@Emizaquel So I was wrong, that was not my last question.
Do our circuits have to be on a flat surface, or can they curve? Like, let's say we have one symbol on our forearm, and then another on the other side, could the two be linked by a Connector going around?

How do those 3d connectors work? Sound like rather than connecting directly to a source, they instead let you define a general area of sources which it connects to.

Edit: What happens to Inefficiencies? Like, we have a 50% efficient Acceptor, so half of the energy turns into motes, what happens to the other half?
Similar question with Projectors, 50% of the mote becomes energy, what about the other 50%?

How do Acceptors work? The design on SB makes it sound like they can absorb Kinetic Energy, to turn that into Mana, but if they offer direct Energy to Mana transformation, does it ONLY work on Kinetic Energy, and we have to have some "electricity" mana to "flavor" the rune with if we want to absorb eletrical energy? Or do Acceptors work on all types of Energy?

How fast do Resonators do their thing? Effectively instantly?

How does power balancing work with 1 way connectors? Does always try to fill up the recipient wells?

Are the runes we know of now all the ones there are/will be, or will we discover more like we will discover attunements?

Not a question, just some math. Your average punch has roughly 300 J, and since an average punch is 30 Motes, that works out neatly to 10J/Mote
A well 1 meter in diameter, stacked as tightly as we can make it, can hold 15.7 million motes. Which translates to about 40 kilograms of TNT, or the kinetic energy of a 55 ton aircraft at landing speeds, or 5 bucks of electricity at 2009's rates.
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@Emizaquel So I was wrong, that was not my last question.
Do our circuits have to be on a flat surface, or can they curve? Like, let's say we have one symbol on our forearm, and then another on the other side, could the two be linked by a Connector going around?

How do those 3d connectors work? Sound like rather than connecting directly to a source, they instead let you define a general area of sources which it connects to.

Edit: What happens to Inefficiencies? Like, we have a 50% efficient Acceptor, so half of the energy turns into motes, what happens to the other half?
Similar question with Projectors, 50% of the mote becomes energy, what about the other 50%?

How do Acceptors work? The design on SB makes it sound like they can absorb Kinetic Energy, to turn that into Mana, but if they offer direct Energy to Mana transformation, does it ONLY work on Kinetic Energy, and we have to have some "electricity" mana to "flavor" the rune with if we want to absorb eletrical energy? Or do Acceptors work on all types of Energy?

How fast do Resonators do their thing? Effectively instantly?

How does power balancing work with 1 way connectors? Does always try to fill up the recipient wells?

Are the runes we know of now all the ones there are/will be, or will we discover more like we will discover attunements?

Not a question, just some math. Your average punch has roughly 300 J, and since an average punch is 30 Motes, that works out neatly to 10J/Mote
A well 1 meter in diameter, stacked as tightly as we can make it, can hold 15.7 million motes. Which translates to about 40 kilograms of TNT, or the kinetic energy of a 55 ton aircraft at landing speeds, or 5 bucks of electricity at 2009's rates.
circuits can curve, connectors especially.

3D connectors work kind of like this, each projector or acceptor has a zone in which it can effect mana. 3D connectors connect these zones do that these origin points connect to form a polygon. The nodes closest to each other connect. The effect radius still plays a part here, causing mana to appear in a similar radius (the average of all nodes involved) outside the polygon.

Inefficiencies are mainly diverted into visible light with a little bit of bleed into the UV and Infrared spectrums, about 10% each. There is a little bleed of mana, but that is not really noticed unless the amount of mana being wasted is enormous. About 0.0001% (rounded down) of the mana wasted is released as mana and when it is, it is released in random directions.

acceptors can draw a lot of different kinds of energy but the energy it draws on is a lot more conceptual than simple kinetic energy. When acceptors are drawn, the mana you channel into them sort of primes them, allowing them to absorb energies aligned with certain concepts. Esarey stated that the acceptors were intended to absorb physical force so when it was being built, the acceptors were primed to meet that.

Acceptors can convert the capacity of the reference pool once per second.

Ane way connectors still allow instantaneous transport, and simply fill destination wells before they fill source wells.

On the runes. That's a little here or there, you will eventually discover modifications to them which provide altered capabilities. But I don't think I will be opening up the possibility of completely unique runes.
3D connectors work kind of like this, each projector or acceptor has a zone in which it can effect mana. 3D connectors connect these zones do that these origin points connect to form a polygon. The nodes closest to each other connect. The effect radius still plays a part here, causing mana to appear in a similar radius (the average of all nodes involved) outside the polygon.
Oh, so 3D Connectors aren't connectors that connect things on another layer, instead of connecting mana capacities they are connecting mana effects. Allowing for better dispersal of force from multiple Projectors, as well as better coverage from multiple Acceptors.

Acceptors, does the mana still appear within the acceptor itself, or do you gotta figure out where the average of their points are and have a well there ready to catch the incoming Mana?
acceptors can draw a lot of different kinds of energy but the energy it draws on is a lot more conceptual than simple kinetic energy. When acceptors are drawn, the mana you channel into them sort of primes them, allowing them to absorb energies aligned with certain concepts. Esarey stated that the acceptors were intended to absorb physical force so when it was being built, the acceptors were primed to meet that.

