Auspicious Beginnings (CYOA SI) [Complete]

Chapter Five: The Slaughterhouse None
Chapter Five: The Slaughterhouse None

January 24, 2011


Their plot to destroy the Slaughterhouse Nine ended up being put off. As much as Alexandria might have wanted to go fight them right then, it didn't really work out, logistically. Instead, they decided to wait until Auspice's costume had been finished and she was about to be officially announced as a Protectorate hero.

In the meantime, they planned out their attack -- it took about as long as planning sessions with Contessa, which was not very long at all -- informed the PRT ENE that they would not need to announce Auspice, and waited. Finally, it was almost time. The Slaughterhouse Nine would be in position soon -- all together and far away from any other people. Legend should have already told the PRT what they were planning.

At the prearranged time exactly, one of Auspice's portals appeared in front of Alexandria -- now easily differentiated from Doormaker's by a helpful golden edge. Alexandria raised her eyebrows, but didn't hesitate in going through.

The portal let her out in Legend's office in New York, where Legend was already waiting. Eidolon and Auspice were just exiting portals of their own next to Alexandria. Alexandria had to do a double take when she saw Auspice, who was now wearing her new costume, plus an unexpected addition. She elected to ignore it.

"It's almost time?" Alexandria asked.

She knew full well that it was, but it still felt strange to be waiting for battle in the Protectorate base in New York. They hadn't really used Doormaker's portals like this; only for official Cauldron travel, for secrecy reasons.

"Yup. In about six minutes, the Slaughterhouse Nine will be on an empty road near-ish the PRT Headquarters in Tulsa, Oklahoma. That would be, uh… the PRT 47. I think." Auspice shrugged.

Alexandria nodded once in acknowledgement.

They fell into a tense, awkward silence.

After a moment, Legend spoke, in much the same tone he used on his Wards. "Your costume looks very nice."

It did. The costume consisted of a black bodysuit with tasteful patterns embroidered in gold. Over that, she wore a pure white hooded jacket that had gold edging at the sleeves and hood, with loose sleeves that stopped just before her wrists to reveal the tighter sleeves of the bodysuit underneath transitioning into fingerless black gloves.

As Alexandria had expected, the costume made Auspice look much more impressive. The designers had done a good job.

The cloud of inexplicably golden smoke covering the top of her face under her hood, however, was a bit over the top.

Auspice smiled brightly at Legend. "Thank you," she said, doing a quick twirl. "I'm pretty pleased with how it came out."

"Please tell me you're at least wearing a mask under there," Eidolon said dryly.

Auspice laughed. "I am, I'm wearing a domino mask," she said, lifting a hand, which disappeared into the smoke as she tapped at, presumably, her mask. "I just thought the smoke looked cool."

"It does look cool," Eidolon said, because this was the man who put LEDs in his own costume for effect.

Legend let out a quiet, muffled chuckle. Alexandria didn't bother to be polite, snorting audibly. Auspice and Eidolon both ignored her, anyway.

Alexandria didn't quite have room to mock them, however, she acknowledged to herself. Though she hadn't gone nearly as far over the top as Eidolon (or now Auspice), she had also put considerable thought into the appearance she wanted when in costume; they all had. Appearances were important, especially for capes, and heroes and villains alike put a lot of work into their costumes.

After another moment of silence, Legend spoke again. He always was the worst with silences.

"Does everybody remember the plan?"

Alexandria couldn't help but give him an incredulous look, a little offended by the implication.

"Because it's so difficult to remember 'attack through the portal as soon as it opens in front of you'," Eidolon said.

Legend smiled ruefully. "Yes, fair enough," he said. "What about you, Auspice?"

Alexandria could understand being nervous about Auspice's role in the plan. She was in charge of the majority of it, and the rest of them would be relying on her to do her part correctly. And she was twenty-two and had been a parahuman for less than two weeks. But Legend hadn't seen her seemingly effortless defeat of Scion. The proof that Path to Victory made her just as ridiculous and impossible as Contessa, except with added superpowers.

"I remember the plan," Auspice confirmed obligingly. "It'll be fine. Four minutes to go, by the way."

Apparently bored, she pulled out a phone.

They lapsed back into a tense silence that only Auspice seemed immune to. Legend was frowning faintly, looking pensive. Eidolon was difficult even for Alexandria to read, too much of his body disguised under his costume.

Alexandria was anxious. No, not anxious; excited, maybe. Something like that. There was some anxiety about going after the Slaughterhouse Nine, but for the most part, Alexandria was… looking forward to it. She would be glad to finally kill Manton and eliminate the Slaughterhouse Nine. After twenty years, they would no longer be able to kill and torture people as they pleased. Alexandria would not be sorry to see them dead.

Several minutes later, Auspice looked up and put her phone away. "Thirty seconds."

Alexandria readied herself as the seconds ticked down. With three seconds to go, Auspice made a small portal, just big enough for her hand to fit through, before getting rid of it just as quickly. Only because Alexandria had already known the plan did she realize that Auspice had done it to poke Manton and copy his power.

The mental count Alexandria had been keeping hit zero, and two portals appeared: one for her, and one for Auspice. Alexandria launched herself through her portal and slammed directly into the front of a van. As the van crumpled around her and the windshield shattered, Alexandria saw Manton's startled expression in the few seconds before he died. Good.

Extricating herself from the wreckage of the van just in time to see a second portal open, Alexandria went through that one too. In an abrupt shift of perspective that would be dizzying for anyone else, Alexandria found herself going from flying horizontal to the ground to flying downward at an angle. She didn't let it affect her, simply kept going -- directly into Mannequin, who was midair in an attempted leap to safety. Aware of how difficult Mannequin had made it to kill him, Alexandria reduced him to scrap and pulp before considering him dead.

It didn't take long.

Then Alexandria was able to look around, easily locating the charred, smoking remains of what had probably once been a bus. It had been broken into so many pieces that it was barely recognizable as a vehicle, making it impossible to tell what damage had been done by Auspice and what had been done by Legend. Eidolon's contribution, however, was obvious. On one side of the wreckage was a bubble of space, large enough to fit a person and steadily growing, which appeared to disintegrate everything inside its area.

Alexandria wouldn't have been able to tell what had happened at all, aside from her parts, if she hadn't known the plan beforehand.

The plan in question being: at the same time as she opened a portal to Manton for Alexandria, Auspice had gone into the bus with the rest of the Slaughterhouse Nine because she wanted to collect some of their powers -- and she'd assured them that she could do so without any issues. Once she was done, she used her copy of Legend's lasers empowered with the ability she'd gotten from Flechette to kill Crawler and Hatchetface. Then she'd left the bus and opened portals for both Eidolon and Legend -- Eidolon to use one of his powers on the section of the bus that held Bonesaw to disintegrate her before she could release any of her plagues, and Legend to destroy the rest of the bus.

With the Siberian, Crawler, Hatchetface, and Bonesaw all dealt with, the only member of the Nine left who was even remotely, temporarily able to survive a barrage from Legend was Mannequin, who fled the bus, only for Alexandria to hit him.

It was a good plan. Worthy of Path to Victory. It certainly went as perfectly as anyone could ask.

Alexandria ignored the ashy taste in her mouth from the knowledge that Auspice could have done it entirely alone if she'd wanted to, instead basking in the knowledge that the Slaughterhouse Nine was gone. She'd finally gotten to kill Manton.

Eidolon and Legend passed through their portals to join Alexandria in the aftermath of the Slaughterhouse's destruction. Auspice returned from where she'd gone when she'd left the bus -- back to Manton's van, to destroy the evidence of him having ever been there.

For a moment, they all stared in silence at the bus.

"So, who actually has to report about this? Not it," Auspice asked finally.

Eidolon and Legend both groaned a little. Whether at the question itself, or Auspice's childish behavior in asking it, Alexandria wasn't sure. She, for one, had an answer. Or at least part of one.

"Not me," she said.

Legend looked at her with surprise. "Not you too, Alexandria," he said with some amusement.

"I'll have to do the paperwork either way; I'm not doing it twice," Alexandria said.

Auspice seemed neither confused nor surprised at the comment. She probably already knew Alexandria's secret identity -- undoubtedly thanks to Path to Victory, if not Clairvoyant's power. It was a little annoying. Alexandria knew Auspice's identity, of course, or rather, she knew the civilian identity the PRT ENE had created for her so that they could hire her, but it wasn't the same. As the Chief-Director of the PRT, she had access to every hero's identity. Auspice's cheating meant that she was now one of three Protectorate or PRT members who knew Alexandria's identity.

It didn't really matter. If nothing else, Auspice seemed to be good at keeping secrets. Cauldron had already shared secrets far more important than Alexandria's identity with her.

And she seemed to have enough secrets of her own, too.

January 24, 2011


Velocity went to the PRT Headquarters five minutes before he was supposed to go on patrol. Auspice was already there, getting set up with a Protectorate headset to communicate with each other and the Console. Though she was facing away from him, Auspice must have noticed him immediately, as she looked over her shoulder at him. The PRT agent helping her with the headset grumbled at her.

"Hey, Velocity," she said.

"Hey. Almost ready?"

"Yeah, almost finished."

"We are finished," the PRT agent corrected. "It should work now. Don't bother the Console unnecessarily, but let me know if it doesn't work during your patrol."

Auspice looked amused. "Okay. Thank you."

The agent nodded once and left, in a hurry to do whatever it was that people who worked for the PRT did all day. Auspice put her hood back up and a cloud of smoke the same color as the edging of her costume formed underneath the edge of the hood, hiding the top of her face.

Velocity raised his eyebrows. Tinkertech? A power she'd collected? Tinkertech made with one of the powers she'd collected? It was hard to imagine Armsmaster ever making a purely cosmetic device, but Velocity supposed that didn't mean his power couldn't do it.

"Neat effect," he said. He thought about it. "Can you see through it?"

"Thank you, and yes, I can see through it," Auspice said around a laugh. "It's still a little early, should we get started, senior member?"

"Yeah, let's just go," Velocity said.

