Assassin's Guild Quest

[][K]Investigate a place:
-[][K]Your Base. There were still some secrets left behind by the former occupant.

[x][K]Explore. There's a lot of things going on around the city. Maybe you could find something interesting.

[x][M]Base Development:
-[x][M]Bring in furniture.

[x][A]Investigate a place:
-[x][A]Elainus Levon's Workshop.

Wandering the city was better recruitment-wise than a dedicated attempt. Perhaps we'll find something else of note. The base could also be a worthy target.
Alexa should be put to use right away.
Can't send the mooks after the target before we scoop out the place, so they get used as porters. :whistle:
[X][K]Investigate a place:
-[X][K]Your Base. There were still some secrets left behind by the former occupant.

[X][M]Base Development:
-[X][M]Clean up the place.

[X][A]Investigate a place:
-[X][A]Elainus Levon's Workshop.

Our base used to be the secret residence of a Academy professor, so before we renovate the place, I think we should search it for any secrets or anything potentially useful!

Meanwhile, the M here stands for Maids rather than Mooks. We ought to at least clean-up the place too. :p
[X][A]Train a stat:

[X][M]Investigate a place:
-[X][M]Elainus Levon's Workshop.

[X][K]Investigate a place:
-[X][K]Your Base.

Lets start preparing our Hire for her spy role, prepare for arranging the 'accident' and get to know the secrets the former owner left in our base
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[X][K]Investigate a place:
-[X][K]Your Base. There were still some secrets left behind by the former occupant.

[X][M]Base Development:
-[X][M]Clean up the place.

[X][A]Investigate a place:
-[X][A]Elainus Levon's Workshop.
[x][K]Explore. There's a lot of things going on around the city. Maybe you could find something interesting.
[x][M]Base Development:
-[x][M]Bring in furniture.
[x][A]Investigate a place:
-[x][A]Elainus Levon's Workshop.
[X][K] Train Awareness with Alexa
[X][M] Clean up the base
[X][A] Train Lethality with Katarin

Maybe we can give her a paint brush and compete to see whether she can 'kill' Katarin without Katarin noticing. Tada, training for both of them!
Year 1, Spring: Planning
[x][A]Investigate a place:
-[x][A]Elainus Levon's Workshop.


You sent off Alexa with a simple goal: investigate the workshop of your target, Elainus Levon. She returns, a week later, with nothing. Or close enough to it. She's mapped up a route to the workshop, with a low enough enforcer presence that you could walk a small army up to the workshop door, but little more than that. It wasn't useless, but any of your mooks could have done that given the same amount of time, and for a fraction of the price. So you sat her down again. Alexa coughs nervously as one of your henchmen 'carelessly' brushes dust off of a shelf into her face. You might have to reevaluate how much you value them; they seem to do rather effective work for the pitiful wages you pay them. You flick your letter opener through your fingers idly as you lean against the only rickety table you have. It sheds splinters which prod at your elbow.

"Would you like to make any excuses, now?" You ask coldly.

"He was holed up in his workshop the whole time," She insists. "He didn't go out once, all week long, honest! I couldn't open the door without tipping him off, right?"

Katarin Awareness vs Alexa Stealth: 57 > 29 + 20

1 degree success

It's hard to tell exactly how Alexa Tahlin feels at things at the best of times, given her invisibility. A lot of the tells you've trained yourself to see just simply aren't there. But her voice is honest, a lifetime of upright living coming back to haunt her, and you know she's trying to mislead you. Not quite lying, you don't think, but leaving something out. You don't reply for a bit, running the blade of your letter opener down your pointer finger's nail. She gulps audibly. You give the filed nail an inspection. It's not particularly clean work, but trying to fix it would undermine your current image.

A gentle suggestion seems apt here. "Do you have anything to add?"

"No?" She asks, as if you were really asking.

"Something about being discovered, perhaps?"

"I wasn't!" She blurts. "He's just paranoid, definitely!"

She believes her own words, certainly, but you're not so sure she's right.

[X][K]Investigate a place:
-[X][K]Your Base. There were still some secrets left behind by the former occupant.

[X][M]Base Development:
-[X][M]Clean up the place.

