[ASOIAF][SI] No Promises

Magic doesn't make any damned sense.
If it made sense, it would be science, not magic.
When it makes sense, it will be science, not magic.

A quote for you!

The process of elucidating what people call magic is actually the beginning of science. Isaac Newton was an alchemist as well as a founding physicist, right? Science came from magic. And magic is simply a way of understanding and affecting the unseen systems and processes of the world. Do you consider science to be a completed enterprise? So you agree there are things about reality that we have yet to discover and understand properly?
-Robin Morel, Warren Ellis' Injection
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Cayla is going to die. I'm saying it now so I can grieve. Shes going to die or betray you for she is too good for this sinful earth.

Is this a backhanded justification for the gay guy designing thing? They have a male form so they know fit and are attracted to it so they can see the atractiveness?
It's GoT....Ofc she's gonna died, but dammit man you didn't have to remind us.
Another creature that should be an Australian native was the manticore. Basically, an evil looking winged scorpion, horrifically venomous.

It is Australian.

A really big chunk I found when digging out the dragonpit that House Royce would literally murder me over if they found out I'd had it secretly chopped up into unrecognizable pieces instead of returning it to them. Sorry, folks, I needed dragonsteel more than I needed the gratitude of a single House.
Damn. I like how you fucked yourself there. Other houses won't trust you, because you didn't return their sword. Even Tywin tries buying them, rather than destroying houses for them. He didn't even take Red Rain during Roberts Rebellion.

Tobho Mott knew how to rework valyrian steel. He split the Stark great sword, Ice, into two new swords in the original events. So I thought, if he can do that, why waste the super rare stuff on the parts of a sword that didn't need to be magic? Like, oh, basically all of it that wasn't the edge?
Because Spellforged steel doesn't rust.

The only double edged sword we'd made was Lion's Pride. Tywin finally had a, partial, valyrian steel sword for his house.
You didn't make one for your own house? The Baratheons, who rule the continent?

I don't understand magic. I've even got the green porcelain link that says I've successfully mastered wildfire.
Okay. Now I absolutely understand why you said that his place as the next King is not assured. You've had your character, in his curiosity, shit all over his chances. I love it. First time that I can recall an SI doing this. That's actually pretty neat. This story is now cemented in my top 20 ASOIAF stories.

She was fighting a smile, trying her best to keep it down to an innocently curious expression. "Oh, my Prince? What do you see, when you look at me?"

"The most beautiful woman in the world," I admitted quietly. That title supposedly went to my mother, and I was supposed to say it myself, but here, just the two of us, I could admit it.

She hip bumped me sassily, kissed her finger, reached up, and pressed it to my nose.
Death flag? Death flag.
It is Australian.

Damn. I like how you fucked yourself there. Other houses won't trust you, because you didn't return their sword. Even Tywin tries buying them, rather than destroying houses for them. He didn't even take Red Rain during Roberts Rebellion.

Because Spellforged steel doesn't rust.

You didn't make one for your own house? The Baratheons, who rule the continent?

Okay. Now I absolutely understand why you said that his place as the next King is not assured. You've had your character, in his curiosity, shit all over his chances. I love it. First time that I can recall an SI doing this. That's actually pretty neat. This story is now cemented in my top 20 ASOIAF stories.

Death flag? Death flag.
There is no reason to make parts of the sword other than the blade out of Valyrian steel. You just replace them if they rust.
A quote for you!

The process of elucidating what people call magic is actually the beginning of science. Isaac Newton was an alchemist as well as a founding physicist, right? Science came from magic. And magic is simply a way of understanding and affecting the unseen systems and processes of the world. Do you consider science to be a completed enterprise? So you agree there are things about reality that we have yet to discover and understand properly?
-Robin Morel, Warren Ellis' Injection

If it made sense, it would be science, not magic.
When it makes sense, it will be science, not magic.

True. At least part of the problem is that, at least with wildfire, its doing what it does in defiance of what I know of chemistry. I'm fairly intelligent but I have my blind spots, and one of them is that I actually get pretty irritated when I run into something I don't understand. That's good for learning about other people's discoveries, not necessarily that great for doing your own research. Unless it's channeled properly, but Cayla's just getting started with trying to make him channel it properly.

Also for thematic reasons Eddgar is more focused on rebuilding the technology he knows than making new stuff. Any really clever new things should be found during the story, not passed off as backstory.

I've worked out a recipe for wildfire I look forward to writing about.

It is Australian.

My bad. Of course it already exists in Australia. At least our possums are nastier than yours.

Damn. I like how you fucked yourself there. Other houses won't trust you, because you didn't return their sword. Even Tywin tries buying them, rather than destroying houses for them. He didn't even take Red Rain during Roberts Rebellion.

Few people know about Lamentation being found. Edd, Sandor, Tobho Mott, and almost certainly Varys and Cayla. That's what Edd knows or suspects. They may have told others, but since the result would literally be blood feud that's not the kind of information you use casually. It was a risk, but greed got the better of him. That being said, yes, it was perhaps not the wisest thing to have done in the situation because getting owed fuckhuge favors like returning an ancestral magical sword to a House is exactly how kings get made and keep their thrones.

