Avatar Gijinka Insanity [All Outta Bubblegum] (Recruiting)

Hoshino Yumemi

A Few Bulbs Short Of A Planetarium
The Cats Came Back kind of didn't, and I did say I wanted to run ongoing games with AOB, but I think I know how to do it now.

Okay, so it seems like everyone is catted out, and that's fine. But why not play with something else I didn't get to play with for a while?

A while back I ran a game that ran away from me called "Your Avatar Is You (And Precure, Too)," wherein it was a "you are your avatar" game with a twist: the players were basically magical girl versions of their avatars with all their powers and abilities.I kind of ran out of story to do stuff with, but damn if I didn't have fun with the first few fights I was able to do.

So why not just do it again under All Outta Bubblegum instead, but with a slightly more general twist?

The premise of this game is that you are your avatars, except you're not: you're magical gijinka (y'know, like moe anthropomorphisms) of them. Being in-character is optional, do whatever you think is funniest. You inhabit the magical realm of Gate Land, a magical city saved by the last bunch of avatar heroes who romped through it not too long ago, and you're the next round of good guys to show up.

If you'd like to sign up, just give me what you want to be called and a description of your avatar-based appearance and powers. That's all, because from there on, everyone is on a level playing field.

Why, exactly? Because from there, All Outta Bubblegum doesn't particularly care about stats or details.

There is only one stat and resource in the whole game: Bubblegum. All players start with 8 pieces of it, and use it to do one of two things.

If a player wants to do something perfectly mundane, they have to roll a d10 to match or get under their current Gum score. If they succeed, they do that action and that's the end of it. Should they fail, they lose a piece of Gum.

On the other hand, if a player wants to kick ass or do something in a kickass manner, they have to roll a d10 to match or get over their current Gum score. Same rules apply: succeed and the action goes through. Fail and you lose a piece of Gum.

You can also attack other players, or the GM can run attacks against you, by declaring a kickass roll and having both players roll a d10. The first person to succeed in landing a kickass roll, or the one who rolled higher should both rolls succeed, wins the exchange and the loser must forfeit a piece of Gum.

Finally, you can spend a piece of Gum to automatically succeed at an action.

You see where this is going. The more Gum you lose, the easier it becomes to do kickass things, but the harder it becomes to do the mundane. Should you get attacked with 1 Gum left, you are All Outta Bubblegum™ and you can no longer perform anything mundane, while kickass actions automatically succeed.

Now, this is bad as well as good. See, when you're All Outta Bubblegum, anybody can roll a kickass roll to get you out of a scene. Should somebody roll a 10 on you, you're knocked around or knocked out or whatever's most appropriate for the scene. Either way, you are defeated and stay down until I say you can get back up. If it's a bad guy or the like, it may take more than one 10 to put them out of action.

For our first episode, let's play with this a little.


Valentine's Day is coming up! Our Heroes have all shown up at the same mall to do some shopping, but everything is stuffed with shoppers taking advantage of sales and Valentine's Day decorations are making getting around a little trickier than usual. Who's going to have a good Valentine's Day, and who's just going to leave in a Valentine's Daze?

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Dude, last time I did this I ended up with Dio Brando, a Commander from Planetary Annihilation, Marisa Kirisame, almost had Yang Wenli and definitely had one of those time-traveling things from Edge of Tomorrow all on the same side.

Among many other things. This was always high octane stuff.
Oh fine, but Flowey never works out as anything but a flower! He just doesn't!

Name: Chara
Age: 102 12

Personality: She's a bloody psychopath Pure and innocent cinnamon bun that can do no wrong~. Seriously. She's likely planning on murdering everyone eventually Giving everyone a surprise party!

STABBY STABBY!: She just loves to stab people Slice pieces of homemade Butterscotch Cinnamon Pie~. She's really good at it too.
Painting the Medium: She can alter her own text in order to disguise her actions Show people what she's really doing, allowing her to make people get the wrong idea See the Truth!
DETERMINATION: I never run out. NEVER.
I'm inclined to agree. Plus, for stuff I'd rather not get into because spoilers and the like, giving Flowey hands and feet might result with having somebody else entirely.

