An ISOT in Grimdark

If I were to write as fast as Trevayne polishes this TL would have been done three years ago. Thanks greatly, this TL certainly improved with your help. Today we learn that even social media was effected by the Weltensprung, have another go at the ugliest ships disgracing the Warhammer World and seee what the war does to Druchii of reknown.

Pursuit Special, 200 km before Karond Kar

Hartmut Klawitter's head was still turning a lot, his gaze shifting from instruments to his wingmates' position to the airspace around Leviathan's attack flight. The sun was on its way towards dusk and a red glow suffused the horizon. There was a lot to do for the pilot and that was a good thing. Ever since he had regained his sight after the first dive attack, ever since he had seen two DawiZharr ships escape, there was one question on his mind. Would the Flugscheiben be back or would they abandon the dreadnaughts to their fate?

Klawitter eyed the clouds above him with at least the same intensity as any other parts of the sky. He had been ambushed once, he would not be again. When he looked back at the instruments he checked the screen that displayed where his planes were. Not that his biplane had radar or anything so grandiose. There was just a butchered smartphone wired into the electronics of all planes, providing a location to the pilots and their location to Hartmut and far-off Leviathan. The only powers who could supposedly use these emissions against them should be at least friendly neutrals and it made his job that much easier.
So far things had gone pretty well, with only two planes having to turn back to the carrier because of mechanical issues. Given that they had used the Pursuit Specials hard and in a role they were not really built for before doing very little maintenance that was good. He would …The crackle in his ear cut his thoughts short.

"Pursuit one, this is Pursuit 04. I see many airborne bogeys at 12 o' clock, Angels 20, closing. Over"
"Pursuit 01 copies many airborne bogies, Pursuit 04. All elements, keep course. Out."

Hartmut Klawitter had good vision, for a human of more than 40 years that was. Many of his Druchii pilots were considerably older, but their bodies played by different rules. Now that he knew where to look he could also make out the small black dots that silhouetted themselves against the white and gray clouds. And there were many of them, far more than he had ever seen. He had planned for some Flugscheiben, but not that many. He also had no choice, but to see the attack through.
"Hawker 01, this is Pursuit 01, many bogies seven klicks ahead, closing on my position. Over"
"Hawker 01 copies many bogies seven klicks ahead. Will proceed as planned. Out."

Hartmut Klawitter's flight was still flying at their somewhat sedate 250 kph cruise speed. The disks were faster, the pilot had reason to know. They seemed to get hotter the faster they flew, so there was a limit to what they could achieve. Still they closed with what seemed like warp speed. Klawitter's breath stopped at the thought of judging things wrong. He knew he wanted to end this right now, knew that would lead to disaster and silently counted to ten. Checking his screen and the enemy before him he saw that it was time.
"Come on down now Xune" was bad radio procedure and what had been agreed between the flight leaders two hours ago.
For a moment nothing seemed happen and Klawitter nearly despaired at the sight over ever more Flugscheiben coming into view.

A predator's shriek came through his headphones stopped the pilot's thoughts and made him look upwards. The dark cloud above the Flugscheiben birthed fast-moving shadows. Some blended into the gray, others stood out in red and gold. Nearly two dozen biplanes that aimed for the flying disks, aiming for their upper sides. Guns fired under the Pursuit Specials' wings, producing spectacular back-blasts that lit the clouds. Many of these shots missed, but those which connected destroyed the flying disks utterly. The Flugscheiben broke formation like a flock of alarmed crows while the Wild Geese's escorts dove through them accelerating as they went. They had provided an opening for Hartmut's flight and he intended to use it for all that was worth.
"All Helldiver's, this Pursuit 01. We are going in. Make it count people."

Klawitter pushed the throttle all the way forward and then engaged the nitrox. His plane accelerated quickly enough and he aimed the plane for a piece of sky with neither Flugscheibe nor biplane in it. All around him pandemonium raged. The Geese's fighters had executed S-turns, making half-loops and turning on their next targets on the ascent. The flying disks had scattered all over the sky, turning this way and that. They fired their autocannons at anything in the sky, be it in range our hopelessly outside. Tracers curved towards the sea or disappeared in the gray clouds. What the Flugscheiben did not do was break off and flee. Whether this was as the Geese did not use the guided missiles they no longer had, their numbers or something else was not clear to Klawitter. The Pursuit Specials had to close with their enemies, their own weapons were far too short-ranged to hit anything at range. And hit they must, as they had four shots per plane. The Flugscheiben's weapon was of similar range and a single hit would turn a Pursuit Special into so many splinters. The parachutes worn by the pilots would not save them even if they survived being shot down. The local water temperatures would kill them in under ten minutes even in their cold weather gear.

Hartmut saw a biplane dropping to the sea like a burning meteor and glowing pieces of steel that might have been a flying disk rain from the sky. The clouds above him lit with the weapons fire like a fiery thunderstorm and he flew through its center.

A flying disk appeared in front of his plane like magic. One second there was the clear sky, the next a dark shape flew directly towards Klawitter. The pilot pulled the trigger immediately and sent a stream of bullets towards the enemy which all bounced off harmlessly. Hartmut swore while a cold hand clutched his heart and fumbling fingers found the button screwed under the trigger.
Cannons have long been part of fighter's fixed forward armament. Calibers between 20 and 30 mm were usual, there were few examples which worked themselves up to 45 mm. Such guns would have ripped the Pursuit Special apart with recoil. Which was why the gun that fired under the left lower wing had a caliber of 105 mm.

Klawitter finally found the right button an electric current blew a primer in a huge cartridge case, igniting enough propellant for an L7 tank gun. Had this all worked on the shell that rested before it, it would have ripped the plane apart. As the gun was constructed only a tenth or so did that, the rest left the gun's rear through a venturi nozzle. As things stood the two forces cancelled each other out and a shell left the muzzle at a bit above the speed of sound. The shell should have been inside an Imperial gun truck, but had somehow found its way to the Wild Geese. For such a snapshot it flew remarkably true and impacted a bit off-center. The rounded shape pushed the shell's tip a bit further out before the fuze detonated. The shaped charge inside the shell converted its copper lining into a plasma jet travelling ten times the speed of sound. It burned away a huge amount of armor, leaving a glowing scar along the Flugscheibe's flank. Its own shots missed Klawitter's plane by a few meters and the German would have sworn he heard a shriek when he passed it. When he turned his head he found that the flying disk reversed course and sped after him.

Klawitter turned around and realized that there was no enemy before him, but a DawiZarr dreadnought below. Something clicked in his head and a grin split his face while he switched the nitrox off. Correcting course a bit he brought the plane into a half-roll that turned the churning sea above his head. Pulling the stick against his chest and feathering the prop was one act, turning the plane around again the next. He hardly realized that more tracers passed his plane from above and saw the muzzle flashes that reached for him from below.

The dive was an indiscernible sensation, something that filled the mind to the point where conscious thought was nearly absent. Time seemed to pass slowly and too fast at the same time. The ship below grew with every second and new details vied for his attention. He barely saw the kink in the ship's wake and was hardly aware of his course correction. His ears were filled with the engine's roar and the Flugscheibe's scream of hate. And then came the moment when he had to calculate just right. He was higher than during his last dive attack but he had been faster when he started the descent. If he pulled too late he would pancake himself against the ship. Too far up and he would miss the ship and give the Flugscheibe a chance. When a traitorous part of his mind was very sure it was by far too late he counted out a few seconds more before pulling the lever.

Below the plane a set of levers were freed from the pins that held them and rotated forward, taking the bomb they held with them. When they caught at their stop they released the former shell outside of the propeller's disk. Now he could pull the stick back again. This time he remembered to tense his stomach and leg muscles in an effort to keep as much blood as possible in his brain. And now it was his time to shout. He had been right, the flying disk was far too heavy and had followed him too deeply into the dive. It had no weight to drop like he had done and nearly no aerodynamic surfaces to convert its speed into altitude. The short glimpse he caught of it showed it glowing from whatever energies it used to fly and maybe the flash of an explosion from its gun port.

The g-forces he invoked with his pull up nailed him to his seat so that he could not watch and he saw his vision leech color again. This time he managed to keep his vision and wits about him, at least to the degree that he always knew where he was. When things became somewhat normal again he could finally bank the biplane to the point where he could observe his target. There was a huge column of water before the ship that made him cheer and a ship that showed no obvious damage. He was about to swear when he spotted an orange glow at the base of the front turret. He was still asking himself if he had really seen that when a huge geyser of flame erupted from that spot. The turret lifted itself from the ship, reaching an impressive height before dropping back down into the cold sea. The geyser had not stopped by that time and seemed intent to consume the whole ship. He now spotted the other DawiZharr dreadnaught. While the damage was not so spectacular there were copious black clouds of smoke and the ship had something of a list. Above and all around Hartmut biplanes turned and burned, trying to get into position for a kill on a flying disk. At the same time the faster disks tried to disengage, just so they could attack another plane. Several pairs of pursuit specials flew endless scissors, crossing the paths of their partners. That way they threatened every flying disk that tried to get into their wingmate's six.

Hartmut Klawitter could stop flying for the Wild Geese for now, he would fight for himself now. Selecting the right frequency on his screen he pushed the button for all all-birds call.
"All Leviathan elements, this is Pursuit 01. Mission accomplished folks, time to get going. If anybody needs to get rid of a bloody Scheibe, they cannot follow into deep dives."

He saw a plane doing just that and a disk which seemed to hesitate between diving too fast and too deep and not letting its prey go. Using the nitrox again Klawitter managed to close the distance and entered a shallow dive. He had to pay attention to his speed soon. He saw the plywood skin on his wings starting to flutter and the rudders became very hard to move indeed. He watched as the Flugscheibe grew in his windshield and leveled his plane as well as he could. When the disk filled two lines freshly painted on the glass he pulled the trigger all the way. Two recoilless guns roared, one on each side of his plane and two shells made for the enemy. One missed by a meter, the other impacted the raised section of the disk head on.

Klawitter twisted the plane away as hard as he could and still metal parts "thunked" into the wooden fuselage. The explosion that ripped the Flugscheibe apart was quite spectacular and Klawitter checked his plane for a few anxious seconds before deciding that nothing important had been shredded.
And with that it was over. What flying disks remained made their way to Karond Kar having failed to protect their charges. Hartmut Klawitter never breathed the rubbery air of his mask so gladly, he could hardly believe being alive. He needed a minute before the shudders subside and he had to fight his stomach which decided that now would be an excellent time to void itself. When that was done he used the wireless again.

"We did it folks, job's well done. We opened the door, next stop Karond Kar. Course 76, we go home. Element leaders, tally losses and landing priorities."
And then he dreaded the calls that would tell him how many of his pilots would not land on Leviathan.

Berlin, Office

Andrea Hermanns was late to the office and she knew it. She had all the excuses she needed, but for herself. Yesterday had been long, too fucking long. In the old days the final printout the committee on budgets produced had been hundreds of pages long. Now it went into Excel lines with high five digits and she rued the day when she had introduced the "what-if" function to the senior members. It had given them another toy to play with and play they did, until the early hours of the morning while she had made that possible.
In the end it was in a good cause, she had been allowed to slip a few lines in that were dear to her. Still she had used a lot of coffee this morning and she did not relish the cleanup she had to do today.

Beate, her assistant, was damnably chipper this morning and only the smell of more coffee rescued her from Andrea's wrath.
"Good morning dear, you look like you could use a cup or two. I had the cantina send over a few bread rolls. You can eat them while you have a look at this mess."
Andrea nearly choked on the scalding liquid. Did she scramble the master file of yesterday's marathon? Oh f…, it would take days to unscramble that. But she had saved that file a dozen times over so..

"What bloody mess?"
"This Studivz thing you set in motion before you left to do honest work. I had a look at it and something seems off."
That could not be that bad, couldn't it? How bad could her attempt to scare up some help among the students have gone? If some far-left group had gotten into that they could have filled the group with nonsense and hate.
She logged into the social network that the Weltensprung had saved from obscurity and looked into the group page she had created yesterday.

And lo and behold, it was full of messages. Scrolling down she looked for what went wrong and needed a few moments to realize what the problem was.
The internet is full of causes that somebody thinks worthy. A great of them never gain more attention than a few people, mostly by the "friends" that person had in the network.

Some issues find a following, a very few go viral. The latter usually needs time and a lot of work. This one had not.
This page was full of offers to help, of support, of wisdom and terrible naiveté. But mostly it was full, with enough traffic that it resembled a DDOS attack. She would have to contact the admins soon or the page would be shut down.
And she needed help and lots of it. A few names in the mess stuck out, she knew them. Or had heard of them. Time to contact them and soon.
Something would happen that was for sure. If it was something grand or an embarrassment was yet to be seen.
Andrea Hermanns swallowed. This exceeded her experience considerably and could well have a fallout for the SPD.

And then she started typing as quickly as her caffeinated hands would allow. She had given her word and now she would have to see this through to the best of her abilities.
She did not have the time to wonder what had made her plea go viral like this. She should have given it a bit more thought, not that it would have made things better.

Trench, 500 meters from Neustadt's first wire belt

The Druchii's helmet had a coal-scuttle shape and covered with a net that held a bit of dried foliage and some white cloth strips. More cloth was wound around the telescope in order to break up its regular shape. The face behind it was slender as a rapier, hid an eye behind a patch, and was covered in mud and green paint.
The body below lacked nearly any armor but for a chest piece that held a Sea Dragon skin under some metal plates. The rest was gray and green cloth and a webbing that held various bits of kit. A rifle was on the soldier's back and a revolver was on the hip. There was a single blade and that looked more useful for trench work than for taking lives.

Kouran Darkhand would have dismissed the Druchii as a wimp when she avoided being exposed to the enemy as much as possible last month. Now he had learned a few costly lessons about the new face of war and restrained himself. He would use any and all means to fulfil Malekith's commands, and if that meant listening to this grunt he would. The Black Guard's commander knew that the elf before him would have been beneath his notice a few years before. Of low birth she had not excelled in the deadly power exchange that dominated Druchii life. Her one stroke of luck had been being attached to Lord Silverhawk's forces, who had been among the first to receive the new weapons.

She had fought for Silverhawk ever since the first Chaos invasion and the stumpies ever since. And when so many others had died, she had lived and learned. And Kouran Darkhand needed that knowledge very much. But not as much as the troops that would follow her advance party.
Racca Dawneyes had taken many notes with one of these newfangled pencils and made some sketches. Now she finally stepped from the parapet and dropped below the trench's lip into what went for safety here.

"That's a bitch and a half and no lies about that. Whoever gave the slaves that much time to dig in should spend the rest of his days on the rack. I would have given a tit for so much barbed wire the last year and there are trenches, support trenches and bunkers. Fuck, even the damned stumpies did not dig that well. We'll bleed like mad breaking these lines, that's for sure. Hope you are not in a hurry about that, otherwise we check if we have more bodies or they have more bullets."
Racca Daweneyes had been through a year of unaltered hell and she had no longer any shits to give. A year ago Kouran would have killed her as she stood, now he needed her and those like her, badly.
One good thing - ISOT made Dark Elves a bit rational.Rational for Druihi,at last.What else ? peaciful orks ? humble High Elves ?
P.S i read that during WW2 usually 15% of torpedoes used by planes hit,and 25 % bombs used by dive bombers.Horizontal bombers were useless,but when american used B.25 which dropped bombs jumping on sea,it hit in 65% of cases.
Maybe they could use that tactic.
Christmas Story, the first vignette. This one is special, because this little Christmas Miracle is true and it is mine.

I started having comparatively nasty back pains a bit before Christmas, and it became so bad that I went to a hospital on the 25th. The doctor needed 30 seconds to diagnose this as "lack of movement and overweight", pumped me full of painkillers and sent me home 6 hours later.
I spent one of the most painfull nights of my life at home and called an amulance. The local hospital kept me for a night, gave more painkillers and sent me home the next morning, despite me asking for a more thorough diagnosis.

A day after that, and not sure if I was really faking it I realized that I lost the feeling in parts of my leg. My doctor have me a admission to a hospital and advised to use the Armed Forces Hospital which cares for civilians too these days. I was a bit desperate by thois point and went there.
These doctors took half an hour to check me, I had an MRT two hours later. The chief neurosurgeon removed a protrusion of a disk the size of my thumb the next morning.
To me that was a bloody miracle all right.

So now I can move my leg again and am on the mend. I have started writing again and will try to give you the next updates quickly.

A better new year to all the readers, lets see if I can finish this TL in 2021.
Close to Lager Nagenhof, Empire

The age-old Iltis off-road car wallowed through a road where the winter had frozen the deep ruts left by the iron-rimmed carts in autumn. None of the ruts would fit the car's wheels well and so it angled from one side to another quickly and unpredictably.
Andreas Hoppe planted his feet onto the firewall and pushed while holding on for dear life. As a pilot he was used to violent motion, so he still had a mind to admire the surroundings. They were picture perfect. Recently fallen snow covered the land, hills, copses of trees and small lakes vied for attention. There were nearly no fences to denote borders of the many small fields. All the buildings were small, picturesque from a distance and thatch-covered. Very few smoke trails showed up in the dry, brilliant air.

Hoppe's driver checked the map and the GPS several times before he managed to find the right hut. When the Colonel made his way from the car he saw the thatched roof, the badly shuttered windows and the curtain that served as a door. When he got from the car he shuddered at the thought of having to live inside such a hovel in the depths of an Ostmark winter.
An urchin's face was visible beside the curtain for the briefest of moments, it disappeared even faster. There were some voices inside and then a man stepped from the hut. He was about a head shorter than Hoppe, his hair and beard matted long. He was clad in an assortment of mismatched clothes, the cape that served as the outer layer looked suspiciously like being made from sacks.

Looking at Hoppe the man blinked twice before bowing and pulled at a lock. "Friedlieb Ost at yer Service Ser. And you might be?"
"I am Oberst Andreas Hoppe of the Imperial Air Force. We have received a complaint about damage done to your farm by one of the planes of my wing. I am here to check on that and pay for any damages if they occurred."
"Ah, that is it then. Did your flier take us for Greenskins or why did he drop a…a bombthing on us?"
"No, my pilot did not drop a bomb on you intentional or unintentional. His plane had a leak on one of the auxiliary tanks and had to drop it right away before it lit his plane. He assured me that he dropped it on empty fields a few kilometers from your home. We received your complaint from your major and so here I am."

"Much honored Ser, much honored. You see on that day my cow Thusnelda and my price sow Luise was on that field and both were killed by that …how did you call it…aussiliar…."
"Use drop tank if you prefer. Am I to believe that you left a cow and sow together on a field without someone looking after them? In the depth of winter, where if at all will be seeds for the next year.?"
"You see Ser, it is like this…"
"Gottlieb, is it possible that your cow made a miraculous recovery?"
"Err, yes Ser….."

Space Marine Battleship Nagelfar, Deep Space Warhammer 40.000 Universe

This is the Deep Void. There is no more inhospitable place to be had. There is nearly no matter, next to no energy, only the vast, cold emptiness with a view to countless beautiful, unblinking and uncaring stars. Nothing can live here right? Right?

The meagre light provided by the far off stars was mostly swallowed by the hulks that drifted through the void. Their presence could mostly be perceived when they shadowed the field of stars as they moved past. There was no movement to be seen, neither lighted viewports nor position markers spoke of any activity. Still a closer inspection would show the vast hulls giving off more heat than they received from their surroundings. They did not tumble, as things in the void were want to do. There was a formation to the things that drifted between the stars. Many great hulls floated around a perimeter, surrounding a smaller number of vast ones.

The hulls were uneven and lumpy, they were seamless and curved. Tentacles were coiled together, spore cysts at rest and mouths that could spew acid closed.
They were the Hive and they were on their way to another world that supported organic life, for now. When they would be closer many years hence they would leave their hibernations. Then the living ships would fire up and produce what crew and army they needed. The Tyranids would reform that world and its inhabitants into food sources before accelerating away in the search for more. So it had been for uncounted millennia and so it would be for many more.

Quite far away by human reckoning and quite close by cosmic standards another group of ships proceeded on a converging course. They were far more angular than the living fleet before them, prone to spires and their flanks dotted with heavy batteries. There were far fewer ships than the vast Hive before them and they seemed nearly as lifeless than the sleeping threat before them. What heat they produced they radiated behind and no active sensors probed the space around them. What communications between them were necessary were transmitted by carefully shaped laser beams. They wrapped the cold vastness of space and hid in its black embrace. They were not to warn the enemy of their presence before the time was right. The Space Wolves were on a hunt and it would not to disturb the prey before the time was right.

A ship in the middle of the Wolves' fleet rivalled even the greatest Hive ships in size. It looked off by the standards of the Space Marine and Mechanicum ships around it. It was huge and blocky all right, but it lacked many of the spires and crenelations so prevalent on its lesser siblings. Nagelfahr was the rarest of spaceships: Not only was she a brand-new ship and not centuries or even millennia old, she was a Gloriana-Class battleship. Its likes had not been seen for nearly 10,000 years, and its interior was even more strange to the crews then the outside. Resurrected from the STC templates the Space Wolves had given to the Adeptus Mechanicus it was a window into a bygone age. The many signs of retrofitted or replaced systems were missing, automation reduced the crew size markedly and the ship was missing the patina the long service to the Emperor would bring. The bridge was the epitome of all that was strange to the Emperor's space farers. It was clean and uncluttered. The arm-thick cables that had connected crewmembers to their stations, often for life, had been replaced by thin glass fibre connections. Screens worked without flickering and the layers upon layers of cables and conduits on every available surface were absent.

The bridge crew consisted of a wild mixture of servitors, humans augmented or not, and a few Space Marines. Leman Russ towered above them all and projected confidence, even when he suspected that a lot of arcane details flew right over his head. He was pretty sure that he was far more patient than before his time in the Warp bubble, but he still managed to annoy the crew with impatience. Just that now the waiting was over and things were about to become interesting. Nagelfar's captain had to look up to him like a child when he made his point.

"Our solution is about as good as we can make it with passive range finding. Any closer, and it becomes more likely that the bloody bugs spot the launch flares. I suggest we go with Alpha Three."
"Make it so Ulfgar. Loren, signal the fleet and start the countdown."
"Aye Leman."

The Space Wolf Patriarch stepped forward and gripped a hand rail while he watched the main screen. He might not be so deeply into the rituals to be observed when cold-launching torpedoes, but he was an astute judge of fighting humans. The voices that ran through the bridge were professional, crisp and unhurried. Things should be going as planned for now. He watched the symbols representing ships on the screen. They went hazy for a moment at the same time a shiver went through Nagelfar. Before long a huge cloud of small specks on the screen started moving for the spot the Tyranids would soon occupy. A couple of slightly bigger spots accelerated with them. The remains of the haze dropped behind the human fleet as it accelerated towards its rendezvous. The missiles had been launched from the external racks fastened to nearly all vessels, allowing a humungous salvo that now made its way towards the bugs. Now that the racks had served their purpose they were ejected into the void. While neither the missiles nor the Thunderhawks that would spot for them actively radiated anything from their fire control systems they were all producing copious heat. Sooner or later this was going to be noticed, even by the hibernating Tyranids and the big question was when that would happen, not if.

Leman Russ mainly watched the big plot, but glanced at two smaller monitors from time to time. One showed a infrared picture of several Hive Ships, the other a view into a room with several deranged looking individuals strapped onto gurneys. And while the Space Wolf Primarch hated waiting he was happy for every second when nothing changed on the two screens. The longer the bugs ignored their approaching doom, the chances that this plan would work increased. The great hands clutched around the guardrails before them while the missiles clawed ever closer to their targets. And then came the moment when red splotches started to appear on the infrared picture and the psykers went into seizures. The Primarch snarled and addressed the crew.

"I think we roused them from their beauty sleep captain. Send them our best greetings. Loren, signal to the fleet, we go active right now. Open fire once we have a solution."

All over the human fleet systems went from standby to active. Radio waves, laser pulses, and directed gravity waves propagated through space and their reflections told the humans very precisely where their enemies were. Even more importantly the info where they would be soon improved markedly. Unfortunately they announced the Imperial presence for anybody with the ability to perceive such signals.