Chopping it up and making things out if it merely gets objects made.

Because Spellforged steel doesn't rust.

Yeah, the swords they made aren't quite as good as a full valyrian steel blade. But they're better than anything less, and quantity has a quality of its own.

You didn't make one for your own house? The Baratheons, who rule the continent?

I did. Quill. And technically he still owns Sandor's blade. The glaive might also count. But Robert uses a hammer, and valyrian steel is lighter than average. It's like in dwarf fortress. You don't make an adamantine hammer. (Unless its for your Hammerer and you want him using the equivalent of balsa wood for punishing dorfs.)

Two backswords were made, one for him and one for Sandor. Two glaives were made, one for Oberyn Martell and one for him. One kilij, a dornish single edged sword, was made for Doran Martell. And the double edged bastard sword was made for Tywin. All of these blades use wootz steel, which is pretty good itself and looks a lot like valyrian steel, as the material for the rest of the blade. There were also a dozen traditional dornish spearheads made of wootz steel for Oberyn's kids and whoever else Doran wanted to give them to.

Sandor killed his brother the Mountain with Oberyn's glaive before it was named Mountain Splitter and given to him. (There was also a bit of drugging involved.) Amory Lorch was executed by Doran's kilij, named Manticore Smasher. Both their skulls, the sword and glaive, and the lesser spearheads were presented to Dorn inside of an ornate, guilded bronze chest opened by manipulating the rays of a clockwork sun as a combination lock. A shitload of favors were burned in the process, and a lot of money, all to hopefully appease Dorn over the whole rape murder thing.

In return, he got a vague, 'alright, if we start murdering your family, we'll kill you last, and painlessly.' Vague neutrality, at best. Arguably Eddard's greatest failure to date. He basically turned down unswerving loyalty from House Royce for a gamble with Dorn. It wasn't the worst possible result, but it wasn't even at the level of grudging alliance in success.

And the remainder was used to make chisels, gouges, and various specialized metal shaping tools. Using them to make better lathes and then making even better lathes and drills and such has vastly improved the precision possible for machinery. They have decent pumps for both pressure and vacuum, and crappy stirling engines. The only thing preventing a decent steam engine is figuring out a design for it, that not being one of the things I know much about. I'm a chemist not a mechanical engineer. So it was

Okay. Now I absolutely understand why you said that his place as the next King is not assured. You've had your character, in his curiosity, shit all over his chances. I love it. First time that I can recall an SI doing this. That's actually pretty neat. This story is now cemented in my top 20 ASOIAF stories.

I have my advantages. I know how a lot of modern shit is made and I've had a lot of useful hobbies. But sometimes I am not a clever man, especially when it comes to people. Nobody is good at everything.

Death flag? Death flag.

Why does everyone think she's going to die? I mean, just because this is GOT and she wasn't riding with them in the original as they were fleeing King's Landing and I'm cramming a lot of last minute characterization and emotional appeal into her as if I won't have another chance.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there valarian replacement/knock off steel that used Dragon glass? I can't remember.
Very nice chapter, however even with the SI memories having time to get 6 Maester links (at least one of them based on something he had no previous knowledge) and keep up with his expected martial arts, and all his enterprises all by the age of 15 is straining SoD a bit.

As for Valarian steel hammer - if you have the Valarian steel and can reforge it what you could do is make a very thin container of Valarian steel and fill it with lead. That would make a hammer with a head much heavier for it's size which meant it will strike much harder than one with a steel head, plus you'd have the prestige of a Valarian steel weapon and whatever magical effects the steel has on hammers.
Very nice chapter, however even with the SI memories having time to get 6 Maester links (at least one of them based on something he had no previous knowledge) and keep up with his expected martial arts, and all his enterprises all by the age of 15 is straining SoD a bit.

As for Valarian steel hammer - if you have the Valarian steel and can reforge it what you could do is make a very thin container of Valarian steel and fill it with lead. That would make a hammer with a head much heavier for it's size which meant it will strike much harder than one with a steel head, plus you'd have the prestige of a Valarian steel weapon and whatever magical effects the steel has on hammers.

The six links weren't quite new knowledge. One was for lens making, an entirely new discipline they credited to him. One was for medical alchemy, for penicillin and column chromatography and vacuum distillation and fractional distillation, also a new discipline. One was for gears and clockwork, as evidenced in his automata. Primarily that's the math for pitch, number of teeth, pitch diameter, outside diameter, etcetera. Also for a few other volume formulas they had never worked out. I'm not great at math but I'm not terrible and I remembered enough of the equations before I started writing this that I figure I could realistically figure out the others, especially with a little help from some of the more mathmatically aligned maesters. Automata is one of my hobby level interests, not career. So that's three they gave me for knowledge I already had. The others were basic medicine, which Eddard added some knowledge to but had to learn new things, like the appropriate herbs and whatnot. Plus their terminology for things. Memorization more than anything, not too terribly difficult. Surgery, which builds off basic medicine and is mainly anatomy, which Eddard already knew pretty well (originally a biology major, and did some nursing and premed), and involves a fair amount of practice. And then the only one hundred percent new thing, wildfire. Technically speaking, he should never have been given the secrets of wildfire, given that's really a major secret, but at this point the Citadel is his strongest allies and he's never going to be allowed to earn more links and he really really wanted to learn how it was done because that's magic. So he burned some favors and spent some gold. And it's not really that hard, it's just secret. And dangerous.