Welcome to the game.

Oh! Before I forget-this is more a setting than a single story, too: it's going to be episodic misadventures because All Outta Bubblegum games can power-dive towards the climax quickly once a few players start running out of Gum, so if anyone wants to join in one "episode" or sit out another, you're totally welcome to.
...How the hell am I supposed to find a Moe!Lancelot?!

Either way, reserving a spot. Will make sheet soon. Actually, nevermind.
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Name: Shin Malphur The Huntress from Palamon
Age: 16

Description: A relatively tight fitting body suit with armor attatched, a helmet that appears like a gas mask, and a really nice hood and cape.
Under armor: Tanned skin with short brown hair.

Personality: Generally decent person who is willing to go out of the way to help people. Not afraid to kill people who are evil or corrupt.


Light: An energy granted by a being known as the Traveller. It can be focused into different energies like Solar(fire), Arc(electricity), and Void(Unkown and possibly dark energy). There other effects that counteracts dark magic.

Golden Gun: Shin Malphur can infuse his gun with Solar Light, and has three shots that can kill most enemies in one hit. The only time he was shown to use it, he was experiencing a mix of anger and.

The Last Word: The revolver that previously belonged to Jaren Ward. Can be fan fired.
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Character Sheet

Name: Annabelle Skywalker Magical Girl Darth Vader, Dark Master of Business

Age: 11


A black and silver costume, cape and face mask. The mask has a voice changer but it makes her difficult to understand.

Personality: Greedy. She'll do anything for a quick buck and she's always trying to scam people out of their money with crooked deals and get-rich-quick schemes. Deep down, though, she has a good heart.

Powers, Skills and Equipment:

Telekinesis - She can lift things up to about the size of a basket ball using Telekinesis. She isn't that good at it yet, though, so she has to direct it with her hands; meaning she's limited to two things at once. She wants to use it to force choke people, but she just isn't strong enough; so instead she uses it to tug on their ears or noses and pull them about like an irate mother.

Weapon - Her weapon is a shiny red sword she summons out of the hilt, which she keeps on her belt. Although she's very proud of it and will loudly extol its virtues to anyone she thinks will be impressed; it's mostly just a fancy looking but ordinary sword, if a shiny one. It can be re-summoned if broken, however, as long as the hilt is intact.

Dramatic Swishing - She's really good at posing dramatically and having her cape swish about. She practices a lot.

Card Tricks - She's pretty good at card tricks. Yes, she uses this to swindle people.
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Character Sheet
Name: Setsuna Kokura - Setsuna F.Seiei's dream waifuMagical Girl Exia

Age: 16



Rather introverted and quiet. Setsuna had a natural talented for fighting, trained from childhood by her parents. Due to her past experiences with bullies in general, she developed a dislike for people fighting for selfish and unjust causes and she would not hesitate to intervene in to put a stop to the conflict. Setsuna had a fondness for mecha goods and usually collecting models and games with them in it.

Equipments, Powers and Skills:

Multi-purpose Assault Armor Exia

A power suit developed by her late, mad-scientist grandfather. It was developed as a mean to fight against enemies that surpassed the current conventional weapons. Using the Quantum Transport System, the suit can be equipped on Setsuna regardless of distance under the command of GN Device, a hand-sized device that act both as communicator, ala smartphone and beacon for the Quantum Transport System.

