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Synopsis: "Taking part of testing out an experimental hyperdrive system for Axis Zeon, Ple Twelve finds herself alone in the Post-Disaster world and she only has the Psycho Big Zam at her side. Then she decided to take her Mobile Armor for a walk with some new friends she made. A very enthusiastic walk, puru!"
As Big As A Battleship, Puru! Chapter 1
Hello there guys, Warmachine375 here. I have made another Gundam crossover story called "As Big As A Battleship, Puru!" and I based it from "As Big as a Battleship" Self Insert crossover story between Gundam UC and Battletech by AshlingWaltzes which was unfortunately cancelled by the said author who made another Gundam UC x Battletech Self-Insert crossover story called "Mobile BattleMech Orion AD 2766: Kerenskys Counterattack".

Of course, I'm going to make this one different to stand out on its own.

Credits and shoutout to "As Big as a Battleship" by AshlingWaltzes for the inspiration and check out her stories at the Spacebattles Forum site, they are good read.

Synopsis: "Taking part of testing out an experimental hyperdrive system for Axis Zeon, Ple Twelve finds herself alone in the Post-Disaster world and she only has the Psycho Big Zam at her side. Then she decided to take her Mobile Armor for a walk with some new friends she made. A very enthusiastic walk, puru!"

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam UC and Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans series. They both belong to Sunrise and Yoshiyuki Tomino.

Enjoy and don't forget to review. :D

Chapter 1​

Somewhere in the Asteroid System, the Axis, UC Universe

"All systems green. Psycho Big Zam is ready for launch, puru."

A ten year old orange haired girl in her red pilot suit and helmet declared as she was sitting on one of the three pilot seats of the Big Zam's cockpit block: a pilot, a radar operator, and a gunner; though it can be operated by a single pilot with the assistance of computers. Of course, she took the pilot's seat at the center and her white and violet Mobile Armor was outfitted with the Psycommu System which would allow her to control it as a Cyber Newtype.

The MA-13 Psycho Big Zam, the Prototype Cyber Newtype-use Anti-Fortress Heavy Assault Space Mobile Armor.

It was developed by Neo Zeon at some point after the One Year War ended and the Zeon loyalists had fled to Axis, refusing to surrender to the Earth Federation in defiance. This Mobile Armor was supposed to be the second Big Zam unit produced at A Baoa Qu for the hypothetical company of Big Zams that was planned to be used against Jaburo as Vice-Admiral Dozle Zabi once bragged, "Once the Big Zam goes into mass production, it'll be the end of the Federation!"

Unfortunately, Dozle Zabi perished at the Battle of Solomon where the original Big Zam was destroyed by Amuro Ray in his RX-78-2 Gundam with the aid and heroic sacrifice of Sleggar Law in his G-Fighter, ending the Zeon resistance in Solomon.

After the One Year War, the second Big Zam unit was taken by the Zeon loyalists during their exodus to Axis, refusing to allow the Federation to get their hands on the Mobile Armor. During the rebuilding and reorganization of their military strength, the Neo Zeon had modified the second unit to not only have a Psycommu System along with 12 Funnels and 11 Bits stored inside several hangars across the body, it also have a Minovsky Craft System for propulsion and two extra Minovsky Ultracompact Fusion Reactors as backup generators which remain dormant until emergency use.

Along with its two massive legs that can bend and fold to provide extra rocket thrust.

And it's piloted by a 1 Cyber Newtype pilot.

"Confirmed, all systems of the Mobile Armor are green. You're good to go, Ensign Audrey Burne.", someone at the mission control from the Axis.

But that's not really my name. I'm Ple Twelve, puru!, she thought as she checked through the controls of the Psycho Big Zam with everything labeled on it. That also includes the I-Field switch, which had a very small warning on it about potentially making the fusion reactors overheat if it was left on for too long.

Ple Twelve was one of the several clones of Elpeo Ple, a powerful Newtype girl, created by Glemy Toto who conspired to usurp the leadership of New Zeon from Haman Karn who currently served as regent of the young Mineva Lao Zabi whom she used as a figurehead and someone to rally the Zeon loyalists to Axis. Of course it took him some years to properly grow and develop the Ples in their pods while ensuring their existence remained a secret underneath Haman's nose.

By the time they're finished, Glemy then put the Ples under cold sleep in the storage unit of the Sandra, keeping them in reserve until he chooses to release one or two of them if he had uses for them or on a whim as he pleases. As such, Ple Twelve had the "honor" of piloting the Psycho Big Zam and whether or not she lives or dies, the blonde ambitious Neo Zeon officer can just get another Ple to replace her in her stead.

And now I'm testing out an experimental hyperdrive for Neo Zeon which may or may not probably work. But orders are orders and good soldiers follow orders, puru!, Ple Twelve thought with a casual shrug as she began to activate the Psycho Big Zam with the controls on the console.

The Hyperdrive Generator was an experimental propulsion device made by an ambitious Neo Zeon scientist named George Walton which could theoretically allow a spaceship to reach lightspeed and traverse the void between stars in the alternate dimension of hyperspace. It functioned by gathering the concentrated amounts of Minovsky Particles into the ship's engines before activating it to hurl a ship into hyperspace while preserving the vessel's mass/energy profile.

It would grant the fleets of the Neo Zeon the ability to go about anywhere in the Solar System and use that to their advantage against the Earth Federation. Along with expanding their range and influence to colonize the rest of the Solar System, bringing it all under their control.

However, Haman Karn, being the skeptical, pragmatic and cautious woman, decided to have the Psycho Big Zam to be outfitted with the experimental device instead of using one of Neo Zeon's ships. To her, the Big Zam was a failed relic of the One Year War that couldn't live up to the hype that the deceased Dozle Zabi gave even if it was given the upgrades and modifications, which would be eventually outclassed by the more advanced mobile suits produced by Neo Zeon and even their enemies from the Federation.

And Glemy Toto decided to use one of the Ple Clones to be the pilot of the Psycommu-enhanced Mobile Armor as he needed an expendable clone that can be easily replaceable instead of any of his loyal followers from his faction as part of his sucking up façade to Haman Karn.

Ple Twelve pondered in her mind after remembering the pros and cons from her superiors discussing about it to her, If it works and I'm still alive, the Psycho Big Zam would reach its destination and I will start wreaking havoc on the Federation Forces caught off guard by the sudden appearance of this Mobile Armor from the One Year War, puru! Weaken and bleed them hard enough for the Axis to eventually arrive and take over with minimal resistance...

...Buuuuut if it doesn't work and I'm dead or stuck somewhere in the space, then there's no huge loss for Neo Zeon anyway and victory is inevitable when they get there at their own pace. Except for that poor Dr. George Walton who might get sacked and lose his job or probably executed. He was very confident that his hyperdrive device would work, puru.
, she then added.

After fully activating the controls, the entire Mobile Armor rumbled, and the clone of Elpeo Ple can feel that the systems are beginning to shift and move and hum around her. From the simple display screens, she can see that everything is doing well so far. The Psycho Big Zam launched away from the hangar of the Axis and flew with the Minovsky Craft System and its legs bent themselves to give more rocket boost and increase speed.

The Mobile Armor exited the Asteroid Belt into the clear space where Ple Twelve can start her first hyperspace voyage without anything blocking its way.

"Mission control, Psycho Big Zam's systems are still green and stable so far, puru. I'm preparing the Hyperdrive Generator.", Ple Twelve reported in the communication channel as she held the joystick controls of the Mobile Armor's console.

The man from Axis' mission control responded from the said channel, "Roger, set your coordinates to Earth Sphere or any of the Lagrange Colonies of your choosing to arrive and attack. Good luck, Ensign Audrey and give those Federation bastards Hell when you get there. Sieg Zeon!"

Setting up coordinates to her desired location which she chose the Earth Sphere, the Cyber Newtype clone of Elpeo Ple activated the the Psycho Big Zam's hyperdrive device after she cheerfully replied, "Sieg Zeon, puru!"

Before her eyes, she can see the blue tunnel from the viewscreen of the Psycho Big Zam's cockpit and it is a good thing that her viewscreen was polarized so she won't get blinded. The Mobile Armor accelerated forward into it, disappearing from sight.

Somewhere in space en route to the Dort Colonies, IBO Universe

The Arianrhod Fleet, also formally known as the Outer Lunar Orbit Joint Fleet, was preparing to suppress the recent Dort Colonies' worker riots that they have set it up on purpose in order to lull the dissidents into false hope of having a chance against them. As their several Halfbeak-class and Skipjack-class ships and a dozen squads of EB-06 Grazes were deployed and flew towards the colonies where they will do their part in the name of Gjallarhorn.

And their commander, Brigadier General Rustal Elion would be pleased of the results once it's done and reported to him on Earth where he was currently holding a meeting with some of the heads of the Seven Stars.

Soon those foolish workers will know their place again... I just love how the same song and dance goes and it never gets old..., Lieutenant Colonel Kevin Marcus internally mused while maintaining a professional face in front of the subordinates going about their duties on the bridge of his ship.

Just as suddenly, a gigantic object appeared out of nowhere in space in front of the Arianrhod Fleet, which the members of Gjallarhorn devolved into abject chaos upon seeing it. Its sudden appearance had caught them off guard and they didn't see that one coming at all.







Due to the sudden appearance of an unknown entity, Lieutenant Colonel Kevin Marcus widened his eyes in surprise, losing his façade of a professional superior officer in charge of the operation he's supposed to carry out, nearly falling out of his chair of his ship's bridge after seeing a massive white and violet-colored ship-sized object with two massive legs unfolding themselves to clearly walk despite having three rocket propulsion thrusters underneath it.

