Athetos (Ranma 1/2)

Chapter 11 - Saotome and Himura
Chapter 11 - Saotome and Himura

But if you close your eyes,
Does it almost feel like nothing changed at all?
And if you close your eyes,
Does it almost feel like you've been here before?
How am I gonna be an optimist about this?
How am I gonna be an optimist about this?

- "Pompeii" by Bastille


Himura Nodoka, in the words of one of her most recent houseguests – a girl whose attitude could best be described as 'Indifferent to politeness' and at worst 'extremely uncouth' (in Nodoka's frame of reference), has had a shitty three months.

The diminutive pinkette with the curled bunches leads her from the Nekohanten and down the street. Holding the tiny hand in her own, the other holding the bag with the photograph wallet and bentou box in it, she feels… warm. Like something great has wrapped itself about her.

The pink eyes look at her warmly. "I am called Berry, Miss Himura."

"Call me N-Nodoka, please, Berry-sama."

The tiny goddess giggles. "There's no need to be so formal, child. Just Berry will do."

Somehow in the intervening time, they've walked between Nerima and Juuban… or teleported. But Nodoka finds herself outside of her old house, and she welcomes the pair in. Rachel's stayed quiet, but Berry has kept a constant chatter, a smile on her face as she asks Nodoka about the girls she helped raise.

Eventually they find themselves in the Family Room with tea and snacks and Nodoka frowns.

"Why did you bring me home? I haven't had half the answers I needed."

Rachel's been idly tossing what looks like strawberry laces wrapped around a thread bobbin like you'd find on a sewing machine. "This has the rest of them."

"What is it?"

"Your memories. A whole other Nodoka's life."

Nodoka stares. "…This is to do with that girl, Ranko, isn't it?"

Berry smiles sadly and sips her tea. "Yes. Know this, Nodoka. I'm a goddess. My friend here's an angel on the cusp of apotheosis. We aren't from this universe. We kind of… hop around a bit. Go where we're needed. We started off as magical girls and sort-of… grew from there."

Nodoka stares. "Kami-sama. She called you that…"

"She's right." The pinkette shrugs. "I'm a very powerful goddess too. I had an… incident with this universe. A moon got blown up and, well, I could have left, but I don't like leaving problems behind, so I offered them my work. I can do wish fulfilment if needed. As someone who during her magical girlhood was primarily support… Well, I'm good at facilitating needs."

Rachel nods. "Berry here's all of our mum, auntie and crazy big sister." She grins with those sharp teeth. "Well, everyone's little big sister."

Berry giggles. "Quite. Well, the Bureaucracy that runs this world accepted my offer and I did what I'd term community service. Ranko was my last wish to fulfil, and frankly…" Her face hardens. "They forced me into it using our contract. As something like a concept, you understand my word is binding. She used the words 'I wish' and I was compelled to complete it." Berry wipes her eyes.

"Fucking assholeish fucks who'll fuckin' get theirs." Rachel mutters. Nodoka blinks at the profanity. Rachel shrugs at her look. "So I swear, deal with it."

"Rachel…" Berry warns. "At least try to be polite."

The auburn-haired, purple-eyed girl rolls her eyes as Bob chirps an affirmative. "Yeah, yeah."

"Anyway. I will be taking my displeasure on the Bureaucracy, but that'll come after I've done what I can. I was working on this and Ranko makes a wish. Her best friend, a girl she only just made up with, lost her mother when she was very little and it stained her emotions, her life."

Nodoka nods.

"Ranko wished her friend's mother back to life. But all wishes have their prices."

"And what was hers?"

"I need you to understand." Berry's voice is pleading, sad, tears gathering in the corners of her eyes. "I told her the price. I told her, I made sure she knew the horror and she did it anyway. The price was her existence."

"Her… existence?"

"Yes. Everything that was her – memories, records, the world around her, the influence she had on the world… All of that was fuel for the fire." The pinkette snaps her fingers as she had with Ranko and another her simply appears in a puff of pink smoke. "It'd be like she appeared just like this." They chorus before the second one fades away.

Nodoka puts her hand to her mouth. "Sh-she really is my daughter?"

Berry nods. "Oh yes. It's… a touch more complicated. You'll know if you accept the memories, but she is indeed your child. In this version of the world you had a miscarriage and, well, you know the rest. In that version you gave birth to a healthy, bouncing baby."

Nodoka sniffles, tears pouring down her face. "Oh, why? Why would she do that to herself?"

Rachel sighs. "She hates herself." The brunette says. "There was an… incident, which caused some very rapid changes in her, followed by a few weeks of… Well, I'm calling it full-on abuse. While she was still sort-of forming a new personality. She hasn't got good self-esteem… Probably made worse by isolation lately. I'd help more but me and Berry we're… bound. There's only so much we can do. I push the limits where I can but…"

Berry gets up and walks to Nodoka, enveloping the much taller woman in a gentle hug. "There, there, dear. We're trying to fix as much as we can. But it'll take time."

Nodoka chokes a few sobs out, but masters herself quickly, wiping her eyes. "I'm sorry." She says softly. Berry smiles at her.

"Don't be. Love and compassion should never be apologised for."

Nodoka looks to the strawberry lace on the bobbin. "So, this… this is… that other me?"

"Yes. When I was granting the wish, rather than pushing purely Ranko's power in, I extracted this and used a curse she had gained to add a little extra fuel, plus the tiniest thread of my own power which allows me to interfere more regards this particular thread."

Nodoka stares at it. "How do I take it in?" She demands, turning to the pink-haired goddess. Berry holds a hand up.

"In due time. First you need to know how it will be."

"How it…?"

"It will take months to assimilate all of this, and you won't exactly be the same. You'll watch the memories, experience them. And when it comes down to it, you'll have a choice. To be an amalgamation of the Nodoka that is in them and is you, to be you with the extra memories, or to be her with your memories, and it'll be up to you. Both of you."

Nodoka stares. "That's… a lot. Will I be able to work?"

"No. You'll be delirious most of the time – I and Rachel can take care of you and your house during that time. We know you've no real plans coming up, so this is good timing."

Nodoka looks at the bobbin, the strawberry lace glistening a little. She swallows. "Let's do it." She says, eyes going to the open photo wallet, the picture of Ranko and her smiling staring at her. "I want to meet my daughter."

Rachel grins. "Good. I've got to work on Akane in the sidelines when the bureaucracy isn't watching, get her to find the girl. She's a good girl, but my limited ability to interfere is worse when I'm being actively suppressed. If I were Berry's level… Well, maybe not. She's limited by contracts. I'm less limited. But I can only do so much."

Nodoka reaches to the bobbin, picking it up. It feels heavy, significant. She stares at it. "…How do I… use it?"

Berry giggles. "It's been created by me from the spell, how else would you think to use it? Eat it!"

Nodoka takes the lace and unwraps it from the bobbin, then somehow fits it into her mouth, chewing it. It tastes of strawberry and regret and honour and…


Unaware of the physical body currently having fits on the floor of her house while Rachel and Berry look after her, the mind and spirit of Himura Nodoka fly inward, seeking the intrusion into her self of a familiar one. She comes face to face with an older-looking, sadder-looking Saotome Nodoka, who's watching her with a weary expression.

As if by mutual consent, the two find themselves kneeling by the table in her old house's family room. Himura looks at Saotome and they both nod. "Hello." They say at the same time, and then titter in the same cadence.

Himura's dressed in her 'lounging' clothes – a house dress not unlike that which Kasumi wears. Saotome is, as always, in her formal kimono, even if it's her own 'lounging' kimono, for all that she lounges.

"Oh my," Saotome says, looking around. "Yours is much barer than mine, and yet feels more alive."

Himura sighs. "You lived in yours alone. I lived with the Tendou family and rented the place."

Saotome nods, an ache of pain flitting across her face. "Yes. I suppose if you let it out to families, the spirit of the house would be more positive."

Himura looks about the room as it shifts to the busier and yet emptier Saotome version. "Well, at least you managed to have her. What was it like?"

"Painful." Says Saotome, a smile gracing her lips. "But joyous. Holding Ranma was a gift I'm ashamed to say I squandered when he was very small."

Himura stares. "But wasn't this about Ranko?"

"Ranko, hm? 'Orchid Child'? How sweet she'd choose that name. She is a beautiful wildflower."

"We're not making sense. 'Ranma'?"

Saotome looks to Himura and smiles sadly. "Let me tell you the tale of how I gained a son, lost that son and gained a daughter, and loved both of them with all my heart." She picks up a remote that appears on the table.

Himura is treated to their life in full. Every agonising second by minute by hour by day by month by year by decade. She notes the big divergence being the miscarriage.

At the same time, she can see a flicker of the screen, as if Saotome is watching a different show – her version of life, she assumes.

When it is done, she feels no older and yet much older. "That was…"

"Yes…" Saotome replies, rubbing her forehead. "Your life was so much better."

"You had your baby."

"Not really. You saw." Saotome rejoins softly and Himura nods.

"I suppose we both have a hole in our lives. Oh Saotome, she's so beautiful."

Saotome smiles at her other self. "Isn't she? I remember Ryouga-kun telling me her name and my shock when he told me of the curse. And then she awoke and I could tell something had changed – the poor boy was very confused by how polite she was. And she was. So, so polite and – she comforted me! A strange lady, a woman she had no knowledge of who she was, and she comforted me like it was the most natural thing in the world. I was so proud I might burst!" Her face falls. "And then she made that wish."

Himura closes her eyes. "I saw her, Saotome." She says, pain in her voice, anguish in her heart. "I saw her, a pretty young thing who just looked at me, heartbroken. And the sounds she made. I've never heard a person sound that wounded in my life, and I don't ever want to again."

"You have to find her, Himura." Saotome says, nodding and putting a hand on her other self's shoulder. "Find her, love her, bring her home. Even if your home is the Tendou Dojo, it's home and she needs it. She needs to know she's loved, she needs someone who recognises her."

"You? Don't you mean 'We'?"

Saotome shakes her head. "No, Himura, my world's gone. As much as it might be nice to be part of someone new, I think I'm best leaving you with my memories and feelings, but still being you. You've had sixteen years of raising three wonderful girls, now to be four, and you're in a better place than me. I think I'd rather just be a voice whispering in your memories than being there."

Himura drags her other self into a hug and holds her close. "If you're sure." She says.

"On my honour." Saotome says. "The old must give way to the new while imparting wisdom." She chuckles and then dissolves into white light.

Nodoka wakes on a futon in the living room, her head pounding, her mind flashing through two sets of memories. A cool, damp cloth is on her forehead and she wonders if this is how Ranko felt when she first woke up all those months ag-

"Ranko!" Nodoka sits up straight, the cloth from her forehead. She remembers! She makes to stand but only falls flat onto her front a moment, before sitting back up. Remembering anything else makes her head hurt a little. It's like closing each eye and seeing a different picture out of the other at times. "Ugh, this is not fun…"

"That will fade with time." Berry says gently, reaching down to grasp Nodoka's hand and help her up.

"I hope so." Nodoka says with a grimace. "Else it won't be good to keep everything straight. But I remember everything clearly about my daughter." She finishes. "That isn't two different memories. How long was I…?"

"Three months." Rachel shrugs, handing over the photo wallet and bentou in the shopping bag.

"Three… months?"

Nodoka's mind catches up with the vision and the real-world happenings. She remembers waking occasionally and vomiting everything she had been fed. She remembers migraines in her waking hours that felt like her brain was being squeezed to mush. She remembers screaming and crying and horror and terror and begging for it to end, just please end it. Visions of her daughter dying in some hole somewhere.

Somehow she thought the vision of her other self was one continuous one, but her memories are jumbled, doubled, messed up. Migraine pain flash-fries her senses a moment, the memory of the hell that the last three months has actually been replacing the calm and gentle vision, though somehow that is still there.

Rachel doesn't seem to notice or doesn't care for the emotions running through the older woman.

"Yeah. Long time, but it takes a while to settle. And it's never pleasant. We've kept you sorted, fed and well."

Nodoka clutches her head and cries, falling to her knees. She cries for her self from that other world, so sad. Having had the opportunity to have a baby she was denied and still losing that baby to Genma's idiocy. She grits her teeth as a vision she'd repressed flows into her. Ranko, lying on her side, clutching those pyjamas her other self had bought on her first night in the house as if they were a lifeline. As if they were all she had left.

Words, haunting, terrible words echoing through the world, screaming in silence for her mother.

It takes a few hours for her to calm down, and then her head snaps up. "Where is she? Where's my daughter?"

Berry smiles at her. "I think you know. Akane got her, Nodoka. She rescued her. On the verge, but I… caused a distraction with the Bureaucracy and Rachel was able to intervene. They saw her at the last but I threatened them again.

"I have to go there."


Nodoka notes she's in her house kimono. A very specific one. "Did you know I'd wake up today?" She asks. It's the same one she wore the day Ranko came back into her life with Ryouga.

Berry giggles. "I had an inkling. Now. Are you going to get going?"

Her answer is a blur whipping out of the door. The pinkette stands and motions to Rachel. "Let's clean up and lock up. Our work here's pretty much done."

Rachel lets out an explosive sigh. "Thank fuck for that. Next world that tries to limit me from helping gets its deities torn to pieces."


For the first time in years, Nodoka roof-hops as soon as she gets to Nerima. She's not done it, but she's desperate to see Ranko, to make sure she's awake. The two girls had told her during the time she was recovering that Ranko'd very nearly starved to death and she'd found herself shaking the tiny pinkette who just let it happen.

Rachel's yelling about their limitations shook her out of her rage, the very real grief that the two supernatural entities experienced clearly matching her own. Berry's face had darkened when she'd explained how some of the local kami had stopped her, the coldness in those normally-warm pink eyes promising some very unpleasant times.

Nodoka doesn't care. She's going to see her baby.

People were already avoiding the dishevelled, crazed-looking, kimono-wearing, auburn-haired woman nervously shuffling on the train, muttering under her breath for the damned thing to speed up.

Once free of public transport, it's in record time that the windswept woman makes her way, leaps over the dojo wall and lands in front of the genkan, frantically knocking and ringing the bell.

Kimiko opens it and for a moment Nodoka is struck by a memory of crying over her friend's death or mourning her and not being able to face helping look after the girls while Ranko was off on that trip.

"Kimiko, where is she?" Nodoka seizes her best friend's shoulders. Kimiko looks curious. "And… you're alive!" Her arms go around Kimiko and she crushes her best friend to her in a rough embrace. "Oh, it's so good to see you!"

"Where is who, No-chan? You're kinda scaring me."

Nodoka lets go and takes in a breath. "Sorry." She says, removing her shoes at the genkan as Kimiko lets her in. "Sorry I…" She looks Kimiko in the eyes. "I know this will sound crazy, but my daughter."

Kimiko gasps. "R-Ranko?"

Nodoka looks. "Where is she, Kimiko?"

"Sh-she's upstairs, come o-"

Nodoka moves like the wind, flowing around Kimiko and up the stairs before she has chance to say anything.

Akane watches and then dashes along with her mother and stops at the entrance to the guestroom as they watch the reunion.

Ranko lies still on the futon in the guestroom, staring emptily up at the ceiling. She should sleep, she's been told to sleep, but she can't sleep. All that's going through her mind is how much she shouldn't be here. How much she just wants to die and be done with it but promises keep her here, keep her suffering.

She still can't cry, can't bring herself to feel anything other than the numbness that's settled around her like a straitjacket.

The door slides open, but she can't even muster the energy to look until a familiar voice speaks up.


The voice sounds horrified and it's probably her appearance. She knows she isn't any kind of good surprise and… wait.

She looks over, heart pounding, straight into the eyes of her mother. She's dishevelled and her face is pale, hand to her mouth. Her eyes travel over Ranko's thin, emaciated form. Kasumi's nightgown is in the wash for today, so she's only got a slip and the soft cotton knickers Kimiko had bought for her on. Other clothes are still irritating her sore skin.

Nodoka can see everything; the ribs as if the skin had been sucked onto them, the gaunt hollowness of her cheeks, the bony, thin arms. Slowly healing sores, blotches, bruises. Lank, red hair. The dead expression on the face, the eyes hollow blue pits. "Oh… Oh, Ranko… By all the heavens…"

Ranko blinks. There's something different in those eyes, those words, that look. Her brain's still sluggish, so it takes minutes in which the redhead and her mother just… stare at each other. Then Ranko's heart starts beating painfully in her chest.


She recognises Ranko.

She knows who Ranko is.

Then Nodoka's kneeling by Ranko and gently picking the redhead up to be placed in her lap, and she's being held and it's how her mother holds her. The folds of her kimono enveloping the redhead in warmth and love and sheer parental terror and anguish.

"Oh kami, my baby, what did you do to yourself? How could you hurt yourself so?" Nodoka cries, squeezing her close, tears splashing onto her daughter's emaciated form. Ranko struggles weakly to hug back, but her strength is still gone.

"M-mother?" She asks, clutching onto Nodoka's kimono, her arms with her thin hands. The warm folds of that same kimono she wore when they first were reunited.

Nodoka squeezes the girl close, shuddering and sobbing, holding her so close Ranko can feel the warmth of her, tears landing on top of her head. "R-Ranko!" Nodoka wails. "My baby, I forgot you, everyone forgot you, how could we? Why did you do it?"

Ranko's numb barrier breaks and she starts to wail her horror, her terror, her despair. Everything cracks and shatters inside of her, the control slipping, the fragile shield against her terrible emotional state shattering into thousands of pieces as she wails like a wounded animal.

Nodoka strokes her daughter's face gently, rubbing the tears away as the redhead sobs, her own choked, heaving breaths equal to her daughter's. She hears the despair and the grief and the loss and all of the other darkness that's settled inside of her daughter and she despairs too.

Akane and Kimiko watch from the doorway, looking at each other, then at the pair and then each other again. "Let's… give them time." Kimiko suggests. Akane's got so many questions but she nods and follows her mother downstairs.

Nabiki and Kasumi are at the bottom of the stairs. Kimiko shakes her head. "Your auntie is… busy, with our new family member." She says. "Let's go to the family room, give them some time and ask for explanations later."

The three girls follow their mother and sit down. Akane looks to the floor as she's the last and finds a shopping bag with a recognisable bentou box – the kanji 蘭子 on the top along with a stylised chibi girl with pink hair, and a black, zipped wallet. She carries them in and puts them on the table as she sits.

"Mom, what happened?" Akane asks.

"Nodoka came to the door and knocked, and she seemed surprised. She said I was alive, as if it were a surprise, though like she'd only been half-surprised. Then she asked where her daughter was."

Her own daughters stare. "But she…"

"I know. I think something strange has happened." Kimiko says as Soun joins them in his gi, mopping his forehead with a towel, the last class of the day having left.

"Strange? Everything about that girl is strange, dear." Soun says, sitting next to his wife and kissing her cheek. "Her chi, especially. I'm no expert with chi sight but she definitely has an odd… signature. Not quite congruous with the world around her."

Nabiki shakes her head. "That girl is like a mystery inside another mystery with a mystery to wrap it up. Every answer just raises more questions. Mom, we need to ask her. She's more or less stabilised, and maybe Auntie can tell us." The bob-haired girl waves her hand. "I mean there's the uniforms, the clothes, the fact that there are things she knows about this place that only people who've lived here for years could know."

Kimiko nods. "I know. And…"

Akane blinks and opens the bag, showing them the bentou box first. "This was hers on her first day and she'd wave it at us a couple of times." Nabiki picks the wallet up.

"This looks like a photo wallet." The middle sister comments. Kasumi takes it from her and unzips it.

The eldest sister goes pale. "Oh my." She says, sounding faint, the wallet falling onto the table and showing the entire Tendou family with Ranko and a panda, minus Kimiko, smiling together as only a family can.
Chapter 12 - First Step on the Long Road
Chapter 12 - First Step on the Long Road

Everything will always be exactly how it's gonna be,
Though I seem to worry every single day,
This prodigal turns home again then morning comes,

And in the end,
I see that new sun shining on your face.

We begin to bend,
We begin to mend.

- "Bend" by The Midnight


It's much later in the evening when Nodoka finally walks down the stairs. She's spent several hours with Ranko in the room, the only person going there being Kimiko with the girl's usual small meal at the right time. Ranko almost refused; she could see it in those blue eyes, but Nodoka had taken it on herself to feed Ranko directly, and the girl acquiesces to the genteel woman's feeding.

Kimiko notes the love that Nodoka clearly has for the emaciated redhead and it only raises more questions. It's definitely a mother's love, she knows that; she knows exactly how it looks and feels.

After leaving them behind, she sits with her family, waiting.

When Nodoka does come in, they're all shocked at her tear-stained, ruffled appearance, and the slow, miserable gait to her movements as she sits down at the table and hangs her head.

"She's asleep." The auburn-haired woman says softly. "I think she tired herself out. Not that she seems to have much energy. Or life." Nodoka runs her hands down her face, then to the youngest Tendou's surprise, throws her arms around Akane and starts sobbing. "Thank you. Thank you so much, Akane. You saved my baby girl."

Akane puts her arms around Nodoka as she cries. When she's calm, she asks softly. "Auntie? Who is Ranko?"

Nodoka looks up and sighs. "It… isn't my tale to tell. Really. I won't take that from her. I'll make sure she tells you." She settles so she's sitting beside Akane. "But I will tell you this. She's my daughter. And will be on my clan registry when I get a moment."

"She doesn't exist, Auntie." Nabiki says. Nodoka nods.

"Not anymore, no." She replies. "And stop pushing, Nabiki-chan." She smiles fondly. "Always wanting to solve every mystery."

Nabiki shrugs. "Girl's got to have a hobby, and snacks aren't enough."

Kasumi picks up the wallet. None of them had dared look past the first page with their family on, with a panda and Ranko, but minus Kimiko. She holds it out to Nodoka who sighs. "I'd hoped you'd not see this yet. But it does let me…" She flips through it to the picture of her and Ranko, her in her house kimono, Ranko in a ruffled, pretty white dress, both smiling broadly. "My daughter."

