Alright, chapter 3 folks.
Chapter 3 - Faint Reflection
There's nothing here worth taking,
Just my reflection fading on the wall,
Not the fairest one of all,
I'm looking for a place I'll never see again.
A night turns to a day,
A street I've never walked on,
I was never here,
Just a faint reflection.
- Sleep Walking by The Birthday Massacre
Ranko sits in the office, uncomfortably perched on a chair in her slightly shabby uniform.
"So," The secretary says, tapping in at her computer. "Your name is Ranko, what's the family name?"
"Ah…" Ranko shuffles. "I um… I don't really have o-one." She says. "I-I don't th-think they registered me."
The woman eyes the girl with red hair. "Are your parents both Japanese?" She asks.
Ranko squirms. "As far as I know. I grew up here, though we wandered a lot."
"Hmm. I suppose it might take time to find you. I don't suppose you have any ideas?"
"S-Saotome, or H-Himura, ma'am." Ranko says softly. "But I d-d-doubt I'll b-be found. Father was not one to deal with authorities and I barely met my mother before she was taken from me."
The secretary purses her lips. "Well, I'll register you as simply 'Ranko' in the system for now until we can find or register you."
"Th-thank you, ma'am." Ranko says politely. She provides the kanji for her new name, 'Orchid' and 'Child'. A stab goes through her heart as she remembers she never got to tell her mother or Ryouga or Ucchan.
"Well, there we go. Here's your pass." She hands Ranko the laminated card with a terrible photograph of her on it. "Fortunately, you've already met the representative for your class, Tendou Akane, so she'll be able to guide you there. Isn't that right, Tendou-kun?"
Akane blushes as the secretary opens the door and shows she'd been eavesdropping.
Like Auntie? "Ah, yes, Hirasawa-sensei."
Ranko looks to Akane, a complicated expression on her face. Akane seems so full of
life. Like she was before, only brighter. But she doesn't know Ranko.
Is that all it takes for everyone to be happier, for her not to have existed? Could it simply be her mother or is there more at work.
She shakes her head and stands from the seat, brushing her dress off. "I p-put myself in your hands, Tendou-san." She says, bowing.
Akane looks over her.
Yes please, that would be pretty goo… hells you don't even know her! "Ah… Y-yeah, no problem Ranko-san." She says, a blush on her cheeks.
"Well," The secretary says, smiling between the two. "Off you go, better get to your classes."
Akane nods and Ranko follows her to the classroom. She has to pretend she doesn't know the way, even though these halls are entirely familiar.
Perhaps not entirely. They're a lot less damaged than they were
before. The paint not so peeling, the décor not so drab due to the contractors giving up after one too many incidents. Like Akane, the school seems brighter and better for her absence and Ranko feels another stab in her heart.
As they pass the second-years' classrooms, Nabiki pops her head out. "Hey sis, who's the cutie? New girlfriend?" Her eyebrows waggle and Akane just pokes her forehead, shoving her into the room again.
"No, Nabiki, new student. Her name's Ranko."
Ranko bows to Nabiki and completes the trifecta of the Tendou sisters looking on her like a stranger. Something hollow fills the pit of her stomach, something dark and squirming. Nabiki gives her the once-over and smiles mischievously. "Tendou Nabiki." She says. "I'm Akane's older sister. I kinda run information around here, and if you're being bullied it's best to come to me, alright? Being new sucks, so I try to make sure everyone gets on."
Ranko nods. "My name is Ranko, Tendou-san. I'm not sure how long I will be here for, but I will keep that in mind, thank you." Nabiki offering those kinds of services is new. Ranko takes a moment to study Nabiki subtly, though she knows she fails to be unnoticed by Nabiki's smirk.
Nabiki looks mostly unchanged except there's… less sharpness to her features, less vicious ice queen and more mischievous princess? Ranko can't really put it into words, but the normally mercenary girl looks friendlier than she ever has to Ranko, stands a little straighter, looks a little less desperate and cold. Like Akane and probably Kasumi before (given her attire and the satchel) her
self seems improved.
Ranko gives a shy smile and then looks to Akane. She finds it hardest to look at Akane, but it's easier than looking at the floor or the walls.