Sure they were in space, but the movement looked just wrong to him.

And the said object had a single glowing eye that seemed to be glaring directly at him.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?! FIRE EVERYTHING! NOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW!", he shouted at the top of his lungs, panickily pointing at it.

Meanwhile after exiting the blue tunnel via the experimental hyperdrive of the Psycho Big Zam, Ple Twelve found herself facing a fleet of ships with two unique designs and their several mobile suits looked a lot different especially with their monoeyes. Oooh! So this is what the Earth Sphere looked like. It seems that Dr. Walton's device did work after all, puru!, she thought with a smirk.

Then, thanks to her Cyber Newtype abilities, Ple Twelve can sense the positions of the enemy fleet's crew and personnel within. They're all panicking and running around like headless chickens due to her Mobile Armor appearing before them and they didn't expect her presence all of a sudden. And that also includes hostility which she can see their ships' guns deploying and were about to open fire at the Psycho Big Zam.

Along with their squads of mobile suits brandishing their weapons too as well.

The clone of Elpeo Ple was more than happy to return the favor.

"Alright then, time to give you a taste of Psycho Big Zam's power, Federation scum, puru!", Ple Twelve declared as she activated the Psycho Big Zam's main weapon, the Large Mega Particle Gun through her console's controls.

The said main weapon of her Mobile Armor drew a vast amount of energy from the four fusion reactors and then fired a mega particle beam at the Arianrhod Fleet!

The attack struck several of Gjallarhorn's ships and mobile suits directly, engulfing every single one of them in a blinding overwhelming light and heat. Despite their Nanolaminate Armors attempting to diffuse and deflect the Psycho Big Zam's massive beam energy as best as they can, the mega particle beam was way too much to handle as the special metal paint coating had quickly burned and peeled away into nothingness, completely incinerating the metal and people inside simultaneously.

As a result, all of them then exploded into oblivion!

In a single shot, multiple battleships and mobile suits of the Arianrhod Fleet have been wiped out from existence by the Psycho Big Zam, leaving those who were lucky to not get caught in its range. Lieutenant Colonel Kevin Marcus was among the hundreds of Gjallarhorn casualties that got vaporized by the Mobile Armor's Large Mega Particle Gun.

Admiring the view where she can see the remains of the enemy fleet and mobile suits' debris floating in space, Ple Twelve cheerfully commented. "Now that's total annihilation, puru!"

She saw some of the surviving ships and machines opening fire at her Mobile Armor in retaliation to her mega particle beam attack. To her childish disappointment however, they seem to be using ballistic weapons instead of beam weapons. And they were ineffective against the armor of her Psycho Big Zam other than leaving some scorched marks on the white and violet paintjob.

"The Federation Forces doesn't have beam weapons?... That's weird and stupid of them to not use it, puru. Oh well, if they wanted to die that badly, I will give it to them!", the orange haired Cyber Newtype gleefully declared as she activated her Mobile Armor's Psycommu System and launched out the 12 Funnels from several parts of its body while leaving the 11 Bits inside as the reserve.

There is no need to unleash all of them after all.

Ple Twelve controlled the Funnels and directed them to fire at the surviving enemy ships and mobile suits from every crazy direction to play with her prey. She noticed that her beams were bouncing off from them but yet they're reeling from the force of the blows that pushed them back, which she found it hilarious. She decided to keep peppering them with her Funnels and even targeted their rocket propulsion thrusters at the back to disable them.

"This is fun, puru! It's like playing Ping Pong, Pin Ball or whatever that is Glemy played with the others back at Axis!", she giggled with happiness.

On the other hand at the Sleipnir, Specialist-Major Gaelio Bauduin was also shocked to see the massive being that appeared all of a sudden and then wiped out most of the Arianrhod Fleet with one powerful blast with a handful of survivors. The heir of the Bauduin family immediately recalled the history lessons and remembered about the certain giant monstrosities that almost annihilated humanity 300 years ago in the Calamity War.

And they possessed beam weapons that had caused untold destruction and collateral damage in their path.

"It's a Mobile Armor!", he exclaimed.

Ein Dalton asked as he was also surprised and horrified at the instant defeat of the Arianrhod Fleet at the hands of an unknown enemy that showed up unexpected, "Mobile Armor? What are they, sir?"

Gaelio explained as he watched the footage at how the white and violet Mobile Armor with a single glaring eye was sending out drone-like weapons to toy around with the Arianrhod Fleet remnants mercilessly and sadistically, "Ancient mechanical monsters from the Calamity War, Ein! Gjallarhorn's founder Agnika Kaeiru and the ancestors of the Seven Stars had fought and defeated them with the Gundam Frames!"

The captain of the Sleipnir, Daniel Woren grimly commented upon seeing the massacre before his eyes from the bridge's viewscreen, "Apparently, it seems that they've failed to finish them all off and one survived to get its revenge..."

The other personnel of House Bauduin's personal ship agreed with him after witnessing how the Nanolaminate Armor used by the Arianrhod Fleet was like shredded paper to the Mobile Armor's large beam cannon.

Gritting his teeth and clenching his fists with righteous fury, the purple haired young man quickly stormed off from the bridge as he's unable to stand by and watch the Mobile Armor continue to torture the Gjallarhorn survivors of the decimated fleet at its cruel mercy. "I'm going out with Gundam Kimaris! Ein, with me!", he yelled.

"Yes, sir!", the half-Martian soldier of Gjallarhorn complied immediately as he followed Gaelio to the mobile suit hangar of the Sleipnir to launch their machines into space and stop the Mobile Armor.

The Gundam Frames had defeated the Mobile Armors before in the past and now Gaelio Bauduin will honor his ancestor by using the Kimaris to do it again!

Within the outskirts of the Dort 3 Colony in the middle of the workers' riots that hadn't turned violent yet, McGillis Fareed under the disguise as Montag received a call from his Montag Company ship after informing Kudelia Aina Bernstein about Nobliss Gordon being the one who sent weapons to the rioting workers, and that Fumitan Admoss was secretly working for the man the entire time much to the young woman's distress.

"Yes, what is it, Todo Micronen?", he asked upon opening the pad.

"Mr. Montag, you wouldn't believe what I'm going to tell you! The entire Arianrhod Fleet had been wiped out!", the man with a small square mustache informed in a panicking manner with sweat of apprehension formed around his face.

Widening his eyes in shock behind his mask with a long white wig on it, the blonde man immediately questioned with a double take. "Wait what?! How did it happen?!"

Todo showed the recording footage of the white and violet massive ship with two legs and a single glowing eye unleashing a massive blast towards the Arianrhod Fleet to his employer as he elaborated, "That ship came out of nowhere and blasted the entire fleet from existence! Nothing remained aside from the others who were lucky to not be in range!"

Recognizing the attack to be a beam weapon and realizing what that thing really is, the Specialist-Major in disguise stated. "That's no ship, Todo... It's a Mobile Armor."

"What?! What do you mean, sir?!", Todo questioned with a raise of his eyebrow.

McGillis quickly ordered as time is of the essence, "I will explain later. Todo, make sure the Montag Company ship don't get caught in the crossfire with the Mobile Armor! Inform me if it's going to attack the Dort Colonies at any moment! In the meantime, prepare the Grimgerde for me!"

The former CGS First Group member complied with haste, "Yes, Mr. Montag! Right away!"

Ending contact with Todo, McGillis Fareed made a run across the streets of Dort 3 so that he can get to the space port and reach for the mobile suit launched out for him to pilot it. Now this is unexpected turn of events I didn't see it coming. A Mobile Armor that apparently survived the Calamity War and somehow hid for centuries appearing right when Arianrhod Fleet was about to conduct their sabotage and suppression operation. It is clearly attempting to cripple Gjallarhorn's might by destroying Rustal Elion's elite unit designated as the biggest threat to it. With the Arianrhod Fleet effectively neutralized, the Mobile Armor can do whatever it pleases. ... Not on my watch!, he thought with a frown on his face.

The disguised blonde man hoped that Tekkadan especially Mikazuki Augus, the pilot of Gundam Barbatos had received news of the sudden appearance of the Mobile Armor and they will take action to try stop it or else everyone here dies.

Author's Note: Okay, Chapter 1 of "As Big As a Battleship, Puru!" is done and I hope you like it. Ple Twelve had ended up in the IBO universe and unintentionally wiped out most of the Arianrhod Fleet that was supposed to commit their daily routine of suppressing colony workers' movements at the Dort Colonies with the power of Psycho Big Zam. On the other hand, Gaelio Bauduin is gonna go out and try stop the Mobile Armor with his Seven Stars family's heirloom, the Gundam Kimaris alongside Ein Dalton accompanying him.

And of course McGillis Fareed is gonna be taking action as well and that Tekkadan will indeed take notice of the news of the Mobile Armor's sudden appearance in the next chapter.

Before you wonder, yes, Ple Twelve is Marida Cruz from Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn but at this time here, she is just one of the Ple Clones with a designated number. Don't worry, she will get that name eventually but under different circumstances here. At least she won't have to deal with the crap that her adult canon counterpart had been through if you know what I mean.

I often scratched my head about the concept of the Clones in Gundam UC as unlike the Kaminoans from Star Wars who can growth accelerate the Clones into fully grown adults, creating them takes a lot of time to grow and develop. And Glemy Toto apparently did all that without somehow drawing attention from Haman Karn, preparing an army of Ples as part of his Glemy Faction to overthrow her and take over Neo Zeon in Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ show.