Normally, Protectorate capes patrolled alone, unlike the Wards. They could generally handle themselves in a fight until reinforcements arrived. However, there was a bit of a training period for new Protectorate capes, where they would be sent out with another hero for a week or two to get a handle on procedure and the lay of the land before being let out alone.

They usually hated it. The only Protectorate cape Velocity had seen join since he'd joined that hadn't been at least silently annoyed was Assault, and though he'd been on full probationary status for a lot longer than the usual week, he'd been surprisingly good-humored about it, like most things.

For now, Auspice seemed more amused than anything, but Velocity wondered how long that would stay true.

"So the route they have me on right now is through Downtown, up onto the Boardwalk, then through the rest of the docks into the trainyard, and back again," Velocity explained as he led the way out of the building.

"Sounds like a long route," Auspice said.

Velocity nodded. "It is. And through a lot of empty territory, too, once we get into the docks and the trainyard. I use my power most of the way to speed things up, but as Protectorate heroes we're supposed to have visible appearances, so on a couple busy streets in Downtown and on the Boardwalk, I slow it down and walk through at normal speed."

"All right," Auspice said, sounding ominously as though she was committing his words to heart.

Velocity ignored that and continued.

"Patrolling heroes are supposed to call it in if they encounter trouble, but in case they can't, Console tracks us. Also, for when Console needs to direct backup to somebody, they know where everyone is," he said. "Since we're obviously not wearing tracking devices, that means that there are a number of prearranged check-in points, where we're supposed to contact Console and tell them we're moving on to the next segment of the route. And on that note, I need to check in that we're starting."

Auspice nodded.

Velocity activated his mic. "Velocity and Auspice beginning patrol at Lord Street and 27th," he said, and deactivated his mic.

The response came almost immediately. "Console here. Roger that, Velocity and Auspice. We've got you on the board."

"Did you get Console's response?" Velocity asked.

"Yeah, I heard it."

"Good. That's the basic format for the entire way. It changes up a little, but not by much," Velocity said. "I'll do the next check-in, then you can do the one after that to get used to it and make sure your headset's hooked up properly."

"Okay, cool."

Lord Street was pretty busy, but the patrol route didn't have them stay on it for long. Soon, they were turning onto a much emptier street.

"Are you ready?" Velocity asked.

Auspice nodded. "Yup. I'm ready."

Velocity activated his power, and the world slowed to a trickle around him. Auspice must have activated her copy of his power immediately after he did, as she only slowed down for a few seconds to his new perception. Then, Velocity started forward at a brisk walk. He could have run; it would make his patrols go much faster. But, apparently unlike Assault and Battery, Velocity could get tired even while using his power. Physical exhaustion still affected him, but he didn't get any mental exhaustion from the extra time he experienced while sped up.

"Seems kinda slow," Auspice commented after some time.

Velocity jumped and looked at her, surprised.

"What?" she said.

"Nothing, I just -- I've never tried to talk like this," he said. "I didn't think it was possible."

He supposed it wasn't that surprising that he could talk, given that his power let him breathe when he shouldn't be able to, but he'd also never had any reason to talk while using his power before.

Velocity shook his head. "Anyway, what were you saying?"

"You could go faster, right? Why don't you?" she asked.

"There's no real point," Velocity said, shrugging. "And, if I go too fast, it makes it hard to hear if somebody says something over the coms."

"Oh. That makes sense." Auspice nodded in understanding.

Several streets later, Velocity paused. "All right, this is the first checkpoint."

He dropped back to normal speed, followed shortly by Auspice.

"This is Velocity and Auspice, we're at the corner of Elm Street and 7th, moving on," Velocity told Console.

"Roger that, Velocity and Auspice. Marking down your route," Console said.

"Did you get that?" Velocity said, just to check.

Auspice laughed. "Yes, I got it," she said. "I am now ready to do it myself. When we get to the next one."


They continued on, and eventually made their way onto the Boardwalk. The Boardwalk was not always the busiest part of the city, but it always had the most foot traffic. A couple of people paused and whispered as Velocity and Auspice passed; the vast majority, however, ignored their presence. Most of the people in cities with a Protectorate base became inured to the presence of heroes.

Even so, it wasn't long before a woman approached them, looking nervous. Auspice glanced at Velocity questioningly, and he nodded slightly.

"Excuse me," the woman said shyly.

"Hello," Velocity said with his perfected PR smile, stopping to talk to her.

The woman smiled back. "I'm sorry to bother you, but could I get an autograph? And maybe a picture?" she squeaked out.

"Of course," Velocity said.

The woman brightened and held out a pad of paper and a pen. While Velocity was writing, she turned to Auspice, who had been watching curiously.

"Are you new here? I don't think I've seen you before."

"Yeah, I just joined the Protectorate here in Brockton Bay," Auspice said. "I'm Auspice."

Once Velocity was done, the woman got an autograph from Auspice as well, and then a picture with each of them. Finally, thanking them effusively, she left, and they kept going.

"As long as there's nothing going on, we usually stop to talk with civilians," Velocity said in an undertone.

He was prepared to explain, but Auspice was already nodding in understanding.

"Ah. For PR reasons," she said.

"Image already gave you the whole spiel, huh?" Velocity said, laughing a little.

Auspice sighed. "Yeah."

In the end, their patrol turned out to be exceedingly uneventful, and they returned to Headquarters without any incidents. Velocity wasn't surprised; patrols were boring more often than not. Villains couldn't be getting up to crime all the time.

It would probably just be a boring day, he supposed.
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Golden sparkles? So she did manage to get herself a copy of Scions golden bullshit beams. And now shes in BB being an official hero while sandbagging to a degree that has never been done before.
To be honest i would be pleasantly surprised if Auspice doesn't start flaunting her absurd collection of powers and keeps bettering the world without overthrowing its entire structure in an afternoon.
Like secretly shes the most powerful cape in the world but as her public face she keeps it on the down low while having some fun, humiliating villains while preventing anything terrible from happening with her PTV.
S9 hasn't been reported it seems. Or at least she didn't take credit. You seem to have plans for what should happen after Scion. Looking forward to them. Many authors start flagging there
Chapter Six: Wait, What?
Chapter Six: Wait, What?

January 24, 2011

Dean Stansfield / Gallant

A new hero was officially joining the Protectorate today. Even the Wards had been told, though they hadn't gotten to meet the hero yet. They were expecting to get to meet them that afternoon, once they got out of school and could go to their 'after school activity'.

Dean was excited; they didn't get new heroes that often. Plus, the adults had all been weirdly cagey about this new cape -- they hadn't even been willing to say what their name or power was. So Dean was looking forward to getting to meet them, and an entire day of school seemed almost more unbearable than usual.

The others felt much the same, he knew, if not even moreso.

They stayed away from each other in school, the four of them that were all in Arcadia -- Shadow Stalker was in Winslow and Vista was in middle school, so they weren't an issue -- but Dean still checked up on the others, as much as he could while still being subtle about it. When it came to his power, he hardly even had to try to pick out Dennis and Chris, especially today. They were both practically overflowing with excitement and impatience, though when Dean saw them in person, they were hiding it surprisingly well.

It was mid-morning when Dean first noticed something odd. People's emotions started fluctuating oddly -- shock, confusion, sometimes a joy that felt almost vicious. One or two wasn't that weird, but when it got to eight or nine people, that was weird.

And the number only went up.

What could possibly be happening in school that everybody was reacting to, Dean wondered. Or rather, how many of them were really on the internet during school?

Dennis had been affected too, he saw. They shared some classes, and Dennis looked like he had something he desperately wanted to tell Dean, though he didn't give into temptation. It wasn't that surprising for Dennis to be on the internet during school, of course.

Bravely resisting temptation, Dean did not try to figure out what the big deal was, and therefore didn't find out until lunch.

Victoria had also been caught by whatever bug had been going around, it seemed, because as soon as he approached her table in the cafeteria, she tackled him -- gently, for her, which meant he staggered, but stayed on his feet and kept hold of his tray.

"Hi, Vicky," he said, but she was already talking over him.

"Dean! Why didn't you --" she cut herself off. Ah, the sound of Victoria almost forgetting that his identity was secret. "Did you hear?" she said instead, but didn't let him answer, assuming correctly that he had not heard. "The Brockton Bay Protectorate just got a new hero."

Oh. So he had heard, though that didn't explain why Dennis had been any more excited than that morning--

"And apparently, this morning she helped the Triumvirate take down the Slaughterhouse Nine!" Victoria finished.



"What?" he said out loud.

"I know, right," Victoria said, dragging him over to the table and ushering him into a seat. "It's all over PHO. The press release from the PRT announced the total annihilation of the Slaughterhouse Nine and the new hero at the same time. Apparently her name is Auspice, and they didn't say what her power is, but they said she was 'instrumental' in the defeat of the Nine, so she must be pretty powerful, right? Also, look at this!"

Victoria whipped out her phone and shoved it in Dean's face. He leaned back slightly so that he could actually see the screen. It was already on a picture of the Triumvirate -- no, the Triumvirate and a fourth person, a woman who looked short in comparison to the Triumvirate, who were all very tall.

"Look at her outfit! Isn't it so pretty?" She pulled her phone back to stare at the picture and sighed at it. "I'm surprised to see a Protectorate hero wearing something like that. I mean, it looks like something I'd design for myself."

She finally fell silent, and Dean seized the opportunity.

"The Slaughterhouse Nine is gone? Really?"

It was Amy who answered, sitting on Victoria's other side. "Yeah. The PRT didn't say it outright for PR reasons, but they're all dead."

"Oh my gosh," Dean said.

The Slaughterhouse Nine was gone. That was huge. They'd been such a thing -- like an especially awful real-life boogeyman -- for Dean's entire life. And they were dead, now.

Their new Protectorate hero had helped get rid of them. The new person none of the Wards had even gotten to meet yet, who was supposed to have their first official day today, had helped the Triumvirate kill one of the most notorious villain groups in the United States.

Seriously, what?