The Hive Fleet

Inside the living ships of the Hive Fleet activities accelerated to a frenzy. Just a short time ago the swarm intelligence that guided the fleet had been dreaming of the feeding frenzy to come. The ships had not been completely dormant, but no conscious mind had guided their internal functions. There had been a low level alarm before and several minds had been roused from slumber to interpret the conflicting data about infrared emissions. They had barely been able to parse data when all hell broke loose and powerful emissions blasted the Tyranids sensors. As these were usually connected to fire control gear the minds pushed the fleet to full alert. Vein-like pipes pumped fluids through the ships and stoked the nuclear fires that burned in their heart. Fluid-filled sacks burst like so many pustules and birthed nightmarish creatures that often had very specialized functions. Most of them had neither the capabilities to reproduce nor to consume nutrients, their lifespans were too short for that to matter. Skin patches on the outer hull reconfigured themselves and sent their own pulses into the void. They came back quickly enough and brought alarming news. Massive swarms of ordnance was coming the fleet's way and would be there very soon. Cysts all over the ships opened and spewed huge clouds of acids, toxins, and pathogens into space. When they were thick enough they would stop the doom heading their way. With every second it became more certain that the spore clouds would be ready in time. The Hive would endure the oncoming storm, it would close with the prey and then it would feast on them.

Thunderhawk 036, between the fleets

Godvek Wyrdskull was still taken aback by his Thunderhawk's smell. When he first entered his new ride he could not place it and had been uneasy for quite a while. The brick-like ship smelled wrong somehow. It had taken a while to accept that this was the smell of a new ship, not one flown by countless generation of Space Wolves. Flying it the first time had been an eye-opener too. It showed a performance that its storied brethren could never match and the avionics were simply on another level.
The voice in his helmet was as crisp as if the caller sat beside him.

"All Thunderhawk elements, this is Jotun actual. Splash, observe effects. Over."
"Jotun actual, this is Thunderhawk actual. Copy splash, will observe. Out."

Even the enhanced eyes of a Space Marine could not spot the muzzle blasts that erupted from several ships in the human fleet. The Thunderhawk's sensors could, and painted lines on hololiths that indicated the assumed flight paths. The projectiles had been shot a lot later than the missile barrage, they had been accelerated to much higher speeds though. The lines depicted their path through the missile cloud, passed the Thunderbolts that preceded them and ended in the midst of the Hive Fleet.

Many sensors were blinded by what followed and the spacecraft's' viewports darkened to protect the eyes of those behind them. Every Nova Cannon shell contained close to a ton of antimatter, and a dozen of them had exploded inside the Hive Fleet's midst. For the briefest of moments the bombardment rivalled a small star in energy, it burned all in its wake. Smaller escorts broke apart or left burned-out husks. Some cruisers lost most of their armor and many appendages. The huge Hive Ships were clad in vast, resilient shells, they were grown to cope with anything Deep Space and organized warfare could throw at them. The wave of heat and radiation passed over them. It burned at the armor and blasted at external features. All of the (Hive ships held firm, with only minor breaches. The spore clouds that surrounded them were blasted into very, very small bits though.
When the sensors on the Thunderhawk cleared they showed this well enough. Godvek's beard parted to reveal long fangs and a predator's smile.

"Hauclirc, raise Nagelfar, tell them all shells initiated within limits. We will begin painting the targets."

And while his crew communicated Wyrdskull took control of the huge laser that was under the Thunderhawk's cockpit. It was strong enough to blast through the armor of a tank at several kilometres. At the distance to its current target it could not even provide the energy to light a match.
But it provided a clear datum that could be perceived by sensors, like the ones mounted on top of the many missiles that were on their trip towards the Tyranids. Like a shoal of Piranhas who have detected blood in the water they adjusted their course minutely and accelerated for all they were worth.
Close to Lager Nagenhof, Ostmark, Empire

The Iltis swayed marginally less when it entered Isselfurt's market place than it had on the frozen dirt road that led here. The place was encircled by somewhat more sturdy huts and a house that probably belonged to the major. There was a low-slung Temple of Sigmar and one belonging to Shallya on the other side.

The car drew something of a crowd, even in the cold, something that Andreas Hoppe would have expected a couple of years ago, but not more than a dozen years after the Weltensprung. He gave the major his respects, promised Sigmar's priest that the "stalwart knight of the sky" would indeed join a service anytime soon and then he came to the meat of his visit.

Both Bundeswehr and New Model Imperial units had quickly founded the tradition to visit Shallya's temples in their area of operations. Their medics and quartermasters looked for items "surplus to requirements", the officers and enlisted passed the hat around for donations. It really helped with the locals, gave the satisfaction of a good deed and was supposedly good for luck, especially when illness was concerned. There were two universities in Germany who still tried to disprove that notion, but their data did point in the other direction.

The Sister that ran Shallya's temple held herself erect and was slender as a rod. Her hair might be gray and there were more than a few wrinkles around her eyes, but her voice and hands were steady. The skin on her hands was red, dry and showed all other signs of cheap disinfectants used when disposable gloves were an unavailable luxury.
"Welcome to Shallya's Temple travellers. Are you in need of aid?"
"Thank you for the warm welcome Sister Betancourt. I am Colonel Andreas Hoppe of the Imperial Air Force and these are my men. We would like to offer a few supplies for your use."
"You have Shallya's thanks and certainly mine. Would you like some tea, Colonel?"
"I would be honored."

A bit later the men sat in the small refectory while Betancourt served a bitter tea in earthen mugs.
"Your aid is most welcome Colonel, we certainly can use it. Shallya will look favorably upon this deed."
"And it will not be the last time we visit. Sister, a question if I may?"

"I am not a medical expert by any stretch of imagination. Still I think I saw children with rickets both in your ward and outside. And not all seem to be well fed. I am aware that this is not Germany, but I have seen enough of the Empire to say that this is no longer the norm."
"Ah, you would have made a healer if you had chosen that path Colonel Hoppe, I am sure of it. Yes you saw that right. Well, what can I say but that here Shallya's favour is direly needed."
"Why? I have been on and off Lager Nagenhof quite a few times and the villages and towns are very definitely better off than this. Even more importantly, there has been improvement during the last decade or so. Frankly speaking I see none of that here. So what gives?"

"Oh, there are bits and pieces of improvement, but mostly you are right. As Herr Donald from the GTZ said Isselfurth is on the "wrong side of the railroad". This marvel has mostly been built to support the army and your flying knights. Towns like ours played no role in that planning. So all these new things, these tractors, reapers and whatnot are not coming here. At the same time our wheat and flax is so much harder to transport to Nagenhof for sales. The few traders who come here at all pay little and ask for a lot as they have to make their way through the marches."

Incredulity mixed with some despair in Andreas Hoppe's voice.
"Uh, I have heard to similar cases, there are ways around it, like Trestle bridges…."
"Yes, there are and there is no lack of willing hands to improve things. Yet our Freiherr is not enamored with the new ways. He is even unhappy with commoners earning money with anything else but agriculture and wanting a say in how things are run. He even refused to apply for the Imperial grants available when he heard that he could not use the money as he liked, but they had to be spent on improvements. Given that he dislikes modern medicine as well this may resolve itself sooner rather than later, but till then Shallya's mercy be with the children, the expecting mothers and the frail."
"Looks like you need help, more than most."
"Yes, yes we do. Something that would keep the hope for improvement alive. It was not so bad when we not so much worse off: But now, now that we know we could do better….."
"Uh. I know just enough of Imperial politics to keep away from them. A question though, could we drop in for a small Christmas celebration, something for the kids."
"Most certainly."

The Hive Fleet, Warhammer 40K Universe

What escorts had been between the Hive Ships and the approaching doom had been blasted into oblivion by the Imperial Nova Cannon strike. The spore clouds that would have absorbed so much of it were reduced to ionized particles. All ships were painted with lasers, so weak that the living spacecraft hardly felt them. Still, they were a siren call for the torpedoes that homed on them. The fleet had seen such weapons before and respected them. If they hit they did serious damage, but most missed in the endless space around them. These were different. They had jettisoned stages, changed their course and accelerated faster than any human missile in the Hive Mind's memory.

The Hive Ships might be burned, their spore clouds depleted, defenceless they were not. Spines moved and released plasma streams in the direction of the weapons. Huge doors dilated and released smaller creatures which made for the torpedoes. It was both too little and far too late. A few glowing globes connected with the weapons, a few fighters hit targets that passed fantastically fast. The vast majority of the weapons made it past the last defenses. Quite a few still exploded dozens or even hundreds of kilometers from the Hive Ships' hulls. Most the fury of their short-lived miniature suns was channeled through an intricate filament of wires. And while a lot of the energy illuminated the Void, gamma-ray beams connected the expanding plasma of the warheads to their targets. Those which hit vaporized huge swaths of armor, incinerated newly born sensor clusters and burned weapon mounts to cinders.
Deeper inside the ships veins ruptured, spewing caustic fluids everywhere. Nerves and other conductors shorted, causing short-lived lightning that burned acres of living tissues. The great thrusters stopped or worked erratically, converting the unstoppable flight into a tumbling mess.

This was how the rest of the torpedoes found the Hive Ships: Unable to defend themselves and with flayed armor. Their warheads initiated so close to their targets that the fireballs tore deeply into the ships. Some even managed to make a direct impact, causing even greater devastation.

When the last weapon had expended itself it left ruin in its wake. Some ships were now burned out husks. Others existed only in many parts and some were expanding clouds of plasma. Only a few Hive Ships had any functions remaining and the swarm intelligence that had held the fleet together was frayed beyond easy repair. All around the devastation smaller ships became fully awake and realized the extent of the destruction. Rage flooded their minds and they charged the small fleet that had dared to murder their charges.

Space Marine Battleship Nagelfar, Deep Space Warhammer 40K Universe

The space on Nagelfar's deck was free of ornamentation, sensors and seemingly of weapons. It was huge, more than a hundred soccer fields would fit. Its expanse was only broken up by hatches the size of barn doors. A few moments ago many of them had opened and rotating red lights signaled the things to come. Nagelfar ceased its acceleration for a few seconds before cylinders the size of sky scrapers rose among quickly dissipating columns of fog. Dozens of the torpedoes rose from the ship and started to tilt into the same direction when they were far enough from each other. The glow of fusion lit the Void and they accelerated at a pace unheard of for human weapons for millennia.

They were joined by similar weapons shot from more conventional torpedo tubes and a few new cruisers. Compared to the initial salvo the cloud of weapons making for the Hive Fleet was puny, but they were aimed at very few targets. It was just that those targets were alert now and they marshalled their resources to impede their oncoming doom.

Thunderhawk 036, between the fleets

Godvek Wyrdskull watched the screens before him and the feed that was delivered directly into his optic nerve. The Hive Fleet had released a swarm of smaller beings that fulfilled the same role as fighters in more conventional fleets. They had been swarming with neither rhyme nor reason for a while, but now they burned hard for the human torpedoes. The Thunderhawk's computer and Wyrdskull's experience agreed in that they would likely make it and would reduce the salvo markedly.

Only that they would have to pass Godvek's flight to do so, and the Space Wolves would charge a fierce toll. Godvek's fangs seemed to grow when his features developed a predator's smile. His thumb pushed a button while his left hand typed numbers into a keyboard.
"Hrakness Flight, this is Hrakness actual. Burn for the coordinates transmitted and engage Link XVI, I want some bugs for dinner."
The growls which acknowledged the orders were compromise between "Copy" and canine growls.

The living spacecraft that tried to intercept the second missile attack were ugly, lumpy, and bred for the Void. No squishy humans inside, no need for adapting instincts honed in planetary environments, no life support, and very few regards to safety. They might look like cancerous growths, but they moved with the elegance of dolphins. Nobody with even a bit of sight and sense would compare the Thunderhawks to Dolphins, flying bricks were far more apt. And while their armor was quite formidable when compared to other fliers the power of the weapons used in the Void often made it as formidable as soggy cardboard. But there was time till it would be tested and Godvek would use every second of that.

The screen before him changed its mode, linking the feeds of his craft's sensors with those of his flight, the ones on the Thunderhawk Raven behind them, and the capital ships. Just looking at several icons marked them, a click of his controller confirmed his selection. Markers of a different color showed which fighters were targeted by other ships of his flight. And there were a lot of them.

There was a countdown on top of that screen and when that reached zero Wyrdskull's thumb mashed down on the trigger. Even the solid Thunderhawk shook when six missiles were released from their clamps. They dropped behind the accelerating spacecraft and Godvek made a small course change. Even clad behind a lot of armor and of superhuman flesh he did not even want to be in the missiles exhaust. When they received the new weapons from the Mechanicum they had been warned that these were only to be used in deep space or on Demon Worlds. Even their flight was a path of destruction.

They might be dangerous, they left a wake of intense radiation, but the missiles accelerated on fission flames at a rate rarely matched by the Emperor's arsenal. And they kept that acceleration for a long time, building up quite a bit of Delta-V to their targets. At the same time they radiated far less heat than one might suspect from such efforts and when they ceased their acceleration even Godvek's sensors had trouble showing them.

The missiles coasted for a minute before restarting their burns, and now their targets spotted them. Like a mosquito swarm at dusk the Tyranids accelerated in all directions, trying to outmaneuver the doom that came for them on radioactive wings. Some managed to avoid the missiles, some bathed in intense radiation and continued for a while. Many more found themselves inside the fireballs of nuclear detonations and ceased to exist.
Whatever formation the Tyranids had before was gone now that half of their numbers was missing. They had also maneuvered hard to avoid the missiles, so now they were out of place and had Delta-vs that went in the wrong direction. There were still quite a lot of them, just like the Space Wolves liked.
Godvek's howl joined those of his brothers, he managed to reign his elation in quickly enough.

"Hrakness Flight, this is Hrakness actual. Break and attack, repeat break and attack."
And while there was clamorous approval in his headphones Wyrdskull switched the Thunderhawk's main engines off. The rumbles and vibration ceased immediately and the RCS transmitted a hiss through the spacecraft's frame. Spinning the Thunderhawk like a top Godvek aimed the spacecraft nose to the point where the computer and his instinct agreed his prey would be soon enough. When he was aiming right he engaged the main engine again for seconds at a time, no need to give the enemy an easy target.

A glowing ball passed the Thunderhawk close enough to produce some haze on the monitors for a second, then the crosshairs merged with the predicted position. When Godvek pulled the trigger the Thunderhawk's lights dimmed for a moment and the temperature rose markedly. The huge laser under the cockpit emitted a series of high energy pulses that were invisible for most of their path. A few atoms in the way of so much coherent light spectacularly transformed, but even their deaths barely lit the Void. The Tyranid fighter was different. It managed to avoid a couple of the laser pulses, but not all of them. A trio managed to hit on its side. The first vaporized armor, the second and third found softer insides. The fluids and membranes that made the creature work were converted into plasma and superheated steam and needed far more space than before. They found no empty spaces to fill, so they made their own spaces and rents in the fighter's body. Spewing gasses and fluids that fighter died quickly enough.

Godvek barely registered the kill as he was hammered into his seat by the Thunderhawk's acceleration again. This time he used the RCS and the main thrusters at the same time, doing the same thing again and again when the enemy was looking was not conductive to continued respiration. Two more plasma bursts passed his ship before he could line up another shot. This time the laser converted the back end of a fighter into its component atoms. The rest cartwheeled through the sky, clearly out of it.

Wyrdskull looked at the screen before him, but failed to find any more targets. He also no longer saw two Thunderhawks. He would remember the crews, properly, but not now. Now he checked propellant and the remaining charges for his laser and found his flight might just intercept some torpedoes the Tyranids had fired at the Wolves fleet.

Space Marine Battleship Nagelfar, Deep Space Warhammer 40K Universe

Lemann Russ watched the torpedoes close with the Tyranids. That their fighters had not intercepted them did not mean the bugs were defenceless. Balls of plasma sped forward, trying to merge with the torpedoes, streams of Pyro-Acid tried to devour the oncoming doom. Escorts interposed themselves between the Imperials and their charges. Some missed the agile weapons, others exploded, performing their final duty, neither having the chance nor the capability to decide otherwise. The torpedoes that avoided these pitfalls encountered huge Spore Clouds, made up from every toxin and plague known to the Tyranids. They would have swallowed the missiles as if they had never existed, but for the first salvo, which exploded before it even reached them. The fusion fury and gamma rays pierced the clouds, clearing them as so much fog.

The second wave of torpedoes savaged armor, burned any external features away before eviscerating the few Hive Ships left in the huge fleet. The Primarch watched the symbols changing color, saw the formations shift, and the Psykers calming down. His fangs seemed to grow as a smile grew on his craggy features. Making sure that he was connected to the all-station net his voice could be heard all over the Imperial fleet.
"Well done lads, that was the last Hive Ship. That is good, now the bugs lack a brain. But they grow one again if we let them, so we won't. Quite a lot of ships out there, lots of glory to be reaped. And they are stupid now all rage and no reason. And we know how to deal with those beasties, don't we?"
The cheers ran through Nagelfahr's bridge and the rest of the fleet. Now to check if his plan was indeed as good as it seemed. A look at another monitor showed the plot and the possibilities updated by his staff and the cogitators. So far the bugs and fate had decided that his plans remained viable. It was just a question of when something would break, not if.

"Bete Squadron, we go with Muskran one. Go for it. All other elements, come to 030 by 025, full burn. Let's open the range a bit."
And with that several Cobra destroyers started acceleration that would take them closer to the swarm that wanted to devour the Imperial fleet, while the rest of the fleet showed their thrusters to the Tyranids and burned.

Ice Carrier Leviathan, 150 kilometers from Karond Kar

It was the calm before the storm, the last rest before battle was joined for real and the mercenaries and the ship's crew used it to celebrate. There were enough very different groups on board, ranging from German heavy equipment operators to Kislevite peasants, Cathayan soldiers, and Druchii mercenaries that it was hard to find a common thing to celebrate. The fact that the Germans were actually the smallest group on board, but had influenced events the most in many ways opened the way to a Christmas-themed party.

Given that most planes were maintained as well as they could be enough could be moved on deck to open enough space for rows upon rows of benches, of tables and open spaces. Even this great space would not hold everybody, several mess rooms held their own, but enough were present to make this feel like a joint effort. Jacub General's nose tried to identify some very different food handed out, from mulled wine, via moon cakes to dagger shish kebab that his head started to swim.

He had managed to find his seat and patiently waited for Valera to take hers before he plonked down beside her. He saw the multitude that sorted itself out through the huge hall, marveled at the fake Christmas tree in the middle of the hangar and mused on how many metal-foil emergency blankets had been sacrificed to make decorations.
Valera and he did not have to make for the many stands that dispensed food, his table was officers' country and they would be served.

It did not take too long for the opposite edge of the table to be occupied. Brigade Leader Areta Bane proved that she could sit down on a long bench a lot more gracefully than Jacub or any other human had managed. Valera was a lot more relaxed around her since she had realized that the beautiful Cathayan that accompanied her was more than just a servant. Instead of sliding on the bench she started to kneel beside her partner. A slender hand stopped that and guided her to the bench.
"Not today dove, today we are equals."
"Xie Xie Jiejie"
The Cathayan giggled and snuggled at the Druchii. Areta produced a chuckle and pulled her even closer.
""Older sister. Really? Hua, I think someone's behind is itching."

The answer to that was even more giggling. Jacub shook his head at something he had heard about, but could not wrap his head around when the first course arrived. There was a noodle soup with delicious dumplings and the engineer had to remind himself not to overdo, there were bigger and probably better things to come.

It was when the bowls were removed and the next course had not yet reached Jacub's table that the Brigade Leader pulled a bundle of silk from her tunic.
The Cathayan's eyes become far more round and she beamed at Areta.
"Oh, you shouldn't have. How can I make this up to you?"
"Just have a look dove, I think you'll find a way."
The silk revealed a short, silver chain. It was simple, but rather beautiful and ended in two lion heads. These were molded to Cathayan aesthetics, far more round than the European style Jacub was more familiar with. The heads looked strange somehow, but that riddle was quickly solved when Hua pressed on one of the heads and the jaws opened against a spring, revealing two rows of realistic-looking teeth.
"Oh wow, they are sooo beautiful love. We have to try them soonest."

Jacub was still trying to figure out what this was about when Valera's arm covered her breasts in reflex.
The Cathayan blinked a couple of times at that before beaming at the Ice Mage.
"Oh don't be like that, they are nice. You should really give them a try."
I did actually manage to finish before Easter, thanks to Trevayne who polished. The last Christmas Specials used stories connected with Christmas as inspiration, like the match girl or the alternate three wise men. I ran out of such stories and so I had to make up my own, with a tiny bit of inspiration from various anecdotes I came across. The stories were to use some of the themes that are central to Christmas in my mind. There is the chance of redemption offered by Christ birth, the theme of sacrifice, conscious or not and of helping those less fortunate to celebrate as well. Whether that suceeded the readers can tell me.

There is a soundtrack of course and I like it a lot, it fits this TL. Of building something bigger and better than oneself, of hope into a bright future and of belonging.

Thanks for staying on another year, let's see what this one brings.


Hive Fleet, Deep Space, Warhammer 40K Universe

The Drone had just executed a 15 degree turn and exerted its thrusters for all they were worth. A few minutes ago some prey had attacked it. It had been a feeble attack from long range. One weapon had dispersed the spore cloud that sheltered it, the second had wasted itself against the Drone's armor. If the futility of the attack or the threat posed by the swarm of Drones motivated the prey's flight was of no interest to the Drone, it could not have formulated such thought consciously anyway. There was a prey to devour and the Drone would do just that. It waited for any restraining impulses the Swarm sent at times, but there were none to be had. The Drone was hungry after the long trek through the Void, it would relish feeding on the prey once it had it in range. Unfortunately the distance closed so slowly as the prey fled in full panic. The Drone's hearts pumped more propellant into the thrusters and fed its reactors precious fuel, using stores it had held for millennia.

Behind the Drone swarm more escorts made for the prey that had dared to attack them, each at its best speed. Behind the escorts the mighty Kraken unfolded their feeder tentacles in anticipation. They were not as fast as the faster Drones, but even they left the Cruisers behind.

Space Marine Battleship Nagelfar, Deep Space Warhammer 40K Universe

Even Leman Russ' eyes would not allow him to spot the ships around him from the bridge's viewports, but the Hololith told a different story. Arranged in a nice even pattern the heavies of Task Force Jotun formed a wall. They were parallel to a long, disorganized cloud of countless Tyranid ships that tried their level best to catch a squadron of Cobra destroyers which had made a hit-and-run attack an hour earlier. If the drive on any of them would malfunction, they would be caught by the ravenous beasts that chased them. The chance of such a malfunction increased with every minute of all-out acceleration and Bete squadron had been at flank thrust for quite some time now.

The destroyers might not been crewed by super-humans born and bred for war, but they certainly did not lack heart. It fell to the Space Wolf Primarch to make use of their courage.

"Logan, signal to the fleet, we go with Fire Plan Mjölnir B. Fire by squadrons, we need to take the bugs out before they regain sense."

Below Leman crews worked on their fire control equipment. It was much different from what they were used to, lacking any hardwired servitors and accepting input from sensors directly. The fire control integrated the data from many sources, on-board and external. It ran final checks on the weapons it was about to employ and when the time was right fired the guns at the same moment as four other battleships.
The power of small suns was released into waiting chambers, guided and reformed into plasma streams that coiled upon themselves. For the briefest of moments the magnetic fields produced by that movement stabilized them despite the violent pressure from within. And that was the state when they were accelerated from even stronger magnetic fields and hurled toward the enemy. They shared space with physical shells, coherent light and neutron beams.

Most of them missed their targets, but enough found something solid in their way. The plasma projectiles illuminated the Spore Clouds from within, sterilizing and evaporating them. More ordnance hit the Drones' thin shells, burning through the armor with contemptuous ease. Living ships exploded when the liquids within them turned into superheated steam, others became burned-out husks or short-lived miniature suns. The few survivors of that salvo promptly turned towards their attacker. On the way towards offending human ships and their long-range batteries they ran past a four-ship squadron of Avenger-class cruisers. Ignoring that threat proved costly when their powerful broadsides devastated each of the survivors in turn.

