Anime Rival Quest (Very Meta)

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This is it.

You've been biding your time for the last couple of episodes, getting ready for...
Character Sheet
The Characters
The Rival (It's you!)
When you first discovered your magic, you fled your village, believing it to be a curse that would draw the monsters in the dark down on your home. Travelling alone and with what supplies you could, you almost made it to the city before you were set upon by shadows. They were small ones, and you almost managed to fight them off, but the last ones managed a lucky blow that nearly slew you, until your mentor arrived and took you in.
Status: Training Complete/Satisfied/Winded

Tolerance: 2

Character Traits and Abilities
  • Fast
    • Recoil Impulse
    • Inhuman Reflexes
  • Specialist (Skilled in use of supernatural power)
    • Paralysis Trap
    • Runic Shield
    • Runic Shot
      • Piercing Shot
    • Overload Shot
  • Analytical (Skilled at information gathering and preparation)
    • Find Opening
      • Create Opening
  • Opportunist (Skilled at striking specific weak points in combat.)
    • Exploit Opening
    • Sherlock Scan
  • Determinator (Your wounds might slow you down, but nothing short of death will truly stop you.)
    • Battle Continuation

The Rest of the Cast
Name: Unknown
Theme: Daughter of the Flame

Known Traits and Abilities
  • Heroic Willpower (Standard on most heroes. A versatile skill based on the will to overcome adversity.
    • Break Restraint
    • Battle Continuation
  • Wellspring (Her power is plentiful, even if her use of it lacks finesse)
    • Overwhelm
    • Self-Enhancement
    • Beam attack
  • Glass Cannon (Fast and Strong)
    • Impulse Dash
    • Empowered Strike
Other Traits Unknown

Name: Astrid von Grimmelshausen
Theme: Unknown

Known Traits and Abilities
  • Teacher
    • Impart Ability
    • Impart Trait
    • Create ability
  • Lightning Bruiser (Fast, Strong, and Tough)
    • Flash Step
    • Empowered strike
    • Inhuman Reflexes
  • Swordmaster
    • Cut Abstraction
  • Shock and Awe
    • Beam Spam
Other Traits Unknown

The Setting (A Dark City)

Setting Traits
  • Dangerous Streets (Monsters lurk in the shadows, the night is not safe.)
  • Powered Exponents (Powers set one a full step above humanity simply by having them.)
  • Genre: Magical Girl
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Combat Guide

When in combat, all of the options offered will be based on your character traits. Choosing the right traits to trump your opponent's traits is crucial to gaining the advantage, but remember, the goal isn't always to win. Some fights will make a loss more dramatically appropriate as an option, and sometime other things will happen that need to be dealt with differently.

Write-Ins are a special case in combat however, as while they can be used to provide alternate moves based on your current traits, they can also be used to create entirely new traits on the fly in order to get yourself out of a bind. However, creating whole new character traits mid fight -while a time-honored anime character tradition- is something that strains the audience' tolerance of your character, and so Write ins that do not play to your traits will cost you 'Tolerance', listed above.

Being that your character has only just been introduced, you have a decent amount of tolerance to start with as your abilities are not fully understood, especially since you went to the trouble of obfuscating them to the Heroine in your very first appearance.
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