Attempting to Survive the Apocalypse: Dimensional Dislocation

jesus those rolls guess it fits with the everything falling apart and global civilization collapsing stuff
+10 to All Dice
-5 to All Dice
+5 to Infrastructure

Sealed Housing (Stage 1) 207+4*10+171=418/300
Sealed Power Plants 176+2*130=326/300

Water Decontamination Plants (Stage 2) 19+4*10+92=151/200
Sealed Agriculture Facilities (Stage 1) 98+4*5+202=320/200
Smart Management 0+2*5+147=157/200
Establish Massive Scale Evacuation Plans 68+2*5+35=113/150
Military Robotics 92+2*5+88=190/200

Collapse Radiation Refits (Stage 2) 26+2*5+88=124/100
Review Existing Records 0+1*5+50=55/50

Reality Sensors? 0+2*5+36=46/300
Q2 2025 Results
Q2 2025

United States > Gaming > FFXIV > Clans > Catgirls & Potatoes with the Boiz [CPB]

PotatoMeister (US) (Master of Lalafell Furniture) (CPB)
Hey guys, what do you do if you get exposed to Collapse Radiation?

And don't tell me to call the help line, I tried but it's completely clogged right now. I can't afford a trip to the hospital, you know any homebrew solutions I can try?

BillyBongers (CA) (Apprentice of Lalafell Furniture) (CPB)
How the fuck did you get exposed to that shit? I thought it was still on the other side of the planet.
If you really can't afford anything and you live near the border, I can help you get across, send me a PM. We have exposure stations set up that anyone can visit, they don't check your ID or anything.

Guilty Straps (US) (Treasurer) (CPB)
@BillyBongers No-one knows how, but some rioters got ahold of some kind of Collapse Fluid container. They cracked the damn thing open then drove through three different cities before someone noticed. Military managed to seal it up right after they smoked them, but they are saying that somewhere around 50-60 thousand people might have gotten a lethal dose.

@PotatoMeister I can cover the hospital cost for you, please PM me so we can work something out, this stuff is lethal within 24 hours you need to get treated straight away.

Guilty Straps (US) (Treasurer) (CPB)
@PotatoMeister Hey, you there? I know your shift just ended. Please PM me.

Friends > PM > PotatoMeister

Guilty Straps
I know you are on the way home right now but when you read this please message back.

Guilty Straps
Frank please, your sister just called me asking if I know where you are, I know you get home about now.

Guilty Straps
Just here to tie up the last loose end. Don't worry Frank, I've done my best to make sure Tiff will be cared for. I found a guy that knew who those fuckers were, some Militia based out of the ass end of nowhere. I'll crack a few skulls for you buddy.

Council Memo - 01/05/2025

Council Members,

According to your previous request, I am forwarding relevant internal reports covering "Interdimensional Creatures".


Interdimensional Creature Sightings - 04/2025

13 instances of creatures that could be IDC were found this month. Closer analysis has shown that five were convincing fakes but the remaining 8 coincide with unexplained disappearances in the area the video was recorded.

Incidents 1-5 were located in Poland, 6-7 were in Slovakia and one was confirmed to reach as far as the eastern border of Germany. Further investigation has found low levels of CFR in the areas they went missing.

According to the data uncovered from previous records earlier this month, we consider it likely these creatures are crossing over in "hotspots" that already existed, but may in some way be exasperated by the deleterious effect CFR has on reality.

Considering the absence of any source of CFR in these areas, the current working theory is that the source is leaking into our reality from another, which implies extremely high concentrations of CFR within that reality. This also allows IDC to cross over into our world somehow.

Further investigation requires dedicated equipment that can study these anomalies directly.

Such as the equipment in development by the folks down in DimDev, I'm taking the chance to request first dibs. - Dr Dres
- We aren't called DimDev, keep calling us that and you'll get it last. - Dr Fran
Please do not leave personal notes on official documents Doctor Dres, Doctor Fran. This is your Third and Second warning. [ReviewBot]

Priority Focus RE: IDC

Doctor, while we appreciate your efforts to modernise the military, the council is concerned that you are not giving due attention to the dangers posed by these Interdimensional Creatures. We would not dare attempt to dictate how you run the Future Foundation, but we would find it favourable if a certain priority shift could occur.

Thank you for your understanding.

Politicians. The last thing you wanted to see after a long day of browbeating bureaucrats into submission was your incompetent overlords nagging you about your carefully considered priorities. The rate of deaths and incidents caused by Interdimensional Creatures were completely insignificant compared to the oncoming apocalypse, and here they were bothering you about them because they were scared some invisible monster would come and eat them specifically, out of the 440 million other targets they had to choose.