Behind them Nagelfar and her sisters targeted the next groups of escorts, this time a flight of Kraken. Both the Mechanicum ships as well as their Space Marine counterparts did not lack in Lances and the Tyranid Feeder Tentacles would never close on a victim again. The Gloriana-class battleship shook itself when its VLS array released another salvo on a small group of cruisers which currently lacked escorts.
Leman Russ allowed himself to relax the bit he was capable of, it seemed the plan worked within reason. Without the Hive Ships the smaller elements of the Tyranids followed their instincts as individuals. The small groups that had formed in the mad pursuit could be defeated in detail without too many problems. He still needed to remain vigilant for the inevitable snafus that were about to come up. They would cost good ships and good people, it was his job to see that was kept at a minimum.

Ice Carrier Leviathan, 150 kilometers from Karond Kar

Valera Morosov's voice was an octave higher than usual and her eyes tried to expand beyond their boundaries.
"What do you mean they are nice? These things must hurt like hell."
Hua's smile accompanied a dreamy voice.

"Yes, they look like that, don't they?"
"And you like that?"
"Let's say that I am really looking forward to trying them on. And when we are done I will probably want to use them again as soon as possible. When they will be on, at least for the first minutes I will want them off sooo badly, then it will be better. And very exciting."
""And you can't get them off yourself because Areta here ties you down?"
"I certainly hope so. Then I can really relax and enjoy what she does, don't need to feel guilty about anything or caring about her fun. If you like it, it is very, very exciting."

Valera shook her head like somebody who needed to clar water from her ears.
"And what do you do if you really do not like whatever it is you do?"
"Oh nine times out of ten Areta realizes that without me needing to tell her, she is very good at that. Otherwise we talk about it, later."
"You talk about how she binds and hurts you?"
"Yes of course. Don't you and Jacub talk about what makes you happy?"
Valera's face had been slightly flushed before, now she blushed to a deeper shade of red.

"You really should, it makes things so much more enjoyable."
"Whatever. But does she do as you tell her? You are a slave."
"For god's sake no, not in the old ways. I can ask Areta for the keys to that collar at any time and leave. The Wild Geese have no slaves, it goes against all their rules. But I like being Areta's slave such as it is, I'll never leave."
"Uff, that is…you know what Druchii do to slaves, right? What made you give yourself into their hands?"
"Oh, Cathay never had many with the Druchii pirates, we are too far away, so I never thought much about it. And Areta was very ill when I met her, she needed help. At first it was just that, and then we learned we are more. If the gods will it…."
"I'll never…

Valera never got to finish what she started because of the crash. All eyes were on the unlucky waitress who had not seen the Druchii officer getting up from his bench. He and the tray she had carried had collided spectacularly and had strewn the mostly liquid contents all over the elven officer and his friends. The waitress went pale, trembled and a pale elven hand went for a dagger. Before the Druchii could grip it for real he snatched it away as if it burned. He stood as still as the waitress panicked for a moment before he managed to speak again.
"Might I borrow your apron ma'am, I think you owe me that much."

The stammering of the Kislevite drowned in a lot of laughter and helpful hands offered towels and napkins sufficient to clean a much larger spill. When the worst of it was cleared from bench and Druchii, he bent and grabbed the tray from the ground. Holding it out to the waitress he asked for more, this time on the table please. The waitress nearly ran from there, probably propelled by the laughter all around.

When she was back she had a new apron and was a bit more sensible. She also had filled her tray with full containers of what had been wasted. She still approached the table with far more care. The Druchii she had doused stood up, performed a deep bow to the point of comical exaggeration and beckoned her to his table. He actually helped distribute the refreshments and said something that nobody caught. Whatever it was, it made the Kislevite curtsey and she went with a smile. The mercenary did the same when he sat down.

Valera Morosov blinked several times and her eyes seemed to focus on something not in this room. Jacub was not totally sure what had brought his lover's mind to that place.
"Anything wrong Valera?"
"No not wrong, just very, very unexpected."
"Jacub, these Druchii, they were the worst sort of slavers, murderers, and torturers you can imagine, thinking themselves so much better than us humans that they could take us as they wanted. They were the scourge of the seas and the terror of the cities and villages on Kislev's coast. Their crimes are without count and they should never be forgotten. And yet, I see….this. I talk to a human who trusts her Druchii lover enough to let her bind her and another Druchii (who apologizes for harsh words to a human waitress.
These ..people can be redeemed it seems. And if there is redemption for them, redemption is possible for all."

"I know lover, I know."
"Oh, and what gave you that idea?"
"I live among Germans, they provide similar insights. Do you think she is right though?"
"Hua, that we should talk a little bit about…"
"Oh yes, by all means. But don't go and buy such a …thing."
"Won't dream of it, honest."

Doppelstorch, 500 meters above Isselfurt, Christmas Eve

Andreas Hoppe spotted the many torches that delineated what went for an airstrip close to Isselfurt well enough and would normally enter a landing pattern by now. He wanted to provide a little extra though and so he pushed a rarely-used button on his stick. Like it's smaller, older brother the Doppelstorch could attach a small rack for flares and other munitions to its belly. When he pushed that button quite a few red and green flares were ejected to the left and right of his plane. The armorer had reset the timer so that a flare was ejected every second or so instead of the usual rate. It should make for a nice fireworks display and provide a bit of a show for the crowd below. Eberhard von Roon followed his example and overlaid his pattern over the one made by his commanding officer.

When the last of the flares had been sent on its one-way flight they turned in to a landing illuminated by the eerie light provided by the last flares. The Doppelstorch managed to stop within less than 200 meters, even when loaded to its maximum. Both planes taxied to the space where glowing paddles directed them and shut their diesels down. The Young Eagles advance party had their hands full keeping the children who had watched the fireworks and the landing away from the aircraft. Some adults, organized by a Sister of Shallya, joined their ranks to keep things orderly.

Both planes were unloaded in a hurry and the many boxes carried to Shallya's temple in something that looked and sounded like a cross between a procession and a riot. The pilots and crews entered Shallya's temple, lit by many candles and a few discrete lights. A humungous tree had been set up besides the altar. There were stars made from straw, figurines lovingly carved from wood, and many a cookie hanging between candles.

There was a huge table down the hall and it was filled with so many children that there was hardly any space to move. And all the children looked at Andreas Hoppe with hope in their eyes and cheer on their faces. It was a good thing that the Doppelstorch could haul quite a bit of cargo, there were so many hands to fill.

Hoppe, von Roon, and their crews made sure that everybody got a packet that was appropriate for age and gender. The colourful paper was not torn as it would be in a similar group in Germany, it was taken off with care and put aside. The insides were greeted with cheers and laughter. Many a mouth gained a brown rim from the sweets inside and toys were clutched to small chests.

Hoppe watched incredulously when Feldwebel Huber, a warrant as hard as flint wiped away some tears when he saw a small girl hug a teddy bear like her life depended on it.

Even when the giving of gifts seemed to have no end it had one, especially when the meal was announced. A rich soup full of things that should be in MRE packages, a couple of piglets purchased with donations from the Young Eagles, and a cake filled all stomachs in ways hardly felt by most of the guests.
Hoppe had promised the next boy who wanted to become a pilot that there was a chance if he would do well at school when Sister Betancourt approached him. She managed to bring him to a more shielded alcove.

"Colonel Hoppe, I knew that you would do Shallya's works, I simply knew the goddess smiled upon you. Thank you for confirming it in such a spectacular fashion, it was a sight for these old eyes."
"You are certainly welcome. And these are the kind of gifts that reward the giver as well."
"Oh yes, they will. But I have to ask you something."
"And that might be?"
"The Freiherr has all of a sudden invited the GTZ to Isselfurth. There is talk about applying for a Raiffeisen collective and opening a school. I believe in Shallya's grace, but this is so…unexpected. Did you do something?"

"As a German, especially one serving in the Emperor's armed forces I should not meddle in Imperial politics. On the other hand there are only two Imperial Air Force wings, I command the senior one. Hypothetically speaking, if I were to speak about Isselfurt as something that piqued my interest and as an example of sub-par leadership, more people would listen as if somebody more junior would muse about this situation. Even more hypothetically, Ludwig Schwarzhelm might hear about this. In our hypothetical situation he would no longer challenge the Freiherr to a duel, which is understandable given the age of Schwarzhelm and the Freiherr. But in such a situation he might ask the Internal Revenue Service to have a look, and from what I hear that would be worse."
"Hypothetically speaking I would shed a tear for the Freiherr if such a terrible thing would come to pass. One of them, hypothetically. Thank you for your help, if this were true it would probably help more people than your gifts, valuable as they are. Let's re-join them, we will be missed otherwise."

When the two stepped back into the hall Hoppe ran into Feldwebel Huber, who had been in Isselfurth for a few days already to prepare the landing field.
"Good job Colonel, I cannot remember when we were greeted that enthusiastically. Tell me one thing though: How did you manage to drop the bloody flares in the shape of a dove of all things. I did not know the launcher had that capability."
"Are you pulling my leg Franz? That was a normal ripple pattern, nothing else.."
The face of the warrant provided a first glimpse, Sister Betancourt's voice hammered things home.

"I told you that your aid had Shallya's blessings, didn't I? A happy Christmas to you both, you did well indeed."

Space Marine Battleship Nagelfar, Deep Space Warhammer 40K Universe

Nagelfar's second hangar had been cleared of shuttles and attack craft for the occasion. Nothing less would do to celebrate the end of a threat that could have ended several worlds and consumed billions as fodder for the Tyranids. A feast that was even better for the few losses the Imperial fleet had incurred.

And the feast was going as well as only the Wolves after a fierce battle against a worthy foe could make it. Mead was consumed by the liter, enormous amounts of food digested, boasts made, and battle brothers remembered as they should be. The Primarch made his way around the tables, making sure no one felt neglected before joining the guests of honor.
Like children who have somehow joined a very adult feast the denizens of the table at the side opposite to the Jarl's throne were a bit intimidated by the raucous Space Marines around them. Select members of Bete squadron, the men and women who had made the battle possible, had been called to a place few mortals ever saw.

Leman sat down with them, drank their thin ale as his preferred beverage would flat-out kill any unaltered human and praised their courage.
It was just, it was proper, and it was necessary as their squadron would have to perform again in the not so distant future. The captain of Cape Cobra was about to thank the Primarch when he was cut short by a huge mug of beer that shattered before him.

The vessel had its origins in a brutal hand-to-hand fight that happened not too far from them. There were no weapons in play, but the blows exchanged would have killed an unaugment human several times over.
Cape Cobra's captain looked aghast at the breech of discipline when a huge hand engulfed his shoulder. The Primarch's brasso profundo cut through the din with no problems at all.

"Pay them no mind Wilhelm. These are Blood Fangs, the warriors who just made their transitions into the ranks of the Space Wolves as proper Marines. They are still hot-headed and will fight at the drop of a hat. Usually none will be killed and we have few use for those who die so easily."
"Why, why do they fight?"
"Hmm. Could be off, but it looks like the two on the left are from the Krakensbane Clan, the others might have been Bearsons in their former lives. Stupid pups, when will they learn that this part of their lives is over? Ah well, there has been bad blood between these Clans even before I went on the Great Hunt."
"Thanks for the explanation Primarch, I will not presume to question your ways."
"Better that way. Our ways are strange and seem brutal and primitive to untenforstande, those not of Fenris. But these are the only ways that will produce warriors worthy to carry the Canis Helix and become Space Wolves."

It was much later, when most of the guests were asleep in their quarters or on the deck when Leman Russ thought about that conversation again. The Wolf Sphere now contained a few dozen worlds administered by the Wolves. Most were quite industrialized and their citizens lived in as much peace as the Empire of Man was able to provide. They usually never hungered, had access to good medicine, and led productive lives. They even brought forth men and women like the ones who had crewed the Avenger cruiser and Bete squadron, they had fought well.

And yet, the world the Space Wolves called home for ten millennia was home to poor hunter-gatherers, subsistence farmers, and fishermen. They led short lives full of hardship, of inter-tribe warfare, and were as often the prey as the hunters of the things in Fenris' seas. It would be easy now to lift them from poverty, to force the clans to keep the peace, and improve their lives overall. And yet he could not, as indeed there would be no Space Wolves if he were to do so. The Empire needed the Wolves direly, they did things no one else would or could. And if the Skalds had the right of it the hour of greatest need was yet to come.

Leman Russ thought about the unwitting sacrifice his people gave for the Empire and lifted his tankard in a silent salute.
I hope everybody had good Easter Holidays. What can I say, but that here we go again. We see that even Mordred comes to regret partying hard, kill a long-standing addition to this TL and fight with Rasberrey Pis. There are also tidbits that show that this world is slighty different from ours. A bit of an experimental piece and one that would be hard to do in any other setting. Trevayne broke all speed record for polishing, thanks loads.

Pfullinger Str. Stuttgart-Degerloch, 1 PM. Markttag 3. Nachhexen

Peter Martens watched his colleague hammer another pole in. The lad was just two years from the police academy, he could do the heavy lifting on this one. When Jörg was finished with the next one Peter would stretch the barrier tape over them and fix it to the tree that conveniently grew at the edge of the property.
He looked at the tape roll in disgust. It had a shrill green color with glowing bright yellow markings on it, quite unlike anything else. Its kind had been issued a few years ago and he was still uneasy about it.
"Come on Peter, get the tape fixed, that Satt stand is calling to me."
Jörg's voice pulled Martens from his wool-gathering and he started unwinding the tape roll.
"We go to those Halflings too often, and you will look like me in no time."
"And it would be worth it. I think they have Tomato Stew today."
"That is certainly worth it. Give me a minute, if this is not done right we can go back and redo. Never thought I would use stuff like that though."
His partners answer showed his incredulity.
"Why not? This is dangerous, we have to warn people about this."
"I still think that it will attract the kids. A general "Police-do not cross should do."
"Oh come on, any kid that ignores that sign is too stupid to live."
"It would have attracted me when I was young."
"That was in a different millennium, in a different universe. New game, new rules old man."
Peter had to work at suppressing a bout of anger at that. His partner was simply right about that and kids were taught differently these days. Still, he had to shoot back.
"Wait till your little Karl-Franz is old enough to go exploring, then we can see if you are still so relaxed about children doing as they were told."
"Right you are, and by then I might fill that car seat as well as you do. Now let's go, my stomach is grumbling enough as it is."
"Well, we are finished, so we might as well."
Peter Martens looked in the mirror when he steered the police car into the street. Despite a sudden gust of wind the tape "Haunted House, do not enter" remained fixed.

120 Kilometers before Naggarond, midnight Aubentag 2. Nachhexen

It might be made from cloth and wood, it was collapsible and mobile. Calling the edifice a tent was akin to saying that Ogres had anger management issues. It was huge, so well made that it did not admit the Nagarothian winter winds, and breathtaking in its beauty. The collapsible furniture inside was lightweight, beautiful, and actually borderline comfortable. There was a heap of precious furs, pillows, and covers in one room. Most of it was taken up by lithe bodies, displaying a lot of skin, animated tattoos, and creative piercings. They rested in the depths of slumber only a combination of energetic sex combined with powerful drugs would bring.

The only exception to this state outshone them all. Lounging on one side and resting his head on an arm the open eyes were focused at nothing in the physical realm. Mordred's attention was on the Empyrean, a place he was equally at home. Beings older than worlds vied for his attention, promising him morsels of information, offering intricate plans or otherworldly sensations. He needed the information now, which was offered freely in the hopes he or his liege would repay one day. He considered that he might even do that in some cases, but for now Mordred worried.

A ship was coming to Naggaroth, a ship like no other, one that held an army which could challenge his grand plan for this country and the Druchii. That would not do, he needed to stop them before they landed. His minions had tried that already, the meddling mercenaries had sunk their ships in ways he had not foreseen. Now it was time to entice denizens of the Warp to do the work his mortals were incapable of. Dreaming orgies of bloodshed and feasting brought the attention of demons belonging to his liege, pointing them to a target was almost as easy.

Mordred's eyes turned white when he pushed against the borders between the Empyrean and the Real with all his might. His hands clutched two shapely arms. The bodies attached to them withered within mere minutes. It took more companions before the borders ripped and he would use up what remained on his bed to allow the demons to remain in this realm for a while.

And while huge beings parted the clouds and made their way over the frigid waters, flying disks rose from their resting places and sped towards the same target.

Ice Carrier Leviathan, 150 kilometers from Karond Kar, same date

Even in a ship the size of Leviathan there was only so much space for each member of the crew and the embarked troops. Still, Areta Bane was not so far from the Wild Geese's top ranks and had a few square meters to herself and her lover. When the bed was down there was hardly enough space to move through the room. Even then the bed was quite full even when two slender bodies snuggled closely.

Like any good dominant Areta Bane was good in reading the mood of her partner from body tension and breathing. That Hua was unhappy was clear enough, about what was pretty much a given. The Druchii mused a few seconds if she should talk about it and decided that she'd better.

"What is up Hua, can't sleep?"
"I think too much, that is all."
"And what are you thinking about?"
"About…about whether you will be with me next week."
"Oh Fu…of course I will be."
"Don't do that love, we both know you are going to fight. And I hear the others talking, the Chaos Dwarfs are the most dangerous enemy the Wild Geese ever faced."

"You have not been at Hashan Pass dove, I would dispute that. But yes, the stumpies are well equipped and don't know when they should quit from all I hear. But we are better and I am a Brigade Leader these days. It is not as if I try to shoot the asswipes myself. I have others who do that. So don't ….Fuck I shouldn't do that to you, sorry. Really sorry. This was not taking you seriously, that will not do."
"Thanks love, really. So?"
"So tomorrow I go into battle and I cannot promise that I'll make it back. I can promise you that I'll do my very best to make it back to you though, I have a reason to live and that is you. That is not perfect, but it is all I can honestly give."
"Oh, I can live with that, especially with the coming back to me part."
"Thanks love that….

And that was when the klaxons started to wail.

Leviathan Bridge, 150 kilometers from Karond Kar, same date

Raimund Scheer still pulled up some zippers when he reached the bridge. Nobody was paying any attention to that, and only very few people came to attention when he came in.
He reached the high chair before the windows quickly enough and found nothing outside that needed immediate attention. Swiveling around he faced his OOW.

"Ok Frank, give me the sitrep."
"Yes Sir."

Raimund Scheer's eyebrows rose minutely. If Frank Steffens, whom he knew for many years and who was his daughter's godfather, sir-ed him, the brown matter must be deep indeed.

"We have received advance warning from our ..friends that there are at least a dozen Flugscheiben inbound, probably more. The long range radar is picking up contacts at 080 which would fit that profile. They come in at 300 kph, which is about right for a Flugscheibe carrying bombs. At the same time the magic detector started going crazy. General Böhler wants you to talk to his resident mage, and he made it urgent."
"Get her to the map room then and Böhler too. Bring the ship to General Quarters and make sure the AA guys stay sharp. I take the con then."
"You have the con."

And with that Raimund Scheer, who had never commanded a warship, whose service in the Federal Navy was a long time ago and who had seen only the briefest of actions took the largest warship ever made by man into battle. He had a double-dozen experienced seamen and a huge mass of armed landlubbers who had never fought at sea. Damage control was in the hands of a very young engineer and an army of illiterate Kislevite peasants whose qualification was having built this ship. The air complement, whom he had some respect for, could not fly at night. This was a clusterfuck already, the question was how bad it would become. His musings were broken by one of the watch standers.

"Captain, General Böhler and Specialist Hellebane have just arrived and would like to speak to you."
"Mind the shop Frank, I am in the map room then."
Raimund Scheer had few uses for any meddling at present, but Wolfgang Böhler was his employer and the mercs seemed solid, they would not ask for his time just to be entertained.

The German had met the Wild Geese's head witch only a few times and these were already too many. All Druchii were slender, but she was a hair-breadth away from being a walking skeleton. Seemingly comprised all of wrinkles and sharp edges she had a grating voice and gave the impression she weighed everybody in her sight. Judging by her usual manner she was not impressed by her findings. Today she was agitated and if Scheer was any judge, nervous.

"General Böhler, Specialist Hellebane, what can I do for you?"
Spittle preceded Hellebane's words, which would have amused Scheer at any other time.
"You have to prepare for more enemies than just the ones your radar shows you captain. Something, or better somebody, has opened the Real to demons of Slaanesh and they want us. I cannot say how many there are, but more than just a few and some of them are mighty indeed. They are on their way from Naggaroth and will be here soon."
"How soon?"
"If they keep up their current speed maybe in half an hour, it is hard to say for sure."

Raimund Scheer was silent for a moment. He spent a tiny bit of that moment musing that if he had heard when he was still in the Bundesmarine he would have laughed her off. Now he had to prepare for things unthinkable back then.
Squaring his shoulders he looked directly at Wolfgang Böhler.

"We all know that this tub cannot run, not from Demons and certainly not from Flugscheiben. And any evasive maneuvers we could try would be far too slow to achieve anything, unless the bloody disks try high-altitude bombing. I will have Leviathan keep its course towards Karond Kar, it will be up to your people to fight the enemy. If you have any special munitions I suggest you break them out now."

"This is your ship captain, I am sure this seems the wisest choice. My people will make it happen if you can keep Leviathan afloat."
"That I'll do. You delete these …things."
Hellebane's voice was less grating now, it was remarkably firm coming from a body that should, by the looks of it, be on a stretcher.

"Most of those who come are vulnerable to fire and steel captain Scheer. Me and the sisters will take care of the rest, don't worry. This is not our first dance."
"I leave you to it then. Please contact Lieutenant Steffens if you need something."
Wolfgang Böhler straightened up and saluted.
"That we will. Godspeed captain."
Hellebane's cackle was less grating than it was frightening.
"Which one do you mean Wolfgang? There are so many watching us now, you have quite the selection to choose from."

The Great Ocean, 35 kilometers from Leviathan, 1000 meters AGL

No mortal could understand the beings that possessed the Flugscheiben, even if those with insight to the Empyrean could make them understand their wishes. They lacked the ability to speak and those who communicated with them reported a limited capability for abstract thought. Whether they could consciously parse the plans and needs of the mortals they served was unclear. Both their masters and the victims could care less about that.

The demons inside the steel craft understood their orders well enough. They would all fly across the ship they knew lay before them. They would release the bombs that hung below them, bathing the deck in a mixture of incendiaries, explosives and fragments. They might not kill everybody on it and surely not under deck. But it would certainly disrupt any defenses the mortals might put up.

The flying disks were the survivors of many a battle against the Druchii and some of them had been present when the mortals had sunk the Chaos Dwarven ships. They knew what these mortals could do. Their flying machines were fearsome, but they had been promised that these ones would not fly at night. They knew the guns that could kill them, but these were few and would not hit easily when they flew fast and not too low. The target was supposed to be huge, it would be hard to miss even from up high.

The Flugscheiben would devastate the defenders, Slaaneshe's favorites would take it from there. They would make sure that the mortals would envy those who had been merely killed by the flying disks.

Leviathan, Deck Edge, 15 minutes later

The invisible wings of radar swept the dark skies, searching for threats to Leviathan. They had caressed the approaching enemy for a few minutes already, but the returns had been too weak and lost in ground clutter. Now the returns were steady and indicated where the enemy was. The nearest contacts were handed off to another set of antennas. Instead of trying to scan the whole sky they stabbed pencil-thin beams of microwaves at the points where the targets should be. When they had a good return they latched on to that and gave target position and speed with high accuracy. The data was fed into a set of computers that had been used for accounting and playing solitaire in their first life. Now they ran programs of unknown providence providing targeting data. If this would have been a German warship missiles would rise from their launchers, obliterating the flying disks in a matter of minutes.

Leviathan was no German ship, the reason of her being here was that the state of Germany did not want to be involved in the war between Druchii and Chaos DawiZharr. The Germans who saw the need to intervene needed to hide that well, and that meant that giving weapons to the Wild Geese they could not have acquired elsewhere was out. That might very well doom the mission the ship and the troops on it were on.