Nabiki catches her look and her smile widens. She reaches out and pats Akane on the arm. "Nice moves, imouto-chan." She smirks and retreats before Akane can push her back in.
Akane rolls her eyes and looks to Ranko. "Sorry about my sister, she's… intense. And money grubbing."
Ranko rubs her arms and nods. "Can we get to class please, Tendou-san?"
"O-oh!" Akane blushes. "Sure!"
Ranko stands in front of her class, feeling a bizarre dislocation that's been nagging at her the entire time and growing stronger with every moment. She stands here, a new student to a class she'd grown to know or at least be acquainted with, but even then her memories as Ranma are still kind of fuzzy, as if someone else's.
"Ranko-san, why don't you introduce yourself?"
Ranko swallows and bows after writing the kanji for her name on the board. Her given name, anyway. "Good morning, my name is Ranko. I currently have no family name. Please take care of me." She bows a second time. The teacher smiles at her – and it's not miss Hinako, but the old one.
There's general murmuring as there always is, and she blushes as she overhears Daisuke and Hiroshi high fiving in celebration of there being another cute girl in their class. A few of the girls seem to be commenting on her bust, while there's a buzz of whether she has a boyfriend or not. Only a few seem to be wondering about her lack of a family name, which is almost unheard of. A few wonder if she's somehow been disowned.
"Thank you, Ranko-san." The teacher – Arizawa-sensei now she remembers – interrupts the gossip. "There's a space between Tamaki and Tendou so please sit there."
"Y-yes." Ranko stammers. She makes her way down to her seat and sits down, looking straight ahead. The dislocation's getting worse, that dark feeling pooling in her stomach growing. No one recognises her. Surely there'd be one, it can't be
this complete, can it.
As the first lesson gets under way, she surreptitiously rubs her eyes and diligently takes notes. She smiles at her handwriting, so different from when she was Ranma. Neat and precise. She'd seen her mother's
beautiful handwriting and with everything else about her mother, wanted to emulate it.
Mother… She wonders. No,
no, her mother has to recognise her. She can't have just sprung fully formed into this world, how the hell would that even work? No, she had to have been born or been taken care of, right? It's not realistic.
Almost as unrealistic as a wish being granted.
Her stomach clenches and it feels like all the blood drains from her body.
No. No she has to remember. She's my mother.
She's interrupted from her musings by the change of classes, and after the teacher's walked out is when she's ambushed by the usual crowds. It's not the first time for her, though technically it is. Ranko looks at her notebook.
"Ne, Ranko-san, why don't you have a family name? Are you
"N-no I just…"
"Yuka don't pester her about that, it must be personal."
"S-sorry, Ranko-san, just curious."
"That's fine." Ranko says.
It isn't fine.
"You need to tell me what dye you use, Ranko-san, it's
gorgeous." Sayuri says. Ranko has to pretend not to know her, too.
It's too much, it's too much now.
"U-um, it's not d-d-d-dyed." Ranko says, squirming.
Sayuri whistles. "Wow, really? That's the most vibrant red I've ever seen, especially on someone Japanese."
She can hear the undercurrents wondering if she's really Japanese.
"Well it's nice to have more cute girls in the class, especially such
gifted ones." Hiroshi says. Was he always so forward? Ranko blushes and squirms in her seat again, not looking at everyone. They're all too
"Hiroshi, you horndog, leave her be." Yuka says.
"Hey, you bothered her first!"
Guys!" Akane says loudly. Everyone turns to look at the short-haired girl. "Come on, give her some space. Can't you see she's shy?"
Everyone looks between them. Sayuri has a knowing look in her eyes that Ranko can't decipher, while Daisuke laughs softly. A few of the other girls mutter something about marking territory, which passes right over Ranko's head.
Thankfully they move away slightly and Ranko relaxes a little. "Th-thank you." She says. Everyone looks at her and Yuka sighs.
"Sorry, Ranko-san, I guess we weren't looking."
"'Kay." Ranko mumbles, still red.
The teacher comes in for the next class and everyone settles down again. Ranko sighs in relief.
When the bell for lunch time rings, she remembers the bentou in her bag and pulls out the box, looking at the cute design on the top before standing, then leaving the room before anyone can grab her.
She needs to be alone. Not alone with other people around her, just
alone. Her mind is running a mile a minute and she just needs to
get away.