Here's what the Psycho Big Zam looked like:

h-t-t-ps : static . wikia . nocookie gundam / images / 8 / 88 / Big_zam_axis. jpg / revision / latest?cb=20141012180328

Enjoy and don't forget to review. :D
Chapter 2
Hello there, everyone! I'm back with the second chapter of "As Big As A Battleship, Puru!" and thank you for the early reviews and support for this crossover story. After Ple Twelve had wiped out the Arianrhod Fleet, Gjallarhorn is caught off guard by the sudden appearance of the Mobile Armor and soon the news will reach not just Tekkadan and the Dort Colonies but Earth too as well.

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam UC and Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans series. They both belong to Sunrise and Yoshiyuki Tomino.

Enjoy and don't forget to review. :D

Chapter 2​

At Vingólf, Earth Headquarters of Gjallarhorn


Every member of the Seven Stars in the meeting winced at the roaring anger from Brigadier General Rustal Elion who stood up from his seat to glare at the male messenger from the Regulatory Bureau who told him the sudden wham bomb of a report. The head of the Elion family rarely lost his temper and was known among his peers to be constantly smirking around whenever something good happens to him in his favor.

But now the news of the most powerful fleet in Gjallarhorn being wiped out had caught him and everyone else in the room off guard.

Who dares destroy my fleet!? My pride and joy I spent years to create and build up as the mightiest force to be reckoned with in Gjallarhorn! Whoever is behind this unforgivable act must pay! Thoroughly and Mercilessly!, the older man gritted his teeth in rage as his gloved fists gripped themselves hard and he was very tempted to smash them on the table of the Seven Stars.

No one would blame him for acting like that.

The unlucky Gjallarhorn messenger gulped at the face of a visibly and absolutely livid Rustal but he pressed on regardless, "R-right when the Arianrhod Fleet was about to conduct their operation to handle the Dort Colony workers' demonstration, an unknown ship had appeared in front of them and wiped them out with a massive beam weapon, Lord Elion."

"A beam weapon?! Wouldn't it be useless against Nanolaminate Armor?! All of Arianrhod Fleet's ships and mobile suits are supposed to be immune to it!", Colonel Iok Kujan questioned with an incredulous look on his face as he cannot comprehend that the mightiest fleet in Gjallarhorn had been destroyed by such ancient outdated weapon from the Calamity War.

Nemo Baklazan corrected his fellow Seven Star head of the family with a frown, "Resistant, not immune, Lord Kujan. The purpose of Nanolaminate Armor is to diffuse and deflect beam attacks away from a mobile suit or a ship if they're struck by it, minimizing the damage done. It does not absorb or weaken beam energy at all. ... However, the special metal paint coating would eventually be peeled off or burned away from prolonged combat, hence the need to re-paint again."

"That would mean the unknown ship must have built up its beam attack's energy to a critical point before firing it at the Arianrhod Fleet in one massive blast. Striking the enemy down with all its might.", Elek Falk commented with an unease look on his face.

Iok looked more offended at the older Falk indirectly quoting the Kujan family percept instead of listening to the explanation about how Nanolaminate Armor works from the elderly Baklazan.

An unnerved Iznario Fareed inquired for more information about the new enemy of Gjallarhorn, "And what does this unknown ship looked like, soldier?"

The Regulatory Bureau messenger complied as he showed the heads of the Seven Stars the captured pic of the assailant with a large frontal cannon nearby the Dort Colonies, "From what we managed to describe, it has two legs and a glowing cyclops eye, Lord Fareed."

Upon realizing what exactly the assailant's true nature was, Gallus Bauduin revealed with widened eyes of shock to his peers in the meeting room, "That's no ship! It's a Mobile Armor!"

That would mean Gaelio will be fighting it! No..., the older purple haired man with a beard thought in terror for his son's life as he remembered Gaelio wanting to bring out Gundam Kimaris from the vault and use it in the field.

This terrified the Seven Stars members as they remember about the horrors of the Calamity War perpetuated by the Mobile Armors that wiped out 1/4 of the world's total population, and their ancestors of Gjallarhorn led by Agnika Kaeiru had fought to defeat them at a great cost 300 years ago. Now it seemed that only one apparently survived and it has returned to claim its long-awaited vengeance by eliminating the most powerful fleet in existence before proceeding to attack the Dort Colonies and their inhabitants.

It was the usual modus operandi of the Mobile Armor to always target civilian populations.

Nemo Baklazan declared in a serious tone to the messenger, "Send immediate word to Colonel Carta Issue. She is to mobilize her fleet and rescue the survivors of the Arianrhod Fleet. That includes protecting the people of Dort Colonies evacuating from the Mobile Armor's rampage. Lethal force is authorized against it."

Iznario looked like he was about to protest but held back his tongue while the other Seven Stars agreed with Nemo.

"Yes sir!", the Regulatory Bureau member obeyed and left the meeting room as quickly as he can.

Without my Arianrhod Fleet, Gjallarhorn is now greatly weakened and all that opposed us will see it as opportunity to rise up and revolt! The four economic blocs would question our strength! I will never be able to recover from this humiliation!, Rustal thought in frustration after realizing the ramifications of his fleet's great loss thanks to that damned Mobile Armor as he ignored the other heads of the Seven Stars starting to talk about mobilizing other fleets.

Iok looked utterly confused and unable to contribute as he looked around like a useless peacock he was.

Meanwhile, Second Lieutenant Julieta Juris was sitting on the high walls of the Vingólf headquarters where she climbed around as part of her hobby which Iok Kujan had derogatorily called her "a monkey" for it. She can't help but overhear the various members and officers of Gjallarhorn running around like headless chickens after hearing the bad news regarding the Arianrhod Fleet's demise nearby the Dort Colonies.

"A Mobile Armor?! Are you sure?!"

"Yes! It wiped out the Arianrhod Fleet with one massive beam attack!"

"Impossible! Nanolaminate Armor is supposed to be Fucking Invincible!"

"Apparently not! And Language!"

"Shut up Steve!"

"Oh my God!"

"Game over, man! Game over!"

The female blonde common-born Gjallarhorn mobile suit pilot frowned as she looked up to the high place where her adoptive father and superior officer is there with other heads of the families of the Seven Stars as she thought, The entire fleet is gone?! By a Mobile Armor of all things? I thought Gjallarhorn had wiped them out during the Calamity War!

Worried, Julieta knew that Lord Rustal won't take it down lightly at all and there will be hell to pay.

On the other hand, Yamazin Toka was checking out the dormant ASW-G-01 Gundam Bael which was standing in the center of the ceremonial lake inside an altar deep within Vingólf. It is where the Seven Stars' respective Gundam Frames were stored inside and they were considerably better preserved behind the sealed thick steel doors with the designated mobile suit numbers that identified them.

ASW-G-04 Gundam Gamigin from House Falk.

ASW-G-05 Gundam Marbas from House Fareed.

ASW-G-07 Gundam Aamon from House Issue.

ASW-G-45 Gundam Viné from House Kujan.

ASW-G-48 Gundam Haagenti from House Elion.

ASW-G-55 Gundam Orobas from House Baklazan.

Except the one vault which formerly contained the ASW-G-66 Gundam Kimaris from House Bauduin after it had been brought out by Specialist-Major Gaelio Bauduin. The Arianrhod Fleet's gingerhead chief engineer had helped transfer the Seven Stars machine to the mobile suit hangar bays of Sleipnir prior to its launch into space during her time at Vingólf.

Overhearing the members of Gjallarhorn panicking of the Mobile Armor's return echoing from outside, Toka grimly remarked to the First Gundam Frame as if it was a person than a machine, "I'm not sure if your soul is really inside Bael and you're hearing this, Agnika Kaeiru... But I'd say it is a damn shame that you couldn't be awakened right now at this time of need. Right when the Mobile Armor came back with a vengeance upon Gjallarhorn and humanity. Many pilots in the past had tried to wake you up but failed. Alaya-Vijnana System or not."

"And now it looks like Gundam Kimaris is probably already out there, fighting on its own.", she said while turning away from the white Gundam Frame.

Unbeknownst to her however, Bael's red optics glowed a bit red in response...

Within the Dort Colony 3

Things weren't going well for the Gjallarhorn Garrison of the Dort Colonies as an understatement.

When they receive news of the Arianrhod Fleet's sudden demise at the hands of an unknown ship with legs' massive beam weapon that left few survivors only to be picked off one by one, their superiors attempted to cover it up from being known to the public and keep everything under control as best as they could. Unfortunately for them, the people from the Dort Colony Network saw the Gjallarhorn's fleet being wiped out and had reported it with a live footage for all to see in Dort and also Earth.

As the Dort Colony reporters were tired of the one-sided bullshit narrative Gjallarhorn had to constantly give them, they decided to throw a middle finger back at them and damn the consequences!

"This is Nina Miyamori reporting live from Dort Colony Network! In the middle of the Workers' Union demonstration against the Dort Company, a massive ship of unknown designation with legs suddenly appeared out of nowhere in space nearby the Dort Colonies and indiscriminately attacked the Arianrhod Fleet patrolling the area! It appears to be using some sort of energy-type attack that wiped out the forces of Gjallarhorn in one blast!", a young woman with short brown hair stated on live tv in an area where there were no Gjallarhorn security guards nearby to silence her.

Her colleagues Saw Carre and Hajime Tsuji made sure of that the coast is clear.

She added with the footage of the carnage unfolding in the news, "That is before the unknown vessel started attacking the survivors with missile-like energy projectiles. Gjallarhorn was unable to respond to this sudden attack out of nowhere after the loss of the Arianrhod Fleet."

All hell broke loose as a result.