Instead of missiles receiving data slender barrels rose from their travel rests and turned to the right direction. These guns should be either guarding Erengard in service of the Kislevitan army or protecting some depots in Troll Country under the Army of Light's control. Neither seemed to miss them too much, which was not that surprising given that neither organization had actually ordered them. Which in turn would have astonished Rheinmetal greatly, given that they had received documents stating exactly that.

The guns had a caliber of 105 mm, which made them very common. 105 mm field guns were light enough to be moved by horses or oxen. Their shells could be loaded in one piece with their propellant while their explosive filler was useful enough. The Jaguar tanks had 105 mm guns and so had the gun cars and assault guns in Imperial employ. The newer guns had common parts and a lot of the ammo was interchangeable. The AA-guns that were to challenge the Flugscheiben were based on the proven L7 gun that had first been mounted on Centurion and Leopard tanks when the Beatles were still playing in Hamburg. With modern propellants they were still able to accelerate a 15 kg shell to more than a 1000 meters a second.

At first glance they were not that different from the many flak guns that had surrounded cities in WW2. And while these had often killed many an aviator and downed more than a few planes they had rarely if ever been able to stop such an attack.
The guns emplaced around Leviathan's flight deck had been upgraded with equipment the Wild Geese really shouldn't have. Using a few parts which could have been installed in something else and lots of metal shaped according to blueprints the Antigulilla Arms Factory had made two drums fixed to the guns' breech end. The modification had not been easy and would have to be dismounted if German officials ever entered the ship. They were also one of the very few things that might give the mercenaries a chance in the upcoming fight.

The first Flugscheibe was a little over 15 kilometers away when four guns roared in unison. Aimed at the place where the aircraft would be in 20 seconds or so the shells encountered gusts of wind and patches of humidity that the fire control computers had not accounted for. The nearest shell never got closer than 50 meters to its intended target. Leviathan's radar was good enough to log the trajectory and the margin of error. Corrections were dialed in and the next salvo went out at the same time when other batteries opened fire. This one was closer, close enough that the proximity fuse on one shell went off, peppering the flying disk with hot steel. The Flugscheibe shook itself like a wet dog in slow motion, screamed like an oversized tea kettle and tried to gain speed.

By that time Leviathan's air defence guns had switched modes. So far the projectiles had been loaded individually as their flight path had to be analyzed. Now they switched to the modifications hung to the breeches. Looking like skeletonized revolver drums each held ten complete rounds. The gun's recoil would power the drums and the power rammer that would reload the gun in under two seconds.
Both of Leviathan's broadsides were engaged by now and 16 Flak guns roared their challenge to the world.

The Great Ocean, nine kilometers from Leviathan, 1000 meters AGL

The Flugscheibe was actually the second closest to Leviathan. It saw the flashes that erupted from the target. Whatever went for decision making in it dismissed it, it had seen such flashes before. When one was near, they were dangerous, but that far away?
While it did not perceive the shell's flight, it surely felt it when the proximity fuse on it triggered the shell a dozen meters below the flying disk. The shell burst violently, sending several hundred sizable fragments and many more small ones all over the sky. A dozen of them hit the Flugscheibe's bottom and left glowing scars that damaged nothing important. Another one buried it into one of the bombs that hung under the disk and 50 kilograms of TNT detonated in direct contact with flying disk's skin. The largest part that dropped towards the black waters below was the size of a human head.

The next to fall was the one flying point. It was bracketed by a series of detonations within ten seconds. A few fragments made their way inside a weapons port and the ready ammo cooked off. By the time the Flugscheibe committed to its final dive another one had been directly hit. It came apart in a brilliant flash followed by several secondary explosions. The rest of the Flugscheiben were quite impressed and reacted according to their experience. They could speed up a little, and that they did, but they got hotter with each meter per second gained. Their payload slowed them markedly and when they tried evasive maneuvering their found themselves unbalanced. Especially the ones carrying liquid-filled bombs began to wobble and tumble to the point where one actually tipped over for a moment. It righted itself barely before hitting the black water below and jettisoned the bombs as soon as it could. Others, the more experienced ones, clawed for altitude. The guns they had faced so far could not hit if they were at 2000 or 3000 meters, they would go higher. It would be much harder to hit from up there, but the target was supposed to be huge. And one had to survive to miss, and that seemed increasingly unlikely with the explosions that went up around the disks every second of their flight. Most of the fragments that flayed the sturdy Flugscheiben did not damage something really vital. Still, the demons that infested them felt the rents hammered into their sides like a human might react to being burned. Roaring their pain and hate to the void they tried to close with the ones who had hurt them so. And while they climbed they slowed down as well. For a few seconds the shells missed their targets, a moment of blessed relief.

It did not last long, the fire control system that followed them had been designed for planes that were up to four times faster than the heavily loaded Flugscheiben. It needed just seconds to establish their new speeds and vectors, even less to calculate new azimuth and elevation. The numbers were displayed on small monitors that had been dirt-cheap in Germany. Like the Raspberry Pis that translated between the ancient Fledermaus Radar and the gun positions, they had been from a rummage sale. Their former owners were happy to get rid of them to avoid paying for their safe disposal, here they gave Leviathan and her crew a chance.

And so the sweating and swearing gun layers cranked steel wheels and made brass indicators move on intricately etched scales to match the numbers on the glowing screens. Others dropped rounds in the revolving magazines whenever they stopped rotating for a few seconds. One of the factors the lowly computers accounted for was that the barrels were heating up to dangerous levels. Twice they had to stop shooting for precious seconds, so that water could be sprayed inside the barrels. An evil hiss tried to be briefly heard over the clamor of the other guns, then pale, slender hands pushed another round home and firing resumed.

The Great Ocean, four kilometers from Leviathan, 1000 meters AGL

The remaining disks were in a world of hurt, quite literally so. As they were no ordinary vehicles, but possessed by demons they suffered real pain under the iron flail of Leviathan's Flak guns. They were closer to the target now, tantalizingly close, yet that meant there were even fewer misses than before. Being on point of the Flugscheiben swarm was a death sentence. That death could be an agonizing one of many glowing fragments that scoured their skin or the fast, spectacular one of a direct hit. No matter which form it took, it was a certain one. The survivors were the ones that tried to keep back a little bit. The ones that zig-zagged as much as something made from thick steel and hung with bombs could do, the ones that clawed for altitude. The hero types, those who tried to bully through the worst these terrible guns could do darwined themselves from the real.

Gaining altitude became more important a few moments later when smaller guns opened up. Their shells did not explode if they just passed by. When they hit they did not rip the target apart in many small pieces. Some were even deflected when they hit the Flugscheiben's armor wrong. But when they hit right they penetrated the armor like it was not really there and exploded inside. And inside the flying disks were things like ready ammunition, which loved to join the party. The small shells were only dangerous in numbers and the huge ship before them certainly put a mass of shells out. From several places all over the huge ship baleful muzzle flashes flickered and illuminated the night. Strings of tracer ammunition rose towards the flying disks. From their point of view they seemed to move at a lazy speed till they were close, then they zipped by with terrible force, if they zipped by at all.

The new guns eliminated the Flugscheiben that tried to barrel in low and as fast as they could in less than 30 seconds, the only survivors were up high, zig-zagging for all they were worth and lucky. When they could finally release their payloads they dropped it all over the ocean below. Leviathan's very size made sure there were hits, but there were few of them. The flight deck would not be usable until the Ice Mage could take care of it, a flak crew was incinerated where it stood, a crane was destroyed, and the bridge peppered with fragments. The latter buried themselves in thick wood and thicker ice, accomplishing nothing of greater importance.
The Flugscheiben had been a significant portion of those available to the DawiZharr. They had lost about two-thirds of that number in an attack that had failed to damage Leviathan in a meaningful way or kill the embarked troops. They had still played their role in Mordred's plan well.

Leviathan Bridge

Raimund Scheer tried to keep on top of all things that related to fighting his ship. It had been a task and a half given how many different reports were exchanged around him at any given moment. The gunnery crew rode herd on their aging computers and did their level best to assign different targets to different batteries. Reports of more bogeys came in at every other second. The only department quiet so far had been Damage Control and Scheer resolved again not to interfere with his Chief Engineer. He might be greener than the grass and a landlubber to boot, but he knew the ship and the crew better than anybody. So far he seemed to handle things well.

The biggest distraction were the guns. He had seen and heard them firing before, but never for such a length of time, not all at the same time, and certainly not at night. They had an undeniably, terrible majesty and it was more than a little difficult to concentrate when muzzle flashes provided strobes of light and the shockwaves hammered at his ears all the time. He snarled wordlessly when the light AA cut in, that meant the attack would be resolved soon. One of the guns was mounted in a tub close to the bridge's wing. He watched how the mercenaries worked cranks, wheels and pedals to aim their twin guns and was mesmerized by the stream of empty cartridges which dropped from them.

By now the night was no longer dark, it was lit by the strobes of muzzle flashes and explosions. There were the racing shadows left by the tracer rounds. And then there was the moment when his world ended for a moment. His eardrums had been assaulted by the guns before, now they experienced real pain. His coat was blown back by the shockwave and his face lit with the heat of a fire on the landing deck.

Scheer needed a moment to regain his footing and sort his mind. When he looked again he saw that nothing really important was fatally damaged. He saw and heard Jacub General phoning on three lines at once, but saw no panic in the unlined face.
He experienced the jolt of having survived a determined attack and tilted his head far back to relieve muscles which he had not even felt a minute ago. That was when he gazed at Morslieb's baleful light and the winged shapes before them.

Two kilometers from Leviathan, 500 meters AGL

The Bronze King was propelled forward by his mighty wings and a great deal of magic. Each feather of the Shaaneshi demon's wings was a work of art, the body poetry given form. There were well-muscled limbs, blemish-less skin, an androgynous shape, and tasteful piercings. There were also pincers and a whip that was as much a part of the Bronze King as his clawed feet. Mortals who saw him usually dropped on their knees, begging for the favor of worshipping him.

He did not have that pleasure often though, his body and soul might be perfect, but the real was no place for such greatness. He needed to be in special places or have someone provide him with lots of energy to maintain him in this mundane place. And he had been offered a lot of such energy, so he might feast on the flesh and soul of such mortals, so many of them. He had to promise to fight for the Prince's Avatar with his mighty host. Given the pleasures he was about to reap no such prompting was needed. He would mold flesh of those on that ship to his liking, would entice such suffering in these mortals that their souls would please him in the Empyrean for all times.

Imagining the pleasures and sensations to come would have filled his mind, but there were other sensations to be had that were at least as intense and had a bearing on his existence. The ship had grown in his sight ever since he had entered the mundane realm. By now it seemed incredibly vast, a mirage such as only the finest of drugs and poems would bring. For the last few minutes the ship had been an incredible display of fire and thunder as the Demon had never seen before. It had dealt the flying disks rather roughly and a bit faster than the Prince had promised. Now that they had dropped their bombs far and wide the humans had turned their attention on the Bronze King's warband. That turned out to be as spectacular as it was frightening. It did not matter how much you were favored by the Prince of Pleasure, how well you fought, or what sensations you had sampled. When one of these "shells" came close you were gone.

Laesydra was beautiful, strong, and capable of giving and taking pleasure in such ways to leave a mere mortal mad. She was ambitious enough to think she might replace him sooner or later. Laesydra was arrogant enough to accept the honor of flying point and leading the warband on. Something exploded a scant ten meters above her and shredded both of her wings while peppering every centimeter of her shapely back with fragments. It was a testament to her vitality that she managed to scream her pain and hate to the world all the way down to the black waters below.

A small coven had coalesced around Auloth of the many potions. His enlightening mixtures dropped at the same pace the demon and his minions when an oh-so-mundane shell exploded in their midst. Others fell and the Bronze King could not say who fell victim to the exploding shells or the smaller ones that ripped their victims apart when they hit. All of them provided a final, vital duty to their master, they covered him till he could land. The Prince of Pleasure himself had promised him a place of safety in the enemy's midst and shown the paths to the many mortals promised to him. He just had to reach that place and till then he would immerse himself in the sensations the mundane realm would provide. The cold air that rushed by his skin, the exertion of his mighty muscles that drove him on were known and old friends. The man-made thunder and the majesty of the fireworks before him were a new sight a new sensation not perceived in a life that spanned millennia.
He would revel in the sight and sounds till he landed, then he could properly feast.

Leviathan Bridge

Raimund Scheer found that following this part of the battle was the bigger challenge. The Flugscheiben had shown up well enough on radar and he had an idea about their number and approach. Some of the demons inbound were large enough to do the same, many were probably not. The Druchii gunners could see pretty well at night and there were NVG's for those crews who did not. What was undeniable was that the heavy shells explosions were coming ever closer and that the light guns lifted their barrels higher and higher. Whatever wanted his ass so badly was coming closer by the minute. And like any other sailor since about forever Raimund Scheer had to trust in his crew to save them all.

There was a divine moment when the tracer lines crossed before the ship and he briefly saw one demon after the other fall from the sky. It could not last and several of them managed to slip through everything the mercenaries could throw at them. Behind a swarm of smaller beings, often not much taller than a human, a few giants set down. Even at this distance there was something about them that caught Scheer's gaze and riveted it when so many different things needed his attention. The sudden silence that was nearly as overwhelming as the gun's clamor before went unnoticed when he was taken by the eldritch beauty of the huge demon that had landed in the landing field's midst.

The hammering that reached his ears was an annoyance at first, the rattle of a heavy machine gun rose him from the stupor. The Wild Geese had mounted a couple of these things at various places. Leviathan's captain gained a new appreciation of the wisdom "There is never enough firepower" when they opened fire on the demons that had landed. At the same time he saw the crew of a light AA emplacement desperately trying to remove the interlock plate that normally kept them from shooting up their own ship. Now it kept them from killing those demons. Scheer suspected that they would have ended that battle then and there, but before the crew received a sledgehammer or a cutting torch they were unlikely to succeed any time soon.

He had to watch helplessly when the demons overran two 105 mm emplacements in a wave of corpses. He was more than happy that he was so far away that he could not make out details of what Shaanesh's creatures did to the gun crews. Even more worryingly a group them, including the largest of them, made for the large ramp that connected Leviathan's hangar to the landing deck. If these things got inside his ship they could do untold damage.

He picked the phone handle before him up and turned the crank a couple of times to ring the operator.
"Switchboard, this is the Captain. Give me General Böhler, now."
"General Böhler Captain, right away."

After a silence that lasted a few seconds and felt much longer the phone crackled again.

"Böhler here."
"General, this is the captain. We have boarders on the flight deck, about to gain entrance into the hangar. I suggest you stop that nonsense right away."
"Working on it Captain. Have your men don the smoke hoods now."

Leviathan, landing deck

The Bronze King's landed with a crash and his claws ripped into the ice below. There was something frozen into it that made the ice less slippery and provided sensations that he had not sampled before. A mild pleasure, but for somebody who resided in the Empyrean rare enough to be savored. The new sensations, the blessed absence of the guns and the promise of the feast to come masked the horror of having lost so many members of his warband.

He saw some of his flock exact their revenge on the crews of the nearby guns, saw others run across the ice field. Many of the latter came under fire of something else, something that made muzzle flashes, but left no glowing trail. Nevertheless, it ejected its victims into the warp and not in a good way. This was not where salvation lay, it was in the large, dark opening that was at the edge of the deck, not so far from where he stood. For mortals this might be an ominously dark opening, ready to swallow him whole. For a favored of Slaanesh it might have been bright daylight and he saw a wooden door divided into segments. His minions would break that open in a moment and if they could not do so, he certainly would have no problems.

His shout was loud and musical, showed no strain and inspired his flock.
"Into the shaft my Children. Go below and feast on those inside. Your desires be your only guide."

He saw most of his warband follow his orders and suspected that those who did not would not be long for the world. Following his own advice his powerful legs propelled him towards the weak spot in the enemy's defenses. His warband had been much reduced, still lots and lots of beings flocked to the beckoning safety of the ship's interior. The Prince of Pleasure himself had promised him that the long-range weapons of the crew would not count for much and he would have free reign to use the mortals as he saw fit. At short range many mortals were actually unable to fight him and his minions at all, being in thrall of their beauty. The many bodies that ran, slithered or danced towards the ramp were certainly enough to take the target.

Something caught his eye, a widening gap of light that appeared in the door's middle. It was the first warning that the mortals were not passively waiting for Slaanesh's chosen to attack. Or were they already succumbing to the Prince's allure? The light that shined through the quickly widening gap revealed some dark shapes backlit by whatever illuminated the space behind that door. One of those shapes was huge and moving sinuously. His mind was still trying to parse what he saw when the door was finally open and the shadow stormed up the ramp. A deafening, evil hiss heralded the dragon's charge and the poisonous cloud swallowed a clutch of his minions whole.

Leviathan Bridge

Leviathan's captain could but watch in awe when the Wild Geese's lone dragon emerged from the hangar. He had heard it had been with the mercenaries nearly since their founding. It had been an important asset back then, providing reconnaissance and air support. The mad arms race that held this world hostage ever since the Germans had entered it had relegated it to rear echelon duties like artillery spotting and aerial taxi. Against any enemy armed with rifles and machine guns it was far too vulnerable. The thought of sending it to attack DawiZharr dreadnoughts or Flugscheiben was ludicrous.

There was nothing quaint or antiquated about the beast that emerged from Leviathan's hangar. It was huge, clad in hard scale, and possessed claws as long as a sword and teeth the size of daggers. It breathed a deadly poison on its victims and ripped any who survived that apart like they were made from paper. Scheer spotted two beings on the dragon's back. One was probably its rider, Yerena something, the other might well be that witch Hellebane. Whoever it was, he or she flung black lighting about as an angry god. The demons who had been about to overrun the landing deck and gain entrance into his ship fled like frightened children.

Not all of them did though. Some seemed to scrape by on the Dragon's flanks, the bigger ones turned towards the magnificent beast and charged.

Leviathan, landing deck

The Bronze King rejoiced in the scene before him. Such a delightful challenge by a beautiful Dragon. The rider fitted the image, as dangerously beautiful as only a Druchii could be. The witch behind her had to go, she spoiled the picture. And the Black Dragon was such an enticing sight, all scales and claws, all sinuous body and graceful movements. As all of its kind it was imbued in magic and that made its attacks all the more dangerous to creatures of the Empyrean such as the Bronze King.

The beast was in motion, any part of it dangerous, ruling the battle as it should. Its tail crushed a demon in a single stroke, its forelimb hammered against the chest of another, driving four claws through the mighty chest. The witch screamed something that went through bodies and mind, it killed at least two spells at the same time before they could harm the Dragon. Most of his warband attacked the beast from all sides. They were crushed under the heavy feet, pierced by claws or ended in a mouth that would swallow the largest parts of them before biting the rest off. They did not go down without a struggle though, managed to stab or slash their weapons at the Dragon at least once. Some weapons did not pierce the hard scales, but he had chosen and trained his people well. A sabre slid between two scales and cut into a muscle here. A spear went into a haunch and stuck fast, just to be ignored. A masterful sword strike severed a blood vessel, causing steaming black blood to spurt forward from the cut.

The Bronze King stood back and watched. A mortal would not have been able to perceive what he easily saw, would not have been able to parse the information he gathered at the cost of his people. The King was a chosen of the Prince of Pleasure, perceiving things was at the very core of his being. He saw where the great muscles started and ended, he saw the gaps between the armored scales that opened when the Dragon moved here and there. He saw where the leg with the spear in it moved slower than its counterpart and where the Dragon's eyes would not reach. He meditated for an eternal second before moving far faster than anything as huge as he was should be capable of.

His whip struck the huge head on the one side, slashing a cruel metal end right at the Dragon's eye. It brought a shriek that stopped anything and everybody but for the beast and the demon. And while the head moved away from the terrible pain and the loss of vision the Bronze King lunged forward on the other side and struck at the leg before him. No mortal could have gotten his sword into the exact spot on a fast moving target, he bypassed the beast's armor with ease and severed a tendon before pulling his sword out.

He had jumped back before the Dragon could even feel the pain of the wound. That was a good thing as the beast nearly fell on its side when it put its weight on it and the clawed foot would no longer move as intended. The Dragon did not fall, it and its rider were too good for that. That was all right with the Bronze King, the kill would have been too fast. His whip went out again, going for that witch, but a wing was in the way before it could connect.

The Bronze King jumped forward and landed in a roll that made him face the other side of the Dragon. The beast's sinuous neck coiled to the other side, ready to poison the place where the demon had been a second before. The King pushed his sword into the other forelimb, but had to jump when the claws of the hind legs came close to him. He somersaulted up, landing on the Dragon's back and looked for the witch to kill. He did not find her, but the Dragon's rider shot him with a huge handgun. It should not have hurt that much, this was a mundane weapon and he a Duke of the Empyrean, but it did. He had to move again, and quickly, to avoid the tail that nearly got him. He went down on the flank that he had just vacated and stepped under the beast's belly. He slashed upwards and then jumped before steaming entails could bury him. Now he had really hurt that Dragon, now he could decide how much pain he wanted to dispense before finishing it off.

A fast roll forward led to a jump that brought him half way up the beast and allowed him to stick his sword between armored scales so that it pierced a nerve bundle that served the left wing. The appendage started to spasm violently and desperation mingled with the Dragon's scream of pain. Something thundered close to his ears and something else whistled by far too close for comfort. Aesthetically pleasing violence was close to the King's heart, but he had to lead the remains of his warband to victory. Ducking under the beast's belly again he used the paralyzed leg to propel himself up. The desperation on the Dragon rider's face was so delicious. He used the momentum of the jump to drive his sword through the beast's upper flank right into the heart. No mortal was able to perceive it, but he could feel the organ stopping after centuries of service. Combined with the rider's horror and the witch's attempts to escape his wrath it was an incredible sensation, one he would cherish as long as he lived.

It was such an intense moment that he stood still and missed the Dragon's last act of defiance. The muscular tail whipped around with incredible speed and hit the Bronze King right in his huge chest. Several spikes pierced him deep, but not so deep as to kill him instantly. The momentum carried him from the dead beast's back and hammered him against the ship's huge bridge.
He was too stunned to free himself instantly and from the look of things this might take a minute. And so the demon had to watch as the Dragon's rider undid her straps and walked across the corpse's back towards him. She did not stumble, walked as if she had no hurry, and her face could have been carved from ice. She stopped a few meters before the Bronze King and lifted a handgun till it aimed right at the Slaaneshi demon's perfect face.

She did not even speak when she pulled the trigger and the muzzle flash and blast was the last sensation the Bronze King had in this world. Since his mind had anchored itself in the mundane body's brain that was destroyed rather thoroughly the emergence in the warp was neither an easy nor happy one. Laesydra's fall had been earlier and her mind had been whole when she made it back into the Empyrean. She recovered far faster and better than the Bronze King and took full advantage of it. The King had long been close to the top of the Warp's food chain and might have forgotten how the horrors he regularly inflicted on his underlings felt on the receiving side. Oh how Laesydra relished reminding him.

Leviathan, corridor B14, leading to the officer's living quarters

Areta Bane raced down the corridor at breakneck speed. Tactically speaking this was a fool's move, something she was painfully aware of. Dangerous or no, Hua was in the quarters at the end of that corridor. She had heard that some of the smaller demons made their way down there. The guard's bodies at its entrance bore mute testimony to the veracity of those reports. She did her level best to keep the desperation from overwhelming her and managed to keep her new weapon before her. She raced around the next bend and promptly collided with the first demon. It was strangely beautiful, despite being made up from what should be disparate parts. An androgynous body would entice all genders and tastes, the face promising pleasures of all kind. A pincer that replaced the left hand an indication of the not so petit mort at the end of any encounter.