She finds a secluded spot under a tree outside and opens the bentou, finding a pair of chopsticks embedded in the lid.
Inside is a set of all of her favourites, cooked to perfection, including a separated section with dessert. She should have realised that the box from a goddess would be done perfectly, and as she eats it almost helps her feel a little better.
Not very far away, under their usual tree, Akane, Sayuri and Yuka watch the lone redhead eat her lunch daintily. Sayuri whistles to herself. "We sure bagged a cutie in our class." She says. Yuka turns to her.
"Thinking of abandoning me, dear?" She asks. Sayuri grins.
"She's cute,
hot and seems really sweet. Maybe."
"What do I need to do to convince you, o girlfriend mine?"
"Ah, nothing you aren't already. Besides, I think our dear Akane-chan here has staked her claim already. So bold!" Yuka laughs as Akane goes red.
"Well, she
is exactly my type." Akane says. "And it's weird, I feel like I… I don't know. She seems oddly familiar and yet she's a stranger."
Sayuri taps her chin. "Yeah, there is that. It's a weird feeling. When she was stood up in front of the class, it was as if a hole in the world had been filled somehow."
"Filling holes, huh?" Yuka grins. Sayuri blushes and swats her girlfriend.
"Quiet you."
Akane shakes her head. "I don't know. It's odd. Does she seem… lonely to you?"
"A bit, but not? I don't know, there's something up with her. She's definitely sad somehow."
Akane ponders a moment. "Her uniform's a bit uh… threadbare. You don't think she's an orphan or something, especially with no name?"
"Why?" Sayuri teases. "Thinking of taking her home?"
"Nah. Better make friends with her first. We'll get her sitting with us sometime tomorrow for lunch?"
"Making moves already, you go girl!" Yuka nudges her short-haired friend and Akane blushes.
"It's not like that!" She stares as her two best friends fall back against the tree laughing.
"You're too easy sometimes, Akane!" Yuka laughs. "But you already got a crush!"
Sayuri smiles as she actually starts eating her food. "I dunno, she seems sweet. And she is
definitely attractive. You needed a mop to wipe up the drool when she stood there. That hair, those eyes." Her eyebrows waggled and she made an hourglass shape with her hands. "That figure. Mmmph!"
"Pervert." Akane says fondly.
"Hey, I know what we all like." Sayuri says as Yuka kisses her cheek. Akane laughs suddenly. "What?"
"Nothing much." The short-haired girl says, "Just that ever since I came out to her Mom's stopped pestering me about bringing a nice boy home."
"Oh? Winner! Mine's like 'Are you sure Yuka's the girl?', like I'm S-class or something." Sayuri groans. Akane laughs again.
"No, no, you guys aren't getting it, now she's pestering me about bringing a nice
girl home instead!"
Yuka falls down laughing. "Oh kami, only you, Akane! Only you!"
Sayuri snickers. "Take Ranko-san home, I guarantee your she'll be smitten and mother her
relentlessly. Your mom's like that. Oh hell, get her and your oldest sister in the same room with her and you might as well go to Setagaya for the certificate now!"
Akane blushes brightly. "Shut up, you two!" She yells, though she's smiling.
Ranko, sat beneath her own tree, watches the trio surreptitiously, having eaten her bentou and quieted the rumbling of her stomach. The three are arguing and teasing one another as always, but Akane is definitely far less defensive and… well, more
alive than she had been. She can't even see that constant tenseness to her shoulders.
Ranko looks down at her hands, then back to her friend.
No, no longer her friend. Just some girl she knows at school now. A girl who helped her, who would always help her because it's
Akane and if she had something that would save her life that someone else needed, she'd give it away.
Maybe coming to school was a mistake, but she had to
see, had to
know if it worked.
School passes by and as the final bell for the day rings and the rest of the class files out slowly, some stopping by her desk to welcome her, she looks up into Akane's face. "O-oh… Tendou-san." She says.
"Hey there, Ranko-san, I hope your first day was good?"
"I-it was fine. Thank you for your assistance earlier." Ranko says softly, looking at her desk.
"Ah, it's fine." Akane cracks her knuckles a bit. She brightens. "Hey! Was Kunou-senpai right earlier?" Ranko gives her a confused look. "He said you were a martial artist. Are you?"