You take a long sigh and lean back into your sofa, reaching for the mug of tea your personally customised AI assistant had started brewing when it noticed signs of stress from reading the email. If only people could be so thoughtful.
(-5 Political Support)

Bloodshed at The Border/Invaders of Our Union/Military Overrules Local Authorities In Greece

[These articles have been summarised by FuckingNewsArticlesBot v8.3]

Refugees at Greece-Turkey border attacked [87% incited] a processing station [Location: Kipi Border Crossing Point], the attack failed when local military forces responded. [Casualties: 517~, Deaths: 11~]

[Political Fuckery Warning: 3/4 Authors flagged as [Political Agent]. Bloodshed at The Border author tagged [Kremlin]. Invaders of Our Union authors tagged [EU PoliBuero Propaganda].]

You let out a tired sigh and check your next message, once again wondering if you should just stop reading these. Keeping up to date on current events was useful for someone in your position, but the endless flood of bad and worse news dragged the more you read it.

Maybe a few tweaks to NewsBot to just summarise all of these kind of events rather than having them flood your feed every day.

"Well, obviously the bigger ones hunt the smaller ones." Sorawo doesn't even blink when she is shown the recordings from the trip to Asia. "Most creatures out in the dimensions don't specifically hunt humans, that's always a very human-centric mistake newbies tend to make, they hunt prey that is fitting for them." She takes a lecturing pose that somehow looks slightly off, like she's copying someone she knows. "Any kind of creature that regularly crosses dimensional boundaries will know that pretty much the only universal rule is that smaller things are usually easier to eat than bigger things. Not always true, but it is often enough for it to count at an evolutionary standpoint."

She points to the big creature on the paused screen. "This thing probably would have started eating the soldiers around the camp if it didn't know that there were other, juicer targets in the area. So it used you as bait to draw them in before striking." At your raised eyebrows she just shrugs. "Don't try applying earth-animal logic to creatures from other dimensions. These things are obviously smart, probably not that smart, but smart enough to be able to delay immediate gratification for a greater prize later. Which is more than some humans can manage."

You hum, not finding anything to disagree with in her statements. "Well, why can't anyone notice it's there then? That's... I don't even know how to begin figuring out how that works." Sorawo breaks out into a sudden laugh, waving you off as you hum at her.

"Sorry, sorry. I always forget you sciency types like to figure out how things work." She shakes her head, an odd smile covering her face. "Well, the first piece of advice I can give you is to stop trying to figure out how something works and just focus on what it does and why it does that. I have seen people go mad trying to figure out the mechanisms behind how some supernatural entity or other works, most of them either commit suicide, retire to be hermits or get eaten by the thing they keep poking." It might just be your imagination, but you think you see her off-coloured eye glinting slightly as she looks up at you. "I would very much suggest you don't try it."

Resources: Temporarily Infinite
Political Support: 55(?)
Public Confidence: 70/100
Free Dice: 1/1

Economic Factors
(Each unit provides for 10,000 people. 1 Sealed Housing keeps 10,000. 1 Sealed Agriculture feeds 10,000)
Sealed Housing: 0 [+5]
Sealed Agriculture: 0 [+5]
Decontaminated Water: 0
Sealed Power: 0 [+5]
Sealed Industry: 0
Radiation Suits: 11 [+5 +1 (incremental)]


[] Sealed Housing (Stage 1)
Begin designing and testing the structures that are going to be new new home for humanity for the foreseeable future, they must be proof against Collapse Radiation for decades with minimal maintenance while remaining comfortable enough not to drive their inhabitants insane. As soon as your designs are finished they will be submitted to the Emergency Council for massive crash construction.
(418/300 +10 Public Confidence +5 Sealed Housing)
(118/400 -15 Public Confidence. +5 Sealed Housing)

Getting the first proper design of housing out into the world was a massive weight off of you and the entire departments back. Your construction contact was practically euphoric when you sent him the new designs and the council event wen out of their way to send you a patronising little message of thanks, as if you had done this for them. Regardless of your political woes, it was truly astonishing to see the rate at which the Union could put together the incredibly complicated structures required for the absolute isolation housing. While none had quite been finished yet, the mostly completed shells of around 40,000 houses were nearing completion in just over two months of construction time.

With your momentum going, your team continues work on refining the design, talking to the construction crews about what to modify to make them easier and faster to construct, along with asking the foundry staff which materials were taking the longest to construct and minimising their usage where possible.

[] Sealed Power Plants
The technology maintaining the radiological seal on the new housing requires 24/7 power, even an outage for just a few hours will begin to let radiation seep in. A new model of Nuclear Reactor, much smaller, but both easier to operate and faster to build must be designed. These new reactors can be emplaced locally to sealed housing to ensure constant power throughput.

The design went out to your construction liaison without much fanfare. The blueprints were sent, they arrived, he thanked you and you went back to your day. Something about the mundaneness of that undermined the fact that your team had managed to design and test a Fission reactor in six months, one that was capable of operating with a bare minimum of human input and could be built several orders of magnitude faster than any existing design.

You could do better.