The frightening beauty was enhanced in strange ways by the thin cover of hoarfrost. Areta could study the demon's beauty at leisure as it was frozen in place, as were its companions. She walked down the long row of murderous beauties, frozen in place and stared with an open mouth and a heart that was on its way of beating normally. She found the Ice Witch sitting on the ground at the entrance to the living quarters. Valera looked as pale as her victims and breathed hard.
She looked up when Areta approached her. Her voice was hoarse and close to a whisper.
"You can tell Jacub that Meissen's potion has its uses, will ya?"

Areta was still searching for an answer when the witch quietly dropped on her side, breathing shallowly.

Leviathan, Hartmut Klawitter's office, half an hour later

Yerena's words were clear even when her voice was slightly too shrill.
"What a way to go, could not wish for a better one. That bloody Dragon gave a good fight, didn't he? Saved quite a few of us I wager. Good for it, it started getting useless in this bright new world. Would not have killed it myself and it was too dangerous to sell, but now I can learn to fly like you do Hartmut. The new way, the powerful way, the way that counts. You will accept me into that flying school Hartmut? I can still learn how to fly your way, I promise I can…"

Hartmut Klawitter made sure that the door to his office was indeed closed before he embraced Yerena without saying a word. She went stiff for the briefest of moments before her body shuddered with the sobs. The pilot held her for a long time.

120 Kilometers before Naggarond, 4 AM. Markttag 3. Nachhexen

Mordred no longer chipper and fresh, he showed the signs of being abused to his very limits and beyond. He would use his powers to heal himself up, but there was a lot to be done inside and out. He just could not bring the will to spend the effort, not right now. Several of his liege's subordinates had lent him considerable resources. They expected returns on them, either in favors with the Prince of Pleasure or souls that screamed their name. Mordred's plan had failed, and so they received neither while losing what had been theirs. They found that Slaanesh withdrew his protection from his Avatar for a limited time and they had taken their frustrations out on Mordred.

He would remember that time for all time, painful memories, a couple tattoos and piercings that had glowed when they had been set made sure of that. The Prince expected him to do better and he was more than motivated to do so. Unfortunately that had just gotten a lot more difficult. He had hatched a plan in case the direct assault on the enemy failed. It was intricate and relied on manipulating the enemy into doing what needed to be done. Only the fools and the desperate relied on such plans. The last hours showed him that failure was not an option.

Biontech, Mainz

Özlem Türeci's car slowed by itself to a stop before the rising bollard, which was a good thing. It was rated to stop a fully loaded 40-ton truck, let alone a 2.5 ton Mercedes EQS, even the armored version she drove. She pointedly ignored the twin 20 mm gun mount that aimed a meter before her car and tried her best not to think of the flame thrower that was not visible, but part of the armored cabin to the left of the parking garage's entrance. She rolled down the driver's side window when a robot arm approached her and aimed a camera inside her car. Özlem extended her hand without prompting and flinched only minimally when it extracted a drop of blood. It took the machine only a few seconds to decide it was really her, seconds she used to remind herself of today's password. She thought twice about it as there was a very similar one she could use if threatened. She would still be allowed to enter the garage, but what would have followed would at the very least be embarrassing and expensive if she chose the wrong one.

Finally the bollard lowered itself and her car would drive her to her parking space. Before she entered the building proper Türeci made sure that her wards were inside their waterproof sheaths. One was directly from Shallya's temple in Couronne, one given to her by Teclis himself. It would be a shame if the disinfection would damage them. She made it through two airtight locks before entering her own office space and started her computer terminal. Things were looking good with the tests for the 2536 second quarter inoculation. The mRNA vaccines BinoNtech specialized in were wonderfully adaptable to any new virus Nurgle could cook up. There were lots of teams about who tried to catch the Plague Lord's newest creations before they could infect too many. That his creations were always at least slightly magical helped immensely. Her company's job was to identify parts of their protein sheath that were unique and modify the mRNA so that they were produced by the patient's own cells. The immune system would then be able to fight them much, much better than without such a prompter. As the general vaccine was accepted, certifying this half-year's variant was far faster than doing it for a completely new one.

Nurgle hated this place with a vengeance and tried his best to eradicate it. He had sent demons and tried humans who worshipped him on a regular basis. So far the security measures the government had insisted on had prevented all of these. Türeci could just hope this would remain so. Having earned the personal enmity of the oldest Chaos god was a frightening concept and a badge of high honor at the same time.
I have a question. What is white the german gold reserves in London, USA etc. have this country's attach the gold and other reserves from the now missing Germany? and what is whit the german military forces in Afghanistan, africa and south Europa. are they now a army whitout state or joined they Austria?
I have a question. What is white the german gold reserves in London, USA etc. have this country's attach the gold and other reserves from the now missing Germany? and what is whit the german military forces in Afghanistan, africa and south Europa. are they now a army whitout state or joined they Austria?
The gold is partly back in Frankfurt, the farther away from Germany it was stores the less likely it was that it went with Germany. Germans who were in the Northern Hemisphere were transported with Germany, so the soldiers stationed in Afghanistan should be on the Warhammer World now. A lot of German assets stayed on Earth, a lot of foreign investments went with Germany. There is a post (740) which showed what happened to the assets left in Germany.
Bessemer Str. Berlin, Bäckertag 5. Nachhexen

The brick building hinted at a Gründerzeit industrial past, the graffiti at its status in a low-rent industrial zone. Nothing had been produced inside these rooms for quite some time, but that had not meant they had not been busy. The last owner of the rooms had quite an active club in there before moving to new premises. Andrea Hermanns could just hope that nobody would connect these premises with what she and her people tried to achieve, it might give the wrong message. Still, she could not say no to facilities offered free of charge, especially when they came with first rate internet access.

The motto of the place was still to be found in the lobby.
"Do what you want, but communicate."
It had been meant for very different circumstances, but it fit what she and her team tried to do.

Her team

This was something that still gave Andrea pause when she thought about it. How could a couple of passionate posts in StudiVZ and her twitter account which hardly had a few hundred followers last year cause such a stir? Well, they had, and so she had very little time to consider the why and had to concentrate on the "what now."

She made her way past the bouncer that had shown up one morning to keep the door and entered the main room. If there were any remnants of the club's past they were now hidden behind a ton of monitors, server racks, posters, desks and whatnot. There were people in there, of all genders, most walks of life and all busy. And while the old hall contained a multitude, these were the visible part of the iceberg.

The other part, the one that would make or break Andrea's campaign was at home or in an office, using a smartphone, a laptop, or was simply talking to friends and colleagues. They were the ones that reached out and tried to convince their fellow Germans that their blood and coin should be spent to rescue strangers in a far-away land. The part of the team that was in this room made sure that they had a message to spread, posted on DeinVideo and reigned those in who wanted to spread something very different in their name.

Andrea Hermanns had started something huge and it started making waves, so much that the political part of Berlin Berlin sat up and took notice. So far not even the SPD had officially taken up her cause, but smiled on it. Olaf Scholz's reptile fund had provided some seed money, the cause ran on donations by now.

She was on her way to her desk when Heiko Back intercepted her. Heiko was a bit younger than Andrea and looked ridiculous, at least by her standards. Given the reactions of other volunteers and some of their comments she was obviously behind the curve on the most recent fashion and trends. His hair was long, combed to one side and bleached white which could not do it any favors in the long run. Heiko's skin was rather pale and any imperfections hidden under a layer of discrete makeup. His clothes were deceptively casual and had, like the rest of him, a hint of elven inspiration. There was a slight reek of a weed imported from Athel Loren that was all the rage and presumably improved inspiration.

It was easy to dismiss Back as a fop, if not for the fact that he earned quite the salary at "Zum goldenen Hirschen". Despite its name the latter was a top-notch promotions agency and Heiko one of their leading social media experts. What he was doing here was anybody's best guess, but he surely was effective.
His voice was held his native Ruhr Valley accent, and did not try to have an elaborate timbre, something that indicated how deeply he was in thought.

"Hi Andrea, good thing that I caught you now. You have to explain something to Anja, I cannot sell this right. Maybe it is a woman thing or I did get off the wrong foot when I mentioned target demographics. No matter, I need a face."
Andrea Hermanns shook her head as if trying to clear water from her ears.
"You need a what?"
"See, it is like this: Right now, we have the attention, we have so many clicks, so many likes that it is ridiculous. But we have that for only a few days if we do not deliver something to hold that attention. We need to get some action, yes, but that is not in short supply in this world. We need a figure for the viewers to identify themselves with, someone they commiserate with. Someone they care for."

Andrea's answer showed that she also did not understand what Heiko needed.
"Err isn't Anja right for that?"
"Oh she is a looker and she has a good voice. But she is very, very intense, and you can feel she is strong. She gives off these Joan of Arc on steroids vibes, the saint without the naivety. I have her role pegged, but I need a small sister to protect from the evil Spitzohren. People cannot identify with Anja, she is beautiful, brilliant and strong, and most people are not. We need something fluffier than that."
"Sure about that?"
"On old Earth, which animal protection movement got more attention: Tigers or seal cubs? A tigress we have, now we need a seal cub. So can you please ask Neustadt for a couple of those? Your next VC is in 30 minutes if I remember correctly."
Andrea Hermanns straightened up and gave a mock bow
"A couple of seal cubs coming up, extra fluffy, oh great wizard of the likes."

Ice Carrier Leviathan, 20 kilometers before Karond Kar, midnight

The great ship was just making headway against a moderate wind, a brilliant field of stars and a huge Mannslieb illuminating the black vastness of the ocean. Leviathan's deck showed patches where the resident ice mage had smoothed over the damage of the last battle. The huge deck was empty save for a single plane and the crew needed to launch it. They seemed inconsequential and lost against such a vast background, they were not. For a moment the crew stopped fussing about the plane and stood still, then the carrier's lights went out, save for a very, very few ones.

Xune Deathstroke's eyes adapted quickly to the increased darkness. A human would have had problems making out the ramp needed forthe launch. And if he had managed to launch, he would quickly lose his bearings in the darkness. Xune was Druchii and far superior in that regard. He could use the little light there was to navigate the darkness, with or without the "blind flying" instruments that the humans insisted were necessary to fly at night. Some of them might be willing to try, but a few clouds at an inopportune time or some fog would undo them.

The crewman with the paddles lifted both straight up to gain his attention and Xune saluted to confirm. He revved the engine up high and increased the pressure on the brakes. When the paddles dropped for the third time he released them and changed the propeller pitch. The plane was lightly loaded and accelerated towards the dim light at the other end of the carrier like a sports car. The Druchii pilot barely looked at the pitot, speed would definitively be enough and it was far more important to hit the ramp head-on. He managed that well enough and the ramp pushed him towards the beckoning stars. Xune pushed the plane down a bit to gain speed and turned to right as soon as the plane would not stall from the maneuver. Not doing so temped the gods to drop the plane right in front of the carrier which would certainly not stop in time.

The Druchii pilot circled the carrier a couple of times, gaining altitude all the time, till his instruments told him he was high enough. Only then did he turn towards Karond Kar. He had to trust his instruments and the newly-mounted camera to show him the way. Ever since the carrier had arrived in the city's waters all lights had been extinguished, probably to deny the mercenaries easy navigation. Looking at his GPS receiver Xune smiled at that notion.

He looked at the short, hand-written checklist affixed to his dashboard and followed the steps one by one. He released the contents of a liquid-nitrogen filled bottle into a compartment that cooled the infrared camera inside markedly. When it had time to do its job, he pushed a couple of buttons and before long the glowing TFT before him ceased to display navigational data. Instead, a black-and-white picture of the ground below Xune appeared on the monitor. Even to his eyes the darkness below was bereft of details and features. Nothing escaped the Pursuit Specials infrared camera though and anything that gave off heat showed up as if lit by torches. And so Xune could watch the enemy make his way here and there, thinking themselves safe when hidden by the shroud of darkness. To the Druchii they were exposed like dancing girls in a tavern. The paths described by the glowing dots, the buildings and bunkers they entered and left would reveal many secrets to the staff on Leviathan. Even more would be revealed by spots were metal gave off heat at a different rate than its surroundings, even when covered by camouflage nets.

Xune would neither kill any foes that night, nor add another Flugscheibe to his trophies. What he did tonight exceeded such deeds by far and would save many Wild Geese lives. The Druchii had learned to appreciate that during the last years with the mercenaries, something he could not have imagined in the centuries he had lived before.

Pursuit Special, above Karond Kar, 3000 Meters AGL, next morning

The sun shone bright about the battlefield to be, there was next to no wind to ruffle the black waters. Hoarfrost and the remains of white snow prepared a shroud to cover the murder that was about to happen inside a city once wholly given to the evils of slavery.
The sky was empty of birds, other predators had taken their place for now. The growl of their engines could be heard and felt for many kilometers, and Karond Kar's defenders ducked deeper into their holes, trying not to be seen.

Hartmut Klawitter had extended his plotting board from the instrument panel, he had taped the recon flight's printouts to it. He tried to match the low-resolution black-and white picture to the landscape below. At first it seemed hopeless and he feared he would have to give his flight a go-around when he spotted the three piers side-by-side. Something clicked in his brain and allowed him to recognize the rectangular warehouses next to them. And to their left were several irregular shapes where nets hung with cloth and scrap tried to mask mortar pits, bingo. And yes, he could correct his course in time to make an attack run.

"Staff flight, this is Shrike actual. Target spotted at 11 o' clock, follow me in."

Klawitter received several "copies" and a "Yehaw" in return and corrected course. When the target nearly disappeared under his spinner, he inverted his plane and then pulled on the stick till the ground was before him. The Pursuit Special's biplane construction might be draggy, heavy and old fashioned, but it allowed for nearly vertical dives without becoming too fast or ripping the wings off when pulling from the attack.

As always, the ground rushed up far faster in his mind that the altimeter showed and he had to watch it closely. Compared to the DawiZharr dreadnaughts the mortar pits did not move and did not try to evade. They were also a lot smaller than the ships, and there was more than a little AA-fire trying to swat him from the sky. There was at least one autocannon that fired what looked like balls of fire that rose to meet him. In other places flickering flames indicated where machine guns tried to match their bigger brothers, but lacked the tracers to walk their fire into him. There was no use in evasion, not with his current load and that deep in the dive. He just had to endure and hope for the best. There were two hammer blows in his right upper wing and a glance showed holes in nothing particularly important.

When the altimeter finally agreed he was at 400 meters and the target filled his windscreen he pulled the lever with a lot of gusto. This time there was no jerk as the bombs hung under the lower wings and cleared the propeller with no help from the shackle. The four bombs had originally been made for the mercenary's 160 mm siege mortars and had received new fuses. They tumbled a bit before their fins stabilized them sufficiently. By that time they had spread out a bit and went into the ground while Klawitter pulled the stick back with all his might and tried to control his breathing. His plane was already nearly vertical when the bombs hit. Each of the 40-kilogram projectiles released a nasty shockwave and copious amounts of fragments. Most of them were wasted into the ground or killed a few members of the DawiZharr crews. Klawitter's achievements meant nothing when the set of bombs released by his wingman dropped directly into the stumpie's ready ammunition. A dirty mushroom cloud interspersed with flames rose from the former mortar pit, mixing parts of the costal defense artillery pieces with smaller parts of their crews.

While Hartmut made for the carrier to rearm and refuel, a few planes stayed behind. High enough that the occasional attempts to shoot them down were mostly hopeless they were far more dangerous than the dive bombers. They were two-seater variants of the Pursuit Special and carried no weapons, but for a flexible machine gun for the observer and a wireless set. By themselves they could not harm the DawiZharr below them. Instead, they were the eyes of those who could.

Leviathan, 15 kilometers before Karond Kar

Raimund Scheer was not sure if his ears would ever be the same again. The bridge gave a marvelous view of both the sea around his ships as well as of the deck. And that meant that his ears were regularly assaulted by the planes taking off at full throttle. ICE engines with better than eight liters of displacement and no muffler at all were very loud indeed and the sound of a dozen or so revving their engines was deafening.

And when there were no planes taking off or landing there were the fire missions for the 105 mm dual-purpose guns. Leviathan's captain was quite sure that the mercs missed the 203s that were still in Germany somehow, their projectiles were nearly ten times the weight of the 105s. On the other hand, the 105 could fire brutal salvos from their revolving magazines that would make their targets rue the day they had somehow raised the attention of the aerial spotters. They would not be able to demolish strongly reinforced positions, so that job fell to the dive bombers that used the very munitions the 203 mm guns were supposed to fire.

Currently he was not watching the guns firing but the parade of barges that left Leviathan's well deck. Its exit was between the two rear booms that held the high-sea tugs which powered the ice carrier. Like nearly everything else on this ship the well deck's size put any similar hold in lesser ships to shame. While the well deck was impressive the barges were less so, at least to the German's jaundiced eyes. Barges of this type had been a kind of vessel nearly extinct on old Earth. They had been built to carry cargo from and to freighters anchored at roadstead. The container ships had done away with that and so this kind of vessel and the facilities made to use them had quickly disappeared in the 60's. The realities of the Warhammer World were a fertile ground for their rebirth and so several yards had built these ugly but oh-so-useful ducklings. With all the grace of a seagoing brick they had been welded from steel and were powered by whatever diesel engine was available. They were plying their trade in the second- and third tier harbors on this world, working wherever the quays would not even allow coastal freighters decent anchorage. The new free harbors that sprung up all around the Warhammer World lessened the need for them, and so the Wild Geese had scooped up quite a few of them without raising too many eyebrows.

What would definitively raise them was the modifications the mercenaries had applied to most of them and it were better if these were not seen by too many prying eyes. Armor plating had been added to nearly all of them, especially to the front and the small cubbyholes that that posed as a bridge. Machine gun tubs or pintle mounted weapons were to be found on nearly all of them. But some of the barges were quite a bit more special than that. In about an hour the mercenaries would learn if they were special enough or failures to be paid in blood.

Berlin, former Kit Kat club, evening

Andrea Hermanns had to watch her feet when she made it to the main room of her little social media empire. She was bone tired, but owed it to her team to have a look at their work. She had seen some text messages about the new videos that had come from Neustadt and was curious whether her request for somebody likable had yielded anything.

She found a group of them before the main monitor, discussing something in subdued tones. She found the reserves to force a bit of cheer in her voice.
"Evening folks. Got something new we can use?"
Heiko Back's voice was hoarse and barely above a whisper.
"Oh fucking yes, we have. Care to look for yourself?"

Andrea Hermann's eyebrows rose a bit at that, she had never seen the suave social media expert like this.
"Go ahead, show me."
A few clicks brought the video in the screen back to its start. It depicted a small room with a few wooden chairs. A woman sat on one of the chairs, two children clutching her sides. The woman had an Asian-looking face of undeterminable, but probably young age. She looked like somebody who had been overweight not too long ago, only to lose weight rapidly. She wore no makeup and there were traces of dirt in her clothing that were probably hard to remove in a hurry.

There was something soft about the face and her manners and lines around her eyes that spoke of somebody who loved to laugh and smile. That smile was visible when she pulled one child against her side and the kid clutched her like his life depended on it. It was a smile that was beautiful and sad at the same time.
She started talking in Druchii, a language that most Germans would recognize when they heard it, but very few cared to learn. Her voice was muted after a few words and somebody else provided simultaneous translation.

"I am Kuan Ti, client of the Patron Torsten Breitkopf. These are my children, Bo and Tian. The Dark Elves took them away from me when they were really small so that I might work and they could use the kids for whatever pleased the Spitzohren. The patron bought them, so they could be with me, even when they were far too young to work. He did it because I missed them so and because it is the kind of thing he does. He cares for us and tries his best so that we can good lives, free from the Druchii and their cruelty. Now I work for a fair wage, now my children are safe and learn such things.

But the Druchii decided that such things were too good for us. They want to work us to death, use my children for whatever task they can already perform, if they are lucky. And if I am too tired to work or if my children cannot perform to their liking, they will sacrifice us to their god of murder. It would not be an easy death, but a painful and very long one. By the time it would come to a close I would be so broken that I would beg for them to kill my children or do anything else just to end it."

By now a path of tears ran down Kuan Ti's face, clearing cleaner channels through the grime. Her voice was still firm though and her back straight. Bo and Tian had both buried their faces in her mother's legs and refused to let go.

"I cannot even think of what they would do to my children. I fight with the rest of those the Druchii think as their slaves to keep them safe. I am not a warrior; I make things and still I fight as I have no choice at all. I will defend my children, please help me, because we cannot do it without your aid."

Heiko Back stopped the video which now only displayed a test pattern. Andrea was riveted to the spot. She had thought she knew about the stakes of what she tried to do, now she had gained an insight that choked her.
Before she could say something useless warmth went through her, a fire that straightened her spine and provided energy where none was before.

Heiko's voice had not improved while watching the video.
"So this is it, Andrea? We fuck this up and they die?"
Andrea Hermann's voice mirrored the icy cold outside the building.
"No, if we fuck this up, they will be very lucky if they are just killed quickly. Let us not fuck this up then, because the price for that does not bear thinking about. Can you use this seal cub?"
"Yes, oh yes, I can use that. I am just not sure if I should thank you for it."
"Playtime is over Heiko?"
"Oh yes, this is not saving the three-banded armadillo, this is playing for keeps. I will use it for every bit of attention you can get. And Andrea."
"I need more. This is good for a week or so, then I need more. More of this Kuan Ti, the viewers will want to get to know her and her kids. If we are to give them a chance then we need more."
"You will have it."
"Thanks. I think."

Landing Craft, Improvised/Mechanized, two kilometres from Karond Kar

The blunt bow did not cut through the waves with any grace, it crashed into each and every one of them, slowing the barge a bit before gaining something in the trough. The back and forth combined itself with a twisted lifting and dropping with neither rhyme nor reason and made the ride a thoroughly unpleasant one. The black water before Karond Kar foamed at the intrusion and threw up splashes into the faces of those who wanted or needed to observe their target.

Areta Bane watched the city before her. She had seen it before, in all its terrible beauty, before the Germans entered this world. Back then the harbour had been backed by imposing walls, topped by slender turrets and tasteful spikes. Now the walls lay in disrepair, with more than a few gaps hewn by combat and new needs. The piers had cranes and pathways that allowed the efficient movement of loads that would not move by themselves when motivated by chain and whip. Wooden warehouses had sprung up to protect those wares from the elements.

Whatever beauty this place once had, had been defiled by the DawiZharr. Areta Bane would lead the fight to free Karond Kar from its occupiers. She would burn it to the ground before allowing it to resume its former function as the hub of the slave trade.

Trying as she might, with Druchii eyes, German glasses, and a binocular, she was unable to see any stumpies. She was sure they were there, but like her they had learned that incoming fire had the right of way. There might still be some warriors left in this world that would meet their enemies in straight lines, willing to take whatever punishment their foes might dish out so they might do the same. They were the few and the dead.

The harbour had been shelled and bombed for two days straight now. A few years back Areta might have been tempted to think such firepower would simply kill all enemies. She knew better now. The DawiZhar would have prepared bunkers and other fortifications. Where Leviathan and its air wing had destroyed them they would now man the rubble and the craters and think themselves lucky. Wise in the ways of modern warfare Areta Bane waited for the enemy's first move and wondered who would not make it back to the ship. The ruins of Karond Kar grew larger, showed more scars and refused to answer. Until they did.

Yellow light backlit some ruins, smoke rose from the same places and huge waterspouts rose before and between the landing craft. Evil, flickering lights could be seen in empty windows and slightly above rubble and the small impacts of machine guns drew ever closer to Areta's ride.
New impacts were close enough that water splashed inside the landing craft and their crews and embarked soldiers ducked deeper inside. Areta did not and so she saw the mercenary planes dive from the cloudy sky, dropping bombs on the mortar pits. Shells exploded some ten meters above ground, hammering anything below with the iron flail of their fragments. Smoke rose from some landing craft and mortars tried to duel those on land.