Ranko looks down at her desk again. "O-oh. Sort-of." She says.
"'Sort-of'? What do you mean?"
"I don't like to fight, I can just about spar, but I was trained. I just don't like violence." Ranko says.
Akane nods. "Ah, I get you. I still like to fight; it's why I have my spars every morning. I'll tell you about them sometime. The only bad part of them is Kunou-senpai at the end, but he's just an idiot and a creep, and not really worth bothering over. If he bugs you too much, speak to me or Nabiki and we'll take care of it."
Ranko smiles her first really genuine smile at seeing Akane still so caring. "Thank you, Tendou-san."
Akane blushes. Great kami above that smile has some wattage to it. She tries not to let it make her knees weak. Why does this new girl have this effect? She's not that hard-up for dates even being a lesbian. There's just something odd, and familiar about Ranko and she can't really put her finger on it.
After a moment, she coughs. "Well, I'd better get home or Mom will tell me off again for dilly-dallying."
Ranko perks up. "Your Mother? Is she nice?" Akane gives her a funny look, but then grins.
"Oh yeah, my Mom's
awesome." Akane says. "Supportive and just great. My dad, too. Hey!" She brightens, that sure, confident smile on her face that makes Ranko blush back again. "You should stop by sometime and have a spar, we've got a dojo and everything."
Ranko makes a thoughtful face. "I suppose I could sometime." She mumbles. Akane grins.
"Cool, it's a date!" She stops. "Ah… not that it's a date-date but a date to mark on your… I'm shutting up now."
Ranko's face is red, but she nods. "O-okay."
"Well, I'll see you tomorrow." Akane says awkwardly, then walks out the room. Ranko sighs softly.
This is far, far harder than she'd thought.
"Time to… go…. Home…" She mutters to herself, slowly realising. She doesn't
have a home.
Standing, numbly, she walks out of the school, her mind awhirl. Where is she going to stay?
Fetching the pack from where she'd stashed it away, hidden, she just… wanders around Nerima. Taking in sights and sounds familiar and unfamiliar. She walks past the Nekohanten, which is still there for some reason. Why are Cologne and Shampoo here if she isn't?
She almost goes in, but stops herself. She hasn't any money.
Ucchan's isn't even open, it's still an empty restaurant with a 'For Sale' sign on it. Wandering further, she realises her feet have taken her to the street that the Tendou Dojo is on. She looks at the familiar sign stating 'To challenge the owner in ferocious combat, please use rear entrance'.
Looking at the familiar walls, with the house behind it, a twinge of fear rises in her, a momentary greying of the world at what to expect inside.
Except it's not the same. It won't ever be the same.
Hanging her head, Ranko walks on, looking for the canal. There was that bridge she or Akane would sit under if needed.
As if on cue it starts to rain and Ranko sighs as she darts towards the bridge.
The stones aren't comfortable, and there's not much room, but she manages to at least find somewhere dry. She pauses a moment. She should change from her uniform.
Blushing brightly, she looks around. There's no one there, so she uses her speed to change from her uniform into the overalls and blouse, folding the uniform up.
Finally having a moment to check through the backpack she'd been given she notes that there's an umbrella inside it (that would have been useful to have known about five minutes ago). As well as this there's a small lamp, a bedroll, a blanket. She looks deeper and pulls out a photo wallet.
Opening it, she looks at the photographs. A mixture of old and newer ones – except the older ones aren't of her old self, of Ranma. It's like Berry had taken the album and modified every picture of Ranma to contain Ranko instead.
She idly flips through it. There aren't that many pictures – Ranma wasn't entirely a sentimental boy, so rarely asked to keep photos. There's one of her on Akane's lap in the neko-ken. One of her, Father and the Tendou family. She's in the lovely Chinese outfit Shampoo had given her, pale yellow with an orchid pattern.
The last few she stares at hungrily. Pictures of recently. One of her with flowers, one helping Kasumi-nee-chan, and several of her, and her mother, and Ucchan, and Shampoo and Ryouga.
Her heart twists, but she forces it down.
There's the pyjamas her mother gave her, her favourite pair in the whole world.
She pulls the pyjamas out of her bag and looks at them. Someone's carefully put them in a plastic wrapper. She takes them out and smells them.