The Wards hadn't even been told anything about the new hero. The internet knew the hero's gender and name before they did. No wonder Dennis had been so agitated.

Dean was mostly just confused. That wasn't how it worked. New heroes didn't just go out with the Triumvirate and take out a massive S-class threat on their first official day. Except, apparently, for when they did.

More than anything, he was even more anxious to meet the new hero now.

Finally, their half-day of school was over and they could go. Chris and Dennis rushed out. Dean tried not to look like he was hurrying.

Before long, Gallant was in the PRT building. The Wards weren't officially meeting the new hero -- nothing had been arranged -- but the new hero was supposed to be at the PRT Headquarters, so they were all definitely going to hover until they got to meet her. Gallant supposed their intentions were going to be pretty obvious as soon as she got mobbed by teenagers.

Clockblocker and Kid Win had rushed off to find her, hoping to do so before getting sent off on patrol or something. Gallant was not going to give in to temptation. That would be childish.

"Oh, hey, you're one of the Wards, aren't you?"

Gallant startled and whipped around, because there was not supposed to be anyone behind him. There were other people in the hallway, but not directly behind him, and if nothing else, Gallant usually had a pretty good idea of where people were.

And yet, despite his power clearly marking the space behind him as empty, there stood the new hero, easily recognizable from the press release photos. She was smiling at him, looking polite and friendly. And yet she was a complete void of emotion, absolutely nothing coming from her. That wasn't possible, emotions were too strange and esoteric for somebody to not have any at all.

...Something about her was messing with his power, then. That was -- kind of freaky, but no call to be rude.

"Uh, yeah," he said after far too long a pause. "I am a Ward. I'm Gallant."

"Nice to meet you, Gallant. I'm Auspice," she said, holding out her hand for a handshake. She looked around, then leaned in and lowered her voice conspiratorially. "Don't tell anyone, but I was hoping I'd get to meet some of the Wards."

Gallant laughed a little. "We've all been looking forward to meeting you, too," he said. "Especially after this morning."

"Oh, really?" Auspice sounded curious. "I thought the news would have dropped after you were in school."

"It did, but that didn't stop anyone," Gallant said. "Everyone's been talking about it all day."

"Mm, yeah, that makes sense. Some of the others were less than impressed that they found out from the news," Auspice said.

"You -- you didn't tell them?" Gallant asked incredulously.

Auspice shrugged. "Well, I told Director Piggot. And I had permission from on high, you know."

Gallant went to reply, but before he could speak, he spotted somebody behind Auspice. "Incoming," he said.

"Hm?" She glanced over her shoulder. "Oh, more Wards?"

But there was no time to give her a more detailed warning; Clockblocker and Kid Win were already upon them. Kid Win was all but vibrating with excitement. Clockblocker was just as excited, though less visibly so.

"Hi," Kid Win said breathlessly. "I'm Kid Win."

"Hi. I'm Auspice," she said, holding out her hand, which Kid Win shook without seeming to notice.

"You fought the Slaughterhouse Nine?" Kid Win said.

"In a manner of speaking, yes," she said.

Gallant raised his eyebrows.

"'In a manner of speaking'? What does that mean?" Clockblocker said.

Auspice shrugged. "Well, it wasn't much of a fight."

Kid Win and Clockblocker laughed. Gallant had the ominous feeling, however, that Auspice hadn't meant it as a joke.

"That's awesome," Clockblocker said. "I'm Clockblocker, by the way."

He offered a hand.

"Clock, don't do it," Gallant said, knowing full well what Clockblocker was like.

It was too late. Auspice took the proffered hand…

"Nice to meet you," she said.

...and nothing happened?

Gallant stared. Kid Win stared. Clockblocker looked down, then back up, in confusion.

"What even is your power?" Clockblocker blurted.

"Ehh, well, I'm not actually supposed to talk about it," Auspice said. More staring. She added, "My power is literally classified by the PRT, so nobody is allowed to talk about it. Apparently nobody is allowed to know what my power is, unless they already know."

That was… weird. Gallant's first assumption, given his own situation, was that Auspice's power was something so PR unfriendly that they didn't want it getting out. But they'd given Gallant a fake power and an excuse for him to use his power, so they definitely would have done the same with a hero like Auspice. There was no way for an active hero to avoid using their power.

"What, so you're not allowed to talk about your power at all?" Kid Win said, frowning. "That kinda sucks."

"I guess." Auspice shrugged. "I'm not going to be able to be a hero for very long without people getting some idea, of course. I think the general idea is supposed to be that my power is just complete BS." She laughed. "So I can talk about it in that context."

"Complete BS? What, like Eidolon?" Clockblocker said.

Auspice smiled. "Yes, pretty much." Before they could ask more questions, she said, "And that's all I can tell you. Like I said, I'm not allowed to talk about it."

Gallant doubted either Kid Win or Clockblocker would respect that. They were both more the 'pester somebody until they answered the question' type.

"That's why the Triumvirate brought you with them to fight the Slaughterhouse Nine, then?" he asked.

It worked; Kid Win, at least, was distracted.

"What was it like to fight the Slaughterhouse?" Kid Win asked before Auspice could answer.

"Like I said, it wasn't much of a fight. I mean, the Triumvirate were also there, so it's not like I did everything myself," Auspice said. "It actually went really fast."

It was a good thing Auspice seemed patient, because Gallant could already tell that Clockblocker and Kid Win were not going to leave her alone.


"What do you think her power is? Auspice's, I mean," Clockblocker said later, once the Wards were alone.

Vista and Aegis had joined them, which meant only Shadow Stalker was missing, and Shadow Stalker didn't really hang out with the other Wards much anyway.

"I mean, my power didn't even work on her," Clockblocker continued. "I've never had my power not work before."

"I don't know. Whatever it is, my power doesn't work on her, either," Gallant said.

"You tried to use your power on her?" Aegis asked, a little sharply.

"No -- not actively. I wouldn't use my power on another hero without permission! But I couldn't sense her emotions at all, it was weird."

"There aren't many powers that make people immune to other powers," Vista said.

"Guys, if Auspice's power is classified, I doubt we're supposed to be theorizing about it either," Aegis said halfheartedly.

He was trying to be the responsible one, but he was curious too; Gallant could tell.

Clockblocker scoffed. "So what? They can't stop us from having opinions, can they?"

"What do you mean, Vista? You think she has some kind of power nullification power?" Kin Win asked.

"Yeah. I mean, what else could have kept Clock's power from working on her?" Vista said.

"That could be true…" Gallant said slowly. "Power nullification is really rare, though, and I could still sense other people's emotions while around Auspice. Aren't powers like that always area of effect?"

"Maybe she has really precise control over it," Clockblocker said. "And hey, I was looking up the Slaughterhouse earlier, and one of their members, Hatchetface, had a power nullification power, and it made him really dangerous. Plus a bunch of the others had powers that made them really hard to kill -- like the Siberian and Crawler, two of the most notorious Brutes. If Auspice had a power like that, it could explain why the Triumvirate brought her with them, right?"

"It could also explain why her power is classified. Nobody likes the idea of their power being turned off," Aegis added, apparently giving up on being the responsible one.

"Especially if she's a really strong power nullifier! Maybe her range is really big?" Kid Win said.

"But she'd cause problems here and in the Rig, if she was turning people's powers off," Gallant pointed out.

"So then maybe it's more specific than that. She might be able to target individual people, even," Vista said. "That would be a lot more helpful in a fight with allies."

"And it probably just has a passive effect that makes it so that powers don't work on her directly," Clockblocker said. "That would explain why our powers didn't work on her, without her meaning to use her power or anything."

Gallant thought about it. "Okay, that would make sense," he said.

"Guys, just remember, whether we're right or not, you can't talk about this to anybody, okay?" Aegis said. "We don't want anybody to get in trouble, us or Auspice."

"Well, yeah, obviously," Clockblocker said. Gallant could almost hear him grinning. "It's a secret."
The Mugger Scene Applies To SIs?!
The mugger scene applies to SIs?!

February ??, 2011

Random mugger

Brockton Bay was a hard city to live in. It was especially hard to be a small-time criminal in. It had one of the highest cape populations in the U.S, but that wasn't that big a deal, because there were still only like fifty capes to worry about. The problem was that it was practically ruled by the gangs, and anybody who wasn't part of one of the gangs was smart enough not to wander around in the areas that were easy to mug people in.

So John had to be careful. An Asian person walked by? Probably ABB. A white person with visible tattoos? Almost definitely E88. Even the druggies were startlingly willing to shank people! 'Shank' was also totally the correct word, because the chances of their weapon being a legitimate weapon were low.


John had been waiting for more than an hour for somebody to pass by that wasn't 1. Obviously ABB, 2. Obviously E88, or 3. In possession of the eau de psycho junkie. He would just prefer not to get stabbed himself in a mugging attempt, okay.

Finally, an opportunity walked up.

A young woman, walking alone, wearing clothes that were casual, but looked new and were pretty high quality. No purse, but she was holding a nice looking smartphone. White, no visible tattoos, far too steady to be either high or going through withdrawal.

A perfect target.

Once the woman got close enough, John jumped out of the alley he was hiding in, brandishing his knife at her. The woman looked up from her phone slowly.

"Hey, lady, hand over the phone and any money you got on you and nobody has to get hurt, all right?" John said in his best authoritative voice.

The woman blinked at him. She looked down at his knife, then back up, and blinked again. "...Are you mugging me?" she asked finally, squinting like she was confused.

"Uh, yeah. Obviously," John said, making a vague motion with his knife.


"Hurry up, I'm not playing around!" John said.

The woman looked down at her phone contemplatively, like she was seriously considering whether or not her phone was worth getting stabbed. John could tell her from experience, it definitely was not. Very little was worth getting stabbed.

"Hurry up!" John snapped, stepping closer and waving his knife around like a madman. That usually scared people.

"All right, all right!" the woman said, more in the vein of somebody being pestered by a younger sibling than that of somebody being threatened with a knife.