Akane stares at the picture, a blush coming to her cheeks at seeing Ranko in health and not as she is currently, thin and broken. Her heart aches as she sees the happiness that she's never seen in the red-haired girl, all the time she's known her.

I'll make her happy, she decides. However she needs me. Friend, girlfriend, whatever.

The rest of the family gather around and look. Kimiko eyes her daughter. "My, my, Akane-chan, you told me she was a beauty, but with her current state it's difficult to see. You weren't joking, were you? No wonder you like her."

Akane blushes further and Kasumi smiles at them. "She certainly looks good here. When was this…?" She looks. "That's… recent."

"Yes." Nodoka says. "It is."

Akane looks at the dress. "…I bought that dress. And those heels." She says suddenly. "And in the wrong size. And there's those overalls…"

"Echoes, perhaps." Nodoka mutters to herself. Akane frowns. She wants to know what it is they're hiding, but Nodoka's right. It's Ranko's story to tell, once she's better.

Eventually, after looking through the wallet and not getting any further with Nodoka, who stays quiet, the girls go to bed, but Nodoka sits on the genkan with a bowl of sake that she takes a sip from occasionally. She watches the koi in the pond, under the moonlight and doesn't even react when Kimiko sits next to her.


"Kimiko." Nodoka says sadly.

"I think I know what she did."


"You remember the girl I swear I saw at the foot of my bed, when I was ill and then recovered?"

"You've mentioned her." Nodoka frowns. "You think it was Ranko?"

"I think so. She told me… she told me that she leaves so I might live, and to love my family."

Nodoka looks down, draining her bowl of the alcohol. "She made a wish. A stupid, beautiful wish. But the price was… I don't know how anyone could pay that price and stay sane."

Kimiko puts her hand on Nodoka's, then interlaces her fingers with her friend's. "I don't think she really is." The brown-haired woman says unhappily. "And she's… Well. I think something broke inside of her."

Nodoka closes her eyes and tears fall onto her knees. "I know." She whispers. "She was damaged before but… starting a difficult recovery. But now… I don't know what to do. She spent three months starving to death, alone, thinking that all she does is hurt people. She told me everything that had happened, like she was ashamed to be alive."

"She gave me a death poem." Kimiko says quietly. "Asked Akane and I to leave her for scavengers. That no one would miss her."

Nodoka leans on her best friend, starting to cry. "I can't believe I forgot my baby girl, Kimiko. I failed her."

"You did no such thing." Kimiko says sharply. "She did that to herself. Regardless of anything, if she wished for it and knew the price then that's still her fault."

"But she doesn't deserve what happened to her…"

Kimiko sighs. "No. No one does, and when I find whoever hurt her like that, I'll put my foot so far up their arse they'll be spitting toenails."

Nodoka giggles through her tears. "Thank you. But I'm afraid that it was your family that started her poor self-esteem. Whoever told her she hurts people well, they only made it worse. But they aren't the same people. There's no one to blame."

Kimiko lets out an explosive sigh. "I hope now she has you, she'll start recovery. Toufu was talking to a friend of his, Mitaka-sensei. She's a… therapist."

Nodoka nods. "I was considering sending her… before." She sighs. "I don't know whether it'll help. There's so much damage."

"I think Akane's going to help too." Kimiko says with a soft smile. "She really is quite smitten, even now. I saw the look she gets when she wants to make someone happy."

Nodoka smiles, her new memories letting her see the differences. "You'd be amazed how different she is, Kimiko. I didn't know her too well before Ranko did what she did, but I could tell she was damaged, hurting. Now, having helped raise her in this world? She's amazing. And I know Ranko likes her. About the only thing that put colour in her cheeks was asking about this Akane and the date they almost went on."

Kimiko laughs sadly. "Oh, I hope it works out for them. Akane's a good girl, and Ranko deserves someone who loves her."

Nodoka leans against her friend. "We should probably send Akane to the therapists with her, for a smaller session after."


"I think Ranko is going to be… high maintenance. It's not her fault, just I think… It'll be hard dealing with her until she improves. I think she needs to have somewhere professional she feels comfortable venting about it without feeling like she's hurting my daughter."

Kimiko nods. "Good idea." She stands, helping Nodoka to her feet. "I take it you'll spend the night in Ranko's room with her?"



The next morning is a school day, and for the first time Akane comes downstairs from changing into her school uniform to find Ranko sat at the table. Nodoka's bustling in and out of the kitchen, and the short-haired girl kisses her auntie on the cheek, then her mother before going to sit down next to Ranko.

The petite, thin girl is leaning against the wall, eyes still hollow. She's back in Kasumi's voluminous nightdress and Akane sighs inwardly at her slow recovery rate. She's filled out a tiny amount, but not enough. "Good morning, Ranko-chan."

Those blue eyes flick to her, then back to staring out the engawa. "Good morning."

The voice is so quiet it might as well be silent. Akane still smiles at her. At least she's talking today. Auntie Nodoka must be good for her.

"At least you don't have to go to school today, huh?" Akane asks, trying to lighten the mood. Ranko's lips twitch, and Akane considers that a success as a small spark of life returns to her blue eyes.

They're soon joined by the family, and Ranko's energy seems to run out after eating her small portion and drinking the nutrient drink the hospital had made them give her. She leans on Akane and the short-haired girl accepts the contact.

Watching Ranko's face, she can see that Ranko basks in her family life and wonders what hers must have been like before she was homeless.

Eventually breakfast ends, and Nabiki heads out on her bike, Akane calls goodbye and makes her way to school.

Her usual sparring folks are waiting outside already, and she cricks her neck and knuckles in anticipation.

The morning spar runs as always does; her the clear victor but none of the boys too badly damaged, and all in time for the bell. Kunou watches her, but by some miracle he says nothing until she reaches the gate.

"Tendou Akane-san. May I have a word?"

He's being unusually polite, so she turns and humours him. "Yes, senpai?" She asks. If he's being polite, so can she.

"I wish to ask… I had some distressing news and words from your elder sister, Tendou Nabiki. Have you truly found the beauteous fiery-haired Ranko? She of the demure eyes and calm bearing belying the core of steel?"

"I have, senpai. Why do you ask?"

Kunou gives an oddly sad look. "And speak truly: she was homeless and starving?"

"Yes." Akane's fists clench. He nods at her reaction.

"Thank you for telling me, Tendou Akane-san. You've given me much to think about."

She nods, but he doesn't seem to have anything further to say, so she moves on into the school proper.

Akane makes her way into her classroom and stands at the front, waiting for the teacher to come in.

Arizawa-sensei finally shows up on time, the rest of the class watching their class representative curiously as she speaks softly to the teacher, who looks shocked, nods and then smiles. Akane nods back and the teacher clears his throat.

"Ahem, unusual though it is, Tendou-kun has an announcement to make."

Akane smiles around at her class and nods to them. "Hey everyone, I'll keep it short and sweet. You all remember Ranko-chan, right?" A general murmur rises from the class until Akane quells them with a direct look. "I know. She's one of us and she vanished. Last week, I found her. I've not told you because… well, we weren't sure if she'd pull through." The class as one blink. "I'm telling you now because it looks like the worst is past."

Yuka raises her hand. "Will she be coming back?"

Akane nods, smiling. "I'm hoping she'll be back soon, and she's got a family name now, too. She's being adopted by my auntie, Himura Nodoka."

Sayuri cheers but Yuka frowns. "How is she doing, Akane-chan?"

Akane's face sobers. "Not well. She's still weak and recovering from extreme malnourishment, and her mental state is… Well, she's not good. She's been very isolated. She was homeless and on her own the whole time she was with us before."

Sayuri's cheer goes down. "You mean, all the time she sat…?"


One of their classmates sounds shocked. "So… she was starving and alone? She gave me melon bread more than once while she was here when I complained about forgetting my bentou and I just… I took it. You mean to tell me she was literally starving and still gave away her food?"

"She helped me with some of the problems on my homework!" Aoi says, "And she seemed so nice. Poor girl!"

"Is there anything we can do?" Daisuke asks, raising his hand. "Like get well cards or… I don't know, something? Fruit, drinks, food?"

Akane smiles at him and nods. "I was thinking we all send her a card with our best wishes on. I was also thinking of having a welcome back celebration for her when she returns; it shouldn't be more than a week or two before she's cleared to return."

Hiroshi grins wide. "Awesome, she was such a cutie. Awful she was on her own, though. I think I can get a banner made up for her." Daisuke, sat next to him, nods enthusiastically.

Akane and the class fall into a discussion until Arizawa-sensei clears his throat. "Alright children, back to your seats. We'll discuss our missing classmate later on. Thank you for sharing with us, Tendou-kun."

At lunch, Akane sits as usual with Sayuri and Yuka, and they press her for more information.

"How is she really, Akane?"

Akane bites her lip. "Not good." She says softly, looking down. "Really, really not good. Auntie's…" She sighs. "Auntie's actually her mother. Like really. Except she didn't give birth to her."

The girlfriends look at each other and then at Akane. "But that's…"

"Impossible. I know. But she is. It's like she didn't have her miscarriage, except she did and has the medical history to prove it. It's like Ranko just… appeared, one day."

Yuka frowns. "…Does she know?"

Akane's face falls. "Yeah, I think so. She won't explain, it sends her into one of her quiet spells. I think something really bad happened to her, but all she says is that it's the price she paid for something."

Sayuri shakes her head. "What's she like at the moment?"

"Withdrawn. She hardly speaks or, really, reacts. Onii-chan says it's like something called 'catatonia', but not as bad." Akane's voice thickens. "It's like something inside her's just… died and… well, she wants to follow it." Her lip quivers. "I-I… I don't know what to do." She admits, tears spilling from her eyes and rolling down her cheeks. "She's hurt so, so bad, it's like she's shattered inside and I'm trying, I really really am, but I can't seem to help her pick up the pieces…"

Yuka and Sayuri both sit either side of her and hold Akane while she cries. They look at each other over her hunched form.

"Can we… come and see her tonight?" Yuka asks once Akane's calmed down some. Sayuri nods.

"Yeah… I'd like to see her too."

Akane sniffles, wiping her eyes. "S-sorry guys… Yeah, you should be able to though she tires really easy."

Nabiki's sat with her usual lieutenants, sorting the gossip in the school out when Kunou Tatewaki makes his way into their classroom early. "Tendou Nabiki-san." He says gravely. "I believe I've erred and I wish to seek your counsel."

"Sure thing, Kunou-baby." The bob-haired girl replies, shooing her friends away. "How can I help?"

"You told me I was a failure as a samurai if I let people in the school my father runs down."

"I did. You did. Ranko-chan was homeless and starving and you did nothing." A twinge of guilt fills Nabiki. Neither did she, though she was just starting her investigation before the girl disappeared. "Therefore, you are. You can't have the rights of some lord without the responsibilities."

"I am indeed. So, I am going to help improve that."

Nabiki stares in shock at her usually mad classmate.


Yuka and Sayuri follow Akane through the genkan as their friend yells a greeting. A quiet, barely-heard echo hits them, and Akane leads them to the family room, where they spy Kimiko watching television while Kasumi is typing something on her laptop on the table. On the engawa, Nodoka is sitting with Soun, playing shougi. A pillow sits on the auburn-haired woman's lap, and Ranko's head lies on the pillow, the rest of her curled up next to Nodoka.

The couple look at each other, then at the girl. Ranko's only wearing a cotton nightdress that practically drowns her, but the figure they can see under it isn't anything like she had been before. Her hands look even thinner and tinier than they were, and her cheeks are still hollow.

Her face is set in a frown as she sleeps, and minute tics and twitches show it's not restful.

Nodoka brightens as the girls come in. "Akane-chan, Yuka-chan, Sayuri-chan, it's good to see you." Her hand shoots out to stop Soun, who grins and makes his own greeting, missing Nodoka's return cheat.

The three girls sit nearby. "Hi Auntie." They chorus.

"How is she?" Yuka asks, looking at the sleeping redhead. Her face is still troubled. Nodoka looks down and frowns.

"Tired, today. She's not had much energy, but Kasumi-chan tells me that's fairly normal for her situation. I hope she begins improving soon." She nudges Ranko who opens her eyes blearily. "Ranko-chan," She says softly. "Dear, your friends from school are here."

"Friends?" Ranko asks, yawning, but staying on her mother's lap until Nodoka helps her sit up. Even then she leans heavily on her.

"Yes, dear, Sayuri-chan and Yuka-chan are here to see you."

Ranko blinks awake at once and looks over. "O-oh. Nakano-san, Tamaki-San… To see me?"

"Hi Ranko-chan." Yuka says, smiling. "We told you to use our given names."

"O-oh…" Ranko says quietly. They look at each other at how much quieter and ill-used her voice sounds.

"W-well, anyway, we brought you something." Sayuri says brightly, holding out a bouquet of orchids. "Your namesake!"

Ranko takes them and sniffs at the flowers. They smell sweet and fragrant, and she stares at them a moment. Her eyes flicker with some life as she looks at Sayuri and Yuka, who hand her a card. It just says 'get well soon' on it and is signed with a message from the two. She sniffles.

"Why?" She asks.

"You're our friend, aren't you? You'd do the same for us, we bet." Yuka says, sitting with Sayuri. "How are you feeling?"

Ranko looks down. "I shouldn't be alive." She says softly. "But I am. I'm tired, Yuka-chan. So tired. I was so close."

The two look at each other again and then back at Ranko. "Well, I'm glad you're still with us. I know your mother's probably happy."

Nodoka nods and holds Ranko close, kissing the top of her daughter's head. "I am more gladdened than any other time in my life."

Ranko's eyes drift shut again as she's held by her mother and the three girls talk with Nodoka about small things. Ranko occasionally wakes but she's mostly noncommunicative, just staring with empty eyes unless directly addressed. Getting her to speak is like pulling teeth, though.

She keeps staring at the card in her hands and mouthing something to herself. Akane shrugs at them and they let her carry on. Nodoka doesn't look too happy but she doesn't say anything to Ranko, just holds her gently. The girlfriends can see how much she loves her daughter and even with Ranko's noncommunicative mood, how much Ranko adores her mother.

Eventually the pair bid them a farewell and head off and Nodoka stretches. "I think I'll take a bath. Come along, Ranko dear."

She helps Ranko to her feet and Akane watches as Nodoka helps the red-haired girl totter around the engawa to the furo. She frowns and Soun notices.

"Akane?" She looks to her father and he motions to the shougi board. "Let's have a game. A conversation over a game is always more focused."

She sits where Nodoka had and they re-set the board. Her father's obviously in some kind of sensei mood, and she won't deny him. He taught her a third of what she knows, the other two from her mother and from auntie Nodoka.

"You do know I will always love you, daughter?" Soun asks, making his first move. Akane moves to counter.

"Of course, Daddy." She says softly.

"I won't pretend I understand how it is that two girls can love one another as a man loves his wife and vice versa." He intones gravely. "Your mother, I think, does. But it's enough for me that you'll be happy, even if society can be funny. I am heavily invested in tradition, as are most of the family, but I like to think we all appreciate love, as long as it isn't harming someone."

Akane blushes bright red and makes another move. "Y-yes Daddy."

Soun smiles at her. "You like Ranko-chan, don't you?"

Akane nods. "I do."

"Yet you hardly know her." He says softly, placing another tile, capturing one of hers.

Akane nods. "It's… a connection, Daddy. I don't pretend to understand it, but it's like I already knew her."

Soun's gaze casts to the photo album on one of the shelves, along with the personalised bentou box. "Indeed. I rather feel the same. As do your sisters, even if they won't tell us. Like there was a hole shaped like her in our lives."

Akane nods. "And that photograph. It's like she knew us somewhere, and we her."

Soun 'hmms' to himself and nods. "Perhaps she travelled from another version of the world."

Akane sighs. "I don't know… There's something off there."

Soun nods again. "You're perceptive, Akane. I know your sisters tend towards disinterest in the Art, only really practising to keep up, but you embraced it. I'm proud of you. And I'm proud of your good heart."

"…I'm sensing a 'but', Daddy." Akane takes one of his generals and smiles proudly. Soun chuckles.

"There is. Don't let that connection hurt you as well."


Soun sighs as Kimiko sits by him, kissing his cheek. "Ranko-chan is… damaged. I think… Well, I don't like to think anyone is truly beyond repair, except perhaps the Master, rest his soul, but she's very close."

Akane shakes her head. "I won't abandon her. She needs us."

Soun nods. "And I would think less of you if you did. But if you are going to enter into a relationship with her, if she wishes to…"

"…And I think she does." Says Kimiko, smiling sadly.

"…You're going to need to be strong for her as well as you. And that means knowing when to be weak."

Akane frowns. "I don't understand."

Kimiko sighs. "Your auntie and I are sending Ranko to Mitaka-sensei, one of Toufu's colleagues. She's a therapist. However, we'd also like for you to attend a shorter session just after Ranko's own."

"W-why? I'm not…"

Kimiko smiles at her daughter. "It will give you a place you can vent and talk about your troubles without fear of being overheard. Trust me, it'll be invaluable. That is, if you two do end up dating."

Akane frowns and bites her lip, capturing one of Soun's tiles. "I see." She says.

"It helps to have someone outside to confide in." Soun says gravely, nodding with his wife. "Someone connected but professionally, not emotionally involved."

Akane finally nods. "I… suppose I can try."

Kimiko smiles as Soun places a tile and wins the game. "Thank you, Akane."

Akane curses as she sees the gambit she lost to. "No fair, Daddy, set it up again! I told you to stop cheating when I'm distracted! Only Auntie Nodoka puts up with that, because she cheats worse than you!"


Fun Fact: I consider "Untouchable" by Anathema to kind of be the song for Ranko/Akane.

Part 1 is more for Akane than Ranko, being somewhat more upbeat.

Part 2 is Ranko's half.

Just idle thoughts of Berry.

Recovery is a slow process and Ranko is going to take a lot of time to be pieced back together. Even then, it's like breaking a vase. Pieces never really fit together again well.

Well, technically this Ranko is a vase that got cracked, chipped, partly repaired and then dropped on the floor.
Chapter 13 - You're Not Alone
Chapter 13 - You're Not Alone

If only I don't bend and break,
I'll meet you on the other side,
I'll meet you in the light.

If only I don't suffocate,
I'll meet you in the morning when you wake.

Bitter and hardened,
Oh, aching, waiting for life to start,
Meet me in the morning when you wake up,
Meet me in the morning then you'll wake up.

- "Bend and Break" by Keane


Akane's walking down the street when a voice calls to her. "Miss! Excuse me, miss!"

She turns and spots a man moving through the crowd, waving at her. Stopping nearby she notes he looks familiar. "Can I help?" She asks politely.

The man smiles. He's dressed in a button-down shirt and slacks and has an air of authority about him. He pauses to catch his breath and then nods once he straightens up. "Thank you. You can indeed! My name is Kanazawa Akira. I'm…"

"Tendou Akane. You're the police officer from the box near where I found Ranko!" Akane says, smiling back. "Thank you for your assistance."

"I did very little besides process those thugs." He says modestly. "But I recognised you and wanted to know – how is she doing?"

Akane sighs. "She's recovering, Kanazawa-san. Slowly. She almost starved to death."

Akira goes pale. "She did?" He curses a moment to himself. "I was going to find her as she looked ill, drag her to my family's home and feed her but she kept escaping. I'm sorry." He bows low to Akane who looks flustered.

"N-no, it's fine, I w-was looking for her!" She stammers. "I'm just glad I got to her in time… She's still very unwell and… In a bad place."

Akira sighs. "She didn't accept help whenever I offered it."

Akane blushes. "I didn't give her the option. I also made her promise to stay with my family at least until she's better."

Akira nods. "Good. Anyway, I'm glad to hear she's recovering even if it's rocky."

Akane bites her lip. "Why was she called the 'Angel of Nerima'?"

Akira laughs embarrassedly. "She spent three months cleaning up thugs. First night it happened to me I was in the box and this tiny little redhead drops four yakuza goons stupid enough to come into Nerima in front of the box, pressure-point paralysed. They'd been assaulting a woman. She just smiled at me and then jumped what seemed about thirty feet into the air onto the nearby roof."

"…She did that to me when she wasn't so bad, so I know the feeling." Akane smiles.

Akira laughs. "Well, she kept doing it and got quite the reputation. And a growing pile of reward money for some of the things she did. She rescued a lady's little girl, too, looked after her for the evening. Her and a few others gave some money and there's the usual reward money waiting."

Akane perks up. "Oh?"

"She wouldn't take it but at the station we thought when she needed it, she'd come, so we put it all aside for her."

The short-haired girl smiles. "I see. Well, my auntie's adopting her into her clan, so I guess we can get her to take it."

"Well, let me know when she's recovering enough to see people, there's a lot of folks want to thank her."

Akane looks at him. "…Really?"

"Oh, yes. She's generated a lot of goodwill. I'll be glad to pass along good tidings, people kept asking after her."

Akane's smile is wide. "Kanazawa-san, I have an idea…" She leans in and starts describing it and he lights up.

"I think we can do that, Tendou-san."


Ranko sits against the wall of the dojo, watching Soun teach. She'd never seen this in all the time she'd been Ranma; but then really, in that version of the world he'd died about the same time his wife had. Here she's watching the younger class and she sees what a waste losing his wife made of him.

Soun is good. And she knows it. She would be too if she weren't recovering from starvation and her ki levels weren't catastrophically low.

He's not just good at the Art, he's a good teacher as well. The kids are eager, willing to learn and he supports them. What interests Ranko is how Kimiko helps out or occasionally, Akane.

Soun doesn't seem to have the attitude that a girl can't teach or take the Art seriously he had in the old world (she suspects Kimiko might have killed him otherwise), and it's clear Akane is much, much better than she was. Well, she reasons, it was less that a girl can't practice the art so much as inherit the school.

