that; Copen won't allow it. So, the mystery caller must be found and taken care off.

"We've arrived." Lola announces, making him realize that he's stopped flying already.

Before the two of them, lies a giant, white, stone structure of a temple. Engraved on the side of a sand-stone cliff. The true name of this archaeological monument is Muslati, but that doesn't make it special or unique, in fact there are several of these all around the dessert and each of them contain small chambers where animal bones were once found. Painting these structures as sacrificial chambers that came from an older era. Out of respect for whatever historical significance they had, these places were completely untouched by modern scifi-structures and technology which meant that the hunter duo can safely rest here with no chances of a hidden camera or a patrol finding them for a comfortable duration of time.

But Copen's real goal is the small spacecraft stationed next to the entrance, barely hidden by it's camo function. Without it one would see a small ship very similar to the standard ones belonging to Sumeragi with it's grey hull, four wheels on the floor and four wings like any flying craft has. The unsaid part is how the wings are sharp enough and the hull durable enough to survive the bizarre idea of slashing apart other crafts with straight-forward melee attacks. The boosters underneath it give it full capabilities to suddenly dash in any direction and it's camo functions are advanced enough to automatically adapt to its surroundings and much more.

In simpler words, the sabretooth is the ultimate spacecraft for infiltration and extraction. The only downsides it has is that there's only enough space in it for one pilot, two people at the most if one were to hide in the back case, but that isn't much of a problem to Copen and Lola.
Seeing how the latter is a tiny ball and all. It's annoying nickname is 'Cosmo Copen'.

Having already found their way inside it, Lola takes command of the ship comm's and navigational system to locate the nearest town while Copen heads to the nurse corner of the ship. Taking out a med-kit to properly handle his injuries out of storage closet on the way.

Taking a seat, he turns to a full body-mirror to properly look at himself.
And what he sees is a young man with white hair and red eyes, who's face and head is covered by dust and grime. Some scratches and bruises adorning it as well. He'll need some water and icepacks to take care of that, but for now he focuses his sight on the rest of his body.

His body is covered by the same armour he wore back during the Eden Days. A white armour with red and blue highlights that's got the occasional red cross on the chest, gloves and boots.
The boots have a battery-pack attached to the backs of them to fuel their jet-propulsion and on his back and shoulders lie attachments that allow and stabilize his ability to fly.

Barely a few centi-meters from his sides lie two floating shields with a similar red-white pattern, two large crosses on their centres. Called the 'Duo Leon' the shields obvious function is to automatically defend and lessen any attack that Copen's skills or prevasion failed to avoid. But it's true merit lies in its ability to serve as storage for any backup ex-weapons that Lola has no space to hold and how they can attach to the Border II to greatly increase its firepower.

Though that's at the cost of any defence they could have granted. Regardless, Copen look at his improved equipment with a frown, not because he's disappointed in what he's created.

But because of their condition, the armour has cracks everywhere as if it's a single good hit from breaking away. His boots batteries have been damaged to the point he can only do one bullit-dash at a time (Even though Anthem should have given him infinite dashes). And his shields may as well be flying pieces of scrap metal right now for all the use they would be.

As he removes his armour, he's not sure if the rest of his body is any better. He can move his arms and legs just fine and doesn't feel any pain, but the latter is only because of Anthem's power still fuelling him with enhanced stamina. So, for all he knows he might as well have a few broken ribs or bones. Just to make sure, he calls over Lola to go give him a full body-scan.

She gladly does so, and whatever discomfort one might feel from being scanned like a super-market product. Copen did not have, there's no more sense of shame concerning Lola. Though he stills calls a limit the moment she changes her form into that of a nursing mode he's certain he did not create himself. How she managed to make a magical nurse outfit is beyond him.

Regardless, this and that happened. And after a few hours and a conclusion that his injuries are nothing major, Copen is back at the pilot seat and ready to ride the Sabertooth off into the sunset. Lola by his side, now as a red pod as her humanoid form cannot be kept on forever and eventually has to recharge for a long time.

"Hey, boss." Lola speaks up the moment the Sabertooth rises in the air. "So, I went ahead and tried to track the source of our mystery caller…."

"Okay. So did you find where it leads?" Copen says while focused on overseeing the flying.

"Yeah, I did. But the location doesn't make any sense or at least I don't think it does."

"What is the location?" Copen naturally asks back.

"Uh, right above us."


"The signal says that our mystery person is several hundred feet in the air above us." Lola repeats and then motions to the blue sky that has nothing in it, except for the sun.

Copen squints as he looks where Lola is pointing. Indeed, it doesn't make any sense whatsoever but the more he thinks and the more gears grind in his head, something brews within him.

"Lola, what time is it?" Copen asks.

"Mhm? Oh, I think it is 3 am." Lola dutifully answers.

"That's not the sun then." Copen quickly concludes and immediately commands the Sabertooth to rise closer towards it and has the ship charge all its weaponry.

"What do you mean?" Lola senses there's something wrong but wants in on the know.

"The sun doesn't rise until 3 more hours. So that up there must be the product of a Septima." Copen eyes narrow at the sight of the giant heat-ball of death looming in the sky, yet to be thrown their way as if it's some display of power. "And whoever made it is a show off."

Lola's eyes, if she had any in her pod form. Would be widening in surprise right now.
"Oh, but, how? Ah. Wait, are we going to fight someone like that?"

The pod was not afraid per se, she had no doubts her boss could beat any adept. No matter how powerful they are, but their tired condition combined with their inability to use Anthem now really promised that any fight that comes would be an extremely tough one.

"Yes." Copen replies as if it's the most natural thing in the world. "Even if a retreat would be a safer option right now, our opponent has been waiting for us already, so it isn't an option."

"Besides…" he trails off, his gaze fully focused on the shining night sky.

"I've never run from an adept, and I never will."
Chapter 2 - Sky Arena
Hundreds of feet up in the air.
{Sky Arena}

Looking down is a bird bearing the Sun's name.
Its arrogant radiance blinds all mortal men.
Will the avenger's (revenger) aim remain steady?

"Will this really be all right?" Lola asks with a hint of nervousness.

She has good reason to feel that way, seeing how both she and Copen are now only a few dozen feet away from the giant fireball in the sky while using the Sabretooth itself as a platform. The light of the ball is bright as ever, yet the close proximity does no harm.

"We will be okay." Copen says confidently while holding his gun raised and ready for any sudden dramatic appearances. "This isn't even close to the level of an Azure Striker."

"Oh my, that's quite the insult. Should I take offense?" a charismatic male voice replies.



A feather falls in front of the ball of fire, which is quickly followed by a rainbow trail out of which comes a sparkle of light showing….a young possibly late teenager male with tanned skin, green eyes and long red hair wrapped up in the back with some strands loose with green ends.
Donning a mostly black coat decorated with golden adornments, a white suit underneath with a turquoise jewel near his neck and feathered earrings. The young man also dons a pair of loose black pants, tied up with red wrappings working as a belt, along with a pair of boots with a golden section around the ankles. In short, the unknown adept looks absolutely regal.

"I'll have you know…" the young man makes a click noise with his left hand. Which causes the sun behind him to scatter into an array of golden feathers fluttering around him, returning the night sky back to its normal state with stars aplenty painting themselves in the horizon.

"My septima is nothing to sneeze at." He concludes as he flicks his long hair back, his whole face glowing amongst the glittering light like he's the protagonist of some girly manga.

"…. Are you trying to impress me?" Copen replies deadpan, then hunches over as he keeps his gun aimed at the opponent, putting on a defensive posture instead of striking right away as he could tell that this opponent would be trouble even if he was in his best condition and outright a serious threat in his current one. "Or did you wait for an opportunity for an easier fight?" he wouldn't be surprised if that was the case. And mentally scolds himself for letting it happen.

Lola on the other hand starts to panic, bouncing up and down around Copen as if she was a cartoon character desperately trying to fly without wings. "Wait, boss! That guy's septima is trouble! I can detect traces of radiation on him, he's not our average flame septima user!"

"To answer those questions." The young man pipes in, "They'd be yes, no, and indeed my Septima 'Golden Trillion' is one that gives me the power of a thousand suns."

"The power of nuclear fusion." Copen narrows his gaze even more now. "Which means we should already be dead, what are you scheming at here?"

"Huh, what do you mean boss?" Lola puts a hand over her mouth in shock of that statement. At least she mimics the gesture if she could. Which she can't. So just imagine it.

"Evaporating everyone in the vicinity with immense heat or simply emitting dangerous radiation to kill someone in a painful way is what I assume the Slayer means." The adept replies with their usual confident tone but makes a visible motion to let out a sigh of displeasure as they rub their forehead. "Still…that wouldn't do at all for me!"

A fan of the dramatics, the adept raises one hand in the sky as a wing of fire appears behind.
"My power is a golden light that one must avert their eyes from, a sun that illuminates us all! Using such cheap tricks would be counter to everything I represent and besides, I don't mean any of you harm. Me coming here personally is an omen of my honesty!"

Before Copen can scoff at his words or Lola make an exaggerated motion, the adept slowly floats down and lands on top of the spacecraft that's being used as the impromptu boss area.
In response of which Copen grips his gun harder but still doesn't attack yet while Lola moves behind him, both ready for any suspicious movements or sudden attacks. Which doesn't come.

"But where are my manners? It's been a long due time for introductions." The young man gives a formal bow, before looking at the two with a kind smile as he moves back up.

"My name is ZedΩ , leader of ATEMS. It is my pleasure to meet the both of you."

"What terrible timing!" Lola shouts as she mimics his mannerism to a T. "The moment we take down one Messiah wanna be, another one immediately pops up! It's like they're on sale!" a loud silence follows her statement as ZedΩ looks at her with surprise and Copen shrugs it off.

As a reference, this ZedΩ happened to be the FIFTH adept to meet these qualifications.
Thus, Copen and Lola have learned by experience that the world is filled with crazy people.

"What do you want from us?" Copen asks with a hard edge in his voice, the only reason he's staying civil to an extent being because he's buying time to find a plan and fishing for info. Pure hatred was still coursing through his veins, it's what gave him resolve where others gave up, but it also meant that whatever ZedΩ wanted, he would sooner die than try granting.

"Nothing terrible, at least nothing you'd actually have to do for me. I know your type." Zed says while waving one hand in appeasement, "In fact, I've come to give you a warning- "

"Threats won't do anything to me." Copen immediately hisses with vitriol.

"Now, now, please don't just interrupt people." Zed allows himself to raise an eyebrow, as if he had predicted this level of hostility yet wasn't fully braced for it still. "I'm not going to tell you to stop what you're doing. But at least hear me out, will you?"

Copen and Lola give each other a glance, that mere look seeming to convey a lot of words that they don't need to say out loud. Before Copen nods and Lola says, "Go on…"

Letting out a small clap, Zed goes for a dramatic pause and then finally says.

"Tell me Slayer, have you heard the prophecy of the primal dragon?"

"The Christopher Walken Movie?" Lola asks.

"No, just…allow me to narrate it then." And so ZedΩ does.

Prophecy of the Primal Dragon:

Once East and West retreat into darkness,
A primal dragon is then born in its wake.
Moonlight descends on all blessed with life.
The beginning of the end.

Only the song of the butterfly
Can forestall the primal's rise.
If North and South do not unite.
And the Center does not shed its feathers.
Time, space, hell, heaven, all shall die.

"These words have been foretold by many of our sooth-sayers." ZedΩ continues after having finished his storytelling. "A phenomenon I'm sure you can describe as unusual for like people that dream, to share the exact same details amongst many is rare if not impossible."

"But it is exactly because it's rare that we must take this seriously!" he does yet another extravagant gesture as he speaks with not a layer of doubt. "Slayer, you clearly represent the White Tiger of the West and I am the Vermillion Bird of the South. Our part in the prophecy now clear, it is ATEM's duty to save you from darkness! From the primal dragons!"

ZedΩ tends his hand towards the two.
"So join me and bring light to the future!"​

Perhaps in a perfect world, Copen would have already found who he is and accepted the offer.
That world would have had a wonderful friendship and a very powerful alliance. For Copen's mind and genius combined with ZedΩ's charisma and resources would make them…

But this is not a perfect world.​

Thus, the gesture is not returned by Copen. The red pod stays still in the air, only shaking for a moment as the words make her think for a while, then with confidence she tries to shrug it off. "Y-yep, he's a loony all-right. What now boss?" as she glances at Copen for the next step.

The Adept Slayer's aim and gaze have remained steady the whole time his prey was chatting on, reading their body-movement for any sign of weakness, doubt or even lies. He finds none.
"…." Which is why he doesn't rebuke the adept as mad and moves on, he's seen too many things for him to simply dismiss things like that. So instead, he mentally deciphers it all.

"Boss?" Lola repeats, seeing how Copen is staring a painting into Zed and staying silent.

If he's the west and Zed the south, then the remaining three representatives should be the Azure Dragon, who can't be anyone else but Gunvolt. And the other two are the Black Tortoise and the Yellow Dragon who represent North and Center but who they are is a mystery.

He could ask the adept if he knows, but to do so would be to announce that he believes the man's words and that in itself is a disadvantage. Yet is that really true? Is the cost of it knowing that its words have affected him and thus have swayed his actions to a more predicable scope worth the information of knowing who the other two key-players are?

"Have you approached the others the same way you did me?" he decides on yes and phrases the question in a way that he'll at least gain one more answer than the adept does from him.

"No, I have not. I couldn't find the Turtle since they've last contacted me and the Yellow Dragon's identity is a mystery to me as well." ZedΩ answers, pauses, then puts a hand before his mouth as he makes an 'ah' expression. "Not that I wouldn't have gone for you first had I other options! It's just that you're the easiest and frankly the only one I could for now."

'He thinks I'm easy to approach?' Copen's expression does not change at the admission.
"Why not approach the Azure Striker then?" he asks and though he can already predict that it would be because he's located in a barrier-protected Japan, more info could still be revealed.

ZedΩ pauses for once, rubs his eyes in discomfort, brushes his hair to gather his words and finally looks straight at Copen, his gaze heavy and weary. "Because he'll destroy the world."

"What?! You mean that guy who keeps prattling about coexistence and peace? That Gunvolt?!" Lola is completely surprised by such an announcement, sure she didn't know the Azure Striker that well, having only met him like two or three times but he gave off the impression of someone who really only fought to protect the ones he loves. "Boss, I knew this guy was crazy, but this is just another level! He's clearly trying to trick us into killing him!"

"Lola, you're getting agitated. Take three long breaths." Copen tells her to calm down.

"But I don't have lungs!" she shoots back, still the opposite of calm.

"Try breathing anyway." Copen replies and when she looks like she's about to speak again, he simply silences her with a stern look. Before looking back at ZedΩ "Is what she said true?"

"…no." ZedΩ says as he starts tangling with his hair. "Preferably we'd like to find a way to prevent him from turning into a primal dragon and spreading chaos around the world."

"Before you continue." Copen stops him with a flat palm in the air. "Tell me what you think is going to happen in the near future." Not that he couldn't figure it out himself.

"Gunvolt being the world's strongest adept, will most likely undergo a transformation that cause his powers to go berserk alongside those of other adepts. He will be so powerful that unless we all work together to take him down, he will destroy the world and all we hold dear."
ZedΩ says the words with an intensity that cannot be faked, truly fearing that kind of future.

"Your path will lead you to abject misery. And you will take with you all you hold dear."
Copen winces at the intruding thought but as usual quickly gets over it. Had he a sense of humour then he would have snickered at how much déjà vu he's feeling at the moment.

Regardless, he's heard enough and has to decide. The majority of him revulses at the mere thought of allying with someone he should kill on sight. The minority ponders about what resources ZedΩ has and concludes that he could just accept the offer and simply leave the moment the mildest shady thing is revealed to him. It is the world that we're talking about.

Yet a tiny voice amongst the sea of thoughts cries out 'why him? Why Gunvolt?'

Burying said voice so that it will never see the surface again, Copen has made his decision.

"Lola, deactivate the weapons off the Sabertooth." Copen lowers his weapon.

"Boss? Does that mean you believe him?" she asks, still suspicious herself but obeying his order, having faith that whatever decision he makes he'll known what he is doing.

"I do." Copen confirms, then slowly backs away, never leaving the adept out of his sight as he makes his way back into the Sabertooth after Lola goes in. Or at least he intended to do that.

"Wait, where are you going?" for ZedΩ stops him or tried to by grabbing onto his arm, something that is prevented by Copen raising his gun again. Which makes him reconsider his options, though he still doesn't want them to just leave. "You haven't told me yes or no, yet!"

"You ask a lot of things, adept." Copen turns to face him, face-to-face. His own showing pure hatred while the other shows pure resolve. "I believe you, which why I haven't shot you yet."

ZedΩ blinks at that, and then begins rubbing his chin, buying time as he looks it all over. Finding whatever it is he's looking for, he straightens up, smirking confidently again.
"I'm glad you see reason then, to be honest. My servants have heavily discouraged me to attempt to speak with you, stating you to be a 'wild beast' or 'determined genocider' yet what I see before me is a man I can relate to, one not bound by the possibilities of the world and one that's willing to do what's necessary even if it against their own beliefs. An admirable quality."

ZedΩ tends his hand again.​

[Copen and ZedΩ! A prince and a foooool!]

Is a sitcom that won't ever happen.​

Copen just looks at the hand, realizes the adept completely misunderstood him and promptly corrects him by slapping his hand away. "I'm not joining your little friend club." He hisses, "I believe the information you've given me and so, will go make sure if it's accurate by myself. I won't be helping you and the next time we meet may be your last. But if you don't get in my way…then I'll try not to be in yours, now get out of my sight." Copen turns to leave already angered by the level of restraint he's showing, but foolishly attacking here won't help.

A shame ZedΩ doesn't get the hint, or maybe he did get it and warps to block his path simply because he wants to be shot. "In that case, I can't let you leave. Do reconsider it a bit."

"There is nothing to consider. I am a hunter, and you are an abomination. That is all."

Copen can tell by the way the adept's smile is faltering is that he's reaching the end of their patience. The man visibly takes in a deep breath, considers his options, and then widens his eyes as if he gained an amazing idea. "So, you hate me because I'm an adept?"

'Are you messing with me' Copen stares holes into the man, as if he just asked if 1+1 equals 2 which in hindsight he totally did. "…. yes." that doesn't make it any less surprising.

"Ah, and so if we were at the same place at the same time, you would try to shoot me then?"


"Okay!" for some reason, ZedΩ seems pleased now, as if he solved the whole problem.
"In that case, you're free to shoot me any-time you want. That would make it okay, right?"
He can deal with such a thing, he's already got a knight that joined him for a similar reason and since hatred is not that far from love, he's confident he can with time, obtain the Tiger's loyal-

Copen picks up his gun, changes the bullet-type to plasma ones and shoots ZedΩ with a draw-speed worthy of a western spaghetti movie. The latter surprised that an adept-hating gunslinger would actually shoot him, an adept. (Who knew?) Has only enough time to jump back, making it so that instead of the chest, he's hit straight in the knee and falls on his back.

"Youch, agh!" surprisingly the body-part hasn't outright been ripped off, some red shield adorning ZedΩ's body lowered most of the damage, leaving instead a black mark as proof it has burned his flesh but not destroyed more. "Wow, okay. You shot me, you actually shot me."

"Indeed, I did." Copen agrees and then points his gun at him again. "Why are you surprised?"
If the adept though of himself as some special case, then he should know where the line is.

"Well…" ZedΩ trails off, waiting for his foot to heal as he stands up by simply flying. Noting the irony that he the vermillion bird got burned of all things. "I meant that you could shoot me any-time you want during our alliance and were I fall to that, then that's what I was worth."

"Why would you think that would sway me in anyway?" Copen lets out genuine confusion.

"Because it…. worked before?" in hindsight, it mostly worked because ZedΩ is an absolute charismatic snack, and the target was a female assassin who was about to kill herself if he didn't make the offer to in a way recognize her talents and give her something to live for.
Copen on the other hand is not female or desperate for acknowledgement in any way.
"…Never mind, consider it an honest mistake. Still, White Tiger, at least consider it."

"I will, I have." Copen visibly turns his back to ZedΩ while keeping him in eyesight. "Still no, so leave." He's got no reason to trust the adept and he doesn't look the secretive glances he gave towards Lola during the whole time she was there, making it clear he's still got some secrets.

Considering the conversation over, Copen calls out to Lola as he moves to join her in the ship. "Lola, set our destination to Japan!" but before he can even say the last part.

He quickly dashes to the left the moment he sees something flicker in the edge of his eye, which is the right call, for otherwise he would have been impaled by a flurry of flame arrows.
"Lola!" he shouts with urgency as he aims his gun at ZedΩ who's face holds a sorrowful glare.

"I'm sorry it has come to this, I truly am." ZedΩ says with genuine displeasure, Lola uses the opportunity of him talking to move to Copen's side. "But if you refuse to cooperate with me, then I'm afraid you're a liability. Which is why you've left me no choice."

Copen grits his teeth in anger, "So you've finally shown your true colours then." So, the adept will try to eliminate him then? Good, that only means he gets to take him down sooner!

"I ZedΩ wielder of Golden Trillion, have no choice but to take you by force!" he announces his intent to kidnap Copen and dramatically rises in the air, "You may not agree now, but I'm sure that given time and support I can save you from the darkness that'll be your fall!"

"The only thing you'll take here are injuries." Copen squints his in annoyance and Lola rotates her p-bits around him, flash shield and prevasion ready for any attack. The two of them completely in synch as they already know what to do in battle, now to hope they can win.

'Use greed-snatcher bullets to get rid of his semi-prevasion. Use Hail-Storm Blades to close the distance if he prefers ranged attacks or Hydro-Zapper if he does the opposite…in a way this isn't that much different from fighting Gunvolt, though instead of azure, this time it's gold.
Still I have to be careful, having only one bullit dash means I can't rely on my own prevasion and any dash I mess up will make me a sitting duck. The circumstances couldn't be worse!