She unhooked an earbud from her ear, then reached into her pocket and pulled out a wallet. Just then, there was a glint in the corner of John's eye, and he looked up -- and was slammed into by a black and white blur which knocked him straight onto his back on the ground.

John groaned and went limp. It figured. He finally gets a good target, and a hero shows up.

The hero -- because it had to be a hero, nobody else would jump off a roof like that -- got off of him, standing up, but John just kept lying there, eyes closed, pitying himself and trying to get his breath back. Finally, John decided to face the music. He opened his eyes and sat up, to much protest from his back.

The hero was standing over him, a smug smile on the visible half of her face. He didn't recognize the costume, but there had been something on the news about a new hero in Brockton Bay. Must have been her. The woman he'd tried to mug, meanwhile, was nowhere to be seen. She must have booked it while he was distracted. That was a little strange; didn't even stick around to thank her rescuer, meet a hero?

"I'm calling the police," the hero said. She must have meant on a headset or something, because she wasn't holding a phone. "No offense, but you're a little below my paygrade."

"I have never been so happy to be insulted," John said.

The hero snorted. "A mugger with a sense of humor, nice. Stop trying to mug people, okay? It's not very nice."

John nodded earnestly. "I will never try to mug anyone again," he promised. It just wasn't worth it.

The hero stayed until the cops showed up, then left. John let himself be taken into custody without a fight.

Maybe once he got out, he'd move somewhere else. Idaho, or something, somewhere with no capes.
Chapter Seven: Making Things Better
Chapter Seven: Making Things Better

February 2, 2011


"Hello? Armsmaster?" came a cautious voice from the doorway of Armsmaster's lab. Auspice.

He grunted in acknowledgement and didn't look up. He would close the door to his lab if he could, but unfortunately as the leader of his Protectorate branch, he couldn't afford to close himself off like that.

Auspice walked closer to stand at his shoulder. "Miss Militia said that there's a monthly meeting with Director Piggot in an hour and asked me to remind you of it," she said.

What? An hour? Armsmaster checked a clock and found that it was, indeed, much later than he'd thought. Even so, a human reminder was unnecessary; he had an alarm set to go off in time for him to get to the meeting.

"Understood," Armsmaster said simply.

There was a moment of silence as Auspice, presumably, debated whether or not she had completed the task Miss Militia had given her.

"All right," she said finally. But there was no sound of footsteps as she left. Instead, she spoke again, "What are you working on?"

She sounded genuinely interested. And either his initial explanation would scare her away as getting technical did with most non-Tinkers, or, given that she had a copy of his power if not his experience with it, she might be able to keep up. Her input might be useful, even.

"Combat prediction software," he said.

"Really? That sounds useful. Wouldn't you need to program it for every individual person, though? At least with parahumans."

"That is the main problem so far, yes," Armsmaster admitted. "Currently, it only has an accuracy rate of 30%, which is, of course, unacceptable. Optimally, it would be able to predict an enemy with only knowledge of their capabilities and enough information of general strategy and logic."

Fifty minutes later, Armsmaster's alarm went off, making both of them jump. Auspice looked at the clock.

"Oops," she said.

Later, after the meeting, Armsmaster was no longer distracted by immediate Tinkering, and his suspicion kicked back in. He wondered why Auspice was suddenly so interested in his tech.

So, when she approached him again, he asked. "Why the sudden interest in Tinkertech?"

"Uhh, because it's interesting…? Do I need a reason to have an interest in something?" Auspice said. "You don't have to worry about me stealing your tech, or anything. I don't think Tinkertech is the right path for me, anyway."

A diplomatic way to say that she was powerful enough to not need Tinkertech, Armsmaster noted. It was reasonable enough; grating though it may be, something like Armsmaster's armor was laughably unnecessary to somebody who could probably kill an Endbringer in one blow.

"I really do just think that it's interesting, and it's not like I'm ever really going to use my copied Tinker powers for my own sake. I'm… sorry, if I offended you in some way," she finished, frowning now, as though truly upset by the idea of offending Armsmaster.

"No. You didn't do anything wrong," Armsmaster said. It was possible that he'd overreacted somewhat. "...I believe you were saying something, before we were interrupted," he added as a peace offering.

Auspice brightened immediately. "Oh yeah!"

Armsmaster supposed that, if Auspice was willing to lend him her time and opinions -- which had, as he'd expected, been very useful -- then he should take advantage of it while he could.

February 4, 2011

Kamil Armstrong

Kamil was surprised when his phone rang with a call from Emily Piggot, director of the PRT ENE. Though they may have been PRT directors in nearby cities, they rarely actually spoke unless in an official meeting. For her to call him directly was… rare.

"This is Director Armstrong," he said, answering his phone. "How can I help you, Director Piggot?"

Director Piggot was the straightforward type; getting right to the point would be best for everyone involved.

"Director Armstrong. Auspice, one of the capes in my Protectorate, has information about the villain gang known as the Teeth, who she says are currently in Boston," Piggot said, sounding tired. Before Kamil could reply to that, she continued, "She would like permission to operate in Boston in order to apprehend those villains."

Kamil hesitated. "Auspice? The name sounds familiar."

"She's a new hero. You may recognize her from the takedown of the Slaughterhouse Nine two weeks ago," Piggot said.

Oh. Yes, Kamil recognized the name. Auspice was definitely a mysterious hero; even Kamil, as a director of the PRT, didn't have clearance to know her power. But she must have been powerful. Kamil wasn't sure of the wisdom of a direct attack on the Teeth, even if they could find them, but if Piggot -- a cautious woman -- had faith in Auspice's abilities, then…

"Yes, I remember now. Well, if you're confident in her, then I can have my Protectorate leader arrange a team for a raid," Kamil said leadingly.

"That won't be necessary," Piggot said, to Kamil's surprise.

"It won't?"

"Auspice just wants permission to operate in your city. She won't need any assistance," Piggot said, sounding even more tired than she had before. It sounded like she was grinding her teeth for a moment, and then she added, "Of course, your people will need to take the Teeth into custody afterwards, and Auspice has said that she doesn't mind if your Protectorate takes credit for the arrest." Her reluctance was palpable.

Kamil was surprised by that, but he was still stuck on --

"Wait, let me get this straight. You really believe that one hero can take down the Teeth alone?" he asked, incredulous. "From our estimates, they have half a dozen capes!"

"I have reason to believe that Auspice will not have any issues," Piggot said evenly.

Kamil had to sit back in his chair. Piggot politely waited for him to process that.

He covered his eyes with one hand. "She's that strong?"


"And there's no chance of her killing the Butcher, accidentally or otherwise?"

"She assured me that was not a risk."

Kamil sighed. "All right. What kind of timeline are we looking at for this? A couple of hours, a couple of days?"

"I'm pretty sure she's already in Boston," Piggot said with exasperation. "So, a couple of minutes. If you agree to give her permission, then I suggest you mobilize PRT and Protectorate response immediately, Director Armstrong."

Kamil weighed his options. Letting an unknown hero attack a major gang alone in his city, versus having the Teeth off the street. And having his department get the credit for it; Kamil had to admit that that was a factor, too.

Kamil took in a deep breath. "All right," he said on the exhale. "Do you have an address or something?"

"I do not. I can have Auspice contact you," Piggot said.

"I would appreciate that. Thank you, Director Piggot," Kamil said.

"Of course," Piggot said. Then, in a rare show of sympathy, she said, "Good luck, Director Armstrong."

Piggot hung up.

Less than two minutes later, Kamil got another call. He answered the phone.

"Director Armstrong."

"Hello, Director Armstrong. I'm Auspice," she said. She sounded young.

"You're the one who wants to take on the Teeth," Kamil said, hoping to get a measure of her personality.

He doubted Piggot could be fooled by the overly-confident type, but it was hard to tell.

"Yes," Auspice said. "I am confident I can subdue them quickly, with no risk of injury or collateral damage. Also, I have a way to make sure the Butcher will no longer be an issue."

Kamil sat up straight. "What do you mean by that?"

"I can't tell you the specifics because of the gag order regarding my power, but I can remove the Butcher's powers, including the one that causes them to jump to other parahumans."

"You can remove the Butcher's powers?" Kamil repeated incredulously. "Permanently?"

"Yes," she said, then, after a brief pause, added, "Obviously, it would be best if that didn't become common knowledge."

"Yes, obviously," Kamil agreed, because nobody needed to know that there was a cape who could permanently remove other people's powers. If it was true. "I mean no offense, but that is rather unbelievable."

"I'm aware of that. It is the kind of thing that nobody could believe unless it was proven," Auspice said. "And, given that I don't exactly want to go running around removing people's powers, I felt that the Butcher would be a good target to use to prove it -- because there are few other ways to keep the Butcher from continuing to be a problem otherwise."

She made it sound so reasonable. And Piggot had been confident in her, and she had to deal with her all the time. Suddenly sympathetic to Piggot, Kamil decided to just give in.

He doubted Bastion would be happy about it, but he'd certainly appreciate getting the credit for it, so it would probably be fine.

"All right. I'll trust you. Give me an address," Kamil said.

He could hear the smile in her voice when Auspice said, "Thank you."

February 4, 2011


Bastion was already in a bad mood by the time he, two of his Protectorate members, and a squad of PRT mooks got to the abandoned warehouse the Director had told them to go to. Between some newbie from Brockton Bay just up and deciding to take down a gang Bastion -- and others -- had been trying to get for years and the Director ordering him around like an attack dog, Bastion was pretty angry.

The warehouse in question, along with the entire surrounding area, was completely ordinary. There was no noise or damage to suggest that a parahuman battle had or was taking place.

Shortly after Bastion and the others arrived, however, one of the warehouse's large sliding doors opened with a cacophonous sound. Bastion did not jump, damn it. With the door open, a figure was visible inside the warehouse: a woman wearing a hooded jacket.

Auspice, Bastion recognized. The uppity newbie.

She waved at them.

Bastion strode up to her. "You said that the Teeth were here?" he said impatiently.

