Attempting to Survive the Apocalypse: Dimensional Dislocation

Adhoc vote count started by Rukia on Oct 1, 2021 at 5:52 PM, finished with 33 posts and 10 votes.

Vote Closed.
Enemy of My Enemy Negotiations

The opening of the officially unofficial negotiation was a remarkably casual affair, really it was just a secure video call made from the comfort of your office chair, the small personal effects behind Zieliński said something much the same for him. Some of the warm attitude had faded as the two of you settled in for business, but you still had the impression that he was somewhat eager to get down to it.

Public Leverage: 0

Persica Proposals

[] Public Data Sharing
Initiate a program of sharing data that is considered politically acceptable; the data you have gathered on ELID syndrome and the progression into advanced stages, observed types of IDC and their behaviour, observations and theories of dimensional Breaches. Nothing that could be used to achieve a military advantage over the Union. (+1 Public Leverage)

[] IDC Visor Licence
Licence production of the IDC Visor out to a Russian controlled firm so that they may build their own units, justified on the grounds that it was of no use in war between countries, but incredibly useful against an enemy of humanity. (+2 Public Leverage +1 Private Leverage +25 Resources)

[] IDDS Technology Sales
The existence of the extremely finicky and expensive sensors you had developed to sense the fluctuations of reality have somehow found it's ways into the ears of Zieliński, and though he seems slightly cagey, he is certainly very interested in acquiring as many of these as he can to cover the vast lands of Russia. (+2 Public Leverage +1 Private Leverage +25 Resources)

[] ALR-50 Sales
With the upper levels of government's intense internal focus, the legality of selling the ALR-50 to other countries to assist their preparations has been left undressed, and on the behalf of the Russian Federation Zieliński is more than happy to be the man to officiate sales. (+3 Public Leverage +2 Private Leverage +50 Resources -10 Political Support -10 Public Confidence) (Substantial Increase in Russian Preparation)

[] Open Diplomatic Channels
Establishing official lines of communications with your Russian counterpart on the grounds of better combating the enemies from beyond reality, with the strict limitation that nothing that may potentially aid a war effort may occur. (+1 Public Leverage +1 Private Leverage -5 Political Support +5 Public Confidence)

Zieliński Proposals

[] Extensive ELID Records
Russia, and the Soviet Union before them, have extensive experience dealing with ELID from accidental leaks in the past. They know the best ways of combating them, how to manage high densities of ELID and what kinds of forms advanced ELID syndrome can take. (-2 Public Leverage +5 Political Support)

[] Extensive IDC Records
Thanks to their stable portal, the forces of the USSR and later Russia have been plumbing the depths of the alternate dimension for decades. Accordingly, they've been dealing with IDC for just as long, though you get the impression their method of combating them aren't as sophisticated as yours are, they must have a significant wealth of data and techniques. (-2 Public Leverage +5 Political Support)

[] IDC Border Treaties
Establishing a mechanism through which the Foundation and Zieliński's division of the Bureau of State Security can communicate when tracking the movement of IDC across borders prevents continuation of tracking teams illegally crossing borders or allowing the IDC to escape. Now one party may inform the other of the crossover and handover the duty. (-1 Public Leverage)

[] IDC Tracking Methods
The Russian Federation have developed methods of tracking that which cannot be observed without technological aid and are willing to begin training members of your own staff for a price. (-1 Public Leverage -25 Resources +5 Political Support)

[] CFR Data Sharing
At the moment, your estimates of the spread of the radiation cloud were spotty at best and highly inaccurate outside of the face of the cloud pointing directly towards the Union. Zieliński is willing to share their data on tracking the cloud, allowing it's progress to be followed much more accurately. (-1 Public Leverage)

[] CFR Shelter Experience
The Russians have long figured out methods of constructing sealed environments from CFR and are willing to share some of the details of them. While not as good as they could be, they are a lot better than you currently have. (-4 Public Leverage -2 Private Leverage +8 Incremental Increase per Quarter -5 Public Confidence)

Private Leverage: 0

Persica Proposals

[] Operational Data Sharing
Establish information sharing protocols for ELID and IDC data with Zieliński as a standard, rather than requiring them to make a request to your superiors subject to political whims. (+1 Private Leverage)

