[X] Explore the rest of the building, maybe you'll find something useful, like food, or money, or a bed
Charges: 15
Before you head out and introduce yourself to the rest of the masses through whatever means you deem necessary at the time, you decide to explore the rest of the house slash workspace you are now occupying first. To try and see if you could find anything useful inside despite its rundown and abandoned facade. Who knows, you might find a forgotten chest of gold!... Ok it's extremely unlikely, but come on, let a girl dream.
You start your newfound exploration for gold and treasure and possibly a bed because ow your back hurts, with a quick visual sweep of the open floor of what seems to have once been some kind of grocery store. Yep. It's still as dead and empty as the last time you checked. In fact the only things that you can see aside from empty floor are three wooden stands near the front that you think might have once been check outs. You would say that the only reason they are still there and haven't been looted yet is that they cant be pried up from the ground, but then you take in the sight of the two semi-large holes just past the check outs that seem to be the exact same size as them, and then rethink your thought process.
Welp, nothing here, upstairs you go!
You head towards and through the obvious double doors at the back of the building, and pass through into what was probably a loading and storage area of some kind. You spend a good five minutes searching every nook and cranny, but only find a handful of loose nuts and bolts. You pocket them just in case, who knows, you might throw them at someone to distract them, and then use their distraction to punch them in the dick. You walk towards and up the stairs in the corner of the loading area to continue your adventure on the next floor. You reach the top, turn a sharp corner, take a couple more stairs, and then it flattens out into a hallway.
the second floor isn't really much to look at, just a long hallway with two doors on each side, and a door at the end. You take one of your dust covered nuts that you found, and deem the side with numbers stamped into the metal heads, and the side without tails. Heads you start your search on the left side, tails the right. You flip it... Tails it is.
The first door you open is just an empty room with a window and carpet, nothing else. The second door opens to what seems to be a kitchen, you spend a few minutes searching every cupboard and drawer, and actually find an old rusty knife! problem is it's so rusty, that if you ever used it against someone, you think it would probably leave whichever part you stabbed them with inside them. After the kitchen is the door at the end of the hallway, which goes into a laundry room, once again with nothing of value. The fourth door goes into a bathroom with the sink and toilet ripped out, and the last door opens into a large room which you guess used to be the bedroom. You guess that because whoever lived here before actually left some furniture here, sure its just a single three drawer desk and an empty bedframe shoved into a corner, but it still counts! The desk held nothing, but maybe you can use it to store things you acquire later, and the bedframe was already empty so that's a- Wait, no. There is something there. Right underneath the bedframe and by the corner it's shoved into. Something green. you lean over and grab it through the bedframes wire mesh. Score! Twenty dollar bill!
Money. Acquired. Now all that's left is to score some edibles for you stomach before it eats you. And also maybe some explanation of where you actually are.
So, what do you do?
[] Look around out side for some food, and maybe an explanation of where you actually are
- [] Twenty dollars is a good start, but its not a lot, and you'll probably need more. Time to come up with alternate ways to acquire income. Beg, lie, steal, maybe actually get a job, whatever (write-in what you will do)
[] You need more money, fast. But all you currently have is a handful of dusty nuts and bolts. Thing is, you feel like you might actually be able to do something withthem
[] Your still kinda upset that your socks don't have flames as well, you feel like you could maybe dosomething about that
[] Write-in
[X] You need more money, fast. But all you currently have is a handful of dusty nuts and bolts. Thing is, you feel like you might actually be able to do something with them
[X] You need more money, fast. But all you currently have is a handful of dusty nuts and bolts. Thing is, you feel like you might actually be able to do something with them
[X] You need more money, fast. But all you currently have is a handful of dusty nuts and bolts. Thing is, you feel like you might actually be able to do something with them
Charges: 16 15
Your sitting on the floor in the middle of the open space that is the abandoned grocery store. You moved down here because... Well because your not really certain what your about to do. It could be anything really. All you know is that ever since you woke up in that alleyway, you've been able to do something. Your not certain what that something is really, but so far you've used whatever it is to give you flashes of knowledge. A faint knowledge of what you did, where the Hot Topic was, and the fact that you are apparently many, whatever that means. And now your trying to control that something, to make it do what you want. Your not even certain it'll work, but... You have a feeling that it will. Its not like when you know something, its just a feeling.
You concentrate on the nuts and bolts in your hands, and focus on that feeling. That feeling of want, that feeling of need, that feeling of... Power.
You have it. You hold that feeling, that power, in your metaphorical hands. And you drag it over to the nuts and bolts. Then, you combine it with what you want them to be. 1 Charge used
And in an eye blink, they change. They go from an assortment of nuts and bolts, to three crisp one hundred dollar bills.
And you feel something in your mind shift.
You see something. It's a lock. Inside your mind is a lock... No, no it's not your mind, it's something else. It's distinctly you, but also not you, and yet it's more you than you ever could be.
It's your soul, you realize suddenly. It's not you, as in your body, and yet it's distinctly more you than your body could ever hope to be. It's your Soul.
W-what do you do?
[] If there's a lock, then there must be a key. Find that key, use that key, and open it [] This... This is too much. a lock inside your soul!? Nope. Nope you cant deal with this right now. You have money, you are hungry, go buy some food
[] Write-in
[X] If there's a lock, then there must be a key. Find that key, use that key, and open it
Charges: 16 1
If there's a lock, then there must be a key to open it. Where could that key be? You think you know. Afterall, it would make sense for the key to be the exact same thing which showed you the lock existed in the first place. You reach for that power again. You grab it in your metaphorical hands once more, and start to shape it in your minds eye. It all slowly flows into place, and a key starts to take shape. It shines, a key made of azure crystal, glittering and opalescent. You slide it up to the lock, insert it, and twist.
Something Unlocks.15 Charges used
And suddenly, you know. You know the power you hold in your hands, the power you wield, the power of the Reality Drive. You know what you can do.
And you can see choices, options. More things to use your power for.
You can taste your memories. Just out of reach. You try and grab at them, but your grip cannot hold them. The power that you had is gone. You feel it will return, but it will take a while.
Until then however, you have choices to make.
So, what do you do?
[] Look around out side for some food, and maybe an explanation of where you actually are
- [] Twenty dollars is a good start, but its not a lot, and you'll probably need more. Time to come up with alternate ways to acquire income. Beg, lie, steal, maybe actually get a job, whatever (write-in what you will do)
[] Try out your new powers, play with them a bit
[] Modify something, spend some charges on yourself
- [] Write-in what you spend charges on
[] Write-in
Greetings! This Pamphlet shall be a short and quick guide to help you understand the phenomenal cosmic power you hold at your fingertips! We hope you have fun altering reality to your whim, and have a good day! (This Pamphlet shall be edited as we continue along, and more knowledge of what you can do is acquired)
Staring off, the main power of the Reality Drive, your Charges! With most users, Charges shall be gained at a rate of [Once Per Chapter] and [Once An In Story Hour] but these time scales will be modified to fit your local time scales and environment!
The next part is the question of what you can do with Charges. The answer, anything really! The more Charges you devote to something the more powerful the action will be, but even a single charge is powerful in its own way! The makers of the Reality Drive, ኡዪጎነㄒ█ ███ꛅ have included in it a system to help you gage your power and its uses. This system is called the Actions system, and shall be covered later in the pamphlet!