She wonders what happened to Happosai here for a moment before realising she doesn't care as long as he isn't around.

The children look at her and she grimaces to herself, looking away. She still looks a fright, she knows. It's kind of Soun to let her watch when she knows she's scary looking. A spectre, gaunt and emaciated.

She leans back, exhausted suddenly, and closes her eyes. When she opens them, it's to Soun gently shaking her shoulder and she blinks stupidly at him a moment, the fog in her brain eventually clearing.

"…Sorry." She says softly. "I fell asleep and I was supposed to watch…"

Soun smiles at her in a fatherly way, and with a pang she suddenly misses her own father terribly. Genma was hardly a good person, never mind a good father, but she can at least attribute most of his actions to well-meaning stupidity or selfish greed rather than outright malice. She wonders if Soun knows what happened to him in this world. Her mother won't tell her for now, she says to concentrate on getting better.

Ha. Getting better. Ranko knows she'll never really recover from what's happened to her. Yes, her body might fill back out until she looks like she used to but that stain on her soul, that black morass of isolation will never leave her. It haunts her even now, threatening to drag her into back into the pit of darkness.

It squirms in the pit of her spirit, writhing and disgusting and slippery.

She still finds it hard to care. What's the point? Once she's physically better and discharged her promise to Akane, she can find a hole no one will ever find her in and wait for the end then. Maybe then she can atone.

She belatedly realises Soun is talking to her and drags herself back to the present. She blinks and he shakes his head, then helps her to stand.

"My apologies." She says in her quiet voice, "I drifted away a moment again. What did you say, Tendou-san?"

Soun smiles at her again. "Call me 'Uncle', Ranko-chan. And I said that I cannot wait to see you spar when you're better. Akane told me she's seen you move so fast."

Ranko sighs. "Perhaps Ten- Uncle." She mumbles. She totters towards the door, legs still weak even after the time she's recovered and Soun follows on, sighing as she nearly falls over.

"Perhaps you should watch the next class before heading inside, Ranko-chan." He says gently. He pulls a cushion out, setting it against the wall and lets her sit on that so she's at least comfortable. He also pulls a large towel to cover herself with.

She leans against the wall and closes her eyes. A moment, an eternity later she opens them to see children filtering in – a younger group than the last one, kids about six. She sees Kimiko and Akane make their way into the dojo, Akane first walking over to Ranko and sitting by her, taking her hand and squeezing it once. Ranko doesn't say anything back, but she at least nods to Akane. A small bottle is pressed into the redhead's hands – it's been filled with that sweet drink she's been given lately.

Kimiko looks over and has a short discussion with Soun, shaking her head, but Ranko's distracted by an excited voice before she can overhear.


A black-haired, blue-eyed blur runs over and throws its arms around Ranko

"M-Miki-chan?" Ranko asks in her quiet voice and the little girl nods from where she's wrapped her arms around Ranko.

"Yes! You look sick, Ranko-nee-chan, are you OK?"

Ranko looks helplessly at Akane who smiles gently at the little girl. "Miki-chan, was it? Ranko-chan's been sick, but she's getting better."

Miki looks at Akane from where she's buried her head in the crook of Ranko's neck and her eyes widen.

"Are you Akane-san?"

Akane looks taken aback a moment, but then she nods. "I am."

Miki brightens. "Ranko-nee-chan told me all sorts of stories about someone named Akane!" She beams and then asks in a loud whisper, "Is she your girlfriend?"

Akane goes bright red as Ranko blinks. They both clear their throats and stammer answers until Miki's mother comes across. She smiles at the redhead in warm surprise.

"Ranko-san, I didn't expect to see you here. Thank you again, so much, for looking after my Miki."

Ranko's eyes flick from the little girl still hugging her to the girl's mother and nods. Miki stands and wanders over with Akane at Soun and Kimiko's call for the class to get to order.

"You're welcome, Ogino-san." Ranko says. Her head cants to one side. "Why did you come here today?" She asks, watching as Miki warms up in a tiny and cute gi, along with the rest of the class.

"I wanted Miki to learn to defend herself, and she was rabbiting on about martial arts after she met you." Miki's mother laughed, "She was very taken with your stories. When I saw the name 'Tendou Akane' on the list of assistants I knew it had to be this dojo. You really inspired her with all those stories, Ranko-san."

Rank blushes. "O-oh." She says. "I don't think I did all that much, Ogino-san."

"Please," Miki's mother says, "Call me Kaname."

"…I only looked after her for a night, Kaname-san." Ranko says, leaning her head back and closing her eyes. "She wasn't any trouble."

"Well, you left an impression. I kept looking for you, you know?"


"Because, Ranko-san, you seemed very alone, and you were obviously starving. And you aren't doing too well are you, even now?"

Ranko sighs. "I am… recovering slowly. I don't know why she rescued me, but I was so close to being done."

Kaname is silent for a short while before leaning back and watching her daughter go through katas with Akane. Ranko watches her friend move and the martial artist in her approves of how gentle and yet strict she is with the younger, promising students.

"I've been where you are now, Ranko-san." Kaname admits quietly. "Perhaps not as far, perhaps not as deep into the despair but I have been at that point where it just seemed better off I wasn't there."

Ranko looks over in shock. "What?"

"Miki's father was… Is… not a nice man. He played mind games. Liked to destroy people, reduce them. I think the sick waste of a man found that power intoxicating. He did it to me, and then at the worst possible time, with Miki a toddler, he beat me and left us." Ranko reached over and took Kaname's hand in her tiny, now-bony one at seeing the unshed tears standing there in Kaname's eyes as she thinks on old pain. "I don't just tell anyone, but you rescued my baby. I can recognise when someone is in that same, dark place; and you took care of my daughter for no reward save the work itself."

Ranko shrugs. "I don't do things for a reward. I don't deserve rewards, doing such things is just the right thing to do before I go." The matter of fact tone in which the red-haired girl says it cuts deep into Miki's mother.

Kaname sighs. "I nearly ended it so many times but… I'd look at Miki. So innocent. So small and yet full of nothing but love for me." She says, watching her daughter move with a smile. "And… You don't have a child. Not yet, but you have your friend there. She cares for you."

Ranko sighs. "For all the good it brings. All I do is cause pain."

"I used to think that too. And it's a hard pit to climb out of." Kaname smiles at Ranko. "But I just think of living for Miki. And for me, living for myself took time, and it slips sometimes. But you can heal."

Ranko pulls her knees to her chest. She doesn't say anything, but Kaname takes her hand and squeezes it. "Think on that, Ranko-chan." She says gently, squeezing the hand again. Ranko doesn't reply but she does uncoil again and start drinking from the bottle Akane had brought to her.

Kaname purses her lips as she recognises what the fluid is, one designed for children who were recovering from starvation. Ranko finds a card in her other hand and looks at it. It has the phone number and address of Kaname's house.

"You're welcome any time, Ranko-chan." Ranko looks up at the second time the honorific changes and Kaname smiles at her. "And you can even bring your girlfriend." Her eyes twinkly.

Ranko starts and then goes as red as her hair. "She isn't my… I-I mean, we're n-not… Um… I d-don't des…" She sighs softly, looking down, and then looks back up. "Y-you don't… mind that I l-like her? I kn-know people are f-funny…"

Kaname shrugs with a smile. "Miki's stepmother is a lovely woman. She really helped me to pull myself out of the hole I was in. What I'd do without my Akemi-chan I don't know." She winks conspiratorially at Ranko. "Maybe when those magical girls get the marriage law through the Diet they're trying to do, we'll be able to marry as a double ceremony?"

Ranko blushes. "I-I…"

Kaname pats her hand. "She cares for you a great deal, Ranko-chan. And I know you do her. But here's some advice I think might help. Talk with her about it, but don't do anything while you're recovering physically. You need to focus on getting better."

Ranko sighs. "I'll… I'll try, Kaname-san." She says as her head leans back and exhaustion overtakes her again.

She misses the class ending, and the tiny arms that squeeze her, and a tiny kiss on her cheek wishing her goodnight.

Waking up with her head on her mother's lap in the family room, Ranko blinks stupidly a moment before her mother gently shakes her and asks if she wants a bath.


Ranko sits on the stool in the furo, staring blankly at the wall while her mother gently scrubs her back.

"Ranko dear, it looks like your skin's getting better." Nodoka comments as she runs the cloth down. She doesn't comment on the ribs, still standing out so starkly, or the hips, or that there are still sores and blotches.

She doesn't mention how scared it makes her when Ranko just stares at nothing, her mind lost somewhere dark and cold and terrible. She's always scared that wherever she goes in her mind, Ranko won't come back, won't come home. That or can't.

Nodoka bites her lip to choke back a sob. Her daughter, her baby is so thin and broken and she doesn't know what to do. She feels like a failure, even though rationally she knows it isn't her fault.

Ranko hears the choke and turns, seeing tears running down her mother's face. She feels guilt. Guilt for doing this to herself, guilt that her mother suffered for her. What kind of daughter is she, to inflict such pain?

More examples of Cologne being right.

She tries reaching for her mother but only manages to slip off the stool. When her mother doesn't move, she struggles onto her knees and moves to embrace Nodoka, though it's more akin to slumping over her. Why is she so weak, still?

"Don't cry, Mother." She pleads. "Don't. You shouldn't cry."

Nodoka pulls in great heaving sobs and wraps her arms around her daughter, burying her face in Ranko's hair. "I f-failed you."

Ranko's head shakes. "N-no Mother, I failed m-me." She says, shuddering. "I-I'm… I'm so sorry."

Nodoka holds her as they both sit in the bath. Part of Ranko wonders if she's too old for this kind of comfort from her mother, but the rest of her relishes the closeness. They don't speak until Nodoka hesitatingly cups Ranko's chin and lifts her daughter's eyes to meet her own. She takes in a deep breath and prepares for a potentially bad fight with her daughter.

"Ranko, I'm going to take you to a friend of Toufu-kun's, okay?" Nodoka asks. "She's… a therapist. I think she'll… she'll be good for you." Ranko looks away, shame in her face and Nodoka's grip tightens. Ranko's blues snap back to her mother's eyes. "There is no shame in needing help, daughter." Nodoka says softly. "And don't you think you need it?"

"But I don't des-" Nodoka's face tightens.

"Ranko, that is not for you to decide. Whether you are deserving of our love and our care or not is not your decision to make, nor should it be. Do I deserve love in your eyes?"

"Y-yes, but you're…"

"That's your judgement, is it not? I don't tell you I don't deserve your love, do I?"

"No… B-but… I f-failed…"

"Ranko." Nodoka's voice is firm, controlled, a hint of anger there. Ranko flinches. "You have failed no one. What you have done is selfless. So very selfless and so very stupid. But it's done, and you cannot take it back. You can continue to wallow in the regret, or you can try to move forward. The choice is yours, but wallowing will only push everyone away."

Ranko heaves a long sigh. She knows her mother won't be swayed. "Yes, Mother." She says in shame. "I'm sorry."

Nodoka brushes her hair from her face. "Don't be sorry, dear." She smiles. "Get better. For me if not yourself. I love you."


Tendou Akane isn't a stupid young woman. She's not a meathead as her next older sister implies about martial artists. She considers herself clever enough to work hard and get excellent grades.

Piece by piece she's trying to put together the puzzle of Ranko. The photos, the album, Ranko's odd connection to her, how neatly she seems to slot into the household, as if she'd been there before for enough time to become part of the furniture. Part of the spirit of the house.

And what she'd overheard during the reunion of her Auntie Nodoka and Ranko…

"My baby, I forgot you, everyone forgot you, how could we? Why did you do it?"

She's starting to think that something in the world had changed, something big, or someone had made everyone forget the redhead. She doesn't know how anyone could – when she'd first met Ranko she'd realised that the girl was something special. Especially with that hair, and again there was that connection.

She knows whatever happened must have been self-inflicted. Ranko's mumbled, delirious words when she rescued her clued her in on that. And in the hospital, thinking on it.

"I made my wish, and I gave being a person up."

Akane isn't Nabiki. Her older sister is like a dog with a bone when a mystery arises, and she wouldn't leave it alone. But Akane pays attention and she has information Nabiki does not. Akane's thought processes are a little slower, more patient than her elder sister's, and she listens. She has to after learning the lessons young from her mother. She can still be impatient, but Kimiko had tempered that with thoughtfulness.

She surmises her thoughts as she's pumping iron that night. "We know Ranko. She knows us. Auntie Nodoka is definitely her mother, especially by blood, but we don't know who the father is unless it's her ex-husband."

She makes a few reps before dropping the weights to the floor of her room and lying back on her bed. Ranko had gone to take a bath, and when she imagines it, she doesn't imagine the current version of her friend, emaciated, gaunt, but healthy and beautiful and… Akane shakes her head. Fantasising isn't productive right now, even if it's very tempting. She blushes and moves her thoughts along.

"Ranko made a wish. She says she made a wish and gave being a person up. So that wish made her no longer exist as a person? Auntie Nodoka didn't lie about her miscarriage, but someone can't just… materialise out of thin air." She pauses. "Then again, I didn't think someone could make a wish and erase themselves so…" Akane mumbles to herself. "So, the question is… why? Why do something so drastic?"

She can't think of anything that would be worth the price, or that would cost that to begin with. Ranko paying that price she can absolutely see happening, even if it wasn't obvious that it had happened. All she has to do is think back to that little girl Ranko had rescued, Miki-chan. Miki had said that Ranko had given her a big okonomiyaki, and she'd not eaten any for herself. That parsed in with what Akane had already seen – Ranko's self-worth was less than nothing, and she'd give anything of herself to someone else because she felt she deserved it less.

Stumped, she stands up and walks downstairs to see if the furo's empty as right now she really needs a bath. She'd gone a bit overboard with the training this afternoon, needing to process her thoughts. Akane always thought better when working out.

She does like Ranko, she knows that, she feels it. But she knows how badly damaged Ranko must be.

Her father is right, she needs to go into anything with Ranko with her eyes open, and that includes the damage that seems to have cracked the redhead's heart more than it already was when she first met her.

Stripping her clothes off outside, she slides the door open to see Ranko and Nodoka in the bath, Ranko sleeping in her mother's arms. The amount of time Ranko spends out of it worries Akane frantic. Surely by now she'd have more energy? It's been a few weeks.

Maybe it's something to do with her ki?

Nodoka looks up and presses a finger to her lips but indicates the bath. "Room for one more, Akane-chan." She whispers.

Akane flushes, but she's used to sharing the baths with her family, so she cleans herself down on the stool before slipping into the bath on the other side from Nodoka and her daughter.

"Her skin's looking a bit better." Akane says softly.

"Yes, though she's always tired and still semi-catatonic half of the time." Nodoka looks at the girl sadly, her eyes full of love and worry. "Soun told me she zoned out several times in the middle of a conversation, as well as when watching you assist him with teaching earlier. I'd hoped that most of that was behind us but…"

Akane sighs. "I think… we'll have to let her find herself at her own pace, Auntie."

Nodoka smiles and nods. "Yes. Well, you'll have to forgive me for being a little impatient for my child to be well again dear." Ranko stirs slightly and Nodoka reluctantly lets the barely-coherent girl sit against the wall on her own, blue eyes staring at the opposite wall, not seeming to see anything. "I've told Ranko about sending her to Mitaka-sensei. I assume Soun and Kimiko have advised you it's best you go along too?"

Akane nods. "Yeah. I've been thinking – even if I don't need therapy myself, Mitaka-sensei can help me deal with Ranko in the best way to support her."

Ranko looks over at Akane, then back to the wall. Her gaze narrows in thought. "Thank you." She eventually says, closing her eyes for a moment, then stands shakily, stepping out of the tub and picking a towel up.

Akane tries not to stare and instead focuses on the wall. Her idle fantasy from earlier pops up in her head, but she squashes it down and is reminded how bad Ranko still is physically when she catches sight of how thin she still is.

"You're welcome." Akane manages after a few moments of awkward silence. "You'd do it for me."

Ranko nods and manages to get out of the furo and dress in her nightgown. The red-haired girl puts her head in, staring at the wall a little to the left of Akane's head. "I'm going to bed. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Ranko-chan." Akane says, smiling at her friend.


I'm not sure when the next chapter is going to be, but happy halloween!

Madoka references like woah! (Also kind of accidental too)

I'll be working on a NaNoWriMo project for most of November up to 18/11 (hopefully finishing by then) and then likely busy at least a week with FFXIV: Endwalker but I'll see about updating isomething/i in that time.

As always, comments and yelling at me feed the needy idiot at the keyboard that is me!
Chapter 14 - The Lion Roars
Chapter 14 - The Lion Roars

I fall asleep and dream a dream,
I'm floating in a silent scream.
No-one placing blame on me,
But nothing's what it seems to be, yeah.

Nothing's what it seems to be,
I'm a replica, I'm a replica,
Empty shell inside of me,
I'm not myself, I'm a replica of me.

-"Replica" by Sonata Arctica


Ranko sits in the dojo, once again watching Akane practicing her kata. She smiles softly to herself at the sight. She's lost in a semi-daydream about her muscular friend when a familiar, ear-splitting laugh fills the air.

"Ohohoho! What do we have here?!"

Ranko's immediately on edge and she stares at the entrance to the dojo to see Kunou Kodachi standing there in her leotard, though for once not surrounded by rose petals.

She's surprised to see the girl here, though she guesses Akane must have fought against her in that match before.

"My my, Akane-chan, who is this?" She asks, looking to Ranko who stays leaning against the wall, watching her warily.

"Hey Dacchi." Akane says, a smile on her face. Wait, a smile? Ranko's heart leaps in a feeling she remembers as jealousy. "This is Himura Ranko-chan."

Himura. Her mother's name. Ranko's thrilled to have a family name again. Kodachi looks her over.

"Ah, so this is the beauteous young woman that has found your favour?" She 'hmm's and looks Ranko over. "Alas, she does not look like much, but I imagine she will fill out?"

Akane nods. "She's recovering."

Ranko manages to stand after some moments convincing her legs to work and she gives a bow once she's standing. "I am Himura Ranko." She says in her quiet, still-disused voice. "I am pleased to make your acquaintance."

"Please, darling, the pleasure is all mine. I am Kunou Kodachi. I had wondered who had pulled dear Akane-chan's attentions so far from victory that I scored some easy wins sparring in the last months. Now I see why!"

Akane grimaces and then shakes her head at Kodachi. "I let you win, Dacchi, you know that."

"Bah, excuses!"

Akane motions to Kodachi. "This is Dacchi." She says, then sighs. "She's my ex-girlfriend."

"Pish, Darling, I hardly think four dates enough to have considered us real girlfriends." Kodachi says. Ranko watches them in shock. Kodachi and Akane? "We kissed once. Now I pursue my darling White Lily."

Kodachi nods to Ranko who smiles uncertainly.

"We met during a Martial Arts Rhythmic Gymnastics fight she was substituting for and started to talk after. Akane-chan helped me see the better ways of fighting with honour and letting my skills rather than defaults speak for me. I on the other hand, taught her some important lessons about being underhanded, especially with her school's martial arts techniques." Kodachi laughs. "We tried dating however…"

"It didn't really work." Akane admits. "I don't know, we both felt like something was missing."

Ranko nods. "I see…" She says. She sits back down, tired again.

"Now you might want to be showing off for your new girl, perhaps you'd deign to a spar?" Kodachi asks hopefully. Akane grins.

"Bring it on, Dacchi."

"And don't think I'll go easy on you so you can look good in front of your new girlfriend!" Kodachi announces, unlimbering her ribbon.

Ranko scoots a bit further away.

The fight is nothing like she'd have expected, and it's clear from the get-go that it's a very friendly match. Each of the two girls point out flaws in the other's stance or movement as they do so, complimenting hits and commiserating losses.

Ranko's never seen this sort of friendliness between the two of them and for a moment, the old despair strikes her as she realises this is another thing that's better because she was never here.

And even now she is here, she's just a faint reflection of that person she was, with no history, no life. Still just a jibakurei hanging around. More of a walking-talking corpse than she had been before the wish.

She tries not to let the slithering thoughts cross her mind, but she can't stop them, can't stop the way the world greys and the black morass drags her down into the spiralling darkness.

"-ko. Ranko!" She blinks and jerks back to lucidity to Akane and Kodachi looking down at her in concern.

"…Apologies." She says.

Akane and Kodachi exchange worried looks. "You were catatonic, almost." Kodachi says. "Are you… alright, darling?"

Ranko looks at Akane, and then down. "No. I should recover soon though, and I will be out of your way then."

Kodachi blinks and then looks at Akane again. "What are you talking about, darling? You aren't in my way at all. You do concern me, however." She ponders a moment. "We should be friends. I think that will help you." She nods. "No one who is my friend has yet told me that it is a bad thing for them, so it can only be a good thing to be friends with me." She laughs, a hand over her mouth and Ranko manages a small smile at the familiar display, robbed of its usual malice by the twinkling in Kodachi's eyes that she knows exactly how stupid the laugh is.

"There we are." Akane says, helping Ranko back to her feet. "You've made another friend, Ranko-chan."

Ranko nods and bows to the two of them. "I-I… need to take a nap." She says softly. "I will l-leave you to your spars."

Akane looks worriedly after the petite redhead and Kodachi puts a hand on her shoulder, squeezing comfortingly.

"Come on, Akane-chan. Let's spar. She's clearly a private girl and some pains we should keep to ourselves." Kodachi smiles as if remembering something. "Sometimes we have to look inside at the bottom of our souls and for me at least it is always a very private and solitary affair."

"I guess…" Akane says, shaking herself and moving away, into a ready stance. Unlike Kodachi, she has a pretty good idea of what lurks in the bottom of Ranko's soul and it scares her to death. What if one day she can't pull Ranko back into the land of the waking?


