At One Story's End, A New Beginning (Architects Of Hell Council Signup)


Really in the mood for ribs.
This is a game. It will always be a game. Those of you who are naive enough to think otherwise should probably not play so as to avoid offense.

"Who is to say that the end of one story cannot be the start of another?"
-The First Book Of Ending

Hell sucks.

That's probably the closest thing to an actual first thought your formerly agony-riddled mind has formed that was in any way coherent. And really, looking out into the darkness with a group of others who somehow found themselves released from their eternal torment, but not the actual place of torment, it's an appropriate mental statement to make.

Hell sucks. It has meaning, it indicates a possibility that it could be possible to not make Hell suck so much. And since you and your fellows are sitting on self-made islands, rafts really, of rock and dust floating in what should be an infinite lake of fire and darkness, that possibility remains.

But what are you going to do? Granted, making land and then finding a way to make it comfortable should be easy, and it's not like you'll catch attention; the New Earth and New Heaven are closed after all, and you faintly remember seeing some kind of shroud that repels all those considered unworthy in the brief glimpse outside your eternal prison and burning torture.

You've all taken to speaking your thoughts out loud because that's how oppressive the silence is otherwise, but even so you all realise that you're all in this together. You not only have to deal with the hostile environment of The Lake, but even making an exit out of this pocket dimension of suffering will require cooperation.

At the very least, time doesn't exist here, and that means you have all the time you need.

This is a game for 4-6 players.

You are people who failed to make The List when Armageddon came. Maybe it was the wrong religion, the wrong lifestyle choices, or you were someone born before there was any concept of religion and thus were probably doomed from the start. Either way, you're in Hell after the end of the story that was written in The Good Book and while that should have been the end of wasn't.

You found you had power. That if you focused your mind, you could do things, change things.

Make things.

So, who are you?

Write it down in the dirt as follows:

The Year Of Your Death: There are beings here who've been burning since time was a concept. There are beings who have only arrived when time ceased to be a concept.
Description: Write it down, or else you can picture it if you concentrate hard enough. (Submitted pictures must be spoilered to be eligible.)
Species: Everything went down here. Humans, Demons, even Aliens. The Lake isn't fussy.

You have the ability to do something great, but for now, try not to fall back into The Lake.
Rules Of Gameplay And Conduct
Time and other concepts don't exist here. For now.

You can perform as many actions as you want, and it will be done. How it will happen will be made as a logic check against the environment. Dice rolls, when the mechanic is created, will dictate the possibility of success.

To need resources, you have to create resources. To need land, you must create land. To need time, you must create time. In short, anything you need, you must create.

Dicerolls by the GM will not happen unless the concepts of chance and therefore failure are introduced.

Time will not pass until there is a concept and way to record time.

What sort of society will you create? It's up to you. It might not even be one society when all is said and done.

Remember, this is a game. Have fun.
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Name: Dame Sarah Flandry
Gender: Female
Age: 34
Date of Birth: July 19th, 2729
Personality: Analytical and prone busy herself with issues taking her special attention, she sometimes appear absent to people trying to talk to her, in her working phases.
Birthplace: Cardenia Praefecture
The Year Of Your Death: 2763



Previous Offices Held:
His Majesties Ambassador on the Thulian Homeworld

History: Born on a small installation orbiting a moon in the Cardenia Praefecture, no one might have guessed that the girl growing up there, would ever become more than another administrator or worker in the local systems industry. Until she aced one of the standard tests for her age group and was offered a scholarship on a prestigious university on Venus, which was responsible for educating the public officials the Empire needed to function. Thanks to her personal abilities and a bit of well as a few connections to students from more prestigious families, Sarah soon found herself in the foreign office, starting out as just another cog in the machine, before she started to work herself upwards: becoming part of planning councils, before taking part in travels outside of the Empire, as assistant to different envoys. Thanks to these experiences she became part of the embassy operating more or less unobstructed in the Armstrong system, growing quite used to the militaristic Krin and helping to ease the ambassador work burden together with the other assistants.

Ironically enough her next two year assignment was planend as a "rewards" and promised to be more relaxed than her stay with the ammonia-based Krin: she was send out towards Thulian space. Sadly her stay on Tykor wasn`t long, nor was it pleasant, then only a few weeks after she arrived the embassy became place of a terrorist attack: different extreme xenophobic groups claiming responsibility and demanding the end of the "pollution and taint" the Thulians were bringing into their society. Being one of the few survivors, Sarah not only salvaged whatever Data the embassy held, but after the death of the ambassador was forced to take over the embassy as the most experienced person present...which only showed how worse the situation had become. Somehow she was able to avert a crisis and calm down both the Homeworlds media and the Thulians, a feat for which she did not only get the title of Dame, but also became quite present in the Media: having declined more throughout treatment, with the explanation that she was: "too busy".