GN Device

GN Drive

Basically a mini solar-powered reactor attached on the back of Exia's armor. Theoretically, it can allow the user to fight and operate for indefinite amount of time. Of course, this is impossible, considering the user is still human and has limited to their stamina. A special characteristic of GN Drive that it provide energy to Exia under the form of GN Particles . These particles can enhance the suit strength, speed, durability, weapon ability as well provide self-repairing ability as long as it's in sleep mode. GN Particles can also disrupt long range communication around them, roughly 50-100 meters radius. These Particles could also form the GN Field

  • The field is created by concentrating enough GN particles within a local area of space. The GN particles are shaped and focused into a spherical form for full defensive coverage over the unit(s); however, the field itself is not restricted to spherical forms. The field itself can wrap around any shape or size, so long as the necessary amount of particles can form around the surface it was generated/formed over. When the GN particles concentrate enough, the particles become dense enough to resist intense temperatures, physically repel and/or stop ballistic weapons and particle beams. Relative to the strength of the generated field, it can be weak enough for a ballistic shell to puncture through or directly repel and deflect beam or ballistic attacks. The strength of the field is reflected by the particle's color intensity. The brighter and thicker the particles over the unit, the stronger the field is.

GN Sword:

A solid GN blade attached to a miniature forearm shield, which serves as the Exia's primary weapon, and the largest blade amongst the Seven Swords. It works by applying GN Particles over the solid sword which greatly increases the sharpness and cutting power, though the sword can still be used when there are no particles applied to it. Although the blade is considered to have great destructive power, there are situations where it cannot be used due to its size. The GN Sword can also be used in Rifle Mode, whereby the blade returns to its idle folded state exposing the muzzle of a beam rifle. The Rifle Mode was created to avoid the equipping of excessive armaments on Exia.

GN Beam Sabers x 2

Mounted on the back of the shoulders. The beam saber is a hilt with the ability to activate a beam blade by generating a positron field filled with GN Particles. While the beam saber has a high power rating, one disadvantage is that their performance can be decreased by surrounding atmospheric conditions or methods of beam diffusion.

GN Beam Daggers x 2

Attach to Exia's waist, the GN Beam Daggers shares the same basic system as that of the GN Beam Sabers but are adjusted to have a shorter blade length that makes them harder to diffuse. Setsuna has developed a habit of throwing them at distant enemies while in combat.

GN Long Blade & GN Short Blade

Named as GN Long Blade and GN Short Blade respectively, these are Exia's customized solid swords that differ in size from the main GN Sword. Because the GN Sword has difficulty doing damage without a certain amount of swing and space due to it's size, these were designed in order to give the Exia solid blades that can be used in a variety of situations that the GN Sword has difficulty with. Like the GN Beam Daggers, Setsuna occasionally uses the GN Short Blade as a throwing knife. These blade are usually strapped on Exia's waist.

GN Shield

At first glance, the shield can be thought of as unnecessary as it is made of the exact same material as of the body's main armor. However, due to the flexibility of the arm, the mounted shield can help to absorb shock from attacks. On the surface of the shield, a GN Field can be generated that would confer better defenses to the user. The shield also possesses an "expansion" mode where the left and right blue sections move outwards and increase the defense area the shield covers, but the drawbacks of this mode are increased particle consumption as well as a decrease in the overall defense property of the shield due to the increased area that GN Field element covers.

Full Armament Lineup:


Setsuna is skilled in the way of combat and especially talented in close-quarter. She is also proficient in shooting, infiltration and guerrilla warfare. With Exia, her strength, speed and power easily surpassed normal humans.

Trans Am System

Trans-Am increases the suit's speed, attack and defense by 3 times its normal specifications. It is said that a single Drive with Trans-Am activated is superior than three Drives that are not using the system.

While useful or even decisive when used at the proper time, Trans-Am comes with several drawbacks that makes it a "double-edged sword." Once activated, Trans-Am gradually drains the suit of all its GN particles and once the unit's GN particle supply is depleted, the GN Drive must replenish the aforementioned GN particle supply. Until the particle supply is replaced, the unit will perform at a dramatically reduced capacity. This leaves the user extremely vulnerable to any remaining opposition once Trans-Am ends.

Currently, the system is known to be able to last around three minutes under general circumstances.

And I'm now playing as Setsuna's waifu. This sure is fun~
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Character Sheet

Name: Carin Thien III - Magical Girl Nightmare

Age: 17

Appearance: Fairly tall teenage girl with silver hair and sunglasses wearing a white sleeveless top and grey jeans.