[] Water Decontamination Plants (Stage 2)
Dedicated water purification plants for sealed housing, the density of Collapse Radiation is well above what was previously though, thus new plants need to be made. Multiple layers of decontamination are applied to scrub every trace of radiation from the water, driving up the expense and complexity significantly. The difficult nature of the purification imposes a hard cap as to both how long decontamination takes and the amount of water than can be decontaminated per plant.
(151/200 +5 Public Confidence +5 Sealed Water)

Your plans in designing the better decontamination plans hit a rather unpleasant snag. Due to the nature of CFR, it was not possible to decontaminate it in stages, as during the time between the first stage and the second stage the nature of CFR's ability to degrade reality allowed CFR from that other reality to leak back into this one. Which meant that if you tried to separately filter the water it would still contain a small amount of CFR, slowly killing the person drinking it over time.

Still, you were confident you could manage it, even if you had to dive into some rather esoteric physics to manage it.


[] Sealed Agriculture Facilities (Stage 1)
No-one knows if Collapse Radiation will render the land entirely barren, but any food grown in the presence of the stuff will be equally inedible by humans, perfectly sealed facilities need to be created that can supply the similarly sealed housing. Designing facilities capable of growing the bare minimum essentials for human life is just as important as housing.
(320/200 +15 Public Confidence +5 Sealed Agriculture)
(120/300 +10 Public Confidence +5 Sealed Agriculture)

Another critical addition to the survival of humanity. The crops grown in these sealed facilities were mostly a boring mixture of fungus, rice, grains and a small selection of vegetables to cover all of the needed nutrients and vitamins. Not what you'd call gourmet food, but it beat starving to death. Continuing on from that note, your team had blazed ahead on the optimisation stage of the design and were proud to say that they were most of the way to releasing the improved version.

Frankly, at this point you were wondering exactly why these tasks had been assigned to you. You were supposed to be leading an organisation studying and combating extra-dimensional threats, not designing farming equipment.


[] Smart Management
Now that you have introduced the absolute basics of automation, you can work at replacing as many inefficient humans from the management chain as possible and providing intelligent tools to the rest.
(157/200 +1 Free Dice -10 Political Support)

Did you know that secret government organisations focused on combatting otherworldly threads could have unions? No? Well, you hadn't either. Honestly, you were incredibly grateful that this issue cropped up now rather than later, having most of the middle management stop working in protest only really emphasised how needless they are when the automation framework you'd put in place last quarter took up the slack without any significant issues.

If this union seriously thought you were going to fold when the efficiency of this organisation was directly correlated to the number of humans that would survive the apocalypse, they were deeply mistaken.

[] Establish Massive Scale Evacuation Plans
It is going to be required to move massive quantities of people as the radiation cloud begins to encroach upon the borders of the Union. People will feel a lot more reassured that the Government has a plan to get them out of the way, regardless of how useful that actually is.
(113/150 +20 Public Confidence)

As much as it smarted your ego, you were forced to admit that perhaps you were too hasty in discarding the work the teams before you had done. Moving tens of millions of people on short notice was a monumental task of logistics, from transport to food and housing. Still, you were determined to crib as little as possible from their notes.


[] Military Robotics
Any kind of combat inside Collapse Radiation is insanely perilous for human operators. A sharp edge or a single bullet will compromise their suit and spell certain death for them. You know just the thing. Robots do not tire, they do not bleed and they do not care about Collapse Radiation.

You'd managed to draw down the final models to three, almost. The designs were mostly completed, the specifications finalised after extensive simulation and prototype testing. All that was left was to put a few finishing touches on the designs.

In light of the recent revelations of invisible monsters, your team had taken the liberty of preparing appropriate software for identification of threats that the human operations might be incapable of noticing and alerting them to the danger. You hadn't quite made the jump to "allow it to engage targets autonomously", to no small amount of grumbling from everyone involved, but you knew they needed more work before you'd trust the algorithm with that power.

[] Collapse Radiation Refits (Stage 2)
The data from your expedition has directly lead to better filters and procedures for dealing with CFR, time to put it into action. At least the Military will be happy.
(124/100 +5 Political Support)

The final version of the refit designs were sent out to bases and government shelters, whereafter you declared that there was to be no further work on this and promptly hoisted it back onto the military. This was something they could do their damn selves, they were wasting your precious time delegating their work onto you. They were grateful enough for the prompt development, which was undoubtedly considerably faster than they could manage, that they didn't raise a fuss. But now the essentials had been covered you saw no need to burden yourself with the task.

You were so frazzled when you were given your position that you didn't really think to object, but now that you had time time to reflect the fact that everyone else was dumping their shit tasks on you pissed you off something mighty.


[] Review Existing Records
You were handed an enormous amount of records and very few of them were sensibly labelled, but you know that somewhere in here are the documents the EU had gathered on Collapse Fluid and these Interdimensional Creatures.

The summation of what the EU had known about Collapse Fluid could be summarised as thus: Collapse Fluid has odd effects on the laws of physics. Collapse Fluid produces radiation that is incredibly lethal. Collapse Fluid can be pressurised to create an immense explosion that would spread the radiation in a very large area.