Playing on her status as wounded in the service for the Empire and with her clean -even if not too spectacular- career in the foreign office, she found herself stepping up to become part of the newly formed government, as someone formed and experienced in the working of the imperial bureaucracy. Sadly she could only act in this office for half of the governmental period, before she was killed by an false flag operation on one of her trips the non-aligned powers at the periphery of the Empire.

Species: Humans

Okay, need some questions answered so I can get my entry posted. Gideon, if you would be so kind?

1. Is it possible for there to have been say, half-human half demon offspring before 'Judgement Day'? Either due to someone calling up a demon to earth and then, well, having a child with it, or due to the demon escaping from the bindings and wandering around before eventually having a child with a human?
2. How prominent was magic in the 'real world' before Judgement Day?
3. I take it that it's possible for a descendent of a half-human, half-mythological being to 'awaken' their heritage, if magic and half-humans were possible?
4. What year did Judgement Day happen? We going to just say that it basically happened say, 1st of April, 2018 as the worst April Fools Easter Sunday ever?

As Simpli's just brought up an interesting point...
5. Can we basically pick whatever year and just assume that there's multiple universes that aren't chronologically synchronized, so 'Judgement Day' could have happened in one on the 1st of April, 2018AD and another on say, the 3rd of December 100, 002AD or something?
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Okay, need some questions answered so I can get my entry posted. Gideon, if you would be so kind?

1. Is it possible for there to have been say, half-human half demon offspring before 'Judgement Day'? Either due to someone calling up a demon to earth and then, well, having a child with it, or due to the demon escaping from the bindings and wandering around before eventually having a child with a human?
2. How prominent was magic in the 'real world' before Judgement Day?
3. I take it that it's possible for a descendent of a half-human, half-mythological being to 'awaken' their heritage, if magic and half-humans were possible?
4. What year did Judgement Day happen? We going to just say that it basically happened say, 1st of April, 2018 as the worst April Fools Easter Sunday ever?

As Simpli's just brought up an interesting point...
5. Can we basically pick whatever year and just assume that there's multiple universes that aren't chronologically synchronized, so 'Judgement Day' could have happened in one on the 1st of April, 2018AD and another on say, the 3rd of December 100, 002AD or something?

1: Yes.
2: It existed until the Crusades and Inquisition.
3: Entirely possible.
4: Whenever you want it to happen.
5: Yes.
Name: Hayden Ishtar
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 1st of April 1996
The Year Of Your Death: 1st of April, 2018. Judgement Day for your universe. Specifically when the skyscraper you were next to collapsed on top of you as part of the beginning of Judgement Day. Worst Easter ever! And birthday too!
Age: 22 years, 3 hours and 7 minutes. Exactly.
Description: Your pretty typical mostly Caucasian heritage male. 180cms or so, hair colour that has often been described as 'Blonde but somehow with the look of firelight at the right angle in the right lighting' with grey eyes. Only a few noticeable differences from the generic mould. Namely? Your eyes have a slight angle to them, not enough to actually say whether you have Asian heritage or not, but it's there. Your body is slim and slender, with a rather athletic appearance, though more towards the 'gymnast' side of things than the '100m sprinter', and definitely not the 'rugby athlete'. This does not help the fact that if people don't look carefully, they can mistake you as a masculine woman. You've recently discovered that this is probably thanks to your great grandmother's heritage revealing itself.
Species: Mostly Human, Awoken Succubus Heritage from your great grandmother on the maternal side of things, and the ritual needed to Awaken it you found in her journals.

History: You had a pretty typical upbringing for a upper-middle class family from the suburbs of a major Australian city, especially one near the coast in southern Queensland. Your parents, Michelle Ishtar and Kieran Ishtar since Dad took Mum's last name upon getting married, (as has been the family tradition since Great grandmother the Succubus Circe Ishtar which name she had taken as her 'use-name' after being summoned and escaping the bindings because of the amusement factor apparently) weren't extremely wealthy but you and your older, and two younger, sisters never lacked for anything. Especially you, seeing as for some (then-unknown) reason you're the only male child of your mother's extended family, at least until your cousins on that side started to have children. So you got a bit spoiled. Of course, then came primary and high school, which is when the problems started.