Ranko manages to get to the room she shares with her mother now and sits cross-legged on the floor. She feels exhausted just from that walk, and she can feel something green and heavy flickering around her in her aura, stopping her from properly working with her ki. She takes a long breath and brings up a ball of ki, not putting any specific emotion into it. It fizzles and pops over her hand, but she knows that the sickly green colour is not normal. Normal, pure ki is a blueish white.

Hers is a vivid, putrid green with black mixed in. Even just hovering over her hand it feels like it weighs heavy. Shaking her hand, she dismisses it and thinks for a few minutes on what she felt and saw.

Standing, she looks around, finding a coat that Akane had brought home for her, and donning it. She walks down the stairs, stopping at the bottom to see Kasumi about to head up them.

"Ranko-chan." The eldest sister says. "Are you off out?"

Ranko nods. "Y-yes, onee-chan. I'm going to go to a park. I feel cooped up. I need some air."

Kasumi looks concerned. "Are you going to be alright by yourself?"

Ranko nods in what she hopes looks like confidence. "I shouldn't be long." She says, slipping into her outdoor shoes. Kasumi nods and watches her go; lips pursed. She doesn't know Ranko well enough to know if the girl was lying, but she is keeping secrets. Deep ones, and that bothers the eldest sister.

A girl Ranko's age should be worrying about what boys (or girls in her sister's case) she's interested in, in finishing school, in growing as a person. Not having to recover from starvation, not having to be lost in the darkness of her own mind.

Ranko shuffles along the road, looking down at the floor. She wonders something – is her ki being blocked? She remembers times when Ryouga's depression had blocked all his channels. It had taken a good fight to clear them, to remove that greasy green ki and let him recover what he had.

She should have started generating ki at her usual rate by now. It's not the first time she's starved. Perhaps not quite so close to the end, but certainly Ranma had definitely had times where food was scarce. Or stolen by Genma. And he recovered quickly.

Ranko might not heal as fast as Ranma, but she knew her ki should recover faster as it was something she'd noticed before her wish.

Unless she'd irreversibly broken something inside over the past three months.

Shaking her head, she turns into the large empty lot she'd hoped to find Ryouga at before everything became twisted and dark.

She looks around and sees no one there. Perfect.

Ranko concentrates and a sticky green, dark ki ball manifests in her hands before she aims them to the sky. "Shi Shi Hōkōdan!" She yells in her breathy voice, the rusted parody of what it once was, and the ball of ki balloons as it flies into the air. She watches it arc, fascination and disgust on her face.

It'd been so easy. She doesn't contemplate her failing, she doesn't generate the aura, she just fires it.

Part of her knows how bad a sign that is. How deep the stain on her soul must be.

The sickly, glowing ball finishes its arc, the size of a car now and starts descending and she remembers that proper Shi Shi Hōkōdan is a technique where you hope it'll kill you too. She watches the ball come closer and closer and part of her wonders why she's not moving away from it.

Most of her just feels numb. What's the point? It's so easy now, stand still and all there'll be left of her is a stain on the ground. No body, no fuss, no more pain other than that of losing her.

She didn't come out here with the intention of it, but it's as good a way as she can consider, and something about firing the blast off wrenched something inside her anyway.

She's not as durable as Ryouga. It must have always done damage.

Oh well.

"Look out!"

She's tackled to the side as the ball slams into the ground with a rattling explosion of green, and bounces off the bench, landing in a heap.

Hissing as she sits up, she looks around dazedly as a familiar boy stands and looks down at her, face twisted in angry concern.

"What the heck was that, miss?!" Hibiki Ryouga yells at her. "You could've hurt yourself!"

Ranko looks down at the floor. She cradles one of her arms which seems not to be responding, but something in her feels clear. It darkens fast, but for a moment, she feels like she can think without it encroaching darkness into her mind. She feels like she can breathe again.

Ryouga kneels by her. "Are you OK? Oh, your arm." He sighs and pulls on a lead. A half-and-half dog runs properly over and hops onto Ranko's lap, licking her face. "Shirokuro, down girl!"

Ranko pushes the happy dog away with her working arm and Ryouga helps her to stand, though she leans on him.

"I'll take you to Great Grandmother." Ryouga says to Ranko. "She'll help you, I'm sure. I saw that move. I never managed to quite get it working, but it was the Shi Shi Hōkōdan, right?"

Ranko nods, not trusting her voice. Ryouga frowns.

"That you can use it at all is a bad sign…" He mutters. "Shirokuro, take us to Granny."

Shirokuro gives an 'awoo' and starts pulling on her lead, Ryouga following and supporting the dazed redhead.


They enter the Nekohanten, Ryouga still supporting Ranko. Shampoo and Mousse walk over, their faces like thunder.

"Who this hussy?" Shampoo asks jealously. Ryouga holds a hand up as he sees his husband and wife with looks on their faces that radiate displeasure.

"Someone I found outside while walking the dog. She performed the Shi Shi Hōkōdan and was about to get herself killed when I pushed her out the way. I think she's dislocated an arm and there's something funny about her ki."

The pair seem to relax, though Shampoo looks at Ranko with ire she only ever saw for someone else. She shivers as the lavender-haired girl helps her into a chair.

"Stupid red hair better not try steal Shampoo's man." She says quietly to Ranko, who looks at her.

"What?" She asks, genuinely confused.

"If you do, I-"

"That's enough, Great Granddaughter. You do realise you're speaking like that to one of the gods' chosen?"

"You said she just a Remnant."

"And you were here when that little goddess visited along with her sharp-tongued friend. Let's not invite trouble into the home, hm?"

Shampoo backs off with a half-hearted apology and Ranko winces.

"Now, what happened?" Cologne asks Ryouga.

He explains his side and Cologne rambles to herself in annoyed Mandarin as she runs her senses over Ranko.

"I-I'm fine. Really…" the redhead protests. "Toufu-sensei can fix my arm and I can go home…"

"No, girlie, you're not." Cologne says irritably. "Far from it. Looking at you properly, you've barely recovered from starving and your ki is still all burned out. Using Shishi Hōkōdan in your state, what on earth is wrong with you?" She grabs Ranko's arm and relocates it, then pushes a few bursts of her ki through it to speed up the healing.

Ranko looks down. "I'm sorry."

The wind seems to run out of Cologne's sails and the elderly woman takes a seat next to Ranko, for a moment looking exactly her age.

"No, child," the matriarch sighs, "I should be the one who is sorry. I never meant for you to take what I said the way you did. When I told you hanging around will bring nothing but pain… I meant it for you. It usually only brings a Remnant pain to be reminded they no longer have a place."

Ranko shakes her head. "And yet I still brought nothing but pain." She says in a small voice. "Everyone I know is so much better off with my never having existed. You, Shampoo, Ryouga, Mousse. Akane, her family, everyone. Even my own mother has had a better life for lack of me." Tears start falling from her eyes. "Am I such a curse on the world, great granny?" She sobs. "Am I so terrible a person than simply taking me out of the world makes everyone's lives better?"

"Ranko, I-" Cologne tries and then stops. She reaches across and pats the redhead's hand. "From what I have seen you are not a curse. The gods blessed you, they want you to live."

Ranko shakes her head. "B-but I don't!" She wails. "I just want to be done! I'm so tired of it. I can't eat properly, I can't sleep properly… All my mind does is drag me back down into the darkness. What kind of life do I even deserve?"

Cologne pats her hand again. "Ranko. What has happened, has happened. I'm sure you're aware, but you cannot take it back."

Ranko nods, looking down. "I'd make the wish again." She says quietly. "It's brought more joy than I thought possible. But I just… I'm tired, Elder. Everyone wants me to live but I can't understand why. Why can't they just let me go?"

Cologne purses her lips and sighs. "If people see worth in you, is that not their judgement to make? Your own estimation of your own worth does mean something, but you do not tell me what my estimation of your worth should be, you see?"

Ranko looks up. Then down at her hands. "…I suppose." She manages.

"I would advise some form of mind-healer, child." Cologne says, nodding. "They will not only help, but give you the tools to help yourself. You're a fine young woman, I think, and your chosen family like you. Your mother was frantic, and while I rail against girls who talk down to me, I understand when the gods get involved that things get complicated."

"…Mother is already sending me to one." Ranko says. "I don't know how she can even begin to help me. I feel like something in me is broken beyond repair."

"Nothing is beyond repair, Ranko." Cologne says to the redhead. "Sometimes it changes into something else, sometimes it can be fixed, sometimes it's fixed so its flaws show and prove how ephemeral things can be. In that way, no one is beyond repair, least of all you. You just need to learn to accept love."

Ranko's fists squeeze together. "I don't know how." She whispers.

"Then let the mind healer your mother has chosen show you how." Cologne advises.

A bowl of ramen is placed in front of the girl and she looks up to see Mousse smiling at her. "For you, miss. I apologise for my harsh look earlier. I and my wife are very protective of our spouse."

Ranko cants her head to one side quizzically. "Okay. Thank you."

He shakes his head. "Don't worry about it. Shān Pū will come around eventually, she's just the jealous and somewhat spoiled type."

Cologne cackles. "Second thoughts, son-in-law?"

Mousse chuckles at her. "No, honoured elder, simply the truth a husband must tell of his wife."

There's a splash and a shriek, and Ranko turns to see a tall woman standing, dripping wet, next to Shampoo, who has her arms folded. The girl has fluffy hair in a light, almost greenish brown, and as she stammers at the lavender-haired amazon, Ranko can see fangs in her mouth.

Her jaw drops open. It's Ryouga. She'd hoped he wouldn't have a Jusenkyo curse because he didn't follow her, but apparently he does. What surprises her more is when Shampoo grabs the tall girl's face, drags her down and kisses her thoroughly. Mousse sighs.

"Sorry, our spouse has a… curse I suppose it technically is."

"Jusenkyo?" Ranko whispers. Mousse and Cologne look at her sharply.

"Oh, you've heard of it?"

Ranko looks down. "Part of the price was its removal." She says. "I was cursed to turn into a boy." She wonders if she should tell of Ranma, but the curse won't be a problem for her anymore. It's technically not a lie.

Cologne shivers. "Sounds like you're glad to be rid of it, child." She says.

Ranko nods. "N-no one else has one, r-right?"

"Thankfully no, I kept the others away."

"That's good." Ranko says. Cologne smiles at her.

"I'm sure it is a fascinating story from your version of the world how someone like you came to be at Jusenkyo, but I think I will ask it later when you are less hurt and thinking more clearly."

"But I'm… I'm thinking more clearly than I have for ages." Ranko protests. Cologne holds her hand up.

"Child, you are not. The Shi Shi Hōkōdan unfortunately does affect you after. You probably understand that part of firing it is that you hope it kills you too. I have some elixirs that might help there. And I can see you are not generating chi properly. Though… there are no blockages…"

Ranko looks at her ramen. "I-I think the depression ki was blocking something. I feel… like it wrenched something."

Cologne nods and smiles. "Yes. Well, I have an elixir to help with that, but I will also try some pressure points. That should help get you jumpstarted – you should be recovering nicely by now."


Ranko enters the doctor's office nervously, looking back once to see Akane nodding at her. Ranko holds onto the door frame as she enters. She's still a little unsteady on her legs, though nothing on a few days earlier. Whatever Cologne did after she fired the Shi Shi Hōkōdan has helped to kickstart her ki generation.

She still loses herself often, though.

"Ah, Himura-san, welcome." Mitaka-sensei says, smiling at Ranko. "Please, have a seat."

Mitaka-sensei, it turns out, is a motherly-looking, middle-aged woman with black hair streaked with grey in a prim bun, a pale blue blouse, white slacks and a white cardigan over that. Half-moon spectacles sit on her nose and she nods, appraising the redhead as Ranko makes her way across the small office to sit down. Mitaka-sensei shuffles some of her paperwork as Ranko takes a seat in one of the comfortable chairs across the desk from her. There's something about her that reminds Ranko of Cologne. Some magic hanging around her. Her red-framed glasses have beaded strings around her neck.

"Hello, Mitaka-sensei." Ranko says politely.

"I suppose you do know why you're here?" Mitaka-sensei asks Ranko.

Ranko looks down. "Only th-that I'm broken."

Mitaka-sensei smiles at her gently. "Oh, broken is very much an extreme thing to say. Hurting, damaged, perhaps, but you're here to talk. And hopefully, to heal and find ways to deal with the hurt that a physical doctor can't heal."

Ranko squirms. "O-oh. I d-don't…"

"Why don't we start with telling each other about ourselves, hm?" The doctor leans forward and smiles gently at the redhead. "I'm Doctor Mitaka Hiromi. I have a doctorate in psychology and specialise in therapy for patients with severe trauma and self-esteem issues. I'm a licensed therapist and I have a dog, a Spitz named Wan Wan."

Ranko blinks. "A dog named Wan Wan?"

Mitaka-sensei laughs. "Yes. Well, my young niece named her. And now it is all she answers to."

Ranko giggles, some of the tension leaving her shoulders and Mitaka-sensei leans forward again. "Well, Himura-chan, it's your turn."

Ranko looks at the floor. "I… Don't know i-if you'll b-believe me." She says in a small voice. "It's… a v-very complicated story involving magic and… I have no e-evidence except myself…"

Mitaka-sensei clasps her hands together and leans back, that same kindly smile on her face. "Whether I believe you or not is not what we will be discussing, Himura-chan." She nods. "I am versed in some magical things as it is – one doesn't become a therapist covering Nerima or Juuban without understanding that the world can be… strange."

"Th-this is… extra strange." Ranko says quietly.

Mitaka-sensei sighs. "Himura-chan…"


"Ranko-chan. I'm not here to judge, I'm here to listen and then help you. Part of that will be teaching you to help yourself, but I cannot work without knowledge, as a painter cannot work without paint. Or…" She looks to the door outside which Akane and Nodoka wait, "A martial artist without katas."

Ranko nods. "O-oh… W-well."

"Please do tell me. Leave nothing out you think I need to know. I don't need every detail, but I will need at least the bare bones outline. While you talk, I want you to tell me what happened, and try to think how you felt. I won't ask that until later, though, so just think about it, OK?"

Ranko nods, takes in a deep breath and then starts her tale.

A brief sketch of her life as Ranma, the wispy and almost-ethereal memories she has. She looks up as she freely confesses that the body she inherited was originally male, but Mitaka-sensei just gestures for her to carry on without any questions.

It's good she was only asked for bare bones. With everything that's happened, her memories of her time as Ranma are even more foggy, but she sketches his life. The road. Martial arts. Dojos.

China. Jusenkyo. The Amazons.

Nerima. The Tendou Dojo.

Akane. Ryouga.

Shampoo. Mousse. Cologne.

Fights and adventures and chaos and horrors. Frustration and malleting and everything boiling, boiling.

Then she describes the fall, the rock, and then waking as herself. Ranko coming to the fore.

Three weeks of being treated as a living corpse.

The bridge. Ryouga. Meeting her mother.

And then everything slowly falling into place.

Ukyou and Shampoo and Cologne.

And finally, Akane. And then the night they made up.

Ranko's mouth stops up. Her heart hammers in her chest as she stares at Mitaka-sensei.

Meeting Berry and Rachel. And then the wish.

Mitaka starts. "A Remnant." She says softly. She writes something on a notepad. Ranko looks at her.

"Y-you know of them?"

Her therapist nods. "I've met one before. It was not a pleasant experience."

Ranko looks down. "N-now you've met two."

Mitaka-sensei takes her glasses off, sighing. "I hope this will be a more pleasant time. You're a very charming young lady, so you already have a headstart. The last Remnant I met was less so."

Ranko shakes her head. "I'm… not. I'm not really worth talking to. I don't know why anyone wants me around."

Mitaka-sensei sighs. "Well, hopefully I can at least get you to see that. But please, continue your story."

Ranko takes in a breath and carries on.

The world, changed. Empty of her. Seeing Kasumi, seeing Nabiki.

Seeing Akane.

She can't help but gush about this Akane. How brighter she is. How much less angry – still bad tempered at times, still quick to anger and quicker still to forgive. But so, so much happier for her mother being alive. So much more complete.

Ranko sounds proud as she describes the girl and the differences.

"I would pay any price again for that alone." She says to Mitaka-sensei.

Then she describes realising she had no home. No place. No money, no food, no ID. She didn't exist.

Having to sleep in various places outdoors. Not eating. Akane's attempts to constantly help her. Sayuri and Yuka.

She describes in a small voice about finding Ryouga, Shampoo and Mousse. She describes the defeat she felt when she realised one potential plan was gone with Ryouga married.

She stops a moment. And then she starts to describe what she'd told Cologne earlier in the week. How everyone is better off for her never having existed. For Ranma never having existed. How everything is brighter, less broken, less chaotic.

How she feels like she's a blight on everything, her ruinous touch rusting everything around her, tarnishing all.

The world is brighter without her, she tells Mitaka-sensei. Everyone better off for her absence. No matter what people say, the evidence is there. It can't be refuted.

She describes meeting Cologne and the advice she was given. Advice she took wrong, advice that she knows Cologne did not mean how she took it, but she still feels is true. Can't stop feeling is true.

Running away, and finally going to see her mother.

And her mother not recognising her.

Some of that heartbreak comes back, making her feel cold and alone. She tries to describe it, tell the kindly woman how she felt but her throat closes up as she chokes back her sobs. Mitaka-sensei offers her some tissues and she eventually manages to calm down to carry on.

She goes over three months alone. Besides the things she did for people in the district, it isn't much to say. How do you describe three months of solid isolation and starvation?

She describes the last fight and falling unconscious, waking up in Akane's arms. How since then Akane has taken care of her.

How unworthy she feels and how much she's sick of living.

How much she wants to just die but no one will let her.

When she's finished, Ranko curls onto herself in the chair she sits in. Mitaka-sensei leans back and closes her eyes.

"That's… quite the tale." She says quietly.

Ranko shrugs, curled into her miserable ball. "It is what happened."

"I believe it." The therapist says sadly. "But it is still extraordinary even by Neriman standards."

Ranko nods.

"Still, I can see roots for things even in that, and we can work on getting you better. Do you feel a little calmer now you've told someone everything?"

Ranko looks up. "I… suppose I d-do." She says, probing her emotions.

Mitaka-sensei nods. "Good. It doesn't help to bottle things up. Still, it is a large amount to unpack." She indicates the pages of notes she's taken. "I think we'll talk about much of this at a later session. For now, I think we're out of time."

Ranko sighs. "I don't feel any better." She mumbles. "Just more calm."

Mitaka-sensei smiles at the girl. "These things take time, Ranko-chan. It isn't a fast process, the same as healing a cut or broken limb. All healing takes time, whether it is in the mind, body or spirit. As your injuries likely cover all three, don't be disheartened if you don't feel all better so quickly."

Ranko nods morosely. "I suppose so. I just thought…"

The therapist nods. "Well, I'd like to see you next week at the same time and we can go from there. I would like you to think about things that make you happy in the meantime. Make me a list and be prepared for some more in-depth questions next week."

Ranko stands up and bows. "I will. Thank you, Sensei."

Mitaka-sensei smiles. "Don't worry, Ranko-chan, this is my job, and my passion to help people. You said you were thinking about being a doctor once, too. I think you understand that same feeling. Now, when you come out, please send young Tendou-chan in." She motions to the door. "I'll see you next week."

Ranko bows again and exits the room, pondering her meeting.


A/N: So the therapist lady is a reference to "The Silent Horse" or at least her name is.

Also I've had plans for Ryouga to have a nyannichuan curse for like, forever. Someday I might even explain that three-way marriage.
Chapter 15 - Gold Lacquer and Cracked Pottery
Well, it's been a hot minute. Sorry about that, my muse dropped off considerably the past few months so my output's been really low. Still! I'm aiming to get all of my currently active Ranma fics completed before I start releasing more in that fandom!

However, here's the next chapter:

Chapter 15 - Gold Lacquer and Cracked Pottery

You can see the beauty in,
A dirty rain-lashed street,
Or a plan that goes nowhere,
You can make this town feel kind,
Though the buildings cry,

But you don't belong, don't belong.

- "Chase The Night Away" by Keane


The walk back from the therapist's office is mostly silent while Ranko ponders her own words and Akane doesn't feel like prying into it. Ranko's face is drawn and she' doesn't look happy. She looks tired. Well, more tired than usual given her issues sleeping. They weren't so bad when she was first recovering because she was usually too exhausted to dream.

Akane smiles at the red-haired girl, and she tries a watery one back, but it doesn't reach her eyes which are still cold and dead, even after a few weeks of recovery.

"Well, I hope it went well? I think it's good for me, at least." Akane tries.

Ranko makes a noncommittal noise, and then speaks in her breathy, quiet voice.

"Mmm. I… it brought a lot up. Memories." She sighs. "I… don't like memories."

"Facing them might be the only way to deal with them, Ranko."


Akane slides open the door to the genkan of their home, the two girls changing their outdoor shoes for house slippers. "Tadaima!" Akane calls, an echo welcoming them back coming from the family room and kitchen.

Ranko looks between the stairs and the family room, and plods to the bottom of the stairs.

Akane looks at her. "Don't forget dinner is a bit later, Ranko-chan. I'll come wake you if you don't answer us calling."

"Mmm." Ranko says, her eyes avoid Akane's own. "Sorry."

"Don't be sorry, get better." Akane unknowingly repeats Nodoka's words from a few days ago. "You can't enjoy life if you don't, huh?"

Ranko makes a defeated sounding noise, mumbling something to herself that's probably to the contrary.

Akane controls herself until Ranko's managed to stagger up the stairs, then walks into the family room where her mother and father are playing shogi, sits next to Kimiko and buries her face in her mother's shoulder, wrapping her arms around her mother. "I… I'm not sure I can fix her, Mom. I just…"

Kimiko puts her arms around Akane and sighs. "It's not your job to fix her, dear. It's the doctor's, you just need to support her."