[] Prowler Sales
The Prowler has been critical to your engagements with IDC, being capable of carrying weaponry far heavier than a soldier and reacting with speed and accuracy that flesh could not achieve. The Prowlers design is, unfortunately, very applicable to modern warfare, so the military categorically refuses to allow sales outside of the Union. Still, so long as they remain in the other dimension where the Russians operate, no-one has to know. (+4 Private Leverage +2 Public Leverage)

[] AI Technical Trades
You would never give away the design of the Neural Cloud, not until it was complete and you were ready to release it into the wild, but you could certainly advise the Russians on the best ways to automate their own systems, even if they didn't tell you exactly what they were automating. (+1 Private Leverage)

[] The American Question
Zieliński is quite eager to try and bring the Americans in on this, but the lingering bad relations between their states has seen him completely stonewalled on the matter. You are willing to try and reach out to your American counterpart on his behalf, to at least try and sound him out for the offer. (+1 Private Leverage 1 Public Leverage)

Zieliński Proposals

[] Regional Responsibility
Establish exactly who is responsible for what areas depending on who can best cover the regions, irregardless of political boundaries. On the same note, both parties agree to cover for the other if they happen to "accidentally" cross political boundaries when executing a mission. (-1 Private Leverage)

[] Unit Exchange
Send some of your operational forces to work with the Russians and integrate into their command structure while they do the same for you. This would allow your forces to work together much more closely, without getting in each others way, greatly easing any potential co-operative missions. (-1 Private Leverage)

[] Joint Expeditions
You were intensely curious about this other dimension and it being the source of the Collapse Fluid leaking into yours. It just so happens that the Russians have an open portal and may be willing to let some of your men tag along on their expeditions. The Russian government would not approve of this one iota, so it's best to keep it quiet. (-3 Private Leverage)

[] Final Stage ELID
Zieliński is aware of the so called "Final Stage" of ELID Syndrome and though he is forbidden from sharing this information, he considers it important enough to risk. (-2 Private Leverage)

The choices are split between public and private options, public options are considered to be politically acceptable to be publicly known, while private options could range from politically difficult to illegal or even treason. Public proposals may grant private leverage and vice versa, but opens up the possibility of people noticing irregularities.
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Hmm...this is a dangerous game. We've got to make sure we have a balance of public and private leverage, as to not lose confidence of the public with seemingly irregular movements, but also to be able to exercise enough private power behind closed doors. I see a few solid choices we could make here like the Joint Expeditions, or the Public Data Sharing program. Giving out info to the public to keep them informed will keep less fear out of their minds. Whatever they imagine will definitely (well, probably) be worse than what we're actually facing, so no need to let paranoia continue. And the Joint Expedition seems a good way to research more about IDCs and Fluid, as well as give some of our members more hands on experience.
[] Public Data Sharing (+1 Public Leverage)
[] IDC Visor Licence (+2 Public Leverage +1 Private Leverage +25 Resources)
[] IDDS Technology Sales (+2 Public Leverage +1 Private Leverage +25 Resources)
[] Open Diplomatic Channels (+1 Public Leverage +1 Private Leverage -5 Political Support +5 Public Confidence)
These I'm entirely in favour of.

[] ALR-50 Sales (+3 Public Leverage +2 Private Leverage +50 Resources -10 Political Support -10 Public Support) (Substantial Increase in Russian Preparation)
This… could require a bit of political wrangling. I'm all for giving them the current design but our military overlords might need placating.

[] Extensive ELID Records (-2 Public Leverage +5 Political Support)
[] Extensive IDC Records (-2 Public Leverage +5 Political Support)
[] IDC Border Treaties (-1 Public Leverage)
[] CFR Shelter Experience (-4 Public Leverage -2 Private Leverage +8 Incremental Increase per Quarter -5 Public Confidence)
All good things to have.

[] IDC Tracking Methods (-1 Public Leverage -25 Resources +5 Political Support)
This is not worth our time. If non-technological individuals are in the combat zone we are Doing It Wrong.

[] CFR Data Sharing (-1 Public Leverage)
…do we care?

[] Operational Data Sharing (+1 Private Leverage)
[] The American Question (+1 Private Leverage 1 Public Leverage)
Sound good.

[] AI Technical Trades (+1 Private Leverage)
A bit iffy on this one.

[] Prowler Sales (+4 Private Leverage +2 Public Leverage)
Hard no. Not until we can survive the military turning on us.