"I did say that," Auspice said, and gestured behind her, into the dark warehouse. "Oh, wait, let me get that."

Auspice took a couple of steps and flicked a lightswitch, turning on the warehouse's overhead lights and revealing that the warehouse was full of people all dressed in the typical style of the Teeth. There were probably twenty people total in the warehouse.

Bastion definitely did jump, that time, reflexively creating a forcefield between him and the group of people in the warehouse.

"It's fine," Auspice said at the same time that Bastion realized that none of the figures were moving. "They're not going to attack."

"What did you do to them?" Bastion asked, peering closer.

"I just froze them in time," Auspice said casually. "And they're going to start unfreezing soon, probably, so it would probably be best to start foaming them now."

Gesturing for his fellow heroes and the PRT members to follow him, Bastion ventured into the freaky warehouse. All of the Teeth in the warehouse did indeed seem to be frozen in time, completely unmoving. Except one -- there was one woman who was not frozen. She wasn't standing, instead crumpled in on herself on her knees, which was why it had taken Bastion so long to notice her. It was easy, then, to identify her as the Butcher, her samurai-style armor being rather distinctive, as were the massive bow and gatling gun on the floor next to her.

Bastion's forcefield went right back up as he held his hand out to stop the others.

"Why didn't you freeze the most dangerous one?" he hissed at Auspice.

Auspice blinked. She turned towards the Butcher. "Oh. It's fine," she said again. Bastion thought he might hate that phrase. "She won't be able to cause any trouble anymore."

The smugly pleased curl to her lips was enough to make Bastion pause where he might not have otherwise. He'd learned to be wary of people looking like that.

"What did you do to her?" he said warily.

"I suppressed her power," Auspice said.

"Suppressed…? What, like Animos' power?" Bastion said.

Auspice nodded. "Yeah, basically," she said. She shrugged a little. "Except indefinitely."

"In -- indefinitely?" Bastion repeated.

"Yes. It'll last until I undo it," Auspice said.

While Bastion was floored from the implications of that, Auspice looked at him carefully.

"Hopefully it's obvious that we don't want that getting around, but also, the PRT classified my power, so you're not allowed to tell anybody about it," she told him frankly.

Bastion gritted his teeth and glared at her. "I know that," he snapped. "What are we supposed to do about this, then?"

He gestured vaguely towards the Butcher, who really looked pitiful.

"Claim that you sent the Butcher to the Birdcage and actually send her to a psych ward or something under her civilian identity," Auspice said, like that was no big deal. "She's pretty much harmless now, compared to before, although she'll probably still be violent once she recovers, and she's definitely still crazy."

Bastion put a hand to his forehead and breathed, reminding himself not to yell at her. Making him do the annoying part; of course she was. "You're giving us the credit for this, right?" he said.


"Okay." Bastion took another deep breath. "Which ones are capes?"

Auspice easily pointed out five people in addition to the Butcher. The PRT squad got to foaming people, while the other two Protectorate capes supervised.

"Thank you for your help," Bastion bit out grudgingly.

"Sure thing," Auspice said. "Well, it seems like you guys have this in hand, so I'm going to go."

Good. Bastion restrained himself. "Fine," he said.

Auspice seemed amused, but she didn't comment, just turned and walked out of the warehouse.

February 16, 2011

Rebecca Costa-Brown

A portal with shimmering gold edges formed on the wall of Rebecca's office, next to the door. An arm reached through the portal to knock, politely, on the inside of the door. In lieu of being able to knock on the outside of the door, presumably, due to the cameras in the hallway where there were none in the office.

Rebecca sighed. "Yes, Auspice? What do you want?"

Auspice passed entirely through her portal. Apparently sensing Rebecca's lack of patience -- or, more likely, using Path to Victory to predict the best way to approach her -- she answered quickly as she sat in one of the chairs opposite Rebecca.

"The Fallen." She frowned. "Wait, that sounds wrong, let me rephrase. I want to cripple the Fallen. Yeah, that's better."

Rebecca resisted the urge to sigh again. "And you want me to deal with the legal side of it," she surmised, shaking her head. "Fine. Who and where?"

"Well, there's a lot of them, but only a few really important ones," Auspice said. "So, we've got the head of the Mathers branch near Kansas City, her son, her other son, who is also the head of the McVeay branch, and the four Crowley siblings who run their own branch." She thought about it for a moment. "That's all of them, I think. The really important ones, anyway; the others should be easy enough for other people to capture later."

"The leader of the Mathers branch," Rebecca repeated. "Also the very powerful Stranger who can affect anyone who has interacted with her in any way?"

"Well, yes. You're aware of what I did to the Butcher, right?"

Rebecca was aware. One of Auspice's abilities that she had not shared with them directly: removing other people's powers permanently. Whether it was a largely-unused part of her own power or a result of altering powers she'd copied was unclear.

"You plan to remove her power?"

Auspice nodded. "Hers and her two son's powers, Valefor and Lionheart; they're all annoying Master slash Strangers. The others should be containable, maybe Birdcage worthy, I'm not sure."

Rebecca thought about it. The Fallen were a large organization, behind both small and large time crime across the country, largely protected by a few powerful people. The removal of the Mathers head especially would be very helpful.

"All right. Do it. I'll handle it," she said.

Auspice smiled. "Great!"

Rebecca had expected her to leave immediately, but to her surprise, Auspice stayed sitting.

"One other thing," she said.

Rebecca gestured for her to go on.

"There's an Endbringer attack coming soon."

Rebecca went still. That was true, there was; it had been close to four months since the Behemoth attack. Rebecca, like many other heroes, never forgot the loose Endbringer schedule.

This time, however, was different, and for all that Auspice had killed Scion, Rebecca hadn't yet seriously considered the possibilities.

When and where would be nice to know, but it wasn't really important. More important was, "Can you kill it?" Rebecca asked.

Auspice spread her hands as though to say, well, duh. "Of course I can. That's easy-peasy compared to some of the things I've done. That's actually what I wanted to ask about, though. How easy should it look for me to kill an Endbringer? Like, are we talking 'swat it like a bug', or 'fake a long fight'?"

"I'll talk about it with the others," Rebecca said. Personally, she was leaning towards 'swat it like a bug', but she was aware that might not necessarily be her rational mind speaking. "Which one is it, when, and where?"

"In that order, the Simurgh, the 24th of this month, and Canberra, Australia," Auspice said.

Rebecca nodded. "I'll still talk to the others, but I believe a drawn out fight with the Simurgh is too risky," she said.

"She's definitely the hardest to contain," Auspice said. She shrugged, then bounced to her feet. "Well, whatever. Let me know what you guys decide. I'm going to go start dismantling the Fallen before I kill off the first of their 'gods'."

Waving lightly, Auspice created a portal and disappeared into it.

Rebecca got to work on the paperwork she was going to need.

Less than an hour later, the PRT had seven new villains in custody, three of them minus their powers. If nothing else, Auspice worked quickly.

February 24, 2011


The morning of the 24th of February, the Protectorate sent out a warning -- to everyone -- that their Thinkers had predicted an Endbringer attack in Canberra, Australia.

That was unheard of. Thinkers, especially precogs, had been trying to use their powers on Endbringers, largely to no effect, since Behemoth first appeared. Dragon and Armsmaster were working on a computer program that could predict the Endbringers, but it wasn't finished yet.

Dragon had her doubts about the exact source of the prediction, but she wasn't complaining. She highly doubted the Protectorate would send out a false warning, and the twenty minute warning gave her time to send one of her suits to meet up with the transport for the Seattle capes. Her creations were fast, but it was a long flight to Australia.

Canberra was chaotic, though considerably less so than other Endbringer battles Dragon had been to; the forewarning had allowed the civilians to be evacuated and they were on their way out already, leaving the center of the city where capes were congregating otherwise empty.

If it had been Leviathan, they would have gathered closer to the coast, but Canberra wasn't close enough to the ocean, which meant it was going to be Behemoth or the Simurgh, and the last attack had been Behemoth, so it was almost definitely the Simurgh. Whenever the Simurgh attacked, she tended to hover above the center of the city, whether to make sure her range covered the entire thing or for some other reason.

The sky was clear and bright -- the Simurgh's preferred weather; more than eighty percent of her attacks occurred on sunny, cloudless days.

In the direct center of Canberra was a parliamentary building, built into a hill, with walkways and grassy gardens on top of it, and a tall, elaborate flagpole sticking off the top, above a glass skylight into the building. A perfect target for the Simurgh, and a terrible one for everyone else. It was undoubtedly a busy area normally, with crowds of people. Dragon could see how an attack would have gone without any warning.

Dragon looked around, cataloguing the present capes, who were waiting on top of the parliament building. The Triumvirate were there, of course. Narwhal was already there, too. Armsmaster and a few other members of the Brockton Bay Protectorate, including their newest hero. Cinereal was there, the lone member of her Protectorate. Chevalier and Myrddin were there, with a couple of members of each of their Protectorate departments. Exalt, standing with the rest of the Houston Protectorate minus Eidolon.

There were a lot of heroes. There were less villains, but still a good amount.

It wasn't the best turnout Dragon had seen, though; nobody liked fighting the Simurgh, and Australia also didn't have as many capes as other countries did. A lot more people went to defend their own country from Endbringers.

Legend was arranging people into the usual groups. Blasters with him, Alexandria packages with Alexandria, people with shields with Narwhal. The support capes -- healers and Thinkers -- were being sent to make a camp outside the city. There were things specific to a Simurgh fight, as well; capes were put into further groups, these ones for time. People from Group One would fight first, then when they were running out of time, they would switch out with people from Group Two, and so on. Dragon knew how it worked.

There was still a couple of minutes left, if the prediction was accurate. Doing a quick headcount, Dragon gave out armbands to be distributed to the capes who would be involved in the battle. These ones were the Simurgh specific ones, with timers set to go before any of them could spend too much time around the Simurgh.

Once Dragon's part in that was done and other people were making sure everyone got an armband, she made her way over to Armsmaster.