The citizens of Dort went into a mass hysteria after watching the footage of a gigantic assailant easily destroying Gjallarhorn's mightiest fleet like it was nothing. They feared that they might be next once it's done playing around with the helpless survivors of Arianrhod Fleet. Some fled to the colony shelters for safety, and others had tried to get to the space port in attempt to board the ships and escape from the Dort Colonies.

Although, the members of the Dort Workers' Union rejoiced to watch the Arianrhod Fleet destroyed and reduced to a few survivors on live tv, which they took it as a sign to attack the Gjallarhorn Garrison soldiers who now had lost their biggest stick on their side. They were the first to open fire and took down the security troops guarding the Dort Company's entrance before storming inside the corporation's building where their employers were hiding inside.

Along with starting their armed revolts and seizing military equipment on their hands across the Dort Colonies.

Navona Mingo was helpless to stop the violence as he was hoping for a peaceful resolution to the labor dispute between Dort Company and his fellow workers without any interference from Gjallarhorn. Recently, the leader of the Workers' Union had to ensure that the CEO and his board of directors were unharmed in their capture, following after his comrades inside the Dort Company HQ.

However, elements of the Gjallarhorn Garrison had somewhat managed to quell the riots and assuage the citizens with some measure of success.

"Well, that escalated quickly.", Orga Itsuka commented as he and fellow Tekkadan comrades were currently at the spaceport of Dort 3 where they see panicking people trying to get past Gjallarhorn garrison soldiers to board the ships. Because of the emergency lockdown, they now can't get to the NOA-0093 Isaribi and meet up with the rest of the crew along with getting into their mobile suits.

Norba Shino nodded in agreement with his leader, "No kidding, Orga! Especially when Gjallarhorn's fleet got taken out by that big battleship we saw in the news!"

"But is it friend or foe? Because I'm worried if it might turn its weapons on us and the Colonies after finishing off the fleet...", Biscuit Griffon wondered in worry as he watched how the remainder of Arianrhod Fleet got massacred in every direction on tv.

"Since it attacked Gjallarhorn and continued to do so, it might be an ally, Biscuit. Besides Gjallarhorn had it coming.", Eugene Sevenstark shrugged as it felt pretty cathartic to see them losing their high and mighty attitude after losing their fleet.

Yamagi Gilmerton said with an uncomfortable look on his face, "Uhhh, I don't think we should be enjoying the Schadenfreude, guys."

Mikazuki Augus can only stare in observation at the gigantic two-legged figure with a glowing eye as if it was looking at him appearing on the tv screen. Even though I haven't reconnected myself back to Barbatos at the Isaribi, I can feel my Gundam Frame acting a bit off for some reason... It might have probably spooked Old Man Nadi and the others overseeing Barbatos' maintenance., he wondered as the three Alaya-Vijnana System implants on his back twitched a bit.

"Are you alright, Kudelia, Miss Fumitan?", Atra Mixta asked in concern to the two women older than her after narrowly escaping from the riot outbreak.

Kudelia Aina Bernstein replied to her friend, "I'm fine, thank you."

Fumitan Admoss nodded as she adjusted her glasses, "You should get yourself checked by Merribit Stapleton when we get back to the Isaribi."

"Okay.", Atra agreed as she still felt some pain from the Gjallarhorn soldiers punching her in the face during interrogation.

The only reason the assassins under Nobliss Gordon's employ didn't pull the trigger is because the Workers' Union attacked first and overwhelmed the Gjallarhorn Garrison soldiers guarding the Dort Company HQ. It ruined the narrative of turning Kudelia into a martyr figure of the revolution., Fumitan Admoss internally noted after remembering the panicking snipers withdrawing from the building nearby the demonstration.

No doubt the scumbag of a rich man would be upset and those agents will suffer from him in the aftermath.

On the bright side of things, Fumitan is with Tekkadan who brought her and Kudelia to safety and the lackeys of Nobliss Gordon won't come near her without giving themselves away.

The older black-haired woman with glasses was supposed to throw away her life to protect Kudelia from an assassination attempt as her way of repentance. But now, this unexpected turn of events had spared her life, and in turn Fumitan would have to come clean about everything to Kudelia after the masked man Montag had exposed her for being a secret agent of Nobliss Gordon all along.

At least the Bernstein heiress was willing to hear her out once they get out of the dangerous situation.

She added while looking at the live footage of the large entity with two legs attacking Gjallarhorn forces and knew what it is, And it's all because of that Mobile Armor. The dreaded figure from the Calamity War...

Outside the Dort Colonies

Several ships and mobile suits of the decimated Arianrhod Fleet were picked off one by one from the Psycho Big Zam's Funnel attacks, their Nanolaminate Armor repeatedly worn off after multiple beam attacks in all directions and they explode in violent detonations. The Gjallarhorn members now know how the dissidents felt when they were rendered powerless after purposely sabotaging their ships and machines as part of Arianrhod Fleet's previous operations before the Mobile Armor suddenly showed up and singlehandedly destroyed them in one attack.

"Please, have mercy!"

"I don't want to die!"


"All hands abandon ship! Abandon s-AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!"

"This can't be our end in Gjallarhorn!

"Forgive us, Lord Rustal Elion!"

"Back Up! We need Back U-AAAAAAHHHHH!"

"Broken Arrow! I say it again! Broken Ar-RRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

Such variety of famous last words were a music to Ple Twelve's ears when hearing their voices through her Cyber Newtype powers as she continued tormenting the fleet's remnants. But there were some tidbits of information that confused the female clone of Elpeo Ple when reading from their minds before their undignified deaths by her Funnels. Gjallarhorn? Arianrhod Fleet? Lord Rustal Elion? Odd that they never mentioned the Federation they're affiliated with for some reason, puru! Oh well, they're nothing to me anyway., she thought.

The pilot of Psycho Big Zam pouted in annoyance and disinterest as she noticed several smaller objects ejecting from the incapacitated ships, "Whelp, I'm bored. Time to finish the rest off, puru! Starting with their escape pods..."

Suddenly, Ple Twelve's Cyber Newtype senses flashed on her head, alarming her of a new foe entering the battlefield. In response, she looked up to see an incoming fast object displayed from her Psycho Big Zam's view screen. It is a purple-colored mobile suit with a familiar looking V-fin shaped forehead and yellow optics, and has two high output rocket boosters on its back. It also carried a large aristocratic jousting lance with gun attachments on its right hand.

And it's flying towards her at full speed!

It's a Gundam!

"Finally! A new toy to play, puru! Now activating Special I-Field Generators!", she gleefully stated by tapping into her Mobile Armor's console controls with intent to play a game with the new opponent advancing to her directly. And testing the Special I-Field, an experimental shield made by Axis Zeon that should theoretically be able to stand against beam and physical weapons.

As if that fancy lance could break through Psycho Big Zam's armor! But I'd like to see the look on the pilot's face when I do that, puru!, she thought in bemusement.

Just when the Gundam Frame was about to stab the Psycho Big Zam with Gungnir in a powerful joust lance thrusting attack, a glowing green energy field manifested and blocked its path!

It caused a clash of metal sparks and green lighting from the impact!

"What the?! A barrier!", a surprised Gaelio Bauduin said as his Gundam Kimaris' Gungnir Lance tried to break through the Mobile Armor's powerful green shield.

"Oooh, a Gundam! It's about time I get a real challenge around here, puru! I was hoping you would come out after I wiped out that poor pathetic excuse of a fleet and play around with them to pass the time. Thanks for that, puru!", Ple Twelve cheerfully said out loud through the Psycho Big Zam's speakers to interact with the pilot of the purple-colored Gundam with a jousting lance.

She was also pleased that the Special I-Field worked really well.

It shocked Gaelio Bauduin to hear that the Mobile Armor with a single glowing eye was directly talking to him, and it had a voice of a ten year old girl. Reminding him of his little sister, Almiria Bauduin back at their family estate on Earth. The Mobile Armor has a pilot?! Wait! No, it can't be! It must be an Artificial Intelligence mimicking a human voice! How despicable!, he thought in speculation as he gritted his teeth.

The purple haired Specialist-Major activated Kimaris' extra feet rocket thrusters to try push his Gungnir lance forward through the barrier as hard as he can with little success.

"You mean... you wiped out the Arianrhod Fleet and toyed with the survivors just to draw me out?! You vile monster!", the heir of House Bauduin yelled in outrage at the Mobile Armor's callous action.

Wow, what a drama queen, puru! He reminds me of Mashymre Cello, that pompous chivalrous knight wannabe who carries around that rose flower in his hand back at Axis., Ple Twelve rolled her eyes but continued to play along with her Gundam opponent for her own amusement. It looked like the pilot had fancied himself as a knight in shining armor, which would explain the theme of his mobile suit.

For some reason however, the orange haired girl had sensed something strange from the enemy machine and she could have sworn that the eyes of the purple-colored Gundam glow a bit red at Psycho Big Zam.

"Eh, I was expecting the White Devil to appear before me... Buuuuuuttttt I think you will do for now, puru! Maybe he will finally come out at last if I kill you!", she shrugged with a chuckle.

That brought cold chills down on Gaelio's spine after hearing his gigantic enemy's casual response to him as if it was talking about the weather. Did that Mobile Armor refer to Gundam Bael?! Agnika Kaeiru's mobile suit and the first of the 72 Gundam Frames?! The symbol of Gjallarhorn! The White Devil!

As part of his noble upbringing in House Bauduin as its heir, Gaelio knew about the legend of Agnika Kaeiru, a topic that his best friend McGillis Fareed looked very interested to talk about when they're children. He remembered how McGillis was enamored about the tales of Gjallarhorn's founder from the book he read at the House Fareed manor and apparently aspired to be like the Bael's pilot one day.