"But it's so hard and she's so broken, Mom! She didn't tell me out loud she's just waiting to die, but I can see it in her face. Again! It's been weeks, and she's not starving but she still…"

"Daughter." Soun's rumbling voice interrupts her and she sniffles, looking up at her father. He looks at his youngest and his face softens as Kimiko pats her back gently. "Dry your tears and play with me."

Akane stares at her father. He's talking in his 'sensei' voice again, which stops her sniffling. Taking a moment to breath, she counts to ten and then she sits in front of him. The board is already set.

"I think," He says gently, "You're going about it wrong."

"Going about what wrong, Sensei?" Akane asks as Kimiko sits with Soun.

"Dealing with your friend." He says gravely, moving his pieces in response to hers. "You're trying to patch up the cracks, fill them in like we would the dojo or the house. Pretend they never happened."

Akane bristles but stays calm, moving her own pieces. "So? Isn't it helping?"

"I don't believe so. Ranko isn't a wall to be papered, painted, nor a wooden structure to be replaced with more wood." He looks at her to let her know he is very serious. "Ranko's damage extends so far through her that there really isn't hope of those working. Doing such repair work is worse than pointless."

Akane bristles further and the next tile is placed angrily. "Then what do you recommend, Sensei? Because it sounds like you want me to give up on her. I won't." She growls.

Soun shakes his head. "You misunderstand me, Akane." He says as he reaches under the board and sets down a bowl next to it. There's a beautiful pattern on it, painted, but it's marred by thick cracks filled in with gold. "This was your great grandmother's bowl. I broke it when I was a young lad, as young lads are wont to do. I was going to throw it away, but she made me repair it."

"You didn't do a very good job. The cracks are really obvious." Akane points out. Soun smiles.

"They are, aren't they? And yet, surely they add beauty?" He runs a hand along it. "Kintsukoroi. It isn't just a way to make art from broken things, it's a way to make them useful again. It's a way to make them show their beauty in their imperfection. And it's more than that, it's a philosophy."

Akane nods. "I'm not stupid, Sensei. You're trying to tell me that I shouldn't be helping her hide those cracks but… filling them in with something else."

Soun smiles. "Ever the fast learner." He nods, "She's like this bowl. Fragile. Broken. But she can be repaired, given time and effort. Simply gluing her together won't help, I think. Glue is only short-term. Lacquer, with gold works much better and the whole thing is stronger for it."

Akane shrugs. "But how do I know what to do? What do I use instead of trying to get her to move past the pain?"

Soun chuckles. "I have no idea, Akane. Only you two can really answer that, though I suspect that answer does lie somewhere within love. I've watched you two move around one another but you need to be less worried about breaking her."

Akane nods, as if to herself. "Fighting her depression, it's like… like fighting someone in a match. I need to understand it, first, don't I?"

Soun nods, a pleased expression on his face. "Indeed, daughter. You make me proud of your wisdom. I believe the first step to repairing your friend is to understand what happened. As long as there is such a big secret between you, starting anything would possibly be a poor idea."

Akane nods in thought, continuing the match against Soun. As always he cheats and she loses.

This time, she's too deep in thought to yell at him for it.


Ranko wakes, hunger gnawing at her belly immediately. She blinks confusedly, stupidly, fog in her brain, the same drilling pain in her head from weeks ago when…

She blinks and shivers. Cold. She feels cold, and as she sits up she sees an empty space. "No…" She says, her heart feeling fractured. "I-it wasn't… I don't…" Horror flashes through her, terror freezing her a moment. "N-No…"

She stands, walking on the boards of the hole she'd taken for her own, looking out the hole in the ceiling where the wind, cutting and cold, comes through.

She's alone. Was she rescued or was it just a fever dream from her dying? Was it just her imagination as her body and mind fire off as she tries to rest?

Ranko curls up on the filthy bedroll and holds the pyjamas to her chest, despair pouring through her. Just a dream. Rescue just a dream, just a vain hope while she waits to die again. Of course it was like this. Why else would it-

Rank's eyes snap open. Moonight filters in through the window of the room she's sharing with her mother, the folds of her mother's sleeves around her. She bites her lip, trying to keep the hiccoughing sobs down, burying her face in her hands and shuddering.

Nodoka's eyes flutter open and she rises to see the shuddering form of Ranko on her futon, still drowned by Kasumi's nightgown, even if she's started putting a little weight back on. She shuffles quietly out of her futon, slips under the covers of Ranko's and wraps her arms around the girl.

Nodoka holds Ranko closer to her, squeezing her daughter close and just holds the red-haired girl while she cries. She makes shushing noises, runs her hand through the loose red curls and quietly despairs. Ranko doesn't sleep well at all nowadays, if she ever had before all of this mess. She had been calming down somewhat from the night terrors she'd have but it seems like her appointment earlier today has brought everything back up.

Ranko quiets down eventually and Nodoka turns her daughter around, dries her tears and holds her close while she falls to sleep. Mercifully, Ranko usually sleeps better once she's had the first nightmare.

She lets some tears fall from her own eyes after Ranko's gone back to sleep, still fitfully, though at least more deeply than earlier.

She doesn't know what to do. Her baby, her daughter is broken in ways she can't really understand and there's nothing she can do but be there for her, even if it feels grossly insufficient.

She holds her closer, kissing the top of Ranko's head. All I have and more, for you, my daughter. Please don't leave me.


Akane, after seeing Ranko's haunted eyes and listlessness the next day, decides she needs to understand what happened to Ranko before she can even begin anything else. She'd ask the girl herself, but Ranko is stubborn and refuses to answer.

So she'll seek out other wisdom first, before presenting what she knows later to Ranko and demanding answers so she can complete them, rather than start.

Cologne is sweeping inside of the restaurant when that Tendou girl the Remnant left with returns sans her little companion.

"Good afternoon, child."

"Greetings, honoured Elder, I have questions and you seemed the right person to ask…" Akane says to her.

"Oho?" the elderly woman asks. "What can I do for you, child? Seeking answers about your remnant, hm?"

Akane shifts as she's guided to a seat and a hand pats hers as she folds them in her lap.

"Spit it out, child, a question unasked is a question unanswered."

"You call Ranko a 'Remnant'. Like it's supposed to mean something. Like there's a capital letter there." Akane blurts. "Wh-what does it mean?"

Cologne sits herself down, leaning her stick against the chair. "Are you sure you wish to know this from myself, rather than ask your little friend? This information will probably not make you happy."

Akane ponders a moment and then she shakes her head. "No, I don't think she plans on telling me. I've tried to speak to her about it and she just clams up."

Cologne sighs. "Very well. The simplest answer is to think about the meaning of the word. A Remnant is just that. A remaining part of a world now gone. They're rare, since the circumstances of their creation are also rare. Rarer still are people willing to pay the price and become one."

Akane cants her head to one side, pondering. "A wish."

Cologne nods gravely. "You have been listening, haven't you, child? Indeed. A wish, and all wishes have prices. Small wishes have smaller prices. Correspondingly, larger wishes carry larger prices. I will not share more with you, only this; the price a Remnant must pay is themselves."

"I don't understand, Elder. Ranko is still here. Still alive"

Cologne sighs. "And that is the cruel pain of the price. They won't die when they pay, not unless they do so on purpose or by accident. Rather their existence is used as fuel for the magic. Their history, their effect upon the world."

Akane nods. "So correspondingly the wish must be a much bigger wish than simply wanting an object or something to happen?"

"Indeed, child." Cologne looks tired after a moment. "Such wishes are rare. Not many would willingly pay the price, as I said earlier. Only those who either have little in the way of care for themselves, or are desperate."

Akane frowns. "I think I know which one Ranko is."

Cologne nods. "She thinks poorly of herself. Knowing as little of her as I have seen, even I can understand she does not think highly of herself. Now, armed with this knowledge, I suspect you are going to try to piece events together?"

Akane stands up and bows. "Yes. Thank you, Elder." She says. Cologne reaches out and takes Akane's hand in her gnarled one.

"You are welcome, child. Please pass my respects to your Remnant. And be aware – she is still fragile, even if she appears to be improving. But do not treat her with kid gloves. And you must also make sure what she wants and what you want line up."

Akane swallows. "I… I will, Elder. Thank you for the advice."

"Be well."

Akane makes her way out of the restaurant, pondering the information given and how it fits with what she's already figured out.


Ranko knocks on the door, and steps back, looking around uncomfortably. The house isn't anywhere near the size of the Tendou house, but that makes sense given property prices in Nerima. Rubbing her arms against the cold, she tries not to think about the itchy feeling of the jumper on her skin. It's still sensitive, prone to soreness and anything other than soft materials make the itching and sensitivity worse.

Kaname opens the door and smiles at the petite redhead, ushering her in to change into house slippers and to their family room where she pushes Ranko to sit under the warm kotatsu. "Th-thank you for inviting me, Kaname-san." She says when seated. "I'm sorry to be a bother."

"No bother at all, Ranko-chan." Kaname smiles at her and is joined by a serious woman with absolutely luxurious long, black hair and eyes that border on violet.

The woman bows to Ranko, her sharp eyes calculating as they look at the redhead.

Kaname motions between the two. "Ranko-chan, this is Akemi, my partner."

"Charmed." The woman says, bowing once.

"Akemi-chan, this is Ranko-chan, she's the girl who rescued Miki."

Akemi's eyes soften after that as she looks at Ranko. "Ah, the infamous Angel of Nerima." A slightly sarcastic, teasing smile briefly crosses her face as Ranko blushes at the epithet. She adjusts her glasses, the red square frames seeming a little out of place to Ranko's mind. "I expected you to be dressed as a ninja, with wings and a halo, from Miki's exaggerations. Thank you for looking after her, Ranko-san. Miki is very precious to us."

Akemi walks back into the kitchen, starting to prepare tea by the sounds of a kettle boiling.

"Ranko-nee!" Miki's excited squeal preludes to a cannonball of hyperactive child slamming into Ranko. Thankfully she's starting to recover more of her ki now and is able to take the hit, though she still staggers a little at the energy.

"Hello Miki-chan." She says to the excited little girl, who hugs close to her. Kaname smiles at the two of them.

"She's been waiting to see you for days, Ranko-chan. Says she hasn't seen you in the dojo when she goes for her lessons."

Ranko looks at the floor. "I have been… otherwise occupied, trying to understand something."

Kaname nods. "Fair enough, but she does like to see you."

Ranko blinks. She still can't understand someone actually wanting her worthless carcass around. It doesn't make sense, but that's one of the things that Mitaka-sensei has been speaking to her about.

"I… see." She manages after a moment. Kaname frowns but doesn't pursue it. The older woman pauses a moment, then coughs awkwardly.

"I am sorry to bring unfortunate things up, but are you still under a special diet? Are you still drinking that drink?"

Ranko shakes her head. "Only partly, and no more of the drink. I'm able to handle more calories now, but it is… difficult to eat much."

She wonders what her old family would think of her, being unable to eat more than a few mouthfuls at a meal still. Shock, probably. Disgust, too. Every time she leaves anything on her plate, she feels guilty for the work Kasumi and Kimiko have put into it. Nabiki seems almost hurt when she refuses any of the elder girl's snack offerings too soon after dinner, too, though she knows there's an understanding there of what's happened to her.

"-ko. Ranko-chan!" The voice cuts through her spiralling thoughts.

She shakes her head, brought back into the present. "…Apologies." She says softly. Miki cuddles close.

"Are you alright, Ranko-nee?"

Ranko pats her head gently. "I… am recovering, Miki-chan. I sometimes get lost in thoughts."

Miki smiles at her and nods. Akemi brings in tea and the family talks amongst itself, Ranko staying relatively quiet unless spoken to or asked a question.

Akemi and Kaname both look at each other several times, then at Ranko with worry when they think Miki isn't looking, but eventually the afternoon settles down.

"So Ranko-chan…" Kaname says, smiling at the girl. "When will you be going back to school?"

Ranko fidgets. "I don't know." She admits. "I am recovering but… until the doctors clear it, I'm staying home. It… I…" She pauses. "I don't exist on records, s-so Mother will need to help me get set up."

"You don't exist on records? Are you here illegally?" Kaname asks, and Ranko shakes her head.

"N-no, just… It is a long story, very long, but I paid a price for something."

Akemi nods. "Magic things, no doubt." She says. At Ranko's startled look, she smiles. "I was a magical girl, once upon a time. I'm aware of its existence."

"Mama Akemi was super duper amazing!" Miki enthuses. "But she doesn't want me to be one."

Ranko nods. "She's right. I know it can be lonely and dangerous. Martial arts is bad enough for the fighting, never mind introducing youma. Be a good girl, Miki-chan."

Akemi nods, looking Ranko over the rims of her red-framed glasses. "It never completely leaves you. Still, I do not regret having retired. It's a much younger girl's game."

"She got so powerful the youma stopped turning up to fights." Kaname stage-whispers. Akemi flushes, embarrassed and Kaname plants a kiss on her partner's cheek. "Still, better you be with us now."

Ranko smiles softly as Miki makes slight gagging noises and then a small giggle escapes the redhead's mouth.

The couple stop cuddling after a moment and stare at Ranko. Kaname shakes her head slowly. "You have a nice laugh, Ranko-chan. I wish we heard more of it."

Ranko blushes, looking down. "'Kay." She says. Miki pats her head a few times.

Eventually the afternoon is done with and Ranko bids the family farewell. She offers them a smile as she does; it's been a genial afternoon, and one she's enjoyed. As much as she loves living at the dojo, the combination of Nabiki's thoughtful staring, Kimiko and Nodoka's almost overbearing caring and Akane's watchfulness makes it difficult at times.

She walks along the road, watching the people around. Miki's family are nice, she thinks. Someday, she'd like a family like that. Akane as the 'father', herself as the mother – it isn't like it's not possible thanks to her knowledge of Jusenkyo.

She colours at the thought and then berates herself. She doesn't deserve to have Akane. Why would that kind, gorgeous and gregarious tomboy want Ranko?

She needs to finish recovering so she can leave. Her stay is already making complications for both of them.

Something in her gut squirms and twists. She doesn't want to leave and yet at the same time she must.

Entering the genkan of the dojo, she changes her shoes again, calling out "Tadaima!", being greeted by Nabiki's call.

Ranko enters into the family room to find the middle sister sitting and watching television. She's tired, so she sits down near to Nabiki, who nods to her. Ranko slumps against the wall and closes her eyes.

She hears Nabiki stand and exit the room, then return a few minutes later, apparently setting a tray down. The clink of ceramic indicates a teapot and cups, which is incredible since in her original world Nabiki wouldn't have lifted a finger to get tea for anyone but herself. Ranko lets out a slightly forlorn sigh.

"Rough day, huh?" Ranko opens her eyes to see an ice cream being waved in her face. "Come on, Ranko-chan, they said you were better equipped for some sweet treats now you're not literally dying of starvation. And dinner isn't for a few hours yet, you can eat it without a problem."

Ranko takes the ice cream and unwraps it. It's probably too cold outside for ice cream, but she has enough of Ranma still in her to love the sweet treat. This looks to be one of Nabiki's personal stash; the one her family leaves alone on pain of embarrassment. She takes a bite. It's definitely one of the strawberry and vanilla swirl ones with ruby chocolate on the outside.

Ranko closes her eyes at the taste and coldness, then wipes her eyes after a moment. Nabiki 'hmm's and bites into her own with a crunch.

"You're a complication, you know that Ranko-chan?" She asks conversationally.

"I-I'm… I'm sor-"

"I don't mean it in a bad way." Nabiki interrupts. "Before you go about blaming yourself for things outside your control. Akane's got a fire lit under her ass I haven't seen in months. Really wants to impress you – she said just the things you'd accidentally done showed your skill level in martial arts, and she wants to get to your level, I think."

"I'm… I'm not that…"

"Don't bullshit a bullshitter, Ranko-chan." Nabiki says, grinning at her. "I've seen how you move when you're not tired out from being starved. I've seen your photo album. Muscles like those don't just grow. And the stories I've heard about your time in the industrial district would make any shinobi proud."

Ranko flushes, but her heart jumps at the mention of the dark times when she was-

"Ranko!" Nabiki nudges her with an elbow and she shakes herself.


Nabiki sighs. "What are we going to do with you, hm?" She smiles to take the sting out of the words. "Well, marry you off to my little sister for one. Weddings always have the best snacks."

Ranko blushes brightly and Nabiki cackles. "Oh, you're easy to tease, Ranko-chan." She shakes her head and puts an arm around Ranko's shoulders.

Ranko's reminded again how different this Nabiki is. The old Nabiki wouldn't have been this jovial – she'd buried her real self in ice to stop the grief. Broken, in her own way, quite different from Akane's rage or Kasumi's carefully cultivated cheerful obliviousness.

This Nabiki shares her sweets with Ranko, who shouldn't be worth anything to her, and yet still cares. She finishes the ice cream, deep in thought, though Nabiki can tell she's at least aware.

"What's eating you, Ranko-chan?" She eventually asks. "I can practically see the steam coming from your head." She squeezes Ranko close. "Since you're gonna be a sister an all, I'll even give you the family 100% discount on sisterly advice, what do you say?"

Ranko's blush grows again and she looks down at her hands. "I… am pondering differences in the world." She says slowly. "From what I used to know."

"Like the world in your photo album?" Ranko nods. "So, you're what, a dimension traveller?"

Ranko shakes her head. "No. I just… things changed." She says evasively. "And I am still coming to terms with them."

Nabiki senses that's all she's going to get when Ranko shuts down again and eventually goes to sleep on her shoulder.

The middle sister's lips purse. She's heard Ranko crying at night when she's gotten up to go to the bathroom. She's heard the whimpering when Ranko tries to sleep and has nightmares and she's seen how fitfully Ranko dozes – is dozing right now.

She hates feeling powerless but isn't sure how to stop Ranko from having the nightmares short of stuffing her full of sleeping tablets.

Ranko's near-permanent eye bags are concerning, so it might come to that, she reasons, at least while the girl is recovering still.

Shaking her head, Nabikie drags the cushions over and sets the red-haired girl that's worming her way into Nabiki's heart in a comfortable position onto them, then covers her with a blanket and kisses her forehead softly.

"You'll get there, Ranko." She says quietly. "One day, you'll get to be whole again."

Nabiki looks up to see Kasumi looking into the family room and smiling proudly at her.


"Just proud of my little sister is all." Kasumi says.
Chapter 16 - Face to Face
Hey folks, Chapter 16 below. I'm also working on Vegas Rules again (I lost some interest in it before) so I'm hoping to get that wrapped up soon.

I do have to say I'm not really comfortable with it being called 'porn' in any way, as that feels like I'd be revelling in the sad bits and... I'm not. Sorry, it makes me a bit uncomfortable.

Chapter 16 - Face to Face
Here we are trying to mend all the broken hearts,
In a world where the pain is the fear.
Ain't no doubt there's a method to madness here,
Set your clock to the start of a brand-new year.

- "Face to Face" by Yes


Ranko follows Akane through the streets of Nerima, her mind a-whirl. Akane's setting a decent pace and she's having a little trouble keeping up. She's still so tired and cold. Even bundled up in a hat, gloves, coat and borrowed scarf from Akane isn't enough to keep it entirely at bay, and she shivers a moment.

Akane looks back and slows down slightly. "You OK?"

Ranko nods, rubbing her hands together. The chill of early winter is really starting to seep into her. "J-just cold." She says in her soft voice.

Akane takes her hands. "Oh, well then." She says, squeezing them and trying to push some warmth into the short girl's hands.

Ranko smiles sadly. "Where are we going? Or aren't you going to tell me?"

Akane taps her nose. "It's a secret, silly. You won't know until we get there!"

Eventually they move on, the air still chilly, until Akane stops in front of a small hall rented for gatherings.

"Are we going to a party?" Ranko asks.

"In a manner of speaking." Akane says mysteriously. "I didn't set it up, else it'd be in the dojo."

"O-oh." Ranko says, looking down. Probably something for Akane then.

She follows the taller girl into the main building, sighing as the warmth of the heaters washes over her, and they move towards a door. Akane takes her hand again. "Don't freak out, OK?" She asks.

Ranko nods confusedly as Akane opens the door to a wall of noise. The conversation stops as Ranko does, staring into the room. On the far side is a motley group of people, people she all recognises.

The people she helped during that time. At the forefront stand Miki, Akemi and Kaname, next to Officer Kanazawa and the others behind him, all smiling at Ranko. She blinks and looks to the side. Sayuri and Yuka are there, as are much of her and Akane's school class group.

Akane turns and smiles, taking Ranko's other hand in hers and squeezing them. "Surprise, Ranko-chan!"

"Wha-what is…?"

"It's a celebration, for you, o 'Angel of Nerima'." Akane says, smiling impishly at her. "After all, you did all those good deeds. You deserve recognition. All of these people agreed and once I was asked, I pointed Officer Kanazawa at Yuka-chan and Sayuri-chan, and they got the rest of the class involved."

Ranko stands, heart thudding. "B-but… but why?!" She asks, bottom lip trembling. "Wh-why do this for me? I just…"

"Rescued my baby girl and kept her safe." Kaname says, approaching. She bows to Ranko as Akane pulls the redhead into the room and shuts the door behind her. She lets go of Ranko's hand so Ranko can take the card held out to her in trembling hands. "I'm Ogino Kaname. Thank you."

A woman in the attire of an office lady approaches, bowing to Ranko and offering another envelope. "I'm Koizumi Azusa." She says in a warm voice. "I was being accosted by thugs, and you dropped them in front of me with no effort. Thank you, Ranko-san."

The next was a man in a suit. "I'm Tanaka Hiroshi. You stopped some muggers from taking me down a dark alley. Thank you." He says, "I don't know if I'd be alive if not for you."

Ranko blushes but shakes her head. Before she can speak, another envelope is pressed into her hands.

And so it continues. Everyone she helped during her stay in the industrial district; every person helped by the 'Angel of Nerima' comes up to her, personally thanking her.

A little boy thanks her for returning his action figure to her. A little girl, her dollie. Another little girl her Super Sentai figurine.

