Any Giant, muscular heroes in fiction

Bara is a porn trope of muscular gay men. People, myself included, are seeing the thread title and thinking you just mean giant as in "really muscular, and maybe six feet tall" as opposed to literally inhumanly giant.
Well that isn't what I mean. Not at all not when I put up this thread to help my friend.

These guys aren't robots anyway. They're giant silver humans.
Looks like a robot to me.
So does anyone know if there are any giant heroes that fit my friends criteria so I can help him out with this?
A bunch of Gundam characters count if you don't mind cheating. :p

D&D has the storm giants and titans/empyreans, who are around 20-30 feet tall and most often good aligned. I know that various published adventures have featured storm giants as friendly NPCs. The Dark Sun adventure "City by the Silt Sea" included the tomb of a giant warrior-king who was portrayed heroically.
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I am doing this for a friend of mine. Frankly I am offended you'd assume I'd be lying making up this dear friend of mine, if this was for me. I'd say so.

A bunch of Gundam characters count if you don't mind cheating. :p

D&D has the storm giants and titans/empyreans, who are around 20-30 feet tall and most often good aligned. I know that various published adventures have featured storm giants as friendly NPCs. The Dark Sun adventure "City by the Silt Sea" included the tomb of a giant warrior-king who was portrayed heroically.
I'll take anything I can get at this point to help my friend out, this has really been on his mind during the current pandemic.

Any sites or links to where I can look into this further to see if it'll help my friend.
Is there no one who knows of any giant, muscular heroes who are closer to kaiju size, not just Hulk size who are not mech's. That fit my friends criteria.

My friend has tried asking artists on an art website he'd on for help and only gotten the cold shoulder, he doesn't want to have to keep making these kind of characters himself and going through the logistics of giving them a good backstory and trying to find a good villain for them.

Plus he made a good point in a chat we've been having on this. "I don't know why they're so hard to find, if 20ft+ muscle-bound giant villains are so common, why aren't there any 20ft+ heroes who aren't bloody robots!"

Can anyone help me so I can help my friend who's starting to get frustrated at this, as am I.
Does anyone know of any giant characters who fit my friends criteria? A reason why he's looking for characters of that criteria is cause of his OCD.

He doesn't want to have to keep making up characters like this himself and he shouldn't have to.

Someone please help me with this, so I can help my friend and anyone who thinks I'm making my friend up, which I'm not, who has nothing useful to add to this thread, please don't comment, as all you'll do is make me mad by alleging I'm making up my friend when I'm not lying.
Does anyone know of any giant characters who fit my friends criteria? A reason why he's looking for characters of that criteria is cause of his OCD.

He doesn't want to have to keep making up characters like this himself and he shouldn't have to.

Someone please help me with this, so I can help my friend and anyone who thinks I'm making my friend up, which I'm not, who has nothing useful to add to this thread, please don't comment, as all you'll do is make me mad by alleging I'm making up my friend when I'm not lying.
AD&D's Titans. All heroic, all huge muscular 25ft+.

Here's a few named ones:

Algorn, a titan that has influence over the seas, has the ability to create water whenever he chooses to. This water can be vast as he desires, up to the volume of a medium-sized lake. Algorn can simply cause the water to flow, he can cause it to jet out from his hands (washing away everything in its path away), or he can even cause the water to be frozen.

Mane, a titan with dominion over felines, has the ability to change into a giant form of any cat. When he transforms, he is instantly cured of all wounds, poisons, and diseases. Mane may change into a cat and back again five times per day.

Porphyl is a titan with the power of growth. He may cause any immature life to grow to maturity. Thus, he can cause crops to grow, he can make a boy grow to manhood, etc. Porphyl is very wise and would never abuse his ability.

Malephus, a titan with influence over law and justice can unerringly detect any spoken lie and any bad intention. He is often used by many greater powers in trials of justice. Malephus is totally honest; he is incapable of lies or deception.

Syllia, a titan with power over love, can remove any negative feelings from any being (except deities and powers). She has the ability to remove hatred, unhappiness, depression, etc. Syllia cannot remove the feeling permanently, but for at least a day or so. The deities of the upper planes often employ her power when trying to stop wars.

Girzon, a titan with dominion over death, can take the life from any living being. It should be noted that Girzon has never used this ability unless commanded to by a deity. Girzon's restraint and self-control is revered by other titans.
AD&D's Titans. All heroic, all huge muscular 25ft+.

Here's a few named ones:

Algorn, a titan that has influence over the seas, has the ability to create water whenever he chooses to. This water can be vast as he desires, up to the volume of a medium-sized lake. Algorn can simply cause the water to flow, he can cause it to jet out from his hands (washing away everything in its path away), or he can even cause the water to be frozen.

Mane, a titan with dominion over felines, has the ability to change into a giant form of any cat. When he transforms, he is instantly cured of all wounds, poisons, and diseases. Mane may change into a cat and back again five times per day.

Porphyl is a titan with the power of growth. He may cause any immature life to grow to maturity. Thus, he can cause crops to grow, he can make a boy grow to manhood, etc. Porphyl is very wise and would never abuse his ability.

Malephus, a titan with influence over law and justice can unerringly detect any spoken lie and any bad intention. He is often used by many greater powers in trials of justice. Malephus is totally honest; he is incapable of lies or deception.

Syllia, a titan with power over love, can remove any negative feelings from any being (except deities and powers). She has the ability to remove hatred, unhappiness, depression, etc. Syllia cannot remove the feeling permanently, but for at least a day or so. The deities of the upper planes often employ her power when trying to stop wars.

Girzon, a titan with dominion over death, can take the life from any living being. It should be noted that Girzon has never used this ability unless commanded to by a deity. Girzon's restraint and self-control is revered by other titans.
That could help, any images of these characters I can show my friend to go along with these descriptions?
That could help, any images of these characters I can show my friend to go along with these descriptions?
Nope, AD&D didn't tend to have pictures for a huge number of its characters. Generally assume a huge muscular person (bearded if male) in Classical Greek clothes. They tend to carry huge mallets or pickaxes as weapons