On the other hand though, it has been confirmed to the Seven Stars heir of the Bauduin family from his point of view that the fearsome Mobile Armor truly hailed from the Calamity War it survived 300 years ago, and apparently it had a history with the founder of Gjallarhorn in battle. Now it wanted to have a rematch and settle the score once and for all.

Gaelio made a heroic declaration of resolve in response to the Mobile Armor, "The White Devil may have failed to kill you in the past, monster... But I, Gaelio Bauduin, will do it in his place! I swear it in the name of the Seven Stars and House Bauduin!"

"Bring it on, puru! Fall before the power of Psycho Big Zam, Gali-Gali! Funnels!", the Cyber Newtype clone of Elpeo Ple enthusiastically obliged while she doesn't know about these Seven Stars or House Bauduin but then just chalked it off as it's probably a Federation special forces of Gundam pilots like the knight-themed machine with a gun-lance weapon.

Through her control via Psycommu System, the 12 Funnels stopped harassing the dying Arianrhod Fleet remnants and flew their way back to Psycho Big Zam. They then began to open fire at the Gundam Kimaris from behind.

Immediately breaking off from the Mobile Armor's green barrier he failed to penetrate with Gungnir, Gaelio yelled as he quickly evade the so-called Funnels' beam attacks as best as he can with his Gundam Frame's speed, "Stop mocking me!"

He was annoyed that his inhuman opponent called him by such demeaning nickname!

What vulgarity and immaturity from the A.I. of the Mobile Armor!

"What's wrong, Gali-Gali? Can't take the heat, puru?", Ple Twelve mocked with amusement as she turned off the Special I-Field Generators from her Mobile Armor's fusion reactors to prevent overheating and noticed another new enemy showing up.

Hearing gunfire nearby, the purple haired young man looked aside to see the Schwalbe Graze trying to support him. But it got the Mobile Armor's attention to direct some of the Funnels to attack him in return. The beams assaulted Ein Dalton's mobile suit all at once, which its Nanolaminate Armor barely managed to protect him, suffering some damage as a result.

"Gaaah!", Ein Dalton yelled as his cockpit's system suffered damage from the brutal attack.

"Are you alright?!", Gaelio yelled in concern.

Ein tried to reassure his superior officer that he can still fight, "I'm fine sir! Let me help you!"

The Bauduin heir ordered his subordinate while maneuvering his family's Gundam Frame around the Psycho Big Zam's multi-directional beam attacks, "No, Ein! Help the survivors! Coordinate with Captain Daniel Woren! Get them to safety away from the Mobile Armor!"

"But sir!", the half-Martian soldier tried to protest, not wanting to see his superior die before his eyes like the late Crank Zent did.

"That's an order!", the pilot of Gundam Kimaris yelled.

A conflicted Ein gritted his teeth but complied, "Yes sir!"

The Schwalbe Graze turned around to help the Arianrhod Fleet remnants with the Sleipnir ship moving in to assist.

The orange haired Cyber Newtype pilot nonchalantly commented as she let Ein get away as he's not worth her time compared to the knight-themed Gundam, "Sending your ally away instead of helping you. How gutless."

Gaelio retorted as he opened fire with Gungnir's gun attachment to try shoot down the Mobile Armor's Funnels with little success, "How's that gutless, monster!?"

"Because suicide is a coward's way out, puru.", Ple Twelve coldly replied.

Meanwhile, a red-colored Grimgerde is standing on one of the support structures of Dort Colony 3 to observe the raging battlefield after it was discreetly launched from the Montag Company ship's hangar bay to the spaceport pre-lockdown for its intended pilot to board inside. Within the cockpit of the Valkyrja Frame mobile suit, McGillis Fareed still in his Montag disguise, albeit removed his dark long coat, was able to hear the entire exchange between Gaelio and the Mobile Armor that appropriately called itself "Psycho Big Zam".

"ASW-G-66. Gundam Kimaris. Gaelio, I'm glad you brought out the Bauduin family's prized machine to fight against the Mobile Armor. The Gundam Frames that once protected the world before fading into legends has arisen to do it again...", he commented with relief and awe.

While waiting for Tekkadan to find their way out of the locked down Dort 3 spaceport and engage the Mobile Armor in battle with Gundam Barbatos usually being the first into the fray of combat, the heir of the Fareed family noted, "Although I wouldn't be surprised if Gaelio had originally intended to use Kimaris against Tekkadan. Before the Psycho Big Zam suddenly showed up and attacked Arianrhod Fleet in its path."

He thought with a frown, Psycho Big Zam, huh? How too on the nose its name was. Quite unusual for a Mobile Armor as their names were angelic in contrast to the Gundam Frames' devil names. Especially when its psychopathic A.I. is acting like a 10 year old girl who thinks all of the death and destruction it had caused is just a game! Like it's a normal thing to do! Even worse, it dared use a voice similar with Almiria!

The disguised blonde man also heard that the Mobile Armor apparently knew Agnika Kaeiru during the Calamity War, and it was looking for a rematch against Gundam Bael after centuries of hiding from Gjallarhorn.

Watching his friend struggling to not get hit by the Mobile Armor's drone-like beam weapons with his Kimaris' maximum rocket thruster speed like several cats play-chasing after one mouse, McGillis was darkly tempted to not intervene and leave Gaelio to die. It would be a betrayal by inaction. At least Gaelio will have a hero's death here, going down fighting valiantly against the Mobile Armor.

When it happens, it will leaving McGillis' fiancé Almiria as the new heir of House Bauduin in her brother's place and he would control that family through her in their arranged marriage.

Carta Issue would soon be next later on when the opportunity to get her killed arises, depriving the pedophile of a "father" Iznario Fareed as her legal guardian to control the Issue family, which McGillis will gain the Outer Earth Orbit Regulatory Joint Fleet as Carta's successor as a result.

The disguised blonde man visibly winced at that overly-long name and he will have to find a shorter name for it later. Just like how Rustal Elion had given the name "Arianrhod" for his Outer Lunar Orbit Joint Fleet that no longer exists thanks to the Psycho Big Zam's surprise attack.

Regardless, it would have been a perfect opportunity to begin weakening the Seven Stars and have Gjallarhorn to eventually rally behind him as their new supreme leader with Gundam Bael once he had claimed and awaken it for himself.

To bring his ideal world that he desired into reality.

... But I won't be worthy of being Agnika Kaeiru's successor to pilot Gundam Bael one day if I don't do something to stop the Mobile Armor like he did in the Calamity War! My plans for my new world would be ruined if I let this monstrous machine run amok and destroy everything!, the disguised blonde man grimaced as he was thinking through the consequences if he pushed it through.

Taking off his long white spiky haired wig and mask from his face, McGillis took hold of the Grimgerde's cockpit controls and flew his mobile suit right into the raging battlefield! The Grimgerde opened fire with its 110mm Valkyrja Rifle at the Psycho Big Zam even if the bullets were ineffective, catching its immediate attention as its glowing eye swerved to notice another machine entering into the fray.

Because of that, the Mobile Armor's Funnels diverted their attention away from Kimaris and tried to shoot Grimgerde down in retaliation.

But the blonde man expertly dodged every single beam blast fired at him with his high mobility machine as the Valkyrja Frame he piloted was made to be lighter and more nimble especially in space. Although he tried to shoot down the Funnels but they're too fast for him to hit and so he put the rifle away, deploying the Valkyrja Blades from Grimgerde's Valkyrja Shields to deflect the beams away while dodging the enemy attacks at the same time.

"Need a hand, Gaelio?", McGillis asked as the Grimgerde fly towards Gundam Kimaris.

The two Specialist-Majors' machines were flying back-to-back with each other while subsequently evading the Funnels of the Mobile Armor.

Recognizing a familiar voice from the red mobile suit wielding two yellow blades coming to his aid, Gaelio said with a look of relief, "McGillis?! What are you doing here?! I thought you're on vacation!"

It was a surprise to be sure but a welcome one for the pilot of Gundam Kimaris and now he has his best friend fighting by his side.

"I was until the Mobile Armor showed up! Can't let you handle this alone!", the blonde Specialist-Major quipped as he knew that he had some explaining to do with his friend when it's over.

The single glowing eye of Psycho Big Zam glared at Grimgerde and Kimaris as its child-like voice of a girl noted with a verbal shrug, "Reinforcements? A bit better than the previous one. No matter, you're all dead men walking, puru!"

You and your friends better show up, Mikazuki Augus! We won't be able to hold out much longer at this rate!, McGillis hoped as he and Gaelio fought together to stay alive as best as they can.

Author's Note: Alright, Chapter 2 of "As Big As A Battleship, Puru!" is done and I hope you guys like it. Gaelio Bauduin has engaged the Psycho Big Zam in combat with Gundam Kimaris while Ple Twelve is playing along with his assumption, thinking it is all just a fun roleplaying game and gave him entertainingly wrong assumptions, lol. While McGillis Fareed, who had been observing the conversation before jumping into the battle, was wrong too as well.

Such as Gaelio and McGillis believing the "White Devil" that their Mobile Armor opponent was talking about is Gundam Bael since the 72 Gundam Frames were named after the Devils from the Ars Goetia of King Solomon. On the other hand, Ple Twelve was actually referring to Amuro Ray who was feared by Zeon as "The White Devil" as he had piloted the RX-78-2 Gundam and fought against them during the One Year War.

