ARCANA (40K Perpetual Quest)

[X] Logos: Absolute Truth. You would have taken everything she had, and you would feel exceedingly little guilt about it, because that was the kind of mindset that kept you alive.

This kinda is who we, and others in the region, are. I'm not saying we can't be better, but chances for that will come later.
[X] Pathos: Lie. Lie like hell. You would have seen that she got at least some kind of burial, and would have gotten Father Eli to pray for her.
[X] Logos: Absolute Truth. You would have taken everything she had, and you would feel exceedingly little guilt about it, because that was the kind of mindset that kept you alive.
[X] Pathos: Lie. Lie like hell. You would have seen that she got at least some kind of burial, and would have gotten Father Eli to pray for her.
[X] Logos: Absolute Truth. You would have taken everything she had, and you would feel exceedingly little guilt about it, because that was the kind of mindset that kept you alive.
[X] Logos: Absolute Truth. You would have taken everything she had, and you would feel exceedingly little guilt about it, because that was the kind of mindset that kept you alive.
[X] Pathos: Lie. Lie like hell. You would have seen that she got at least some kind of burial, and would have gotten Father Eli to pray for her.

I don't think brutal honesty is going to be much help for someone with multiple broken bones right now.
[X] Pathos: Lie. Lie like hell. You would have seen that she got at least some kind of burial, and would have gotten Father Eli to pray for her.

Adhoc vote count started by The Bird on Jun 5, 2022 at 10:25 PM, finished with 36 posts and 26 votes.

Vote locked.
[X] Logos: Absolute Truth. You would have taken everything she had, and you would feel exceedingly little guilt about it, because that was the kind of mindset that kept you alive.
Turn 4.3
"I would have dumped your body in a ditch and then taken everything you own, pawning anything of a sentimental nature."

The room is silent for a moment before you continue, ignoring Reva's dumbfounded, horrified look. "And, cruel as it'd be, it wouldn't be done out of malice: however, there comes a point where survival trumps sentiment, and that point lie about fifteen minutes after someone else kacked it."


Reva laughed, a dry, bone dry even cackle, voice dumbfounded as the tears emerged, bid on by a clear bout of despair on her face. "What's the point then?" She asked, still weeping, still laughing, with the occasional frenzied sob. "Is that all there is now? A rat race where I have to look over my shoulders the rest of my life?"

"Yes," You say, setting your cup of recaff on the counter, expression passive: best she gets told the truth. Reality was cold and hard and full of teeth, and it did no one any favors to attempt to hide that. "If it makes you feel better, I would have at least felt guilty afterwards," You admit. After all, even if the world could be cruel, that didn't mean you needed to be.

Reva wiped the tears from her face, even as they continued to fall, her body wracked with shudders as she grappled with the emotional breakdown she was clearly deeply, deeply due for. "I doubt that," She said, sighing, despondent. "I really fucking doubt that."

You shrug, not engaging with her flagrant show of self-pity. "Believe what you want, but contrary to what you might think, I never set out to damage you. Last week was..." You paused for a moment, sighing: right, time to get the ugly part out of the way. "An unfortunate lapse in judgement driven by the accidental activation of my own neuroses. For that, I offer sincere apology: while I stand by my general assessment of your odds, I don't actually want to push you closer to the edge."

Logos: 79: Solid Success

Reva looked at you oddly, a puzzled, perplexed look on her face, the tears ceasing to flow. Well. At least you had gotten her to stop crying. "I...What?"

"Contrary to what you might believe, we in the Outskirts aren't all heartless monsters," You said, steepling your fingers as you layed out your non-reassurances. "I might be dedicated to looking out for myself, but that doesn't mean I'm itching to stab anyone in the back if I don't have to."

Reva was silent for a long time, the flow of tears remaining stoppered as she struggled with her inner daemons. "What..."

"What do you deal with it? The feelings of...of..."

Worthlessness. It was a question every Outskirts had to answer at some point, especially those who were born with some degree of worth, Tribal and City Exiles: those born in the Shanties at least had the comfort of never having known any other way of existing. Meanwhile, the former category had to transition from being told that if they behaved, one day they would be accepted into the Emperors golden arms, to being told that if the Emperor was merciful, when they died he would allow them to sleep outside the gates of his paradise instead of leaving them ENTIRELY within the darkness.