Do gears and some math represent a new enough discipline to earn its own link? Does lens making? Hell, does the new chemistry he's shown? Some would say yes, some no, but given how friendly he is and how much prestige the Prince of Maesters is getting and sharing, why not let him have it? More than pure knowledge, it was good politics.

Edit: Additionally, it's similar to the issue with him becoming a knight. You can't make a prince grind herbs and root through the forest for tree bark for years until he gets it perfect, the way it works for everyone else. Giving him orders is a delicate process at best and scut work is right out. So they fudge the requirements a bit. Again, giving him the links is as much political as an actual achievement, and Eddard is actually sharp enough to know it. They're useful tokens but not exactly major achievements.
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So that's three they gave me for knowledge I already had.
With the exception of gears you should have had a lot of studying and testing to connect what you know both to what is available, and more importantly write it up in a way the Maesters would understand. My point is even the ones which were knowledge you already had would involve a lot of work, and that's in addition to establishing and running multiple businesses and building up his body into fighting condition while learning everything a prince is expected to know - either one is generally a full-time job.

Again, giving him the links is as much political as an actual achievement, and Eddard is actually sharp enough to know it. They're useful tokens but not exactly major achievements.
Put that way I suppose it might work, but if that's the case I'd expect a lot of Maesters to hate him.
Sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Sufficiently researched magic is indistinguishable from science.
So technology advances until it becomes magical, then is replaced by superstiton when it breaks, whereupon we use the mis-remembered principles to re-create the technology?

...now there's a science fantasy concept that needs to be played both absolutely straight and laughed at until it dies of shame; technomagical cyclical history.

All our stories about thunder gods and witches are actually really really badly re-told historical records, just as 29th-century Mehrikahns will tell fables about Diana: Warrior Princess.
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All our stories about thunder gods and witches are actually really really badly re-told historical records, just as 29th-century Mehrikahns will tell fables about Diana: Warrior Princess.

A time traveler from a thousand years in the future, stand in front of you and unpacked a house from his quantum-shift storage, then walk on the air before disappearing in a blue light.

His friend might call him a scientist, most of our people might call him a wizard, but some people might call him a god.
So technology advances until it becomes magical, then is replaced by superstiton when it breaks, whereupon we use the mis-remembered principles to re-create the technology?

...now there's a science fantasy concept that needs to be played both absolutely straight and laughed at until it dies of shame; technomagical cyclical history.
Isn't this basically the plot of Warhammer 40K
Isn't this basically the plot of Warhammer 40K
Sort of, humanity isn't so much deliberately avoiding science as much as the mechanicus is deliberately obfuscating what they do as being magical when they're really just engineers. Also Tech on that universe is partially magically powered (barring Necrons) because the psychic faith of humanity resulting from the obfuscation of their technology as magic actually makes their tech magical. Like the Orcs do but less extreme.
With the exception of gears you should have had a lot of studying and testing to connect what you know both to what is available, and more importantly write it up in a way the Maesters would understand. My point is even the ones which were knowledge you already had would involve a lot of work, and that's in addition to establishing and running multiple businesses and building up his body into fighting condition while learning everything a prince is expected to know - either one is generally a full-time job.

Put that way I suppose it might work, but if that's the case I'd expect a lot of Maesters to hate him.

Thought more about it and I think you're right. Six is kinda excessive. Especially since I don't actually remember all the equations for light. And lens making with a victorian era lens grinder machine is really more gears than anything else. So I'm dropping that one. So thats just gears and chemistry thats good enough to be worth a link. For existing links, just basic medicine would take a while, so I'll drop surgery. And I'll keep wildfire.

So thats four links. Some older, grouchier maesters will still think he should have spent more time actually mastering herb lore and such before getting a link, and its really unfair that they spent twenty years of hard work and study before they were inducted into the secrets of wildfire, but he is a prince and politics will be politics.

And at least his new fields are properly interesting, with applications on a wide variety of theirs.

He's a rich little entitled snot but by god he's their rich little entitled snot.

Unfortunately, that makes the maesters the only major group who have really allied with him.
Thought more about it and I think you're right. Six is kinda excessive. Especially since I don't actually remember all the equations for light. And lens making with a victorian era lens grinder machine is really more gears than anything else. So I'm dropping that one. So thats just gears and chemistry thats good enough to be worth a link. For existing links, just basic medicine would take a while, so I'll drop surgery. And I'll keep wildfire.