Areta did not watch any of these, but a quartet of landing craft slightly to the back. They lined their bows up with Karond Kar's quay and seemed to slow a bit. When they were done they disappeared in fire and smoke. Rockets rose by the dozen from the converted barges, clunky, inelegant and imprecise. Their flights were short and they impacted violently all around the harbour. Most had instant fuses, some buried themselves into the ground before detonating.
All rockets exploded within a few seconds of each other, sending shockwaves and razor-sharp fragments into anything they might reach. The quay disappeared behind a wall of fire and smoke. When it reappeared, there were very few structures still recognizable. It seemed inconceivable that anything had survived this, but Areta knew better. Making her way to the gun Unimog she climbed into the seat behind the gunner.
Less than a minute later the first landing craft forced their reinforced bows up the rubble that had been Karond Kar's quays.

The Wild Geese had returned to Naggaroth.

Reichstag, Berlin

Christian Lindner dropped his keys, the smartphone, and his wallet into the tray provided for that purpose before walking through the metal detector. Happy to hear no alarm he grabbed for his belongings when a guard approached him from the side.
Fuck, not again. And of course, her voice was full of cheer.
"Sorry Herr Minister, you have been randomly selected for the test."

Some of Lindner's frustration crept into his voice.
"You have to be kidding right? I was tested a few weeks ago."
"Yes, two months and three days to be exact. Still, it is a random test, so it could happen next week again."
"Yes ,yes. Would you give me that swab them please."
"Here you go."

It was an innocent swipe, a bit like the one he had cleared his ears with an hour ago. And it decided his future. He allowed the guard to swipe it across the roof of his mouth a couple of times before he was allowed to close it again. He was politely asked to sit on a bench for a moment while the swipe was put in a tube, marked and dropped into an apparatus. That one would have been better at home in a high-tech lab and started to blink and whirr once the tube was inside.

It took just five minutes and Lindner made a show of checking his smartphone while they passed so very slowly. And then, finally it displayed the green light.
"Thank you for your cooperation Herr Lindner. Have a nice day."
"You too."

Making his way into his office Germany's foreign minister mused that anything but the green light would have been a very bad day indeed. The random check looked for genetic mutations connected to the Chaos Gods. Any such mutation would kill his political career better than any scandal. He had, like any other cabinet member, signed a letter of resignation and deposited that with the head of parliament when he started his term as secretary. In case any such mutation would have been proven that letter would immediately be used.

Going through the long corridors of the Reichstag Christian Lindner again checked the amulet under his suit. It had been a gift of Volkmar, Chief Priest of Sigmar and should protect him from corruption, he hoped.

Altenberg Eiskanal, Altenberg, Germany

The sledding sports like Luge, Skeleton or Bobsleigh had always been a staple of the alpine nations, even before these disciplines became regulated into professional sports. While there were multiple events on natural tracks, professional and amateur alike, normally only the events on the artificial tracks were widely televised.
There had been very few top-level tracks on Earth. A bobsleigh or Luge track was not easy to build and expensive to run with artificial cooling. There were only 16 international-level tracks on Earth when the Weltensprung happened, with about the same number of further tracks only used at national level. Germany´s four international level tracks at Altenberg, Königssee, Oberhof and Winterberg were an exception to the norm of one or two top-level tracks per nation.

When Germany found itself on the Warhammer World, the survival of many sports was far from secure, especially sports with such specialisation and high-tech materials as the sledding sports. On the other hand, the population wanted to keep some mementos of life as it was before. The sledding sports had a comparatively small, but fanatical following, good television ratings in Germany and Germany was the leading nation in the sledding sports. Additionally, the races were known for their party atmosphere, especially in the evenings.

So after acclimatising on Warhammer and to the slight surprise of the sledding federations, Germany started to rebuild a World Cup season for the various disciplines and invited teams from the other Warhammer nations. Teams, which did not really exist at all and had to be schooled in the sports. But this was not new, many nations had their athletes training in Germany at least part of the year before the Weltensprung.

It took time and work, but finally a true World Cup season with Championships and something like the Olympics took shape. For this Germany upgraded the older tracks at Friedrichroda, Garmisch and Hahnenklee to top-level status and helped with building tracks outside Germany, even if most of them relied on natural cooling.

While the tracks at Hyttaholm and Ulfsland in Norsca were "special" in many ways, like technical stuff (normal build ice) and the native spectators, having ice during season was never a problem.

The Empire´s "Eiskanäle" at Hovelhof in Hochland, Blutfeste and Kemperbad in Reikland, Rote in Silvania, Ummenbach in Wissenland and Grenzstadt in Averland had artificial cooling and like Germany´s could operate for longer timesAbtei each year than the natural cooled ones in Norsca. Altdorf had also followed the German example, with the exception of the Kemperbad Channel, of erecting the tracks in regions which could need some development aid.

The sledding tracks were no miracle cure, but especially during winter season a substantial help for the communities, despite the high costs of operation.

In Tilea, after hearing about bob pilots like Eugenio Monti, something like a "Gruppo nationale" started. But with the long-time animosities between the Princes of Tilea, there was still a long way to go for this team. In practise, Miragliano and Tobaro citizens outnumbered everybody else on the Tilean sledding team, with two tracks in operation, One in Ravola, the other in the hills near Tobaro City, with the Princes in Lucchini debating about building one at Terenne.

To the amusement of the German team, since 2529 there was even an equivalent to the Sigulda track in Latvia in operation, the Ice Channel near Erengrad in Kislev. On Earth, Sigulda was an exception, the track being built in rather flat, low terrain, which was matched with the plains outside Erengrad. Unlike some other nations, Kislev never had problems with getting enough ice for their national sledding track.

The two Bretonnias tried, with a lot of teeth-grinding, a similar solution to the one of Tilea, a single national team, centred around the Bretonnian track near Montfort. The level of infighting was still high, but lessening. One thing that the Bretonnians had to learn, like some others, the rivalry in the Ice channel might be hard and fierce, advantages not given away lightly, but the Lugers, Skeletons and Bobsledders were a big family.

The harsh realities of the Warhammer World changed some parts of this concept, but it still held true.
Other Ice tracks were built in Ackendorf in the Borderlands, a small city directly across the Black Mountains, there was a track in Ulthuan for the Asurian team and the two tracks in Nippon at Maigiya and Hotohashi.

Without tracks at home, but among the World cup teams were the crews from Khemri, Cathay, and Estalia.

Laura Nolte was a German Bob pilot for Mono, Two, and Four crew bobs and one of the veterans, having won everything a bob pilot could over the years. While the string of victories for the German Bobs was not surprising, since Germany had the most experience, the best crews and sleds on Warhammer, you had to first bring it down the track.

Among the women´s team Laura was not the only pilot, Kim Kalicki, Mariama Jamanka, Annika Drazek, Lisa Buckwitz, Karin Schmeißer were only the best known. The women's team had the greatest fluctuations over the years, some coming back, some not, but that was biology at work. Stephanie Schneider or Leonie Fiebig for example were currently out of the Bob, the two being pregnant with their first and second kid respectively.

Pregnancy meant you were out of the Schlitten (Bobsleigh), latest after the first few months, since the Sledding Sports could be dangerous with their high speeds on ice and at times G-forces up to 5-6g.

Serious or deadly accidents in Bobsleigh, Luge or Skeleton were rare in younger times, but still could happen. At the BSD Sport Association HQ and the German Bobsleigh Museum there were pictures for the German athletes who paid with their lives for their sports passion, like Rudi Gerloff, Anton Pensperger, Toni Förster or Yvonne Cernota.

And there where pictures, if available, of the long list of successful German Bob crews since 1901 AD. Carl Benzing, Hanns Kilian, Fritz Gömöri, Sebastian Huber, Andreas Ostler, Pepi Bader, Wolfgang Zimmerer, Meinhard Nehmer, Raimund Bethge, Bernhard Germeshausen, Rudi Lochner, Wolfgang Hoppe, Bogdan Musiol, Christoph Langen, Harald Czudaj, Olaf Hampel, Markus Zimmermann, Dietmar Schauerhammer, Andre Lange, Kevin Kuske, Francesco Friedrich, Rene Spieß, Peter Utzschneider, Johannes Lochner, Nico Walther, Thorsten Florschütz, Hans-Peter Hannighofer, Manuel Machata, Franz Kremser, Hans Rösch, Maximilian Arndt Gabriele Kohlisch, Susi Erdmann, Sandra Kiriasis, Cathleen Martini, Mariama Jamanka, Anja Schneiderheinze, Laura Nolte, Stephanie Schneider, Kim Kalicki, Lisa Buckwitz, Annika Drazek and these were only the more known Pilots and crew members from over 120 years of Bobsleigh.

For Laura, watching the non-human teams was fascinating. The Asur had partly very talented pilots, but for some reason they had massive problems with the mixture of strength and agility that was needed for a perfect start.

In all sledding disciplines, not only bobsleigh, the teams from Khemri were nicknamed Schwerlasttransport (Heavy weight transport), since their undead bodies had more than enough strength, but they were mainly skeletons, so they did not weigh all that much. In a gravity sport a disadvantage, which led to the Khemri taking the maximum allowed extra weight with them, hence their nickname.
Restaurant Ratatouille, Berlin

The mushrooms were huge, which normally meant that they would be close to tasteless. Interestingly enough, there was both more than a little texture and a rich, earthly taste. Their marinade had quite a bit of spice in it, something set off by the Cheddar that covered them.
Now this was an entrée that Andrea Hermanns could dig, even when she had to be careful with it. Sleeping had somehow dropped markedly in priority and exercising was something she dimly remembered as important. So far things remained within reason, but if things did not change she would have buy new clothes, and not for the right reasons. Still, she needed an out for an evening and her friend had dragged her here.

Andrea decided that Monika had picked the restaurant for its food, not as she was more "woke" than Andrea would ever be.
The beer that accompanied the entrée had a taste that she had never tried before and was not sure she liked. It left her with a pleasant buzz though and Andrea reminded herself not to overdo.
The next dish was fish. This one was served complete with its skin and head. The places that were not covered with sauce were so white that they bordered on translucent and there were no eyes to be seen. The plate it arrived on balanced delicately with two others on a furry arm and well-maintained claws.

"Was the entrée to your liking liking Madame?"
Andrea forced herself to look into the waiter's furry face.
"It was excellent, thank you. May I have some root beer for the next course?"
"Certainly certainly Madame. Would you like the regular regular one or the special offer offer?"
"Regular please. I know for a fact that your special one will be on the illegal narcotics list with the next Federal Gazette"

The waiter's whiskers moved with alarming frequency.
"Oh my my, this is so so unfortunate. We will have to make a special offer offer then."
"That would be good, your stock will not be grandfathered I am afraid."
"Merci Madame. Regular root beer then."

Going for her fish knife Andrea Hermanns went for the fish, which turned out to have a ton of fishbone and great taste. The meal ended with a lovingly made chocolate mousse. She suspected that Skaven restaurants would never be as common as Halfling ones, but she would come back. The cooks in this restaurant tried their hardest to make good food with their traditional ingredients and their new possibilities.

Cellar, Karond Kar

The explosion shook the whole cellar and rattled those chains that were still fastened to the walls. The Petromax lamp fastened to a handy eyebolt in the ceiling swayed and illuminated the falling dust that the detonation had liberated from the masonry. The fine powder settled on the transparent plastic foil that covered the map below them. A pale, slender hand wiped it carefully away and managed to leave the markings made with a felt pen.
There were markings in black, blue and red on it, symbols that denoted the friendly and suspected enemy positions. A rating changed and added those according to the reports received by a small section of communication technicians who had barely stopped their work on account of the explosion. A little noise would neither faze her nor anybody else who had fought with the Wild Geese for any length of time.

"Comms, contact Klawitter's flyboys and tell them this was a bit too close for comfort. Ask them to put another flight into a holding orbit, Isilvar's people will rustle up business for them. Also, contact Shaxiao Wang, he should get his thumb out and block Chain Way, can't have the stumpies get away."
Areta Bane had fought with crossbow and spear, rifle and armoured Unimog. She had worked her way from markswoman and Squad Leader to Brigade Leader now. The days she actually used her rifle in anger or even saw the shooters were gone, unless something went horribly wrong.
Now she used the wireless set, maps, and situation reports. This might not be as satisfying as seeing her enemies bleed, but it allowed her to wield the artillery strike and order dive bomber attacks.

She had to adapt considerably, like all the Druchii who had joined the Wild Geese. And where others had failed, she had succeeded in mastering the new ways. Among them was how to motivate her troops. In the old days she would have thought about creative punishments to make soldiers fear her more than the enemy. She had learned other ways, the remarkable power of praise among them.

"Comms, contact Company Leader Reis and commend his people on laying those telephone lines that quickly."
The commo rating turned a crank on his Bakelite field telephone and used it to relay Areta's orders. He listened in and there might have been a supressed smile on his face when he turned back to the Brigade Leader.
"Brigade Leader, Company Leader Reis gives you his compliments and reminds you that field telephones are a valuable resource. I was ordered to tell you they are not that safe for playing with anyways. He wants all of them back, or their recognizable pieces."
Well, not everything had changed it seemed.

Turning back to the map which had been annotated with the data from the latest reports she tried to grasp the situation.
The beachhead was half a klick back from her current position. Some of the piers had survived everything this war could throw at them and allowed Leviathan's barges to unload quickly. A couple of German heavy equipment operators were earning obscene bonuses by using their excavators as makeshift cranes.

The mercenaries and the Cathayan Expedition Corps had pushed about a kilometre into Karond Kar before the defenders could organize themselves sufficiently to offer real resistance. Wolfgang Böhler knew the Stumpies far too well to overextend his troops. He had them dug in at their current positions. The DawiZharr knew if they wanted to keep Karond Kar they had to regain the docks or at least deny them to the mercenaries.

So they had assaulted the allied forces three times so far. Storming a prepared position with machine guns and breech-loading weapons behind them was hard and it became far, far worse when the other side had a decided artillery advantage. So far the campaign had very lopsided loss figures, favouring the allies markedly. Still one risk remained. Karond Kar had its share of tunnels to move people and merchandize protected from the ghastly weather and prying eyes. There were secret passages and cellars galore. The DawiZharr, dwarfs that they were, had taken to this underground terrain like fish to water and had adapted it to their liking. That meant that the little assholes could emerge in unexpected places with little to no warning. Going into these tunnels would give them more than a few advantages and Areta did not relish the prospect of any engagement down there at all.

She had hashed something out with Ivil Bloodcrest and both Druchii thought it worth a try. Only time would tell if this would be a bloody failure or saved troopers lives.

Hamburger Öffentliche Bücherhallen, Hühnerposten, Hamburg

Frauke Untiedt was lost for words for a moment, which was not like her. Doubly so as the object taking her ability to sensibly communicate away was a staircase.
The Hamburg public library executive needed two attempts before she finally managed to form her thoughts and project good manners.

"This is so …so beautiful. I knew you can grow incredible things, but this is just otherworldly. Thank you Dehahoine, you have fulfilled that contract well."
The Asrai bowed slightly before the German.
"Your praise brings honour to my clan. We do believe it fits this place, it is host to such marvels."
Untiedt's eyebrows rose minutely. Dehahoine smiled when she answered that.

"Oh, one of them is your books. We Asrai had little use for them. We have good memories and long lives. What we really needed to know, what poetry we want to enjoy we could learn from our elders. Even the places of great learning have a few hundred books at the very most. Each of them is a cherished work of art, hand written on costly vellum over a long time. But your arrival has brought new times to this world. And if the Asrai want to find their place in them we have to learn so much and so fast that books have their place now.
And here you have so many books that our language had no good words to express that amount. 500,000 books is simply incredible for us. Actually I am pretty sure that no Asrai has used the word 500,000 in all the millennia of our existence. We have one now, but that is made up and feels strange to our tongues.
Now I will not pretend that "50 Shades of Grey" or "Hanni and Nanni" are works of great wisdom, but still so many books here are. They allow an insights into worlds we did not even dream of. And that is not the only miracle here."

"What is it the other one then?"
"Look at your cafeteria. Even I recognize Germans from all walks of life, Imperials, Bretons, Tileans, Asur and a couple of dwarfs. And they all sit there in peace, enjoy your cakes and celebrate their love of books. If that does not count as a miracle, then I do not know what will."
Frauke Untiedt paused for a moment and smiled before answering.

"You know, some things are so huge you can only appreciate them from afar. Seems that I have been too close to our library to really see those things for the wonders they are. And so your people can partake in these wonders they are invited into this library whenever they want and we are open to the public."
"You have my thanks and those of my people Frau Untiedt. We will certainly make use of your invitation, we have so much to learn about these new times."
"As long as you eat our cakes quietly you are certainly welcome."

The staircase filled with human and Asrai laughter, as welcome as any noise in the library would ever be.

Another cellar, Karond Kar

The rock seemed to be too big for the car's wheels to overcome, especially when it had to drive so slowly as not to attract unwanted attention. Still, the tyres had remarkable grip and while the car tilted alarmingly it did not turn over. Instead it dropped into its suspension when it had cleared the obstacle and accelerated for the next spot of deep shadow. Manoeuvring back and forth a bit, it managed to push its camera into the corridor before it. To ordinary eyes the corridor was pitch-black, but the CCD in the camera could detect the infrared light provided by a few LED well enough. Depicted in low-res monochrome the barrier and the coal-scuttle helmets of the DawiZharr defenders were still recognizable.

Ivil Bloodcrest watched over the shoulder of a Night Shift warrant and marvelled at the technology that made this recon that easy. That the Germans thought the bits and pieces harmless enough to sell them freely showed clearly that they still had not fully adapted to this world. To think that the remote drone was sold as a toy truck and the camera originally meant to be the backup camera for an RV….
No matter the origins, Ivil was happy enough to have them. They allowed his Night Watch to map Karond Kar's underground with reasonable accuracy and without paying in blood for the intelligence won. His people would be done soon, and then the Wild Geese would use the data for all it was worth.

Former Kit Kat Club, Berlin

The lights in the room had been dimmed down so that the video would be clearer to see. It played before a rapt audience that watched it in silence. Shadows and lights crept over their faces as the short film progressed, mirrored in their faces which displayed their mood all too well.

They held their breath when a machine gun suffered a misfire inside a darkened bunker. The viewers flinched when something fast went through the vision slit and embedded itself in the wall behind the machine gunners. They became more cheerful when nimble fingers removed the stove-piped cartridge in mere seconds and the machine gun hammered salvo after salvo at unseen targets.

They supressed a laugh at the rough jokes exchanged between the former slaves after the assault and commiserated when they saw the shapeless food that filled the bowls a bit later. Everybody smiled a bit when Kuan Ti fed some scraps to a cat and called it a hero for keeping the bunker clean of rats.
There were a few supressed tears when the assistant gunner played a bit with her children when she got back to her quarters. Kuan Ti promptly went to sleep when both cuddled against her on the floor.

Andrea Hermann's voice was remarkably clear when the video ended.
"Is this what you asked for Heiko?"
"Oh fuck yes, it is. This is more than I hoped for and comes at the right time. Not too much to edit, I can do it tonight. And by tomorrow morning everybody with a smartphone or a computer can watch Kuan Ti do what she can. And then we will ask the viewers what they can do."

The being that watched them from the warp was old and had seen so very much. He still could not fathom the ways of the people he had encouraged for a while now. Which in turn meant he had next to no idea whether they would succeed or not. That had not stopped him before though and these ones seemed to have their heart in the right place, even when he did not understand them fully.

Bunker, under Tower of Pain, Karond Kar

Zhlatan the Lame no longer flinched when the ground under him shook or the lantern above his head swayed. Lord Mordred had warned General Gorth that the Dandelion Eaters would try to take Karond Kar and Gorth had assured Mordred that they could not take it in a thousand years.
The General would not have to answer for his plans and preparations as his bunker had been hit by one of these strange planes that dove for their targets like a bird of prey and howled like a Banshee.

Zhlatan was far less optimistic than Gorth had been. The DawiZharr in Karond Kar were stout dwarfs, they loved Lord Mordred as much as any other and would fight to their last breath for him. But they were those who could not partake in the great battles that were fought inside Naggaroth. Some of them, like himself, had received wounds that made them unable to march all day. Others had breathed the poisons that both sides used on the battlefield and were short of breath or no longer had the eyesight needed on the battlefield.
But by Hashut and Lord Mordred, they could still shoot, they could move the short distances inside Karond Kar. Zhlatan was sure that he had enraged the Druchii and their human allies enough so that they would enter his domain. And then the DawiZharr would teach the Dandelion Eaters why they should fear the dark underground. And when he had bled them enough he had a surprise stashed away that would allow him to throw every one of them back into the sea.

It would be glorious and he waited…

Zhlatan realised that his broad nostrils started to move and concentrated on what his body had detected before the mind had caught up with it. There was a strange smell, quite pervasive, but under it was something else. There were very few things a DawiZharr feared, but firedamp was very high up the list. It did not matter how good, how stout or how experienced you were. When enough flammable gas concentrated itself in the tunnels, caves, and mines that extracted the DawiZharr's lifeblood and found the slightest spark, then you died violently and quickly. Zhlatan had seen heavy machinery being ejected for dozens of meters from a mine shaft because a firedamp had exploded hundreds of meters below.

And now his experienced nose smelled things that a human never would and told him a story of such a firedamp in the making. In this blasted place the flammable gas could not have a natural origin, it had to be the treacherous Druchii. He now had the choice between dying in a fireball, or taking a few hated enemies of Lord Mordred with him. The choice was not difficult at all. He filled his lungs to bursting before shouting the last command he was about to give in this life.

"Firedamp, firedamp, firedamp. All make for the next sally point and charge the damn Dandelion Eaters and their lackeys. Charge my children and show them why they should fear the true dwarfs. Charge."
His order was relayed by messenger and by land line, it gained urgency by the first subdued explosions that wrecked distant tunnels. Taken up by DawiZharr who resented waiting for the enemy and hating those who would use their primal fear against them none hesitated. Hundreds of warriors opened whatever exit they could access and stormed into the cold bright light of the day.

Street, Karond Kar

The box was nothing special, having contained a kilogram of wood screws for most of its existence. Thousands of those had been shipped to Leviathan's dock and quite a few of those had been on the ship when it sailed. Now it was fastened on its side, the lid pointed towards the street and the buildings on the other side. The bottom was filled by a putty-like substance and a thick cord that connected it to other, similar boxes nearby. On top of that putty some of the screws and other small ironmongery rested inside the box. A few leaves and a thin board had been used to hide the box from casual observers.

Suddenly some of the rubble on the other side of the street was pushed to the side and the first DawiZharr emerged from a well-hidden opening into the underground. The first ones did not make an effort to look around or to take cover, they needed to clear the space for many more DawiZharr who emerged from the tunnel. When they filtered into the street they looked for the enemy, but none were to be seen. Like nearly all streets in Karond Kar this one was narrow and hemmed in by high buildings on all sides. Most were burned-out husks, empty windows watching them silently like a skull's eyeholes.

An officer emerged from the tunnel below and started to give orders, the first dwarfs formed up when something unseen ignited the detcord that connected the box with the others strewn around the tunnels exit. Its explosion assaulted the ears of everybody in the enclosed space, the sound masked the horrible whizz that accompanied the many fragments that raced through the open space. The improvised mines had been placed well and there were very few DawiZharr not hit by several fragments. Very few were shielded by their fellow soldiers or lucky enough to take the hits against the light armor they wore. The rest were horribly wounded by the uneven shrapnel, very few lucky enough to die quickly. The rest had to watch their lifeblood running through many wounds, unable to stem the flow of them all.

The windows and every other opening into the ruins that bordered the DawiZharr exit point birthed muzzles and soldiers who opened fire on the bloody chaos below. Some made the solid booms of rifles, others were the short salvos of something else.
Ivil Bloodcrest ripped the magazine out of the submachine gun's side and replaced it with a fresh one before reopening fire. He still marvelled that something as simple as this "Sterling" could wreck so much havoc and where it had been all of his life while he cut down two survivors with a short burst. Looking for more targets yielded a great lot of nothing, the ambush had worked as planned.

Too bad that Areta Bane was on a different path, she would have made a worthy addition to his Night Shift. She had been given the same safety lecture like all of them about the portable heaters and their gas bottles on-board Leviathan. Areta had been the only one to make something out of it, a tool to flush the Stumpies out of their hiding holes. He and his people had been responsible for mapping Karond Kar's underground and the likely sally ports. Ivil had relished setting the ambushes in advance, this was how you pleased the god of murder and avoided paying him with your own.