Personality: Hard to grasp. Has a powerbase and has been created to be the dark mirror of the human soul, but does feel empathy towards people after having lived alongside them for an amount of time. She is also loyal to her master, Dr. Eam, who created her. Whilst she can kill with ease and a smile, it's hard to outright define her as a monster. She doesn't kill civilians for kicks though: One of her predecessors attempted such, and was eliminated. Carin was created with this attitude removed.

Powers, Skills and Equipment:

Physical ability - Carin has incredible physical capabilities, able to snap the neck of a wolf single handedly with insane ease. She may also have choked a god to death once, an impressive feat considering said god transformed itself to be on fire. It's not quite certain how far her capabilities go. Long story short: Carin Stronk.

Weapon - Looks like a plain and simple switchblade kife. Quite frankly it should be. But for some reason, Carin uses the thing as though it could cut through steel - and it does (And can clash with many other BS weapons besides).

Weird eyes - They're mouths. No seriously they are. Its why she hides them behind shades. No, i don't know why she's able to see perfectly fine out of them either, but she does. Interestingly, she can take the eyeballs of the dead and consume them through these mouths, allowing her to see the victims past and the potential future (though this effect is exceedingly rare).

Aura of fear - When she wants to be, Carin can be downright terrifying.
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Character Sheet

Name: Carin Thien III

Age: 17

Appearance: Fairly tall teenage girl with silver hair and sunglasses wearing a white sleeveless top and grey jeans.

Personality: Hard to grasp. Has a powerbase and has been created to be the dark mirror of the human soul, but does feel empathy towards people after having lived alongside them for an amount of time. She is also loyal to her master, Dr. Eam, who created her. Whilst she can kill with ease and a smile, it's hard to outright define her as a monster. She doesn't kill civilians for kicks though: One of her predecessors attempted such, and was eliminated. Carin was created with this attitude removed.

Powers, Skills and Equipment:
Physical ability - Carin has incredible physical capabilities, able to snap the neck of a wolf single handedly with insane ease. She may also have choked a god to death once, an impressive feat considering said god transformed itself to be on fire. It's not quite certain how far her capabilities go. Long story short: Carin Stronk.

Weapon - Looks like a plain and simple switchblade kife. Quite frankly it should be. But for some reason, Carin uses the thing as though it could cut through steel - and it does (And can clash with many other BS weapons besides).
Weird eyes - They're mouths. No seriously they are. Its why she hides them behind shades. No, i don't know why she's able to see perfectly fine out of them either, but she does. Interestingly, she can take the eyeballs of the dead and consume them through these mouths, allowing her to see the victims past and the potential future (though this effect is exceedingly rare).
Aura of fear - When she wants to be, Carin can be downright terrifying.
Well, that was...disturbing.
Well, that was...disturbing.
The Corinthian is a pretty disturbing character. He's literally a nightmare, he's not made to be a good guy.
Thats not to say that he doesn't develop over the course of the sandman continuity: He does end up developing empathy for humans. It doesn't change his role, but it does put into perspective that he's not a complete monster.
Hehe, hey, when you basically crowdsource your heroes, you take what you can get.

If you look around hard enough and you're in the right little adventure, maybe you might find it...
So far I see a flower girl who would probably tryand kill everyone in their sleep, a cowgirl with space magic, fem-Vader who happens to work in business, a gundam, and someone with eye teeth.
So far I see a flower girl who would probably tryand kill everyone in their sleep, a cowgirl with space magic, fem-Vader who happens to work in business, a gundam, and someone with eye teeth.
Sounds about right for ROB's recruitment schemes.
Last time, we had a TYPE, DIO, a plant-evolved monster who immediately got to fighting with Dio, and Cure Alcoholism.
I believe The World was in fact part of that player's power set. Wryyyyy'd the hell out of Hans Grosse.
I will be joining this. Let's see how deep the rabbit hole goes!

But should I be Asriel Magical Girl edition? I do have another....idea.