The worst sort of Damnation was knowing that once, you could have achieved salvation.

"There is...a rather extreme degree in variance in how most exiles handle it, once it finally sets in," You say, slowly, composed, discussing your experience with such a phenomena with a near clinical air: after all, you had seen this series of events play out every year, because without exception there always existed a steady stream from the cities and tribes of those less than faithful to the scriptures of emperor or edicts of man. "Those who are weaker, more fragile, usually kill themselves: can't particularly say I don't understand the impulse, I must admit. The handful who get past that point without dying in some stupid way usually commit to their own survival: the animal instinct in their brain pushing them forward. Beyond that-"

"No," Reva says, cutting through your exposition as she did her best (which is to say, poorly) to stare you in the eyes despite her deteriorated mood and helpless shudders. "How do YOU deal with it? Not...not others like me, not other outsiders. How do you cope with knowing that you're less than..." She gave a brief, sad sob.

"...Largely, I try not to think about it," You admit. Truthfully, it was an admission you generally didn't want to make, even if based on all empirical data and observed scripture it was true. "After awhile you get used to not thinking about it. My advice? Find something else to focus on: Hieram for instance, a..."

Right, what was a good, neutral way to describe the special relation held between you two... "An individual I know in my profession-"

"I'm fairly certain the word for that is peer-"

"An individual I know in my profession," You carefully enunciate, "Was born among the Tribes. He copes with his exile by, I'm told, running card games. Find yourself something similair, a hobby or past-time or goal or some such to occupy your mind."


You felt a pang of annoyance. Really, you weren't without sympathy, you weren't, but one could only deal with someone wallowing in their own misery for so long. "If being an Outskirts is so crushing, there's always the Martyrs March," You said, breathing sharply out of your nose.

Reva blinked, confused. "The...thing the Sisters are doing?" She asked, quizzically, in turn confusing you. Wait, did she...did she not know?

Lore (Tarrghus) Activates: Two Automatic Successes

"There are, in fact, ways to get back inside the good graces of the Emperor: it is said that to those who Martyr themselves in the attempt of the destruction of his enemies, his salvation is unconditional. Really, this shouldn't be news," You comment, frowning a bit. "It was how St. Croix found himself redeemed: during his Martyrs March, he slew a Warlord who had been accruing power, preventing the Greenskins from uniting under one banner."

Her confused look didn't falter. "Ulysses," she said slowly. "I have never heard about any of this: who in the Emperors name is St. Croix?"

You sighed. "I...look, he's an official saint: the Santica Celeste declared him such for establishing the first Martyrs March, which remains one of the few things that can buy salvation."

"I...if its that easy, why doesn't-"

"Because you only get Salvation if you die," You stress, giving particular emphasis to the last word. "Sure, in theory you could return with the head of a warlord- or even a great klan chief-, but in practice, both are rare, hard to obtain without dying, and only one such head can go around: I can count on my hand the number of individuals who redeemed themselves in this manner that didn't require symbolic reburrying in the Cimiterum Eternum."

There were other ways, of course: Green Autumn, where those who killed sufficient Orks in a single season were recruited into the Tribes, or the Rite of Hallowed Penance where if you survived you were recruited to the Elocutors to serve the priest-hood, or even a governatorial pardon, but unlike the Martyrs March, these were all situational, or even more impossible and deadly. It was said that only one in a hundred survived the March, but for the Rite of Hallowed Penance, its rate of survival was one in a thousand.

Even the Red Cult had a method to filter in potential recruits, but the odds of returning from any Orkium with one of the machine cults hallowed, lost artefacts was low indeed.

Still, the March was deadly enough. Despite this, a spark of hope entered Reva's eyes. "I...I can redeem myself?" She whispered, and you felt a horrible knot form in your stomach. A mistake had been made.

"...Yes, but its...its unlikely you'll come out the other end," You say, understating a bit. "Reva, you're missing my point-"

"Where do I go to join the March?" Reva said, steel in her voice, and you slumped a bit. There was no mistaking that tone: it was the absolute certainty of someone whose course was set and unlikely to be swerved.