He was still rounding up his team members when a series of explosions ripped the air apart a few hundred meters from his position.

Cellar, Karond Kar

Areta Bane was not surprised that things turned to shit so quickly, she had expected that something would come up. She was a soldier and Druchii, Murphy was an old, murderous acquaintance of hers. She tried her hardest to project calm in a command centre that was on the verge of chaos when the enemy showed their hand. Giving clear orders in a firm voice helped, she could just hope her orders would make sense in the real world.

"Comms, Shaxiao Wang's request for a fire mission on his last position is approved, ask Leviathan and Brigade Leader Richter for all they have got. May Khaine receive him well, he will take enough of the Stumpies with them.
She looked at the map and hoped that the markings regarding cleared streets were correct.
"Comms, Mobile one is to assume a position at Whipping Square, they are to fire on the enemy from there. Mobile two…no Mobile three should use Loot Walk till they flank the enemy and wait till Mobile one has their attention and then flank them. If they can they should infiltrate their dismounted elements into the ruins along Chain Way and take it from there. And rustle up Ivil's misguided children, maybe they reinforce in time. Call Klawitter, I need that air support now…

And while Areta tried to stem the tide with what resources were at hand she still wondered how the allies could have overlooked the three battlemechs under that pile of rubble. She was pretty sure that the Stumpies had buried them for later use. She should probably be happy that they were forced to play their hand now and not at a time of their choosing. Still the Mechs were a terrible threat inside Karond Kar's confined spaces. She would lose good soldiers fighting them, the question was how many.

Abandoned House, Chain Way, Karond Kar

The shell raced by the window, close enough that it's passing whipped up a dust cloud inside the room. Ivil Bloodcrest kept himself well back from the opening, so he had no clue whether it hit its intended target or not. Whatever happened to the projectile, it roused a Golem to a murderous fury. Its scream was like a tea kettle and a grinder, mixed at the noise level of a starting plane. Something close crashed through masonry without really slowing down. The hammering of huge metal feet shook the ruin he was in and became louder with each passing second.
Another projectile came from the mercenaries' unseen Unimog and went by his post. This time he could be sure it hit something, the explosion was too loud to be masked by anything else. The scream was back, louder than ever before and the Mech resumed its assault, even when the hammer of its footsteps seemed uneven this time. One of his soldiers looked at him for a second and he nodded.

The soldier crept forward until he had cleared the part of the room still having walls. He rose to a crouch while his partner steadied his shoulder and turned backwards. The why of that became abundantly clear when the huge Mech had passed Isilvar's position. When the soldiers pulled the trigger on his weapon the flared end of the tube erupted with an explosion of flame and smoke. It blasted the debris from the floor and hurled it to impressive distances. Anybody who would have stood there would be dead and if the two had been stupid enough to shoot before a wall they would be quite toasty by now.

Their shot went into the Mech's back and detonated on impact. A lance of plasma pierced the thick hide and vented molten metal and cooper flame inside. The explosion made the Golem stumble forward and then fall on its face. Ivil felt tremors under him that suggested that the metal beast was still trying to get up after this. The loader of the recoilless rifle team ripped the breech of his partner's weapon open and pulled the cartridge's remains from them. Taking the time to align the grooves of the fresh shell with the rifling of the barrel he pushed a new round in and closed the breech again. Just as he finished, the head of the Mech became visible through the building's windows.

Ivil dropped and rolled into what he hoped was sufficient cover when both a machine gun salvo and a fierce blast assaulted his ears. He waited for a second for the ground to stop moving and then looked around the wall. The Golem was nowhere to be seen, a mighty crash indicated that it had fallen to the ground again. His recoilless gun team had been shredded by a machine gun at close range and their remains had been strewn through the room.

In the distance he could hear more shooting and at least one more crash, but the characteristic footsteps of Battlemechs had ceased of now.

Excerpt from the letter of Mailin Wu, Nurse of the Celestial Dragon's Expedition Corps to her parents, written two days later

We conspire against their right to die. They arrive right from the clearing stations, Druchii and men, old and young, nobles and commoners. They scream in pain or they are horribly still. Some ask for their mothers or call on their fierce gods for benediction of their kills.
Many bear bloody bandages, others seem unharmed. Some are not really here, their minds unable to bear the terrible reality, other tell us in quiet voices not to bother with them.

My hands tell me who will live and who will die. The cold sweat on their skin shows me their fate, their faltering pulse whispers of their impeding death. The shallow lift of their chests marks their ceasing breath, their fingers weakening grip testament of fleeting life.
My hands on their brow is the last thing they feel in this life and my voice the last sound they hear.
We do what they can to save them, and we save many. We cannot save them all and no matter how many die, there are always more.

No matter how long I am in this field hospital, I have yet to see a wounded DawiZharr and that worries me more than anything else I have seen so far. What kind of war are we waging in the Dragon's name?

The last part is inspired by my memories about a letter from a nurse serving during the first Battle of the Somme.
Today we go down memory lane, revisiting places and people that were last seen in this TL years ago. We find that there are things that make Ivil Bloodcrest uneasy, learn what Ernutan Doomshackler can no longer do and visit places that should frighten anybody sane. All thanks be to Trevayne who polished, it was direly needed.

Addidas Factory, Altdorf

Emma placed the clipboard, her unofficial badge of office, on the secretary's desk before she entered her new boss' office. She had counted her sins and found none, but being called in was rarely a good sign. Asking herself what the man who had taken over the job a few weeks ago wanted, she had no idea and feared for her job. Reminding herself that she had made it from worker to supervisor under her own power she straightened her back and entered the office.

"Herr Polito, you wanted to see me?"
The slender, young-seeming man smiled when she entered and vaguely indicated the chair before his desk. Emma sat down, unable to relax fully.
"Thanks for seeing me at such short notice Frau Fassberg. Please don`t worry about anything, I just want to poke your mind for a couple of things I do not understand."
Emma needed a second to understand and formulate some answer. This was not what she had expected. In the end she could not avoid stammering.

"Ah, me Herr Polito? I am just a supervisor and do not…"
"You are also an Imperial Frau Fassberg and started as a worker in this company. I dare to think you are still part of the grapevine and can shed a bit of light."
"Err, certainly. Even if I would not report anything about the lives of the workers outside the factory…."
Polito chuckled a bit.

"Oh, I am not interested in that, really now. No, it is something else. Now that the Imperials have more money on their hands we could sell shirts and shoes by the carload lot. Doubly so as this revolushunary committee has occupied some of Skarsnik's factories and several contracts are up in the air. So we try to hire enough workers for a night shift and there are very few takers. Do you have any idea why that might be?"
Emma wrung her hands trying to find an answer that would not anger her new boss.
"I am a grown man Emma, I can take it, really now."
The answer was a rush, like she wanted to get it over with.
"It's Gardena Herr Polito, at least that is most of it."
The German shook his head a couple of times and squinted.
"Sorry, I do not follow."

The answer was a bit steadier now.
"See, working on these sewing machines can be a bit dangerous if you are tired. And when the sun is not up the needle is hard to see. At Gardena you just put rubber rings around fittings and screw them together, no danger to your fingers there. The factory is newer, and they do not do stonewashing, so the air is better. They have a cantina and they pay ten marks more per week, at least that's what I hear. So when the workers came back from the Nachhexen holidays their tried their luck there. Sorry Herr Polito, that's the way it is."

Polito did not say anything for a second and reclined in his chair
"Ten marks per week more and for that they change?"
"For a worker on the floor that is that is a good 10% increase Herr Polito. And that is on top of the other things."
"Yes, yes. I see I need to adjust to the Empire a bit more. I saw quite a few Bretonnians in the late shift. Can we just hire a few more refugees?"
"A lot of them are going home now that the war is over and the Republic is getting organized. And those who do not are still going to Gardena or one of the other newer factories."

The German was getting somewhat exasperated.
"My predecessor promised me that there was a steady supply of former farmhands who are no longer needed who try their luck in Altdorf. How about them?"
"There are no longer as many as in the last few years. The baronies and states start their own industries, so people can stay closer to their homes. I am not saying that there are none, but there are fewer and they have choices now."
Polito sat there for a few moments, saying nothing. He took a deep breath before continuing.
"Thank you for being so frank with me Emma, I appreciate that. Since you seem rather knowledgeable, do you have any ideas what we can do to attract more workers?"
Emma's response was halting, but gained speed after the first sentences.
"Herr Polito, I am just a simple supervisor, so I am not sure how much my advice is worth. But to me it seems we cannot offer lower wages for a more dangerous job in an older factory. We might see some more workers, but they will not be the ones we are looking for and they might leave soon."

"So I do believe we need to pay every worker a bit more, the ten marks per week like the others do. We also need better lights and the stonewash area needs to be closed off, so that the dust does not go everywhere. Yes, this will cost, but we will have fewer rejected goods and cleaning will be far easier. And I can guarantee you need to pay the guys in stonewashing an extra, working all day under these masks is hard going. If we do that, we could distribute leaflets in some villages and smaller towns, I might have some suggestions there."
"Uff, that is going to cost…."
"Herr Polito, I am just a simple supervisor, but even I know that a little profit of something is better than a huge profit from nothing. And as long as we mostly hire day labourers they could go for greener pastures whenever they get a better offer. If that happens when we have seasonal orders we are in deep …dodo."
There was some amusement in Polito's voice when he answered.
"Seems I asked the right person Emma the not-so-simple-supervisor. Thanks, you gave me lots of food for thought. Tell you something, you give me some recommendations where to distribute those leaflets and what to write, there will be an extra for that. I will talk to headquarters. They won't like it, but will probably have to take it. You do good work Emma, thanks."

Emma walked from the office, bowing deeply as she might have done before her liege quite some years ago. When she had passed the anteroom her back straightened and she jumped a bit. That had been hard to arrange, but it had totally been worth it.

Command Tent, three kilometer from Neustadt

Kouran Darkhand watched the map before him with well-concealed incomprehension. It was supposed to be a sketch of the defenses of Neustadt, but many of the symbols on it made little sense to him. That these scribblings represented the result of nearly two weeks of scouting incensed him. These were two weeks he had not been fulfilling Malekith's orders to bring the slaves to heel and punish those who had incited them to rebel.
Racca Daweneyes should better have something worth waiting so long for. Kouran would have killed her already if his own attempts at storming Neustadt had not been bloodily repulsed again and again.
The one-eyed Druchii in front of his command group gave no sign of being aware of Kouran's hate and had the gall to turn her back to him to show the features on the map.

"So, this is what we found in our recons and during the last attacks.
Two sides of Neustadt are bordered by steep slopes. There are next to no fixed defenses there, but we would have to use ropes to make the descent. We might as well show a "shoot me" sign, and the slopes are within range of Neustadt's AA fire. That is a pass.
The river on the far side is fast moving and deep. At this time of the year there are still ice floes in there. There are fortified positions at the pier and I spotted some craters on our side of the river. That means they have the range of that area with their arty and any assault there will fail.

The one accessible side is very well defended. The barbed wire is well connected to stakes, the belt has depth and as we had to learn the hard way, it is mined with both buried and directional mines. If we take this wire under artillery fire it might shift, but it will not break. There are a lot of bunkers behind the wire and two lines of trenches with firing positions. What we do not see are communication trenches, or at least not as many as we would expect. That indicates tunnels to move and resupply. The bunkers are armed with machine guns and rifle ports. I think I spotted directional mines around them. They are also positioned so that they can support each other and seem substantial enough that they can order artillery on their positions without killing themselves.

There is a second wire belt behind the first set of bunkers and it is of similar depth and probably mined as well. We never managed to get that far, but we spotted at least some directional mines. Both the weapons in the bunkers and whatever arty the slaves have in the back have zeroed the wire and the approaches to that in. We tried to attack at night and when that fog came up and still bled like crazy.

Despite all of that it is the only way in and we have to make it, one way or another. The slaves have some mages and they do not need to overpower ours. They just have to defend and point their artillery to the place where ours try our best. The results tend to be messy."
Kouran Darkhand's voice was toneless and quiet, something that made the warriors on his sides shift uncomfortably.
"You needed two weeks to tell me what I knew already Daweneyes. What makes me keep you around?"

Two years ago Racca would have cringed, now she had no fucks to give.
"That you have tried yourself several times and could not break even the first wire belt. Now you need help and I happen to be one of the very few Experten you can lay your hands on. I learned German just to read the few books on trench warfare Lord Silverhawk received and have used that knowledge in more battles than I dare to count. I still do not know how I survived, usually any officer in my position dies within two weeks from arriving at the front when the bloody stumpies are involved. Kill me if you want to waste the Black Guard on Neustadt's defenses, or listen to me. Then you might have a chance."

Darkhand did not speak for a few moments, being taken aback by such a blatant refusal to be intimidated.
"So far you have just stated that we cannot break the slave's defenses. So?"
"So here comes the part where we discuss which tactics might work. Interested?"

Kouran nodded while his hands shifted their grip on the halberd that was never far from him.
"One way of getting through this wire would be an intense bombardment lasting a few days, preferably with siege mortars. They have a chance to shift the wire at the very least. Even if they do not destroy the bunkers outright they will kill the morale of the slaves inside. This lovely German, Bruchmüller, wrote that the first humans will commit suicide after just two days as they cannot stand the bombardment. Sadly only two or three percent of them do. The bombardment would also leave a ton of craters we could use as cover to approach the wire. It would also destroy most of the mines, so all good."

Kouran's eyes lit up, now he was hearing things he liked.
"So I do not think we will have the ammunition for such a bombardment any time soon. Actually the ones who could provide it are on the other side of that wire. But a short bombardment, with lots of smoke, would shake the defenders and make them keep their heads down."

"We have tried that, the bunkers protect the slaves so well that they are not distracted enough."
Racca Dawneye's lips were contorted in a smile, but there was no trace of that around her face.
"Yes, but for that other thing. I have this idea based on what the humans tried on their world and we have the resources for it."
Darkhand's voice mixed curiosity with annoyance.
"What resources does the Witch King in abundance what we might use on these slaves? Even I cannot requisition more modern troops than we have here now."

Racca's answer astonished him.
"Well, if we cannot have more modern soldiers we have to use those who would not or could not change their ways. Executioners, Brides of Khaine, Beastmasters. The Witch King might have one more use for them."
Kouran did not betray the unease about the casual dismissal of Malekith's troops he still respected.
"And what role could they play?"
"I have this idea….

Haus Sonnenhof, Children's Hospice, Berlin

Björn Stonehammer had brought two cars to a place where children go to die painlessly, and he was surrounded by excited cheers and laughter. He had not been sure how he would be received or whether he could stand it, and he found himself smiling at the excitement that his newest creations brought.

Any hot rod worthy of that name had to be low on the ground, but Björn's newest car certainly broke all records. It managed to pass below his beard without catching any of it, a feat that the current driver performed repeatedly while screaming with glee. The engine noises were deep and warbled with the righteous rhythm of a V-8. They were strangely muted though and so the spectators and the driver managed to drown it easily. The Dawi mechanic's beard split apart in a wide grin when he helped the kid from the car and placed another inside.

The girl might lack any hair and her skin was so white it was translucent. Her mouth and nose was hidden by a mask and her joy was still unmistakable when she gunned the kid-sized car down the park's lanes at a top speed of some 10 kph.
Stonehammer stepped back onto the lawn as to make way for a driver whose enthusiasm eclipsed his skills by far.
A 50-something woman made her way to where he stood and a smile lit up a face that knew too little of that.

"Thank you Herr Stonehammer, you and your crew have built something marvellous. I cannot remember when the kids were that happy."
"Least we could do when we learned of this place Doktor Heinitz, really now. And by the looks of it our moonlighting seems to pay off."
"Oh yes, it certainly does. Anything that takes these children to a happier place is to be praised, and this seems to work better than most. Again, thank you so much."

"Don't fash yourself lassie, it is a pleasure to see them like this. What I will never understand is how you can work in a place like this. Helping children in their last days is…bad."

The doctor sighed for a moment before her shoulders came up again.

"These days some of them make it, this is a world of miracles after all. The goddess helps me and most of the staff cope. And if we do not do it, who will?"
"Dr. Heinitz, Dawi rarely work for free for anybody, except family. But if anybody ever deserved our aid it is you. We will come back for maintenance every so often, please call if anything breaks."
"Oh we will. A question if I am allowed."
"Yes lass?"
"These have electric motors, right? So why does it make that sound, did you use a sound generator? Is that just for fun?"
"Yes we use a sound system for that. In part it is for fun. On the other hand, you said it yourself, some of the kids will make it. And somebody has to carry the V-8s into the future, best plant some seeds now."

Before Camp Joy, Karond Kar

The submachine gun rattled in Ivil Bloodcrest's hands and thin streams of smoke connected its muzzle to his target. The daemonette screamed her pain and ecstasy to the world until blood and unquenchable fire filled what went for her lungs.
The assassin had to step aside to avoid her last lunge and the claw missed his chest by a few centimeters. His ears were assaulted by the double blast of a recoilless cannon mounted on an armoured truck. The Keeper of Secrets that caught the shell did not contribute to the clamor, but simply vanished in a multi-colored explosion.

The compound outside Karond Kar's walls had been a terrible surprise for the Wild Geese and their Cathayan allies. It was behind wooden walls topped with spikes and had been guarded by a few DawiZharr. No assault party sallied forth from it, no artillery tried to kill the mercenaries, and there were no snipers waiting for their next victim. In the barely controlled chaos that was the assault on Karond Kar it had been ignored as uninteresting and unimportant while Battlemechs tried to stop on Wolfgang Böhler's troops.
Now that most DawiZharr had shuffled off the mortal coil in one way or another the mages had taken notice of the compound. They described the miasma that poisoned the warp from that place as a terrible mixture of terror, lust, pain and death.

Shangxiao Lin Sung had detailed a company to conduct reconnaissance. The Cathayans had killed the DawiZharr guards quickly and efficiently. When they had tried to enter the compound's buildings they had been faced with hundreds of Slaaneshee Demons.
Quite a few soldiers had fallen on their knees, begging the Keeper of Secrets for the favor of worshipping him while they were slaughtered.

The Night Shift's selection process would allow only very strong-willed individuals to pass their grueling tests and the elite mercenaries had more than a few wards to distribute. They could be expected to withstand Slaanesh's allure long enough to kill the fraggers. Which meant they had to do what they abhorred and assault an enemy position in clear daylight, without lengthy preparation. Ivil Bloodcrest had used his connection to Areta Bane to rustle up fire support and was so nice as to inform Böhler's staff he intended to do so. The frontal assault looked furious, coming at the end of a mad minute shooting that shredded the compound's wooden walls, actually toppled a guard tower, and killing a handful of unfortunates. When the Night Shift emerged from cover the demons crawled from their hiding spaces, ready to massacre the puny mortals. The Night Shift promptly reversed their course, fleeing back into cover as fast as they could. They had good reason to as two mortar batteries and no less than four 105 mm guns from Leviathan plastered Slaanesh's chosen with high explosives and razor-sharp fragments. The survivors had retreated into the former warehouses and cellars as fast as they could and now Bloodcrest had to dig them out.

So far Areta's armored trucks had provided a lot of firepower, that was about to stop. Ivil did not relish going in and engaging the demons at close range. Even worse, something was happening in there that made sounds that chilled even his blood.

Inside Camp Joy

Lady Heles Jerres had received a longer chain as a reward for successfully giving birth to twins. It also helped with her taking care of them. And taking care she did, they were the lights of her life, her only love, and worth every bit of attention and care she could give them.

They were just so very cute, so adorable, and she could see the great beauty that would blossom in both when the time was right. Both had been uneasy as they had grown teeth during the last few weeks. Beautiful, sharp teeth that often hurt her when she fed them. That was right and proper, they were truly Druchii and that meant they had to be able to hurt others. And she would do everything, really everything to keep others from harming her treasures, she would.
It was just that she could do so little in her current state and the demons were coming ever closer. From what she could hear they were going to cell after cell and had their way with the true elves inside. The cries of anguish, pain, fear and ecstasy were coming nearer and she feared for the very moment they would come through her door. She would protect the children to the last, but feared that all she could do was to buy time.

And at the same time there were the other sounds. There were explosions, shooting and more. Who was fighting there and would they be able to save her children in time?

Inside Camp Joy

The greatest change for Ivil Bloodcrest when he joined the Wild Geese was the teamwork. No longer a lone wolf hunting for the prey chosen by the Temple of Khaine, now he was leader of the pack. Training to fight as a group far more effective and efficient than improving the perfect dagger thrust.

Currently he watched five Watchmen do their thing on a cell. One had pushed a priceless endoscope under the door, making sure that there were targets inside and where. She lifted a couple of fingers and pointed to the doors sides. There was the briefest of pauses before the group exploded into action. One ripped the door open for the fraction of a second, two dropped grenades in before the door slammed closed again and a wedge made sure it stayed that way. The explosions inside shook the door and nearly ripped it from its hinges. Before the dust had a chance to settle the door was ripped open again, this time for real. The grenadiers had Sterlings in their hands by then and went through the opening. They hammered short bursts of incendiary ammo into whatever moved after two grenades had vented their fury into a very limited space.
The next door brought no fingers from the endoscope operator but a confused shake of the head. The door was opened more slowly this time and two submachine guns covered the small elven huddle on the floor. The sight was so bizarre that Ivil Bloodcrest blinked.

Gulf of Naggarond, Naggaroth, same time

Ernutan Doomshackler's command tent had been erected and torn down so many times that the fabric was frayed and patched many times. Icy winds crept through the many rents and caressed what skin could be found. Mordred's chosen general could care less, he had the next assault on the Dandelion Eaters to plan and execute. It would be straightforward, as the winds were too fickle to use gas and Lord Mordred needed the flying disks. The front between the dark waters and the imposing cliffs did not allow for fancy maneuvers. Not that they needed such measures to fulfil Lord Mordred's commands, he just had to expend the resources.
His voice was clear, a bit toneless and flat, talking about evolutions he had ordered many times before.

"The first wave will attack before the end of the artillery strike. There will be smoke shells with the last salvos. It is imperative that you march right behind the creeping barrage. You will lose good DawiZHarr to our own guns, but far less than if the Dandelion Eaters have time to crawl from their bunkers and emplace their machine guns. Up to five percent losses to our own artillery is expected, double that is acceptable if it allows you to get to the wire without the Druchii opening fire. Bring the fallen with you, you can throw them on the wire, it is faster than cutting it. This will also trigger the mines the damn elves leave in it.
First company, you attack on the left flank, make sure that you do not wander into second company's lane of attack."

Ernutan called everybody by their functions these days, it made the losses fractionally easier to bear. The officers might fight better if they thought their general cared about them, but he no longer had the energy to fake that. His heart ached about that, he was letting Mordred down, but he could really, really not stand to lose more DawiZharr he cared about.

Allied Command Post, Karond Kar

Wolfgang Böhler had a hard time believing what his eyes saw so clearly. Ivil Bloodcrest, the coldest killer of a race that revered a god of murder he personally knew, was fazed by something.

"We cleared the compound without too much difficulty. Most demons that wanted a fight were caught by the artillery, that took the starch right out of them. The rest tried to kill the camp's prisoners, but as they took their time to have a bit more fun with them they were too slow and distracted. They were very ...creative in their ways. We took advantage of that and actually managed to save some of the camp's victims. They allowed us to learn what this operation was about, at least in parts."
Böhler waited for a few seconds for Bloodcrest to go on, he finally asked when the Druchii's mind was obviously still in the compound.
"So what was going on in there?"
"It was a bloody breeding camp. They made children for...something. When we stormed in the mothers tried to protect their children. Some succeeded, others died doing so."

