Hey @Heinkelboy05 I just remembered this video. Could the ideas in this video provide any help for how the Chinese Federation might have formed in a Code Geass world?
Well one is an OC, one is someone I brought in from another series though modified her a bit so she can fit in here.
Basically, the US faces containment like they did with the Soviet Union? Maybe this made the US more radical as well?
Basically Britannia taking the artwork of nations they conquered? Probably. I can imagine Britannia doing that. Either that or they would destroy others which they in their narrow minds don't consider "art".
as for the female character,she will be Shao Jun from Assassin's creed. Here's the story.
She grew up poor in the Chinese Federation, before she was taken in and trained as an assassin by an elder, eventually becoming a mercenary, selling her skills to those who could pay. Eventually, she is hired as muscle by a Britannian resistance cell which had fled to Japan in order to regroup. They were there when Britannia invades the country. Their hideout actually isn't far from where Lelouch and Nunnally were staying.
So she and the male character I'll add ended up finding Lelouch and Nunnally, rescuing them and getting them away before the bombs dropped. Eventually, they took them into the group, and became Lelouch and Nunnally's adoptive guardians. Keeping an eye on them while they worked to maintain their movement and try to grow a resistance.
Yeah. I imagine they come across Lelouch and Nunnally when they are separated from Suzaku. As for the Ashfords, they live with the two in the Ashford Academy clubhouse, serving as their respective guardians.
She is there as well, to help Nunnally.
Growing up those seven years, Lelouch's two guardians are working to establish their own resistance force, gathering fighters and specialists, establishing contacts, and creating what they eventually dub the Black Knights, the basis of the force Lelouch eventually would take over as the leader.
On a large scale, yes. Before then, Britannia has heard of the Black Knights due to their small scale attacks on Britannian installations in Japan. But when the Shinjuku Massacre happens, this is where the Black Knights commit to their first real attack against Britannia.
Perhaps. There are probably some in the wiki, though they will still use Alexanders, and perhaps modify them in order to mass produce them. I imagine the Alexander project is a joint EU-Russia project, with the Russians providing the schematics, specs, and blueprints while the EU builds it and tests out it's capabilities.