A good portion of your time went into making sure you weren't sleeping over some sort of magic weapon, and making sure you could sleep at all in your hideout. You couldn't exactly excavate extra ventilation out of the stone that surrounded your base on all sides, but you could clear existing paths out as much as you could to make sure you didn't suffocate. You ended up finding a lot more of those than you expected, actually. Maybe five of the shelves and drawers in the original workshop ended up covering up secret passages. A brief forage down them revealed that a couple had collapsed over the years, but you've found yourself a couple extra paths down to the city sewers if you need them.

Base Information updated.

Also, in the clearing dust and tossing of ancient, broken gears, you found a jewelry box. To your untrained eye, it looked like the jewels and gold were arranged in some magically significant way, but decades of tarnish and wear have long since broken any spell that might've been on it. It also had a metal lock on it, which your letter opener manages to pop open with a bit of fuss. Inside you find a pile of papers, which probably mean something to someone magically inclined, but which look like gibberish. You ask Alexa, and she has just as much understanding as you do. According to her, the diagrams within are either encoded or completely wrong, both of which are pretty possible for someone as far lost as the former professor was.

Acquired: Skeleton Professor's Magic Schematics (Value ???)

Maybe some other day you could find an appraiser, but if the information contained on it was actually valuable just getting it appraised could drop its value substantially. That was the difficulty with trying to sell information: it just had too many ways to slip out of your grasp. It wasn't as if you could go to the Board with accusations of stolen knowledge, after all; you weren't even a student, much less one with the backing to rouse the Academy's oligarchs. Well, you have the papers, you could probably find a way to use them in the future.


Ultimately, your work making your base liveable takes up most of your time in Spring. With Elainus Levon's scheduled presentation coming up at the start of summer, you only have this season to conduct your hit if you want to get any money out of it. You've laid pretty much all of the groundwork you need to, even if your investigation didn't end up as complete as you would have liked. Ultimately, you didn't think this job was particularly difficult. If you didn't care about being subtle, a few of your henchmen could probably just kick in his door, bash his head in, and call it a day. Well, you could probably still do that, if you don't feel like making a real plan.

[]Take the Elainus Levon Hit.
-[]Send Mooks.
--[]How Many?
-[]Send Famed.
-[]Optional Write-in: Any strategy?

[]Do no missions this turn.
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If he's paranoid, we should forget subtlety. Mooks are ultimately expendable, and we've got 10 of em.
[X] Take the Elainus Levon hit.
-[X] 2 Mooks to create a distraction, 4 Mooks to stab the poor fool repeatedly, 4 Mooks as backup.
A certain student, Elainus Levon, has stolen my research, and plans to present it as his own. I would like that not to happen. His workshop can be found at the lower west wing of the Academy, Xiran Hall's easy quarter. A rather isolated place, most days. I have also heard that the reagents he stores are quite flammable.
We didn't get much information out of the target, but we do know that:

1. His reagents are flammable, and the workshop is pretty isolated.
2. He lives alone and stays inside the workshop near 24/7.
3. He's a nobody politically, but his presentation could set him up for a scholarship with the Ministry of War.

We can probably frame this as a robbery gone wrong rather than a deliberate hit. That, or an unfortunate fire if we're really lucky. Either way, we probably don't want to look like we're deliberately killing the academy's students. That'll attract unwanted attention.

[] Take the Elainus Levon hit.
-[] 5 Mooks rabble rouse near Xiran Hall to keep attention away from the Easy Quarter, and to buy time for the rest of the group. Only retreat once at risk of capture by Enforcers, or once Alexa and the rest successfully set fire to Elainus' workshop.
-[] Alexa and 5 Mooks go to Elainus' workshop to perform the hit and set fire to the place. Steal his research notes or anything that looks to be of value if possible.
--[] Bust the door open and close the distance as fast as possible. Alexa should use the mooks as a distraction to get in close and stab him from behind if the initial rush fails.

Alternatively, do we know if the workshop has windows? It might be possible to smoke him out just by throwing torches through them, so we don't need to risk anyone dying. A workshop ought to have plenty of parchment lying around, and with all those flammables and possibly explosive reagents around...
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Alternatively, do we know if the workshop has windows?

It does, but neither you nor your mooks can identify which of his reagants will catch fire immediately and which won't, so you wouldn't know where to throw a torch from outside. Alexa could probably identify where to throw, but you doubt she has the strength and dexterity to throw them as accurately as you want.
It does, but neither you nor your mooks can identify which of his reagants will catch fire immediately and which won't, so you wouldn't know where to throw a torch from outside. Alexa could probably identify where to throw, but you doubt she has the strength and dexterity to throw them as accurately as you want.