For clarification just in case you're confused, Mikazuki Augus' epithet was "The Devil of Tekkadan" due to his infamous reputation of fighting like a savage devil with Barbatos on the frontlines.

Anyways, I checked out the Gundam wiki about the ranks of Rustal Elion, Iok Kujan and Julieta Juris in Gjallarhorn, which is somewhat disappointing because in their profiles, it's more of an occupation like "Arianrhod Fleet Supreme Commander" for Rustal, "Arianrhod 2nd Fleet Commander" for Iok, and "Mobile Suit Pilot" for Julieta. Thankfully, there are proper military ranks revealed in Gjallarhorn article at the Gundam Wiki for both Inspection and Regulatory Bureaus that I can give to the three antagonist characters of IBO:

1. Rustal Elion - Brigadier General (just like McGillis Fareed who held that rank in Season 2 after taking over deceased Colonel Carta Issue's place as the leader of the Outer Earth Orbit Regulatory Joint Fleet pre-Coup D'état - a big shame that he should have given it a better name)

2. Iok Kujan - Colonel (just like Colonel Carta Issue even though he really doesn't deserve the rank given to him as he clearly got it through nepotism and that he is the worst IBO character ever in existence)

3. Julieta Juris - Second Lieutenant (that she managed to earn it by hard work and merit which Rustal had acknowledged it despite others who were prejudiced against her lowborn status claim otherwise)

Credits of some of the names of Seven Stars' Gundam Frames goes to Obsidian Nova Arc, and thank you very much! Don't worry, they will eventually make an appearance in the future. Recently on the other hand, the IBO game, Urdr's Hunt, had revealed the canon names of the Gundam Frames from House Falk and House Elion to be Gamigin and Haagenti.

Enjoy and don't forget to review. :D
Idk why I always love me some Zeon action even if they are kind of the bad guys there so I'm cheering on a little girl raised to kill feddi scum. Thanks for the chapters.
Idk why I always love me some Zeon action even if they are kind of the bad guys there so I'm cheering on a little girl raised to kill feddi scum. Thanks for the chapters.
You're welcome. Glad you enjoyed it.

Gjallarhorn ain't so smug now after they lost the Arianrhod Fleet to the Psycho Big Zam and their image of power and invincibility completely shattered into space dust for all to see.
So when is the next chapter going to be released ?
Well this is a fun case of mistaken assumptions on all sides.

The modified Big Zam is an interesting idea in and of itself and I appreciate how you've fitted it into UC's timeline plausibly.
I look forward to both the messy engagement to come and especially to both sides coming to grips with the extraordinary situation going on. Someone is gonna speculate on the personality of this 'rogue Mobile Armor' and why it is so... bizarre.
One thing you've captured here I appreciate is just how disconnected from morality the Ple corps were. It's a really disturbing thought, just how they don't care about the killing they're doing. In a funny way, the locals assumption that the Psycho Big Zam is a childish monster killing for fun is absolutely spot on. It's just their is a human being controlling it, not an AI.

I do have one question/critique to bring up though, what is the structural reason for a unique modified I-Field that can block physical projectiles? Everything else on the PBZ makes total sense to me, but this is a new and very impactful tech not native to UC's timeline. (Unless it's basically a glorified beam shield I suppose) I can take stabs at why it's here, but it saps weight from combat, since instead of the Psycho Big Zam's armor being worn away (and we in the audience know Ple twelve has no logistical support to replace it.) now until/unless that field is offline attacks that land don't matter unless they punch through somehow. I'm assuming there's a structural reason to do it, but can't for the life of me figure out what it is.

Still looking forward to more of this.
Well this is a fun case of mistaken assumptions on all sides.

The modified Big Zam is an interesting idea in and of itself and I appreciate how you've fitted it into UC's timeline plausibly.
I look forward to both the messy engagement to come and especially to both sides coming to grips with the extraordinary situation going on. Someone is gonna speculate on the personality of this 'rogue Mobile Armor' and why it is so... bizarre.
One thing you've captured here I appreciate is just how disconnected from morality the Ple corps were. It's a really disturbing thought, just how they don't care about the killing they're doing. In a funny way, the locals assumption that the Psycho Big Zam is a childish monster killing for fun is absolutely spot on. It's just their is a human being controlling it, not an AI.

I do have one question/critique to bring up though, what is the structural reason for a unique modified I-Field that can block physical projectiles? Everything else on the PBZ makes total sense to me, but this is a new and very impactful tech not native to UC's timeline. (Unless it's basically a glorified beam shield I suppose) I can take stabs at why it's here, but it saps weight from combat, since instead of the Psycho Big Zam's armor being worn away (and we in the audience know Ple twelve has no logistical support to replace it.) now until/unless that field is offline attacks that land don't matter unless they punch through somehow. I'm assuming there's a structural reason to do it, but can't for the life of me figure out what it is.

Still looking forward to more of this.
Indeed and I had a blast writing their reactions respectively. Ple 12 (Kid Marida Cruz) thinking that the forces of Gjallarhorn is that of the Federation from UC and Gjallarhorn and others in IBO believing her Psycho Big Zam to be one of the dreaded Mobile Armors from the Calamity War.

Yeah, the Ples are literally child soldiers created and raised by Glemy Toto to be his personal army in ZZ after all. They see everything they do in mobile suit combat as a game.

Oh yeah, Gjallarhorn is receiving a massive Bright Slap to the face big time after Psycho Big Zam had wiped out the Arianrhod Fleet (as Ple 12 assumed they're the Federation fleet that she's gonna annihilate upon arrival), reigniting everyone's fears of the horrors from the Calamity War long thought to be left behind.

There's going to be huge consequences about the severe loss of Rustal's prized fleet in the aftermath.

As for the Special I-Field, think of it as the UC version of GN Field that stood up to physical and beam weapons from 00. But of course this one is just a single prototype and only given to the Psycho Big Zam when it was heavily modified by Neo Zeon.

That's it.

Plus it has a limit in form of a safety switch to turn the Special I-Field off to prevent major overheating of the Minovsky Fusion Reactors and it would only be used when completely necessary.

Along with the fact that Haman Karn could care less if the Psycho Big Zam survive the trip with the experimental hyperdrive or not. If it survived and caused massive collateral damage to the Federation as much as it can, then that's great for Neo Zeon to conquer and take over upon the Axis' arrival.

But if it fell to the forces of the Federation and the Titans, or even the AEUG if the group intervenes to stop the Mobile Armor's indiscriminate rampage, oh well, it's no big loss.

To Haman Karn, the Psycho Big Zam is just a failed One Year War relic and she wanted it out of her sight from Axis.

And she got her wish as Ple 12 and her Mobile Armor are now in IBO.

As for why Ple 12 used the Special I-Field to block the lance of Gundam Kimaris? She just want to play around with her new toy after being bored of wiping out Arianrhod Fleet remnants while testing out the prototype shield first if it worked and it did.

But don't worry, she will face tougher battles to come. Especially when a very vengeful Rustal Elion won't take things lying down after the "rogue Mobile Armor" made a complete fool out of him if you know what I mean.
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It's a literal Plot Shield!
Frankly, everyone UC-side must drink themselves silly if they even hear about this.
As for the Special I-Field, think of it as the UC version of GN Field that stood up to physical and beam weapons from 00. But of course this one is just a single prototype and only given to the Psycho Big Zam when it was heavily modified by Neo Zeon.
Okay, I get that... but mechanically in your intended story, why is this here? I get that it has limits, you established that well enough (if vague enough the time limit is 'whenever is convenient') but I just don't see why it's needed. I'm sure you've got something (or multiple things) in mind where it's key to them, otherwise it wouldn't be here. Just I can't see it from where I am sitting, ya know?
UC started off somewhat grounded and then went over the top with Narrative and Unicorn if you know what I mean.
Hard agree on this. Everything up to Psycho-Frame at least has the pretense of not being a super robot show and not breaking the entire setting down... plus everything in late UC. We could even accept the Axis shock as a one off, after all we had Zeta's ending and it didn't break people. It's Unicorn and Narrative that just throws any pretense of real robot out the window, and blasts a huge hole in the logic of everything down the line.

But hay, that doesn't matter here, because we're not in UC anymore!
To Haman Karn, the Psycho Big Zam is just a failed One Year War relic and she wanted it out of her sight from Axis.
Honestly that's one of the parts I like the most about your setup here. It really makes sense that it'd be dropped and forgotten about because no one but the scientist who tried to make an FTL drive cares. (I am assuming that the Hyperspace drive and this enhanced I-field relies on some of the same parts/theory hence why it never showed up in original timeline.) From their perspective, the Psycho Big Zam just vanished when it was turned on. Glemy just shrugs, Haman might smirk about it once, the scientist get's laughed at and 'retires' then it just get's forgotten.

Meanwhile, back in IBO's timeline, everyone is seeing mechanical Kaiju Satan showing up for round two with their greatest (long dead mythic) hero.

Fun how that works out eah?
Okay, I get that... but mechanically in your intended story, why is this here? I get that it has limits, you established that well enough (if vague enough the time limit is 'whenever is convenient') but I just don't see why it's needed. I'm sure you've got something (or multiple things) in mind where it's key to them, otherwise it wouldn't be here. Just I can't see it from where I am sitting, ya know?
It's part of Psycho Big Zam because Neo Zeon had it heavily modified in offense and defense with the purpose of inflicting as much collateral damage and destruction upon the Federation. Similarly like what the Mobile Armors of IBO universe would do during the Calamity War which correlates with Ple 12's rampage in this story.

Which everyone in IBO see her as one anyway.