Copen's thoughts are racing wildly while looking up to ZedΩ, the latter still has their confident aura around them as if they expect the coming fight to be an easy one, all advantages theirs.

'So what? Even if the odds of victory are close to zero, that won't stop me from fighting!'

Resteeling his resolve, Copen takes in a deep breath and makes the first shot!

"Time to take down the lightshow!"

"Illuminate the world, Golden Trillion!"
Chapter 3- Copen vs Zed
Copen versus ZedΩ



Their declarations to fight announced, both man and adept start the duel with a barrage of projectiles thrown against each other. Every arrow made of fire is met with a bullet made of plasma, yet the warming up phase does no real damage to anyone as both opponents are too occupied measuring each other's strengths and weaknesses.

"Hydro-Zapper!" Copen and Lola were the ones to make the first shot, sending out long beams of water from orbs that follow the former's acrobatic movements and gunslingery which he can only afford due to the latter handling the ex-weapon.
Their rapid fire-offensive something only two partners in synch can achieve.

"Come on now, show me more! Look alive!" ZedΩ taunts from the heavens during their attack, his flight casual and relaxed yet still of impressive speed as he bobs and weaves pasts the high-pressure water lasers that try to pin onto where he was a second ago. "You're the one who decided to fight, so at least give a challenge!"
He taunts while summoning flaming firebirds that swoop down on them in an arc.

"…" Copen doesn't say anything in response, instead fully focusing on not getting overwhelmed with frantic dashes left and right to avoid arcing birds, shooting plasma fire to dissipate more flurry of arrows that prove too numerous to dodge and after seeing an opening amongst the projectiles, he dashes into the maelstrom of fire!

"Hail-storm Blade!" Lola turns blue as blades made from ice appear right behind her partner, serving as weapon and shield to deflect and cut down birds of flames like they're mere insects and his weapon the swatter. His boots let out a ferocious roar of blue light as he closes the distance between him and the adept with a bullit dash. Forcing the latter to brace himself for the blades that go through him as he flashes red, parts into various red after-images and backs off with a smile, saved by his evasion.

"Hah! Too slow!" ZedΩ quips while summoning a rapid-fire bow. "No normal attack could ever pierce through my Vibratio! (Evasion in other words)"

"It's what makes me as untouchable as the sun!" hence short of hitting a weakness, nothing will harm him.

"Tsk, so ice isn't his weakness and Hydro Zapper is too slow for him to be caught by…"
Copen frowns as he quickly recharges his boots, does a dodge roll to barely evade the flurry of arrows that could have turned him into a pincushion and shoots back plasma shots while brainstorming about a way to actually damage his opponent. "If so…no."

For a moment the idea of using Greed Snatcher bullets came to mind, but it's quickly rejected due to their slow fire-rate and the consequences of his foe learning about it.

For if he does, then ZedΩ would most likely stop playing around and fully focus on exterminating him, if not work on making a countermeasure against it later like Gunvolt did with his armor. Copen still doesn't know how that blond-haired fool managed to get something that could block the worst effects of it, but he doesn't want a second time. Besides Copen swore to never rely too hard on them.

And he's not even in a real fight to the death! At least not his from foe's part.

But from his own? Definitely.

Regardless ZedΩ must have a weakness and he just has to find it, but what is it?

"What's wrong?" ZedΩ notices his ruminating and promptly calls out to him, "Are you considering a surrender? If so, I'd gladly stop, nor will I look down on you for it." Despite those words, the adept doesn't stop any of his attacks, half-aware that Copen is the stubborn type that won't stop until their own body outright forces them to.

"You know, I'm aware your opinion about us Adepts is strictly negative." ZedΩ continues, knowingly spouting the understatement of the year. "But surely a man of your intellect knows that even if I had the heart to LET you win, I would simply leave and send an army. Of droid-controlled robots mind you, I'm not going to lose good men to your claws, ahem. But anyway, even if you win, I could just shoot down your spacecraft and wait for the desert to drain away all your strength, you know?" he points at the ground to emphasize the number of arrows that have attached themselves to the top of the flying vessel. All of them grown into golden flowers digging their roots into the roof, but somehow not close enough to truly harming it short of needing to put on a new face-paint once the fight is over, for now that is.

"It'd be quite an easy thing to do, but I didn't. Can't you see I'm trying here?" he concludes with a smile. "So, just give up already. All this fighting won't achieve an- "

"Do you want a medal for being the adept of the year?" Lola spits out, the main pod providing cover fire and wielding the ex-weapons for Copen. "If you want to stop fighting, then how about YOU give up? Because me and the boss never will!"

"Lola, start protocol S4 in 15 seconds. We need to break that evasion." Copen ignores the adept's claims and focuses, normally one's evasion should have a limit, or at least the Azure Striker did. But even so, he has no choice but to change strategies lest he will lose the fight through endurance and possibly find himself waking up inside a cell.

"Over here!" Proving his point, ZedΩ quickly rainbow-warps to a feather he left elsewhere when his evasion does run out, taunts fired all the while. "Too slow! Come on, catch me!" making it clear that despite his 'genuine displeasure' he still finds fun in this. Perhaps this is what he wanted all along and everything else was just courtesy.

It's no wonder to say that Copen doesn't feel the same. He's sweating heavily due to the heat surrounding the projectiles and he's spent most of his stamina already. It takes an intense feat in willpower for him to move about as nimbly as he does and an even greater aim to be able to shoot a moving target while dashing about himself.

"Is that all you have?" ZedΩ fake-asks with a smile of pure joy, in contrast to the look of frustration coming from the Slayer's glare who then swiftly jumps into a blue hole.

"No." And suddenly appears from above to smash the back of Zed's head with the underside of their gun, leaving an x shaped mark on it. Or it would have if the latter's evasion didn't proc again, making Copen smash the ground instead in vain.

"Well…" ZedΩ rubs his chin in fake-thought, "I hope you pick up the pace then, cause I'm not impressed." then puts his hands in the air as if to display mass-disappointment.

There's nothing more annoying than a foe who can't be hit due to a one-pony trick.

"Let's change that, Lola, S4 now!" Copen shouts while shooting a barrage of curving lasers towards Zed, ones who again are of no threat to him. Instead, Zed raises an eyebrow while wondering what this special attack could be about, patiently waiting.

He doesn't have to wait for long. As Copen's robot buddy, Lola changes form from a basic red pod into a green coloured one with sharp looking green wings and bits.

"Wide Circuit!" after a dramatic name-call, various parts of said bits align themselves into a vertical manner aimed at him, out of which comes what he can't call anything else but raw lines of emerald data with the intent to impale him most likely or worse.

Sadly, they're a bit too fast to dodge due to his gawking at the curious technology. But all is fine for his evasion protects him as usual, "Hmph, yet another failed at-."

"-Laser!" he doesn't get to finish his sentence as two blue portals appear above and beneath him that shoot out a continuous yellow laser that he must avoid by constantly moving around, for more and more portals open where he once stood. "Ok, th- "

"Flesh Eaters!" This time he's interrupted by grenades thrown his way that shoot out swarms of onyx-coloured insects that try to rend his flesh but can't due to his evasion. Even so they're not discouraged and surround him from all sides, blocking his view.

"Useless!" ZedΩ proclaims with a burst of fire that rends them to ashes. "I have to say White Tiger, I'm a little disappointed. Don't you have anything be- "

"You won't be disappointed." Copen interrupts him as Lola, now purple releases a beam of light that she's been charging while he was distracted. "Take this!"

"Wha- "the words die in ZedΩ's throat, for that matter all sense of touch does. As if he's been entombed inside a stone coffin invisible to everyone else, completely vulnerable, and unable to defend himself for an amount of time he doesn't know.

"So, there is a limit after all." Copen comments with a hint of relief. The plan to distract ZedΩ long enough for Gorgon Gaze's to be fully charged a complete success.

"Even so, it's now or never! Come on Lola!" With a jump in the air and one hand against his face while the other point towards his foe, Lola's p bits rotate around him, spinning faster and faster until enough energy is gathered to release a special attack!

May claws shatter chains
Of those who traipse in my wake
Begone, you impure!


Like claws made to shred all evil, the bits race around the sky at mach-speed. Slashing and smashing everything that comes in it's path like a calamity, ZedΩ's paralyzed body takes severe damage as flesh is bitten into and deep cuts carve their x-shaped mark.

All the stone surrounding him shattered from the impact, the adept is forced to a knee.
"Ah, am I…bleeding?" He's shocked at the pool of blood forming under him. "Oh…"

"Off your high horse yet?" Copen taunts, letting slip how much this battle has truly annoyed him. "If so, then…" he moves closer and presses his gun to ZedΩ's forehead.
"Pray to whatever god you believe in, before I send you straight to the hell myself."

"Hmm." ZedΩ hums in response, still fascinated by the sight of his injury. His shock turned to curiosity and no sign of fear in him even though he can clearly feel the weapon.

"Boss? What is he doing?" Lola glances from Copen's shoulder at the sight, then looks back at the boss, wondering why he hasn't taken the silence as an answer and shot yet.

"Adept." Copen speaks up with a harsh tone, "You're going to die, any last words?"

"Oh? Oh." That gets ZedΩ's attention back. He glances at his two foes and gives them an apologetic smile. "Sorry, would you believe it if I said that this is the first time in a long time that I've been injured? By a human I mean, it's quite an occasion and frankly, your combat prowess is vastly above what the rumours proclaims, bravo." He raises a hand to give a slow clap, zero worries whatsoever about his current situation.

Lola tilts her whole body in confusion, "Uh…I'm sorry what? Do you want to die?"

"Of course not." ZedΩ raises an eyebrow, as if she's the one being bizarre. "I've got plenty of things to live for after all. And not only that, but my demise would also grief many."

"How lucky I am to not be part of them." Copen's finger goes for the trigger.

"Of course not, because you won't kill me." ZedΩ declares.

Copen's hand goes rigid at the statement, then after a second has passed his 'resting bitch face' turns into a heavy glare as he lets out a hiss. "Oh, won't I?"

"More like you can't." ZedΩ clarifies with one fist on an empty palm, like it's a quiz.

"Elaborate." Copen hisses back immediately while Lola looks confused by the mood.

"This whole fight was nothing more than a courtesy really." ZedΩ shrugs as if to say 'boys will be boys' before continuing with his usual smarmy charismatic way of speaking.
"I don't want to kill you because of the reasons I've already said, and you want to kill me for various reasons, or maybe just one who knows, but you won't. Because I know way too many things that would take you lots of time to learn by yourself if I'm dead, not to forgot how my entire organization would hunt you down for the rest of your life. But most importantly, you can't kill me because if you do…well, just please don't?"


"What if I say pretty, please?"

A long moment of silence passes between the two opponents. Only a few minutes had passed during this fight but if one could speed up time through effort, then the sunrise would have already revealed itself by the end of it. For Copen is completely exhausted.

But still, in the end it is his gun that is pointed at the adept's head, so he won.
So, all he has to do is pull the trigger and send a ticket of death through ZedΩ's skull.

It is at exactly this moment that Copen realizes he dislikes ZedΩ with every fiber of his being. Not only because he's an adept, but because the bastard got into his head. He's had plenty of adepts that thought they could dodge a bullet or that he wouldn't finish them off, hell some even tried to bargain for their survival. But this guy? The way's he's sitting upright gives Copen the visual of someone who just enjoyed a picnic.

He doesn't like that confidence, that aura that's saying that no matter what decision he makes, the adept has already a countermeasure in mind. Like an adult trying to appease a child, Copen can tell that the smug snake is trying to make a show out of the possibility that he won't shoot him and thus the option of cooperation would still be open later.

"I understand if you believe the worst in us." ZedΩ starts to speak, most likely to blab a speech about overcoming one's 'prejudices' or 'differences' to accomplish a greater goal, but Copen doesn't bother listening to that. Instead, mentally deciphering the pros and cons of just shooting the guy and then moving about his day.

In the end, he makes his decision. "If you want to live, then do me a favor."

The adept stops talking and perks up, their attention grabbed. "Yes?"

"Leave me alone or this will be your grave." Copen demands.

"I can't. -"


"Okay, that's just rude." The adept shows a pout as evasion saves the day, AGAIN.

"The stalker doesn't get to complain." Copen replies, ready for a round 2.

ZedΩ just warps back to the middle of the field, arms crossed in disappointment. "Haaah, I expected you to be a lot more reasonable, but if it must end like this…"

Tired of the fight, ZedΩ concentrates as a golden aura surrounds him, his septima power rapidly reaching a critical point as all of it is focused in one special attack to end it all.

"Then I'll just end it. You've shown me a grand spirit, but this is where we part!"

Luminous swords point toward heaven
Regret cannot stop their revelation
Accept your righteous ruin


Hundreds upon hundreds of golden swords fill the sky, each one of them bearing designs worthy of master craftsman. To create an object with one's septima requires absolute mastery, and to make so many of them at once? In such a condition?
Only a prodigy could do it! Like rain, their numbers would be too many, too fast to properly dodge and with their heat and size getting hit would guarantee the highest degrees of burns after being hit if not outright death. No spacecraft, tank or even an army would be able to withstand this, for if this attack were to be aimed at a country.

The entire land and its inhabitants would be obliterated, the only trace remaining being the sand that covers this desert. ZedΩ is confident that he has just won.

"Boss this is bad!" and he's not the only to think that, seeing how Lola stiffens in shock. "If we get hit by that, it's game over! And even if we don't. The Cosmo Copen can't- "

"Calm down, Lola." Copen replies, trying to look unaffected but the slight widening of his eyes is proof enough that he feels the same. "There's always a way out, a way to-"

"Surpass the odds, is that what you mean to say?" ZedΩ finishes the sentence for him, a small snort comes out of him which makes him wince when his chest hurts. "I concur, as in I don't agree with that, the fight is over so give up and let us- "

"Never." Copen states firmly. "I will never give up." No matter the situation he finds himself in, he will always find a way out, if only he more than one bullit then he could simply take the hit and use the small window to force the adept to stop his attack.

"Also, what I was about to say was: There's always a way to-smoke bomb!"

Lola immediately obeys, turning into a grey pod that has its bits shoot out a smoky substance that quickly covers the surroundings, making them both no longer visible.

"What? Really? That's it?" ZedΩ replies in flat tone, very disappointed. "You think because I can't see you, that you won't be hit? Please, you'll just run into of my shots anyway and that said, here's your rain of swords!" he points downwards and like rain, all of the blades smash down, intent to simply destroy everything hiding in the smoke.

Only to discover that both Lola, Copen and the Sabertooth are no longer there when it has dissipated. For a short moment, this surprises ZedΩ but he quickly passes it off as them using camouflage. So he commands the swords to destroy the area with random patterns, for even if they're invisible, to dodge so many would be outright impossible.

The sound of metal being ripped apart, and the view of a ship on fire crashing down confirms his theory. The Slayer tried to risk it all on a tactical withdrawal and lost the bet. ZedΩ sighs in relief and halts his attack, simply watching the craft smash down the surface, create a large trail of sand as parts of it break and finally stop outright.

Then he waits still on guard in case there's yet another surprise waiting for him. The mere chance of his opponent dying in the crash an outright impossibility to him. The human and his drone are far too resilient to suffer such an anti-climatic fate and besides if they did, it'd mean he's gone ahead and wasted a lot of time for nothing.

When nothing comes, ZedΩ takes in a deep breath, tends whatever is left of his clothes and swiftly descends to the crash-site to check upon the two. The ship's hull has been cleaved in half due to his handiwork and the wings cut off, with a flick of his finger he banishes the flames surrounding the wreckage and goes ahead with his extraction.

It takes him only a moment to kick down the door and find what he wants, namely the White Tiger attached to his chair with a seatbelt and clearly knocked out if the blood on his forehead and the way he's slumped down isn't outright shouting it out loud.

"Oh, that makes things much easier now. Though I hope he doesn't have a concussion." ZedΩ says as he takes another step towards him.

"Don't touch him!" only to be met with a red pod who's called Lola if he recalls correctly staring him down and putting herself between the two. Like a hound protecting their master he bemusedly observes. "Go on, back off weirdo!"

"Easy now, I mean no harm." ZedΩ says in an appeasing tone as he holds up both of his hands, he also quickly continues before the pod can reply with a sarcastic comment or anything else that would make this conversation longer than it needs be. "Your friend has taken quite a fall and from what I see you do not currently posses the measures needed to treat a possible concussion, broken bones or any other injury he might have taken after our little spar. But I do, in fact, I could quite easily bring us to the highest rated medical bay in all the country and guarantee his survival!" he mentally notes the irony of having to convince someone to take treatment while he's injured himself, but in hindsight it's not funny at all and he just wants this done with.
"So, how about we stop these hostilities and you let me show the first helping hand?"

"I'll show you a helping hand!" ah, great, she's the feisty kind of person.

Fine, in that case. "Understood, have a good day then." ZedΩ turns around and moves to leaves, not saying another word or looking back as he slowly but surely moves out of the ship, takes a few steps in the sands and starts counting the time.




"Wait!" bingo, the pod calls out to him, their voice filled with mixed feelings.
"If you really mean well then….don't you dare reveal it's a trick at the end!"

"You have my word." ZedΩ puts a hand to his chest, a smile on his face. Internally glad that he can finally take a proper rest after all this effort. "Oh, by the way...before we go on any further, what is your name? Your master called you by one but I feel that it would be rude to just do the same without asking for it first." He tends a hand too.

Which is again left unshaken, "Lola." The pod replies with caution and then swirls up and down in impatience. "Anyway, you've won! So, hurry up and go kidnap us!"

"Understood, in that case, let us be off." With a simple swing of his arm, he covers everyone under a crimson feather, which turns them all into rainbows and voila!

They're gone, leaving the destroyed wreck as sole proof that this fight happened.
Chapter 4- Golden Palace
At the Capital of the Middle East, a country ruled by one man.

{Palace of the Golden Dawn.}

Inside the palace, the mighty palace.
The tiger lies, chained only by their body.
Their muse unharmed, yet wary of the future.

Lola was feeling many things at the moment. Relief at seeing her boss alive and well, though covered in bandages at the chest and head while lying on a soft and warm bed. Wariness when she noticed that the room included several other utilities like a bathroom, kitchen, and a lab with just enough equipment that she could use to repair herself and their tools. And outright shock when she saw tiger posters adorning the walls, noticed that none of the doors were actually locked and the lack of blatant cameras anywhere, because all of that combined could only mean that the room custom made for the two of them to stay in. Stay in for a while.

Had ZedΩ not excused himself out of the room a few minutes ago, then she'd have given him the special look that girls give to those who weird them out, because this is beyond creepy.

"Like final boss level creepy, boss…" she admits while working her magic on his boots, mobility being the main thing that needs to be restored when Copen inevitably wants to escape this gilded cage they've been put in. "Like Beauty and the beast kind of creepy."

No scoff or sarcastic remark was fired back at her, which only makes her more on edge. A ridiculous reaction really, she knows that her boss would eventually wake up, he always does!

But to see him in a bed, injured and unmoving added a sense of grim finality to the atmosphere, like a reminder that despite all the gear and experience Copen is still a man of flesh and blood who no matter how tough he is, could die if he ever fell of the stairs wrong.

Of course, he'd never die in such an anticlimactic way or ever if she can help it! But now Lola can only hope for him to eventually wake up, if she's lucky it could be today but if not then she's not sure what to do or expect in the few days to come in the middle of enemy territory.

Territory which happens to look amazing from what she can see through the balcony.

Overwhelmingly glorious even, for it gave the impression of another world. The view revealed a shining white and gold city, an endless metropolis that spanned from horizon to horizon with the grand tower she is in looming higher than any skyscrapers piercing the clouds, sunlight is shimmering off their edges, and countless civilians- adept and human alike- hurry about in the early morning rush, appearing so small and insignificant in the streets below. Luxurious flying cars are flying above roads adorned by slides of water like it's an oil painting and those on foot showed no discomfort as the walkways are made with pristine marble that looks just right with the golden colour of the natural sands. Making it all look like a Middle Eastern paradise.

The insides of the colossal tower were no slouch either, for their halls -where open archways let in gentle rays of the westering sun's light- were lined with artworks of past heroes; paintings, tapestries, photographs, and elegant red carpets covered the floors. And as if things couldn't be possibly even tackier, every door has a logo of a phoenix under a shining sun.

"Show off doesn't even describe it…" Lola can't help but gasp at the sight of it all, she'd be sweating profusely if her body allowed it even. "This, to make something like this…."

One would need to be absurdly rich or more likely: Control the entire country.

"If ATEMS is that powerful of an organization, then how is it even possible for us to not be aware of it!?" Lola spouts the right question to nobody in particular, flying around the room as she feels her own machinery heat up more than usual. "It shouldn't be possible! Everyone in the country should be talking about it! Heck, a single search on the web about 'Adept Kingdoms' should have showed this place on the frontpage! So how! How and why?!"

Nobody answers her question, nor can she find the answer herself for all the servers in the vicinity are sealed air-tight so hacking is not an option nor is leaving the room and leaving her boss alone and undefended one is one she would never consider. She is Copen's guardian, his partner for many years and no matter the situation they're in, she will protect him.

But what is she supposed to do in this room now? She's already tended the most severe injuries with healing mode and the resources in the room. But anything more advanced needs to be handled by a professional, one that the creep promised would come to the room but still has not arrived even though the clock says that five minutes have already passed by now.

"I'll just work on the gear for now, it's what you would have told me to do." She addresses her bed-bound partner while doing what she just mentioned, hoping that he can somehow hear it.