[] Regional Responsibility (-1 Private Leverage)

[] Final Stage ELID (-2 Private Leverage)
We absolutely need this.

[] Unit Exchange (-1 Private Leverage)
[] Joint Expeditions (-3 Private Leverage)
Not keen on either of these. If nothing else the sheer geographical distance makes it unnecessary.
Honestly I want to do them all. We have to work together if we want to save as much of humanity as possible. That might be to risky though.
Part of the problem is that we just don't know all that much about Russia/how trustworthy they are.

Given that they potentially might be the last ones to be (severely) affected by the Collapse Radiation Cloud, and given their historic animosity, they may be trying to get a leg up on everyone else despite humanity as a whole being on the line.

After all, if they're the last ones standing, it can be said they've won (after a fashion).
[] CFR Data Sharing (-1 Public Leverage)
…do we care?
Honestly kinda yes as the more accurate data we have the better we can track the spread and the less likely we are to be caught with our pants down by an unexpected interaction between the collapse fluid and Earths geography

[] IDC Tracking Methods (-1 Public Leverage -25 Resources +5 Political Support)
This is not worth our time. If non-technological individuals are in the combat zone we are Doing It Wrong.
Think of it as less a replacement for our methods and more something to have for when our methods fail.
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First draft:

[] Public Data Sharing (+1 Public Leverage)
[] IDC Visor Licence (+2 Public Leverage +1 Private Leverage +25 Resources)
[] IDDS Technology Sales (+2 Public Leverage +1 Private Leverage +25 Resources)
[] Open Diplomatic Channels (+1 Public Leverage +1 Private Leverage -5 Political Support +5 Public Confidence)
[] ALR-50 Sales (+3 Public Leverage +2 Private Leverage +50 Resources -10 Political Support -10 Public Support) (Substantial Increase in Russian Preparation)
+9 PubL, +5 PriL, -15 PS, -5 PC, +100 R. Many more people live.

[] Extensive ELID Records (-2 Public Leverage +5 Political Support)
[] Extensive IDC Records (-2 Public Leverage +5 Political Support)
[] IDC Border Treaties (-1 Public Leverage)
[] CFR Shelter Experience (-4 Public Leverage -2 Private Leverage +8 Incremental Increase per Quarter -5 Public Confidence)
-9 PubL, -2 PriL, +10 PS, -5 PC, +8 Increments (thus many more people live).

[] Operational Data Sharing (+1 Private Leverage)
[] The American Question (+1 Private Leverage 1 Public Leverage)
+2 PriL, +1 PubL.

[] Regional Responsibility (-1 Private Leverage)
[] Final Stage ELID (-2 Private Leverage)
-3 PriL.

Net: 0 PubL, +2 PriL, -5 PS, -10 PC, +100 R, + critical information, +8 Increment.

Unfortunately both cost PubL which we don't have in unlimited amounts.
[] ALR-50 Sales (+3 Public Leverage +2 Private Leverage +50 Resources -10 Political Support -10 Public Support) (Substantial Increase in Russian Preparation)
This… could require a bit of political wrangling. I'm all for giving them the current design but our military overlords might need placating.
I slightly disagree, as I feel we should probably withhold on something like that for now. NOt to dislike of Russia, but the can of worms it'll open.

[] CFR Data Sharing (-1 Public Leverage)
…do we care?
I mean...the Foundation goal is to save humans? Accurately estimating where danger is and how fast evacuations need to happen is sort of apart of that. I'd say it's something we should look into, and Persica could probably use the information for something. Maybe.

[] Final Stage ELID (-2 Private Leverage)
We absolutely need this.
Ah I forgot to mention this. But yes, agreed with it. Our new russian pal is good to turn the other cheek in favor of realizing the dangers posed by this,

[] Unit Exchange (-1 Private Leverage)
[] Joint Expeditions (-3 Private Leverage)
Not keen on either of these. If nothing else the sheer geographical distance makes it unnecessary.
I doubt that we're far away enough that we wouldn't be able to do it, otherwise Rukia wouldn't have given the information, or would have said something. And I doubt that it'd be a large unit exchange big enough to make an impactful difference in troops.