Office ladies, and salarymen and officers, shop owners and security guards. All thank her warmly, bow and give her an envelope. Akane has to set them in a pile on a nearby table.

Ranko is overwhelmed as the last stands back and they all clap for her.

Then her classmates come. Not all of them have a gift, but all of them greet her warmly and give kind words.

Tears are streaming down her face by the time the last of them; Akane's other two friends Asami and Hiroko, come before her she's sobbing. Akane holds her gently as she cries and pats her back.

"So, don't you see, Ranko?" She says. "You did so much good. You do so much good. You'd be missed, you know?"

"Yeah!" Yuka cheers. Hiroko nods.

"Definitely, Ranko-chan. Class 1-F sticks together!"

It takes a while for Ranko to calm down, in which time everyone in the room mingles a little. When Akane's managed to calm her down, Ranko wipes her eyes on a handkerchief Akane hands to her. Akane's smile is impossibly bright, and Ranko's heart flutters as she beholds Akane being proud of her work.

Akane beams at Ranko. "I told you that I'd find a way to show you that you're worth something." She says. "You should try to believe more in yourself. I know Mitaka-sensei is trying, but she can only tell you. I, on the other hand, as your awesome friend and official knight in shining armour, can show you."

Ranko wiped at her eyes and looks down. "Th-thank you." She says softly. Akane takes her hand and squeezes it.

"When you're feeling low, Ranko-chan, when you feel like you don't help the world – remember this night. Remember these people, okay?"

"I'll… I'll try." Ranko says. Akane stands, helping Ranko do the same.

"Best I imagine I'll get right now!" She grins, squeezing the redhead's hands. "Alright, go and mingle, Ranko-chan. Talk to all these friends."

Ranko moves away and Akane sighs softly, Yuka, Sayuri, Hiroko and Asami approach her.

"Is she alright?"

Akane shrugs. "She's… getting there. I'm hoping this helps her to pull out of her funk." She rubs the back of her head. "I think when she comes to school she'll have more to focus on than just sitting at home."

"When will that be, Akane-chan?" Asami asks. Akane shrugs.

"No idea." She says. "The doctors haven't yet cleared her fully, though she's definitely started eating more than she was and we've not had her on any special diet for a few days now."

Sayuri kisses Yuka on the cheek. "And how goes the wooing?"

Akane flushes bright red. "N-not happening!" She exclaims. "N-not yet. She's still recovering. I'm not going to complicate that if I can."

Hiroko shrugs. "Well, best stake your claim as soon as possible. Half the lesbians in school had heart eyes the first day she was here, not to mention the boys."

Akane nods. "I know, it's just… I don't think she'll be ready for some time."

Ranko, meanwhile, approaches Officer Kanazawa. "H-hello." She says, bowing. "Th-thank you for helping to organise this, O-officer."

"Please, Ranko-san. Akira is fine." Akira says, giving her a smile. "And really, I should be thanking you. We still don't have half as much trouble as we did before you cleaned things up."

Ranko flushes. "O-okay, Akira-san." She says.

"You're looking better." He says, kindly. "I was going to try and grab you to take home to my wife. She'd have fed you up, too." He laughs. "Still, Tendou-san has certainly done a good job. Look at all these people you helped!" He indicates the room. "One by one they probably don't look like much but when you get them all together…" He laughs again. "I heard the Yakuza started rating how stupid their grunts were by how willing to go into our district they were."

Ranko giggles and nods. "Good." She says. Her gaze goes over to Akane.

Akira smiles at her. "Want to take her home?" He asks, nudging her.

Ranko goes more red.

"I'm playing with you, Ranko-san. But she's definitely a nice young lady. You could definitely do worse."

Ranko plays with her fingers. "I-I guess…" She says quietly. "B-but why would she w-w-want me?"

Akira stares at her for a moment. "Why not you?"

Ranko can't answer and is soon accosted by her classmates, who drag her over to the food. A plate with her favourite foods on is placed on her lap as she's asked to sit down. They're all in small bites and Hiroshi gives her a grin. "Tendou-san gave us what she knows you like so you should probably thank her."

It's that disconnect again that she gets sometimes. Speaking to someone who, for Ranma, was as close to a good friend as he'd had at Fuurinkan. Speaking of people from there…

She looks around. Definitely no Kunou Tatewaki here. She'd have thought he'd be crawling to get here. Then again, he too is different.

Ranko eats the food she has but pushes more away. "I-I can only eat so much before I'm full again…" She says.

She knows that at some point her ki production's going to go back into overdrive. If she starts practicing martial arts with any intent again – and now she has the choice at least.

She looks around at the happily talking people, older from the district and younger from her class and wonders if this is what it is like to be accepted. Ranma, for all of his good traits, was rarely accepted like this.

Ranko spares a moment to mourn her old self. She's not thought about him in a long time, but he crosses her mind now.

She thinks she has a few photographs of him in boy form in the album. Or she can pray for one or two to be changed back once copied. She'd like to set up a butsudan for him, even if no one else would remember him.

Miki clambers onto the chair next to her and Ranko smiles at the exciteable little girl. "Hello, Miki-chan."

"Ranko-nee!" Miki exclaims, hands over her head. "It's a party!" She says happily.

Around her the girls in the classroom crowd around her, asking about Ranko and if she's really her sister. Miki beams and shakes her head but then says that she's like her big sis.

Ranko nods with a shy smile.

She eventually escapes her classmates and finds a quiet corner to sit, closing her eyes a moment.

Sayuri sets herself next to the red-haired girl. "Akane-chan did say you tired easily at the moment, Ranko-chan." She says quietly. "Sorry it's probably a bit overwhelming." She smiles, though Ranko's still got her eyes closed. "Anyway, I hope you realise now how much we want you back in our classroom."

Ranko grimaces but nods. "I-I can s-see… Though it's hard to… to tell myself that, Sayuri-chan."

Sayuri pats her arm. "One step at a time, Ranko-chan. That's what every journey is like."

Ranko nods, opening her eyes now and looking around. "I… still feel like I don't deserve this. Like… what I did was what I was supposed to do. It's a martial artist's duty to protect those who can't protect themselves. To help people in need. And it's what any decent person should do." Her voice is still quiet and disused, and she wonders if she'll ever be loud again.

Probably not. She doesn't feel the need to talk much these days anyway.

Sayuri peers closer. "And is that what you are, Ranko-chan? A martial artist?"

Ranko shifts uncomfortably. "I… have the choice not to be now. I… don't know if I'll take it."

Sayuri smiles at her. "Well, only you can answer that question. But I'll definitely tell you this – it'd definitely make Akane's day if you sparred with her when you're better. She's always looking for other girls who share her interests and you seem to."

"Are you saying I should?" Ranko asks. Sayuri shrugs.

"That's up to you. But from what I can gather, you are good at it."

Ranko nods and returns to thinking. Sayuri gives her a quick hug and then stands. "I'll let you catch your breath, but don't think you'll get out of socialising forever, missy!" She mock-scolds, giggling.

Ranko manages a small giggle of her own. It's breathy and quiet, but the most feeling she's had from the girl.

"You've got a lovely laugh, Ranko-chan. I'd love to hear it more." Sayuri says. Then Yuka grabs her hand. "Oh no, the jealous girlfriend attacks! Saaaaaaave me, Ranko-chaaaan!" She mock-wails as said girlfriend rolls her eyes and drags her off to a different corner for some smooching.

Ranko watches them go and smiles to herself. She looks around the room at her classmates and the people she's helped and manages to feel a tiny sliver of pride in a job well done. It shocks her momentarily, and she blinks, before continuing to look.

The party winds down slowly, but eventually everyone but Akane, Ranko, Sayuri and Yuka are there, along with Akemi and Akira.

Ranko starts helping to clean up before Akane makes her sit at the table with all the envelopes and gifts on. "This is your party, Ranko-chan. No cleaning up. Go through what you got instead."

Ranko does so while the others clean up the hall. Many of the envelopes hold some small amount of money. Collected together it's rather a lot in the end. She'll probably need a bank account, or maybe to give it to Nabiki for the house. Her hospital bills must not have been cheap if they hadn't got her onto their own plans.

Amid the envelopes are a myriad of cards. All asking her to get well, to come back to school, to look after herself. Thank-you notes written in the scribbled hand of children whose parents she helped, professional calligraphy of some she saved.

As she's finishing collating everything together into a large satchel she'd been provided by Akane, Akira approaches her and sits down, groaning theatrically.

"There's more where that came from." He says, pointing to the money in the satchel. "Bounties and reward money, too." He smiles and pulls out a small black handbag. "My wife gave me this to give it to you in, but I and the other officers in the area chipped in, and saved the reward money for you. So it's all in here and she wanted you to have the bag too."

Ranko looks at it, then to him incredulously. "F-for me?"

"Indeed, Ranko-san. This is our way of saying thank you for making all our lives easier."

She takes the handbag and looks at it. "Th-thank you." She stammers out.

Akira smiles at her, putting a hand on her shoulder. "No, Ranko-chan, thank you."

Ranko nods as Akira stands and bows to her. "Well, Ranko-chan, I must be going. My wife expects me back as soon as possible."

Ranko nods as he walks off. Akemi, ever-impassive, walks over. "I'm heading out as well, Ranko-san." She says. A rare smile flits onto her face. "Good work." She pats Ranko's shoulder, squeezes once and then walks off.

Akane, Yuka and Sayuri help Ranko carry the satchel on the way back home until it's just Akane and Ranko on the road back to the dojo. Ranko looks at the satchel she's wearing and then the handbag on her shoulder, all full of well-wishes and a smile graces her face for but a moment.

Her gloved hand reaches out and takes Akane's as they walk. "Thank you." She says quietly. "For the perspective."

Akane grins easily at her, squeezing her hand. "Anytime, Ranko-chan."


Nabiki eyes Ranko as the petite girl enters her room, fidgeting a little.

"Hi Ranko-chan. Weird to see you up and about at this hour."

"H-hi Nabiki-nee." Ranko says, looking down.

"Well, spit it out girl. You're clearly here for something." Ranko holds out an envelope that Nabiki takes. She opens it to find a large amount of money. The bob-haired girl swallows. "What's this for?" She asks.

"I-I… Rewards and… and stuff for my, um, work in the industrial district, and th-thank yous." Ranko explains. "B-but I thought I'm a drain on th-the house, so…"

Nabiki looks between the redhead who is looking away and the envelope full of money. She shakes her head. "You really think the worst of yourself, don't you?" She says quietly to herself.

Ranko feels the envelope being pressed back into her hands. "Wh-what?"

Nabiki closes Ranko's hands around it. "That money is yours, Ranko-chan. You earned it; you keep it." She smiles as Ranko looks up. "You aren't such a drain on the household finances as you might think."


"Ranko, like me you're still a child. An older child, yes, but still a child. It's the adults' job to look after you. After us. With Father's income from the dojo and the work he does for the city council, as well as Auntie Nodoka's money from her house renting and the people she teaches, we're very comfortable. We can easily accommodate three of you." Her hands squeeze Ranko's. "So don't you worry."

Ranko's stomach drops out.

Stupid, stupid, stupid! Of course things are better here without her having drained the coffers with all the fights. Of course things are better because she's somehow still thinking of the dojo as run-down, with no students, when it's a bustling centre of martial arts learning for Nerima.

Nabiki's hands tighten around hers more and she shakes her head. "I can see what's going through your head, Ranko-chan. I'm starting to get an idea you're from somewhere where things weren't so good. But do not beat yourself up because you're able to be here, where we're doing well."

Ranko stammers at Nabiki but doesn't say anything that can be really taken as real words. Nabiki smiles at her.

"Ranko, you're a member of our family now." She says. "I wouldn't charge you to live here. Perhaps if you got an after-school job and started making some money, then perhaps Mom and Dad would ask for some to help contribute, but it wouldn't be much out of it and it's only in that case. This money, you earned." A slow smile spreads across her face. "Though, we'll need to get you a bank account and after that I'd be happy to help you spend it. Gods know you need a wardrobe update. Can't keep wearing Akane's cast-offs forever. They don't quite suit the figure you're going to get back." Her eyebrows waggle. "I know girls who'll kill for that figure - either to have it or to play with it."

Ranko blushes and Nabiki lets go of her hands. "O-okay." She says. She stands from the chair she'd sat at and heads to the door.

"Ranko-chan!" Nabiki calls. The redhead turns to see Nabiki making finger guns at her. "Good work making that money. I bet the tales of the things you did to earn it; about the baddies you beat up got Akane all hot and bothered!"

Ranko lets out a squeak and flees the room, heading back down the landing to the room she shares with her mother. Her face is burning.


Ranko sits in the dojo, once again watching Soun work with the kids along with Akane, since it's a Saturday afternoon.

As always, Akane is good with them, and Soun is too. She smiles fondly in remembrance and compares him to the previous Soun she knew.

There really is no comparison between the two of them. He's just more rounded, less of a wreck. Stern and yet kindly, the kids seem to love him given how many of them outside of the dojo bid farewell to their 'Uncle Soun'.

With a pang, she thinks of her own father again. Is he better in this world? Possibly not given how her mother divorced him in this world, and quite publicly, apparently.

She spends a long time during the lessons thinking, but she doesn't slip into the darkness. She's getting better at avoiding becoming lost.

Miki comes and hugs her goodbye and then it's just the three of them; Soun, Akane and Ranko, in the dojo.

"I'll come inside in a moment." She says softly, and both Akane and Soun nod.

Ranko pulls herself to her feet after they've gone and stands in the centre of the large hall. Sucking in a deep breath, she makes a decision and starts moving through a kata she's been doing her entire life.

She moves fluidly, shifting to some of the more advanced ones, though she reaches a roadblock fairly quickly in the form of her low stamina and that she's still not fully recovered. Gritting her teeth, she floods her body with ki, radiating it through in an effort to recover some additional strength as she starts to move faster and faster until finally she comes to a stop at the end of a particularly tricky Saotome-style one.

Panting heavily, red-faced and sweating far more than she would have before all of this happened, she sinks to her knees and gasps for breath.

She hears clapping behind her and looks back to see Kimiko and Soun standing there, along with Akane. All of them look impressed and Akane whistles.

"Ranko-chan, you've been holding out on me!" She says. Soun's expression is pleased, but thoughtful, a flicker of recognition in his eyes. Kimiko is simply concerned at Ranko's bedraggled state and moves to kneel by her as the redhead crashes onto her back.

"So… So… Sorry." She pants. "I… sh-should have not d-d-done so much so qui-quickly." She hauls in deep lungfuls of air, feeling the pleasant burn on her still-thin muscles, surpassed by sharp aches and pains running through her body. Her arms and legs cramp up. "D-definitely." She says, mewling in pain slightly.

At the same time as she's feeling the pain her body she feels a warmth running through her from her ki channels. Something inside her clicks, the sluggish flow returning at least towards its original state.

Kimiko and Akane help her to her feet, though she leans heavily on Akane, her muscles still cramping. Soun regards Ranko.

"Who taught you the Art, Ranko-chan?" He asks, stroking his moustache. "It looks very familiar."

Ranko pants. "My- My father." She says. Soun raises an eyebrow but she offers no more and he doesn't ask.

"Indeed?" He doesn't question further and the other two help the limping, cramping girl to the furo so she can warm up, relax and soak her aching muscles.

Into the night, Ranko feels the burn but she manages a small smile as she falls asleep.
Chapter 17 - Veni, Vidi, Attendi Scholam
It's been a hot minute but mainly that's because I've been working on alternate projects and setting up plots and such.

Chapter 17 - Veni, Vidi, Attendi Scholam

I used to know you,
But that was in another life,
And I can't wait another night.

Do you remember last December?
One promise ruined everything.
I never noticed the dying energy,
One deception you can't keep from me.

- "One Promise" by The Birthday Massacre


Going into the hospital for a check-up doesn't really rank as one of Ranko's favourite things in the world. Invasive doctors and invasive questions. Ranko isn't squeamish, and she knows there's other kinds of prodding she'll have to deal with when Kimiko makes good on her promise to drag the redhead to a gynaecologist once she's recovered. But she still doesn't like it.

Still, her appetite seems to be slowly but surely returning. She thinks she's unlocked something by pushing herself so hard that few days ago. Now she runs her old kata daily, slowly building her body and her ki reserves back up now that they're no longer as sluggish and slow. Every day it slowly gets easier.

She still can see her ribs in the mirror when she bathes, though thankfully it's less and less standing out each day. She's filling herself out again, it feels like she's being poured back into a mould sometimes. Ranko's still thin, but she's not a skeleton anymore.

Blushing as she mentally compares her current chest to her old photographs, she sighs and wonders if it will fully recover, though she considers it probably will mostly get there.

She sits on the chair while they're taking measurements, stands on the scales, lets them poke and prod at her and one of the doctors shakes her head.

"I don't know what they feed you lot in Nerima but you're recovering far faster than expected for anyone not living in that mad hole, Himura-chan." She says.

Ranko shuffles. "Martial arts, Sensei." She says. "Ki flow helps healing be promoted. I used to heal faster but… Well, I drained myself while I was… was… you know." She finishes lamely.

The doctor 'tsk's and nods. "I've seen enough of you to know you are all a little out there. Still, this is good news. You're recovering nicely – not all the way there I'm afraid, but you're picking yourself up. Your next few appointments can be with your family doctor, though when he wishes to have you fully cleared, you'll need to visit us again."

Ranko smiles shyly. "Alright, Sensei."

The doctor smiles and pats her shoulder. "I think you're well enough to go to school, though I'll certainly give you a medical note that says to let you take it easy at first. You're still suffering from easy exhaustion, right?"

Ranko nods. "I… get very sleepy if I overdo it."

"Hmm. We'll monitor it – it might be something long term. I'll let them know that if you need to rest, you can do so in the nurse's office, alright?"

Ranko nods. "Thank you, Sensei. I'm looking forwards to going back to school."

The doctor laughs. "You'll be one of the few girls your age saying that!"

Ranko manages a giggle and then stands, pulling her coat back on. "Is that everything?"

The doctor nods. "It is, Ranko-chan. Thank you for your time."

"Thank you for helping me, Sensei." Ranko says, a smile on her face. "I do appreciate it."

She leaves the room and wanders down the hospital, emerging at the entrance to find Kasumi sitting nearby, reading a book. She's dressed in her smart shirt-dress with the belt along her waist, along with a long, warm coat and thick black leggings on her legs. Black boots sit on her feet. Her hair is down today, held back with an Alice band.

It causes Ranko something of a disconnect every time to see the trendy, fashionable older girl here instead of the pseudo-homemaker of her original world.

Kasumi looks up as Ranko – already bundled in a warm coat, gloves, scarf and a bobble hat over her overalls – approaches, and puts her book in her handbag, smiling at the younger girl. "Hello, Ranko-chan. All good news?"

Ranko shrugs. "Mostly, yes." She says. "I… can go back to school."

"That's good." Kasumi replies, standing up. "We've a little time to shop before getting home. How about we get something to eat, Ranko-chan, and then we can get you some things for school and underclothes to keep to yourself – unless you're wanting to show them off to Akane-chan, of course." Kasumi's smile is mischievous, and Ranko blushes brightly.

The short girl finally stammers an affirmative after some time blushing and follows Kasumi to a café, where they eat dinner and have a conversation that's mostly Kasumi speaking and Ranko making small sounds.

"Thank you." Kasumi says softly, after they finish their food. "For what you have given us."

Ranko's blood turns to ice. "Wh-what?" She asks.

Kasumi's smile is enigmatic, and Ranko swallows. The sharpness reminds her of Nabiki, with a hint of Akane's defiance, and the times she's seen the true intelligence behind the old Kasumi's ever-present veneer of vacuity.

"It was not hard to deduce." The older girl continues. "The day my sister met you, we all shared a dream of losing our mother. I dreamed I was little more than a housewife for my family, alone and unhappy. And I dreamed of a girl, who fought and was rough and uncouth and then dainty and ladylike."

Ranko looks at the table, avoiding eye contact.

"I don't normally set such store in dreams, but that we all shared one was suspicious. And then Akane talked about meeting you and something clicked." Kasumi takes a sip of her tea. "Small clues such as your photograph album and the words you say when you sleep. And your… visceral… reaction to the word 'wish'." Ranko flinches, looking away and shuddering. "Akane, too, is piecing it together, I think."

Ranko looks up, expecting reproach and only finding Kasumi smiling gently at her. The older girl reaches forwards and takes both of Ranko's hands, squeezing them. "So again, I say: thank you, little sister, for what you have given us. It is a priceless gift, and I will never squander it."

Ranko doesn't know what to do, so she just nods carefully and sips at her tea quietly. Kasumi lets her gather her thoughts before standing up.

"Let's go shopping, Ranko-chan." She smiles. Ranko stands up and follows the taller girl out of the café and to the shops.

She expects Kasumi to take her somewhere high-end and flashy, given her new-world fashionableness but the eldest Tendou daughter simply takes her to an average store, where she starts looking at styles.

"It seems a little pointless to buy anything but standard bras, if you don't mind me saying, Ranko-chan. I know you're still recovering, so we'll just go off the rack for now on that. Once you're recovered we can measure you properly and get fitted ones." Kasumi holds up a blouse to Ranko's chest and shakes her head. "Mmm, no. Not your cut."

Ranko's not sure what's going on, but she finds a small pile of clothes pushed into her hands and is then steered to the changing rooms. "Go on, Ranko-chan, change and we'll see which are good for you currently."

Ranko takes the clothes and does so, bringing out ensembles for Kasumi to see.

She settles on a red blouse with a black skirt combination she knows will be nice with some thick tights in winter. Kasumi also helps her buy some white blouses for her school uniform.

Some underwear helps to round out their purchases and Kasumi eventually walks with Ranko back towards their home.


Ranko and Akane sit in the family room, watching Soun and Nodoka playing shougi. It's an exercise in 'follow-the-cheater' because Nodoka cheats far, far worse than her father did in the old version of the world.