Armsmaster went to every Endbringer battle he could, as Dragon did. It was the life both of them had chosen. That didn't make it any easier to face the thought that this might be the Endbringer battle that cost Armsmaster his life.

"Armsmaster," she said in greeting, dipping her suit's head like a nod.

Armsmaster wasn't one for idle chit chat at the best of times, which an Endbringer battle certainly was not, so Dragon didn't expect much from him.

He spared her a glance, and nodded back. "Dragon."

The new Brockton Bay hero and rising superstar, Auspice, leaned around him to wave. "Hi, Dragon," she said.

Dragon had spoken with Auspice over her usual video chat a couple of times before. Auspice had been spending a considerable amount of time in Armsmaster's lab with him lately. Dragon was studiously ignoring the envy that she experienced any time she focused any attention on that fact.

"Hello, Auspice," Dragon said.

Auspice left soon after to make her way over to Legend and the Blasters. Dragon made a note of it. Auspice's power was so highly classified that Dragon didn't know about it, and though Armsmaster likely did, he hadn't shared it with her.

As people had left the city to wait for their turns, the number of waiting capes dwindled further and further, until they had worryingly few combatants. That was one of the biggest disadvantages of fighting the Simurgh. Dragon was in the first group, as were the Triumvirate, Armsmaster, and Auspice.

It wasn't long before the first sign of the Simurgh's appearance became obvious: the Simurgh's scream, which seemed to reverberate throughout Dragon's processes in an impossible manner. It was one of the quirks of the Simurgh, or perhaps of Dragon; the mental attack affected Dragon, though she was not there in person, nor did she have a typical brain to attack.

Everyone readied themselves. The armbands' countdowns began.

The Simurgh descended soon after, hurtling downwards like a shooting star directly over the tip of the flagpole. The building started collapsing under them, the flagpole breaking into pieces, as did buildings all around, and people who could fly lifted off, while those who couldn't hurried for solid ground. Dragon was distracted for a moment catching several people and bringing them somewhere safer -- for a given value of 'safe'.

When Dragon looked up, it was to see a figure distinguishable as Auspice, flying higher and closer to the Simurgh than anyone else. Foolishly, if she was indeed just a Blaster -- without a Brute rating or some kind of Breaker form, the Simurgh would crush her like a bug.

Other people had noticed, too. Some people shouted, trying to warn her. The flying Brutes hurried to catch up to her.

One of the Simurgh's person-sized pieces of rubble was heading straight for Auspice.

Auspice brought one hand up, and released a brilliant golden laser, heading for the Simurgh. Dragon analyzed it. It was a big laser, by most Blaster standards; probably five feet around. But Dragon had seen bigger things do next to no damage to an Endbringer. Even the Simurgh, as the smallest and most fragile seeming of the Endbringers, was terrifyingly durable.

The Simurgh also had a tendency to block. Several pieces of her growing rubble field swung into place between her and the laser. But the laser went straight through the rubble as though it wasn't there.

The constant, piercing scream in the background went discordant suddenly, loud and jarring enough that people clapped their hands uselessly over their ears, as though the Simurgh had lost control of it. The Simurgh shot to the side in an attempt to dodge, but didn't quite make it. The laser impacted the Simurgh perfectly center-mass, and then kept going. Where the laser had passed, the Simurgh's body was entirely gone from shoulder to hip, large chunks of wings gone too.

The assembled capes went quiet in shock. The Simurgh's scream stopped abruptly. The floating debris began to fall to the earth.

After a long moment, the remaining pieces of the Simurgh's body belatedly succumbed to gravity, and the Simurgh fell from the sky.
The smart ones are going to start connecting dots soon, lol. This story is enjoyable, but am I the only one getting the feeling of wrongness? Like our MC here is up to something insidious..? Maybe I'm just reading too deep into it.
The smart ones are going to start connecting dots soon, lol. This story is enjoyable, but am I the only one getting the feeling of wrongness? Like our MC here is up to something insidious..? Maybe I'm just reading too deep into it.

It doesn't take much intellect to connect a shiny new godlike Parahuman who terrifies Endbringers, has all the powers and throws unstoppable beams of golden Fuck You, with the mysterious lack of recent Scion sightings. How this is interpreted, however, depends on the paranoia of the observer. One could see this as someone finally successfully communicating with Scion and telling him to do stuff. One can also see this as a Scion-like Parahuman usurping his position after he disappears, possibly due to the actions of said Parahuman. Or, one can see this as Scion using one of his bullshitillion of powers to pass on the mantle, before moving on. He has been constantly heroing about for decades, after all.
The smart ones are going to start connecting dots soon, lol. This story is enjoyable, but am I the only one getting the feeling of wrongness? Like our MC here is up to something insidious..? Maybe I'm just reading too deep into it.

They're the most powerful person in the world and has an unfettered Path to Victory.

She's basically the absolute ruler of the world, she can do anything she wants and nobody can stop her or want to stop her unless she allows for it.

The only thing holding her back are her personal morals and principles.
The smart ones are going to start connecting dots soon, lol. This story is enjoyable, but am I the only one getting the feeling of wrongness? Like our MC here is up to something insidious..? Maybe I'm just reading too deep into it.
Well, recall that the only glimpses are based from outside observers.

Now imagine everything she could be getting up to with Stranger powers. :V
The smart ones are going to start connecting dots soon, lol. This story is enjoyable, but am I the only one getting the feeling of wrongness? Like our MC here is up to something insidious..? Maybe I'm just reading too deep into it.
I definitely get the impression she was hiding the full scope of her powers, but th hat seems more to survive than to set up some sort of evil plot. Imagine if she had opened completely honestly with Cauldron.

"Hey I'm potentially powerful enough to squash Scion like a bug, I'll kill him if you help me get started then you totally won't have to worry about me being a threat"

If I were in her shoes I would worry about Cauldron making dumb rationalizations about the devil they know vs the devil they dont and suppositions as to the corrupting influence of power. I think what we're seeing is her becoming secure enough to not need to sandbag.
I definitely get the impression she was hiding the full scope of her powers, but th hat seems more to survive than to set up some sort of evil plot. Imagine if she had opened completely honestly with Cauldron.

"Hey I'm potentially powerful enough to squash Scion like a bug, I'll kill him if you help me get started then you totally won't have to worry about me being a threat"

If I were in her shoes I would worry about Cauldron making dumb rationalizations about the devil they know vs the devil they dont and suppositions as to the corrupting influence of power. I think what we're seeing is her becoming secure enough to not need to sandbag.

But isn't that what she did? She met Cauldron, walked through the Door willingly, told them she could wreck Scion with a couple specific powers, got said powers from Cauldron and wrecked Scion. At no point during this sequence of events did Cauldron really worry about possibly replacing an Entity with an even worse threat. Understandable, since they were far too overwhelmed with relief and hope that they hadn't felt for many years. Besides, wasn't it Cauldron's whole plan to basically throw vials at people until a Silver Bullet showed up and killed Scion? Honestly, after decades of sacrificing everything for humanity, Cauldron might not have even imagined the possibility of someone who embodies all of their hopes actually turning against their own species. They certainly were ready for humanity and their creations turning against Cauldron even if the latter saved the former, but them turning against the themselves?
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Chapter Eight: PHO Interlude
Chapter Eight: PHO Interlude

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♦Topic: The Simurgh Has Fallen!
In: Boards ► World ► News

Bagrat (Original Poster) (The Guy In The Know) (Veteran Member)
Posted on February 24, 2011:

Earlier today, the Simurgh attacked Canberra, Australia (that's Australia's capital). Thanks to Protectorate Thinkers, there was enough warning to evacuate the city beforehand.

But that's not the important part. The important part is this: according to a number of on-site capes, Auspice, a newbie Protectorate hero from Brockton Bay, attacked and killed the Simurgh during the attack. As a result, this is the first Endbringer attack ever to end with zero casualties (except for the Endbringer). The Protectorate and other organizations have since officially confirmed the rumors (here's a link to the Protectorate's press conference about it). They said a whole lot of nothing else, so it's not entirely clear what actually happened, but everyone who was there pretty much agrees on the basics.

So, it's official, everyone. The Simurgh, Ziz, Israfel, Ulama, the 'Hopekiller', the Third, whatever you want to call it, is dead. Let's celebrate.

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► DigaWell
Replied on February 24, 2011:
SERIOUSLY? That's awesome!

► Saskatchew
Replied on February 24, 2011:
Good riddance. I doubt anyone's upset about THIS Endbringer battle casualty

► Aiming_Low
Replied on February 24, 2011:
Pics or it didn't happen

► More_Or_Less
Replied on February 24, 2011:
I mean, yeah, it's a little hard to believe, but you know there's never any actual pictures or video from Endbringer battles. Everyone tends to be busy trying not to die.

► RobinU
Replied on February 24, 2011:
Justice for Lausanne, and all the other cities that were crippled, destroyed, and quarantined because of the Simurgh. I'm definitely celebrating tonight and taking off work tomorrow

► SorryNotSorry
Replied on February 24, 2011:
It's hard to believe anybody could kill an Endbringer, after, what, twenty years? Especially some newbie. I've never even heard of that hero before now. Still, not complaining, and I doubt the Protectorate would have confirmed it if it wasn't true.

@RobinU Yeah, seconded on the celebrating. I'm gonna have a cold one in Auspice's honor

► Nakyak (Cape Geek)
Replied on February 24, 2011:
I think I have heard of Auspice, actually. Wasn't she that cape that supposedly helped the Triumvirate take down the Slaughterhouse Nine last month? Her power was already a huge mystery back then, but I REALLY want to know what it is now!

► NobodyYou'dKnow
Replied on February 24, 2011:
Good riddance to the Simurgh! She won't be missed.

► ShortyShort
Replied on February 24, 2011:
WAIT, the Simurgh is seriously dead??? Really?!

Here's holding out for Leviathan next *fingers crossed*

► namesarehard
Replied on February 24, 2011:
So, does this make Auspice the 'Hopekillerkiller'?