Well. Good news was, she was out of her depressive funk. Bad news was, she had apparently decided killing herself was better than being an outskirts.

Reward: Avoided permanent loss of a contact.
Reva will be joining the Martyrs March
22/30 to Networking (Journeyman)
8/30 to Logos (Journeyman)
+1 Fate for preventing ???.

5/5 Fate Acquired.

Fate store unlocked. Please stand by.
Wait a minute...

If Ulysses dies on the Martyrs March, is he going to interpret it as being judged worthy to live? Because that would certainly be an interesting interpretation of being a Perpetual.

Maybe we can work together with Reva for better overall odds, though.
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[Achievement Unlock: I Suppose It's Technically A Success] Talk someone out of a suicidal action only for them to immediately dive into another suicidal action.
Well, at least she'll be helping out with our suicide.
A tank-house on a march is a tasty target. A tank-house of a friendly acquaintance is a difference between life and death.

Wonder if we'll have to spend Fate on having acces to it, though.
I'm just wondering what kind of things we can spend fate on. But I have a rapidly developing soft spot for a certain exiled acquaintance that I would love to spend some Fate points on.
Fate Shop 1
So, you've hit enough Fate that you can actually use it! Normally, you can only do so at the end of an arc, but an exception is being made for the sake of Tutorial. Now, how do you use Fate, you might ask?

Among other things, Fate works like XP. You use it to buy skills, traits, and techniques: later on you can use it to manipulate events and for unlocking opportunities and increasing your skills, but you lack the fate currently to make such options feasible. Currently, you have FIVE fate.



Buying new skills costs variable amounts of fate depending on what you want to buy. Most common skills cost 1, wheras more exotic or rare skills cost 2, and there are several skills, like Machine Rites, that cost 3+. For...hopefully obvious reasons, there are skills that you can't buy at the moment. For instance, Lore (Warp) is barred since your character has had zero logical justification narratively for it.

Below is a sample list of skills and their costs, but please be advised that nothing is stopping you from going outside this list. If theres a skill you think would be handy, feel free to try and suggest it and, so long as it has my approval, I'll slap a price tag on it. Also, for the record, how much a skill costs and where it falls price wise is affected by your own potential assets and situation. Should you move to a Forge-City, for instance, Tech-Skills will likely grow cheaper, while social skills could jump in price.

Common Skills: 1 Point

The ability to keep tabs on the pulse of the street and its events. Typically the realm of low-level knowledge brokers, Streetwise is an invaluable skill for sniffing out potential opportunities.

Investigate: Sometimes, one had to do more than just passively collect rumors. Sometimes one had to apply their own drive to ferret out secrets.

Technomat: A minor branch of Hedgemechanics specializing in the creation and maintenance of items through rote memorization of processes.

Theology (Mechanicum): Something anyone who sought to join the Red Cult ought to know, the assorted and esoteric lore of the Omnissiah.

Theology (Pagan): There were many smaller faiths across the Imperium, and on Tarrghus especially, typically the offspring of the Word of the Emperor and whatever pagan faiths existed there in the first place.

Theology (Digga): The heretical, ork worshipping damned of Tarrghus, Digga Kultz for all their veneration of Da Orkz have a complex pantheon ensconcing many myriad gods. Some of the most twisted and damned of the lot are even said to worship a twisted mockery of the Emperor, placing him in peer to Gork and Mork

Diagnose: The ability to, at a glance, understand what is wrong with someone. Good for avoiding plague.

Drive (Ground): The ability to operate most civilian ground vehicles beyond their intended performance.


Advanced Skills: 2 Pt

The art of getting to places very fast.

Toxicology: The art of brewing potent poisons...and also most narcotics.

First Aid: The ability of using basic rites and rituals in order to reduce the impact of injury. No substitute for a chiurgeon's loving care, but it could make the difference between life and death in the field.

Trade (Botany): Caring for life was a rare skill indeed in the Shanties.

Cant Mechanica: The secret, hidden language of the Mechanicus. Or at least the closest analogue achievable by an augmented human.

High Gothic: The official language of the Imperium, used in its militaries and by its nobility.

Smithing: The art of sculpting metal in order to create weapons, tools, and other items. WARNING: Craft skills do not come with accompanying schematics. Schematics must be developed or discovered.