They're both utterly shameless about it as well, and it's not so much the cheating as it is the knowing and entertained looks the two are giving each other. Nodoka will cough politely and distract Soun, rearrange his pieces and then he'll counter with a different cheat.

At some point they pull out a large notebook from the stand and Nodoka jots something into it.

"What's that, Mother?" Ranko asks in her quiet voice. Nodoka smiles at her.

"The rules of Anything Goes Shougi." She replies.

"This game has rules?!" Ranko asks, bewildered.

"They've been built over years. Mainly this is a book of cheats allowed. Sometimes we find one cheat that makes the game too unfair, and we note that down as a forbidden cheat." Soun nods sagely, stroking his moustache. "Of course, if one doesn't see one of those cheats being done, why it never happened."

Kimiko snickers and looks over to the two girls. "These two have been cheating each other so long at the game that they've more or less invented a whole new game."

Ranko shakes her head and laughs breathily. "I see." She says.

She leans against Akane, tiredness filling her. It's been a busy day, between practice and her checkups. Akane slips an arm about her shoulders and catches the smug look Nodoka is giving to Kimiko, before the elder woman exclaims.

"Goodness! Our little girls certainly are growing up, aren't they?!"

Soun looks over at a nonplussed Akane as Nodoka rearranges half his pieces. He returns his attention and swears.

"Damn it, Nodoka, that's a dirty pool."

"Allowed, though." Nodoka says, an amused glint in her eyes.

Ranko giggles, a small smile on her face. Nodoka looks in shock at her daughter, and Soun takes that opportunity to get a little revenge in. Nodoka returns to looking at the board and shakes her head.

"You've done a 'Distraction Diffraction' move again, Soun."

"I have?" Soun sweats.

"Don't think I didn't notice. Come on, that one isn't allowed."

Soun puts the extra pieces away and curses.

Ranko slowly drops off, comforted by the warmth of Akane's shoulder and the feeling of her family here.

Akane notices and smiles gently, squeezing the redhead closer. She then stands, lifting her in a bridal carry. "I'll tuck her in." She says. "She's been wavering all night."

Nodoka nods absently and carries her game on. Kimiko gets up to help Akane and they set Ranko down on her futon, tucking her into her blankets. Akane's thankful that she'd convinced Ranko to at least change into her nightdress earlier so she's not going to sleep in her clothes.

As they exit the room and head downstairs Akane sighs, though it sounds happier than her usual ones concerning Ranko.

"She seems to be improving a bit, Mom." The short-haired girl says.

Kimiko nods. "Not so thin, and was that a smile I saw?"

Akane nods. "Thank the gods. I don't think it'll be like, super quick, but at least she's starting to recover. I was worried."

"Oh, I know, dear." Kimiko pats her daughter's shoulder. "Why don't you get a quick bath and go to bed yourself. You look a little worn out yourself."

Akane yawns and then nods. "Sure, Mom." She says.

"Big day tomorrow, remember." Kimiko smiles. "Back to school with her."

"Yeah…" Akane walks over towards the furoba.


Ranko wakes up, her mother's kimono once again around her, and she winces. She must have had more nightmares. She doesn't remember them too often, thank the gods, but she does remember a few of the worse or recurring ones. Last night's doesn't come to mind so was probably one of the more generic bad dreams.

She feels weighted down. Just one night with decent sleep seems too much to ask for.

She gently shifts Nodoka's arms off her, but it doesn't stop her mother from sitting up sleepily. Nodoka rubs her eyes and then gathers Ranko into her arms, holding onto her.

It's become something of a morning ritual. She knows her mother likes to make sure she knows Ranko's really there.

She isn't sure what she did to deserve Nodoka. But the quiet, gentle and constant love her mother gives her helps keep her going. It'll be a shame when Ranko has to leave again.

"Good morning, dear." Nodoka mumbles, kissing the top of her hair.

"Good morning, Mother." Ranko replies. Nodoka lets her stand and she wobbles a little before stabilising and heading to her wardrobe.

Nodoka rubs her eyes and calls over. "It's a school day, dear, so make sure you have your uniform." She stands and stretches herself.

Ranko pulls out a white blouse, her slip, the dress and the winter jacket, as well as some fleece-lined tights. She looks at the uniform.

It's not the patched and threadbare uniform that she had from the goddesses, though she insisted on keeping that. It's fresh and brand new, pressed and made less starchily stiff by Kasumi and Kimiko. The label inside is marked with the kanji for 'orchid'.

"I'll get your book bag ready, Ranko dear." Nodoka says, rolling up the futon. "You just focus on getting ready, alright? And if you've some free time I suspect Kimiko will enjoy some assistance in the kitchen if you must."

Ranko nods, picking out her underwear for the day and, still a little out of it, makes her way down the stairs. It can take a while for her coordination to fully kick in.

Bathing, dressing and readying herself for the day doesn't take long, though when she's done, she stares at herself in the mirror.

She's still thin. Even with her body and ki rebuilding at an accelerated rate now that her ki reserves are replenishing. But she doesn't look like a skeleton anymore, at least in the face.

She exits the room, a blue ribbon and a blue hairband in her hands, standing awkwardly in the family room.

"Ranko-chan?" Kasumi asks, sitting on the couch with her laptop on her knees, doing some early morning work.

"Kasumi-nee… do I put my hair up or wear the hairband?" Ranko holds the ribbon and hairband up. The older girl seems happy with a standard question from the younger girl for once instead of something self-deprecating.

"I think the ribbon and up today, Ranko-chan." Kasumi smiles and closes her laptop, setting it to the side and standing up, producing a brush from somewhere. "Come here."

Ranko obediently moves across and Kasumi brushes her hair out gently before retrieving the ribbon and styling Ranko's hair into a high ponytail, tied with the ribbon in a bow. "There we go."

"Thank you, Kasumi-nee."

Kasumi sits back down, returning to work. "You're welcome, imouto-chan. I think Mother might want some help in the kitchen if you'd care to? I'd help but I've a test later this morning and need to revise."

Ranko nods and pads along the floor and into the kitchen, taking an apron and tying it over herself.

"Good morning, Ranko-chan!" Kimiko says brightly as she's stirring the miso soup for the morning. "Could you slice some pickles and check the mackerel?"

"Okay." Ranko proceeds to slice the pickles in the showy way that's honestly the most effective even if it smacks to her sometimes of self-aggrandisement. Then she makes sure the fish is cooking.

By the time she, Kimiko and Nodoka, who joins them later, are finished with breakfast, the rest of the house is up and about. Akane sprightly moves into the family room, sitting in her usual spot and keeping the one next to her open. Nabiki shambles in, dressed but definitely not awake. She sits on Akane's other side.

Ranko helps the mothers move all of the food into the family room and then takes her place next to Akane.

"Cute ribbon, Ranko-chan!" Akane beams at her. "Matches your eyes!"

Ranko blushes. "Th-thank you, Akane-chan." She mumbles, fiddling with her fingers. Nodoka and Kimiko look at one another knowingly, then nod as everyone starts eating.

"This mackerel is excellent." Soun comments, nodding proudly. "You've outdone yourself today, dear."

"Oh, that part is Ranko-chan's."

"Then I thank the mastercook." Soun's eyes twinkle as he regards the blushing redhead. "And hope for many more meals of this calibre."

"…'kay." Ranko says softly. There's a small ripple of gentle laughter and Ranko looks around at the family around her, feeling something click inside again.

A small smile makes its way onto her face.

Ranko walks along besides Akane, Nabiki having gone ahead for some reason. She looks around and narrowly dodges a splash of water from an old lady settling dust outside of her house.

"Oh, my apologies young lady, I didn't see you there!" She says, "These old eyes of mine."

"We're fine, Arata-san." Akane smiles. Ranko bows as well, then the pair keep walking on.

Ranko thinks back to how often Ranma was splashed by her and inwardly feels a bittersweet emotion running through her. Still…

The walk down the road, approaching Fuurinkan, and Ranko spots Akane's usual hangers-on and sparring partners.

"Oh, I thought this wasn't going to happen?" Ranko asks, looking worried.

Akane gives her an easy grin. "Nah, I told them I'd not, looks like they want to say hello to you."

"B-but they're not in our class…" Ranko protests. Akane's grin grows.

"Yeah but they're my friends and they kept asking about you after I mentioned finding you again. You're more popular than you realise. Sort of – it was weird, I had to remind them you were a thing, but once I did it was like it snapped them back into reality. One more for the mystery around you."

Ranko looks away. "I'm sorry." She mumbles. Akane shrugs.

"You'll tell me when you're ready or I figure it out, right?"

Ranko nods. "Y-yes." She says, still not looking Akane in the eye. The short-haired girl sighs.

"I'll hold you to that." She says.

As they get closer, they spy all the friends Akane normally spars with in the morning smiling at her. As she passes, she hears "Welcome back, Ranko-chan." From some, and others expressing that they're glad she's alright.

It's enough that she's sniffling a little by the time they reach close to the building. A voice stops them and Ranko shudders internally but turns on hearing it.

"Himura-san." Kunou Tatewaki intones, looking at her gravely. "I would entreat with you. I beg but a moment of your valuable time."

"A-ah… What for, Kunou-senpai?" Ranko asks, figuring that if he's going to be formal and polite, so will she. She's amazed when he kneels down and then presses his forehead to the floor. Gasps sound from all around and even Nabiki, standing nearby, looks nonplussed.

"I have wronged you, Himura-san, and for that I apologise." Kunou says from his dogeza. "A hundred times, I apologise."

"A-ah?" Ranko's mouth hangs slack as he looks up at her. "A-apology accepted? Though… what for?"

"For hounding you and not taking no for an answer. In addition to other poor conduct that the fair Tendou Nabiki has informed me of, it was uncouth and unmanly of me."

"I-I… suppose." Ranko says.

"Therefore, beautiful lady Himura-san, I crave forgiveness for this. And, for my failure."


He stands up, and bows again, not even bothering to brush the dirt from his hakama. "I have been told and realised that a Samurai and a Lord takes care of the people below them. While it is true that such has long not been the case in our fair land, my family is still maintaining this school and our land, still patrons of the area and as such I have a duty and obligation to see to the wellbeing of those people." He smiles, and it isn't insane, Ranko's mind melts just that bit more. "Indeed, while lordships, daimyo and samurai may have fallen into history's clutches, I still feel I should comport myself and my family with honour and wisdom, and I have failed at both catastrophically."

"I-I see." Ranko manages.

"Therefore, I wish to apologise. I did not realise the conditions you were forced to keep yourself in. The fact that someone ostensibly under my family's aegis was both starving and homeless and I did nothing is a stain on my honour, and one I crave to cleanse. Thus, I will apologise to you and I have taken steps to set many endeavours up both here and in the greater ward to assist those whose means do not fulfil their needs."

"I-I…" Ranko stares, absolutely mindboggled at Tatewaki. "Endeavours?"

"Indeed! It is too close to the bell for school to advise you of them, but I wish for some more of your valuable time later on so I may discuss such measures and whether they meet with your approval. As one of those who helped remove the scales from my eyes you are entitled to such."

"I…" Ranko swallows, then she smiles at him. "I'd like that, Kunou-senpai. Thank you for your words and your kindness and I hope that that kindness extending to others goes well. I'll seek you out after school."

"It is a date then!" Tatewaki booms. Then he chuckles nervously at her slight flinch. "Just a joke, Himura-san. You have declined and that is enough now for me to step back. But… should you be interested." He summons a rose from somewhere and simply hands it to her. "I would certainly enjoy a date with you, I'm sure."

Ranko looks at the rose, then smiles, bowing at him. "Unfortunately not, senpai, but thank you for the rose nonetheless."

"You are welcome, Himura-san. Thank you for listening to this fool's words."

Ranko bows again, then walks in with Akane taking her arm, though she doesn't notice the rather possessive look her friend is giving off.

Nabiki walks up next to the still-thoughtful-looking Tatewaki. "Wow, Kunou-chan, I'm impressed. Flowery, but you got to the point and actually sounded like a real person. Good work" She claps his shoulder. He turns and grins at her.

"I hate you, Tendou." He says. She smirks back.

"Just the way I like it, Kunou-chan."


After visiting the office to confirm the redhead's return, Akane and Ranko approach their classroom but are stopped by their homeroom teacher. "Ah! Ranko-chan, welcome back!" He smiles at her. "I'm glad to see you're looking well."

"Th-thank you, Sensei." Ranko stammers.

"I'd like you to wait outside first, please. I'll call you in when the class is ready. Is that fine?"

"Y-yes, Sensei." Ranko says, clutching her book bag closer to herself. Akane pats her arm.

"You'll be fine." She says soothingly and walks in, sliding the door closed.

Ranko hears muffled talking going quietly, then Akane yelling for the class to 'rise, bow, sit!' and just when she thinks she's in for a long wait, the door slides open.

"You can come in now, Ranko-chan." Arizawa-sensei says, smiling genially at her. She follows him in and stops. Arrayed across the back of the classroom is her class. Strung across the wall above them is a banner made with several large triangles reading 'Welcome Back Ranko-chan!' and several of them let off crackers that release streamers.

The class calls out what's written on the banner as she walks in and Ranko stands there dumbfounded as they all beam at her. Then tears start pouring down her face and she puts her head in her hands, trying to choke down the sobs. She feels a hand rubbing her shoulders and sees Akane standing there, a beaming grin on her face.

Wordlessly, her friend offers her a handkerchief, and Ranko takes it, dabbing at her eyes and trying to contain the tears unsuccessfully. She looks at the class, all watching her with concern and just manages to say "Thank you" before she's crying into Akane's shoulder.

It takes her some minutes to calm down, but eventually she's stopped crying and Akane helps her clean her face up. The teacher, somewhat apologetically, starts his lesson, but Ranko can't stop smiling at the welcome she received for a good half of it.

When the break between lessons comes, the other students crowd around her, babbling happily.

"Ranko-chan, welcome back!"

"Ranko-chan, we really missed you! I remember you being good at English, do you think you can help me again?"

Akane shoos them away after a short time telling them she's overwhelmed, and she gets the same 'marking territory' comments she did before. This time, however, she smirks at the group.

"Well, turns out I am her knight in shining armour, so suck it!" She gives a peace sign and then sits down as the next teacher comes in. She blinks on seeing Ranko and smiles at her, but thankfully says nothing.

They have gym that day, and Ranko changes with the other girls, but she tries to keep to a corner and most of them don't pry, though a few catch sight of her still-filling-in form, and the last lingering sores and blotches and wince.

Ranko's performance that day isn't her best, but she's at least managing to keep going. Now her ki is burning inside of her body again, it's helping her get back in shape far, far faster than if she hadn't jumpstarted it.

Still, she is worn out by partway through, sitting the rest of the class out with a headache and leaning against the benches. As much as her strength and muscle is returning, her stamina has taken a major hit.

Changing back into her uniform at the end of the day, she contemplates the rose she was given, resolving to at least press it into a scrapbook. It's a nice rose, and she can tell Tatewaki meant every word he said, which makes her wonder if that's another thing for the better because she made her wish or not.

That he seemed so sane was a treat. Akane comes with her to meet him after school, and they enter into Nabiki's classroom to find her and the kendoist having a lively discussion. One of Nabiki's classmates gives Ranko a piercing look, almost calculating. She leans closer to Nabiki during a conversational lull and mumbles something which makes Nabiki snort, and then shake her head.

"No, she's not competition because you never were in the running, Misa-chan. Sorry"

The girl, who has black hair with a hint of purple snorts as well. "Figures. I'd never beat that hair anyway." Ranko looks at the girl, who waves a hand. "Tsunetomo Misato." She introduces herself. "You certainly shake things up in this place, Himura-chan."

"A-ah, I do?"

Misato gestures to Tatewaki, "I mean, tall dark and loopy here sounds sane for the first time since four or five years ago, so…"

Tatewaki colours. "Yes, well, one doesn't like being reminded of one's failures by others, Tsunetomo-san."

Misato waves a lazy hand. "Sure, Tachi-chan, sure."

Ranko giggles quietly, and Tatewaki focuses his attention on the pair. Akane eyes him a little, moving closer to Ranko and for a moment she almost sees amused understanding in his eyes. Then it's gone and she's not entirely sure it was there to begin with.

"Ah, the fair maidens Tendou Akane-san and Himura Ranko-san approach the great Kunou Tatewaki! Hark! 'tis a fine day indeed!"

They look at each other, then at him as he chuckles.

"Biki-chan here," Nabiki's breath hisses in an intake at a name she's not heard from the pompous idiot for years now, "Has been teaching me to laugh at myself. One finds it rather refreshing after considering my own failures. Laughter certainly helps."

Ranko and Akane blink but Ranko manages a smile after a moment. "I'm pleased to see you are improving yourself, Kunou-senpai." The redhead says. "I hope it's a trend that will continue."

"Certes, I hope so too. The shock and awe on the faces of my compatriots is rewarding in the meantime, but self-improvement is also its own reward."

"Y-yeah…" Akane manages after a moment.

"Though my apology earlier was indeed directed to the lovely Himura-san here, I would extend it to you as well, Tendou-san. When you stated your preferences to my august self before, I took you for a liar, when I should have accepted. Long before the men of the west came did not lords enjoy the company of other men? Did not great ladies bestow their love upon other great ladies? And so in that spirit, I humbly ask forgiveness and truly wish you well in your pursuit." His eyes twinkle slightly, "Though do learn from my lesson that no means no, for all our sakes. One amorous idiot in this place has been quite enough."

The two are floored again, but Nabiki steps up and pats Tatewaki's arm. "Well said, Tachi." She grins at the pair. "Oh, this isn't an overnight thing. I've been working on this idiot for almost a month now, daily cracking through the madness. We only got the real breakthrough a week ago."

"Certainly, my mind hath built fine shielding."

"Well, nobody's perfect, Tachi." Nabiki pats his arm again. And then she looks directly at Ranko. "And wouldn't you know, it's all because of you. All the things that we've set up for support, all the networking and all of the changes to help those in need in the area – that's because you're here, Ranko-chan." Her smile turns soft at the redhead. "Like my sister, I too can prove you are worth something, even if you disagree."

Ranko stares, but manages to keep her cool, only nodding as she looks away. Tatewaki stands properly. "Come, fair maidens – and I include Biki-chan and Tsunetomo-san in that group, lest they think I do not appreciate their beauty – , let us away to where we may take repast and I can go over the plans that we have made. I do believe they will have your approval, Himura-san."

Ranko and Akane, still both a little dazed, follow the upperclassmen out of the room and school, and eventually find themselves sat with the other three in a very fancy café, drinks in front of them and platters of snacks scattered.

Tatewaki explains that he has funds set up for the students of lesser means that, if they can prove they need it, will help them with school supplies such as uniforms, bags, books and so forth. Then he expounds on the support system including several more competent student counsellors and nurses that should help catch those who pass under the radar like Ranko had, as well as support any mental and physical health issues.

"I think that as a school in Nerima, full of those who practice those most noble of martial arts, we sometimes think all of us invincible." Tatewaki expounds, "Forsooth, my foolishness blinded me to the fact that, while we may be powerful, we are still human."

Ranko nods, going over the plans. Teachers given more training to support and find out why those behind are lacking in their academics. Safe spaces for those who may not have the best home life.

Even a small boarding house that can be used in emergencies or as a safe-house for runaways.

It's extremely comprehensive and she wonders how much work Nabiki has put into this. Then she sees some of the other names. Kodachi's name on some of the planning, even Soun ("It is true, Himura-san, that I have mighty resources, but Tendou-sama has one I find myself lacking – trust from the community").

She's impressed. As she passes some of it to Akane, the short-haired girl is too.

"You all have put a lot of work into this."

"Well, if I'm the gossip queen here, I might as well expand the realm." Nabiki smiles, a faint flush on her cheeks from the praise. "But I like to think we all worked towards this. We're all responsible in some way. Ranko for making the problems known in the first place. Akane for rescuing her and setting the chain of events. I helped bring Tachi-chan out of his stupor and planned. And he helped immensely too. It's a team effort."

Ranko looks at the plans, then at Tatewaki. "These are all very good, Kunou-senpai." She says, bowing. "I thank you for your future service to the people of this school."

Tatewaki colours. "Ah, it is nice to be complimented so, Himura-san."

Ranko gives a sunny smile. "You may call me Ranko."

"Oh, to be on first name terms with the beauteous Ranko-san. 'tis almost more than my poor heart can take!" He puts a hand over it and leans back, pretending to look faint. "But if that is the case, you must call me Tatewaki. Or," His smile turns sardonic as he eyes Nabiki. "Tachi-chan, as Biki-chan here is fond of."

Ranko and Akane look between the two, and then shrug internally. "If you say so, Tatewaki-senpai."

"Ah, still so polite and formal. What good breeding there is in the Himura clan!"

Eventually the meal is over, and the two Tendou sisters and Ranko bid farewell to the eccentric kendoist. Ranko changes him tentatively from 'loony kendoist' in her mind. She pauses for a second before catching up with the two sisters.

She likes Tatewaki. Not like like. But he seems like someone she could be friends with, like this. And this isn't due to her not existing; not entirely. She finds it hard to accept, but Nabiki is correct. Without her being here he would not have snapped back into reality like this.

As she catches up with Akane, she rubs at her eyes tiredly, exhaustion creeping up on her. Akane notices and takes her arm. Nabiki sees them but she doesn't tease them today. It's been a busy one.

"So Kunou's gone sane." Akane comments to Nabiki.

"Yeah, trust me, the first time I found out I was gibbering half the day. It was just after Ranko came home." The middle sister stretches. "And after he asked you about her. Then he came to me saying he wanted to help. I thought it was his usual obsessive stuff but then he clarified and what came out of it was the planning for what we all just went over."

Akane snickers. "I almost like him now. Did you teach him self-awareness?"