On the other hand, I won't be surprised if there would be a new Mobile Armor antagonist with an energy shield being introduced in Urdr Hunt mobile game, which would be hilarious in hindsight. But who knows? The future's uncertain.

Plus it'd be a waste of resources Neo Zeon had spent on modifying Psycho Big Zam only for Haman Karn to order it to be dismantled.

If the relic of the One Year War has to go, then it will go out with a blaze of glory just like Dozle Zabi did in his original Big Zam.

And if Ple 12's Mobile Armor had reached its destination than ending up in IBO universe and started the attack on the Federation, the Titans, who can finally get to do their purpose of being counter to Zeon threat as intended, would use it as a valid excuse to gather even more power and influence much successfully than they did in Zeta Gundam canon.

Along with plenty of men and women willingly joining the Titans, swelling up the ranks bigger than in canon after losing their friends and loved ones to the Psycho Big Zam's indiscriminate rampage. And a "blank check" given to the Titans mobile suit research and development by the Federation as well.

Making the Titans a far greater threat to the AEUG and also Karaba in the long run. Even more with Scirocco taking over. They might even give Neo Zeon a run for their money in direct confrontation, no longer needing to allying themselves with Haman Karn in desperation after they lost everything in canon.

Thankfully, Psycho Big Zam is no longer in UC and that scenario never happened.

Hard agree on this. Everything up to Psycho-Frame at least has the pretense of not being a super robot show and not breaking the entire setting down... plus everything in late UC. We could even accept the Axis shock as a one off, after all we had Zeta's ending and it didn't break people. It's Unicorn and Narrative that just throws any pretense of real robot out the window, and blasts a huge hole in the logic of everything down the line.

But hay, that doesn't matter here, because we're not in UC anymore!
Indeed, and right now it's about how IBO universe ain't gonna be same after Psycho Big Zam's appearance and rampage with ramifications.

Such as the utter loss of the Arianrhod Fleet - the strongest force in Gjallarhorn, the worker's union not being sabotaged in their armed revolt, Fumitan didn't take the bullet for Kudelia Aina Bernstein and lived, and McGillis choosing to fight by Gaelio's side instead of leaving him to die to the "rogue Mobile Armor" as betrayal by inaction.

Honestly that's one of the parts I like the most about your setup here. It really makes sense that it'd be dropped and forgotten about because no one but the scientist who tried to make an FTL drive cares. (I am assuming that the Hyperspace drive and this enhanced I-field relies on some of the same parts/theory hence why it never showed up in original timeline.) From their perspective, the Psycho Big Zam just vanished when it was turned on. Glemy just shrugs, Haman might smirk about it once, the scientist get's laughed at and 'retires' then it just get's forgotten.

Meanwhile, back in IBO's timeline, everyone is seeing mechanical Kaiju Satan showing up for round two with their greatest (long dead mythic) hero.

Fun how that works out eah?
Poor Dr. George Walton, he just wanted to contribute and revolutionize space travel for the benefit of humanity under Neo Zeon. He had big dreams but alas Haman Karn put her foot down and had the doctor's hyperspace drive shelved and forgotten after the Psycho Big Zam vanished in its first FTL travel.

Although the doctor would get laughed at and "retired" when Neo Zeon received intel that there was no sign of Psycho Big Zam anywhere after the Axis arrived in their slow but steady destination to the Earth Sphere during the events of Zeta Gundam canon. Which Haman would have the confirmation that his FTL drive had failed, she was being right all along.

But in truth, Psycho Big Zam is at IBO universe, going for an enthusiastic walk.

On the silver lining, Ple 12 (Kid Marida Cruz) won't be suffering her canon counterpart's fate post-ZZ if you know what I mean and it was very depressing. Even though this Ple 12 will never get to meet her adoptive father Suberoa Zinnerman.

The wholesome father and daughter relationship is the only thing I liked in Unicorn.
Credits of some of the names of Seven Stars' Gundam Frames goes to Obsidian Nova Arc, and thank you very much! Don't worry, they will eventually make an appearance in the future. Recently on the other hand, the IBO game, Urdr's Hunt, had revealed the canon names of the Gundam Frames from House Falk and House Elion to be Gamigin and Haagenti.
You could go back and edit the names since they haven't shown up yet. Maybe someone thinks to send Carta her family's Gundam too?
Someone is gonna speculate on the personality of this 'rogue Mobile Armor' and why it is so... bizarre.
AI left on its own for centuries goes a bit nuts?
the worker's union not being sabotaged in their armed revolt,
Especially once word gets out the executives would have been happy to negotiate if the same fleet that just got wiped out weren't twisting their arms for an easy propaganda opportunity to enforce the status quo.
and McGillis choosing to fight by Gaelio's side instead of leaving him to die to the "rogue Mobile Armor" as betrayal by inaction.
Which would just make his plans be seen even worse by Gaelio if the plot follows along canon lines about that.
Even though this Ple 12 will never get to meet her adoptive father Suberoa Zinnerman.
Maybe she'll get a small army of brother in Tekkaden instead?
You could go back and edit the names since they haven't shown up yet. Maybe someone thinks to send Carta her family's Gundam too?

AI left on its own for centuries goes a bit nuts?

Especially once word gets out the executives would have been happy to negotiate if the same fleet that just got wiped out weren't twisting their arms for an easy propaganda opportunity to enforce the status quo.

Which would just make his plans be seen even worse by Gaelio if the plot follows along canon lines about that.

Maybe she'll get a small army of brother in Tekkaden instead?
I think that would be just what this story need for them and imagining her as mikazuki little sister is cute
You could go back and edit the names since they haven't shown up yet. Maybe someone thinks to send Carta her family's Gundam too?

AI left on its own for centuries goes a bit nuts?

Especially once word gets out the executives would have been happy to negotiate if the same fleet that just got wiped out weren't twisting their arms for an easy propaganda opportunity to enforce the status quo.

Which would just make his plans be seen even worse by Gaelio if the plot follows along canon lines about that.

Maybe she'll get a small army of brother in Tekkaden instead?
Yes, I will edit the names of the Gundam Frames of the Seven Stars when they're officially revealed in the Urdr Hunt.

As for your idea of Gundam Frame of Issue Family being sent to Carta who is recently deployed with her fleet in response to Psycho Big Zam's rampage, it would still be within the vaults of Vingolf where Bael stands at the center of the ceremonial lake where Yamazin Toka was checking out there at the time. Because no one in Gjallarhorn was expecting a Mobile Armor of all things, long-forgotten terrors from the Calamity War, to suddenly appear and wipe out the Arianrhod Fleet, which is a huge blow to them and also Rustal Elion most of all.

And that it takes considerable time and effort to remove the Gundam Frame from the vault, transfer it to a ship and then send the ship to space for deployment of the mobile suit as shown with Gaelio and his Kimaris prior to heading to Dort Colonies where he was waiting for Tekkadan to appear so he can have a rematch with Mikazuki and his Barbatos.

... Only to end up facing the Mobile Armor who wiped out the Arianrhod Fleet and wants to settle the score with Agnika Kaieru and his Bael from his perspective.

They never expect an "AI" of Psycho Big Zam to be so chatty and playful, lol.

Good thing that Navona Mingo (who didn't die here after Arianrhod Fleet got wiped out and unable to sabotage the workers' union) made sure that the captured Dort Company CEO and his board of directors will be unharmed, which will help greatly in the negotiations with the said executives without any Gjallarhorn interference.

True but plans can change and I reassure you that this McGillis won't be like his Season 2 self at all. For now, it's two best friends working together to fight a common threat of a Mobile Armor that they assume it was an archenemy of Agnika Kaieru.

Sounds interesting. I'll consider it. For now, Tekkadan would be wary of Psycho Big Zam after seeing it destroy an entire fleet of Gjallarhorn and they needed to get themselves and their client/friend Kudelia including Atra and Fumitan to safety.

I think that would be just what this story need for them and imagining her as mikazuki little sister is cute
Fellow child soldiers gotta stick together. ;)
The wholesome father and daughter relationship is the only thing I liked in Unicorn.
Okay, but you have to admit that the Unicorn's first fight was pretty kickass. I mean, at first it seemed like a High-Performance MS, and then the NT-D got activated and it was revealed that it was in actuallity a High-Performance Anti-Newtype Gundam with accurate reactions by the characters
Okay, but you have to admit that the Unicorn's first fight was pretty kickass. I mean, at first it seemed like a High-Performance MS, and then the NT-D got activated and it was revealed that it was in actuality a High-Performance Anti-Newtype Gundam with accurate reactions by the characters
Touche, and that I also liked the fight between the nameless Londo Bell pilot of the Stark Jegan and Marida Cruz (the canon Ple 12) in her Kshatriya with Funnels.
Ok I will be waiting and I can understand that it take sometime because I plan on makeing my own anime
I saw the image and the design of AoZ Big Zam looks interesting. And I checked that in AoZ Reboot: Gundam Inle, that said Mobile Armor was developed by Zeon Mars, a Mars-based organization to provide assistance to Neo Zeon's Earth Descent Operations in the middle of the First Neo Zeon War.

Also I was kinda going for Psycho Big Zam to look like the OG Big Zam albeit colored in pink and white based from the Axis Zeon Custom colors.

To strike fear and cause havoc into the Federation of seeing the late Dozle Zabi's Mobile Armor, that nearly wiped out their forces if it weren't for Amuro Ray's RX-78-2 Gundam stopping its rampage with Sleggar Law's sacrifice at the Battle of Solomon, causing a lot of collateral damage and mass deaths.

And that this Psycho Big Zam was the second unit produced as one of the hypothetical company of Big Zam's envisioned by Dozle Zabi wanting them mass produced.

