Another Start Another Life (Anakin Quest)

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Let's talk about Dooku a bit. I welcome feedback into it.

Of the Masters I proposed, Dooku is perhaps the strangest because he has zero screentime as a Jedi. We as viewers and readers see him only after he passed to the Dark Side and while we have his internal POV, notably in the Revenge of the Sith novelization, it can be difficult to reconstruct what he was as a Jedi.

Notably because Star Wars loves foreshadowing the moral path of the characters so the annotations of Dooku in the Jedi Path show him as the aristocratic saber enthusiast he was as Darth Tyranus. Still I think it's an important point in his character.

Dooku puts the Knight in Jedi Knight. He is someone who considers to be a Jedi is to be a noble. He choses the most refined form of lightsaber duelling. As Darth Tyranus he praised the samurai/ninja Tholme on his own technique. As a Sith he presented a faux affably evil face where he played at being reasonable before unleashing the lightning.

And boy how he loves the lightning. Palpatine is more associated with the power with good reason, but he uses it mainly as a means of torture. Dooku incorporates it nearly seamlessly in his fighting method.

We know he was trained to be a politician and I can't help but think the aristocratic image was part of that. He could engage with Republic elites as a peer rather than the congeniality of Obi-Wan, the wisdom of Yoda, or the intimidating presence of Mace Windu. Yet when words fail, Dooku reacts with overwhelming force (and Force). As a Jedi that means telekinesis but I can see a case for him using Force Choke.

As a Sith, he was interested in Sith sorcery and ancient artifacts and I chose to include it in the character. He is someone who thinks the key to defeating the Dark Side is to know it, even if his missions don't put him in contact with the relevant artifacts.

So a warrior-scholar, possibly a philosopher.
Lore New
What do the Jedi know about the Sith?

Almost everything until Darth Bane. By that I mean everything who isn't a big secret like Exar Kun still being around on Yavin 4. In the thousand years after Ruusan, they became aware of the Rule of Two.

The Council of the time decided it was indeed coherent with Sith philosophy but had so many possible failure points it would destroy itself. There were always Jedi hunting through the stars for the Sith but they were considered as we consider UFO chasers and conspiracy theorists.

The Clone situation
Sifo-Dyas already ordered the clone army from the Kaminoan under the advice of concerned citizen Hego Damask, who tragically recently died of heart failure in the company of his long-time friend Chancellor Palpatine. Sifo-Dyas has recently embarked on the Outbound Flight, an exploratory effort to map the Unknown Regions of the galaxy and make diplomatic contact with the Chiss Ascendancy.

Dooku is aware of all that and approves the creation of an army for the Republic. Nobody gave the Kaminoans a template for the clones however. And even Dooku doesn't quite know what nebulous darkness his friend saw.

Balance in the Force
This is not balance or equality between the Light and Dark Side of the Force. The Jedi actually do not speak of the Light Side. The Dark Side is the cause or consequence of imbalance, being powered by hatred and fear.

As such nobody can master both sides of the Force at the same time. You cannot attain harmony with something you try to control. Someone who'd try would end up as dabbling and most of those who insist they are just using a bit of darkness mainline it.

Now one must understand that there are very few techniques who are considered in themselves to be of the Dark Side. The entire field of Sith Sorcery is one as are Force Lightning and Force Choke. The latter two must be distinguished from electricity manipulation and telekine strangulation.

Force Lightning is powered by sadism. It can make people immune to electricity suffer. Force Choke is powered by rage. It can strangle people who have no need to breathe.

If you have other Lore questions I'll add them here.
[X] Plan: Proud grandpa noises
-[X] Grandfather: You have awakened in the Jedi Master a softness few knew him to possess. There will be demands and harsh training aplenty but there will be a core of warmth who will push him to tolerate some of your antics.
-[X] Padawan of Dooku: Saber training: Dooku trains you rigorously in the saber, making you adopt the first inklings of your form. Of course, it will be at first his own style for he tolerates deviancy only after one has shown the basics.
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