So thats four links. Some older, grouchier maesters will still think he should have spent more time actually mastering herb lore and such before getting a link, and its really unfair that they spent twenty years of hard work and study before they were inducted into the secrets of wildfire, but he is a prince and politics will be politics.

And at least his new fields are properly interesting, with applications on a wide variety of theirs.

He's a rich little entitled snot but by god he's their rich little entitled snot.

Unfortunately, that makes the maesters the only major group who have really allied with him.
I would think that Tywin would be very strongly in his camp given that he most likely looks like the only competent Lannister amongst his grandchildren barring Tommen maybe who is too young, I would figure that Tywin would be delighted to just have anyone in his family who can actually make money.
I would think that Tywin would be very strongly in his camp given that he most likely looks like the only competent Lannister amongst his grandchildren barring Tommen maybe who is too young, I would figure that Tywin would be delighted to just have anyone in his family who can actually make money.

Just talked about this on qq. Tywin does like him because he's family and intelligent, and has high hopes for him, but really wishes he'd give up on his childish notions and settle down and be a proper ruthless noble like him. They clash but they're allies. Hell, one of the biggest problems Edd has in making deals with other major houses is he's a little too close to Tywin and the lannisters already have too much influence in the capital.

Part of countering that is things like sending the heads of the mountain and lorch to Dorn, publicizing their crimes, and running a not so secret brothel playhouse, all things Tywin hates. But even in his rebellion he worked out deals with Tywin for all that, not wanting to alienate his most powerful supporter. Tywin agreed because Edd does need to appear independent from him, at least to a point.

Ultimately though, their relationship is growing strained because for all his intelligence Edd is really dropping the ball on the whole politics side. Edd will never really be good enough for Tywin because he'd need to both get his head out of his ass and get good with people and also maybe stop being such a pussy and oppress some people. Crush some enemies, consolodate power.
Just talked about this on qq. Tywin does like him because he's family and intelligent, and has high hopes for him, but really wishes he'd give up on his childish notions and settle down and be a proper ruthless noble like him. They clash but they're allies. Hell, one of the biggest problems Edd has in making deals with other major houses is he's a little too close to Tywin and the lannisters already have too much influence in the capital.

Part of countering that is things like sending the heads of the mountain and lorch to Dorn, publicizing their crimes, and running a not so secret brothel playhouse, all things Tywin hates. But even in his rebellion he worked out deals with Tywin for all that, not wanting to alienate his most powerful supporter. Tywin agreed because Edd does need to appear independent from him, at least to a point.

Ultimately though, their relationship is growing strained because for all his intelligence Edd is really dropping the ball on the whole politics side. Edd will never really be good enough for Tywin because he'd need to both get his head out of his ass and get good with people and also maybe stop being such a pussy and oppress some people. Crush some enemies, consolodate power.
He really does need to oppress people more. You don't get to be nice when you run a monarchy.
The odds of the same sperm making the run for Joffery are vanishingly small. The butterfly effect has the biggest impact on conception because it is such a million factor random event. This is ignoring the argument that under the guidance of an older brother Joffery could not reasonably be expected to be the same even with the same genes.

Regardless your character's choice to murder him in only interesting if he has considered such things an concluded to do so anyway. Unfortunately there is no thought process displayed so we have nothing to go on. Are we meant to be reading the story assuming the character is a short sighted idiot who is too impulsive to think through basic chains of events or are we meant to think he is a cold blooded psychopath to whom any risk is needless?

(also shouldn't the si be called Joffery. Medieval parents didn't usually bother naming a still born)
Pffft, It's interesting as it is, because it's an SI killing a baby, thus answering the question would you kill Hitler as a baby.
The odds of the same sperm making the run for Joffery are vanishingly small. The butterfly effect has the biggest impact on conception because it is such a million factor random event. This is ignoring the argument that under the guidance of an older brother Joffery could not reasonably be expected to be the same even with the same genes.

Regardless your character's choice to murder him in only interesting if he has considered such things an concluded to do so anyway. Unfortunately there is no thought process displayed so we have nothing to go on. Are we meant to be reading the story assuming the character is a short sighted idiot who is too impulsive to think through basic chains of events or are we meant to think he is a cold blooded psychopath to whom any risk is needless?

(also shouldn't the si be called Joffery. Medieval parents didn't usually bother naming a still born)
This is a universe with gods and magic. I wouldn't tempt fate by letting a potential Joffery live, and neither, it seems, did he.
The odds of the same sperm making the run for Joffery are vanishingly small.
This is ignoring the fact that genetics clearly does not work the same in ASoIaF as it does in RL. It's also ignoring the fact that the genetics of the child could be very different, and he'd still have all the objectionable traits we see in canon, weather because those are from Nurture instead of Nature, or because they're ones which have a high chance of manifesting.
Chapter 6: Crabpocalypse and Family Planning
Lunch was held in a lovely veranda kind of area near the royal apartments. I left Cayla and Sandor behind to fend for themselves, not that that was any kind of hardship when both of them had the standing to order anything they wanted from the kitchens.