"The boots should be a jiffy to fix, but the shields will have to be scrapped to fix the armour."
Which a real shame, because the way the border transformed from a mere revolver into an powerful tank-destroying rifle that shoots massive lasers had a cool-factor unprecedented.

To her surprise, someone knocks on the door while she is in the middle of things.
If it's the doctor that was promised, then they sure took their time! Furious, she opens it.

And she is met with two very undoctor-looking people. Well, they were women, wait no, they are women. Like in the present, not the past, but ahem. "Can I help you?" Lola blurts out.

The woman on the left has blue hair, white skin, soulless eyes filled with irritation and the get-up of some evil sorceress, staff included. "You can, by moving aside and not wasting our time." She replies with an grim-edged voice as flicks the pod aside with her staff as she enters.

"Wha-hey!" Not expecting that, Lola quickly recovers and pushes away the staff.
"I'm not letting you get any closer, what do you want!?" and blocks the way again.

"I hate saying things twice." The unfriendly woman continues with a soft tone that's cold as ice. "In the first place, why should I waste my breath on the likes of you? Use. Your. head."

Lola doesn't know what's wrong with this girl, but if she wants a fight. "Watch your tone…"

"Or else? Are you going to cry? Try to fight me and lose? Go on, do say it. Or else what?"

"Come now, no need for hostilities. Now isn't the time!" The woman on the right shoves herself into the room and puts an arm around the blue-haired one. Lowering the building tension with a hammy gesture that's similar to the tone of her voice. "My dear Lollipop." She flicks her brown hair with her remaining hand, but wait what did she just call Lola?

"Isn't it obvious that we are here to treat your man?" She ends the statement with a wink and a pose that gives a very clear view on her prince-like appearance and as if that's' not odd enough, one could swear that her only visible orange eye is sparkling with enthusiasm.

Being a creature of science, Lola's confidence in them is not very high. "I-is that so?" if she had eyebrows then she'd be raising them now and if she had arms, they'd be crossed in doubt.

"That is indeed the case, but before all that. Let's tread warmer waters, by which I mea-ogh!" the brown haired one is interrupted by an elbow hitting her stomach, courtesy of the blue haired one, who uses the opportunity to back off and give the other a glare. "Why, how rude" The former simply ignores the latter and rubs her stomach as she continues her sentence after the obligatory acknowledgement of the act. "As I was saying, allow us to introduce ourselves!"

The hammy woman summons a flower out of nowhere, puts one hand above her crotch and the other behind her head as she spreads her legs and keeps her back straight. "I'm Prado! The beautiful knight of dual swords, the strongest and most charming member of ATEMS!" if this was an anime, then an onomatopoeia with purple colouring would appear behind her now.

The other woman doesn't say anything, instead staring at the bed-bound person in the room while ignoring the other two. "And the gloomy woman is Serpentine, the foretold death fog!" so Prado introduces her instead, which makes her let out a scoff, but she doesn't say more.

"We are two members of the upper echelon of ATEMS, calling ourselves the ATEMS knights." Prado helpfully explains or boasts, maybe both as far as Lola knows. "And we are here so Serpentine here can take a look at our newest member while I felt like tagging along."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Lola exclaims in surprise, seeing several things wrong with that.
"One, does she have a medical degree and two, WHAT DO YOU MEAN NEW MEMBER?!"

"You dare doubt me?" Serpentine speaks up as her eyes narrow in hostility. "Fine, then take care of him yourself. Helping an enemy is ridiculous anyway." She moves to leave the room.

But the door gets blocked by a sudden ice-pillar. "Come now! My comrade do not let the little lollipop's words ire your temper." Prado proclaims, obviously the culprit. "And you!" she points at Lola with a rose, a move so sudden the pod slightly backs off. "Sweet little cherry ball, Serpentine is the best possible person when it concerns appraising one's body due to her experience in certain arts so do not worry. And two, what is so confusing about what I said?"

"We never agreed to join in the first place!" Lola protests hotly, her metal body glowering as she rises slightly in the air. "Your boss basically blackmailed us into coming here!"

"And so, you've been recruited." Prado nods, as if Lola shared some topic about an obscure cooking recipe that she agreed with. "It's the way our exalted Sir ZedΩ does things after all."

If Lola had eyebrows, she'd be blinking twice at that. "What are you talking about?"

Prado gladly elaborates by raising one hand in the air as if wielding a blade. "I remember my own recruitment quite fondly! Here I was, scouring the world during my grand quest to gain the title of the strongest adept ever to live. I was but a young lass with a sword true and-"

"Nobody cares about your monologue." Serpentine interrupts. And taps the floor with her staff as an exclamation. "I'm here to do a job, one you won't let me do, so open the damn exit!"

"Bah, what a bore you are, my cold Serpentine." Prado waves her hand apathetically at her, a smile of amusement on her face as she turns to Lola. "But she is not wrong, so let us make a compromise as adults are prompt to do! Why don't you decide on what to do, Lollipop?"

"My name is Lola. And I don't follow?"

"Your reactions are adorable, how I would love to eat you up were you not of metal." Prado spouts for some reason, then puts a finger against her forehead, before pointing at Serpentine and then herself. "But to make it simple, who do you agree with? Me or her? Do let us know!"

If only to make this conversation end, Lola chooses, "….Serpentine." and quickly continues when she sees Prado's about to feign grand sadness. "Look, I can tell you're trying to be friendly here. But until my boss is up and healthy, nothing else matters to me right now."

"An admirable sentiment, Lollipop. The more you speak the more I like you!" Prado doesn't bother pretending to be offended, and gives a glance to Serpentine that Lola doesn't get.

"Tsk." Whatever it means, it got the message across as Serpentine reluctantly steps forward.
"I'm going to give this one more chance, so move aside and let me see the boy." Her tone still as unfriendly and demanding as always, which naturally makes Lola not eager to comply.

And she wouldn't….in any other situation that is. No matter how terrible this lady's personality is, If she has the skills to take care of the boss then she has to give it a go. So, she moves aside.
"If I see the slightest hint of a shady move or a septima, then I'll make you back off."

"Good, you're not as stupid as you look then." Serpentine says the most positive thing she's said during the whole time she's here and then moves towards the bed where Copen lies.

'Boss, please get well soon' Lola thinks as she trails behind the sorceress while Prado simply takes a seat nearby and watches the treatment unfold. 'I don't want to linger here'.

Lola feels nervous

Meanwhile in the most gaudiest interpretation of a meeting room with it's round table made of the finest wood the country could produce, on which is a large symbol of a globe on top which lies a phoenix and very fine-tuned chairs made of the softest materials on it's sides.
Are seated four figures shaded in darkness, observing the live footage of a hidden camera placed inside the very room that Lola is in. Because yes, of course the room holding a determined slayer would have one. Not to forget that all the guards near it's vicinity are on high alert, all of which consist of A tier adepts wielding the best weapons of the modern age.

Such measures are nowhere near Overkill concerning their thought, or at least the occupants of the dark room believe so. And one is always better of safe than sorry and very unsafe, yeah.

Well, the room is not really shaded in darkness, more like blinding light due to the magnificent stained-glass windows –which is adorned with heroic portraits of the current knights—letting the sunlight in. So in a way the room is not dark at all, but it's not as fun when you think that.

Still ZedΩ would look very scheming if he had a cat to pat while looking over this like the mastermind he believes he is. Instead he has to do -not implying that what he has to do with is an inferior model, if anything he like this more, in an appropriate way— with softly patting a red-eyed blond girl who's wearing a black rabbit cosplay on his lap. Except he has to give that up after a while because moving even that much hurts his bandage-covered body too much.

"Everything is going according to plan." He says if only because saying such a line is something he would always want to say when given the opportunity. "Isn't that great everyone?"

"hm." The girl on his lap just gives a short grunt, as she's wilfully mute on all occasions. This being one of the rare occasions a small noise leaves her mouth, if only to please ZedΩ's ego as he's about to dramatically reveal some part of the plan after everyone's inputs.

"Course, Mr Zeddy. It's just like you said!" a girl with glasses, yellow hair and a bit of a chubby dwarf physique gives the expected answer with her rough accent. "Still, yer not too hurt aight? Ye didn't need to to risk yourself, honest. Any one of us could have taken im down."

"As expected of my prince." Replies a woman covered in pink in clothes, hair, and eyes. The latter of which are eye brimming with affection and adoration towards him. She crosses her legs on her seat if only to show more eye-candy towards the target of her feelings. "But…"

All her affection turns to cold hatred when her gaze changes to that of a sleeping silver-haired boy. "Why does that still need to be alive? If it's just the Cyber Diva you want then- "

"I know, I know." ZedΩ interrupts her. "But Sistina we've talked about this. Any future of cooperation would become impossible the moment we dispose of her master. Besides he still has a role to play as well. After that is over, we can consider more drastic actions." And with that said he considers that part of the conversation over. But he's still curious. "Really, I know he's killing our kind left and right, but if there's some personal history you've got with him. I'd be more than ready to hear what this is really about." And asks her about it on the spot.

"Prince…" she seems frustrated with his answer yet completely swayed by his offer to her hear out. "It's…just something silly. It's his eyes, his hair, all of it reminds me of someone else." And the very memory of that person is enough for her hands to automatically turn into tight fists.

*Dr Kamizono* ZedΩ doesn't say out loud, simply nodding in sympathy towards her feelings but still firm on his own decision. *That man's evil has somehow persisted to this day. How poetic it'd be if the White Tiger was his son, yet that man's children have all died last year and nobody else became his successor. Still his research on the glaives and his predictions that Adepts would one day end the world is somehow helping us today, the irony...*

*Still now isn't the time to reminisce, now is the time for action.* ZedΩ nods to his own thought and lets out a small clap to regain the attention. "Regardless the plan doesn't change."

"As everyone is aware, our first goal for harbouring our new guests is to figure out how a mechanical being has managed to recreate the 'Muse' septima and to find some way to acquire our own, whether that's by figuring out whatever 'weapon' she's using or by using her to find a way to awaken our own potential muse. No matter the way things progress, we are going to need a muse for the upcoming event lest we'd have a massive disadvantage."

He gives a look at the rabbit girl, though she isn't an adept. The scientifical tests and the mystical ones have shown that she possesses a great affinity towards a music based one if she were to ever develop one. So, it's safe to assume that she's a potential diva. A trump card in a way for then ATEMS would possess a muse that's loyal to their goals and dreams. To him.

"Our second goal is to obtain the cooperation of the White Tiger by subtly influencing the muse's favourability towards our organization. If we show her that we all truly mean well then there will be a chance that she'll stop her partner from refusing to budge in his beliefs for us and by doing so guarantees that no matter what, we will have two more assets to take down the Azure Striker. By now Serpentine should be reading the Tiger's memories and traumas so that we may gain further insight into his mindset and thus more options will be available."

"IF and I mean a hard IF that all fails then…" ZedΩ shows a determined yet saddened at the prospect of it look, "We'd have no choice but to eliminate them both as the possibility of them working against us would mean they have fallen to darkness, and we can't allow them to hasten the arrival of the primal dragons. As much as it saddens me to do so."

"But remember everyone." The leader of the group stands up with an infectious charisma.
"EDEN and Quill are no more than shadows of the past and Sumeragi has never been weaker. Our only remaining enemy is the Azure Striker and once he's gone, the world is ours to save!"

"For the World!" He ends his speech with an obligatory 'everyone participate' toast.

"For the world!" the girl with glasses, Grazie is more than happy to do so.

"For a world that Prince ZedΩ rules!" Sistina, the pink haired one adds in as well.

"Hm." Layla, the mute one. Simply returns a grunt that's a bit louder than usual.

And with that, the meeting of the ATEMS knights is adjourned.
Chapter 5- Mystic Mist Maze I

{Mystic Mist Maze}

There is pressure and pain.
Fire in his lungs, nails in his head.
A loud voice that grows distant, bright lights that flare and vanish.
A sense of weightlessness. A feather. Sudden motion, blinding light, merciful bliss.


If Copen had a nickel for every time he found himself in a location filled with the evil undead, he'd have three nickels. But the fact it has happened three times already is the real problem.

The first time was in the Stratacombs, a lab deep underground made to contain and research the 'Rebirth' Septima belonging to a two-headed snake embodying envy. Well, she actually had three heads later on, or well the two heads were suppressing that one. But details, details.

At the time he was quite surprised at the blatant blasphemy that came from man trying to control the gift of life and even more outraged at the states the researchers were put into even if it was deserved. Deserved as in, what were those Sumeragi bastards expecting by brainwashing a monster into having a more violent personality? It's like starving a dog to make them more aggressive only to be surprised when the animal doesn't care about who they get to bite now. And that's all good to Copen, let both evils kill each other if they want to.

At least it was then, now he can acknowledge the bitter truth that as foul as a beast she was. She did not deserve such a treatment, no monster does. He's certain that were his father still alive at the time, then he would have removed her septisomes and be done just like that. No need to take the option of brainwashing if implementing it into a more obedient host is also possible. Not that either option would be considered as his father would simply destroy it.

(Would the girl have ended up like his sister then? Except with nobody to look out for her?)
As for whatever fate the tamed beast ends up with then? He's sure it'd be kinder than death.

Had his father been alive at all, then Sumeragi would have most likely become a true champion for humanity instead of the incorporation of evil that they were and are to the current present.

But the die has been cast and one should do what they can with what they have. He cannot bring back the tall, proud, and loving man whose genes he inherited. But he can honour his legacy by making the world a kinder one, thus avenging and inheriting the Kamizono dream. (Albeit without the name since he abandoned it for their safety)

Regardless, those what ifs had only emboldened his faith. For God had clearly sent him there to clean up the remaining insects that the Azure Striker forgot to take down during their visit. But it also made him wonder why an adept of all things, was able to take from the other side.

Does that mean the power of septima could one day rival those of the very heavens? And if so will there be a day where technology can no longer keep up with their rising powers? He quickly discarded such thoughts, believing them to be useless if not a tad too heretical while he continued his way, wiping out any undead in the vicinity before retrieving the glaive and leaving the place. Making a point to only use the Gorgon's Gaze of such an foul Septima.

For if he were to ever try to use the 'Rebirth' part of it, he's certain he would only be able to revive something to the level of a carcass and not a true living being like the adept could with herself. Not that he has reason to try, temptations perhaps, God know he's got enough dead family members to fill a closet but not one of them would want him to go down such a road.

How funny it is then that the road he does walk on, leads to yet another place filled with the living dead that's also underground. But location number 2 was not inside a once clean lab turned into a prison of blood, but an empty sewer filled with steam, metal and gore that he had to quickly make his way across in order to hunt down those who kidnapped his sister.

In hindsight he doesn't remember much of that place, just that he reached the end of the stage with haste and immediately fought against some moody, red-coloured shrimp infant that floated like a vampire, then turned into a beast and then rampaged out and about until they died of blood-loss. Their rage nowhere close enough to the level he was feeling himself.

He has no sympathy for whatever her name was, she joined a terrorist organization who's responsible for the death of his sister, or to be more precise the person he knew as her. So he felt not a shred of regret when the 14 year old child died, instead taunting her to her last second. It was easy to figure out what her nerves were simply by overhearing the conversation she had with the Hacker adept. So, he took a personal effort to make all his words ring hard.

Funny enough he doubts his mother would have agreed to that. She always pouted whenever he gave her a scoff or a look of disbelief when she told her tales about meeting angels and demons during her 'maiden' years. Things he didn't appreciate much back then but has now made an effort to be faithful so that she lives through him that way. But in hindsight…

Why would she approve of him at all? If she's looking at him from heaven (God bless her soul) then she must have already noticed how his faith has eroded and his brutality grown. He's not a kind figure that uses his family wealth and his knowledge to make the world a better place. He's not a reliable older brother that's helping his sister get readjusted to her new life. No.

He's nothing more than a demon who has thrown that all away. One that ran away the moment fate threw a curve ball that questioned the legitimacy of his actions. To chase down a bunch of adepts he knows wouldn't consists of any members shaded any other colour than black with him as the white. Yet now with Eden gone, he will inevitably have to go back.

To check on if the worries about the Azure Striker are based in reality and then to decide whether to eliminate him simply because he's an adept or not. And also, if only to see, from a distance, a very large distance, to see how the remains of his sister are doing.

And then take down ATEMS when they come looking for trouble in HIS playground and save the day. Or at least that's the best he can come up with, at the moment. Which still isn't great.

Long story short? Redemption isn't a thing, giving up isn't possible and right now he's got no idea what he's doing. And it is at that exact moment that a fire grows in his chest.

Because he's running out of air and moping underwater naturally leads to drowning.

He chokes as he stands up, sputtering and spitting mouthfuls of acidic water that were hiding in his lungs then gasps for air, finding himself on his hands and knees in waist-high sludge. His eyes now clear, his heart-rate steady, fog engulfs his view as he observes scary place the third.

"Breathe Copen." A serene yet firm voice says, making his head whip up in surprise because he swears it sounds familiar. If only a step away yet the only thing he sees are his surroundings.

He's in a forest, with trees and plants that literally every forest has. They're of a healthy green but the many vines and thorns on the side of the small river he is in look ready to give him cuts and rashes the moment he dares to try stray from the path that is the water. Water that has skeletons of fish float on its surface as they pass him by. The ominous mist covering the whole area and lowering his vision to no more than a few feet ahead inspire no confidence either.

"Stand up. There's no pain here, at least not physical. So little to endure that's not mental." Japanese, it's light in an unchildish and soothing way. A gentle caress that feels familiar.

He does, aware of wet boots but not fully feeling them. The clothes on him being his battle armor in pristine condition and his trusty Border II already in his right hand. Yet he feels like there's something missing, a main part of him that he doesn't feel comfortable without.

"Lola?" he groans out, his throat still feeling a bit squeamish.

No answer. Their partner is nowhere to be seen.

"Cute." The voice scoffs amused and a little pitying. "She's not here. No friend of yours is."

He frowns, not bothering to deign that with a response. Instead observing his surroundings, taking it all in full as the voice says nothing to allow him to fully bask it in. They feel wrong, this whole experience does. Just moments prior he was watching outlines of his memories, in true physical manifestations all in order with him the invisible bystander. A bizarre event for sure but one that can be scoffed as being no more than a dream, very unlike the downpour of cold touch, foul stench and other sensations that have come with the appearance of this scenery.

Perhaps this WAS a dream and whatever or whoever has caused a shift here is responsible for the shenanigan that he has found himself in this time. Naturally he turns towards the only suspect or well their general area.

"What's the meaning of this and who are you?" Copen asks the air, holding his gun steady and ready to aim it at the first sign of anyone who's about to do a dramatic entrance.

Only a grunt comes, "A spooky river of the illusionary dead? And guilt personified."

Cryptic nonsense, always a classic thing people love to throw at him. "Elaborate."

"Can't think of how else to describe it. It's like a water ride filled with ghosts I suppose. People you killed in the past and all that. With the ways they died just painted over them."

Copen blinks in blatant disbelief. "And why…is that a thing?"

The voice hums, as if searching for what to say next. "Guess it's supposed to make you feel guilty? As long as it distracts you while a certain intruder gets to dig for info around."

"Where are they?" Copen's on high gear the moment he hears that, his mind ringing with the usual logic of: Someone wants info of me - They will use that info against me= Stop it.

"Don't need to growl like that." The voice chastises, "Copen, look." The fog breaks, revealing before him several smaller rivers branching from the one, he's submerged in. A little twitch in his hands show off his displeasure then again so does the frown on his face and other things.

"If there's more than one path, then which one leads me to them?" he says with urgency, his head filled with information that he does not want exposed to anyone, at any costs.

He supposes there's an unseen shrug. Feels as though there is. "Choose."

Further away, Copen can hear screaming, someone calling his name, one of his titles. Another lets out deep, agonized moans of pleasure. His feet unconsciously moving, Copen heads towards the right, where the mist seems to get thicker and thicker, until there's another grey-scale vision of himself, lower the height he is now, gripping an automatic handgun in his hand.

With a tall shield in the other, though his stance is firm and unguarded while holding it. Most likely due to the temporary strength increasing nanites that course through him thanks to the white armor he wears. One fully focused on striking and taking rather than evading and mobility, but still. No matter how poor a design it was, it was enough to force a familiar pink-haired adept to kneel in front of him and perish, albeit no more than an act at the time.

"Who the hell are you?" a familiar voice, followed by familiar blue clothes and golden hair announces their presence, the Azure Striker himself enters the scene. Grey-scaled too. His gun held towards the air as he faces the younger him with an evasive stance, ready to dodge any sudden attacks that come his way, yet his clear eyes lack any sign of hostility, only caution.

"I don't have time to waste on flashbacks." Copen says, not amused by how a scene that only occurs in dramatic movie editing is happening right in front of him. So, he moves past it, only to be met with a beehive like barrier blocking the way forward, "A Hexapyle? In here?"

"The Azure Striker-Gunvolt, I presume?" The other him turns to face the adept, while Copen takes out his gun and starts blasting the barrier down. Which turns out to be a slow process without his ex-weapons while the scene behind continues to unfold without him watching.

"So, you're…an ally?" despite the clear doubt in his voice, his stance relaxes slightly. The adept believing for perhaps a single second that an enemy of his enemy could be well, what he said.

"…You're a fool." Other-Copen corrects him and then continues with a small spiel about what he's about before putting on a more aggressive posture, attacking the moment he's done.

What follows is a fight Copen remembers losing and has no interest in observing.

He continues blasting the barrier, not even sparing a detail to ponder about why a river of the dead would show a scene about two individuals he's certain are alive still. Maybe it's supposed to make him indulge in nostalgia? So that this intruder has more time to spend to seek whatever info it is that they're looking for. A shame for them then that he saw through it.

A scream of pain, followed by the sound of a gunshot that hit milliseconds ago. Makes him turn around, to witness the strange scene of the Azure Striker kneeling before the other him.