With the defeat of the Principality of Zeon, the Loyalists took that second unit, refusing to let the Federation seize it and brought it to Axis in this story.

Not that it stopped the Federation from taking the remains of the first Big Zam and modified it themselves as revealed in Mobile Suit Gundam 0083 Rebellion.
Psycho Big Zam
Type: Prototype Cyber Newtype-use Anti-Fortress Heavy Assault Space Mobile Armor

Model Number: MA-13

Unit Name: Psycho Big Zam

Head Height: 59.7 meters

Max Weight: 1936.2 metric tons

Empty Weight: 1021.3 metric tons

Power-plant: 4x Minovsky Ultracompact Fusion Reactor and 2x Minovsky Ultracompact Fusion Reactor (Reserve)

Power Output: 40000 kW (each)

Armor: Gundarium Alloy

Pilot Accommodations: 1 Commander and 2 Pilots/Gunners (in cockpit in main body)

Max Acceleration: 0.35 G

Rocket Thrusters: 790000 kg (Total)

Standard Armaments:

Large Mega Particle Gun

The primary weapon of the Psycho Big Zam is a large mega particle gun that sits prominently in the center of the mobile armor's body. This mega particle gun draws a vast amount of energy from the four fusion reactors and can use power thanks to the extra two fusion reactors acting as reserves, allowing it to fire a mega particle beam that can destroy multiple battleships in a single shot as demonstrated when Ple Twelve easily destroyed the Arianrhod Fleet and burned away their Nanolaminate Armor, unknowingly shattered the invincibility image of Gjallarhorn in front of everyone witnessing it in the Post Disaster dimension.

Anti-Aircraft Mega Particle Gun

The main secondary weapons of the Psycho Big Zam are twenty-eight anti-aircraft mega particle guns that line the middle of the Psycho Big Zam's torso, completely encircling it with the exception of a break for the large mega particle gun. The positioning of the anti-aircraft guns, and their higher firing rate, provides the Psycho Big Zam with 360-degree defense against smaller, more maneuverable mobile mobile suits, which can avoid the large mega particle gun's beam. However, their positioning is also a weakness because if a mobile suit can get directly above, below, or simply close enough to the armor, it will be out of the anti-aircraft mega particle guns' targeting range. Fortunately for Ple Twelve, she has the Bits and Funnels to compensate for that.


Bits are a type of remote weapon equipped with a rocket thruster, verniers, a power generator, a single beam gun, and a receptor designed to work with the Psycommu System. The Psycho Big Zam possessed 11 Bits that are stored within its hangar bays. Alongside the Funnels, they have completely replaced the Air-to-Air Missiles as powerful weapons to defend against enemy mobile suits that come close to it, and attack them under Ple Twelve's control.


The Funnels are smaller than the Bits as they lack their own power generators. Instead they are powered using energy capacitors that allows the funnels to be small enough so that a large number of them can be stored on a mobile suit, but they have to return to the mobile suit for recharging after operating for a certain amount of time. The Psycho Big Zam possessed 12 Funnels that are stored within its hangar bays. Alongside the Bits, they have completely replaced the Air-to-Air Missiles as powerful weapons to defend against enemy mobile suits that come close to it, and attack them under Ple Twelve's control.

105mm Vulcan Gun

A tertiary weapon fitted in the Psycho Big Zam's main body are a pair of armor piercing explosive shell-firing 105mm Vulcan guns, placed to cover a blind spot not protected by the mega particle guns just in case the Bits or Funnels are bypassed by the enemy. Larger than most Vulcan guns, the Psycho Big Zam's 105mm Vulcan guns are capable of shredding apart enemy mobile suits, ships and anything in its path compared to the original Big Zam that can only deliver light damage.


Psycommu System

The Psycho Big Zam possessed this type of man-machine interface that utilized the psycho waves emitted by Newtypes and Cyber Newtypes in Ple Twelve's case. Since it used Minovsky Particles as its medium, it was unaffected by Minovsky particle interference at all. As the Neo Zeon managed to create a miniaturized Psycommu device that placed less strain on the pilot and installed into the Psycho Big Zam, it allows more Bit and Funnel weapons to be used by Ple Twelve at the same time during battle.

Minovsky Craft System

The Psycho Big Zam possessed the Minovsky Craft System, a form of propulsion technology that allows an equipped machine to fly, hover or accelerate in high speeds both in space and in the Earth's atmosphere, resisting the pull of Earth's gravity despite its bulky size that's as big as a battleship. The Psycho Big Zam can raise the output of its Minovsky Craft System momentarily to generate a shockwave that can be used as a means of attack, damaging the enemy mobile suit and sending them flying when they somehow bypass the Funnels and Bits, and get within close range.

Special I-Field Generators

The Psycho Big Zam possessed the Special I-Field Generator which creates a prototype energy shield that not only protects the Mobile Armor from beam weapons but also physical weapons as it successfully blocked Gaelio Bauduin's charging attack on the Psycho Big Zam with his Gundam Kimaris' Gungnir. Although, the Special I-Field was made only for the Psycho Big Zam as several attempts to equip Neo Zeon mobile suits with said shield had failed. Despite being far more advanced than any previous I-field generator however, the Special I-Field Generators still suffer from overheating problems and Ple Twelve would have turn it off to prevent the Psycho Big Zam's four fusion reactors from overheating. Each generator can only be used for a total of 105 seconds and require 120 seconds to cool down, leaving a window of 15 seconds where it has no defense against attacks.

Hyperdrive Generator

The Psycho Big Zam possessed an experimental propulsion device made by, George L. Walton, an ambitious Neo Zeon scientist, which could theoretically allow a spaceship to reach lightspeed and traverse the void between stars in the alternate dimension of hyperspace. It functioned by gathering the concentrated amounts of Minovsky Particles into the ship's engines before activating it to hurl a ship into hyperspace while preserving the vessel's mass/energy profile. Ple Twelve used the Hyperdrive Generator to travel from the asteroid field where the Axis was stationed there to the Earth Sphere that she chose to go... Only to end up in the Post Disaster dimension where she mistook the Arianrhod Fleet to be forces of the Federation and wiped them out in one massive beam attack.


The Psycho Big Zam was developed by Neo Zeon at some point after the One Year War ended and the Zeon loyalists had fled to Axis, refusing to surrender to the Earth Federation in defiance. This Mobile Armor was supposed to be the second Big Zam unit produced at A Baoa Qu for the hypothetical company of Big Zams that was planned to be used to attack Jaburo and capture the Federation headquarters.

But it never come to fruition after the death of Dozle Zabi, who had piloted the original Big Zam and advocated for the Mobile Armor's mass production, after going down swinging at the Battle of Solomon.

After the One Year War, the second Big Zam unit was taken by the Zeon loyalists during their exodus to Axis, refusing to allow the Federation to get their hands on the Mobile Armor. During the rebuilding and reorganization of their military strength, the Neo Zeon had modified the second unit to not only have a Psycommu System along with 12 Funnels and 11 Bits stored inside the several hangars across the body, it also have a Minovsky Craft System for propulsion and two extra Minovsky Ultracompact Fusion Reactors as backup generators which remain dormant until emergency use. It was also retrofitted with the Gundarium Alloy instead of the Super-hard Steel Alloy.

The Psycho Big Zam was meant to be among the Neo Zeon mobile weapons to be deployed when the Axis eventually reaches the Earth Sphere to attack the Federation in a full-scale assault and subjugate the Colonies under their rule one way or another.

However, Haman Karn saw the Psycho Big Zam as a failed relic of the One Year and wanted it out of her sight, deeming it to have no place among the new generation of more advanced mobile suits made by Neo Zeon. Although, she was not above taking advantage of Dr. George L. Walton's proposal of using the Psycho Big Zam as a testing machine for the theoretical Hyperdrive Generator he had created for instant space travel, which he appealed to her that it would prove beneficial for Neo Zeon and that Glemy Toto had assigned Ple Twelve under alias of "Ensign Audrey Burne" to be the Mobile Armor's pilot. Even though Haman finds the scientist's idea somewhat ridiculous from her point of view.

If the Psycho Big Zam had managed to reach the Earth Sphere and started a full-scale rampage which would greatly weaken the Federation enough to pave way for Neo Zeon's return and dominance, then the Hyperdrive Generator must be a success. But if the Psycho Big Zam was unable to arrive at its destination and end up stuck somewhere in space, then it would have turned out to be a complete fluke.

Either way, it's a win-win for Haman Karn.

On the other hand, with the sudden appearance of the Psycho Big Zam and its first action of wiping out the Arianrhod Fleet in one massive beam blast, the world of Post Disaster saw Ple Twelve's machine as one of the dreaded Mobile Armors from the Calamity War and from their point of view, it came back to get revenge on humanity through destroying the strongest fleet of Gjallarhorn and toyed with the dying survivors before proceeding after the Dort Colonies where Tekkadan is currently at.

Not only that, Gaelio Bauduin and McGillis Fareed believed that the Psycho Big Zam was an ancient enemy of Agnika Kaeiru, the founder of Gjallarhorn and pilot of Gundam Bael whose epithet was known the "White Devil", which the Mobile Armor was looking for a rematch with the first Gundam Frame in order to settle the score once and for all, during their confrontation with the Psycho Big Zam.

As for Ple Twelve, she sees her enemies of the Post Disaster dimension as the Federation and attacked them with immense prejudice even though they have no beam weapons to fight back against the Psycho Big Zam for some reason, calling them foolish for it.

And they're all just toys for her to play and destroy in her path, puru!