Idly, I wondered if they'd eat lunch together, like they did breakfast that morning.

Huh. The two of them have always gotten along pretty well. I wonder if there's anything there. Or if there could be anything there.

That'd be a decent sort of deal after I'm married to Sansa. My right hand and my left hand getting married. Sandor is a noble but sort of despises nobility, so that's probably not much of an obstacle.


"Nephew! I haven't seen you in a week," Jamie greeted, meeting me as I was escorted in by one of the servants.

I know that, as a modern sort of man who knows that nobility is bullshit and that I'm not actually any better than the servants except through luck, I'm supposed to be friendly to servants and take interest in their lives, at least to the point of knowing their names and such. But I can't even keep track of all the nobles I'm supposed to, and servants come and go pretty often.

"Hey, Uncle Jamie. You look… good." What I started to say was 'kinda peaked', but I find it easiest to deal with uncomfortable things by ignoring them. We didn't hug, but we did grab each other's arms.

Jamie wasn't quite dressed in court finery, like I was, instead wearing the same type of clothes he usually wore. They were clean, and fairly fine, since his duties as one of the White Cloaks means he's usually at least somewhat formal, but he hadn't put effort into dressing up, either. Of course, he can get away with that. Cersei likes to dress up and positively pouts if I don't join her. Jamie is better at denying her.

"You look like something just pissed you off. Did a gear pop off your latest creation?" he snarked, turning with me as we went to the table.

"I- Oh. No, just an uncomfortable thought. A complex puzzle with a simple solution that for some reason I don't like."

He glanced at me. "People?"

"People." I turned and looked around. "So where's Mother? And Celly?"

He shrugged. "Myrcella is with her tutor and a couple of other girls. Cersei was still getting dressed, last I saw her."

I'm sure she was. No one actually says anything about it but I still find it mystifying that half of King's Landing doesn't know he's fucking her. They are not subtle, especially with comments like that.

Of course, they both know I know, so maybe they're more circumspect with outsiders. I don't know.

I looked around. The table was set with a decorative centerpiece of bright red coral, mother of pearl shells, and a riot of flowers that bloom around sand dunes and beaches. Flickers of colored light spun slowly through the room, reflected from and through a small windmill with a rainbow of stained glass blades set up on the edge of the veranda. Above us a large ceiling fan with ornately carved blades also spun slowly, powered by a larger, more functional windmill I'd set up out of sight above us. That same windmill also ran a tiny pump that kept water flowing through a miniature waterfall and river over to the side. The river had a clear glass wall on our side, letting us see the flickers of small colorful fish going through it. Tiny bonsai trees and to scale golden lions and bronze deer decorated the 'land' around the river. Basically, I'd copied the kind of fountain you see at bigger Asian restaurants sometimes.

The marble floor was polished smooth and lustrous, the stonework of the veranda railing was masterful, and even the chairs were made of a rich, dark wood carved with ornate designs and family crests. Flowered vines crawled up trellises and along the edge of the roof, while planters and pots with even more flowers lurked in corners and against the columns holding up the roof.

This was Cersei's favorite place to host. Everything, from the flowers to the stained glass windmill, was a power play. Wealth, power, taste. I had contributed to it, naturally, but that didn't make the decision to have lunch here any less of a ploy. Instead of intimidating me, it was a welcome.

'Look what we can do together, as family.'

Yup. Just family. The son, the mother, and the stepfather-uncle. Family looks after family, gotta keep it in the family.

I sneer, but the truth is I'm actually pretty invested in these people. Jamie is pretty sharp with his tongue, but actually pretty fun to be around. Cersei is, at this point, my mother. Not my Momma, but definitely my mother. She's always been the one to react with pride and delight whenever I present her with some new accomplishment or thing. She always uses her influence to help me make deals or go around obstacles. Frankly, other than being a huge bitch to everyone who isn't family, she's actually a pretty good mother. I hate to admit it, but I love her.

And the incest? Who gives a shit? I don't, at any rate. It's bad genetically speaking and it's definitely a sign of some major dysfunction, but other than the consequences of being caught I don't really see where it's a problem at this point. They're consenting adults. Now, the consequences of being caught are pretty goddamn bad, and stupid to risk, but that's out of my hands. I don't mind her cheating on Robert at all, especially given how he fucks anything that moves. I do my best not to judge.

Then Cersei struts in like she's some sort of queen.


You know.

And man, does she look good in that brilliant red silk cheongsam. For a moment, both Jamie and I just watch her walk towards us. If you like arrogance and power in your beautiful women, Cersei is pretty much top tier. Like, give her a wand and some black robes, boom, classic Sorceress. A business suit and she's a CEO. A hand axe and some fur lined leather, barbarian queen. Her features are slightly severe but well formed, and there's no shy tittering or girlish coquettishness. Cersei is a woman.

She's also my mother, so I recovered first and nudged Jamie, then strode forward and gave her a hug. I've never considered myself particularly affectionate, but apparently I'm pretty touchy feely by local standards. Cersei hugs me back, because that's what we do.