"My electricity…what did you..." the former now has a hole in his chest. Pain contorts the features of his face while he's choking on the blood that's entering his wounded lung.

"Greed Snatcher bullets, one hit will disable your Septima. And it ignores your evasion." The latter helpfully informs his prey, if only to indulge their last requests. His gun pointed at the striker's forehead now for a point-blank shot that'll finish the job. "This is where it ends."

"Hnk!" The striker's eyes widen with panic, then resolve as he tries to activate his septima to no avail. A move that other-him watches with cruel amusement despite it wasting lots of time.
"I can't let it…like this!" the striker continues trying, "I won't let Joule end up alone again!"

"Thank you for confirming one of the things I was about to ask." Other-him whacks him with the backside of his gun then forces the striker on his stomach as he grapples their right arm behind their back to hold them in place, gun still aimed. "Now I know that you are the one that's been hiding the muse. Tell me where she is, and I promise you a painless death."

The striker has the strength of will turn his head and glare at him with raw anger at the suggestion. "You keep your hands away from her!" but it does nothing, only making the other-him laugh in amusement, the mere idea of Adepts being capable of love sounding like comedy.

"Don't be ridiculous. Do you think you're in any position to make demands here?" Copen winces at the disgusting show that his counterpart is making. Half a mind to decry that he would never indulge into such savagery had he won during that time, but then remembers that this is nothing more than an artificial illusion made to make him idle, so he ignores it.

A few more shots and the Hexapyle shatters. Branches appear anew in front of him, more screams behind. More cries coming from the end of each river path. The fog erupting in volcano like spurts to reveal more of the stage. "Many choices, many concerns. Keep going."

Copen heads for the right again, not even giving a comment towards the voice or bothering to try and figure out if they're truly trustworthy. Too occupied with the thought of what he would have done had he defeated the Azure Striker back at Sinner Row. Would he truly have tried to torture the adept to force them to reveal information about the muse? He can't give a direct yes or no to that, but who is he fooling here? Best case scenario he would have held the adept hostage until the muse used her idol form to reveal herself, then make his way over to her so that he can kill both like two birds with one stone. Yet the very thought of it revolts him.

Then again, maybe it only revolts him because of Mytl? Until then the mere prospect of an 'innocent' adept sounded like nothing more than fiction to him, perhaps he would have even enjoyed how easy it would be to kill the small purple-haired girl in front of the Striker or vice-versa? Maybe even spout some line about how their love is fake and how they can die tog-

"Not to disturb your brooding. But you're surrounded." The voice interjects.

Copen's response to that remains undecided as something wraps about his ankles and pull him under, the water becoming much deeper in an instant. Not one to go down without a fight, he immediately triggers his boots and with a flaming fanfare, bursts out and floats in the air. Warily overlooking to detect whatever foes have managed to sneak out below him.

The first thing that comes is the smell of blood. vivid, nauseous. Then he sees more bodies in the water than he can make a reasonable estimate off, all of them formulating as gripping hands pointing at him, cursing, shooting projectiles at him when in the air and pulling at him when he's on the ground. No matter where he goes, he meets more hands, so many hands.

Gasping, he blinks, harsh, hisses through his teeth and dashes again, using the trees and bodies that pop out of the water as walls to bounce off while his gun shoots as many of the dead adepts and soldiers that manage to get close to him. It's no easy feat as sometimes another Hexapyle blocks his path and he's forced to dispatch of a few foes before he can continue. Every one of them wearing marks that were once the wounds that ended them.

The fog somehow gets ever denser the further he goes, swimming around him in a curling cloud. He's shouting without realizing it, ghostly hands grabbing for every inch and wanting. Seducing him forward to whatever hellish abyss waits beneath their clutches to no avail.

"Enough" He shoots, imagines that, if he could feel pain at this moment his body would be covered in scratches as he's occasionally overwhelmed by the mobs, so close to being pinned down before his boots finish recharging to let him escape just in time. The crowds of dead die, sink and re-emerge, until they make for fully fleshed out bodies again. Grey-scaled, armed and this time more detailed than before as if the closer his proximity to the culprit the more powerful they become. Or perhaps they simply grow over-time? A lot of it must have passed.

"My hands!" One of them whips his head around, commanding a familiar golem to attack, "You! You primitive! Swallowed my arms whole!" the strings of septima coming from stumps, courtesy of a twin shredder the moment they tried to use their special attack. Though the many burns they have after being buried alive in an iron coffin are far more obvious.

Copen doesn't bother with a response, simply dashing past them as he continues the fight.
Already knowing that the range of their septima won't be enough to catch up to him.

A shame he couldn't linger though, he would have claimed their head as promised then.

"Yo mack! Guess who's back? "A corpse filled with two large holes covering their chest and head smiles at him while skating on the water beneath him with no issue, "You made me dead, now I'm your head and it's time for the slayer to finally feel dread!" their terrible rhymes done, they gather crystals with their septima and kicks them with force in the air, causing them to shatter and turning the high ground into a shredder that will cut Copen up if he doesn't back down to the ground. Effectively forcing him to face off with all the foes on the ground.

The moment he lands he already has to face several attacks at once, only preventing being pinned down by a short burst of evasion before he's inevitably overwhelmed again.

There's too many of them to fight at once, he can't do this on his own.

If only Lola was here.

"Let me help with that." The voice again speaks like they're some invisible observer.

Whatever the voice did, he now feels a familiar presence. A red pod absent until this moment. Who lacks the presence or voice of the real one, but possesses Ex-weapons aplenty.

Not wasting a moment, Copen fires blades made of ice to freeze the water, immobilizing many of his foes, then with two golden drills launches himself up in the air, using the same blades as before to quickly remove any crystals shards that try to cut him up. Regaining air superiority.

Keeping up the momentum, he shoots a burst of plasma to make a hole in the ice in which chains of electricity are launched to shock them all at once. Annoying rapper included.

Then he fires golden drills to pierce through some, fires bursts of explosive fire to set others aflame and he fires, fires and fires until each one is back in it's shallow grave, until there's no more gasping moans and words that come from undead throats as he slays the adepts again and again, as many times as he needs to continue his path. Not even one of them as strong as they were back when they were alive. While he has trained, learned, and fought even more.

"I can't help but notice you didn't thank me for the gift." The voice inquires, their tone implying that they're pouting if he could see their face. "Okay fine, ignore me then…"

Most of them have no names he remembers, only a few of their voices distinct to him now. Copen shivers in sudden cold he knows he doesn't genuinely feel. But his mind stays sharp.

"The battlefield is merciless. In this, there is more dead than you are ever conscious of. No one else can hear their cries, except those that can meet them halfway." The voice adds in again.

"Are you asking me to feel guilty?" Copen asks, sharp. Only slightly hysterical as he finally sees a lake where the river is about to stop, concluding it to be the boss area. Like all prior stages.

"Do you?" The voice asks back, in a tone perhaps morose.

"Does it matter?" he spits back. "Feeling guilty won't bring them back and if I didn't kill them even more would have died. My actions though bloody and perhaps not noble are still right!"

"Do you really believe that?" the voice calls out his tone of bravado.

"…" He doesn't answer, not because he's unable to reply. But out of shock.

Because at the middle of the lake lies a small island.

And on said small island, lies a building he's very familiar with.

The Kamizono Mansion.

"Welcome home, Copen."

"She's staring pretty intently at him."

Lola states with suspicion, hovering nearby while the woman called Serpentine is in the middle of covering the boss with new bandages, having applied some advanced ointment on him that the pod identifies as safe. But even so she can't help but feel on edge because the sorceress has not for even a single moment stopped staring her boss in the face. Like what's that about?

"I don't sense any unusual Septima activity." She mutters a bit too loudly, never one to hide how she feels about a matter, so she's just as guilty of doing the same activity right now.

"Perhaps she's been entranced by him?" Hence the unhelpful comment from Prado, who's way of sitting still consists of somehow sitting on a chair with her legs crossed and her whole body leaned to one side with one hand against her cheek, to make yet another strange pose.

"Huh? Why would that happen?" Lola raises a non-existing eyebrow. Perhaps the comment was nothing more than a joke, but even so she doubts Serpentine is the kind of girl to feel anything but annoyance, anger and whatever it is girls like her feel. No offense, off course.

"Oh, you know how these stories go~" a glint of amusement shines in Prado's eye as she straightens herself, taking in a breath before continuing a ramble about knights from opposing sides, meeting in combat, spouting odd phrases as they struggle with their swords and, etc.

She tilts her head for a second to dodge a staff aimed her way, it embeds itself into a wall.
Courtesy of Serpentine but no other warning comes out as Prado keeps talking regardless.

Lola quickly tunes it out when she realizes that the knight is talking about the average plot of any trashy romance novel out there and decides to focus on her boss instead, changing her view towards a more sciency x-ray one that's too technobabble to really explain but in short.

She's checking his heartbeat, brainwaves, and other stuff to see if he's not being hypnotized or secretly mind-read this entire time. Now, the main problem concerning that is there really isn't a grand secret to figuring such stuff out so the best she can do is just look at the statistics and take action once a number or two gets so high that it can't be anything but supernatural.

Let's see there's rapid eye movement and a drop of temperature, so he's deep asleep and dreaming from what the sleep paralysis and motor functions being active are implying.

The only odd part is that his fight or flight response is on as well, but even then he could simply be having a nightmare. It's only when his heart-rate starts to rapidly increase or his he suddenly stops breathing that she'll have to worry, but as of right now, he seems to be ok.

Well, she'll stay on guard for now. Hoping that whatever nightmare he has isn't too scary.

The Kamizono estate is a mansion that's located several miles away from the nearest city. With only one road that leads to where it is, the path of it filled with sensors, hidden cameras, and enough security to locate any suspicious individual that tries to approach it. The path itself has a trail of stone statues that surprisingly aren't used as hiding spots for those cameras, instead being there as wards to repel any and all possible demonic activity as silly as that sounds.

The mansion is built in the same style as those of noble brittanians. Except the stones and wall of it are of a pure white colour, there's no front garden but there is a back one where plenty of pretty flowers are grown and a bit further away lies an abandoned science facility that Copen liked to use as his own secret base. The house's interior is filled with many rooms and tacky decorations such as golden chandeliers, fragile expensive vases everywhere and a grand hall that can lead one to basically anywhere in the mansion. Oh and it has two floors, the lower one consisting of the living quarters, a path to the gardens, one bathroom and the kitchen while the upper one has all of the bed and guest rooms alongside one large library filled with the knowledge gathered by the Kamizono family that Copen's father liked to use as his study.

The legends say that the mansion has been built by a famous foreigner craftsman that wanted to repay the first Kamizono for their hospitality during times where xenophobia was the norm and people like him would have starved. Through this tolerance and kindness, the Kamizono founder managed to obtain budding petals that once they bloomed spread words about him outside the country and basically made him one of the pioneers of the trading industry that hit Japan soon afterwards. Keep in mind this was before the days that Sumeragi owned the world.

Other more ridiculous rumours say that the Kamizono mansion is in truth one of the secret gathering grounds for a clan of demon hunters. Their eldest women trained in the holy arts and gifted with powerful tools to slay all those that come from Hell to disturb our world.

"You've made it here…how amazing." A mocking voice greets Copen's arrival, the large doors of the grand hall shutting behind him instantly as the darkness in the room swallows all sight.

"You're exactly what I hoped you'd be." They continue as the lights of the chandeliers turn on, revealing that the entire room has been filled to the brim with the undead in every corner. Some of them jump through the windows, glass staining the ground as they stay still. Others are looking down on him from the upper floor, while a few are on the chandeliers, like the woman wearing diamond-coated monk attire putting on some bizarre pose on top of a spear.

"Get out of my head this instant, or else!" Copen shouts with great anger, having restrained all his emotions so he can unleash their entire fury on the one pulling the strings.

"Or else what? Spare me your bravado." The adept shrugs, even rolling her eyes just to be more disrespectful. Then she continues, her voice turning sadistic. "You seem to have a lot of faith in yourself, your body, your cause. I'll admit your resolve is rather considerable..."

He waits for the incoming but. Already using the few seconds of silence to think of a way to quickly eliminate her, believing that without her, none of her 'minions' will sustain themselves.

"I've been digging around and frankly I consider you far from 'strong'."

Great, she's about to monologue. He doesn't give back a response. Forcing back most of the dread he feels as it doesn't matter what she knows, he'll be killing her regardless.

"You still don't have enough trust in your own power. And your mental state has been shaken by the appearance of an idea that puts doubt in your own hypocrisy." She gains a cruel smile, believing herself to be reading him like a book, which she may have done. "You want to gain enough power to defeat a monster like Zed, your pride harmed by the fact that had he gone all-out from the start you wouldn't have been able to put a single scratch on him…you threw everything you had at him didn't you? Yet he used one SP and tada, it was all so one-sided!"

Her smile drops dead in an instant, a cold glare now on her face. "But you managed to injure him still, which means you DO have the power to achieve that. You just need to understand a 'certain something' a little better…."

"Certain something?" Copen repeats, suspicion and curiosity mixed together.

"Kukuku, you look very curious." That gets an creepy grin out of her, malice blatantly pouring out of her, like she's a vulture staring down an easy meal. "But then again…."

"Why should I let you touch MY kill?" genuine anger spikes the air, "Why is he looking at you now when I'm the one he should fear the most? It's really upsetting to feel like a third wheel."

"It must be my bad boy appeal." Copen rhetorically answers, if only to put oil in the flames.
"If you want him that badly then go reserve a room and wait as I make him join you in hell."

"Oh, we have a comedian. But back to the subject, I think I'll tell you anyway." she moves away from the chandelier, floating on her spear like a witch would on a broom as she slowly shows off the entire room. "I've remade your lovely home into my personalized classroom. If you keep an eye on the lessons put in place, then you'll be well and truly 'stained' by the time you leave my nest."

"I don't need to learn a thing from a monster like you!" Copen shouts, insulted. He's more than aware of the classic 'you and I are alike' spiel but he's got no intention play any of her games.

"You don't get a choice." She calmly refutes and then from lower body to upper, she starts to fade away into mist. "Now time for lesson one, escape from this ambush and seek me out."

She disappears, her twisted game of 'hide and seek' starting with a bunch of undead attacking him in a large room covered in barriers that'll only disappear once all of them are slain.

"If you can that is…"


Mission Start!
Chapter 6- Mystic Mist Mansion II
Inside a realm of fog and mind.

Mystic Mist Mansion (2)

Hidden inside a mansion filled with death (dread).
The Asura (murderer) seeks the Sohei (Evil Monk)
Will the past betray the present? Will truth beat lie?

Copen is not a fan of games or the dramatics, or really anything that doesn't have a hint of productivity to aid his straightforward goals. Something that the world just never agrees with.

From the unnecessary battle poses that foes take, to the strange gimmicks that are put into the terrains that one calls stages. It seems there's always some extra energy spend to make sure that no matter what happened, the situation would be worthy of being put into a comic book or action-movie. The slayer has tolerated these moments, if not abused them seeing how things get much easier once the enemy gets winded after using a 'special attack' or when they willingly give away information during a fight, never realizing that he's only giving back a response to try and destabilize their moods or to stretch their attention too thin.

Yet when one has to fight against a whole crowd of monsters that they've slain inside one's own child-hood home. Even he calls a limit on how much absurdity he can take in.

"This is ridiculous." He comments, while in the middle of rocket-kicking a large fridge to a pile of undead like they're bowling pins. Having earlier been thrown through a wall, into the kitchen and into the very same fridge courtesy of an explosion septima. He couldn't even determine who's it belongs to as the adepts were now nothing more than grey-scaled figures, their lack of details replaced with number and raw strength, many of which were rushing in.

"No, we can't have that." Not a fan of being zerg-rushed again, Copen has the backup pod shoot orange circles that attach themselves to the legs of the first foes, causing them to trip to slow down their rush while he also uses the opportunity for easy shots. Now having put himself behind a large table while the crowd is back and running again, Copen grimaces at how the whole sight of shooting down foes that are too dumb to do more than rush at him and attack is quite like one of those shoot em up arcade games. A view that's quickly corrected when one of the adepts, in perhaps a fit of rage or insight picked up another, dashes past the ones in front of it by crushing them and smashed the table apart with the one they grabbed.

"Super strength. How basic yet annoying." Copen has the gal to comment, his well-honed reflexes and a well-aimed bullit-dash backwards preventing him from meeting the same fate as the smashed spot where he previously was. The same dash lets him bounce against a wall and reach the ceiling, where he uses the single second given to switch weapons and dash towards the hulking figure, going through them with the two golden drills that made a hole in it.

"Still, going for quantity over quality is a massive mistake." After all the slayer's very arsenal was made for dispatching as many opponents as quickly as possible, a decision wisely made when yet another foe lunged for him, to which he leapt straight up, bounced off their head and slamming his foot into another, burning off their heads with the flames of his boot, making their bodies crumble into a third, pinning them down for an easy dead shot. As the fourth reached to slice him with a shadowy dagger, he falls to the floor to avoid it piercing his neck, swings a foot to knock the fifth off his feet, then uses the momentum to swing him into the sixth, who caught the fourth's stab and collapsed onto the fifth. His impromptu bullit-fuelled breakdance having knocked down all nearby foes, he dashes up and attacks them all with auto-aiming shots, the physical contact having tagged them all, incapacitating them, he finishes off the few remaining members of the current wave in the same fashion. Earning lots of kudos.

"The grunts always work in groups, don't they?" he asks to nobody, shaking his head with disappointment when he notices that his stylish manoeuvre has not activated his pod's idol form. It usually triggering when he and Lola's emotions reach a perfect synch or when he's about to die (he's not going to teste that option), "Then again, she's not here, too bad."

Nor is the diamond-adorned adept in the kitchen, so that's one location marked down.

Still, he must keep moving, for the second wave is already entering the room. Remembering that the room is connected to the first-floor hallway, which has little space to crowd in for his foes yet enough verticality for him to abuse air superiority, he takes the door to the left, planning to investigate the bathroom and the living room respectively when he finds them.

The four adepts in the hallway that see him approaching, growl and curse in an audible manner before attacking with increased vigor, but he dodges them, runs up a wall without dashing, then backflips down on one, striking him with both boots at once. Their head crushed like a watermelon, the adept collapses to the floor and he uses their corpse as a trampoline to kill another with the spiked backside of his gun decapitating them. As the corpse falls, though, some unholy life returns to them as they grab onto his front, restraining his arms and holding him for the last one behind him to get one good hit in, hopefully finishing him off.

"Tch, like nobody's tried that before!" he shouts, voice dripping with sarcasm as he flickers into two, both him and his red-scaled double letting the adept fall through their evasion, aiming their guns at the adept's heart afterwards. The adept collapsed just as the one behind him runs their silver javelin through Copen with the same effect. With nothing to hit, the adept falls off-balance, and Copen finishes them with yet another gunshot. Sparing Ex-weapon energy all the while so it can create a blue-electric flash shield around him. "That makes….23?"

He's pretty sure he saw at least fifty adepts in that grand hall. Which means the rest consists of the crowd that's rushing right behind him and the crowd that's on the other side of the hall.

"Ah, so I'm surrounded." He ponders whether that is bad or not, "Nah, this is fine." Copen's flash shield should protect against most attacks that aren't energy based and if most of them are downstairs then that means. "I should head upstairs then." Which he does by entering the door leading to the bathroom, which contains-oh he's being shot at!

Having no time to describe the luxurious bathroom that's every rich house bathroom ever or indulge in the memories that such a place could bring to him. Copen closes the door behind him, locks it (only realizing a second later that that is a real useless move when an adept simply smashes the door in its entirety) and crawls through the small back-window to the Gardens.

Oh, and he wastes a tiny bit of weapon energy to freeze the window solid to buy time.

Time that's luckily not wasted by a memory of a grey-scaled him fighting against a grey-scaled Gunvolt while empowered by the song of his own sister as he tries to kill the former in a fit of sheer rage. Because this garden does not have an oddly shaped throne room or even the slightest blue flowers in its vicinity, instead contending with a field of pure white lilies and hedge mazes but even those details do not stop him from remembering a very troubling detail.

"She protected him…" a grey-scaled version of him pointing his gun against his very own sister, or the adept that she always was supposed to be protectively standing in front of Gunvolt.
Some bizarre amalgamation of two different girl's appearances and hearts, but still family.

"Even Lola tried to convince me to stop, albeit half-heartedly." But in her defence, she was always loyal to him a to a fault. A quality that goes beyond programming, he's not sure what she would do if he ever asked something insane from her, but he doesn't want to know either.

"Goddamit." He whispers a blasphemous insult while trying to contain a flood of emotions, his body slightly shaking and his knuckles tightening as his face is obscured in dramatic darkness.
"I've already accepted that I'm not god's rightful instrument, but why does it still bother me?"

"Maybe it's because you haven't apologized to a certain person?" a voice replies, the very same that bothered him at the beginning yet got suspiciously quiet the moment he approached the mansion and talked with a certain adept proficient in illusions.

"…" they hit the jackpot, seeing how the slayer's body straightens in response. "No." He replies with a tone that has no real conviction behind it. "I'll say what I said back then, if he hadn't freed the muse back then, Mytl would have never died." It being no more than an excuse, one he truly believed in the moment but now has had much time to see the foolishness within.

"So, he was supposed to ignore the suffering of one girl just to prolong the future of another he didn't even know existed at the time? Come on, you're the smart person here."

"Then who am I supposed to hate?" he blurts out a line he would have never given in any other circumstance. "The Azure Striker killed the person that killed my sister and the one who killed my father is the top brass of Sumeragi who got killed by guess who? Gunvolt again!"

Silence, if only for a short moment, then understanding. "So, since he's the killer of their killers…you want to take him down as some proof that you're better than him?"