"Oh no, he came up with that himself. I haven't any idea where it came from. But… It's nice to see the old Tachi back." Nabiki looks wistful. "I missed him."

"You were friends through elementary and middle school weren't you?" Akane asks. "I think I remember him coming across a few times when I was really young."

"Yeah. Then his mom died and… It seemed to do something to the family."

Ranko looks away, her lips pursing. But for her own actions the same would have happened, sans the insanity. Akane nudged her.

"What are you thinking about?" She asks. Ranko shrugs.

"Families." She says. "And what trauma does to them."

Akane's mind goes over the recent conversation and wonders.


They're watching television, Ranko staring blankly at it though still aware enough to react to things.

Akane's mulling over her thoughts about what caused Ranko to be as she is, what made her pay the price she did. What could be asked for that required such a price.

It has to be something big. She figures the energy from someone's entire existence is the kind of price that affects a large amount of the world. Like… wishing for world peace, or wishing for someone to be-

A drama is on, and suddenly Ranko flinches at something that's said. Akane's eyes widen and she turns to the TV, trying to listen for what might have set the redhead off.

"I don't care. An eye for an eye. Tooth for a tooth." One of the characters says, holding her arm out in some kind of magic ritual. "Blood for blood." She slices one of her arms and Ranko moves her head to look away. She still doesn't like blood.

The character holds a dagger over their heart, standing over the corpse of the heroine.

"A life for a life." She says, and the dagger thrusts towards her. The screen goes blank and the credits roll.

Akane's seen this one before, the heroine survives. She doesn't think Ranko has, but she's caught off guard when Ranko starts crying, shaking her head and simply not reacting to any of the others in the family.

Especially Kimiko.

She's mumbling something. Akane thinks she hears something like "Don't do what I did, don't, the price is…"

"Ranko." Akane says, but the girl ignores her, rocking on her heels.

"Don'tdoit, can'tdoit, pricetoohigh…"

Akane takes in a deep breath and then slaps Ranko on the cheek, hard. Ranko goes sprawling. "RANKO! Calm down!" Akane yells.

Ranko slowly sits up, her expression frightened, and stays there still, eyes downcast from Akane's yell. Something clicks in the back of the tomboy's mind. A last clue from Ranko's reaction to the heroine sacrificing herself.

"Oh my god." She whispers. "Your wish."
Well, that's a cliffhanger! As always commentary feeds my needy gremlin brain!
Chapter 18 - Truths Will Out
Yeah, it's been over a year. Let's just say I've had even less fun than I usually do and move on.

Chapter 18 - Truths Will Out

Face them,
The time will erase them,
Stop trying to chase them,
I've taken my place, and,
It's not worth the tears.

- "Movie" by The Birthday Massacre


Ranko looks up, eyes wide with fear and she looks ready to bolt. Akane takes her hand, grasps it firmly to stop her.

"Your wish was for us, wasn't it?" Akane asks, her tears gathering in her eyes. "You… wished to bring someone back for us." She stops and thinks back to her life. Back to points where someone could have died.

There's been a few incidents – the time she cracked her head on a window, Kasumi's falling down the stairs and her father occasionally getting beaten up, but none of them have had anything close to dying except…

"Mom." Akane gasps. "You… you gave your existence up for my Mom. You saved her life."

Ranko nods silently, wilting and looking at the ground, shame on her face. She tries to take her hand back but Akane keeps it gripped.

"Why?" Akane whispers, voice rough and harsh. "That… that kind of price, I mean… By all the heavens and earth, that price. It's too much for anyone to pay, let alone someone like you…"

"I'd pay it again." Ranko's voice is steel even if she's shaking. "Any time. You needed your mother. And I was… I was just a jibakurei. A walking, talking corpse. This was a better use for my existence."

Akane's heart breaks again. She thought they'd made such progress. Ranko shakes her head.

"That's… how I thought at the time. I didn't know the real horror of becoming a remnant." She manages to extract her hand finally and wraps her arms about herself as if cold. Akane knows it's a far deeper chill than physical. "But... I do now, and if asked once more? I would, I'd do it again. It was worth it."

Akane chokes back a sob. "It's not. It can't be. Nothing can be."

Ranko looks up at her and scoots closer, putting her small hands on the sides of Akane's face and making the tomboy look at her. "Akane. It is. Do I ever lie to you?"

"You say stuff like you don't matter." Akane growls. Ranko shakes her head.

"Those are true, because it's how I've seen myself. I'm trying, Akane, I am, but it's so hard to find worth in myself."

Akane puts her own hands over Ranko's, then grips her and pulls the smaller girl into her lap. "It's just… so much to take in… I…" She looks down into Ranko's eyes. Ranko smiles at her and Akane realises what she's done. "Oh I… sorry! I just… automatically…"

Ranko giggles. "It's fine." Her face turns serious. "Akane, I would do it again because what I did has made you all whole. If the price Is my place in the world, I won't argue because the good outweighs the bad. And it's my choice to make."

Akane shakes her head. "Ranko, you're worth so, so much more than you think!"

Ranko looks at her hands. "I don't feel it. I'm… I'm not sure it's possible to feel it."

Nabiki, having sat nearby, shakes her head. "Wait, what do you mean a 'wish'? And the price being herself? Akane?"

Akane stands, shaking her head. "I… I went to visit that old Chinese lady who runs the ramen shop."

"Cologne." Ranko says, still looking down.

"Cologne, yeah. She told me about 'Remnants'. She calls Ranko one. Said it was… someone making a wish, but that because all wishes have prices that Remnants are extremely rare. Because what they wish for basically negates their existence."

Nabiki looks sick. "I… That's… She wished her existence away?" She asks. "What the hell is worth that price?"

Akane looks at her older sister. "Mom." She says, after a moment. Nabiki flinches.

"When she got ill and somehow recovered!" Nabiki snaps her fingers. She looks to Ranko. "Y-you did that?"

Ranko nods, standing up herself. "I did. I'd do it again."

Nabiki shakes her head. "That's messed up."

Akane leaves the room, Ranko looking after her and reaching out. Her hand goes to her side and she looks down. They hear, distantly, the slam of the bedroom door.

Kasumi, having been in the doorway to see what the fuss was, sighs. "I'll go and see her. Nabiki-chan, look after Ranko-chan."

Nabiki nods and moves to Ranko, taking her hand and guiding her to sit on the cushion. She puts an arm around the short redhead's shoulders.

Ranko bursts into tears. "I didn't want anyone to know." She wails. "I didn't. It's stupid."

Nabiki holds her close. "It's okay, Ranko-chan." She says.

"It's not. Now Akane hates me…" The redhead mutters.

Nabiki laughs mirthlessly. "Oh, if there's one thing I can guarantee, it's that she doesn't hate you. No, Ranko, the only one who hates you is you. I…" She swallows. "I remember Mom getting sick. She… She looked so frail until she got better. And… And I don't think I'd have turned out very well. I felt so… so unable to control what happened. I still get nightmares." She squeezes the crying girl in her arms. "And you stopped that. Above anything else, thank you. I wouldn't be able to pay the same price you have."

Ranko continues to cry until she eventually falls asleep. Nabiki puts a blanket over her and turns the light off. Soun and Kimiko had come in, but she's waved them off for now. Nodoka is somewhat frantic, but she's sitting by Ranko now.

Kasumi and Kimiko look at the girl. "How's Akane?" Nabiki asks.

"Cried herself to sleep, too. I don't understand why she's so upset." Says Soun.

Nabiki looks at her father and sighs. "She's just overwhelmed, I think." She latches onto her mother in a rare display of physical affection. "I love you, Mom." She says.

Kasumi joins in, but Nabiki breaks off quickly. "I think… I think what it is, is that Akane realised how big a challenge it's going to be to keep Ranko… Well, going. Something like she's suffered and done… it doesn't go away. Not ever, I don't think." She sighs. "You can only manage it – and you have to remember that she made the wish she did before all of the stuff we know of happened, which means she wasn't disposed to liking herself before that."

Kimiko shakes her head. "I thought she was familiar, but… Just one of those weird coincidences. She looked like the angel I saw at the end of my bed, but… I'd convinced myself it was just a… a weird premonition or something." She puts a hand to her mouth. "To think… To think I could be dead. If not for her, I'd-"

Soun puts his arms around his wife and leads her away to their bedroom at a whispered request.

The two elder sisters shake their heads. "We'd better keep an eye on them." Kasumi says. Nabiki nods.

"I'll manage Ranko, you're better at getting through to Akane." Nabiki makes a face. "I hope this doesn't set back their little romance."

"I think… they'll be a little too busy to deal with that. I also will be calling their therapist tomorrow morning."

"Good idea."


The next morning finds Ranko waking up in her mother's arms on the family room floor, feeling confused. Then it hits her and she feels nauseous. They know!

She tenses, every muscle bunching so she can move.

"Ranko." Her mother's voice is soft and tired, and she opens her eyes to see her daughter shivering. "Do not run away."


"I mean it, dear." Nodoka says, sitting up. "You have an appointment today. Kasumi-chan has set it up, and you are not going to school today."

Ranko fidgets. "I'm sorry for-"

"Ranko." Nodoka's voice takes on a tone of warning. "Knowing what you did will not make our family hate you, do you understand?"

"B-but I…"

"You saved Kimiko-chan, and the only reason they are angry with you is because you hate yourself." Nodoka says. "I am the only one who knows what your experience was like, before. But they understand you hate yourself." Ranko wilts, looking away. Nodoka's arms go about her daughter, holding her close. "Ranko, even if you might not love yourself, even if you never love yourself, you must know that we love you."

"I don't." Ranko gasps, tears coming to her eyes. "I can't understand, Mother. I can't understand why anyone would want me. Would love me. It… it doesn't make sense. Not to me."

"I know that." Nodoka says quietly. "And believe me, it breaks my heart to know that. But it is what it is, and there is little we can do but attempt to help repair things as best we can. And we will do that. Soun, Kimiko, Kasumi, Nabiki, Akane and I."

Ranko burrows into the safety of Nodoka's arms and squeezes closer, sniffling.

There's footsteps a while later and Ranko looks up to see Kasumi there, dressed in a blouse and pencil skirt, a vest over the blouse. She looks good. Upbeat, though there's a tired motion to her gait.

"We have an appointment to get to, Ranko-chan. Please clean yourself up and we'll get going."

Akane's there, behind her, looking at Ranko. She looks away when Ranko makes eye contact and Ranko winces.

The rest of the morning flies over in a blur, and she finds herself telling Mitaka-sensei about the previous night, and as an extension, more details of her life before.

The older lady sighs and takes her glasses off, cleaning them with a cloth before putting them back on. "I see." She shakes her head. "I am sure my session with Akane-chan will give me a more rounded explanation of her own actions, but I doubt she hates you."

"I lied to her." Ranko says, picking at her skirt.

"No, you withheld a truth you could not abide." Mitaka-sensei replies. "It's a distinction, small, but there. You did not mean to hurt her."

"And yet, like everything I touch, it became poison."

"That is because she is afraid, not of the consequences of your actions, but the meaning behind them. Tell me; does it seem like she's determined to help you overcome your issues?"

Ranko nods, not looking into the older woman's eyes. "Y-yes." She says.

"Then, follow my logic, Ranko-chan. She likely has realised that the goal in front of her is not a small mountain to scale, but an extremely large one. That you knew the price of your wish and still made it anyway is… Well, if I were in her shoes I, too, would be daunted."

Ranko closes her eyes. "She should just give up on me. I did."

"She wouldn't be who she is if she did." Mitaka-sensei says. "I don't know her extremely well, not like you, but she strikes me as a girl who will, once she has an objective, bull her way to that objective until it's completed, and damn anything else that tries to stop her. Especially if it's to help someone she cares for."

Ranko manages a giggle. "I… you are right."

"She has determined to help you, Ranko-chan. You only need to accept that help."

Ranko curls in on herself. "I don't know how." She mutters.

"Let it happen." Mitaka-sensei says. "That's all you can do, for now."


After she's finished with that session, she steps out of the room, looking at Akane as the other girl prepares to go in.

"I'm sorry." She says softly, before moving to sit down.

Waiting for Akane to finish her own session is nerve-wracking, right up until the point that she finds time has moved on. Sinking into her own thoughts again.

She grimaces as someone calls her, realising she's slipped into her staring, slithering underthoughts. The underneath of her soul is stained, slimy and dark. Slithering, icy cold that smothers as much as-

"Ranko!" She shakes her head and looks up. Kasumi looks at her, lips pursed. "Akane will be done soon. I'd advise you don't look like that when she does, else it might set her and yourself back some."

"Sorry." Ranko bows her head. A finger lifts her chin.

"None of that, little sister." Kasumi says gently. "I am cross because I am worried. You and Akane deserve better than what has happened. I told you I will be a lifetime in repaying you. I was not exaggerating."

"You don't owe me anything." Ranko's eyes move to look to the side. "I did it of my own will. I didn't expect a reward. I just felt that your mother would be better alive than me."

"I think," Kasumi replies evenly, "that such a choice should not have even been presented to you."

"She didn't want to." Ranko blurts out. "The goddess. She told me I shouldn't, that she didn't want me to. Argued with other gods to not let it happen. I still forced it."

"And why did you?"

Ranko's eyes stay stubbornly away. "Because your mother is worth more than me."

"That isn't true." Kasumi says, though there's enough uncertainty in her voice for Ranko to latch onto.

"This world, Kasumi-nee, this little world of ours here in Nerima, is completely different, and the only two differences are that I was never here and your mother survived. Everyone is happier. More confident. Better in nearly every way." She shifts back and closes her eyes. "You can all tell me that the world isn't better for my absence until the cows come home, but until I see the damage in person, I won't believe it."

Kasumi's frustrated sigh is her only reply as the elder girl sits down nearby. "Well, we shall have to find examples." She says after some minutes of uncomfortable silence.


The walk back is awkward. Akane still isn't talking to Ranko. Ranko isn't talking to anybody, and occasionally Kasumi's certain that the only reason Ranko hasn't run off again is because of the promise to her mother and that Akane has a firm grip on her hand.

The eldest sister sighs, looking between the pair. Two stubborn idiots and she has the aggravation to be responsible for them both.

Reaching home is a blessing, almost. Her mother bustles about while Nodoka cooks dinner in the kitchen. A moment to hug and kiss her daughter on the forehead is interrupted by Akane taking the short girl's hand again and dragging her upstairs, once more without a word.

Once the two are settled in her room; Akane on her bed and Ranko sat on the floor against the wall, as far away as she can be, Akane finally speaks.

"I want to know." She says, her voice eerily calm. "I want to know everything."

Ranko looks up. "What?"

"Everything. Your life before, why you chose to make such a stupid-"

"It wasn't stupid!" Ranko protests.

"I love my mother." Akane's voice is still low, still that dangerous calmness. "But no life is worth another life. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."

"It's made the world better." Ranko replies bitterly. Akane blinks at the actual anger in the redhead's voice. Anger is not one of Ranko's usual moods.

She stays calm, though. "How so?"

Ranko's head snaps up. "Take your pick, Akane-chan." She hisses. "The Kunous. School. Your family. Nerima in general. Ryouga, Shān Pū and Mù Sī. Everyone has a happier life without me in it. If you think I have been… have been lying or exaggerating it, I can assure you I have not."

Akane stays quiet, reeling. "…What was it like?" She asks.

"What was what like?"

"The world. Our world, our family, our friends. What was it all like?"

Ranko looks down. "I… Chaotic. Messy. Full of… of frustration and anger." She says, shaking her head. "I won't… I can't go into details. Not right now. I'm too… drained." She holds up a hand. "Please. When I'm ready, I will. If needed, it'll be the last thing I do before I…"

"Ranko, I hope you're not planning on running away again."

"I told you in hospital, Akane-chan. When I'm better."

Akane grinds her teeth. She leans back in her bed, running a hand down her face. "You are the most frustrating girl I've ever met, Ranko-chan. And I include myself in that. And Nabiki-nee. Every time I feel we're… we're getting somewhere with you; something happens to wreck it." She holds up a hand to forestall Ranko. "And no, it isn't you that causes it. It's just… Aaargh!" She slams a hand on her bed. It creaks alarmingly. "I just don't get how someone as wonderful as you can hate yourself so much."

Ranko shrugs, shaking her head.

Akane runs a hand through her short hair, letting out a breath. "Sorry. I'm sorry. It's not you, it's that I hate puzzles I can't fix. Problems I can't solve. People I can't help."

Ranko gets to her feet, head bowed. "I'm sorry." She says. "I'm… I wish I could be a better person."

Akane blinks. "A… A better person?" She asks, incredulous. "I… Do you have any idea how selfless what you did was? You gave up everything for my mother. For a woman you'd never met. I can only imagine how awful my sisters and I must have been without her. I bet Nabiki would have become cold as hell, Kasumi would've retreated or had to raise us. Dad would've fallen apart and I… I'd have been angry. When she was so ill, all I could do was get angrier and angrier. Control felt like a thing of the past and… I bet without Mom, I just couldn't control it."

Akane leans back, closing her eyes. "Mom taught me to corral my anger, how to be proud of myself, how to like who I am for who I am, and for who I like. If it weren't for her… Well, that's the point, isn't it?" She sighs. "I'm rambling. All I'm saying is that you gave yourself up for a woman you didn't meet, for a family that probably wasn't the nicest to you. That kind of selflessness is… Well, I know in your case it comes from a dark place, but even so… It's incredible. I wouldn't do it. Couldn't do it."

Ranko shifts where she stands. "I…"

Akane opens her eyes and smiles wryly at Ranko. Something in her seems to have reached equilibrium again. "'Thank you, Akane-chan', is probably what you should say."

"…Thank you, Akane-chan." Ranko parrots. Akane shakes her head.

"It's a start, I guess. I'll let you off the hook for telling me everything, for now, but don't think I won't be demanding it when we're both a little less fraught."

"…'kay." Ranko mumbles, letting herself out and moving numbly to her room. She lies down on her futon, curling up and closing her eyes.

She's woken up later by the gentle hands of her mother and dutifully goes downstairs to eat, silent the whole time despite attempts to draw her into a conversation.

The silence persists for most of the following day. Not much can draw her out of the fog around her, not even Tatewaki trying to be funny and failing spectacularly.

Akane, too, is quiet, though hers is a thoughtful quiet rather than Ranko's blankness. She doesn't tell her friends, though they seem to realise something deep has come out, something about Ranko and their best friend is still processing it.

On the way home, Sayuri and Yuka walk with the pair, heading towards the dojo to hang out with Akane.

Ranko's still quiet, mostly staring emptily ahead and reacting very little. It reminds Sayuri of her worst moments when she was alone with them before, though there's more life to it than in those darker days.

That Akane seems afflicted with the same quiet makes the pair uneasy. Akane is a girl of loud brashness, of refined-yet-aggressive friendliness, who will do anything for someone she considers a friend. Being quiet and contemplative isn't exactly in her nature, at least not to the extent it's been today.

The only highlight of the day had been Hikari coming out to the class, but she's a minor note in the grand scheme of things. Yuka in particular had seen it coming and Kana's outburst about her 'finally becoming the goth gf she was always meant to be' had rather taken the wind out the poor girl's sails, even if it had made her smile warmly for being accepted.

Yuka gives it about a week before she and Kana are dating, maybe even dating Azusa, too.

Even with that kind of gossip, it was hard to care much about it with her friends in such disarray.

As they walk it starts to snow and Sayuri blinks as a snowflake, thick and large and fluffy, lands on her nose. "Huh." She mutters.

"Snow, in November, in Tokyo?" Yuka asks. Ranma and Akane are staring around at it as well.

"It is unusual." Ranko's voice is quieter than even her usual, breathy voice.

Ever since being rescued there's been an element to Ranko's voice that Sayuri doesn't like the feel of. It's almost rusted. Breathier than it was, quieter, too. Even when she's speaking more loudly, she sounds quiet. Along with how thin her friend still is, even after weeks and weeks of improving and gaining weight, it's worrying to realise how close she must have come to the edge. Seeing her change for gym is enough for her to have to look away in sadness. That thinness seems to have spread to her voice and her attitude in general.

It isn't like Ranko was ever loud. Far from it. The girl's a naturally quiet, naturally overly-polite young woman with manners as if she were attending Lillian, but she barely seems to exist now, as if the world's moving around her without realising she's even there.

An absurd part of Sayuri thinks that she'd make for an excellent ninja, even if the more rational side of her is alarmed by the quietness.

Sighing, the two girlfriends, arms linked, watch as the other two, so close and yet so far from one another now, walk ahead.

"We have to get them together." Yuka, ever the shipper on deck, says to her girlfriend.

"I know." Replies Sayuri, just as much of a shipper as her lover. "But they're both so frustratingly dense and clever at the same time."

Looking around at the snow, Yuka ponders. "You know…" She says quietly. "I think Auntie Kimiko said that they were doing the usual party for half the district they throw every year, right?"

Sayuri smiles softly, memories dancing in her eyes. "I hope so. We got together at the last one." She says. "Good times."

Yuka kisses her cheek. "I wonder if that crazy seamstress is still about who does custom orders. Ranko'll have filled out more by the time Christmas rolls around."

"Mmm. Well, we'll use her to smash Akane's head into tiny pieces and then hopefully they'll realise more about one another." Sayuri mumbles. "And then maybe that'll help them out of their funks."

"They'll get better."

"I hope so." Sayuri replies. "I hate not knowing what's happened."


So... Yeah. Yeah it's been a while, both for this and for all my fics, really. I've had a crap year that's just getting worse slowly and unlike usual it's not the kind of pain I can translate into writing. It's just frustration that tires me out. I'll try to get back on the horse (heh) but I don't know. I've got most of the rest of this fic planned and written, I just have to build all the connective tissue. It's the same for my other ones. I'll try to do better, I guess.

And I'm not pleased with how short this one came out but I couldn't figure anything else to add that wouldn't have just felt like padding.