"If you wanted to see me, you didn't have to go through a big production. You could have just said so," I chided her gently, placing a chaste kiss on the top of her head, then letting her go.

"It's fun on occasion. We have all this, so why not use it?" she replied with a smile.

I've only seen four people in the world get a real smile from her, and I'm one of them.

I escorted her the last few feet to the table and pulled her chair out for her, allowing her to seat herself primly. Jamie sat to her right and I to her left.

A watching servant took that as the signal to begin, and three servants immediately came out with our first course.

Three large, clear glass goblets with a reddish mush in the bottom and three large fried prawns hanging from the rim.


"What's this?" I asked, indicating the dish. I know what it looked like. I hadn't introduced it.

"Fried prawn tails with a tomato-lemon salsa," one of the servants replied, a guy. "The chef has not named it yet, I hope it meets with your approval."

"It's good," Cersei assured me, daintily dipping one of the prawns in the sauce. Because of course they'd let her try it first, you don't surprise Cersei if you know what's good for you. She's kinda controlling.

Huh. The chef has invented the shrimp cocktail. Convergent evolution is an amazing thing. I mean, I absolutely detest cocktail sauce, but this wasn't exactly the same. Surely it was better.

I obediently lifted one of the prawn by the tail and dipped it in the salsa before taking a bite.

Immediately, my mouth started burning. Not with spice, oh no, though there were hints of dornish peppers in it. No, the problem is, everyone else here has an unhealthy obsession with vinegar. And I hate vinegar. And this 'tomato lemon salsa' had to be at least 50% brown vinegar by volume.

My eyes watered just a little, and I had to overcome some gag reflex, but I still swallowed. Jamie and Cersei showed every evidence of actually enjoying the horrific fake salsa, 'falsa'. I simply ate the fried prawns and avoided the stuff.

We made small talk. Not inconsequential, exactly. I reported the fire, that Tyrion is doing well, Lord Ashford's nascent silk empire, and my new unflattering nickname. Jamie caught me up with the doings of some of the knights, and we discussed training. Cersei told me a few new things about fashion, a more detailed report on what Tommen and Kevan Lannister were up to in Summerhall, and how well Myrcella was doing in her various studies. We spent the most time discussing Myrcella's standing among the various noble daughters that were her playmates. As a princess, her standing was the highest, but there's more to being the leader of any given group than just social standing. Myrcella didn't just have friends, she had lessons.

Then came the next course, and the next, and the next. Buttered bread piled high with tiny shrimp, creamy seafood soup, crab pie, and literal piles of thick, delicious crab legs. I love crab. No, I mean, I LOVE crab. I make sure people know I love crab, and know that they can bribe me to do things by giving me crab. This encourages people to give me crab.

Cersei knows I love crab. Now, she dotes on me enough that not every crab dinner is accompanied by a request, but it's more than average.

So it wasn't a surprise when we reached the final course, our drinks refilled, food set out, and the servants sent away to give us privacy. Candied fruits and whipped cream for Cersei, and the aforementioned piles of crab legs for Jamie and I. Sweet flaky crab meat is all the dessert I need. Of course, this is also the point my inner glutton comes out, and I will eat crab until I enter a food coma. So that means this is serious discussion time, punctuated by cracking exoskeleton.

"So, my son. I have some important news for you."

"Bad news?" I asked, pausing in the middle of breaking a leg off. Because it's never good news.

"Well, it's good news, it's just… complicated." She looked a little discomfited.

I gestured with the now dismembered leg. "Okay. What's happening?"

"I'm pregnant."

I stabbed myself with a claw, drawing a spot of blood. "Fuck!" I hissed, wiping at the spot with a napkin.

"Or I believe I am. I've missed a monthly, and there has been plenty of chances," she said, glancing at Jamie, who held her hand.

"When was the last time Robert approached you?" I asked, my concern instant.

She winced. "There is the complication. It's been more than a year. Closer to two. So I need your help."

So, there are things a son never wants to know about his mother. But there's things you need to know as a medical professional. Now, I'm not a medical professional, but I try. And when I was younger, and Robert was still fucking Cersei on the regular, it was pretty clear she hated it and it hurt. So I worked on solutions. Glycerol based personal lubricant, to help with her complete lack of arousal and Robert's battering ram approach. White petroleum jelly to help with chafes and scrapes. Salicylic acid concentrate for the occasional wart. Cranberry juice for UTIs. A complete moratorium on weird ass maester prescribed douches. Chastising Robert. Distracting him with whores or hunting.

Basically, I did what I could, short of murdering Robert, to keep Cersei safe and healthy and comfortable.

So there's a certain amount of trust, here. Part of that trust is not asking her if the kid is Jamie's in front of Jamie. I don't know if he knows she cheats on him with other men. I am going to have to ask, because it could be really important. The issue of parentage with her is actually one I've already looked into.