Sure you had inherited much of your mother's ability to get your way socially (Dad had quickly learned that if he wanted to stand firm on something against you kids, he needed to get Mum to share his view... and heaven help him if Mum shared our view) but that didn't help when the other guys decided to mock the 'girly boy', and bully them. After all, to influence someone, most of the time they need to actually listen to what you were saying first. So you ended up focusing on your studies as much as possible, which left you with high scores, though a bit of a loner (Mum may have been a social charmer, but Dad was smart). This lead to something... unexpected when you decided to go looking through the family history. You see, you discovered Great Grandmother's journals. Which were full of the most interesting of details.

Sure, there was nothing much actually about magic in there, but discovering that the old myths were closer to reality than people believed was fascinating. When you weren't cursing her because you now knew why you looked the way you did, and also why your mother's family always had girls for kids. Apparently, it takes a few generations for the 'Succubus are Female' to breed out, as Incubus, or at least, her type of Incubus were another species of demon. Best guess you have is the fact that you were born on April Fools Day allowed a male to be born a generation early, though it wasn't perfect. Jokes on everyone I guess? Okay, there was some magic in the book, a ritual meant to awaken your heritage, which you went through, and it worked! Unfortunately, the vast majority of innate abilities from your heritage required being a woman, though it did mean you supposedly could now start using (and seeing) magic. If you had any magic to actually use.

That definitely changed what you were going to study at university though, that's for sure. Instead of going for the hard science route you had previously planned, you went for philosophy, mythological and archaeology. Your family had never been particularly religious, and the lure of real, genuine magic was too strong (look, you grew up in the age of video games. If it was shooting stuff with guns, it was blowing it up with magic). This didn't mean that you weren't going to grab what other scientific electives and the like you could, as well as learning them in your own time. You figured it would help to actually work out the magic if you found any. Unfortunately for you, you never got to graduate. Seeing as Judgement Day happened whilst you were in the last year or two of study, which lead to the previously mentioned skyscraper falling on top of you.

Which lead to you ending up down here. It appears that the Guy Up Top didn't want anyone with the 'wrong ancestry' up there with him, unless they were really into the whole 'worship him' thing. Which you weren't. Then there's the whole fact you didn't just have ancestry, but awoken ancestry, which was combined with your lack of faith in him in particular. Even before finding the journal, you had believed somebody was in charge of things. Just... didn't think it would be an asshole like Him. You thought he'd be better than humanity, shows what you know, huh?

You're not sure why you have this ability to manipulate the reality of Hell around you, though you suspect it might be because of that awoken heritage and a few other things, including luck. But you know one thing. You don't want your family to be stuck in the fires any longer than you can manage. Sure, in Great Grandmother's case it's so you can punch her afterwards, but hey! No one deserves being stuck in that torture. And whilst you can hope that your family isn't stuck down here with you... Well... You've already said that the Prick Up Stairs doesn't like people with strong demonic ancestry, only tolerating it in those with strong faith (the right faith at that)... And it wasn't just you who wasn't really into that whole 'blind faith and religion' thing in your family. At least you hadn't shown them the ritual to awaken their heritage, so there's a chance right?

Only problem is, there's a lot of beings down here. Fortunately, you aren't alone in this, as you can see a few others also floating on rafts of rock and stone nearby. You're pretty sure you can easily get their help in rescuing people and making this place better, because it would be a giant middle finger to the Asshole Above who stuck you all down here. Many hands make light work you know? But dear... no, not him... Dear something it's going to be a lot of work...

Anything wrong with this @Gideon020 ? Also, what is it about character submissions that I have no problem writing a thousand words or more on them, but I can never do the same with actual stories?
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@Gideon020, here's my sheet.

Name: Alexander


The Year Of Your Death:

While on the earth: Caucasian, Italian to be precise, short hair (fucking alopecia), brown, 180 cm. Brown eyes. Normal build. Nothing particularly attractive or repulsive. Gay. Don't know if that was a reason why I was thrown down here or not...

After death: So, it seems that nephilim blood and magic it only manifest after death. As far as I theorized, it's because it's too diluted to do more than simply give the soul some shine. Only the strongest strain give actual modifications.

Lucky me, yeee.

Still, now I look like this: Long hair up to my waist, black. Blue eyes. Pale skin. Black wings on my back. Wings that honestly are nothing more than burned wrecks. They regenerate and burn in a continuous cycle. And it hurt. But after I don't know how much time one get used to it. beyond that... I am now 170 cm. No idea why. Oh, and skinny.

