Avatar: The First Bloodbender

[X] A saltwater swamp with mangrove trees that scrape the sky.

She's not really in a condition to fight rn.
yah this is still alive!

[X] A saltwater swamp with mangrove trees that scrape the sky.

swamp time! she could learn plantbending and any mystically experience would be good fir the journey she on
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[X] A southern island curiously shaped like the tail of a whale.

As stated, she's not in a condition to fight. So I'm curious as how she'd respond

Hama, the Last Waterbender of the Southern Water Tribe


Master Waterbender- A true prodigy in the art, Hama is extremely capable at waterbending. Her closest counterpart would be a young Dragon of the West. She is to waterbending what Iroh is to firebending.

Sufficient Healer- Hama is no true master in water-healing, but she knows enough to heal herself, and any minor to moderate wounds, such as broken bones. She will not be healing any serious or fatal injuries, though.

Blood-Soaked Avenger- Hama has suffered more than any other waterbender alive at the hands of the Fire Nation, and will stop at nothing to see it punished. Nothing.

The First Bloodbender- At the night of a full moon, Hama's talents become unstoppable, and she can turn the very blood in your veins against you. With a full moon visible in the sky, she is invincible.
[X] A saltwater swamp with mangrove trees that scrape the sky.

The woman has been through a Hell on Earth kind of experience, she needs rest with people who won't try to kill her at the very least.