On the runes. That's a little here or there, you will eventually discover modifications to them which provide altered capabilities. But I don't think I will be opening up the possibility of completely unique runes.
I suppose we'll find out other energies we can "prime" them with as we discover other attunements. Unattuned is just rather easy to make into Kinetic, right?
Hmm, if we can get some rotational energy going, that has a fair number of uses, both on the absorption and the projection sides.

One rune I'm thinking of us possibly getting is something like a comparator rune, allowing us to compare the quantities of two different wells/well-networks.
Another idea I had were simple upgrades. New well runes that contain more energy per area, for example, no new functions per say just better functions.
Acceptors, does the mana still appear within the acceptor itself, or do you gotta figure out where the average of their points are and have a well there ready to catch the incoming Mana?
Nope, the mana appears in the acceptors. Acceptors connected by 3D connectors will share mana much like wells connected by normal acceptors.

Unattuned is just rather easy to make into Kinetic, right?
Unattuned is aligned with physical force, yes.

One rune I'm thinking of us possibly getting is something like a comparator rune, allowing us to compare the quantities of two different wells/well-networks.
Another idea I had were simple upgrades. New well runes that contain more energy per area, for example, no new functions per say just better functions.
Modifications to runes are something that will be unlocked over time, either by encountering them in the works of other artificers or by experimentation. We will get into the creation of artifacts and experimentation once we reach a point that those mechanics are relevant.

Given that - in this quest - Thor's hammer is an artifact, it is quite obvious that there is a lot of growth to be had.
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Can these be stacked wells, though.

And how do we calculate the size of a well. Are we using it's very literal 1:1 size on the blueprint?
Yes, the wells can be stacked

When drawing out the circuit, you can mark some sort of scale on the circuit or I will make assumptions based on the other information you have given.
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Also. Is a stacked well a more "high tech" well that stores more mana in the same space under more "pressure". Or is it just a graphical simplification of several connected normal wells?
Also. Is a stacked well a more "high tech" well that stores more mana in the same space under more "pressure". Or is it just a graphical simplification of several connected normal wells?
It's a more "high tech" well. It counts as one Rune, and there is a limit to how much you can stack one rune (the limit dependent on how tightly you can place the circles within each other, currently we can do 40 layers per cm, leading to max well capacity of 40*pi*r3​ where r is in cm)

@Emizaquel Is 1 mote of mana the smallest unit of mana, or is it just basically the mana equivalent of 1 Joule, a standard measure that we CAN go smaller than, but for most instances we have no need to.
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@Emizaquel Is 1 mote of mana the smallest unit of mana, or is it just basically the mana equivalent of 1 Joule, a standard measure that we CAN go smaller than, but for most instances we have no need to.

Kind of, one mote is better described as a molecule of mana. It can be broken down but it takes a lot of effort, usually requiring mana of a different alignment to achieve.
Kind of, one mote is better described as a molecule of mana. It can be broken down but it takes a lot of effort, usually requiring mana of a different alignment to achieve.
Hmm, and that's where the "purifying" come from? The motes we get aren't pure Fire or Electricity or whatever, but rather some fusion, and we need to break apart the molecule and take the bits to make a new pure mote?
Hmm, and that's where the "purifying" come from? The motes we get aren't pure Fire or Electricity or whatever, but rather some fusion, and we need to break apart the molecule and take the bits to make a new pure mote?
Not precisely. When mana is taken in by a generalized acceptor, it takes in a lot of different types of motes all at once. Drawing mana from a fire would still result in you getting mana aligned with air, smoke, light and numerous other alignments not just aligned with fire.

Purification is the process of gathering mana from specific sources so that you can find ways of reducing those unwanted kinds of mana, filtering out stuff like smoke and air to gain a fairly pure sample of fire aligned mana.
Not precisely. When mana is taken in by a generalized acceptor, it takes in a lot of different types of motes all at once. Drawing mana from a fire would still result in you getting mana aligned with air, smoke, light and numerous other alignments not just aligned with fire.