[X] Take the Elainus Levon hit.
-[X] 4 Mooks rabble rouse near Xiran Hall to keep attention away from the Easy Quarter, and to buy time for the rest of the group. Only retreat once at risk of capture by Enforcers, or once Alexa and the rest successfully set fire to Elainus' workshop.
-[X] Alexa and 6 Mooks go to Elainus' workshop to perform the hit and set fire to the place. Steal his research notes or anything that looks to be of value if possible.
--[X] Alexa is to look through the windows and identify nearby flammable material. She will then guide where the mooks should throw their torches in order to set fire to the workshop's interior. The Mooks will then wait near the entrances for Elainus to exit through, upon which they'll jump him in close quarters and throw the body back into the workshop after pilfering anything of value on his person.
---[X] If Elainus decides to stay inside to save his research however, or tries to put out the fire, the Mooks are to charge in while he's distracted.

The biggest trouble here is that Elainus is a mage that has a +2 Lethality in ranged combat with a base lethality of 4, so we need to do everything in our power to close the gap as fast as possible. Smoking him out does this, even if he decides to stay inside to try and put out the fire. This should hopefully minimize casualties on our side, as having to carry the corpse of a mook on our retreat is troublesome.
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[X] Take the Elainus Levon hit.
-[X] 4 Mooks rabble rouse near Xiran Hall to keep attention away from the Easy Quarter, and to buy time for the rest of the group. Only retreat once at risk of capture by Enforcers, or once Alexa and the rest successfully set fire to Elainus' workshop.
-[X] Alexa and 6 Mooks go to Elainus' workshop to perform the hit and set fire to the place. Steal his research notes or anything that looks to be of value if possible.
--[X] Alexa is to look through the windows and identify nearby flammable material. She will then guide where the mooks should throw their torches in order to set fire to the workshop's interior. The Mooks will then wait near the entrances for Elainus to exit through, upon which they'll jump him in close quarters and throw the body back into the workshop after pilfering anything of value on his person.
---[X] If Elainus decides to stay inside to save his research however, or tries to put out the fire, the Mooks are to charge in while he's distracted.
Should probably separate mission and strategy votes. Or make it a plan one.

[x] Take the Elainus Levon hit.

With whatever plan wins.
Year 1, Spring: Execution
[X] Take the Elainus Levon hit.
-[X] 4 Mooks rabble rouse near Xiran Hall to keep attention away from the Easy Quarter, and to buy time for the rest of the group. Only retreat once at risk of capture by Enforcers, or once Alexa and the rest successfully set fire to Elainus' workshop.
-[X] Alexa and 6 Mooks go to Elainus' workshop to perform the hit and set fire to the place. Steal his research notes or anything that looks to be of value if possible.
--[X] Alexa is to look through the windows and identify nearby flammable material. She will then guide where the mooks should throw their torches in order to set fire to the workshop's interior. The Mooks will then wait near the entrances for Elainus to exit through, upon which they'll jump him in close quarters and throw the body back into the workshop after pilfering anything of value on his person.
---[X] If Elainus decides to stay inside to save his research however, or tries to put out the fire, the Mooks are to charge in while he's distracted.

With the plan set, your role in things is complete. In fact, given your own mediocre abilities you were actively detrimental at the scene. Certainly, you could play a passable overwatch role, but when it came time to split and run you were the achilles heel of the operation. You could have spent the day hiding within your base, just waiting out the event of the hour and getting the details in an evening debrief. But you had your own pride. This early into your business, you wanted to see the sparks fly, get a true glimpse at the early fruits of your labors before you lost the opportunity to. From a safe distance, of course.

The Academy was built upward, and the rest of the city sprouted up around it like weeds. Real estate became more and more highly valued the more it could look down on the rest of the city, and it was to those heights you climbed. The open-air cafe terrace you found had a good look down on the wing of the Academy in question, a price that wasn't so insane you balked at it, and a large enough distance away that you wouldn't look suspicious taking glances down on occasion. This season was just before most students elected to graduate or submit graduation requests, so business was booming as students played around with the last of their parents' money. You picked up a sweetened coffee expensive enough to feed a family for a month or two, found a table around the middle of the terrace, and reclined in a reed chair that could pay for your entire base. Admittedly though, so could your letter opener.