After all, if they're the last ones standing, it can be said they've won (after a fashion).
Really, their chances of 'winning' (if it can be called that) are slim, and I doubt that the sensible russians would love to see the rest of the world wiped out.
[] Plan Net Neutral, Safety and Data
-[] Public
[] Public Data Sharing (+1 Public Leverage)
[] IDC Visor Licence (+2 Public Leverage +1 Private Leverage +25 Resources)
[] IDDS Technology Sales (+2 Public Leverage +1 Private Leverage +25 Resources)
[] Open Diplomatic Channels (+1 Public Leverage +1 Private Leverage -5 Political Support +5 Public Confidence)
[] ALR-50 Sales (+3 Public Leverage +2 Private Leverage +50 Resources -10 Political Support -10 Public Support) (Substantial Increase in Russian Preparation)
[] Extensive ELID Records (-2 Public Leverage +5 Political Support)
[] Extensive IDC Records (-2 Public Leverage +5 Political Support)
[] IDC Border Treaties (-1 Public Leverage)
[] CFR Shelter Experience (-4 Public Leverage -2 Private Leverage +8 Incremental Increase per Quarter -5 Public Confidence)
[] CFR Data Sharing (-1 Public Leverage)
-[] Private
[] Operational Data Sharing (+1 Private Leverage)
[] The American Question (+1 Private Leverage 1 Public Leverage)
[] Regional Responsibility (-1 Private Leverage)
[] Final Stage ELID (-2 Private Leverage)

Net Public: 0
Net Private: +2
Net Political Support: -5
Net Resources: +100
Net Public Confidence: -10
The above is what I'm looking at.

While the ALR sale is expensive to us, as long as we can kick out the 51 ASAP we should be able to placate the military and public.

Basically, we do a lot of building bridges and mutually beneficial stuff. Share a lot of data.

But nothing that can really be used against us.
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[] Plan Net Neutral, Safety and Data
-[] Public
[] Public Data Sharing (+1 Public Leverage)
[] IDC Visor Licence (+2 Public Leverage +1 Private Leverage +25 Resources)
[] IDDS Technology Sales (+2 Public Leverage +1 Private Leverage +25 Resources)
[] Open Diplomatic Channels (+1 Public Leverage +1 Private Leverage -5 Political Support +5 Public Confidence)
[] ALR-50 Sales (+3 Public Leverage +2 Private Leverage +50 Resources -10 Political Support -10 Public Support) (Substantial Increase in Russian Preparation)
[] Extensive ELID Records (-2 Public Leverage +5 Political Support)
[] Extensive IDC Records (-2 Public Leverage +5 Political Support)
[] IDC Border Treaties (-1 Public Leverage)
[] CFR Shelter Experience (-4 Public Leverage -2 Private Leverage +8 Incremental Increase per Quarter -5 Public Confidence)
[] CFR Data Sharing (-1 Public Leverage)
-[] Private
[] Operational Data Sharing (+1 Private Leverage)
[] The American Question (+1 Private Leverage 1 Public Leverage)
[] Regional Responsibility (-1 Private Leverage)
[] Final Stage ELID (-2 Private Leverage)

Net Public: 0
Net Private: +2
Net Political Support: -5
Net Public Support: -10
Net Resources: +100
Net Public Confidence: 0
The above is what I'm looking at.

While the ALR sale is expensive to us, as long as we can kick out the 51 ASAP we should be able to placate the military and public.

Basically, we do a lot of building bridges and mutually beneficial stuff. Share a lot of data.

But nothing that can really be used against us.

Basically the plan I was making but I think you're spending more public leverage then we have.

I think it's -1. Someone double check me.
Well I've finally caught up to the thread and at a very interesting juncture as well. One question I have is why unit exchange seems to be off the table? While joint expeditions would definitely be way too much in geographical distance, unit exchange would be quite good for any incidents that occur on or near the border.
@Rukia for the ARL sales, is it Public Support or Public Confidence?

Well I've finally caught up to the thread and at a very interesting juncture as well. One question I have is why unit exchange seems to be off the table? While joint expeditions would definitely be way too much in geographical distance, unit exchange would be quite good for any incidents that occur on or near the border.
For the unit exchange, the problem is our military superiors being paranoid about Russian spies and vice versa.
There is a real possibility Persica ends up couping the entirety of the EU after getting fed up with their political bullshit, backed by her iron legions and machine intelligences. The only concern, after all, is humanities survival.