Unsurprisingly, what they know of Interdimensional Creatures is barely any better. Until recently they only showed up around concentrations of CFR, which would be the sources that the USSR and US controlled, or their stockpiles of Collapse Fluid. Pretty much everything the had known was in the briefing you had been given and arguably you had discovered more with the documentation from the trip to Asia than they had in decades.

The only reason you didn't declare this a complete waste of time was a small note near the end of the stacks of paperwork. If you want to know more, call the number below. - Soviet Informant

Of course when you rang the number you didn't get through, the man had probably died decades ago, but it at least gave you a lead to chase down, that being bothering the stuffy spy types in their mancaves. You weren't looking forward to it.

[] Reality Sensors?
Well, you now know that Collapse Fluid somehow weakens the barriers between dimensions, also proving that alternate dimensions exist at the same time. Having some way to detect these fluctuations or weak spots would be incredibly useful at finding places these Interdimensional Creatures -Note, come up with a better code name- were crawling into our reality through.

Preliminary note: One does not simply build a reality sensor. To clarify, the only known way to measure the curvature of spacetime is using a several mile long tube to measure how gravity ripples the fabric of spacetime, thus changing the course of light.

This is completely useless for what we wanted of course, but it was a fun anecdote, wasn't it?

Why am I talking to you NoteBot? You don't even have a social algorithm.


[] Personal Project - Digital Minds
As much as it grates on you that you had to leave your latest breakthrough behind in China, you can use what you learned to create an experimental new type of AI. This version is nowhere near what you were approaching before, but it's a step back in the right direction.

Putting together a basic version of your new type of AI was actually very easy. Well, putting together the framework was very easy, making it actually do useful things was an entirely different matter. The Neural Cloud emulated the way human minds function in a much deeper manner than any Neural Network before it had even attempted to reach, even though it came along with just as many difficulties.

Technically, a Neural Cloud was not very good at performing purely software tasks. Older kinds of Neural Networks operated much faster and it was possible to train them several magnitudes faster than a Neural Cloud for a specific task.

Where Neural Clouds reached beyond was general applicability. With a normal algorithm, if you presented it with something outside it's training set it would immediately break down and cease functioning correctly, it would take a similarly immense amount of training to include this new detail into it's model without degrading performance of the rest, if it was even possible.

A Neural Cloud, on the other hand, was capable of inferring what something might be without having any example of it beforehand in real time, without using pre-labelled training data. A Digimind was capable of training itself to slowly growing levels of efficiency in subjective weeks where a Neural Network might require subjective decades. Of course, a Neural Network could reach higher levels of performance within it's specific niche, but that was so limiting.

Alright, maybe you were bad at explaining exactly how revolutionary the advancement was, but that's alright. You don't actually need to explain yourself to people to get funding now. Maybe this "being the boss" thing wasn't all that bad.

(Unlocked New AI Options)
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Radiation Suits: 11 [+5 +1 (incremental)]
This is an interesting mechanic. For as long as modern civilization lasts, can it be safely assumed that whenever we have a technology suitable for a post-CF world, it'll automatically go up by +1 per quarter/turn? Or is it +1 per quarter per stage completed? So a Stage 2 project would go up by +2 per quarter?
This is an interesting mechanic. For as long as modern civilization lasts, can it be safely assumed that whenever we have a technology suitable for a post-CF world, it'll automatically go up by +1 per quarter/turn? Or is it +1 per quarter per stage completed? So a Stage 2 project would go up by +2 per quarter?
It's a way to show how systems are always optimised over time, improving in efficiency.

Correct, Stage 2 goes up by +2 per.
mixed turn made good progress but stupid politcans( that are prob right in this case) also the world is really falling apart
Accidentally posted the update before I finished it >.>
Please ignore this post.
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Doctor Persica

Not a particularly publicly known figure, Persica is a young but brilliant researcher with strong connections to other geniuses in their own fields. She's personally focused on AI and her recent work has shown astonishing progress well ahead of anything else ever made. Not the most social, but she's experienced in dealing with scientific squabbling and incredibly well educated.

- Scientific Connections: She personally knows and talks to many people who are leading their fields. (Once a turn, she can apply a +5 to any type of dice)
- Lazy: If she could get away with it, she'd spend all day lounging around in just a shirt. (-1 Personal Dice, -5 to All Dice)
- Genius: She devours knowledge at a terrifying rate. (+10 to All Dice)

Kamikoshi Sorawo

A rather plain looking woman, excluding her odd heterochromatic eyes, but her record speaks for itself when it comes to Dimensional shenanigans. She has plenty of experience with odd creatures, places that defy the laws of physics and squad-scale military actions. Her history, as difficult as it was to get with the worldwide internet fritzing, shows she dropped out of school somewhere in her teens, so you don't expect much book knowledge from her. But in practical matters she's undoubtedly the world expert.