The province of Tribe Braves, Bushcraft masters could survive in the wilderness, assuming no injury, months before requiring re-supply.

Gunslinging: The ability to effectively utilize pistols and other light weapons, especially when utilizing quick-draw ambushes.

Orkplomacy: It was considered extremely, grotesquely heretical to consort with Orks: those that did usually wound up on the Pyre. But that didn't mean it didn't happen, or that knowing how to negotiate with didn't have its uses.


Exotic Skills: 3 Pts

Lore (Biology):
The basic, academic understanding of how living beings functioned.

Lastech: The ability to construct, maintain, and repair Lasweapons. WARNING: Craft skills do not come with accompanying schematics. Schematics must be developed or discovered.

Machine Rites:
The secret arts of the Mechanicum, rituals and practices designed to coax performance from machine spirits. Warning: you are not technically a member of the Cult Mechanicus. The Cult Mechanicus will be deeply angered if they discover you have this skill while existing outside their cult.

The deeper mysteries of the body and how to repair it.


Traits, Techniques

Traits and techniques, obviously, are aspects of your character that can't be boiled down to raw skill. The former, traits, are usually determined by your decisions and accomplishments: for example, to earn a trait that, for instance, gives you access to psyker powers, you'll need to have been exposed to powerful warp phenominon. Meanwhile, Techniques are special methods of applying your skills, giving you new ways to utilize them or enhancing them in a way beyond the basics. For instance, there are...a NUMBER of Lore(Warp) techniques that raise your sorcery rating.

Each time the Fate Shop opens, what Traits and Techniques are available will change, usually, barring specific Arcana related traits: for instance, if you unlock a Tower trait or a Hierophant trait, those will always be available.

OVERCLOCK [Jury-Rig Technique] (3 Pt):
Forbidden hedgemechanic rites that strengthen a devices machine spirit. However, such power comes with a price, as it places immense strain into the technology. Can apply Overclock status to any piece of technology with a machine spirit via Overclock roll and at least fifteen minutes to an hour. This massively increases the performance of the item, but the next time maintenance on the item is conducted, -20 to any rolls involved.

Jack of All Trades I [Magician Trait] (3 Pt):
Specialization was for insects. Gain additional Occupation slot with its own Aptitude score.



The final thing you can purchase whenever you visit the fate shop is Aptitude. While you can raise Aptitude by plying your trade, this is a fairly slow process. However, you can also spend Fate to increase Aptitude, at a rate of one point of fate for one point of Aptitude, up to a total of ten.

Buying Aptitude does NOT make it harder to raise it naturally.


Right, there's more to the Fate Shop, but at the moment none of it is relevant to you. Please vote in plan format for what purchases you want to make.

Also, another interlude vote:

[ ] Tarrghus Inquisitorial Report: Digganob Phenomenon.
[ ] Tarrghus Inquisitorial Report: History, Myths, and Legends, Pt 1.
[ ] Tarrghus Inquisitorial Report: Cultural Attache.
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Got two separate plan ideas:

[X] Plan: Methodical Ork Disassembly
-[X] Gunslinging (2 Pt)
-[X] Lore (Biology) (3 Pt)

[X] Plan: Building On The Foundation
-[X] Gunslinging (2 Pt)
-[X] Jack of All Trades I [Magician Trait] (3 Pt)

The idea behind each is in the plan name.

[X] Tarrghus Inquisitorial Report: Digganob Phenomenon.

Edit: Misunderstood how Aptitude points and the extra occupation slot worked, so I changed it to Gunslinging.
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[X] Plan mechanical aspirations
-[X] Technomat
-[X] Theology (Mechanicum)
-[X] Drive (Ground)
-[X] Cant Mechanica

The logic behind this plan is to look as attractive as we can to any recruiting tech priests.

[X] Tarrghus Inquisitorial Report: Cultural Attache.
[X] Plan: Methodical Ork Disassembly

[X] Tarrghus Inquisitorial Report: Digganob Phenomenon.
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[X] Plan: Building On The Foundation

[X] Tarrghus Inquisitorial Report: Digganob Phenomenon.
I'm conflicted. On one hand, I really want to become a tech priest. On the other, we definitely need some skills to not die over and over.