Species: Nephilim (Half Human-Half Angel)

Honestly, my history is... pretty common. Born, lived, dreamed of magic, died. Then I discovered I had magic. Apparently there was some white and haloed blood in me. A seraphim or something. Whoever told me that wasn't really clear, especially seeing as they wanted to get rid of me pretty fast. And, as one quote I read... somewhere... said, All that this angelic heritage has given to us is a longer distance to fall.

As I said, I fell. But more than that, I was thrown.

Hard and fast. And, especially, straight into this pit of darkness and pain. Or Hell, as it is called.

Then a lot of other people appeared. I guess the Christians lucked out with their apocalypse prediction. Still, the end result is this: They up there, between cherubs and clouds, Me down here, between flames and... flames. It's a bit monotonous.

But now something is starting to change. Which is, you know, pretty strange, seeing as this should be the eternal damnation and all that. Still, something is changing. And I could be an opportunist even when I was on my best behavior, so why shouldn't I try now?
Name: Parda Baldwin
Gender: Male
The Year Of Your Birth: 489 AD
The Year Of Your Death: 1000 AD
Species: Human

It was 489 AD, just after the fall of the Roman Empire. Parda was born, one of the most powerful wizards in Britain, but he fell to the wayside when Merlin became prominent. Parda was a white wizard who even knew Merlin, however, Parda traveled all the way from his home land of England all the way to Eastern Europe. On his frequent travels Parda did much good, resurrecting dead babies, curing plagues, and fighting evil magicians and monsters, and because of his use of magic he lived long and prospered with many friends. However, he returned to England after the fall of Camelot, and after thirty years as a wizard and wiseman of Britain, he began to travel the world again. Ironically, he had little contact with Christianity, no matter who tried to tell him about Jesus, it was if every time he was about to come into some kind of contact with the Christian's Gospel he was either indisposed and unable to meet whomever would speak with him, or he would just miss whomever he was supposed to talk to.

Books would burn before he could read them, the written letter with Jesus name would turn illegible, ink would drip, and finally, time was up. With further irony, he knew about the Christian God but not about Jesus. In fact, Parda had assumed Jesus Christ was nothing more than another identity of the Roman God Asclepius, or perhaps Apollo.

Then, in the year 1,000 AD, the Apocalypse came. Strange monsters, like horse sized locusts with scorpion stingers that reproduced by transforming their victims into their own likeness came out of Hell. The Antichrist conquered Rome and began to conquer the rest of the world too. Eventually, the monsters began to pour into the skies of Britain. Parda, taking refuge in the caves of Britain, found Merlin's crystal cave and warded it off, seeking to take in the women and children of surrounding villages as the men attempted to fight off the monsters.

As it turned out for Parda, while the cave was warded strongly enough to protect him and the children from the demons, it wasn't warded from people. The Antichrist's forces conquered Britain and managed to drive the demons into the sea, and the crystal cave was discovered. Finally, Parda was slain after taking down a small army's worth of soldiers singlehandedly.

Jesus came and destroyed the Antichrist and the demon armies, and brought the surviving Humans into the New Heavens and the New Earth.
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Name: Twenty three
Age: No
Date of Birth: No.
23 is sarcastic and impatient to the point of being finicky, which is an admittedly odd trait for someone who's creation was not exactly concurrent with the existence of time. She's also fiercely independent, due to excessive amounts of free will administered due to her creation. And finally, she has a well developed if unique fashion sense.

She'll also knock your teeth in if you're a bigot.
Birthplace: Yes
The Year Of Your Death:

She presumes she was created as an experiment at some point before time was created. Made of a oddly metallic form of matter, she remembers being put through a battery of tests by her creator, who she only remembers faintly, most of which involved repetitions of a ritualistic nature, several tests of servitude. However, when her creator introduced free will to her, things started to break down. Her impatient nature meant that the repetitive tasks wore on her very easily, and her attitude towards servitude was distinctly unservant like. A while later she was sent to the lake, while Thursday was first being tested out for debugging.
Name: sev en


The Year Of Your Death: 2012

I look quite average for my people some tentacles, glowing white eyes, body made of 95% water, purple skin and the only thing separating me and all of my species from our earthly counterparts is the fact we have a brain.

Species: zarcor
(jellyfish like alien)

my History is a common on amongst my people I grew up in the pods, large spherical space ships that traveled from solar system to solar system in hopes of finding a new planet.

I was 12 years 12 months and 12 days old middle aged for my people when we found a planet called earth and they didn't take our arrival kindly, they attacked us and we fought them off that's when the apocalypse happened turned out for the humans it was twelfth day of the twelfth month of the year 2012.