Back in my earlier days of learning medicine with the maesters, I introduced blood transfusions. Now, as most people know, you have to have compatible blood before you can donate to someone. So you have to know people's type. Typing blood without a kit is slower and you usually need to use a magnifier, but it's doable. Typing blood without any known starting values just means you can mix up 'A' and 'B'. AB and O are pretty obvious, as is Rh factor.

And, if you know blood type of parents and child, you can sometimes determine if a child is by a different father. You can't prove a positive, but you can sometimes prove a negative. And also, I had suspicions of why I was born so sickly, and Robert and Cersei never produced another child together.

So I ran typing. As an arbitrary choice between A or B, I am A+. Robert is A+. Cersei is O-. Jamie is O-. Myrcella is O-. Tommen, my youngest brother, who had been born with dark hair in this world?

Fucking B-.

What the fuck, Cersei.

Everyone gets two genes for blood type and two for Rh factor, one from the mother and one from the father on each. Both 'O' and 'negative' are recessive traits. The only way to be either is if both parents have those traits, though someone could be an A or B and have a hidden O or negative or both gene. Myrcella actually could be Robert's daughter, because Robert could be A+/O-, and passed on that O- to Myrcella. Like I said, you can only sometimes prove a negative. I am A+, which I probably got from Robert. There is no way, at least by the genetics I know, for either an A+ or a O- father to sire a B- child.

And, there's a fairly high chance, especially with Rh+ children being born to a Rh- mother, compounded with a lower possibility of non O children born to an O mother, of the mother's body producing antigens that cross the placenta and attack the blood antibodies of the child. Given the primitive state of neonatal care in this world, Robert and Cersei were highly unlikely to produce many children. At least half their children would be Rh+, and that's if Robert did have a hidden O-. If he didn't, they'd be lucky to have any. Without modern care, the infant will often die either before or just after birth.

Incidentally, Sandor is AB-. I don't think he's Tommen's father, but who the fuck knows?

Blond hair versus black hair is a non-issue. I've got black hair, Tommen has black hair. Even if another blond kid pops out, that's not exactly the kind of thing to make people suspicious. Even if Jon Arryn or Stannis get a wild hair about 'The seed is stronk! The seed lifts! The seed never skips leg day!' I can destroy that argument no problem.

Especially since I very quietly seeded a false report of a Baratheon-Lannister marriage resulting in a blonde girl from some minor house members in a couple of old history books kept in both the Lannister and Baratheon personal libraries. And I did it six years ago, so the entry has had time to age and look especially authentic.

Unfortunately, any pseudoscience 'no, it's your kid, really!' trickery at least relies on the precept of the two of them having sex. And I've managed to get Robert to leave her alone. So gonna have to solve that part of the problem.

But first, we need to know if she's actually pregnant. If she's just randomly late, or skipping a month, or some sort of really early onset menopause, or hormone problem, whatever, I need to know that as well.

Cersei and Jamie held each other's hands as they sat there, letting me work through my thoughts.

Ugh. This crab has turned to ash in my mouth. This was a significantly bigger request than what I was expecting.

"So," I began. "First thing, we need to see if you're actually pregnant. I'm going to need barley seeds, wheat seeds, and some frogs."

They nodded seriously, if uncomprehendingly.

"And if you are pregnant, it's still pretty early. One solution would be if you just go ahead and fuck Robert. Another possibility is that we get him blackout drunk, and then make it look like he fucked you."

I paused, and ate some more crab in contemplation. I'll eat crab ash, I don't care.

"Because," I added after I swallowed, "I'm assuming you don't want to just drink moon tea and be done with it."

Moon tea was brewed from a plant that, oddly enough, produced compounds similar enough to human hormones to trigger menstruation. Taken once a month in a proper dose, it would trigger menstruation on schedule and prevent any eggs from implanting. Taken early in a pregnancy at a stronger dose, and it'd work as an abortifactant, triggering the same shedding of the uterine lining and detaching the embryo and placenta. Take too strong of a dose or too late in the pregnancy, or both, and you had the same problem as Jon Arryn's wife Lysa. Ruined fertility and horrible cramps and spotting the rest of your life. The Greeks and Romans used to have a plant, silphium, said to have functioned similarly, but it went extinct, probably from overharvesting.

Cersei shook her head. "No, I want to keep the baby. It's family."

Jamie squeezed her hand.

I suddenly had a massive wave of deja vu, as I was reminded of trips to a fertility doctor with my late wife in my first life. Only here I'm the doctor, and the patients are my mom and her brother-lover. This may actually be the most surreal experience I've ever had, topping my initial realization I was in Westeros by about an order of magnitude. If I suddenly taste key lime pie I'll at least know I'm having a stroke.

"And we'll protect it like family. I'll see about getting the seeds and frogs for tomorrow. I think getting Robert blackout drunk is the best solution. He can wake up in your bed, covered in gunk, you can wear long sleeves and walk funny for a while, I'll yell at the old man. We'll make sure he knows he was rough. He should feel guilty about it enough not to question it overmuch when you become pregnant. We'll say the baby came early if you give birth on time. There might be some subterfuge we can do there."