While going hot would be cool, I suggest going subtle. Cover up her illicit activities entirely, leave no evidence and appear completely loyal, and go further down the bipedal tech tree. Once we get proper fleshy terminators, keep it a secret. Make AI specialized in infiltration, intelligence, acting; identical clones of important officials and officers. Replace the humans with their android doubles.

Silent coup. No one has to know, although it would be funny to present it to the Russians and Americans as a fait accompli.
For the unit exchange, the problem is our military superiors being paranoid about Russian spies and vice versa.
While a fair concern, isn't it being a private option mean that this proposal isn't going to be known by our superiors?
[] IDC Tracking Methods (-1 Public Leverage -25 Resources +5 Political Support)
This is not worth our time. If non-technological individuals are in the combat zone we are Doing It Wrong.
Also on this comment: Why is that the case? Kamikoshi Sorawo is very much a non-technological individual that we've sent into the combat zone. It seems like a mistake to me to completely dismiss this option when our primary expert on IDCs is very much not reliant on technology.
While a fair concern, isn't it being a private option mean that this proposal isn't going to be known by our superiors?
Because there's always a chance that our private dealings will be found out by our superiors. The four private options that I picked would probably not be considered treason or all *that* negatively. At least they are options that probably wont get us shot.

Allowing Russian personnel a look into our innerworkings would constitute a big security breach in the eyes of our superiors.
Also on this comment: Why is that the case? Kamikoshi Sorawo is very much a non-technological individual that we've sent into the combat zone. It seems like a mistake to me to completely dismiss this option when our primary expert on IDCs is very much not reliant on technology.
As we are doing continually reminded our dismal failure to gets dolls up and running is very much Doing It Wrong.
At present we have humans on the front lines because that is all we have to work with. The sooner this is corrected the better.

Also the fact that they want our visors shows that the tech option is at least comparable to whatever they have developed. Given we have limited leverage it is something we can do without.
As we are doing continually reminded our dismal failure to gets dolls up and running is very much Doing It Wrong.
At present we have humans on the front lines because that is all we have to work with. The sooner this is corrected the better.

Also the fact that they want our visors shows that the tech option is at least comparable to whatever they have developed. Given we have limited leverage it is something we can do without.
Though to be fair the detection is something that can probably be spread easily to the military at large, which is likely why it gains us +5 political support.

There simply is not enough detectors for everyone right now and the military is doing a lot of the heavy lifting (and the dying) to contain outbreaks.
There is a real possibility Persica ends up couping the entirety of the EU after getting fed up with their political bullshit, backed by her iron legions and machine intelligences. The only concern, after all, is humanities survival.
Frankly, I find myself in a viewpoint that resembles that. The objective is petty politics or paranoia. It isn't about border disputes or who owns what territory. It's about the fate of the human race, and if they can't see it, maybe they shouldn't be in charge of it.

Because there's always a chance that our private dealings will be found out by our superiors. The four private options that I picked would probably not be considered treason or all *that* negatively. At least they are options that probably wont get us shot.
I doubt that we'd be shot. Publicly dragged, maybe, but not that. Haven't we extended the 'hand of friendship' so to speak to the military? They'll be able to back us up if need be. Unless I accidentally just confused this for a different quest.
So anyways folks, if we pick the ARL sale option then we'll need to do whatever we can to bring the public confidence back up since it'll knock us back down to 30/100 public confidence and background events can easily knock that down.
Mhm. Can't dispute that, though if I may speak freely, I suggest we put a little more effort into connecting with other nations. They all have something to offer, I'm sure, and making a secret league of those who truly wish to carry out the objective of the Foundation (saving humanity) would be beneficial on an international scale. We already have plans to do so with the United States of America thanks to Russia, so why not extend our reaches.
Mhm. Can't dispute that, though if I may speak freely, I suggest we put a little more effort into connecting with other nations. They all have something to offer, I'm sure, and making a secret league of those who truly wish to carry out the objective of the Foundation (saving humanity) would be beneficial on an international scale. We already have plans to do so with the United States of America thanks to Russia, so why not extend our reaches.

Problem is right now the only other nations with resources and talent worth working with is USA and Russia. Basically all of Asia is more or less gone. China is dead, Japan is dead, India is dead. Australia is kaput. Africa's most developed nations are going to be dead or dying sooner rather than later. South America is in USA's sphere more or less but their big hitter, Brazil, is going to be among the first nation to die to collapse fluid spread.