- Well Respected: She has the admiration and respect of the many groups she has taught and led into the unforgiving madness beyond reality. (+2 Military Dice, +10 to Military Dice)
- Interdimensional Wanderings: Sorawo has been to places that laugh away the mere suggestion of logic and seen creatures that seem closer to concepts than physical entities. (+1 Dimensional Dice, +5 to Dimensional Dice)
- Uneducated: While far from stupid, she did drop out of school to go adventuring across dimensions. (-5 to Military and Dimensional Dice) [L]
- Odd: Sorawo would easily agree that she's a little touched in the head, but it does give her startling insight into the nature of unusual things. (Odd.)

Havier Witkin

A middle aged combat engineer in the Russian military, his speciality lies in robotics and it the ALR-50 came into being partly due to your conversations with the man. You don't know much about him personally, but you do know that he holds a fierce loyalty to his motherland.

- Robotics Genius: If not for the fact that you had beaten him to it, you have no doubt he would have produced a robot very similar to the ALR-50 on his own. +20 per Dice to Robotics Rolls
- Patriot: Witkin is loyal to his homeland over all else, he isn't willing to work against her in any way.
- 90Wish Member: A member of 90Wish, a secret research group focused on advancing technology freely amongst their members.


An old friend and once undergraduate assistant to Persica, he is something of a loner aside from his occasional communication with Persica, but his genius meant that he could easily keep up with her in their shared speciality of AI. While he acknowledges your progress on Neural Clouds, he has his own idea of how AI should work, and is focusing on that again now that you are back.

- AI Focused Genius: His lack of progress is more indicative of his difficulty acquiring funding that his intelligence, his vision of AI is arguably even more impressive than your own. +20 per Dice to AI Rolls.
- 90Wish Member: A member of 90Wish, a secret research group focused on advancing technology freely amongst their members.

Since a lot of character effects are starting to be used, I'll just post and maintain this so everyone can keep track of them.
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Q3 2025
Q3 2025

Humans Surviving: 5,281,654,354

"Well, that took longer than I thought it would." The short summary of events your news collation bot had generated for you sat on your screen, the words printed in large and bold font. NATO Collapses. The recent focus at home in the Americas finally hit home, America withdrawing from NATO and drawing all of it's worldwide troops back to the mainland. Of course, practically everyone knew what would happen when the central pillar of NATO abruptly leaves, total structural collapse. There was no-one capable of taking up the position on such short notice. This, left everyone formerly loosely allied within NATO suddenly having no military umbrella protecting them.

America has now firmly established it's dominion over the Americas, Europe had fallen under the... disorganised control of the Union Army, while Russia took the opportunity to quickly roll over the small states sitting on it's borders. Personally, you didn't see much point to the last action, it's not like there would be anyone in those places in a few years. Maybe just for completionism?

The new, rather significantly frostier, relationship between America and Europe signalled the death knell for international trade. Previously the Union had been leaning on what little trade remained to balance the economy, but that was all coming crashing down now. Well, you had slightly abused your position to stockpile the essentials you knew would be hard to get soon, it was your 40kg box of tea and none could take it from you.

(-20 Public Confidence) (Economy Imploding, Resources no longer infinite)

[Summary by FuckInternalMemosBot V1.3]

Coinciding with the refocusing on the homeland, a wide-ranging series of crackdowns and the implementation of Martial Law rocked America. Agitators from both sides were rounded up en-masse and send to temporary prison camps, such was the quantity that the normal prisons weren't capable of holding them all. [276% Over Capacity]

For now it seems like they've managed to stabilise the chaos and dive into a civil war, but by acting so harshly many Americans from both sides have turned against the government, finally finding some common ground they can agree on and temporarily setting aside their conflict. [Action instigated and managed by EU Agent]

[You have been reading [Bad News] for 3:16:27, this is 2:16:27 over your set limit.]

You let out a deep sigh and close program, rubbing your eyes as you look at the time. "Thank you for the reminder MemoBot."

Resources: 1000 + 500
Political Support: 55
Public Confidence: 50/100
Free Dice: 1/1

Economic Factors
(Each unit provides for 10,000 people. 1 Sealed Housing keeps 10,000. 1 Sealed Agriculture feeds 10,000)
Sealed Housing: 0 [+5]
Sealed Agriculture: 0 [+5]
Decontaminated Water: 0
Sealed Power: 0 [+5]
Sealed Industry: 0
Radiation Suits: 11 [+5 +2 (incremental)]

Infrastructure (3 + 6 Temporary Dice)

[] Sealed Housing (Stage 2)
Begin designing and testing the structures that are going to be new new home for humanity for the foreseeable future, they must be proof against Collapse Radiation for decades with minimal maintenance while remaining comfortable enough not to drive their inhabitants insane. As soon as your designs are finished they will be submitted to the Emergency Council for massive crash construction.
(118/400: 15 Resources per Die -15 Public Confidence. +5 Sealed Housing)