With Xiran hall on the left side of your vision, a book in your lap that you'd never read and a cup of delicious bitter sweetness in your hands, you watched and waited as the sun passed two ticks into the afternoon. The energy you felt was irresistible; your leg bobbed of its own volition as it tapped out your nervous energy.

Chaos: Mooks vs Nothing: 9 + 60

Significant Distraction Generated.

Walk-up: Stealth (Mooks) vs Awareness (Elainus):
74 > 52

Three Degree Success; Two ambushes guaranteed.

Ambush 1, ranged: Lethality (Mooks) vs Lethality (Elainus):
2 + 10 (Ambush) > 3

One Degree Success; Target panicked

Ambush 2, melee: Lethality (Mooks) vs Lethality (Elainus):
48 + 10 (Ambush) + 30 (Stat advantage) > 22 - 30 (panic) - 20 (Outnumbered 4 to 1)

11 degree success; Vitality 4 - 11 = -7

Target eliminated.

Enforcer Response:
16 < 69 (Chaos Roll)

Clean Escape

From the distance you're watching, there's not so much to see. Just the tasteful gardening of the courtyards about the Academy wing, with the occasional student just a dot in your vision. Then, you see the fire. A lot of fire. The plan you arranged called for a few torches, to set fire to whatever Elainus was keeping inside his workshop while the bulk of your mooks bashed his brains in from the hallway entrance. Then you'd rough up his place, steal some stuff and call it a day. To cover your tracks, you had the rest of your henchmen just cause trouble, make it look like the entire wing was being ransacked. But, perhaps, telling the henchmen that they could keep what they stole made them a bit too passionate about things. They'd found a lot more torches than you had prepared, and now a sizable portion of those beautiful gardens you were observing had been set ablaze. And, you noted, every single door in the entire wing you could see had been wrenched open, and many of them were belching smoke as whatever was inside caught flame.

You didn't go into things expecting it to be subtle, but this was quite a bit more than you anticipated. And yet, to many of the patrons of this terrace, such was just another day. There wasn't even the slightest hint of panic in most of their eyes, even the ones weaker than you. One girl, wearing blonde ringlets as shiny as gold and probably just as expensive by weight, took one glance at the chaos below and tutted dismissively. She muttered something to her maidservant, who replied in kind while pouring her tea. A second patron, a bear of a man with narrow eyes and the scars of a long military service stared down at the scene unblinking. He looked more disgusted than panicked. A third, in an out-of-season winter coat that nearly concealed his lithe form, brooded in the far corner of the cafe. But, you noted, in his purposeful ignorance of the smoke rising from below, the boy barely ever took his eyes off the military man.

You reached for your coffee, and took a delightful gulp as you rose from your seat. The debrief could wait; you could guess how things turned out. In the meantime, you were new: why not get to know some of the people?

This part of the turn will usually just be a social vote. Since it's an early turn, all three options will be people you haven't met yet.

[]The rich girl and her servant.

[]The old, learned soldier.

[]The wary out-of-towner.
[X]The rich girl and her servant.

Massive success! We got the target, looted the dorm, and got away scot free!
Can I have the source of the +60 modifier? The Enforcer response roll is atrocious, but it'd be enough to cause some trouble if it weren't for this.
+60, as in, 6 mooks * +10? Something else?

It's a lethality bonus from fighting lethality zero, aka no one. If there were guards the mooks would've had to win a lethality roll to actually cause chaos, but since the area was empty the disturbance was guaranteed.

Well, so much for making it look like an accident with flamable chemicals.

It would have looked like an accident if you didn't have half of your mooks causing chaos. As is, it'll be difficult to impossible to tell if there was a hit or if he was just collateral damage, mostly because you set fire to half of the hall and stole everything not bolted down.
The looting at the very least, netted us some more money and we made the target's death look like collateral from robbery rather than a hit, so I'll count it as sufficiently stealthy success! :p
It would have looked like an accident if you didn't have half of your mooks causing chaos. As is, it'll be difficult to impossible to tell if there was a hit or if he was just collateral damage, mostly because you set fire to half of the hall and stole everything not bolted down.
Yeah I gonna ask how often douse the academy deal with this uh let's say "Intense party" and would the faculty file it as a "frat activity".