They're clean; cleaned using the detergent her mother uses, the smell of the fabric softener reminding her so much of Nodoka that it's painful.
She's afraid to go and see her mother. She's afraid of what she'll find. As sure as she is that when she gets there, Nodoka will remember her, will know her. Maybe she'll know her even if she doesn't remember her, recognise her as her daughter.
Putting the pyjamas back into the plastic, Ranko repacks the bag, but holds onto the pyjamas in their wrapping. She clutches them against her chest as she curls up on the stone shelf above the dirt path, under the canal bridge and begins to cry.
"Hey Mom." Akane smiles as she walks into the kitchen at home.
"Akane, dear, hello!" Kimiko beams at her youngest daughter. "How was school?"
"Ah, you know, the usual!" Akane grins, rolling her shoulders. "Fighting idiot senpais, rescuing damsels from said idiot senpais."
"Oh my, sounds a busy day, dear." Kimiko smiles at her. "That Kunou boy again?"
"Yeah." Akane grumbles. "He was picking on this cute redhead transfer student, so I put him in his place and took her in. Turns out she's in my class."
"Oh, cute
and with red hair?" Akane goes red and puts a hand to her mouth.
"Mooooooom!" She exclaims. "It's not like that!" She pauses. "Wellll, maybe a
little like that. She's very nice, Mom, and she's got this beautiful red hair."
Kimiko's eyes twinkle. "Well, you know I'd love for you to bring a nice girl home sometime."
"Uuuugh this is why I don't talk to you about school." Akane grouses, not entirely bad-naturedly. Her mother pats her on the arm.
"Whatever you say, dear. Looks like it's a concrete day, right?"
Akane rolls her shoulders. "Yeah, I'll get my gi and smash some blocks. Got a little frustration to vent."
"Dinner won't be long, so do build up that appetite."
Nabiki leans against the wall of the dojo as Akane breaks bricks in it. Thankfully the last of the classes had finished for the day while she was talking to the new student, so she's not interrupted until Nabiki clears her throat while Akane clears the broken blocks away, a broad smile on her face.
"So what's she like?"
"Who?" Akane asks, wiping her forehead.
"The new girl. You seem pretty smitten." Nabiki drawls, a smirk on her face. "And here I thought you'd be pining for Misato in my class all this time."
"Nah, she's way out of my league." Akane shrugs at her sister.
"And that new girl isn't? Half the rumour mill's going already. Not surprising, with that red hair and that figure, but still..."
Akane shrugs. "She's nice. Very shy, and yes dear onee-chan, very attractive. Happy?"
Nabiki grins. "Very. Just… get to know her before you confess, alright?"
"Nabiki, I'm a lesbian, not an idiot. I know how relationships work."
"Yeah well, with your bull-headed tendencies I figured it's best to give you advice before you go making a fool of yourself." Nabiki pauses a moment. "Hey, did you get this weird… look and feeling from her?"
Akane's eyes snap to her older sister. "How do you mean?"
"Like she's… familiar. But I can honestly say I've never met her before in my life. But it's like there was a… hole, in the world, that she's filled."
Akane 'hmm's. "You know, you're right. Sayuri said the same thing."
"Weird. I think I'll try to dig up some stuff. She have a family name?"
"Not one, though I did hear 'Saotome' or 'Himura' when she was meeting the secretary, but she said they weren't likely her names. I think she might be an orphan or disowned or something. Which is weird, I can't see someone so polite being disowned."
Nabiki shrugs. "I'll try to find some stuff out. Can't have just popped into existence after all."
And so begins the downward spiral. At least Akane's having fun?
One of the themes I'm exploring with this, as opposed to Changeling's initial themes on transition which change to exploring love, loss, anger and grief, is how self-destructive people can be, especially when someone has self-worth as low as Ranko's.
Ranko shares that low self-worth with me so I can absolutely understand how she can absolutely despise herself and consider herself unimportant. I don't think I'd ever be able to go as far as she has in Athetos but she made a snap decision. A bad one, but one that makes sense to her. And that's the problem, everything that's happening is her own decision biting her, her own fault in a way.
I wanted to explore that sort of thing taken to the extreme which is where Athetos was born.