[] Sealed Personnel Transportation
Design transports that can safely get someone from A to B while preventing them from dying a horrible death via Collapse Radiation. Much of the technology being used in this has been repurposed from military NBC systems found in armoured vehicles.
(0/100: 10 Resources per Die)
-[] Pass off to more relevant group (Free)

[] Sealed Logistical Transportation
Design transports that can move goods around the Union without allowing them to be irradiated, rendering them deadly to humans. This will include a complete redesign of logistic hubs to allow the contents to be delivered and picked up without leaking radiation everywhere.
-[] Trains (0/200: 15 Resources per Die) (Stage 1)
-[] Lorries (0/100: 10 Resources per Die) (Stage 1)
-[] Cargo Ships (0/200: 20 Resources per Die) (Stage 1)
-[] Pass off to more relevant group (Free)

[] Water Decontamination Plants (Stage 2)
Dedicated water purification plants for sealed housing, the density of Collapse Radiation is well above what was previously though, thus new plants need to be made. Multiple layers of decontamination are applied to scrub every trace of radiation from the water, driving up the expense and complexity significantly. The difficult nature of the purification imposes a hard cap as to both how long decontamination takes and the amount of water than can be decontaminated per plant.
(151/200: 10 Resources per Die +5 Public Confidence +5 Sealed Water)

[] Transfer Resources
In their desperation to get the tasks done, you had been assigned far more resources than you could possibly use without years of time to upscale. It might be for the best to release some of that back to more relevant organisations so you can focus on your own work.
(Free. +10 Political Support. Remove All Temporary Dice, -500 Resources and -100 Resources per Turn effective immediately (this turn), additional +5 incremental increase per quarter.)

[] Establish Future Foundation Headquarters
Everything was so rushed for the past few months that you really had no chance to sit down to work on anything, but now you finally have the chance to focus on building up the core of the Future Foundation for it's stated purpose, investigating and containing extra-dimensional threats.
(0/100: 5 Resources per Die)

[] Sealed Outposts
Create small sealed facilities that are intended to allow two or three squads somewhere relatively safe to rest and restock when Europe is covered with CFR. This should allow you to operate in the general area around the outposts, even under enemy attack.
(0/100: 10 Resources per Die)

Industry (3 + 2 Temporary Dice)

[] AI Managed Automated Factories (Stage 1)
Using the incredible learning and optimisation ability of Neural Clouds, a new type of factory can be designed that is capable of altering it's own internal design to further optimise performance, allowing it to rapidly adapt to changing requirements far faster than human management could.
(0/150: 15 Resources per Die) (+1 Incremental Increase per Quarter)

[] Semi-AI Worker Drones
Worker Drones that can operate outside of human habitats without needing to risk precious human lives. Providing a learning AI that can assist the worker in controlling the drone, allowing it to directly control the drone faster and much more precisely than a human could hope to, while the Neural Cloud quickly learns to work with humans and how to best interpret their orders into the physical world. For some reason, phrasing it as "AI Controlled" makes people less pessimistic about the whole thing.
(0/75: 10 Resources Per Die -5 Public Confidence)

[] Sealed Agriculture Facilities (Stage 2)
No-one knows if Collapse Radiation will render the land entirely barren, but any food grown in the presence of the stuff will be equally inedible by humans, perfectly sealed facilities need to be created that can supply the similarly sealed housing. Designing facilities capable of growing the bare minimum essentials for human life is just as important as housing.
(120/300: 15 Resources per Die +10 Public Confidence +5 Sealed Agriculture)

[] Simplify NMRS Production
The new radiation suits have been rushed into production everywhere that has space to make them, but they are complex and cumbersome designs. The necessity of near absolute isolation makes mass production difficult, it would greatly speed production if you could simplify that somewhat. Not particularly popular with the populace, who see it as creating "second rate" products that their lives depend upon.
(0/200: 5 Resources per Die -5 Public Confidence) (+5 to Radiation Suits per turn)
-[] Pass off to more relevant group (Free)

Services (3 Dice)

[] Smart Management
Now that you have introduced the absolute basics of automation, you can work at replacing as many inefficient humans from the management chain as possible and providing intelligent tools to the rest.
(157/200: 5 Resources per Die +1 Free Dice -10 Political Support)

[] Establish Massive Scale Evacuation Plans
It is going to be required to move massive quantities of people as the radiation cloud begins to encroach upon the borders of the Union. People will feel a lot more reassured that the Government has a plan to get them out of the way, regardless of how useful that actually is.
(113/150: 10 Resources per Die +20 Public Confidence)

[] Identify VIP For Housing Shortlist
Identify the people who can provide the most value to humanity by remaining alive. Researchers, Engineers and (reluctantly) Politicians. This is a project that must never find it's way into the public eye, for it would spark riots like wildfire.
(0/50: 5 Resources per Die)