@ShortyShort Shh, don't jinx it
End of Page. 1, 2, 3 ... 65 , 66, 67

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♦Topic: The Simurgh Has Fallen!
In: Boards ► World ► News

Bagrat (Original Poster) (The Guy In The Know) (Veteran Member)
Posted on February 24, 2011:

Earlier today, the Simurgh attacked Canberra, Australia (that's Australia's capital). Thanks to Protectorate Thinkers, there was enough warning to evacuate the city beforehand.

But that's not the important part. The important part is this: according to a number of on-site capes, Auspice, a newbie Protectorate hero from Brockton Bay, attacked and killed the Simurgh during the attack. As a result, this is the first Endbringer attack ever to end with zero casualties (except for the Endbringer). The Protectorate and other organizations have since officially confirmed the rumors (here's a link to the Protectorate's press conference about it). They said a whole lot of nothing else, so it's not entirely clear what actually happened, but everyone who was there pretty much agrees on the basics.

So, it's official, everyone. The Simurgh, Ziz, Israfel, Ulama, the 'Hopekiller', the Third, whatever you want to call it, is dead. Let's celebrate.

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► SecretSurfer (Muted)
Replied on February 24, 2011:
Look, I'm just saying. There's a couple irrefutable facts! 1. Every time Scion showed up to an Endbringer battle, the Endbringer basically immediately fled, implying that he's more of a danger to them than ANY OTHER PERSON. 2. Auspice is the only person known to have done enough damage to an Endbringer to kill it.

The conclusion is obvious.

► Antigone
Replied on February 24, 2011:
@SecretSurfer What? That's not obvious at all.

► Tumbles
Replied on February 24, 2011:
@Antigone I mean, there is kind of a lot of evidence, even besides the fact that Scion and Auspice are obviously the two most powerful parahumans ever and are the only people who ever really hurt an Endbringer.

So, look. We have mid-January-ish, where Scion disappears. Just, completely drops off the map. Then, late-ish-January, Auspice makes her first appearance as a hero. I mean, okay, that might not be anything alone. However! There's also Auspice's color theme: white and gold (and black), where Scion was gold and wore white. Coincidence? There's no such thing.

Auspice is OBVIOUSLY Scion

► BooptheSnoot
Replied on February 24, 2011:
@Tumbles Yeah... Obviously /sarcasm. I mean, seriously, after thirty years Scion suddenly decided to join the Protectorate. As a FEMALE hero? Doubtful.

► Ryan_Reynolds (Unverified Cape)
Replied on February 24, 2011:
Um, guys, Auspice can't secretly be Scion masquerading as a girl for some reason... Because she's obviously Eidolon's illegitimate child. Duh.

► Space Zombie
Replied on February 24, 2011:


► Lolitup
Replied on February 24, 2011:
@Ryan_Reynolds Wait, who says she's illegitimate?? Maybe Eidolon is secretly married, you don't know

► Ryan_Reynolds (Unverified Cape)
Replied on February 24, 2011:
@Space Zombie
My sources are as follows: [Eidolon_Hood.jpg], [Auspice_Hood.jpg]
and also, Eidolon's power is complete BS and so is Auspice's. We already know that powers run in families, so Auspice obviously got the BS gene.
The facts are undeniable.

No. Illegitimate. There's no way Eidolon is secretly married; we'd know. Just look at Legend.

► Space Zombie
Replied on February 24, 2011:

Yeah, seems legit

► SecretSurfer (Muted)
Replied on February 24, 2011:

That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. What, just because two heroes both have hoods, they're related somehow??? Are all of the heroes with similar helmets related now? And anyway, even if Auspice's power is 'BS' (we don't know what it actually is), you know whose power is EVEN WORSE than Eidolon's? Scion's. You know, 'can do whatever he wants' man. Eidolon has limitations, Scion doesn't, and I bet Auspice doesn't either. You're dumb.

@Space Zombie I can't believe you're listening to him, you must be just as stupid

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(Showing Page 29 of 72)

► Tumbles
Replied on February 24, 2011:
@SecretSurfer That's... a little extreme, man. Everybody is entitled to their opinions, even if theirs is wrong.

I mean, Auspice COULD be related to Eidolon. I guess. Even if it seems really unlikely. And costume choice is a really thin foundation for your theory.

Meanwhile, in the 'Auspice is Scion' camp, we have 1. Time of disappearance/appearance, 2. Color theme (which is definitely better than a hood I promise), 3. The Endbringer thing, AND 4. According to Protectorate sources, Auspice is immune to Thinkers, like Scion.

Bam. Beat that.

► Ryan_Reynolds (Unverified Cape)
Replied on February 24, 2011:
Eidolon is also immune to Thinkers

► Tumbles
Replied on February 24, 2011:
@Ryan_Reynolds Oh, damn.

Uhh... Okay, how about this: Far as anyone can tell, Auspice straight up didn't exist until she joined the Protectorate last month. Which is obviously because she'd been running around as Scion for thirty years until he/she decided to settle down. And also, why is Auspice in Brockton Bay when Eidolon is in Houston? That's like halfway across the country

► Space Zombie
Replied on February 24, 2011:

That's just rude. It's not that unreasonable, and anyway, who are you to diss other people's theories?

Also, Auspice being Eidolon's daughter (illegitimate or otherwise) could also explain why she came literally out of nowhere and suddenly showed up working with the Triumvirate! They knew she was powerful, and whatever her power actually is, because she knew Eidolon personally. So there

► Ryan_Reynolds (Unverified Cape)
Replied on February 24, 2011:
Obviously Eidolon sent her to a different Protectorate to hide the fact that they're related

@Space Zombie
That's a good point

► PierPieper
Replied on February 24, 2011:
You're all morons. It's OBVIOUS that Auspice killed Scion to assert her dominance before she debuted as a cape! She couldn't have him undermining her

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► Tumbles

Replied on February 24, 2011:

Umm? Regardless of Auspice's origins, she's a hero... Why would she kill another hero?

► Ryan_Reynolds (Unverified Cape)
Replied on February 24, 2011:
No. I think you're the one reaching here, my friend. That's ridiculous
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Its your grimdark senses. Worm can't have good things

I'll quote:

"Does this count as a secondary location?" Auspice muttered.

It was obvious that she was talking to herself. And, anyway, Alexandria wasn't entirely sure how to respond to that, so she just left it alone. She checked to make sure there was nobody around. There wasn't.

Unless there's some weirdness about the CYOA that requires this, there's absolutely something going on here.

Also, how did she get around Scion's PtV?
Also, how did she get around Scion's PtV?

Scion's PTV is way more energy-intensive than the sleek, upgraded version the Thinker had. He tended to use it only in bursts during the final fight, when he ran into something he couldn't just immediately Goldion Hammer away. He would play with them for a bit, and then PtV a kill and go back to experimenting.

I imagine by the time he had thought to engage it, there was no longer any path to victory possible.
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Chapter Nine: Don't Ask
Chapter Nine: Don't Ask

February 26, 2011


The Wards were having another meeting. It was a very important meeting, about top-secret information. Everyone was there. Except Shadow Stalker, as usual, but she didn't count anyway.

"Is it possible…" Clockblocker said, " power nullify an Endbringer?"

There was a moment of silence as the others processed this truly earth shattering suggestion.

"I want to say no on principle, but honestly, I don't think we have any proof either way," Gallant said.

"Exactly, because there were only two people I could find with power nullification powers, and they were both villains who never went to Endbringer battles," Clockblocker said excitedly.

"So Auspice killed the Simurgh by nullifying her powers, including her durability?" Kid Win said.

"But somebody else still would have had to deal the final blow, so how come all of the heroes who were there say that Auspice killed the Simurgh?" Vista said. "A lot of them might not even have known that Auspice did anything, if that was the case."

"And it's been pretty well established that a lot of powers that could drastically hurt or weaken an Endbringer tend to just not work at all," Aegis added.

Clockblocker flapped a hand at him. "That's not the point! Anyway, that's so hard to define, it could be as simple as 'yeah, but Auspice's power worked anyway'." He turned to Vista. "And, well, maybe she was just standing really close to whoever actually killed the Simurgh and everybody thought she did it."

"Maybe after Auspice nullified the Simurgh's powers, she fell out of the sky and went splat," Kid Win said thoughtfully. "So it was like, obviously Auspice, by removing her flight and Brute powers, was the one who killed her. It's basically undeniable then."

"Hey, that would work," Clockblocker said.

"She agreed that her power was 'pretty much' like Eidolon's, right?" Gallant said slowly. "So maybe there are multiple parts to it like his. Power nullification is only one part of it, then, and there are other things she can do."

The warning alarm for the door went off, but the Wards were all masked already, so they ignored it.

"That's true, the other two nullifiers had other aspects to their powers, too. Hatchetface was a Brute, and the other one -- Animos -- was also a Changer," Clockblocker said.

"So maybe Auspice is, like, a Shaker or a Blaster or something?" Vista said.

"It is powers like those that usually do the most damage to Endbringers," Aegis said.

The door opened, and admitted the very topic of their conversation herself, Auspice. Clockblocker jumped guiltily, noticing that most of the others did too. Aegis, as their fearless leader, stood to greet her.

"Hello, Auspice. Do you need us for something?" Aegis said.

Auspice looked behind herself. "Well, no, not exactly, but… Hm. You guys don't mind if I hide out in here for a while, do you?"

It was at times like these that Clockblocker was grateful for his full face mask, as it meant he didn't have to try to control his expression. He wasn't sure exactly what his face was doing, but he would bet it was noticeable, or would be if anybody could see it. Even Aegis was quiet for a long time.

"No, of course not," he said finally, sounding bemused.

"What are you hiding from?" Clockblocker asked, because it wasn't like anyone else was going to. Awkward questions and comments were his thing. "Piss off Halbeard?"

"Actually, no," Auspice said with a laugh. Then she sighed and ventured further into the room, away from the door. "I have discovered that being famous is bad, actually."