"Don't be ridiculous." He spits out with venom and in hindsight he should stop the conversation there, he's in the middle of enemy territory, he doesn't even know who this voice is and just because their voice feels so strangely comforting that doesn't mean he should pour his entire story to them like a moron. So why won't he STOP? "No man that my sister cares for could ever be scum." The admission itself feels like it rips his skin off, his lips are bleeding. "But that does not change things in the slightest, it shouldn't."

"How so?" the voice is careful this time, as if the mere question could set him off.

The very prompt triggers yet another flash of memory. The figures in the garden replaced with the figure of a younger copen, barely six or seven being held by a vague motherly figure with black hair and silver twin bells in her hair. His sister the only one asleep in the woman's lap.

"So, even though I told him to leave me alone. Your daddy approached me after school, in that very same park we looked at the stars last family trip together. And can you guess what he did?" The mother's voice is soft, yet filled with energy as she looks at Copen with anticipation.

"…Did he shoot down your missiles with a 'love powered gun' again?" Copen being a little boy at the time, asked the question with genuine curiosity and sparkling eyes. The sass and negative fun-zone that he usually is not coming to pass for a few more years.

"Surprisingly no!" She replies with a giggle, instead elaborating with a love-struck expression. "He gave me a beautiful little angel doll, even though I was so cold to him he still went out of his way to try and genuinely cheer me up! Aahhhhh, you better inherit that kindness!"

"Mommm, don't shout you'll wake Mytl up." Kid-him complained with a smile, enjoying the way she's ruffling his hair and leaning further against her, the very picture of happiness.

"Ah, right, of course, you're always so thoughtful. Looks like I don't need to worry." She replies with the same smile stuck on her face. Though her voice lowers a bit. "That said…I just remembered I should have told you something already. Like the meaning of our lineage."

"That's enough." The real him promptly snaps, turning his back away from the illusion as if his force of will could stop the scene from continuing. "You've seen enough, adept."

"Huh?" the voice inquires with pure surprise, sounding still near him even though he's already dashing his way up to the mansion's roof by the time that one-word reply came out.

"Do you think I'm stupid?" his voice is filled with venom as whatever mesmerisation that was over him has been banished the moment, he realized why the voice felt so comforting.

"I'm…not getting what you're talking about?" oh, and now the voice is playing dumb, great.

"The Kamizono name is composed of the Kanji (神) meaning God or Deity (Kami) and the Kanji (園) meaning garden or park or even plantation (Zono). Thus, the name means 'God's plantation' or even 'The Deity's garden.' It's what fuelled the demon hunter rumors." Again, he shares information that should remain private, except this time he sounds like he's restraining in a large amount of anger. "My mother believed in this full-heartedly, many times she would tell me that it is our duty to serve the will of angels and to slay any demon without mercy. She even promised she would reveal something special once I'm off age yet she died while I was still young so my memories could be embellished. I can only assume she was trying to hype me up with false stories about how we are god's warriors but even so, it remains our legacy."

"Even my father, despite being an outsider to such a bloodline. Had the same spirit, his research proved without a doubt that the rise of adepts is perpendicular with the rising levels of bloodshed. Then again, they're literally super-powered demons that razed half off the countries in the world into lifeless wastelands. Naturally this led him towards the righteous path of wanting to prevent any more tragedies. He was killed for his beliefs, the irony…"
Okay now he's just monologuing, his gaze becoming more focused and sharp as he continues to speak, perhaps getting fixated onto his own hype. "In short, my mother wanted me to annihilate all evil and my father figured out said evil are the adepts. Thus, I follow their will and honour my family by ridding the world of their evil influence. At least I believed that."

"Yet now, the memory of my dearest sister reminds me that she too had a remaining wish, that of me no longer harming Gunvolt. An adept. Perhaps that would lead to more confusion seeing the obvious contradiction in the wishes that I'm respecting, but there's one thing…"

"One thing you're not getting here, one large mistake that you've made." He looks upwards, towards the fake moonlight that shines onto his face, giving the illusion that his red eyes are gleaming with malice. "I LOVE my sister more than I HATE the likes of your kind. I've had a full year to realize that, and no person, no matter if they're capable of reading memories and even mimicking my mother's voice will ever change the fact that I would do anything for her sake!"

"So, reveal yourself already! None of your illusions will ever entrap me again, you evil monk!"

"….I guess there's no need for a lesson two then." The voice warps mid-tone into another one as mist gathers above-ground to reveal the monk holding a bored expression. "How boring, I hoped to torment you a little longer. This is why I hate strong-willed people the most."

"Save me the speech, I know your type all too well." Copen scoffs with irritation, at her and himself for even being dragged by the nose in the first place. She definitely knows too much now. "You use your septima to torment your victims with memories of their traumas and failures, then using those weaknesses, you recreate the septimas of the adepts that they've met to add more weapons to your arsenal. I'm no student of yours, just a toy to torment and suck the information out of before you try to shatter my mind with your silly games."

"Correct, perfect answer, ding ding ding." The monk lets out a short laugh as she sarcastically claps, her shadow enveloping the entire mansion while mist starts to thicken all around.
"However you've misunderstood one thing if you think I've got nothing else to teach to you."

Her feet start to reach the ground, as if she's testing the water. Seeing Copen put on a battle-pose but yet not shooting her still, she gives out a smile as she's about to fricking monologue.
"You sure love that sister of yours huh? Had you not said a thing I would've still figured that out, seeing how absolutely filled your head is with memories of her." She pauses, looking for any meaningful reaction to that, but only gets a harsher glare in return. He's already accepted that she can read his memories and that she's a sadist so showing a reaction would only please her. Besides as long as she dies in the end, it doesn't matter what she knows, remember that.

" 'As long as she's happy, I can make sure that no more people will ever hurt her again by continuing my crusade without involving her in my life' that's your logic, right?Bah!
That's nothing more than a way out: No matter what you do, you'll always be able to justify it by saying you're doing it for her sake. You get to use her as a clutch while not caring for he- "

"YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" he's moments away from pulling the trigger. The only reason he's showing restraint is to not lose himself to rage as that's what she wants and it would ruin his fighting style, it'd make him sloppy, and he needs his 100% to win against her.

"Her at all." She continues anyway, revelling in every second. "But you're self-aware of that too, so shouldn't that end anything I could say by now? Why are you still angry? Oh, could it possible be the fact that being self-aware of it does not excuse it in the slightest? Admit she's nothing more than an excuse at this point. Until you do that, you can't court true darkness."

The mist concentrates in front of her, creating a silhouette of a woman with white hair and-

Copen shoots Serpentine with everything he got. "I won't play your games!" but the woman simply dissipates into the mist while cackling in delight at his useless struggle. At how he becomes more panicked and rage-filled the more detailed the figure grows over time.

"ENOUGH! Two can play at this game!" Having everything to lose from letting 'her' appear on the battlefield, the slayer gathers all the charged ex-weapon energy, jumps into the air with a pose and releases all of it at once, sending the AS-Drive into a mad burst of a limit break!

Fallen villain's souls
Unite as one yet again
To fell greater sin


With a purple ray Gorgon's gaze shines over the monk's position, to no damage due to her lack of eyes in the form of mist. Likewise, the sudden barrage of light-filled lasers from Arrogant Radiance fail to effect the adept in any way, determining for sure that she's got a semi-evasion.

Not to be discouraged, Copen goes a step further and uses two ex-weapons at once. The combined power of Stellar Spark and Hydro Zapper creating mighty bursts of water that are filled with electricity yet do no damage once again, because the water inside the mist is either non-conductive or her semi-evasion is simply that powerful. Even so, Copen fires every and any weapon he can muster against her, desperate to stop her at any cost before the process is done.

Ferrouis Fangs plus Flesh Eaters to create blood flies? Doesn't do a thing. Lazy Laser plus Twin Tail Bunker combined making several portals out of which Golden Drills stab out off? Nada.
Not a single thing he does is enough to make the mist dissipate and finally the adept laughs.

Laughs at how his efforts are wasted when she reappears behind the figure of a white-haired girl with two butterfly-wings of a colours azure and crimson wearing a purple sleeping dress and a blue butterfly symbol on her forehead. Mytl is once again protectively holding her arms out in front of him while the adept behind her this time is blatantly laughing and his enemy.

"I…nggh." The shock at seeing her is even worse than he could predict, his hands start to shake and his aim becomes unsteady. It takes Copen every shred of his will to not fall to his knees. Because by the gods, she's back and he knows that isn't true but even so, it still affects him.

How the hell is anyone supposed to react when they meet their dead sister again?

"Kukuku, oh god, you should look at your face right now. The sorrow is exhilarating!" the adept continues to mock him, a full-toothed smile on her face. "Aw, why the silence? Does the mere sight make you want to curl up and die that badly? If so then do wait, the lesson isn't over!"

She puts her arms around his sister's shoulders, the very act flares him up again, yet his feet don't move, and the adept just stares at him while her hands slowly creep under Mytl's chin. "I have to say I do see a resemblance, you've got the same hair and noses. She's oddly young though. But we're not here to talk about that, nah. What matters is lesson number three: Namely the fact that I'm going to make her attack you and you're going to kill her all by yourself."


"It's the only way for you to graduate, it makes sense after all." The adept continues, blatantly enjoying the moment. "By doing so you rid yourself of your final excuse and will truly become free. You'll be a genuine monster, just like me. And then I get to kill you at your very best."

A surge of panic starts to take root in the slayer's chest, he can't do that. He won't do that, there's must be a way to circumvent this twisted game yet no genius idea comes to his mind.

"Aw, not taking the shot yet? It's a bit too late to play the hero now." The adept snorts and then finally lets go of Mytl. "But I understand, you need one more push, which I'll gladly give."

"Hey, Mytl was it?" she addresses the dead muse with an overly familiar tone. "Do me a favour and kill your big brother, for world peace okay?" she actually stops there as if the girl would a-

"Okay!" Mytl replies, her young innocent voice filled with dissonant joy. Instantly she gathers power within her septima and moves to fly, only for nothing at all to happen. "Huh?" her wings remain uselessly at her side as her septima refuses to work for reasons nobody is aware off.

"Tsk, looks like I wasted too much energy." Serpentine comments, seeming not too surprised but still disappointed. Within an instant more fog gathers around her, and this time Copen has the impression that she's focusing all her remaining power back here, thus undoing every other undead that's roaming around the house. "What? Still not enough? Ugh, what a terrible price your septima has girl. I'll have to study it more perfectly later if I wish to even mimic a fraction of its power. How lucky your brother is." She gives Copen a glance again, then smiles. "Then again if I can actually do that." She says in such a tone it's not clear whether she truly doubts herself or is trying to gaslight. "Then I guess it's okay for me to kill you right here, right now."

"Of course, you're after the Muse Septima." Copen suspected that the moment he saw ZedΩ's glances towards Lola, but he was confident that they wouldn't be able to figure out how she managed to gain it since he himself didn't know either. It just appeared one day again during their many travels but now isn't the time to reminisce. "A shame I extracted it already and destroyed the septisomes. And the only remaining muse would rather self-destruct than share such a powerful tool with you." He's got confidence in that if need be, Lola's AS Drive has become powerful enough to overcharge all of their weapons and cause an explosion that could destroy a whole city block. A sacrifice that would kill every Adept in the vicinity hopefully but still a sacrifice he doesn't want to make unless there's absolutely no way to persist beyond it.

''Yeah, yeah, try to act cool all you want but that doesn't change the situation." Serpentine tends her spear to Mytl. "Hey, use this to stab your brother to dead. Just rush at him and don't stop!"

"Okay!" Mytl replies again with a cheery manner, not a single shred of her personality inside the fake body for as far as Copen knows. But he still isn't ready to harm her in anyway, something she doesn't reciprocate when she picks up the spear, turns around and walks towards him.

"Mytl don't." Copen tries to warn, but it comes more like a plea. His hands refusing to aim his gun in her general direction. "I'm, we're family. Don't you remember that?"

She takes another step, unheeded by his words.

"You don't have to do this!" he begs outright, the world starting to slowly spin. All his fighting instincts turning completely useless like paper exposed to water. "Don't listen to her!"

She gives a hum as she outright skips towards him, just 20 feet away and getting closer.

Filled with panic. His mind turns to Adepts and his hatred of them, on why he's doing this and that if he lets her stab him then he'd be abandoning Lola, Nori and the girl that's not her. How wrecked the former two would be if he never woke up and how the latter could end up in yet another incident if Gunvolt's trouble radar hasn't already been turned on. His hands tighten for a moment as all that resolve comes to him and he raises his weapon. Then his thoughts turn to what will happen if he shoots, the sight of Mytl's corpse falling down, bleeding on the ground as he would have killed her. His own sister. The girl that always smiled when he visited, liked to listen to music he didn't relate to and had to confiscate magazines he didn't approve off from.

He thinks of her lying dead on the ground of Eden's garden, alone, cold and abandoned.

And now he can't do it.


Scratch that, he never could have done it.

But there is still Mytl approaching him, risen from the grave. Mytl, who might not even be able to be called Mytl anymore. Mytl, who is going to kill him slowly as he doubts she knows where to actually stab someone. Mytl, in front of him, somehow inevitable.

Copen's fate was already decided. Mytl wouldn't give him any chance to escape. The only question left was how he would go, never when but how. Still, it can't be now.

He has to do it.

He can't do it.

He has to do something.

Maybe if he got on his knees, she'd stab him in the head, killing him quickly.

Mytl is now ten feet away, about to commit a lunge the real her would never be able to.

Black spots crowd in the edge of Copen's vision. More memories flash through like lightning.


Copen pulls the trigger.

Then he pulls it again.

He doesn't stop until he empties the whole clip into Mytl's chest.

She falls down due to the first shot, the second and third pierce her head and chest and the final shots make her entire body fade away into mist, all of it so fast she has no time to feel pain.

For a moment everything is quiet, except for the clatter of the spear hitting the ground.

Then the silence is killed by the sound of laughing. Courtesy of Serpentine holding her stomach and struggling to fully stay up as the sheer hilarity hits her. "Congratulations! You've done it, you sibling killer. You passed with flying colours!" she laughs again, so loud it seems painful to her.
"Oh, oh…oh, god. Man, I didn't know what to expect. But you truly are one insane maniac.
Perfect, very good even. Now show me your true self and let the darker one- "

"This is a nice spear." Copen comments, as he holds the thing in one hand and observes it while his features are hidden. "A khakkhara is what you call it if I remember. Usually used by monks to announce one's presence and chase away animals. Sometimes called a 'Tiger's pewter staff'."
His tone is off-guard and oddly curious, as if he's inspecting some fancy tool in a tourist shop.

Serpentine is immediately on guard, well aware of how some people can go loopy from grief.
Even so, she takes a moment to nod at the comment. "Indeed, I have made it myself. It's durable to smash a skull but also long enough to use as a walking stick, thus letting me always enjoy it."

"A respectable utility. But say, have you thought about what would actually happen if you tried to strike a tiger with this thing?" He looks up at her with a smile on his face, not of joy but off an otherworldly sensation, no longer that of a turbulent wildfire that drives him into a frenzy to raze everything in it's path. But a rage like the calm, all-enveloping depths of the sea. Copen has full control of this rage. "When you rile a tiger, he's going to show his claws." All directed at her.

"Oh, how 'spooky.' Do you want to hurt me? If so then let's d-" she doesn't get to finish that sentence as one moment, the slayer is still and the next his knee is in her gut thanks to a bullit-dash, he swings the backside of his gun against her cheek, drawing blood and smashes the spear against her face with such force that it shatters, forcing her prone as she lands a few feet away.

"I have to thank you." The slayer says looming over his prey with a stance ready to rip her apart. "I have no more doubts about what I should do, so let's return the favour with a lesson."

"S-sounds like fun." The monk gets up and wipes some of the blood of her cheek, a savage grin on her face. "But let's stop with the teasing and start tearing each other up to pieces already!"

"He said I could try to kill him at any time. Does that ring a bell?"

The monk's face immediately falls flat. "What?"

"ZedΩ." He gives a smug smile. "From what I can tell, such a strategy has worked once before and from what I know about you, you look like the type of sucker to fall for such a thing."

Confusion turns to annoyance. "What are you trying to say here? If this is some pathetic atte-"

"I'll make it short then. You and I are quite similar ability wise; I take my septimas from bodies while you take yours from minds. Both of us are stained with sin and most importantly the both of us have an use to him. I do wonder for what reason you're under his thumb, but every trashy romance novel sense is telling me that you're infatuated with him. Or that could be a str-oh." The way she's fiercely glaring at him outright confirms it. "The former then. Good, that makes this much better. More fun. Now for everything you have, I'm every bit the better and ZedΩ knows that. If I willingly joined him, I could give him much more than anything you ever could."

She scoffs, not looking that affected. "Boys and their dick measuring contests, is that all?"

"Of course, I won't do such a thing and if there was even the slightest possibility of me considering it. You've already ruined any chances of cooperation, something I'm sure he won't look too kindly on if it wasn't for the fact you never planned to let me wake up to begin with."

"Keep going." The monk raises an eyebrow, intrigued now, if slightly excited again.

"Frankly, you're a sadistic bitch." Copen says to the point to which she casually nods. "That's kind of obvious. But more importantly, it seems your septima cannot fully recreate other adepts without long enough observation of their use. I'm sure you think you can with enough time mimic the muse septima, but I'm kind enough to inform you that won't be possible, like ever."

"How so?"

"You figure that out yourself." He doesn't need to reveal the entire card. "That said, here's what's going to happen now. I'm going to beat you up, wake up, escape from whatever place your prince has put me in and inform the very same Azure Striker of this silly prophecy."

"I am shocked to my bones at such a future." Sarcasm, if you couldn't tell.

"Then, regardless of his answer. I'll be ready to receive you lot and will kill your prey while you're forced to helplessly watch. Until then, have fun in delivering the news that you failed him."

Something she won't be able to do because again: Murder. This may sound like he's repeating himself a lot, but again, she deserves nothing less.

"Are you done talking?" She tries to look unaffected, but she bites her lip in irritation.

"Yes. Let's end this, I've got a promise to fulfil and no time to waste on you."

"Then the fog will delude you!" Serpentine starts the fight by summoning more mist.

"Time to return to reality!" And Copen dashes straightforward, unbending, unstoppable.

Let the fight begin!

Next episode.
Chapter 7- Copen versus Serpentine.
Copen vs Serpentine



Copen is often angry. Be it in or out of combat, he never was one to tolerate any perceived injustice as he considered the rage one of his strong points. In truth, it made him stubborn and inflexible. Making him lose out on many better choices he could have made with a clear mind.

Righteous Anger however is one of humanity's great creative forces. One you must learn how to control. That doesn't mean you let it trickle away. It means you damn it, carefully, let it develop a working head, let it drown whole valleys of the mind and then, just when the whole structure was about to collapse, opened a tiny pipeline at the base and let the iron-hard stream of wrath power the turbines of revenge. As simple as that sounds in theory, it is in truth something he usually struggles with. It can make him lose fights due to impatience or carelessness, but right now. Right here, he feels like he understands what righteous anger is.

What he doesn't understand however, "Hidden Punisher!" is why his opponent shouts out an attack name while seconds away from slashing him with a newly made spear from above. She was hidden within the mist a moment before, abusing it's ridiculous temporary invincibility. So had she not said a word, then dodging the downward slash by simply dashing away would have been his reaction, instead he faces the attack, blocks the spear with the red spikes on his gun, parries the thing away and counters the made opening with a good old, "Stellar Spark!"

"I won't be caught that easily!" The adept mocks as she simply lets go of the spear, flies backwards and then throws her hat to receive the lightning call, properly deflecting it.
"Now be torn to pieces!" she taunts as her spinning head-wear continues to fly towards Copen, who, undaunted simply shifts his body to the right to dodge the thing like that.

His prevasion triggers instead, as he notices that without it he would have been impaled straight in the heart courtesy of a Serpentine that was somehow hiding inside the hat. Because of course she can make mist-clones of herself and pull off such a clown-like feat. Not bothering to mind it, he instead raises one foot in the air and smashes it into her face, crushing it like pie.

Except he doesn't. Because she simply dissipates into mist, hat and spear included while the one that threw the thing closes the distance. Her sharp skirt rotating like a helicopter, aiming to cut him into pieces with a rapid flurry of blows that will burn through his bullit reserve.

"Hm." Noticing the problem that lies in facing opponents that are just as happy to abuse evasion as he is. His mind turns to any other way to bypass it that aren't GS bullets.
"If I had a way to destroy or dissipate the mist, then…" would she lose her own then?

"No mumbling! Keep moving or you'll die!" Of course, he still pays enough attention to shift to the left, right, up, down, whichever direction he needs to avoid the flurry while moving backwards at the same pace that she's approaching him, to tire her out in the meantime.

"Mist is nothing more than water droplets suspended in the air, therefore…" having gotten an idea, Copen dashes straight upwards to get out of the dodge-cycle, floats in the air courtesy of his jet-boots and out to take back the offensive, touches both his shields "All I need is heat!"

"Duo Leon, full offensive!" with just a voice-command, the shields gleam a crimson light as they both attach themselves to each of his arms. Arms that the slayer puts together as he unleashes the power of a backup septima inside of it "Ferocouis Felines, give me the push…."

"As if I'd let you monologue!" Serpentine shouts as she jumps upwards with her spear.
None to keen to let him do whatever he's planning to do, "Now do me a favor and die!"

"To shred away all doubt!" Finishing his chant just in time, the white shields gain a crimson barrier around it's front while several jets appear on the back end of it. "Crimson Rush!" all of which activate at once, launching Copen towards the Serpentine with the intent to smash her!