[] Establish Military VIP List For Housing Shortlist
By promising members of the military housing if the worst comes, you can make sure that they are not going to turn against you when the worst comes.
(0/50: 5 Resources per Die -30 Public Confidence)

[] Reach Out
There is no doubt in your mind that Russia and the US know more about Collapse Fluid and were already prepared in some way for this to happen. It doesn't hurt to put out a few feelers to see what they are willing to share.
-[] US (0/50: 5 Resources per Die)
-[] Russia (0/50: 5 Resources per Die)

[] I Spy
Ask our own spy agency about their contacts any any that might still be of use now. They must have something important buried down there. Maybe.
(0/50: 5 Resources per Die)

Military (5 Dice + 1 Temporary Dice)

[] Establish Special Operations Barracks
Create a military unit specialised for operating in the worst conditions imaginable and be your hands for achieving the objectives of the Future Foundation. Now that they have the new exoskeletons they can manoeuvrer through CFR without dying, there has been a growing pressure from both above and below to put this into motion.
(0/100: 10 Resources per Die) (Important)

[] Military Robotics
Any kind of combat inside Collapse Radiation is insanely perilous for human operators. A sharp edge or a single bullet will compromise their suit and spell certain death for them. You know just the thing. Robots do not tire, they do not bleed and they do not care about Collapse Radiation.
(190/200: 15 Resources per Die) (Unlocks Military Robotics Options)

[] Interdimensional Creature Visors
Maybe those nervous returnees are on to something with their camera trick. For whatever reason humans can't see or notice the creatures, but they show up on recordings just fine. You should be able to create some kind of visor that allows them to be seen, or use an AI to identify the creature and reproduce it on the visor in some human visible manner. Your jumpy staff refuse to go out as "bait" to test them though. Not that you blame them.
(0/50: 5 Resources per Die) (Requires Special Operations Units)

[] Interdimensional Creature Sensors
The briefing you read on the situation stated that these creatures have Collapse Fluid in their blood, and the few snippets of combat you saw from the away mission seem to confirm this. Perhaps you can use your new CFR detectors to create something that can detect their presence? There is arguably the more difficult task, convincing someone to test one.
(0/100: 5 Resources per Die) (Requires Special Operations Units)

[] Armoured Exoskeleton Suits
In something of a happy coincidence, the exoskeleton designed for the Military variant of radiation suit has a small amount of extra weight capacity that is going unused. Accordingly, one of the first things the military had come to ask was if you could please find some way to add some armour so soldiers aren't given a death sentence from being near shrapnel.
(0/100: 5 Resources per Die +5 Political Support)

Dimensional (4 Dice)

[] Reality Sensors?
Well, you now know that Collapse Fluid somehow weakens the barriers between dimensions, also proving that alternate dimensions exist at the same time. Having some way to detect these fluctuations or weak spots would be incredibly useful at finding places these Interdimensional Creatures -Note, come up with a better code name- were crawling into our reality through.
(46/300: 10 Resources per Die) (Important)

[] Take Deeper Readings
Using your new CFR detectors and radiation suits, you can send people deep inside the lethal zones to take significantly more detailed readings. Perhaps you could even try to devise some way to find concentrations of Collapse Fluid? Once again, the away team refuse to be sent to their deaths poking around territory filled with cognitohazards that want to eat them.
(0/200: 15 Resources per Die) (Requires Special Operations Units)

Personal (1 Dice)

[] Personal Project - Personal Assistant
Now that you have finally managed to get at least an initial version of your Neural Cloud AI into reality, it was time to make a personal assistant. You had only been dreaming of this moment for... ten years? Maybe fifteen.
(0/100. +1 Personal Dice)

[] Social
Spend time with someone
-[] Sorawo

+5 Dice Bonus
[] Dice Type?
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Not sure what to think of this. What does the +5 increments cover?
It adds a +5 Incremental Increase to all completed Economic Factors. It also applies to things completed in the future.

Q1: 0 [+5]
Q2: 5 [+5]
Q3: 10 [+5]
Q4: 15 [+5]