Cersei nodded, then reached over and grabbed my slimy, crab juice covered hand and squeezed it, hard. She didn't say anything. I could read her emotions in her eyes.

Yeah. This was a problem. A solvable problem. Worst comes to worst, Robert won't see the birth.

Huh. I probably shouldn't tell Cayla that my mother came to me with a problem most easily solved by poisoning Robert.

We finished up lunch with few spoken words, and nothing of consequence. A bell summoned the servants to clean up, and Jamie and Cersei left. I waddled back to my rooms, meeting Cayla there.

"What did you do, roll in the crab?" she asked, exasperated, picking at the front of my-

-oh fuck I forgot-

-hilariously expensive silk jacket. That I had completely forgotten about in the wake of those fateful words, 'I'm pregnant.'

When in doubt, attack.

"In order to truly appreciate crab, you have to understand the crab. Taste the crab. Smell the crab. Love the crab. Be the crab," I said loftily.

"Well, you're also wearing the crab," she fussed. "I don't think those stains will ever come out." She plucked a bit of shell off, then licked a finger and rubbed it on a spot. "And that's a really nice coat. What a shame. A six hundred gold coat sacrificed to crabs." She helped me shuck it off.

"Pft, every coat should love to be so honored," I said, spinning with her as she helped me get undressed. "It's not like I need this jacket. It's not a necessity," I argued.

"And what will you do when your mother wears that dress again?"

"Black silk. Or wool. You know, if we're doing crab again, maybe I'll just go naked. I don't need clothes. I got all I need right here in my bare hands," I said, playfully grabbing at her face with my still grungy hands. A napkin only goes so far, I was going to have to do some serious scrubbing.

"Bear hands is right," she snarked, batting furiously at my hands and ducking to the side. "And you're hairy enough you're never really naked. I think you'd have fit better if you were born into the Mormonts. You're much more bear than stag in your behavior."

"Ugh. The Mormonts." An idea was tickling the back of my head. "If I'd have been a Mormont, I'd definitely have put a stop to the whole slaving thing. Jorah should have married a woman who didn't want so much more than he had."

"He had little you didn't give to him," Cayla reminded me, moving behind me to help me remove my shirt.

"Yeah, but you don't need all that. All you need is the-

Bear necessities! With 'em a bear can rest at ease! The simple bear necessities of life!"

Cayla stared at me as I burst into song. Really bad, really off key song. Music is not one of my talents. In fact, other than remembering some of my favorite lyrics, you could almost call me anti-musical.

She stared as I continued singing, even working a little bare bear boogie into it as my pants slid down my legs.

"The~ beaaar necessities! Your asses are my recipies! The simple bear necessities of death!"

I can't dance either.

"Are you drunk?" she asked incredulously.

Shit. "Maybe a little?" I admitted sheepishly, calming down. I don't even remember drinking during lunch. But I had wine and I had a nasty surprise and it's entirely possible I put back a few glasses. Or more than a few. I wasn't drunk drunk. But I might be tipsy.

"Just wash the crab off your bear hands," she ordered, pushing me towards a basin and some soap.

"Take me down to the bearadise city where the girls are bears and they bare bear titties!" I sang again as I washed up. "Hey, these are pretty good. We should use them in the Mormont play."

"As you say, my Prince."

Heh, she says that when she's tired of my shit.

"Oh yeah, I need some wheat seeds, barley seeds, and a dozen or so frogs and toads," I added as an afterthought, wiping myself down with a towel.

"…Okay?" she replied. "What project do you have in mind now?"

"I'm gonna make Cersei pee on them," I said proudly. I can still remember my first childhood, reading Robert Heinlein books, and seeing multiple references to 'the mouse test' in reference to pregnancy. Being the curious sort, I looked it up. And you know, it turns out it works even better and faster with frogs or toads! The seeds was from a thing I read about ancient Egyptians. Not as reliable, supposedly, but try everything!

"As you say, my Prince."

"You know," I mused, spinning around, now clean, and seizing Cayla by the shoulders, "I really think everything is going to work out for the best."

She started to reply, then stopped, then smiled warmly. "As you say, my Prince."

Cayla left. I laid down and took a siesta. There's nothing quite like a crab induced food coma nap for making the world seem brighter.

I was woken up from my nap by shrill screaming and roars of human rage coming from Cersei's rooms next door.

AN: Now, this is a story all about how
My life got flipped-turned upside down
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I went and looked up those pregnancy tests you mentioned - while Wiki did have basic details, a little more digging turned up a rather astounding 70% accuracy on the grains test. That's pretty good, for a test that was used what, three thousand plus years ago?

The frogs seem to be extremely reliable though...

But it doesn't seem as though your guy's idea of Cersei sneaking into the bed turned out all that well.

I will note, however, that you don't specify who the "roars of human rage" were coming from - while the mind does leap to the Great Philanderer whose house motto is "Ours is the Fury"... Cersei's a Lannister lion, and lions roar too.