Clockblocker lamented how difficult it was to read people's expressions with masks on. Even Kid WIn and Vista, who both wore visors and had the least of their faces covered, were hard to read. Still, he would bet that they were all flabbergasted like he was.

"...I always thought it would be cool to be famous," Kid Win ventured finally.

"I know! I thought so too!" Auspice said. "And then it happened, and now everyone wants to talk to me. I've done seven interviews in two days! I've met with three world leaders! For some reason the President of India wants to talk to me! I mean, I could understand the Prime Minister of Australia. The fight happened in their capital city, after all. I can even understand the President of the United States -- I am American and theoretically an employee of the American government. But the President of India? Really?"

She stopped for breath, finally. Clockblocker and the others just stared. Idly, Clockblocker wondered who the third world leader was. He wasn't sure he cared enough to ask.

"Sorry to… hear that," Aegis said eventually.

Auspice nodded. "Thank you. Anyway, so that's why I'm hiding," she said, tone now very even. "Sorry for the rant. Oh, don't let me disturb you; you can go back to your conversation."

The Wards hesitated collectively, glancing at each other. They really, really couldn't go back to their conversation. Even Clockblocker wasn't entirely willing to tell Auspice to her face that they'd been speculating about her highly classified power. Even if they were totally right. That probably made it worse, actually.

Before anyone could decide on what to say, the door alarm went off again -- the short alarm. Auspice ran forward and vaulted a couch to put it between her and the door. The door opened, revealing Miss Militia.

"Sorry to bother you, Wards. Have any of you seen Auspice?" she asked.

Clockblocker carefully did not look towards the couch that Auspice was hiding behind. Being the main troublemaker amongst them, it took Clockblocker approximately two seconds to decide that he wasn't going to get Auspice caught.

"Nope. Haven't seen her," he said. "Why? What's up?"

"Oh, just some routine stuff. Paperwork, you know," Miss Militia said dismissively.

Clockblocker raised his eyebrows, hidden safely behind his mask. Who knew Miss Militia was such a good liar?

"So none of you have seen her?" Miss Militia said.

The others seemed unwilling to lie aloud, but they all shook their heads. If nothing else, if they told the truth now, they'd get Clockblocker in trouble too.

"Sorry, Miss Militia," Aegis said.

Yeah, sorry for lying, Clockblocker knew. He had to bite his lip to keep from laughing.

"All right." Miss Militia sighed. "Thanks anyway."

She stepped back and closed the door. After a few seconds, Auspice popped up from behind the couch.

"Thanks for covering for me," she said.

"You're really that desperate to avoid interviews?" Gallant said doubtfully. "Won't you just get in trouble?"

"Oh, nah, I don't actually have any interviews or meetings right now. It's just that I have approximately a thousand people requesting interviews and meetings, and the Director, and therefore Armsmaster, and therefore Miss Militia, want me to go through them immediately," Auspice said. "And I'm avoiding doing it. Procrastination for the win. Don't use me as a good life model, kids."

Clockblocker laughed. "You're, like, five years older than me," he said.

"I'm just saying," Auspice said.

March 11, 2011


"Armsmaster, this is Console." It sounded like Kid Win was on Console for the evening, and he sounded worried. "We have reports of a shootout at the north edge of ABB territory, and it looks like Lung just showed up."

Of course. ABB and E88 gangbangers were always getting into fights; the problem was when they got their capes involved. That was when things got really bad. Lung alone was a massively destructive force even if none of the E88's capes showed up -- and they would.

"Understood, Console," Armsmaster said. "Exact location?"

Console listed off a street.

"Roger that. Armsmaster moving to engage."

Armsmaster swung smoothly onto a different street, then floored it. At max speed, it wouldn't take him long to get there, and the faster the better. He needed to get there before the E88, before Lung ramped up too far, and before Lung destroyed too much.

Soon, Armsmaster was close enough to hear the battle: Lung roaring and destroying things, people -- probably E88 gangbangers -- screaming, and some gunfire. That was either brave or foolish of them, continuing to shoot at Lung even though most everyone in Brockton Bay knew it wouldn't do any good. Armsmaster was leaning towards foolish.

Soon after that, Armsmaster turned onto the correct street, and the battle itself came into view. Lung, only a couple of inches taller than usual -- not even seven feet -- was in the middle of the street, facing away from Armsmaster, stepping slowly towards a half a dozen cowering, fleeing men. There were several more bodies littering the ground, but even so, he was obviously playing with them -- waiting for the E88 capes, most likely. Armsmaster hoped that didn't mean Oni Lee was laying in wait nearby.

Of lesser importance, there was a group of ABB thugs nearer to Armsmaster, focused so carefully on hiding from their own boss that they weren't paying Armsmaster any mind. They would regret that.

"This is Armsmaster. Engaging Lung."

"Roger that, Armsmaster," came the reply. There was an audible breath, like Kid Win had gone to speak, but he stayed silent.

Armsmaster parked his motorcycle a safe distance from Lung, drawing his halberd and dismounting in one easy movement. Lung turned slowly, almost carelessly, to face him, then almost immediately grew two inches at the appearance of a real enemy. Grabbing a containment foam grenade, Armsmaster strode towards Lung, who just stood there and waited for him to approach. Halfway there, he flicked the pin off the grenade with his thumb, then tossed it over the bush the ABB thugs were using as cover, where it went off, encasing them with a few yelps of protest.

Lung didn't even spare them a glance.

"Well, well. Armsmaster," he said, his voice still mostly clear and understandable. "Come to try your luck again?"

Armsmaster narrowed his eyes. "Luck has nothing to do with it. I'm taking you into custody, Lung," he said.

Lung coughed out a mocking laugh, obviously disbelieving. That was fine. Armsmaster was confident.

If things were different, he might not have finished the tranquilizers in time -- but they weren't different, and he had finished them. There was no way to know for certain if they would work properly on Lung without testing them, but Armsmaster was confident that they were as close to perfect as they could be.

Armsmaster just needed to hit Lung with a tranquilizer. Unfortunately, due to the unique characteristics of Lung's power, he did often remember to dodge, as not all Brutes did.

The key to beating Lung was, of course, to end the fight quickly. Lung, meanwhile, would do his best to keep that from being possible. Matching Lung in battle before he got ramped up had never been the problem, though. The problem was that it was infuriatingly difficult to keep him down.

Hence the tranquilizers.

Lung had been growing incrementally while Armsmaster approached, and as soon as he was near enough, Lung lunged for him. Armsmaster dodged to the side, lashing out with his halberd and scoring a thin line across Lung's arm, which immediately began healing. Lung growled and pivoted on his heel to come after Armsmaster again.

Armsmaster dodged again, and they continued like that for some time. It was a delicate balancing act between ending the fight before Lung ramped up too far, and waiting for a good opportunity to strike. If Armsmaster tried it too early and failed, Lung's guard would be up. As long as Armsmaster was primarily fighting defensively, Lung didn't seem to be ramping up very quickly.

Finally, there was an opening. Lung overextended, went too far too fast, leaving his back to Armsmaster, open and undefended, and Armsmaster shot him in the back. With a tranquilizer. It was probably more effective than a bullet would have been.

For a moment, Lung didn't even seem to notice the tranquilizer. He turned to face Armsmaster, who swore silently, about to write the tranquilizers off as a failure, already running through the reasons it might have failed -- and then Lung took a single, staggering step and lost an inch of height. He continued shrinking, quicker than he usually ramped up.

"What..." Lung managed, and then collapsed face first onto the pavement.

Armsmaster eyed him carefully for a moment. It was unlikely that he was faking it; as far as anyone knew, Lung had no conscious control over his power, which would make it impossible for him to pretend to be weakened. And either way, Lung certainly wasn't the type to attempt such a charade.

"Console, this is Armsmaster. Requesting PRT prisoner transport and police backup," he said. He couldn't help the satisfied curl to his mouth as he said, "Lung is subdued, as are eight probable ABB gang members."

The surviving E88 gangbangers were long gone.

"...This is Console," came the reply, after a moment. "Armsmaster, repeat that?"

Restraining himself from rolling his eyes, Armsmaster repeated himself

A beat. "Roger that, Armsmaster. PRT and BBPD on route now. ETA three minutes and seven minutes respectively."

Armsmaster spent the next several minutes watching carefully. It was still possible, if unlikely, that E88 capes could appear, and if Oni Lee was laying in wait nearby, he would definitely interfere before Lung could be taken into custody.

Contrary to all of his expectations, however, nothing managed to go wrong in the next three minutes. The PRT transport arrived, escorted by Miss Militia on her motorcycle. That was fair. Lung was a big deal, and with Oni Lee still out and about, more than deserving of a two hero escort.

"Nice job," Miss Militia said as the PRT troopers foamed Lung and prepared to transport him.

Armsmaster nodded in acknowledgement of the compliment. It felt arrogant to thank her for it, though he was gratified by the success and the acknowledgement of it.

"I'm not saying it's a bad thing to have Lung off the streets," Miss Militia said in a low tone. "But this could end badly."

That was true. The gangs in Brockton Bay had been laying low, especially since Auspice killed the Simurgh. Lung's capture and subsequent removal from the criminal scene might be just enough to encourage the E88 to start moving again. If they tried to move on the remnants of the ABB -- well, the ABB wouldn't stand much chance, without their leader and powerhouse of a cape, but it would be the civilians of Brockton Bay who suffered for it.

On the other hand, if Kaiser and his capes crawled out of whatever hole they'd been hiding in, it would be easier to take them into custody, too.

"I know," Armsmaster said simply.

Either way, at least they had one extremely dangerous villain off the streets.
So on the whole Indian President, do you actually mean president of India, because that is an actual position just not the head of state. Near as I can tell it's more a ceremonial position. The head of state is the Prime Minister.
So on the whole Indian President, do you actually mean president of India, because that is an actual position just not the head of state. Near as I can tell it's more a ceremonial position. The head of state is the Prime Minister.
The President is the head of the state, the Prime minister heads the council of ministers. The Presidency is only mostly ceremonial