Q1: 0 [+5 +5 (Incremental)]
Q2: 10 [+10 +5]
Q3: 25 [+15 +5]
Q4: 45 [+20 +5]
[x] Plan: No time to lose
-[x] Transfer Resources
-[x] Water Decontamination Plants (Stage 2) - 1 Dice
-[x] Sealed Outposts - 2 Dice
-[x] Sealed Personnel Transportation - 1 Free Dice
-[x] Sealed Logistical Transportation
--[x] Lorries (0/100: 10 Resources per Die) (Stage 1) - 2 Dice
-[x] Sealed Housing (Stage 2) - 3 Dice
-[x] Establish Future Foundation Headquarters - 2 Dice
-[x] Semi-AI Worker Drones - 2 Dice
-[x] AI Managed Automated Factories (Stage 1) - 3 Dice
-[x] Smart Management - 1 Dice
-[x] Establish Massive Scale Evacuation Plans - 1 Dice
-[x] I Spy - 1 Dice
-[x] Establish Special Operations Barracks - 3 Dice
-[x] Military Robotics - 1 Dice
-[x] Armoured Exoskeleton Suits - 2 Dice
-[x] Reality Sensors? - 4 Dice
-[x] Personal Project - Personal Assistant - 1 Dice
-[x] +5 Dice Bonus to Infrastructure
[x] Plan: Building Up
Infrastructure (3 + 6 Temporary Dice)
-[x] Sealed Personnel Transportation - 2 Dice
-[x] Water Decontamination Plants (Stage 2) - 1 Die
-[x] Sealed Outposts - 2 Dice
-[x] Establish Future Foundation Headquarters - 2 Dice
-[x] Sealed Logistical Transportation
--[x] Lorries (0/100: 10 Resources per Die) (Stage 1) - 2 Dice
Industry (3 + 2 Temporary Dice)
-[x] Sealed Agriculture Facilities (Stage 2) - 4 dice
-[x] AI Managed Automated Factories (Stage 1) - 1 Industry die + 1 Free Die
Services (3 Dice)
-[x] Smart Management - 1 die
-[x] Establish Massive Scale Evacuation Plans - 1 die
-[x] Reach Out
--[x] Russia (0/50: 5 Resources per Die) - 1 die
Military (5 Dice + 1 Temporary Dice)
-[x] Establish Special Operations Barracks - 3 dice
-[x] Military Robotics - 1 die
-[x] Armoured Exoskeleton Suits - 2 Dice
Dimensional (4 Dice)
-[x] Reality Sensors? - 4 Dice
Personal (1 Dice)
-[x] Personal Project - Personal Assistant - 1 Dice
-[x] +5 Dice Bonus to Infrastructure

[x] Plan: VIP Priority
Infrastructure (3 + 6 Temporary Dice)
-[x] Sealed Personnel Transportation - 2 Dice
-[x] Water Decontamination Plants (Stage 2) - 1 Die
-[x] Sealed Outposts - 2 Dice
-[x] Establish Future Foundation Headquarters - 2 Dice
-[x] Sealed Logistical Transportation
--[x] Lorries (0/100: 10 Resources per Die) (Stage 1) - 2 Dice
Industry (3 + 2 Temporary Dice)
-[x] Sealed Agriculture Facilities (Stage 2) - 4 dice
-[x] AI Managed Automated Factories (Stage 1) - 1 Industry die + 1 Free Die
Services (3 Dice)
-[x] Smart Management - 1 die
-[x] Establish Massive Scale Evacuation Plans - 1 die
-[x] Identify VIP For Housing Shortlist
Military (5 Dice + 1 Temporary Dice)
-[x] Establish Special Operations Barracks - 3 dice
-[x] Military Robotics - 1 die
-[x] Armoured Exoskeleton Suits - 2 Dice
Dimensional (4 Dice)
-[x] Reality Sensors? - 4 Dice
Personal (1 Dice)
-[x] Personal Project - Personal Assistant - 1 Dice
-[x] +5 Dice Bonus to Infrastructure
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I'm reaching out to Russia because they are all going to die in a few turns and I want to harvest as much knowledge as I can before that happens, but I can make an alternate plan that identifies VIPs instead.
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Since it's a very valid question I was asked: How quickly will the other people complete the work if it is given to them? (Pass off to more relevant group option)
As fast as they can.
[X] Plan: Passing the buck

Infrastructure (3 Dice)
Resources Spent: 10 + 10 = 20

-[X] Water Decontamination Plants (Stage 2) - 1 Die
-[X] Establish Future Foundation Headquarters - 2 Die
-[X] Sealed Personnel Transportation
--[X] Pass off to more relevant group (Free)
-[X] Sealed Logistical Transportation
--[X] Pass off to more relevant group (Free)
-[X] Transfer Resources

Industry (3 Die + 1 Free die)
Resources Spent: 45 = 45

-[X] AI Managed Automated Factories (Stage 1) - 3 Die
-[X] Simplify NMRS Production
--[X] Pass off to more relevant group (Free)

Services (3 Die)
Resources Spent: 5 + 10 + 5 = 20

-[X] Smart Management - 1 die
-[X] Establish Massive Scale Evacuation Plans - 1 die
-[X] Identify VIP For Housing Shortlist - 1 die

Military (5 Die + 1 Free die)
Resources Spent: 30 + 15 + 10 = 55

-[x] Establish Special Operations Barracks - 3 die
-[x] Military Robotics - 1 die
-[x] Armoured Exoskeleton Suits - 1 die + 1 free die

Dimensional (4 Die)
Resources Spent: 40

-[x] Reality Sensors? - 4 Dice

Personal (1 Die)
-[x] Personal Project - Personal Assistant - 1 Dice
-[x] +5 Dice Bonus to Military

Resources Spent total = 20 + 45 + 20 + 55 + 40 = 180

Rukia die traumatized me enough to put 3 die in barracks, fear it.