An Offer of Adventure

Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Inkbones on May 5, 2020 at 6:06 PM, finished with 5 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] Dunwall
    [x] Dunwall| Nice enough city, or at least it used to be. The lady they had in charge just got herself murdered by her bodyguard(talk about ironic), they've got an ongoing rat problem that would make your black plague look like a case of the sniffles, and consequently the whole city's turning into an Orwellian nightmare. Also, there's this insufferable prick with black eyes who you should totally not talk to. Anyway, what I need from you is fairly simple, I just need you to break a buddy of mine out of prison, should be easy with the Cloak. [Dishonored universe]
Revenge Solves Everything
"Ooh, good choice" your benefactor says.

With a gesture, the windows showing an underground Nazi base, a sunken city, and a labyrinth of infected tunnels fade into nothingness, the remaining one swelling until you can practically feel the salt on your face. It shows a harbor of a vaguely industrial city, complete with the strung-up corpse of something that is definitely not a whale being carried into port. Your practically vibrating in place despite yourself. This is actually happening. Your going on a f*cking prison break. You haven't felt this excited about anything since you were a little kid.

"Now, I hope I don't have to explain the obvious to you. Don't use magic out in the open, they've got a sort of church here and they'll be far too happy to burn you at the stake for witchcraft. The guards will probably just kill you if they find you, but there's a chance that they'll take you prisoner and confiscate your stuff, so keep the pocket watch handy. My friend has a very distinctive look, but if that isn't enough you can recognize her by the silver chain around her arm. Take this." They produce an old-fashioned movie ticket from...somewhere. "Once you've found her, tear the stub off and walk through the nearest door. That should take you back to me. You'll have to find her cell on your lonesome, the best I can do is put you inside the prison. Any questions?"

You always hated when teachers asked that. You could never think of anything to say.

"Do you have a name?" you eventually ask.

" me Charlie. It's close enough. Anyhoo, good luck, don't die(more than once), bon voyage and watch your step." they said, right before they shoved you through the portal.

Sometimes, when you were tired and your senses were suggestible, you could trick your brain into thinking you were falling. This was almost like that. You weren't falling, not really, but try telling your stomach that. Lights blurred past you, so bright you had to shut your eyes. You could smell the sea, and blood, and the sky. For a second, you saw a flash of somewhere else, stone shards suspended in an empty blackness.

Then, you landed rear end first on something cold and hard. Fighting the urge to curl into a ball and only throwing up in your mouth a little, you stand up and take in your surroundings.

You expected some sort of fantasy dungeon, but the room seems almost depressingly mundane. The floor is definitely concrete, steaming pipes jut out the walls and flickering lights dangle from the ceiling. The air smells of sweat and urine, and everything is covered in a layer of grunge. The one door is metal, with thick rivets and a large lock. Based on the various mops, buckets, and brooms along with what look like air conditioning units humming along one wall, you'd guess that you'd landed in a janitor's closet.

There are traces of the exotic, but you have to look for them. Fossils as long as your hand of creatures you don't recognize are embedded in the floor, and the lightbulbs aren't shaped right, like each of them was blown by hand and then twisted together.

Somewhere during the journey you ended up wearing the cloak. That almost unsettles you more than the actual trans-dimensional ride did. It's slightly too large for you, like a heavy fur coat but with tiny black feathers instead of hair. The material feels almost too smooth as you rub it between your fingers, feeling less like fabric and more like an oil slick that's decided to take the shape of a cloak. One of it's many pockets contains a scratched up looking pocket watch. When you hold it to your ear, the ticking sounds louder than it should, like there's an entire clock tower inside.

Are you done playing with your toys?
Who the f*ck said that?

Nobody said anything. You're alone. You know, hearing voices is one of the first signs of insanity.
Wouldn't that make so much more sense than a god offering you an adventure?
Oh. You're the demon, aren't you?

Pleasure to meet you, I'm sure.
Uh, likewise. Charlie said we could, like, negotiate instead of fighting.

Believe me, I have no interest in squabbling over who gets to "drive".
I won't contest your control of our body unless you endanger it.

"Our" body?
I am an outgrowth of your soul. I see what you see, I feel what you feel.
I assure you, if you die we both do.

So...what do you want, then? Other than for me to not get "us" killed.

As I said, I want to live. I want to be loved.
I want to learn and fight and grow powerful.
I want to destroy anything that could hurt me.
I want everything you want, but without your pathetic limitations.
Most of all, I want to not be stuck in the head of a hormonal teenager,
but we can't get everything we want, now can we?

"Hey! Who's in there?"

You're jolted out of your internal debate(heh) by a pair of gruff sounding voices coming from just outside the door. F*ck.

"We've got 'im boys!" shouts one vaguely cockney accent. The echoes of running bodies follows close behind. How the hell did they find you so quickly? Come to think of it, why were they looking for you in the first place?

I would suggest instead directing your mental energies to considering how to get out of here.
Right, how do I get out? There's a fricking mob of guards outside the only door.

"Voidamnit, anybody 'ere got the key?" comes from the other side of the door with accompanied frustrated banging.

*Ahem* You do remember that you have a magic cloak, yes?
Right. You literally have a magic item that let's you pass through walls. You purposely stride toward the nearest wall and feel your nose audibly crunch as you slam into it.



You never asked Charlie how to use the cloak, did you?



Major Disadvantage= immediately found by Guards.

Minor Disadvantage= non-intuitive magic item

[ ] Attempt to figure out how to use the cloak. [1d100 roll, DC:50]
[ ] Write-in| What can you do to stall for time? Each action taken has a chance of giving you an extra roll.

[ ] Use the pocket watch. [Stolen Time remaining: 1 hour]
[ ] Write-in| You've been in this room for twenty minutes, how far do you send yourself back?

[ ] Fight the guards No. You do not know how to fight, you do not have a weapon, and you are vastly outnumbered.
[X] Plan Buy Time
-[X] Attempt to figure out how to use the cloak. [1d100 roll, DC:50]
--[X] Does the door has a doorknob? If so, see whether it is possible to put a broom or mop under the knob and jam it?
--[X] Is the large door lock able to fit something? If so, see whether it is possible to stuff something in there. (No clue if such an action would work in real life :confused:)
--[X] Does the door turn inwards? If so, see if there is anything large or heavy enough to block it.
--[X] Does the door turn outwards? If so, see if there is anything you can tie the door handle/knob with to something heavy/immovable in the room.
--[X] Yo demon, is there anything you can bring to the table to assist with our current situation? Is it be possible to take over and give a loud inhuman growl to get whoever is out there to hesitate trying to get in?
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Inkbones on May 10, 2020 at 9:15 PM, finished with 4 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] Plan Buy Time
    -[X] Attempt to figure out how to use the cloak. [1d100 roll, DC:50]
    --[X] Does the door has a doorknob? If so, see whether it is possible to put a broom or mop under the knob and jam it?
    --[X] Is the large door lock able to fit something? If so, see whether it is possible to stuff something in there. (No clue if such an action would work in real life :confused:)
    --[X] Does the door turn inwards? If so, see if there is anything large or heavy enough to block it.
    --[X] Does the door turn outwards? If so, see if there is anything you can tie the door handle/knob with to something heavy/immovable in the room.
    --[X] Yo demon, is there anything you can bring to the table to assist with our current situation? Is it be possible to take over and give a loud inhuman growl to get whoever is out there to hesitate trying to get in?