Purification is the process of gathering mana from specific sources so that you can find ways of reducing those unwanted kinds of mana, filtering out stuff like smoke and air to gain a fairly pure sample of fire aligned mana.
If the motes themselves are pure, then it'd be pretty simple to create a filter consisting of a large array of 1 mote wells. Each well can only hold one mote, which inherently would seperate it from all the other types of motes. A one-way connector would insure that the mote that got in there will stay in there, and if it's feeding into a gate-logic-well, then you can easily start filtering off just motes of that type.
If the motes themselves are pure, then it'd be pretty simple to create a filter consisting of a large array of 1 mote wells. Each well can only hold one mote, which inherently would seperate it from all the other types of motes. A one-way connector would insure that the mote that got in there will stay in there, and if it's feeding into a gate-logic-well, then you can easily start filtering off just motes of that type.
The problem with that is knowing what kind of mote you gained access to. In that setup, the only way to check what kind of mote you gained access to would be to use it, depleting it in the process. There are similar ways of purifying motes that do work quickly, however.
The problem with that is knowing what kind of mote you gained access to. In that setup, the only way to check what kind of mote you gained access to would be to use it, depleting it in the process. There are similar ways of purifying motes that do work quickly, however.
Oh it wouldn't be too hard to find out. After all, we wouldn't have only the one mote, we'd have several, and even IF we did have the one, it'd be a simple process to throw that into an Attuner to get us more.
You can keep branching up to the leftthere to make more and more types of mana it can filter out. And I just realized I confused my gates, they should be swapped. The wells with only 1 circle are 1 mote wells.
Oh it wouldn't be too hard to find out. After all, we wouldn't have only the one mote, we'd have several, and even IF we did have the one, it'd be a simple process to throw that into an Attuner to get us more.
You can keep branching up to the leftthere to make more and more types of mana it can filter out. And I just realized I confused my gates, they should be swapped. The wells with only 1 circle are 1 mote wells.
This does work quite well. I guess when I was designing my versions I was overcomplicating it. After letting it sit for a while I guess the only thing left to do would be to test and catalog the mana types.
This does work quite well. I guess when I was designing my versions I was overcomplicating it. After letting it sit for a while I guess the only thing left to do would be to test and catalog the mana types.
How much mana can an unaffiliated Acceptor absorb when left setting there? Like, we can fairly easily make one that has the capacity for millions of motes a second, but are there millions of motes to accept under normal circumstances?
How much mana can an unaffiliated Acceptor absorb when left setting there? Like, we can fairly easily make one that has the capacity for millions of motes a second, but are there millions of motes to accept under normal circumstances?

The amount of mana in an area is dependent on the area. A normal, mundane park would have about 20-25 motes per cubic meter, a historically significant park would have about ten to twenty times as much. If that historical significance involves mana directly the amount of mana is increased another order of magnitude.

However, the distribution of those different mana alignments has more to do with how significant portions of the area are. If a fire is an integral part of a location, then the proportion of fire aligned mana is higher. If the area is very strongly associated with water, water aligned mana is greater the exact amount depends.

Mana regenerates over time and should return to normal levels in about a minute.
The amount of mana in an area is dependent on the area. A normal, mundane park would have about 20-25 motes per cubic meter, a historically significant park would have about ten to twenty times as much. If that historical significance involves mana directly the amount of mana is increased another order of magnitude.

However, the distribution of those different mana alignments has more to do with how significant portions of the area are. If a fire is an integral part of a location, then the proportion of fire aligned mana is higher. If the area is very strongly associated with water, water aligned mana is greater the exact amount depends.

Mana regenerates over time and should return to normal levels in about a minute.
So unattuned Acceptors only absorb Mana, and not just all types of energy? It won't soak up all the sound and heat and motion and light?
The mana travels away from the glyph, and each second it travels a distance equivalent to that between the outer points of the three-pointed star.
That is VERY slow unless one makes a HUGE projector.

How does the Force Staff or Pyre Pistol project at speeds greater than walking speed?
Where R is the distance from the center to the closest point of a perfectly isosceles triangl
Do you mean an Equilateral Triangle? All three sides are same length, not just two?
That is VERY slow unless one makes a HUGE projector.

How does the Force Staff or Pyre Pistol project at speeds greater than walking speed?

Do you mean an Equilateral Triangle? All three sides are same length, not just two?
Those have large blocky sections that house larger projectors or have a number of projectors layered on top of each other and linked with 3D connectors. The aligned vectors of the different projectors increases the speed.

Yes I did mean equilateral i'll fix it when I have the time.
Those have large blocky sections that house larger projectors or have a number of projectors layered on top of each other and linked with 3D connectors. The aligned vectors of the different projectors increases the speed.
Unless those blocky sections is 1 meter in diameter, the blasts still won't be going faster than walking speed.
Stacking the projectors, however, that works. Gonna need quite a few, but hopefully, the number of runes we can do will be going up.
I will update some time this week. I have a thing going on that has a really variable timeframe. Sorry for not getting it done faster.
Prep time
You simply ignore the other team members for the moment and walk up to Fury. You do keep an eye on them, watching how they act.

"Where do you intend to hold him?" you ask, "I'm fairly sure I can improve it and stop him from breaking out."

Fury looks at you before calling for Agent Hill, "Take her to the holding cell, lets see what she can do."

You are quickly escorted to a large room with a circular glass chamber suspended in the middle.

"How much to you want to restrain him?" you ask, "I have an older design that work really well but might kill him. It will suspend him in the center and he won't be able to move at all, not even talk. Or I can simply make it so that your walls can handle a lot more punishment both physically and mystically. Or I could extend the magical null field to cover the entire cell and just limit the physical protections to the walls."

"We need him to be able to talk," said Hill as she waved over one of the technicians, "But according to Thor, his brother is quite the accomplished mage, the last setup would be best. You can requisition anything you need from Bill here."

[ ] Generic Design
[ ] Write in - 200 glyphs.

A/N : I am delaying the artifact until you actually get into combat. It seems like force staff is winning at the moment, so if no-one gets any support before then, that's what I will be going with.
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