"As if that would work-" it does, for the moment the front of the shield contacts her half-turned mist form. A blazing explosion triggers, evaporating all the water the mist contains with its immense heat, thus undoing her evasion while at the same giving her a nice shield facial.

The touch of which causes yet another explosion, increasing the rush's momentum as they smash past the roof, the ceiling and ground of the second floor and finally make their way to the same grand hall where the fight started. An experience that Serpentine definitely did not enjoy, seeing how her whole attire is now full of cracks, ash, and bits of the mansion itself.

+20 Kudos

"Thank you for flying with Copen airline." The slayer spits with scathing mockery after doing a flip and returning to his usual combat pose, shields flying by his side and gun ready. "Now then, stand up Adept and let's keep playing. A quick death is too kind for the likes of you." Still not satisfied with the fight, or perhaps getting carried away. He makes a show out of standing still while waiting for her to recover. Perhaps hoping to return all the humiliation by tenfold.

"….Ku….Ku, ku." However, instead of frustration or even outrage at being matched by a human like most adepts. Pained laughter comes out of the Monk as she slowly rises while leaning on yet another spear for stability. A smile of pride and joy covering itself over her face.

"What's there to be smug about?" Copen replies in blatant disbelief, his voice chilly once more and his body posture ready to react in case she has led him into some sort of trap somehow.
"Your illusions won't slow me down and your mist's weakness is found, You. Are. Losing."

"Wrong." She responds victoriously, her jellyfish like form glowering with happiness. "I finally got to see the real you, with no unnecessary filters like a sense of duty or familial love. No, I finally get to see the pure hate-filled monster determined to exterminate us all." She lets out another chuckle, ignoring the pain that comes from talking with a burned face. "It felt good when you hurt me didn't it? I mean of course it would, I'm the big evil sorceress looking into your ugly little heart and telling you the ugly little truths you don't like. But that's not all of it."

Copen crosses the distance before she can continue to speak, smashes one boot against her knee and grabs her by the hem of her armor before she can fall. "Stop talking." He doesn't think about how she didn't even try to dodge the move and just continues smiling. "Or I-"

"You're not the only one who feels that way though. I'm sure you've watched the news?" Serpentine inquires, a move the slayer didn't expect and doesn't answer to so she elaborates. "With the strikes from EDEN and the leaks of Sumeragi's secrets. Humans like you have never felt more in danger. After all, not only can their grand government not protect them against the massive scales of death a single adept can achieve but the fools were also making their own! And don't forget the fact that Eden's little plot has forever stained the status of every adept as a potential terrorist. Oh, and not only that, but there's talk of the world ending too. Isn't that fun? No wonder people would believe it, because now everyone wants everyone else to die!"

Copen's frown gains a new layer, he looks like he could choke her to death right now, yet again the rule of 'listening to enemy monologues for free info' delays that plan for once she's done.

Besides what she said so far is completely truthful, only a moron would think the complete freezing of a whole city and other massive death-causing events would not stay in history as grand tragedies. It's that temperament that has allowed him to be over-looked by most governments as he massacred his way through the globe. Even if it is all ruled by Sumeragi.

But really, this social commentary of her better have some grand point to it.

"I'm pretty sure even that were anyone to out themselves as an adept outside our grand capital, that they'd be lynched by a mob within seconds. Put to death by their own neighbours for the simple potential of causing massacres, regardless of age and gender." Serpentine says as if she's witnessing a beautiful sunset, instead of a glaring adept slayer or even worse the visual of some innocent kid awakening to a septima only to be stoned to death afterwards. "In short, all those worms have only two choices, either hide away their septima and die if they're found out or register in the government and die anyway when the mass comes for them. No matter their choice, adepts will never be able to live a peaceful life again."

"Get to the point." Starting to suspect she's just rambling. Copen squeezes her hem harder.

"Simple, people are starting to take your example." Serpentine responds with a tone that implies praise for some reason. "In the natural world, there is no such thing as boundless slaughter. There's always an end to it. But you…you've proven yourself different. You're the Adept Slayer. The living proof that any human if determined enough can kill an adept."

"They'll think I'm a fairy-tale. One that has truth in it, but just a tale." Copen scoffs.

"Even if you've managed to pass yourself off to most as a legend, it still has shown a new path to man. And now others will follow your every step, try to make as many corpses as you have, humanity itself will not rest until every adept is dead. And every adept hunted? They fear you."

"As they should." Copen replies dismissively, refusing to lot those words affect him and dismissing any possible visual of Mytl ending up stoned to death by an angry riot. "I don't see how this is supposed to affect me, if anything the end of the age of adepts is my victory."

"I'm glad you think that, but also sad to disappoint you. For you've set the perfect stage for Prince ZedΩ to make his own public appearance." Serpentine lets out a small cough, then clears her throat to continue. Not in the most perfect state for long-winded speeches.
"With his golden haven, golden palace, and golden heart. Won't he make a fine messiah?"

"An adept with a powerful septima and influence trying to take over the world? Impossible."
If you can't tell that is the thickest form of sarcasm thrown in, then I can't help you here.

"Quite possible!" She rhetorically answers back. "Don't go thinking I'm agreeing with that nonsense, I couldn't care less if he succeeds or not. As long as I get to kill him at his triumph I'll be satisfied. But that said, he's not actually thinking of taking over the world. He's more phrasing it as preventing the end of the world, but eh, who am I care for semantics here?"

"So, the primal dragon 'prophecy' is nothing more than a farce then?" Copen concludes.

"Bah." For once the monk looks actually offended. "I've personally foreseen that future as well so no. Whether people will actually turn into dragons or if the intense stress will cause adepts to gain some berserk-fuelled evolution remains to be seen. Ha, for all I know it could be no more than a metaphor about how eventually all the hunted will become the hunters."

"I won't let that happen." The slayer replies determined.

"Hah! Haven't you heard me? You've already done your part to make it possible!"

"Then I will do right by making it impossible." He replies again, unswayed.

The smile on her face grows wider, anticipation burning in her eyes. "How?"

He pauses for a moment, only staring at her with his twisted crimson eyes. A familiar baleful fire in them that made her want to torment him, if only to make it even shine ever brighter.

"You're fooling yourself if you really believe you're going to just warn the Azure Striker." The Foretold Death Fog Monk answers for him. "You're going to kill anyone who stands in your way, steal their power, become stronger and repeat that circle over and over until there is nobody left. Maybe one day it's for justice, maybe another it's for revenge, but it won't end."

"Have you run out of dramatic things to say?" The slayer again, refuses to show any reaction.

"Quite." Serpentine admits. "Oh, I almost forgot. I'm S-"

"I couldn't care less for your name. Even then, that's a thing only suited for humans."

"Heh." She lets out a snort. "I admit, it's a real regret that I'll have to kill you unbloomed. If possible, I'd like to kill you after killing ZedΩ but eh, in the end. He's still better prey."

"You say that as if you're going to survive this encounter." Copen frowns and mentally prepares for some nonsensical card she's about to pull to contest that statement.

"You're one stupid whelp you know that?" She pulls back her head instantly, dodging a gunshot and then pushes the slayer back with her bladed skirt. Both now five feet away and back into battle poses. "Do you really think I haven't gone easy on you?"

"How kind, please continue to do so. Until I've killed you." He doesn't believe it.

"How scary. Regardless I've played around too long so it's time to wake up." She raises her spear and taps the ground once; a flow of air dramatically envelops the area for a moment after which all of the mist in the surroundings and the surroundings themselves start to slowly dissipate away. "Come try to kill me in the real world, or run away back home. I'll give you a day before I reveal all of your secrets for our golden prince to use as he pleases."

"As if I'd let yo- "

"24 hours, the moment you wake up. You have 24 hours. Have fun suffering!"

"Heh." The sorceress overlooking Copen lets out the smallest possible sign of a laugh, the noise so small and so like a small exhale of air that nobody in the room, short of breathing down her shoulder would have heard it and even if they did, would have dismissed it as lie.

"What are you laughing about?" Lola asks, metaphorical face scrunched with suspicion. Being exactly the kind of gal to just drone around the shoulder of some creepy lady with no fear.

"What nonsense are you spouting?" Serpentine glances at the drone, her tone and eyes so dead and still that the drone is almost intimidated into believing she did see wrong. The alleged doctor lets out a sigh as if utterly exhausted and then moves towards the exit.
"I'm done here. That boy will wake up soon enough, today even if he's unlucky."

"U-unlucky? Isn't waking up a good thing?" The pod replies confused.

She gets no answer, instead Serpentine looks at Prado. Who until this moment was trying to socialize with the pod, who in return only gave back obligatory polite answers. It was annoying to be in the same room off such noise, but still a good enough distraction to bear with as it all ended fine. "You done?" is her only inquiry towards her fellow knight, no real interest in it.

"Hmm. A good question, snowflake." The smarmy shakespear-wannabe replies with her annoying accent and terrible nickname that Serpentine is certain is meant to get a rile out of her. "Personally, I would not mind to see the Tiger arise, yet I do posses the subtlety of heart to know when a moment is meant to be private amongst the most trusted comrades." Again, she doesn't say what she means straightforwardly, instead giving the combat pod a glance as she dramatically stands up and makes a motion to flick the large cotton ball of hair that is on her right side before doing yet another pose. "However, were Lollipop to desire otherwise then..."

"Leave." The pod replies a bit too quickly, to Serpentine's hidden amusement. Still she has the weakness of mind to quickly correct herself in embarrassment by saying the exact same thing but in a more polite context, the coward. "I mean, yeah. I'd like to be alone with him. Thanks."

"Very well!" Prado does a small, disgusting small bow to the pod before moving to the door as well. "Until the next time we meet dear!" and that's more than enough. Not wanting to support that cretin's presence any longer. Serpentine leaves the room in advance.

As she walks through the gaudy golden hallways, ignoring any guard that gives her a salute or praise about her beauty (a gesture they like, the goddamn masochists.) she becomes more and more annoyed with how dull things are already feeling and ponders when it is that the Prince is planning to summon her to his quarters, he must known already by now that she's done.

Then she stops walking. Pondering for a moment the reason she's feeling such impatience.
But after a shorter speculation, the answer proves simple. It was the same reason why one would feel hunger after seeing a commercial about delicacies, the torturing of such a straightforward soul has whetted her appetite. Sure, she lead him by the nose, something she never gets to do with the prince. But he eventually saw through it! There was no eventual slow build up towards the anticipated mind break. No sweet relief of tension as her victim stabbed, cut, bashed their own body apart in a desperate struggle to stop seeing her illusions. No.

He resisted so much and god, was that fun.

Before she can have more colourful thoughts about what it would be like to see him slaughter his way through the palace while on her way to try to kill her. Her fun times are interrupted when sees a flash of pink at the end of the hall, waiting near the elevator, The Pink Slut.

The bitch that challenged everyone to a battle royale just so she can get some fancy title that lets her get closer to the Prince that she wants to desperately get frisky with. The bitch that got that title by attacking her the second after midnight using the clause that they would fight on that specific date. The bitch that does her best to look at everyone else like they're flies.

To say she didn't like her was the understatement of the year, but if anything she also feels pity for the prince who has to deal with her disgusting courtships on a daily basis. If anything, she respects him even more for somehow managing to not jump between the whore's legs.

She promptly turns around, fully aware that the other elevator lies on the other side of the palace but more than willing to walk that distance if it means not having to talk with her.

"Wait." Unfortunately that plan fails instantly, because of course, miss pink just walks after her and orders her to stop. So, of course, she keeps walking anyway, if only to be more spiteful.

The sound of a gunshot stops that plan as well, and had Serpentine not blocked the bullet with her staff. She's pretty sure the pink slut would have excused the potentially lethal headshot as a misfire. More than glad to dispose of her if it means less women swarm around 'her' man.

"I don't speak pig. Go oink somewhere else before I feel like making bacon." Serpentine threatens the one who won't be named as pigs don't have names with a harsh voice, more than ready to fight to the death in this very hall if she gets an actual excuse to do so.

"This is strange." The pink woman tilts her head in faked confusion, her bouncy tits in full view as she wraps one arm under her chest and one under her cheek to increase the image.
"This is really strange. Was it yesterday, or the day before that? Didn't we clearly define our standings? Is it perhaps my memories that are faulty? Or is there a problem in my brain—? Cause from what I can see, you're messing with me right now, Serpentine." The pink slut replies in her usual tone of expertly faked hurt and superbly masked contempt.

"Your Sluttmancy will probably be incapable of feeling interest towards words such as peace and glory throughout the rest of her life. I understand. The intriguing part is the fact that I can't help but feel as if that personality of yours is, from beginning to end, wrong." But two can play at that game, though Serpentine doesn't even bother changing her tone, keeping it dry.

"Serpentine." Pinky says her name with a shocked tone.

"Does the prince appear so blinding that you must fetch a stick the moment it's thrown?"

"Serpentine." And now the tone is slightly lower, so close to getting her to quit the game.

"Yes, Sex-empress? Master of all diseases vaginal? How can Serpentine help you?"

"I, definitely warned you."

"I, definitely don't care."

A flash of light comes the moment Serpentine finisher her sentence.

"STAPH!" a wall of sand is revealed to have been placed in behind Serpentine, tall enough to even touch the ceiling with a bullet aimed specifically at the spot where one's heart would be.
Running towards while holding onto her glasses is the Goblin, looking to have arrived in haste.
"Goh, oh…Every time some-une leaves the two of y'all alone, this happens. Jeez." She frantically breathes in for a moment, her short legs not exactly marathon runners.

Serpentine just clicks her tongue, disappointed that she didn't get to fight after all. She inwardly curses the arrival of the timid short stack, how the hell does she appear so often?

"Ah." As for the pink bitch, she's holding her hands over her mouth in shock.

The tone of her voice masterfully sounding like a person who had done something by accident. A tone with a weight that felt as light as that could flow over the head of any simpleton.

"Sorry. I sometimes, really sometimes do things like this. I lose my rationality. But don't blame me too much. Normally, I give about two warnings before I lose my rationality, but you're the one who ignored them, right? Did I hurt you Serpentine?" and now she has the gall to act worried, heck she has the double gall to actually walk towards her target and grab onto their shoulders with faked worry in her eyes, the way she instantly tightens her grip though?

She couldn't be more pissed if she tried. Serpentine is one second away from head-butting her before she finally lets go and gives a heartfelt sigh as she backs off. "I'm so sorry. But really, I came here in order to know what you managed to figure out. The sooner we know, right?"

"Ah, uh." The gremlin jumps up in surprise when the slut looks at her, not having figured out yet that she's an expert at forcing people to side with her yet. "W-well, still shooti-"

"I'm so sorry Serpentine." Pinky quickly interrupts the gremlin, simply looking at Serpentine instead. "What?" or to be more specific, where she would have been. "Oh, come on."

Had she not turned to mist and vanished the moment pinky was dumb enough to lose eye-contact with her. Where has she gone? Who knows, she can appear and reappear whenever she wants after all. Sometimes there's even days where's absent, but right now in the best-case scenario she'll just head back to her own quarters, lock the door and just muck about until inevitable the prince asks for her report, one that she's going to have fun filling in with a bunch of '[REDACTED]' everywhere with a small ps at the end where she'll note that those spaces will be filled after 24 hours. The face the prince will have at that will be worth it.

Oh, but before that she'll have to tell security to send her the footage about the inevitable bloodbath that will soon come.

Or wait, would they be dead by then? He seems like the type to destroy any and all evidence about his own existence.

Regardless, once the tiger wakes up and all, he'll be pissed, panicked and definitely ready to do something interesting.

She just has to be patient for now. Just a few hours and she'll get a show.

To be continued.
Chapter 8- Escape the Golden Palace I
Inside a prison adorned by gold and a sunset glow.

The Big Escape I (Golden Palace)

Out of a nightmare….
Into another
The Tiger leaps.

Copen wakes up, regretfully in a room he does not recognize or like. Immediately an object makes impact with his chest, their identity revealed by a cry off
"Boss, you're awake!"

"What happened?" he mumbles, one of his hands instinctively moving to pat his partner who must have been frightened in such an environment. "And how long was I out? Tell only that."

"We got our buts kicked!" Lola's pod shifts through a bright light as she exclaims that, tears of joy moments away from bursting now that's she's coddling him in a humanoid form. Her grip a bit too tight, Copen braces it as his hand doesn't stop moving, instead now ruffling her hair which she immediately leans deeper into as she continues, "That Zed-guy trashed our ride, tried to sweet-talk me in that weird smarmy way and long story short: We're in a Disney film!"

"Beauty and the beast?" He guesses the moment he sees the posters, making sure that his tone of voice does not let out the massive amount of 'feelies' that he felt since he awoke.

"Yeah!" She chipperly replies, then frowns in disgust. "Two of his goons came in the room, said they were here to treat you-wait no, they said ONE of them were there to treat you but honestly, I don't think that's true at all. Like the way they were dressed and the way they described themselves? They were shady babes, shady babes, but I kept my eyes on them to make sure that won't happen! And it's a success since you're alive and well!" for a second it looks like she's going to end the summary there, but then the Diva looks her boss in the eyes.
"I mean…you are fine right? If you're not, then tell me, okay? Are…are you in pain, boss?"

"No…" In pain? confused? Emotions like that he would have felt if he didn't know the motive already. But knowing that it's his partner they want, he only feels determined to not let them get their grasp on her. Or on any of the information about his relatives that a certain adept possesses. This isn't their fight after all and the muse septima has been used in two prior attempts to take over the world already, so prophecy or not, they can go get their own muse.
That said, Copen puts both of his hands on Lola's shoulders. "But get off, you're crushing me."

Understatement really, he feels like they might fall off but that's way too rude to say.

Lola gives a fake GASP at that, or maybe not so fake as she shifts her stance, and her ears turn red. "That is a NOGO, boss. You can't tell a girl they're heavy! It would tear their heart apart!"

Copen just scoffs in response, the mood almost turning light before he remembers the situation and that their whole interaction is most likely being observed and then the morbid visual of his best friend actually being torn apart for research comes to mind. "Lola…."

"Yes boss?" Lola replies, instantly attentive the moment he uses his 'this is important' tone.

He says nothing for a moment, pondering whether or not to share what he has just gone through. But when he looks at her again, he realizes he doesn't have the guts to do it.
To worry her even more that is, for normally he would never keep a secret from her.

"Everything will be okay." He lies with the most warmth he can, then his head turns to observe the whole room, his tone back to serious. "But I need a more detailed report, now."

"Okieday!" And after a few seconds of exaggerated movements and a whole minute before she turns back to her pod-form (To his unsaid relief) Copen has learned three distinct facts.

One: The time it took to go from the middle of the dessert to the capital of this unknown country was close to instant from Lola's perspective. Meaning that when ZedΩ used his Septima to turn into actual light he can reach immense speeds, aka he cannot be ran from.

Two: Both of his two currently known ATEMS knights possess Septimas that got a 'water' theme. (One can make memories real through misty illusions and the other can make ice).
Not knowing the latter's exact power aside, It's safe to assume they're both of a S tier level or at least all of his closest servants should be, seeing how he himself is an unit worthy of S+.

For reference: The S+ rank has only three other members: Gunvolt, Nova and Zonda.
Though rankings don't mean a thing as they're determined by bizarre qualifications.

Three: Their current location is that of ATEMS personal HQ, in the capital of their nation. One that wasn't known up til now to the duo, which can only happen for two reasons. Either this nation has extreme xenophobia and has shot down any travellers, explorers and people that want to inspect the dessert which should have nothing more than ruins in it to keep secrecy.

Something that's impossible or should be, as one can't exactly hide by just killing every potential observant. As doing so would only fuel rumours about the disappearances.

Or even worse, these bastards are bribing Sumeragi to keep any info about them off the public, which means they're rich enough to offer them things the latter really wants but also strong enough to dissuade them from taking it by force. Being an world-controlling government it'd be a piece of cake for Sumeragi to censor some subjects on the internet and undernet (Aka dark web that's only half as controlled as the int one) but even so, even so!

One can't hide a fricking country! That's just…. just, the concept itself is ridiculous!

Copen's mind flashes several scenarios at that sentence, like people controlling electricity, mechs that look worthy of their own cartoon show being used as actual military assets, etc.

In short, the world is ridiculous. He knows this, he's lived through it. So how is this different?

"Boss? The light in your eyes is becoming emptier than usual, earth to boss!" Lola's prodding returns his focus, so he just nods at her statement and moves to sit on the side of the bed.

*I need a plan* He thinks to himself, pod still on his lap as he pierces the room with careful eyes. *I don't know how much free time I have here or even if the 24 hour 'game' is one that the adept will actually respect. Regardless, I need to find a way to get out of there, so think*.

"When you find yourself in a bad situation, one you may even call hopeless. Do three things." The voice of a certain black-dressed maid speaks to him in a memory. "First think about what you have and what you can use. Then about what is in your way and finally how you can use the first two to get rid of the latter. Keep in mind, no plan will survive past three steps."

He nods to himself, a tinge of pride in knowing that he can still keep his calm even in the worst of situations. As nice as this room is, someone will inevitably intrude it and try to pull him into some time-wasting event. Perhaps ZedΩ will once again ask about his offer and then if he said yes (which he never would) the charismatic twat would ask 'permission' to inspect Lola or maybe for her to sing for them. And if he says no, then It'd be time for a fight he may not win.

"Boss?" Lola prods in again, her voice a bit lower as she can tell he's in his deep think trance, even so that doesn't mean she can't make herself useful somehow, "Do you need anything?"

"A glass of water would be nice." He replies, one palm over the other as both hands rest under his chin. Normally he'd do a brainstorming session with Lola, but again they are monitored.

How does he know? Simple, just assume the worst situation is always reality.

She goes ahead and does so, making sure that neither the cup or the water is poisoned to Copen's thanks, after which she simply idles in the air while waiting for the boss to inevitably stand up with resolution and a glimmer in his eyes as he spouts the proverbial eureka!