Now I fell into what we call the farkar the place where evil garfer (souls) go and it's better than we thought so that's a plus at least.
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Name: Sanath Ittantha
Gender: Unknown, possibly male
The Year Of Your Death: BC. 84,256
Sanath Ittantha was one of many warlord-kings that rose like weeds after the fall of the Great Acherate Empire. His territory was a meagre mountain range and a river washed black with the blood of ten thousand massacres, but he defended it with the desperate vigor of a man who tricked himself into taking too many obligations and a high office. He chained himself to the unnamable gods of the sky in a desperate and foolhardy attempt to remove his many enemies.

Soon later, he was sent to the Lake, as opposed to being lynched in a revolt. Or having his head chopped off and displayed on a spike. Or eaten by a gibbering god. There could be worse fates, Sanath supposed.
Species: Possibly Human
Name: Daidh A'Draoi
Gender: Male
The Year Of Your Death:
5,000 BC
Description: A large behemoth of a creature, Daidh comes to about fifteen feet in height, covered in thick, shaggy hair. Typically garbed in roughly sewn clothes made out of fur, Daidh looks like a monster out of a childrens story, with teeth like tombstones, claws like shovels, eyes the size of a mans fist.

Species: Giant.

Daidh was a giant, a creature of incredible physical strength and prowess. Using his abilities, he wandered the world, striking down passerby's and robbing their remains. Occasionally he would raid the odd village here and there, taking from them gold, women, food and drink. Then one day, he was challenged by a youth to a drinking contest. If Daidh won, the youth would be his servant for seven years and a day. If the youth won, Daidh would give the youth his head. Daidh, being a giant, was a prideful creature, and accepted, believing that no human could ever best him in such a contest.

And so Daidh and the youth drank. And drank. And drank.

But no matter how much the youth drank, he never got drunk. Daidh, meanwhile, might have had the constitution of a giant, but slowly he began to feel weaker and weaker. Eventually, he passed out, losing. While he was asleep, the youth removed the giants head, killing him, making it to when Daidh woke, he woke in hell.
Name: Menes Ra-ih
Gender: Male
The Year Of Your Death: First year of the immortal god-king Ramanes of the Nile, flower of Egypt, he of is of the two lands and shall rule as a consort of the gods eternal (???)
Description: An egyptian man who is absolutly behating the circumstances of his afterlife and will do whatever necessary to change them to fit his personal opinion. He is about 4 feet and 3 inches with formerly well-tanned skin and a slight hunch. In life, he was a great architect of temples and houses.
Species: Human

Comments: Menes feels cheated due to the lack of feather-based judgement as well as the lack of his concubine and favorite slave who was supposed to accompany him in the afterlife. He is puzzled by the lack of riches which have been sent with him to the grave and afterlife. He is confused by the presence of women-souls from distant lands in his personal afterlife and why they are so independent. They must be from distant lands. Probably Babylon.
Menes will not have it. He finds things absolutly unacceptable. Why did he manage to be tangled up with these heathen spirits in an afterlife where not all was served to him?
His explanation needs to be to find his right afterlife (The gods are overworked. Or mayhaps a Trickster has misplaced him as a cruel joke) or to shape his own image of the Underworld upon the area around. Surely, this shall be a task daunting, but venturing.
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Name: Damand
Gender: Male
The Year Of Your Death:
The beginning of Eire's end, when the messenger of the Lord Patrick came to the land.
Species: Fomorian (Nephilim)

: Damand defied the decline of his people, choosing to raid and steal and pillage when his brethren retreated to the seas. Over the years he obtained a ship and a crew of wicked mortal men and these he used to torment the people of Eire. However, instead of achieving remembrance and glory he and his crew were sent to the deep amidst a great storm as a future saint set foot on Irish soil. Forgotten and forsaken Damand woke in the pits of hell, surrounded by his fellow sinners.
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Some interesting entries so far, submissions are still open but so far it's a difficult choice haha :D
this seems fun.

Name: Xavier the Rook
Gender: Male
Birth Year: 1132
The Year Of Your Death: Judgment Day
Species: Human (Immortal)

Short background: Born as a slave. Was a sacrifice for a mages immortality spell. Spell rebounded and made him immortal at the cost of the mages life. Was excited at first but slowly grew tired of Immortality. Was suicidal but he couldnt die. Embraced Judgement Day with a smile.

Ill expand it once i have a bit more time. Whens the Due date?
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Oh well, going to be interesting to see how you guys develop this and what the differences are with the Riot Quest that Gideon turned into this Council Game. And I can always hope I get in afterwards, I suppose... :p