Any Port in a Storm (Kantai Collection x Worm)

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I'm having a "waitaminute" moment here.

If I recall correctly, this story has shipgirls explicitly magical. (Never mind that they still run on pseudo-physics.) They exist at least partially as a counter to Abyssals.

They are going wherever it is they are going because they will find Abyssals there. (Or, you know, comparable beings of similar ancestry.) Abyssals make any setting they're in worse. The goal in going there is to eradicate them.

It's all but confirmed that they're going to Warhammer 40k.

Farmerbob, am I interpreting this right that you have come up with a plan to improve Warhammer 40k by punching it with magical girls?

Because if so that is probably the most badass thing I have ever heard.
Shipgirls get summoned by Magnus the Red after his soul is freed by the Emperor [ItEhaStTD continuum]
New Legion is formed.
Shipgirls get summoned by Magnus the Red after his soul is freed by the Emperor [ItEhaStTD continuum]
New Legion is formed.

Heh. Not quite.

My plan is for Hoppo to initiate a jump to a different dimension's Earth, but before she can complete the transfer, her connection is redirected away from Earth.

Hoppo, the other shipgirls, Wrench, Imp, and some humans from the Shipgirl Earth find themselves on a battle-wrecked planet.

Mork and Gork are responsible. In the 40k universe, the Necrons are an Abyssal analog, and Orks are a Shipgirl analog. (The Krork, who became the Orks were created by the Old Ones to defend against the Necrontyr, who later became Necrons.)

After they arrive, Gork acts like he wants to kill Hoppo. She smells like a Necron (in a psionic way.) Mork convinces him not to, because she also smells like an Ork, and is travelling with others that do not smell like Necrons.

Mork left Simurgh on Earth after reprogramming her to go wake up the Emperor because he's pretty tough for a humie, and he's been sitting on his ass to long. Simurgh will not be a part of the story any longer, though I might devote a chapter to her approaching the Emperor.

The Abyssals have been in the 40k universe for a LONG time. Hoppo can feel the presence of the Chaos gods, and she knows they can feel her as well. She can also feel the presence of the Necrons on this world. And they are getting closer...
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I'm finding it a little hard to equate Necrons to Abyssals.

In no way are canon Necrons (or the Necrontyr) magical. If anything they are anti-magic while having sufficiently advanced science to duplicate many stunts that other races require the Warp to pull off.

As for the Emperor, it's less 'waking him up' and more rebuilding his 10,000 year old corpse and pulling ll the scattered and stretched pieces of his soul back together. And if he does come back and gets up, they'll need to be a replacement for him on the Golden Throne or the Astronomican goes out and the Imperium ships can't navigate.
I'm finding it a little hard to equate Necrons to Abyssals.

In no way are canon Necrons (or the Necrontyr) magical. If anything they are anti-magic while having sufficiently advanced science to duplicate many stunts that other races require the Warp to pull off.

As for the Emperor, it's less 'waking him up' and more rebuilding his 10,000 year old corpse and pulling ll the scattered and stretched pieces of his soul back together. And if he does come back and gets up, they'll need to be a replacement for him on the Golden Throne or the Astronomican goes out and the Imperium ships can't navigate.

I'm going to quote Agatha Heterodyne here. "Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science."

Remember I'm mashing together two universes that aren't very compatible so I can play shipgirls and orks off each other. If you look at it too hard, you will certainly find faults.

You are right. The Golden Throne needs to have someone sit in it who can channel vast amounts of psionic energy. Who will the Emperor see when he hears strangely compelling singing for a couple weeks and finally decides to put his body back together and open his eyes? :whistle:
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You are right. The Golden Throne needs to have someone sit in it who can channel vast amounts of psionic energy. Who will the Emperor see when he hears strangely compelling singing for a couple weeks and finally decides to put his body back together and open his eyes? :whistle:
So the Simurgh will then be able to broadcast her singing (Screaming) to the entire galaxy? Fun times.
I honestly expected the chaos gods to be the abyssal equivalent.
I am no 40k expert. Will look into the C'Tan. I thought they were associated with Chaos.

They are the necro's pet star gods essentially.

Necrontyr found some entities feeding off stars, so they sucked em up and stuffed em in living metal bodies. Then convinced themselves to undergo a similar procedure.

Then they kinda went off and used their pet C'tan as weapons to fuck peoples shit up.

Necrons and the C'tan have no presence in the warp. So they basically cant interact with chaos. Except to kill them for waking them up from their naps.
Necrontyr found some entities feeding off stars, so they sucked em up and stuffed em in living metal bodies. Then convinced themselves to undergo a similar procedure.
Um no the Necrontyr were tricked and enslaved by the C'tan after they gave the star gods their bodies.
Then the C'tan went on a soul devouring spree which caused the Creators of the Webway to make the Orcs and Eldar as weapons against them.
The Webway creators lost by the way the C'tan were defeated by internecine warfare,currently there is If i recall correctly 4 C'tan left.
One of which the Void Dragon which is trapped on mars.
Necron lore just shanked repeatedly anyways, because Matt Ward didn't want his ultra-smurfs challenged probably. C'Tan were awesome, then they got turned into Pokemon. Awesome Pokemon, but still.
Yeah the C'tan and other things which say to a star you no longer exist and it happens.
Is why I'm expecting everyone to Die horrifically if they Go to the 40k universe.
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