She doesn't have to wait long. After a minute of silence, Copen rises dramatically, tends his hand outwards with determination and picks up the cup that she put on the nearby table in arm's reach before drinking the water in it like a normal person. So never mind, false alarm.

But then! With glass still in hand, he moves from the bed, wobbles for a second as she helps him not fall on his face and eventually he heads to the balcony. Basking in the red tint of the setting sun and overlooking the grand landscape of sci-fi Agrabah. Or whatever it is called.

His eyes narrow at the view as a familiar baleful expression grows on his face. What looks like a wonderland to those who oversee it looking nothing more than the pits of hell to him.

Even so, a certain detail catches his eye. The tower's exterior when viewed from a certain angle looks like a chained golden sword about to pierce into the heavens themselves. For a moment he wonders how ridiculously expensive the construction would have been as the tower is clearly only held in place by the chains surrounding them. An impractical design really, but not one he's sure he could actually abuse. Still, the way some of the chains lie on the very tip of the top give him the illogical visual of him just rail-grinding it as a way to escape. A bizarre idea for sure, but it's an option he'll keep as back-up if the need ever does arise.

"The saint was led by the spirit into the wilderness to be tested by the devil…." He suddenly recites, a habit Lola knows he hasn't indulged since that day at Eden. Yet his voice lacks any real zeal, belief or even bitterness. "And after fasting for forty days and forty nights…"

Lola understands that she is meant to continue rather quickly, "He…was hungry?"

He gives her a glance, face turned determined as both his arms grab tightly onto the railing
"And the devil said to him, *if you really are the son of god, tell these stones to become bread*"

The pod bobs about in confusion, but has several pdfs of holy scriptures installed, so looking up the next sentence is no problem to her. "Man shall not live on bread alone, only the vo-

"Lola." Copen interrupts, an odd glimmer in his eye. "This isn't a test. Don't look it up."

"Oh, sorry." She got caught, but still, she doesn't get it. "But what are you trying to say?"

"Listen carefully, I know you can figure it out." Oh, so he's using coded language? Hidden meanings in his words? Regardless of what it is, Copen continues his reciting. "Then the devil took him to a holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. '*if you are the son of God*, he said, *throw yourself down. For it is written…*"

(An drawing of Copen looking down the scenery appears here, his face holding a stoic expression who's true feelings are betrayed by how tightly his hands are holding the rails.)

"*He will command his angels concerning you,
and they will lift you up in their hands,
so that you will not strike your foot against a stone

The saint answered him, *It is also written: 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test.*"

"But I am not a son of God, Lola. So let us do exactly that." He concludes, blatant hints of pain at that statement yet so much dramatic energy behind it, that it kind of sounds important.

"Not to be rude, but what are you even talking about?" The pod asks plainly confused.

"No need, just trust me." With a heavy exhale, the adept slayer turns his back to the view, enters the room again and starts to put on the armor and weapons that Lola must have repaired. A move that any sensible host should not have allowed or at least not give him access to. "Start a 1-hour countdown." Even so, he doesn't have time to complain about it.

"Ok." Lola says with no question, just getting ready for the ride. "Starting…now!"

"Good, by the way." Copen says while holstering his gun. "I need you to do me a favour. No matter what I say or do, trust that I have the best intentions in mind. Can y- "

"Pfsss." His 'question' is interrupted by a mocking laugh from the pod, who quickly flies over to his eye-level. "Why are you even asking that? Be it heaven or hell, wherever you go I follow!"

"Good, let's go Lola." Touched by the answer, Copen heads for the door and opens it.

"Boss, wait!" Lola hastily blocks his way, p-bits covering the door to keep it shut.

"What is it? Getting cold feet?" he snarks but still waits for her to continue.

"You are it!" She replies with an odd intensity, then has p-bits form the shape of a hand that pokes Copen hard in the chest, a move that should not have made him hiss in pain and drop to his knees. Yet he does. "Oh, no! I didn't mean to hurt you! Boss? Boss! BOOOOOOSSSSSSSSS! "

"It's fine, Lola." He replies in pained breaths, now too aware of the injuries that though treated are not yet fully gone and that it would take weeks before he's back to a pristine condition.
No scratch that, even then he shouldn't be feeling this weak, as if his life was drained.

"No, it's not. You're still roughed up good!" Another flash of light comes after that objection, Lola now looking at him with worry while wearing that dreaded magical nurse costume again.
A costume that consists of her phoenix wings transforming into a large red cross that floats behind, the most cliché nurse outfit with its boots, frills, and hats of a colour red and white giving a cutesy appearance that's lowered by her wielding a syringe the size of a broadsword. "But I'll make it up to you! Come on, let's use my power! just open the skill menu and-"

"Use healing, I know! Just do it." He swiftly announces how much he likes the explanation.

"Healing!" Magical Nurse Lola announces, her gigantic needle really just being a spray that shoots healing nanites, a shot of which flashes a crimson light on the slayer. Causing his feelings of pain and decrepit form to quickly restore back to full health in only a jiffy. The job done, another flash follows and Lola is back to her normal self. "So, how are you feeling?"

"Alive." Copen replies as he stands up, dusts himself up. And tries not to show a grimace at how now even this ability must have been recorded. Even if him not being at his best condition would have been a major handicap. He doesn't want to share any info about how his trustful companion is growing more and more powerful as the days go by, "But, thank you."

"What would you do without me?" Lola replies with a smile, as if all is already forgiven.

Which it is, "What would I do without you indeed…" still he can't help but worry, if it was just her regaining the ability to use Anthem it would have been one thing. But for her to gain an entirely new ability that makes their own healing aid subroutine redundant is worrisome…

But not something he should focus on at the moment, so let's get out of here already.

"Let's go, Lola." Copen says as he opens the door and makes the first step to freedom.

Whatever lies inside the hallways of this palace something they will explore….

Right after this loading screen.

(Loading screen: A blue print showing two white shields with a crimson x on the center, each of them having holes where jets can appear out of off. And deep inside the center each lie rows of tiny daggers like glaives that must be used one at a time for each. In a way both are inferior aix-gears but together they can mimic the power of the original while being twice as versatile. Not to forget how they can combine together to make large shield that has three modes: Full Offensive has the shields attach themselves like claws to the user arms for direct melee combat, Full Defensive has both shields rotate around and well focus on defending against blows that have been registered as evasion-piercing and or surprise attacks. Finally Full Mobility has both shields combine to create a hoverboard for intense speed combat.)

The moment they open the door and step out of the room, the duo is met with a rather empty hallway, sure it has extremely gaudy designs worthy of an oil-painting, yet no guards are rushing to their location in a hurry to shoot them down and no alarm is raised even though a camera at the right end of the hall has clear view on them. It is almost as if they're allowed to wander or were expected to wander or whatever it is that adepts are planning these days.

"Could it be a trap?" Lola wonders behind her boss as the latter walks at a normal and most strangely un-guarded manner with not one of his hands looming over his gun. "Boss?"

*My radar shows that the nearest signs of life are on the floor above, even then the number is so low that it could be just the adepts. Did they evacuate all civilians from the premise?*

*No, it's the opposite. They're fully prepared for me to try to storm the place. Their guards must be hiding within secret passages that my radar can't pierce through. Just waiting for the excuse to hit us with everything they got. A shame for them that I know how to bide my time.*

*First, I need to locate the Mist-adept's location, then secure an escape-route and then eliminate her. In the meantime, any more info I can gain is just a bonus.*

"Don't worry. I know what I'm doing." He responds and keeps walking as if expecting nothing to go wrong. Not sure where that confidence comes from, Lola shrugs and keeps following.

Then, as if struck by lightning. The pod suddenly stops. "Boss, this is nuts!"

"Hm?" he replies as he turns to her, curious about what she discovered.

"It's everywhere boss! Use your septima scanner, you'll see what I mean!"

Copen obeys swiftly and presses a button on the arm of his gear. A red holo-screen places itself in front of him and scans the area…revealing golden veins of pure energy coursing through the tower like sap from a tree. "Oh, you have to be kidding me..."

"I'm not!" Lola replies in mild panic, "I don't know why I didn't see this back in our room or even at the balcony but its clear that this place isn't using any ordinary electricity. No, it's using the power of one heck of a strong septima. It has be because of Golden Trillion!"

"Hm, that does make sense." Copen comments with a thoughtful expression, making a point to keep walking too. "After all, if one can create infinite energy, then why not make use off it?"

*Though in that case, the tower's 'chains' could be responsible for more than just holding the building in place.*

*Perhaps he's responsible for generating all the power that his secret nation has.*

*But if so, how can he move freely around?*

*And besides, how can this info be used to my advantage?*

*Would destroying them cause a mass-black out? Or since it's a nuclear septima, would it cause a nuclear meltdown and kill everyone in the vicinity if I tried to do that?*

*More likely the place has back-up generators for such a scenario, otherwise a bad case of weather could put the whole city in the dark. Still, do we even have the power to destroy-


The voice of which belongs to the entity standing in their path the moment they turned a corner to the left. Though entity was a bit of a stretch as it didn't look like anything Lola could recognize, it has the posture of a dog about to lunge yet looks like a metallic bird of death with it's two-blade like wings raised high in the air. But also like a spider with it's four mix and match atrocities that are tentacle-chainsaws for feet. At the back end of it is an onyx tail of a scorpion and its disgusting head has six red orb-like eyes on top of the head of an eagle.

"I felt like stretching my legs." Copen replies to the thing without missing a beat, then points at his holstered gun. "Besides my weapon isn't drawn at all, so can we pass?"

"YOU HAVE FIFTEEN SECONDS TO COMPLY." It replies, stance not shifting in the slightest.

While Lola did not know what would happen once it finished its countdown. She could make a bloody good guess; hence she summons her p-bits to prepare for battle. "Boss, I don't know- "

"We're not fighting it." Copen gives her a side-eye glance, *trust me* being the unsaid words.

"We could shred it instantly and just be done with it though?" she still offers but complies, not knowing what he's planning but again, she's not going to doubt him any-time soon.

"YOU NOW HAVE TEN SECONDS TO COMPLY." The robotic monster warns again.

But Copen doesn't move at all, just putting his hands across his side as he waits.

"YOU NOW HAVE FIVE SECONDS TO COMPLY." It warns again and this time a flicker of worry does enter Lola's mind. Sure, even if this doesn't work, they still got prevasion to avoid the first flurry of shots with ease. But once the thing starts blasting, everyone in the palace will hear it.

Again, Copen doesn't move at all. Instead, he rubs his chin apathetically. "Define the weapon."


"Ah. I see." Copen nods in understanding. Then looks at it again. "But how about no?"

"FOUR." It warns, slower than last time. As if it knows the rules of drama.

"Three?" Copen joins the countdown, eyes still fixed on Lola to NOT move.


Okay, she has no idea what's happening here. Is this a courage thing? Is it all just a bluff?


Because it doesn't sound like one! Even so she remains still and braces herself.

"ONE. I AM NOW AUTHORIZED TO USE PHYSICAL FORCE." A loud whirring noise is heard as it-

Clanks, whirs, and hisses as a *swhoosh* sound is heard? A second later, the robot splits in two, a big blue vertical line in the middle of it where it's two halves separate and crash to the ground, soon after white glitters of light pierce out of it before it finally explodes into bits.

"The cavalry has arrived!" Prado spouts with a sword of an aquacolour as she jumps onto the pile of trash metal that was once a mighty mech. Putting the blade into it like it's a flag and she a ruler of a grand empire out to take foreign lands. "Rejoice, for it is Prado that receives you."

"My hero." Copen replies with a tone so normal; it almost sounds sincere. "But Prado who?"
And by the gods, he leans forward as if he's interested in what she is about to say.

Wait, is that it? Is he playing nice? Just riding along the wave or planning something greater?
Lola doesn't know, but what she does know is that she does not like the little wave Prado gives her when she sees her or the excited little taps she does as s-oh god she's coming for her.

"Ah, did the Lollipop here not tell you about me?" Prado says as Lola dodges her attempt to grab her and puts herself behind Copen as cover. Prado doesn't seem to mind, "If so.."

A blade of ice materializes in front of the Slayer, an inch away from piercing his neck while it's wielder holds the thing like a rapier. "I am Prado, the world's strongest Adept and you are the Adept Slayer, the world's strongest Human. Naturally it is fate for us to do battle, so en garde!"

"Can we do that later?" Copen asks as he moves the tip away with one hand. Secretly noting the warning his glove gives him that the thing is made of a subzero temperature. So, using a flame septima would most likely fail to melt through the ice if that's not all she can even do.

"Oh, sure." The blade melts away as she agrees instantly. A smile on her face as she looks him up and down. "Our fight is inevitable anyway, so I can wait a little more. Do be a challenge."

Copen's eyes linger for a moment where the blade was before he nods in response. After which he goes ahead and throws the first ball, "Do you-" *know where the mist adept is so I can murder her? Not that I will! Hahaha…* he has the insight to not say, "care to give a tour?"

"My heart is full of care." Prado pumps a fist to her chest as she straightens herself, only some music away from looking down a sunset like a noble eagle. "It'd be an honour to amuse you."

He nods again, even though every fire in his veins is shouting in disgust at him for sucking up to the enemy, demanding he mocks the adept for trying to force them into a fight she can oversee or use as a dramatic entrance, to have fun at their expense. "Thanks."

"No problem, so where do you want to go. My new comrade?" Prado inquires with a helpful tone as she motions for them to walk down another hall. "The top of the tower would give you a view unlike any other seen in the world, besides our esteemed prince ZedΩ awaits there."

"If he's waiting for us. Then isn't that our only option?" Lola inquires, still keeping her distance from the knight by using her boss as a wall of flesh, the latter too internally disgusted at the word 'comrade' to give back any sort of reply to that for a solid five seconds does not mind.

"Indeed, that'd be the polite thing to do. However!" Prado stops walking just so she can point at the slayer with a dramatic finger worthy of an attorney. "Us knights tend to be of colourful personalities, so he will not mind a small delay like this. So big is the heart of an exalted."

"Where is the room of…" for a moment he tries to recall what Lola told him, "Serpentine?"
Having finally decided to go for it as spending more time here would just be pointless torture.

Prado's face falls at the mention of the name, "Why do you want to know?" she responds with a hint of disgust towards the person talked about but more importantly, she's playing dumb.

"Love." He responds completely deadpan.

"Hah! You poor summer child." She just goes with it, one of her hands doing that 'tsk tsk' scolding motion that people only do on tv. "Do not think you can fool me that easily."

"What gave it away?" he lifts an eye-brow as Prado opens an elevator and presses button number 147 out of a total of 150 floors. For reference, they still are on floor 146.

"No sane man would love such a disgusting woman." Prado scoffs as she leans against the wall facing the two pals with one foot up. Her voice too genuine to be faked. "Only weaklings are mesmerized by sheer beauty, and even then her personality is the opposite of everything I stand for. Were she not an important ally of our exalted, then I would have cut her down."

"Important?" Lola asks the question before Copen can, sparing him the effort.

"Ugh." Another grunt of disgust, Prado's eyes narrow as well. "She's the one managing the construction projects. One of the many things she helped build being this very tower. As it turns out, using a single glaive as a battery is enough to fuel it all yet not weaken our lord."

"She's an architect AND a doctor?" Lola asks, her metaphorical eyes squinting in suspicion.

"She's a lot of things. None of them earned through 'honest' effort." She gives Copen a glance that can only mean she's fully aware of what the mist-adept did to him, then again why wouldn't she know? Still the sympathy in the look is enough to make him want to hurl. "She's a very capable individual, enough to get a devoted following willing to obey her over anyone else. Whether she's going to use it one day to kill her sunlight as she often proclaims she will is up til now a mystery that I frankly am not eager to discover any time soon."

"You sound like you dislike her." Copen adds in the conversation, still on guard as he's fully aware of the bad cop/good cop that some organizations try to pull on their 'guests.'

"Hm." That gets an amused stifle out of her. "Here's a fun fact, were it not for the Exalted's presence then I'm certain three of our members would be trying to kill each other by now."

*She's giving away way too much convenient info.* "Very funny, what if I joined in it?" Copen throws the boldest shot he can at this point, just waiting for what the catch here is.

"You mean, what would I do were you to kill her in a hypothetical situation?" Prado rubs her chin in thought at that, then shows a smile. "I'd be grateful, but I'd have to cut you down still."

"Unless." she continues. "It were self-defense. Then I'd have no choice but to accept it."

"Of course." She adds in, still talking even though Copen and Lola have not said a word in response yet, perhaps having imagined the scenario several times before. "The odds of that-"

"Are un-wha?" The sound of three heavy objects hitting the roof of the elevator interrupts her, the sources easily determined as unfriendly the moment several blades stab through it in an attempt to reduce the room's occupants into a human equivalent of shish kebabs.

"Die! Enemy of our graceful Serpentine!"

"Feel the heat of our of love!"

"And die to the hands of the Undine's fanclub!"​

"You were saying?!" Lola shouts with exasperation and Copen just sighs. Both in formation.

"…Oh, dear. That's definitely not part of the plan." Prado comments as she cuts the ceiling apart with one swing. Revealing a bunch of unarmed soldiers wearing aqua-coloured armor that makes them look a futuristic bunch of bee-hive owners. And by unarmed one means they are all B and A tier adepts seeing how most possess the crackling purple energy of Psychokinesis in their hands, a few other posses more natural elements such as wind while the last bunch must be using body-enhancements one seeing how unnaturally large and bulky they are. Which is a special way of unarmed that actually means armed to the teeth with septima.

"Does the self-defense part still stand?" Copen asks Prado while giving Lola the go-ahead to only use the ex-weapons that will help with taking down a big crowd without blowing up the lift they're in. "I'd hate to be deemed a terrorist for defending myself." Well, they'll be out of the lift soon but that doesn't change the odds it could crush someone innocent if it falls.

More importantly if this is some pathetic set-up, which it likely is. He'll just kill Prado and the soldiers right now, force one of the survivors to fess up, kill Serpentine and get the heck out.

Not a great plan, true. But sometimes, you must make the best with what you have.

"Of course it does!" Prado exclaims with genuine excitement as she moves to his side, already eager to fight. "Besides getting to fight WITH you is better than nothing. So, want to team up?"

"…You're awfully happy to kill your own people." Lola pipes up, disturbed.

"They've decided to work for scum; thus, they are scum. It is that simple." Prado states.

"Doesn't matter what they are, you take the ones on the left, I'll take the right." Copen says none to soon as the enemies starts blasting, "Try to keep up." And upwards he dashes.

"Hah, a challenge? Count me in, the one to defeat most wins!" And off Prado goes.

Lola is the one to linger, "Ah, wait it's that simple? Wait for me boss!" and tada.

"Time to cancel their idol!"​

"He's a real fan of the dramatics, isn't he?" ZedΩ comments in his office, a room that's oddly spartan-like as short of a table, some chairs, and desks to put files in. It lacks the usual extravagance and gaudiness that everywhere else the palace reeks off. Still, there's at least a hint of luxury with it's tapestries of the ATEMS logo on the wall behind him. More importantly he's wearing more laid-back clothes now, a white shirt up and black pants down as there is no reason to show off in his private little room. Oh, and he's watching the current live footage of the elevator fight on his portable computer with a bowl of popcorn and water next to him.

His companion, being the same rabbit-cosplay wearing girl doesn't comment. Simply sitting on a chair put next to him while holding a teddy-bear. Instead, she gives him a tilt of the head.

"Yes, yes. I know." He replies as if he can understand what she's saying. "I shouldn't let my knights play around with him, but you know how they are." A blank stare from the girl makes him continue as it's clear she's not satisfied with that. "Fine, in truth. We need to make his muse sing and what better way than to let him do the usual? A shame it wasn't only robots but who am I to deny the courage of the men sacrificing themselves for our greater goals?"

Again, she doesn't speak. Her fully unreadable red eyes with a strange moon shape inside them simply blink as her small hand moves to pick up one of the popcorns just lying in reach.

"No." ZedΩ however, gently taps her hand away. His charismatic smile widening a bit when he can feel the displeasure on her blank face increase as he gallantly eats another in front of her. "What?" he replies as if confused. "You said you weren't hungry before, so endure it."

His cup of water 'accidently' falls onto his lap after he says that. Something that actually makes him stand up in surprise, look down and return a look of mixed amusement. "Really now? Is that how you respect the ruler of your nation and the one who will fulfil your dream?"

A voiceless shrug comes out.

"Oh, come on." He stops the regal tone so he can scoff at her for only a moment, the way one would towards a younger sibling. "First thing something exciting happens and now I have to go change. You better be ready to recount the most important bits once I come back."

A wave of goodbye done half-heartedly on purpose.

"Don't blame me if by some extremely unlucky occurrence, the slayer enters this room!" he shouts back with a wave as he heads into the bathroom that's just next to the room. "I'll be too busy trying to dry myself off without burning my clothes to save you, how ironic that'd be."

Layla uses the opportunity to put herself on the comfier chair, take the popcorn and stare at the screen with absolutely no discomfort at the amount of violence and death shown.

Her gaze fully focused on the battle-pod trailing behind the infamous mas-murderer.

Something about the pod's (when she was humanoid) purple eyes feel familiar yet she can't figure out why. Even so, she knows that once she's exposed to the song. Her own power should have a chance of awakening. Or at least that's what ZedΩ says, and she has no reason to doubt him.

More importantly, she picks up a popcorn. The sweet little ball prior forbidden. Now hers.

And eats it.

To be continued.
Chapter 9 - Escape the Golden Palace II
Still inside the very same building

The Big Escape II (Golden Palace)

The cunning prince observing with their (future) muse…
A hallway filled with the bewitched…
The tiger's wild chase as a knight plays along.


One ninja is an incredible threat, for they are a person trained in the arts of the shadows and proficient with many obscure weapons. One can be a terrible foe to face for any hero of a tale.

However, a horde of them? Would be nothing more than a bunch of mooks, an easy fight where an individual shows their strength by going through them all like they're pack of gums.

Conservation of ninjutsu they call it and in truth that's the only reason ninjas are even mentioned right now, for you see, as much as it is a trope in fiction, it may as well be reality.

What else can one say when the Slayer gracefully bounces from wall to man, man to wall as he zooms past charges, lasers and kinetically thrown projectiles with an deadly elegance of blue fire surging out of him and red blood pouring out of those who are cut down, shot apart and crushed into pieces for every single bit of space that he gains by the growing seconds? The verticality of the situation and numbers of his foes not slowing down his dance in the least?

Layla watching it all says nothing. Her eyes strain with effort to keep up with the movements as she swiftly needs to change cameras every few seconds. The 'guests' dispatching of their talented security like they're mere canoes and they the wrath of the ocean incarnate. A sense of curiosity increases in her at the display rather than the logical emotion known as fear.​

"Very good! Your stories are not exaggerated!" Prado answers with more fanfare, not one to let him undo her though as she cuts and deflects attacks with a mix of swordsmanship worthy of a master and full control over her septima allowing her to freeze down the walls to tie foes down, create more blades of ice to slash them apart and platforms for her to easily maneuver.

Copen doesn't reply, too focused on getting through them all. Intent on reaching the boss before anyone can even entertain the idea of saving her at the last second from her 'fate'.
In the process, again zooming past more projectiles while returning his own, when the opponents seem to get used to it, he quickly changes to a more melee-focused style as golden drills ravage through the crowds that he rushes into and get turned into imageries best unsaid.

The environment fails to slow him down even with it's barriers made of pure energy to entrap him inside a room filled with foes, the way explosive robots flicker into place but are destroyed before they can detonate their true power and various other obstacles as he keeps moving.

It's almost surreal how his feet have not touched the ground during it all.

"Ex-weapons sure are a curious technology, aren't they?" ZedΩ dramatically says while watching over the girl's shoulders with a glimmer that never promises good things. "In all my life observing technology and making my own superior version of it. Never before have I seen a weapon capable of creating inferior yet versatile tools capable of mimicking our powers."

Layla just gives him a side-glance, already feeling in her bones that he's about to verbally analyse the whole thing again like he did hours ago, the geek just can't stop blabbing about any new potential 'toys' that he finds even when doctors are in the middle of treating the very injuries he got because of them. He'd have probably gone for the slayer even without the muse if he knew about it beforehand, very eager to meet an equal in the art of septimal science.

(To be specific, he IS the one that build the septima sciency part of the tower while Serpentine made the blue prints and concept of the thing known to him. There's no space to say that but here.)

"Still a master of none cannot defeat a master of one." He says as he takes a seat again, the same glimmer flashing in his eyes the moment the slayer changes weapons and shows more of the technology. "And as 'intriguing' his septima-anyone-can-use is. To make such a technology our own would send a terrible message to our people, ah, the burdens of rulership." For once his eyes show a hint at sadness at that, god, the man really loves his research. "We'll have no choice but to destroy it once his use has finally met its end." He announces, for dramatica!

Layla feels like she could get a whole story there if she prods, but puts it off for later. Still too interested in the fight that's happening just 2 floors below them. And is still ongoing.​

"Woah, she's right behind us…" The pod behind Copen comments, observing the bizarre sight of an un-armed Prado jumping several feet in the air without using ice or technology as aid and noting it down as a thing one would normally only see in action-movies. "But anyway, watch out boss, that guy over there looks like he's planning something nasty!" she points out a specific beehive-mook who's visibly charging more energy while a purple aura surrounds them.

"HAAH!" On cue, the elevator several feet beneath them glows in the same colour. Now manipulated into quickly rising in an attempt to crush the scaling heroes into the ceiling.

"Boss! If that thing catches up to us, then we'll become pancakes!" Lola comments the obvious, her battle-commentary something Copen has learned to tune down as he simply gives back a nod and increases his pace, outright ignoring a few foes now that are quickly disposed off by Prado and if not, will be smashed apart by the host of their own petard as people say.

"Bah, such a thing is nothing. Observe!" Prado stops, planting one of her blades against the wall to stay in place as she waits for it to get close. "A true knight faces all foes head-on!" after that declaration, she dives down towards it and with a flurry of blows lesser men could not see through cuts the very thing into pieces before it all explodes in a burst of snow angels. A very grand move for not such an impressive feat to Copen's mind, as he's sure that if the mooks could destroy the roof of it then its floor would be no less resistant. Lola is just dramatic.

"Very good. Your stories are not exaggerated." He has the sass to echo without looking, only for the lapse in attention to cost him a bullit due to the number of foes camping at the entrance of the next floor. Having finally had the brains to station heavy fire from stationary mini-guns who's bullets simply go through him as he flashes red as usual, changes the ex-weapon to blazing ballista and has a red ball land next to his foes and blow them all up.

The sound of a hexapyle being shattered accompanies it. Then the sound of boisterous laughter comes next to him as Prado jumps out and joins him in the hall, stretching her arms as if she just had a great before sport work out. "Ah, the thrill of battle. How sad it ended so- "

"They're over there!" ; "Impossible!? They got past the ambush?" ; "Kill them! Kill them!"​

Such sounds prove the contrary of Prado's words. And the greater number of the foes, alongside robotic devices that are placing electric lasers around the place, bombs that count down and explode when approached by foes and the sight of yet another chimera mech greatly imply that main force of this fan-club is now standing before them. Ready for more.

"Huh, perhaps I've broken a mirror today? This usually doesn't happen." Prado comments with a smile that's showing she honestly doesn't mind such a thing if it means more fights for her.

"Ugh, there's still more?!" Lola bemoans, lacking the body-language to visibly sigh yet enough feeling in her voice to show that she doesn't care about fight-scenes that are nothing more than the strong main-characters bullying the lesser mobs, yet here it's about to happen again.

Layla glances at ZedΩ who simply returns an unreadable smile and offers "Dramatic timing?"​

"All the better to make this quick, Lola, Stellar Spark." Copen orders while holding his iconic pose of keeping his right hand an open palm while his gun hides his mouth with his left.

One left the instant Lola shoots trails of lightning towards his foes as he flies towards them with haste to abuse the opening. The barriers of spikes shutting down as the bots creating them have their systems fried and the people of flesh get stunned by guess what? Thunder.

"Wooh! You've done it, 1000 kudos!" Lola announces after that attack, energy gathering within her as she and the boss have reached full synch. "One song coming right up!"

Both observants immediately lean closer to the screen in anticipation.​

With a flash of light and red feathers spreading everywhere, Lola transforms into her idol form. Just a second away from announcing "ANTHEM!" and have its powers empower her partner.

"Come on, come on." ZedΩ comments while Layla holds in her breath. Unable to hold in their excitement as the best possible outcome for their plan is about to happen.​

"No. There's no need for that." Copen interrupts Lola with an order made of caution. His muse stops herself but gives him a questioning glance, to which he says. "We need that for later."

Realization flashes in her eyes at that sentence and she gives a salute back, "Got it boss!" before flying next to his side to do her usual job without some amazing music blaring out.

Unknown to them a large groan of disappointment comes out in another room at this.

Anyway, back-up has managed join the offensive during that time, the energy blasts emerging Copen's way being proof of that as he side-steps them with no difficulty, closes the distance between his foes and shoots them down the moment they're tagged in his usual combat-loop. Prado quickly joins in with a battle-cry before adding in more destruction with attacks just as sharp and efficient but far 'grander' as the golden hall gets filled with snow and blood.

Their unwavering assault having managed to thin the enemy numbers and morale, some soldiers try to foolishly retreat while having their mini-boss eagle-mech stall for time.

A good strategy that sadly won't buy them more than a few more seconds in life though.

"So, what's your backstory, Slayer?" Prado comments in the middle of cutting apart several laser beams that come from the robot-eagle's six eyes as if it's a middling task done while chatting with a pal. "I mean I could ask Serpentine but then again, I can't as she'll be dead soon and frankly. I'd love to hear it from a fire-forged friend instead. So, what is it?" she repeats the question as she shatters the skull of a soldier creeping up behind her with a single back-kick.

"It's none of your business, is what it is!" Lola shouts in place of Copen, the latter too occupied with jumping past several swings of very sharp talons and chainsaws tentacles while looking for a spot he can mark without risking being hit in the process, yet he finds none.

"And one more thing. We're not your friends!" Lola shouts while he switches to just shooting, seeing no more reason to play nice as they'll be leaving this shady place once this stage is over.

"Ouch, you could have just said no, Lollipop." Prado shows a pout while preventing the robot from mauling her by pushing her sword against it's open jaw and then sprouting ice-swords that impale it from the inside in no less than a second, yet it still continues to fight. "But then again…" her eyes glimmer like those who know how to press a button. "That fire is cute too."

"Ha?" Lola replies instantly confused. Then flares up. "Why don't you give yours first!" not really interested in what the story is as much as it will end the conversation and let her tune it all out. Copen on the other hand, pays no attention to the girls talking as he cuts down one tentacle that gets too close, jumps over another swing, and has another golden drill pierce straight through the beast's back once he's on the other side of it. Close to taking it down.

"Gladly." Prado instantly replies, her attacks becoming faster and fiercer as her excitement goes up. "So, as I've said before. I was traveling the world, wanting to be the very best, like no ever one ever was." The mech assaults start to become less and less infrequent as the damage taken starts to take its tolls while she just gets faster, swords being created and disappearing the moment they've done damage and snow-flowers the shape of roses flutter in the air after.

"For unlike many other sad stories concerning adepts, I was destined to win the moment I was born. Coming from a loving family and living in comfort until the age of 6, I've awakened to my Septima during an appropriate hour of need when my brethren were being bullied by-" bla, bla, she gives overly long details about how she kicked ass, followed by more praise about how amazing she looked, this goes on for a while like a Shonen anime until it becomes relevant again. "Then knowing that with great power comes responsibility and that my power is the greatest. I went ahead and travelled the world, scouting the world and defeating any challenger. For I knew that I had yet to achieve my full potential as the world's strongest- "

Copen lands and gives her a glance, noticing she's still too occupied by her own hype that she doesn't notice she's smashing the remains of the already dead mini-boss. Lola conspiratorially floats next to him to whisper a sarcastic comment in his ear at the sight. "Loves herself much?"

He doesn't answer, instead focusing on the sight of the wall and realizing to his dismay that not a single soul was left alive. So now he doesn't know where Serpentine might be hiding.

It's situations like these that make him wish he had something like a stun setting on his gun, alas that's simply not possible as he would need to constantly change the intensity of the photon laser then to make sure a shot isn't lethal, which is something he can't afford in battle. With a sigh, he walks over to Prado who's still talking and waits for to be done with her fill.

"It was THEN that I found a new power filling itself within me!" She shouts again, blade piercing the beast's head while she puts one fist in the air victoriously. "I realized that the exalted was the Arthur to my Lancelot and that until the day comes where I shall create a new age, I must be his sword and shield until the metaphorical Guinevere comes for me to take!"

"Amazing, but where is Serpentine?" Copen responds dryly, not a fan of her large ham and eggs. None of her attempts at fraternizing have reached him, the only reason he hasn't dropped the affableness is because she's being useful at the moment, and he can't afford to fight two ATEMS knights at the same time. Even more when she is bizarrely helping him.

"Ah." She catches herself when he speaks up and straightens herself after another second.
"Her quarters are just around the corner, comrade. Come follow me, we almost have her!"

He nods and follows, appreciating her straightforwardness but holding no illusion over what her inevitable fate will be if she does get in his way at the very last possible moment.

"So, like is the Weirdo into girls that try to kill him?" Lola whispers a question he simply ignores. Now not being the time to gossip about somebody's love style, instead he simply increases his pace.

"We don't have cameras put inside the room of our knights." ZedΩ comments when Layla waits for him to do something. "Or any bedroom that's not the 'guest' room of course, respecting the privacy of our men and women is naturally an omen of my trust in them. And to breach it? Never would I think of that in my life. So alas, we have no choice but to move."

Layla just stares blankly at him, which makes him puts his hands up defensively. "You want me to get to the point? Very well then, the plan is simple: we go in there, watch a nice fight unfold and then have you awaken when our guests must inevitably use the power of ANTHEM."

He stops after that, as if waiting for any sign of protest, he gets none. Then he lets out a small chuckle, "Okay, you got me. There's no way I'd ever risk your life with such a fool-hardy plan." With the smile of someone who's hand got caught in a cookie jar, ZedΩ presses another button and soon enough the view of Serpentine's room is shown, albeit in a strange colour like that of heat-vision. "We DO have a camera, just one that can't be used for 'bad stuff'."

"No, I will not elaborate on what that means. You're too young for that." He pre-emptively continues, Layla's gaze just returns to the camera. "So let us wait and watch, after all…"

"All we need to do is wait, and strike if the situation requires it."

Layla's gaze still hasn't changed at all, instead she points at him with one finger.

"No, I won't answer the robot's question. Just focus on the mission."​

Loading screen time.

(Loading screen: Crimson coloured blueprints of Copen's handgun appear on the screen. It honestly doesn't look any more different than the Border II because the only changes on it are rather superficial and for the sake of optimization. Those being the addition of three red spikes on the bottom of the gun in place of the red x to tag enemies AND injure them alongside the effect it has on the increase of its TAGGED condition by well, bloody forcing the spikes in the body of the opponent. Thus guaranteeing all bullets home in on them until they remove it.

The second change is that he's now capable of recalling the gun back to his side thanks to magnetism, guaranteeing he won't need to waste time to retrieve it if he's ever disarmed.)​

"Out of my way!" is the only warning given before a loud explosion follows, the source coming from the Adept Slayer smashing through a door like it's made of glass with his gun raised in one hand and the rest of his body leaning against a shield as he continues the bullit dash, it's momentum quickly dropping him in the center of the room where he recovers into his battle pose after a small roll and a quick jump. Ready to gun down anything after the acrobatic show.

Lola and Prado on the other hand just walk into the hole made, then the latter does her own unnecessary jump as she lands in a similar way, catches a sword falling from the air and poses.
While the former just floats towards her partner as her gaze inspects the room, "Huh, this…"

"Sure is a fancy room, huh? Is what a fool would say." Serpentine says, seated cross-legged in a praying position in the middle of an interior lake the size of five bathtubs put side to side. Her whole room looks like a mini-eastern garden, with its tiny waterfall making the water flow in while there's a tube on the other end of the room that makes the water go flow elsewhere. The walls themselves are blue yet covered in white symbols that are similar to Buddhism symbols yet too hard to properly read due to the thick mist that's covering the room. The only normal part of the room is the plain-looking bed at the side which has wonderful green grass growing under it and the golden accessories that in hindsight are just exotic monk tools. But forget about the room for a moment, what's more important is the pleased expression on Serpentine's face as she taps her knees, "But we're not here to talk room design, are we?"

"No." Copen replies, then immediately dashes towards her, intent to impale her forehead with as many spikes and bullets he possibly can. The distance is crossed in an instant yet the monk makes no move to dodge the attack, perhaps confident she can simply use her Haze Walk (evasion) to just ignore the sloppy melee attack made by a foe too angered to think properly.

She'd be wrong. "Now die!" For the slayer drops the gun from his hand raised in the air for a strike and drops it in the other for a gunshot, it's secret safety already disabled as instead of a straight-forward white laser, it is a bullet creating a purplish aura ball that comes for her.

Greed Snatcher is the name of the bullet who's a single inch away from touching her forehead, a rare type of bullet created from a magnetism septima who had the side effect of temporarily rendering any adept touching it completely unable to use their powers. Once touched, he needs to only announce a shred storm to rip her apart and the battle will be over, he wins!

Yet, why is she smiling like a spider that fooled a bug into her web? And why is the bullet no longer moving? Shocked for only a moment, Copen's natural instincts kick in as he does a back-flip to dodge the bullet that's somehow been reflected to him as the monk remains mirthful.

Right into a spider-web made of steel chains surrounding the area, this time his body fails him and were it not for Lola's and Prado's ice blades cutting him loose, the burst of electricity sparkling where he once stood would have greatly wounded him, but such an attack ca-

"Haven't you figured it out yet?" Serpentine asks bemusedly while two figures hidden by the mist stand right behind her, their identities too obvious yet awaiting their dramatic entrance.
"What, did you think I wouldn't use the gained time to at least make two very fine-tuned welcome-gifts to you Copen? Why wouldn't I? You gave me so many memories after all."

"Forgive him, his family has always been filled with dense-headed saps." An all-too familiar voice from a person with purple hair and a single white strand comes out of the mist to reveal themselves as Nova the mighty, or at least what should be him based on what Copen imagines the man is like as he's never actually fought the adept in person. Still the way he speaks and floats in the air like a self-deluded brat is very in-character from what he saw on media. "Always one to spout grand speeches and die in some shoddy place miles away from family, oh, wait, he's not dead yet is he? Ta..ta…that's a shoddy mistake that should be fixed."

"And who better to do it then the man who was so close to ending his life?" The white-haired man with sunglasses known as Asimov, the Azure Striker before GV reveals himself as well. Looking with disdain towards him while chatting with a person he would have never allied himself with in real life. "You may have escaped me once, boy, but now? There is no escape."

Copen scoffs at their words, "You're nothing more than memories. Once the adept responsible for creating you has been dealt with, you'll be blessed with the second death you all deserve."

"They're having a moment, aren't they?" Prado quips to Lola in the midst of the three people staring each other down, "It'd be a bit more exciting for me if I know who these two are." Lola doesn't respond to her, more focused on supporting her boss the moment shots will be fired.

"They're far more than memories." Serpentine raises her voice to get everyone's attention, still seated in her cross-legged pose while rising to the air, an ominous aura surrounding her.
"They're the one adept you've never reached and the one adept you've never beaten respectively. Though nowhere near their original level, you'll find that they possess enough familiarity with your attacks to prove a fun distraction for me watch you dance around like a monkey surrounded by hot stones. Now dance boy, dance until your body breaks!"

"Ugh, you're as revolting as usual, snowflake." Prado suddenly speaks up, not one to let her presence be shrugged off as she points an ice-blade towards Serpentine. "Even so, ordering your personal forces to cause problems in our HQ isn't something I can just let you get away with. Any other person would have been executed, but as a fellow knight you're far too valuable for such a fate, so if you surrender then I promise you won't be-"

"Spare me your drivel, you Shakespearean sow." Serpentine interrupts with disgust and pure annoyance at having her moment be interrupted by a third party. "If you so desperately want to play the good guy and join this little game then so be it, but at least have the sense to know when to shut the hell up! This isn't for you! So don't ruin the moment you attention-whore!"

"Hey! Don't you speak to her that way!" Lola shouts while clenching her fist and glaring at the witch with eyes glimmering with fire. "She's weird, sure. But she's your comrade! And I don't know why she's helping us still, but she's definitely not the bad apple in this zany basket!"

Copen isn't sure whether Lola genuinely means that or is trying to pull the Lima card on Prado, even so he decides to put in a comment as well, "Compared to you, she's an angel." a feeling of disgust wells in him for saying that, because it feels like a sleazy attempt to garner affection.

"You guys…" Prado puts a fist before her face as a manly waterfall of tears start pouring out, then with a broader smile, she summons her ice-blade in her left. "Your feelings reach me!"
As she says that a blade of fire evokes into her right hand, thus revealing her true power.
"And in return I! Prado, master of ice and fire! The dual knight! Shall aid you this once!"

"Always making it about yourself…" Serpentine scoffs, even rolling her eyes as a bonus. "This is why nobody can stand you, but enough about you, this is the part where I torture the tiger!"

"Mmm, calling it torture is a bit blasé these days." Nova comments while smugly stroking his own chin, floating menacingly in the air, ready for battle. "How about discipline hour instead?"

"Hardly, this is more like crushing a rat that refuses to scurry off." Asimov corrects as he puts one hand on his glasses, who are swiftly destroyed by a call of lightning as he reveals his battle armour and glowing white eyes. "Call it the DEAD END of a fool who's out of chips to spent!"

"Pathetic." Copen shoots back their words, his glare intensifying as he raises his gun. "You're nothing more than copies of monsters that have already fallen, living shadows of the failures of others. Time to take down those who dig up the past and fear the future!"

"Huh, who do I think will win?" ZedΩ asks back when Layla pulls on the tip of his green hair. "Well, I don't think that really matters. If the tiger loses and dare I say dies, his muse will have to sing to revive him thus accomplishing the plan. But if he wants to win, then he must use the power of the muse as well which means our plan gets accomplished no matter what."

Layla tugs his hair a bit harder, showing her displeasure at him not actually answering the question so he can boast about how clever he instead is without changing her blank face.

"Ow, ow, okay, okay." ZedΩ's smile strains a little but his dignity never leaves him, instead he rubs his chin in thought. "Well, considering Prado's there and she's going all-out…I still think Serpentine is going to win? Keep in mind the Slayer just woke up and she has the greater…no, let's not spoil the fun by revealing it in advance…" he grows silent, his features intensifying in thought before he lets out a sigh and smiles again. "Eh, it doesn't matter. No matter who wins, if things get bad. We can just all warp in and stop the fight then and there. Sistina and Grazie are just waiting in advance for the signal to do so after all. So, we have every base covered."

Layla tilts her head at that, as if trying to say that he's assuming a lot of things here.

"It'll be fine." ZedΩ shrugs the warning off, certain he's planned for every scenario.

"What could possibly go wrong at this rate?"

(I'll stop here for now, though there's more chappies I'd rather not just post it all until the stuff is like approved.)