All attendants of the meeting winced in some ways, at least one prayer was murmured in the group. Yet Böhler sensed that not everybody did so for the same reasons.
"I take it that this is unusual. I fail to understand the import of...
Ivil's unease was easy to see and hear.
"Protecting their kids, especially when it is obviously a hopeless case is not what Druchii mothers do. They have to give children to Khaine every so often, and before they are eligible for that honor many are culled as they show minor defects. Even when these fates can be avoided a true elven mother will avoid growing attached to her children as this would make her vulnerable to blackmail or worse. A good Druchii mother will care for herself and her household as this is her life support. She cannot care for every child and still these tried to fend of Daemonettes with their bare hands.
I do not understand this, something is very, very wrong here.
The warp provided inspiration, Trevayne precision and spelling, so what am I to do but write things down. Today we have a couple of conversations which can only happen in this TL, gain some hints into Mordred's plans and who is aiding Andrea Hermann's and save the whales while probably annoying Greenpeace.

Entrance to the Undergound Sea, Close to Karond Kar, Naggaroth

The ship's bow pushed water and ice floes aside with equal ease. The bow wave increased with every second as the ironclad accelerated for all it was worth now that it had exited the narrow tunnels of the underground sea. Bearded heads were glued to rare binoculars, spotting targets for the huge guns in the twin turrets before her bridge. Their muzzles seemed like tunnels into darkness and they started to bear on their first victims. She was an ugly ship, with a ram bow, huge superstructure, lots of secondary guns and heavy armor. She would neither be fast nor maneuverable, yet her armor would allow her to withstand whatever the mercenaries could fire at her. The short time between her emergence from the tunnel and being in range of its targets would prevent the Dandelion Eaters and their lackeys from bombarding the ship from the air. If Lord Mordred's promise was good, and they always were, then his magics would have hidden the ship's passage through the Underground Sea. The dreadnought would smash all in its way, paving the way for true dwarven reinforcements.

The box on the seabed looked somewhat innocuous, not like a weapon of war. It was made from waterproof concrete and the only thing suspicious about it was the thin cable that connected it with Karond Kar's shore. It ceased to look harmless when the DawiZharr shipped passed over it by some 20 meters. A circuit was closed by an observer, a blasting cap and a small charge of black powder answered the call. That was enough to excite roughly two tons of dynamite into a fearsome detonation. The gas it produced under high pressure found the sea bed unyielding and the pressure on the sides high, while it decreased with every meter it ascended. Following the past of least resistance a huge gas bubble formed and parts of it met the steel hull of the Dreadnaught. It lifted the bow high, dished in the hull plating and cracked the keel in two places. Water rose in a huge column eclipsing the ship's mast by many meters. Inside the ship DawiZharr and their slaves were hammered into the deck by the explosion, many suffered fractured legs or ankles. In their shock and pain they could just listen to the tearing and the groaning of the hull, now that a huge portion of it was not supported by water. Even without the damage from the explosion, that would have destroyed the dreadnaught, since the keel fractured it broke into two halves. The choir of tortured metal was interrupted by an explosion when cold seawater met the tortured soul reactor. It killed everybody in the machinery spaces mercifully quick. The crewmembers not so lucky had to listen to an otherworldly shriek when whatever had been bound to the reactor was released. The sound lasted while the ship's halves sank and were silenced by the Sea of Chill's black waters.

Above Naggarond, Naggaroth

The Pfadfinder drone had arrived above Naggaroth a day before. Its predecessor had finally exhausted its batteries to the point where it had to return to an airfield in Ulthuan. The few bleak hours of sun available at this time of the year had been unable to recharge even the relatively meager needs of the huge propeller-driven drone. Both this one and its predecessor had the same task: keeping close tabs on the war that raged in the icy hell. The huge cameras with their folded optics could give a resolution that was simply not possible from orbit and the drone had a persistence unlike any manned plane. This was a great help when humint was very thin on the ground and sigint practically non-existent.
This war had been interesting enough before a magical explosion of considerable size had woken the Reiksbund to the fact that the conflict might very well reach out and touch them.

So the drone would follow its minder's orders and take a long look at the battles along the Gulf of Naggarond's shores. It also had a second set of orders, unknown to most of those operating the Pfadfinder. When the drone circled above Naggarond it received a signal buried in its course data. It waited till the position was right before it released a small pack held under the huge wings before continuing on its course. Five minutes later its electronic brain had forgotten the orders and the incident completely.
The pack deployed a small parachute. It slowed the pack minutely, but mostly provided stabilization. Dropping from a height where the blood of an unprotected human would boil through the layer where he would merely suffocate it reached an altitude where Dragons roamed.
It was there that the package unfolded four arms that ended in dual rotors. The parachute was dropped and the slipstream turned the propellers with ever-increasing speed. The electricity generated by that allowed the drone to go from standby to powered.

It accessed its position from the GPS, found itself a bit off the path it was programmed to follow and corrected course. The drone followed a downward spiral and its infrared camera looked for one tower among many. It wasn't hard to find as it was the tallest one and had a unique shape no other had dared to mimic. When the little aircraft was close enough it matched the upmost balcony with a picture stored in graphene memory. It briefly hovered above the balcony, dropping a small package on its floor. With that accomplished the drone made for the Gulf of Naggarond. The gigacaps allowed it to make it several miles from shore before failing. The drone fell into the silent water, never to be seen again.

Malekith would find the package a few hours later, wondering as always how it had gotten there. This time the package was heavier and held more than just pictures and messages. The instructions were quite clear, with lots of pictures in between. Even so he needed hours to learn to use the tablet, set up the solar charger and establish a satellite connection. That was a good thing, given that an army was allegedly fighting for him and he had no opportunity to contact them. Until now.

Meeting Room, Leviathan

When the mercenaries command staff had an emergency meeting, the topic was usually urgent, deadly, and could spell doom for the Wild Geese if not handled quickly and properly. This one was all of that and about babies. The briefing was held by an unlikely team, consisting of Anethra Hellebane and Hermann Corzilius, who headed the magical and medical departments respectively.
Currently Hellebane was referring to her findings about the babies freed from the DawiZharr camp and she was clearly exasperated.

"I checked these rug-rats with every spell at my disposal and passed them by any artifact that might provide an answer. I even conjured a minor entity of the warp and had it examine the babies from the Empyrean.
And the answer is still the same: They are not magically active. They are not nulls or something like that, they are just nothing out of the ordinary for healthy Druchii babies of their age. And all the while they vexed me so I still had the urge to coddle them. Me, coddle babies like a cross-eyed mother? Something is not right here, but I cannot see what. But where I failed, Hermann here has a theory he would like to present."

The Wild Geese's elderly doctor had never been a large man, after several years of campaigning he was rail-thin and bald as an egg. His voice was firm and deep though.
"Like Anethra I could not find anything wrong with the children I was tasked to examine. By my, albeit limited, experiences with Druchii children these seem to be a very healthy lot. The PCR-test for Chaos corruption has come up negative. That said, me and my staff also thought that the babies were very, very cute. In fact, so much so that there was a certain competition between the nurses who would be allowed to change their diapers, and if that is not a first I do not know what is.

I could neither make heads nor tails about this, until I asked an orderly to don gear normally used only on patients who are suspected to be highly infections. This one uses an external air supply and lo and behold that orderly did not get a case of how very cute these babies are and how much we need to protect them.

A bit of experimentation later and we could narrow the vector of whatever these kids have down to something airborne. I suspect pheromones, but lack the equipment to test for that. We can protect against that and there seem to be no lasting consequences if one is not exposed for long periods of time. I am no expert on Druchii psychology, but the little I and my staff knows indicates that the mothers are very much bound to their children. They cannot stand not being around them and are extremely protective of them."

Wolfgang Böhler looked at both, clearly unhappy at what he had heard. By the looks of the faces around the table he was not the only one.
"That does hint at capabilities we did not suspect before. A being emitting these pheromones could fly right under the radar of magic detectors and PCR-Tests, right?"
It was the elderly doctor who answered: It would look that way, we would not have suspected anything if the mothers would not been protective of the children to a degree uncharacteristic of the Druchii. And if memory serves pheromones are hard to detect. What I cannot answer is why they were bred that way, what is their purpose. I think the babies have too much potential just to be made at a whim."

Ivil Bloodcrest's voice was as cold as the winds that whispered around Leviathan's hull.
"They could be future demonhosts, being absorbed in Druchii society, making their way up until they are in a position of importance. Maybe they are just meant to promote Slaaneshe worship or toys for hir's amusement. I do not care, these are dangerous and should die before the sun is down."
There was an uncomfortable silence in the room, with nobody willing to gainsay the mercenary unit's deadliest killer, especially when they suspected he was right. It was Wolfgang Böhler who broke the silence, his voice was hoarse and toneless.

"No, we will not kill the babies. Not only because the Wild Geese do not do such things in cold blood, but if this ever gets out we would be be beyond the pale in most of this world, rightly so. Ivil, find me a small island in this Sea of Chill that is uninhabited. We will erect living quarters there, guard and monitor things from outside. I'll contact our real sponsors, they might have better ideas and more options. Involuntary sterilization I can support, murder I won't. Dr. Corzilius, we need some test to figure out if there are more of these."

Most beings around the table visibly relaxed and Ivil Bloodcrest gave no sign of being dismayed by the rejection. The mercenary doctor cleared his throat for a moment.
"I understand why you ask me for such a kit boss, but I need far better equipment. Sorry, to say, but this is a project for a genetic lab at a reputable university, not an old country doc."
"Noted Doctor. I can see what I can whistle up."

Berlin, former Kit Kat club, evening

Andrea Hermann's face was lit by the video on the screen before her, otherwise she was in darkness. Her face was hard to make out in the gloom, but there were hints that her jaw was clenched in an attempt to control her features.
The video showed a small room with two short benches and a rough table. Kuan Ti was in the center of the screen her children not so far away. She cracked some large cookie in half, giving each kid one.

"Sorry, not so many left of these. So you get one half and you get one."
Both children gushed with joy before they paused. It was Bo who looked up from his sweet and into his mother's face.
"What about a part for you mom? Do you have one?"
"Err, I eat mine later, thanks Bo."
The two children looked at each other wordlessly before breaking their pieces in in half and giving that to Kuan Ti.
"Here mom, it is better that way."

Hermann's vision blurred a bit, even though the video was fine when the three consumed their last sweet for the evening and cuddled before Kuan Ti brought them to bed.
She went back to the table and sat down for a moment, gulping a bit of tea that had to be bitter from the way her mouth curled. Kuan looked at the small plate that had held that cookie half an hour ago, now empty of the smallest crumb. A smile started to form on her, lighting up the room for the briefest of moments. Her face froze seconds thereafter and she broke into sobs, trying to keep them quite.

Andrea Hermann's chest seemed to contract and the air seemingly lacked oxygen for a moment. Despair swallowed Andrea's mind when she realized how little she could do to rescue Kuan Ti and her kids. She had somehow motivated so many people in Germany and beyond to care for her. E-Mails, letters,and tweets blocked the in-boxes of any Member of Parliament, minister or politician of note. Kuan Ti and Anja were household names by now, with a popularity that eclipsed many a politician. And still, she was so far away and the blockheads in government wasted day after day. It was nearly more than she could bear.

The lighting in the old club room was sub-par and was mostly provided by monitors. Where the orange light that brightened up her vision came from, she could not say and she did not look for its source. Her spine had straightened up considerably and she started writing notes on ideas how to improve the social media campaign even more.

Schneider Repair, Wuppertal, Germany

Thomas Schneider was about to shut down his age-old computer when the phone rang again and again. An employee might have decided that this was after hours, but Schneider was his own employer and if he wanted to keep his company he better serve his customers. He picked up the handle and regretted that nearly immediately.

"Elektro Schneider, how may I help you?"
The voice that came from the phone was thin, shrill and indicated panic.
"You have to come immediately Herr Schneider, this time the washing machine is really possessed."
Schneider silently debated if he should just terminate the call here and now and decided that he would be called again and again.
"Frau Meier, really now. I have examined the washing machine three times by now and could not find a thing. It is just an old washing machine that you should replace sooner or later. It is a bit out of balance, it will move a bit if you insist on loading it to full capacity."

The voice added indignation to the panic.
"Herr Schneider, I have been using washing machines since before you were born. I know how to fill them, not to overload them, and only use the appropriate detergents. Do not lecture me about this. I know what I have seen and this cursed machine tried to bite my arm off with the door just last night. And now it is…"
Schneider knew from experience that this rant could go on and on. Not today, it was really too late.
"Sorry to interrupt Frau Meier, but if this is really as bad as you claim you have to call the police and not me. They have people who deal with this kind of thing. I am a electrician and repair technician, not an exorcist."
Desperation mixed itself with the indignation.

"I have done this you doofus. They claim their magic indicator shows nothing and they won't come out."
"Then they might have good reason to refuse Frau Meier. If you really need me I'll visit you tomorrow afternoon. But if I find nothing I'll still charge for that."
"Yes, yes, you would. Oh my god , please come soon."
"Tomorrow Frau Meier. Good night."

Schneider sighed while he shut the computer down and got his coat. Mrs Meier had probably been quite the gal in her time, supposedly good-looking and sharp. The death of her husband, the Weltensprung, and diabetes had taken quite a toll on her. The electrician was pretty sure that she could not state the year with confidence and could often be heard talking to her dead husband. This bright new world knew many a horror, but he still feared dementia like few other things.

Mrs. Meier placed the handset back on the phone and went upstairs into her bedroom. She closed the door, locked it, and placed a broom handle under the opener. Pulling open the drawer of her nightstand she made sure that the pistol her Herbert had insisted not to tell anybody about was still there. She sat down on a chair, knowing that she could not sleep. Something was hammering on the cellar door from the inside and she was sure it was the possessed washing machine.

Wolfgang Böhler's office, Leviathan, before Karond Kar

The former sniper's desk had been pushed to the middle of the room, displacing a few chairs and a bench to do so. This was awkward, but the only way a circle of warding could be inscribed on the wooden floor around it. Böhler's hands ran down his tunic, making sure that the wards below it were still there. He looked at the clock, found that there was no time left and glanced at Hellebane, the mage that hovered nearby, outside the circle.
Her voice was gruff, a brittle undertone gave her nervousness away to those who knew her long enough.

"Get on with it Wolfgang. He won't be in a better mood if you call him late and we have done all we can."
"Will it be enough?"
"I have no bloody idea. We are talking about the bloody Witch King after all. But he should know that we are his only hope."
Wolfgang Böhler gave a snort.
"Banking on Malekith being rational. That is a new one."
"It would be. But self-interest he understands as well as any of us."
"Well, here goes nothing."

The laptop on Böhler's desk was connected to a hefty satellite antenna on top of the ice carrier's bridge, the mercenary's server was connected to a satellite at any time. And so, just when he expected it, Wolfgang Böhler received a request from a new contact to be accepted. He gingerly clicked on the accept icon, musing that he should at least be safe from hacking.

The former sniper had met Malekith several times during audiences. He had never been close to the Witch King and when you wanted to survive in the vicinity of Naggaroth's ruler you did not stare into his face. Now Malekith's visage filled a decently-sized monitor in high resolution. Wolfgang Böhler could not do anything but stare and the foremost thought in his mind was how good it was that he was not in the presence of his employer.

If cruelty and hate had an avatar it filled the screen before him. There was the headdress that combined the features of a crown, protective helmet, and instrument of torture at the same time. The skin below held a swirl of colors ranging from bone-white to deathly gray, forming ridges and valleys made from wrinkles and scars. When the Witch King moved his head it folded itself in ways that showed how the crown was fused with his skin. The eyes burned with hate, determination, desperation, and contempt in equal measure. The slant of Malekith's mouth reinforced those notions.
His voice was a deep hiss, full of threat and disdain.

"Wolfgang Böhler, the mercenary who deserted me, comes back into my service. Welcome back to Naggaroth. What makes you think you can earn my forgiveness?"
Wolfgang Böhler entered the path of war as a sniper. His mind went back to that place, the place where there was neither good nor bad, no beauty and no hate. There were only targets and his judgement as to who might live and who needed to die. His voice was free of any quivers.

"When your favorite general left my troops to die in Ulthuan I saw that as a dismissal. That your troops killed most of my former comrades in Naggaroth provided supporting evidence. It did not seem wise to return to Naggarond to discuss matters. Let me be clear here highness, I am neither here to beg for forgiveness nor to ask for your nonexistent mercy. The Wild Geese and the Cathayan Expedionary Corps are in Naggaroth to fight the Chaos Dwarfs. This link has been established so that we can receive your requests and discuss how we can best use the forces at my disposal."

Wolfgang Böhler had thought that Malekith's face had so far displayed as much hate as any creature in this world could. He had been wrong, as he learned when the burning emotions at display seemed to breech the screen and flood the office he was in. The lights around him flickered for a moment and the air around him chilled markedly. The runes around his table started to glow and some lost their outline.
The general's voice was even colder than before.
"If you really manage to kill me you will have destroyed the only link between my troops and the forces that want to keep you on your throne highness. In a week Karond Kar would see the last of us. Your tower will make an excellent vantage point to watch your realm burn. So what will it be?"

The shadows in the room became longer and gained a third dimension, wafting through the room like smoke. Those that met the circle of warding vanished, leaving the smell of ground bones and burned blood. All of a sudden the lights regained their brightness and the shadows went back where they belonged.
Wolfgang Böhler heard something from the loudspeakers he could not place, a sound familiar and yet alien at the same time. It took him long moments before he realized that this was Malekith's laughter. He suspected the Witch King was out of practice. The laughter lasted half a minute when it ended as if cut by a knife.

Malekith's voice was barely above a whisper when he spoke again.
"I remember I granted you a Ritual of Blood, once. You should live a great length of time, far beyond your meager human reach. You will spend these years fearing what shape my retribution will take and when it will find you and yours. But this is not the plane and time for this, now you have your uses. So what have you accomplished in my name and what are your plans?"
"I react badly to threats your highness, refrain from using them if you need our services. So far we have taken Karond Kar and cut the enemy's supply line to ZharrNaggrund. We have sunk all DawiZharr ships that we encountered. We will fortify the city and can send troops through the Sea of Chill into the Sea of Malice. This call is to establish where we should attack. We can lift any of the sieges of Har Ganeth, the Blacklight Tower, or lay siege to Hag Graef. We cannot do this at the same time, we need to prioritize according to your desires."

Wolfgang Böhler had the urge to check if venom dripped from the laptop when the Witch King answered. "So nice to hear that you would indeed obey me mercenary. And yet I do not hear about taking back Neustadt for me. Are you unwilling or unable to do so?"
"We can reach Neustadt only after neutralizing the DawiZharr at Hag Graef, which would be a lengthy process. What I can do is contacting Torsten Breitkop. We had no direct communication during the last years, but I am confident that I can mediate a cease-fire between your army and the citizens of Neustadt. I believe something can be arranged by which you ship raw materials to them and they supply you with weapons and munitions. It would also allow you to use your troops against the…."

Malekith was not very loud, but he managed to cut the General in mid-sentence.
"You will do no such thing and live. No slave, no matter how useful, will ever get the idea that a revolt could be successful. This disgrace in Neustadt is going on far too long already, but the Darkhand promised me that this will end once he has received reinforcements. You shall not do any of the things you listed, you will fight the DawiZharr that battle their way up the Gulf of Naggrond. They are on the way here, they are the main thrust and they need to be stopped. Your hirelings will do the fighting on this one, the damn dwarfs kill my warriors one by one."
"Very well highness. We have a plan prepared for that contingency and can flesh that out during the next days. Expect us on the march in ten days at the most."
"Your tardiness is noted General Böhler."

Barque Frederike, Sea of Claws, one day later

The smell of the whales blowing had been a nasty surprise for the spectators, reducing the majesty of the school broaching the surface minutely. Seeing the magnificent animals on the surface took the minds of all those who hung to Frederike's railing. This was not a shoal of small cetaceans, these were blue whales and the largest one probably exceeding 30 meters in length. They parted the waves for a few minutes before giant flukes rose skyward and marked the whales descent into the depths.

The spectators stayed on the railing for a few moments longer before the biting wind and the humid, cold air drove them to the heated deck house. Their bright, modern outdoors clothing marked nearly all of them as Germans, only one was clad in in heavy oilskins. One of the spectators was an elderly man whose eyes displayed youthful excitement that was mirrored in his accelerated speech.

"Wow, just wow. I never thought I would see them in my life. I am so happy that I made this trip, I don't know how long we will be able to see such a marvel."
The stout sailor in the oilskin turned to the tourist.
"Why do you think they will vanish Herr Müller? They have been here for as long as Imperial sailors ply these waters."
"Yes, yes. But now you have access to much more modern ships. Surely you will hunt the whales like we did in the old world. Only very few remain there."

"Ah that. I have talked about this with other guests on my ship on earlier trips, and I don't rightly think so. If I remember correctly the whales on your world were mostly hunted for their oil, their whalebone, and only a few for ambergris and meat. Now that you Germans have shown us how to produce and refine oil, and plastics do better than whalebone there is far less demand for them. At the same time we hunt the Kraken, even if some of you don't like that either. But they have never seen a ship torn apart, the sailors eaten, and the wreck pulled under the sea. And without the Kraken the whales multiply. I don't think the few slaughtered for meat will endanger them."
"You really think so? You think my grandchildren will still be able to see this miracle Capitan Commers?"
"More like your grandchildren's grandchildren. No matter what else you Germans did on this world, you certainly saved the whales."
The old man froze for a moment before chuckling.
"Saving the whales through faster industrialization. I wonder about the Greenpeace position on that.
Well, this is a magnificently pleasant surprise! Getting a chance to see the Dark Elves and Chaos Dwarves bloody each other is amazing. Your writing is what got me into both ISOT's and Warhammer and I never thought whales would be worked into this so well.

I also never thought elf babies would leave such an impact on me but wow the writing here is still incredible.
Well, this is a magnificently pleasant surprise! Getting a chance to see the Dark Elves and Chaos Dwarves bloody each other is amazing. Your writing is what got me into both ISOT's and Warhammer and I never thought whales would be worked into this so well.

I also never thought elf babies would leave such an impact on me but wow the writing here is still incredible.
Thanks for the nice words. This is my first attempt at fiction, so I am happy that it strikes the right cord.
So I admit I may be suffering from some confusion due to the length of this works publication, but I realize I have almost no idea what the Army Of Light is doing right now. I mean I know they have been going off into troll country but during this whole Wild Gees Vs Dwarves Vs Elves arc I lost track entirely on where that situation stood.

On a more technical note I am wondering whether gnomes exist as canon in this fic's revised Warhammer universe and if so would they be in the form of benevolent merry makers in imperial courts likley addicted to their own material or more like the extremely sneaky necromancy and shadow dabbling fellows from the newer published material in WHFRP 4th edition?
Actually more seriously and more importantly given this started in 2012 is anything from those publications(from 2018 onwards) canon to this universe at all?

Also on a completely unrelated note I am wondering how widespread have german fashions and modern clothing materials become, are they mostly just spread out through the empire or would we be seeing this stuff cropping up in say far off Bretonnia, Tilea and Ulthuan as well?

Sorry for the many questions but this is a very long work with no summarized informational posts and sometimes keeping track of it all can confuse me.
So I admit I may be suffering from some confusion due to the length of this works publication, but I realize I have almost no idea what the Army Of Light is doing right now. I mean I know they have been going off into troll country but during this whole Wild Gees Vs Dwarves Vs Elves arc I lost track entirely on where that situation stood.

On a more technical note I am wondering whether gnomes exist as canon in this fic's revised Warhammer universe and if so would they be in the form of benevolent merry makers in imperial courts likley addicted to their own material or more like the extremely sneaky necromancy and shadow dabbling fellows from the newer published material in WHFRP 4th edition?
Actually more seriously and more importantly given this started in 2012 is anything from those publications(from 2018 onwards) canon to this universe at all?

Also on a completely unrelated note I am wondering how widespread have german fashions and modern clothing materials become, are they mostly just spread out through the empire or would we be seeing this stuff cropping up in say far off Bretonnia, Tilea and Ulthuan as well?

Sorry for the many questions but this is a very long work with no summarized informational posts and sometimes keeping track of it all can confuse me.

No problem at all, any reader who thinks so much about the story that he had questions is a compliment on his own.

- Army of Light: This work was first published on, it is collaborative. I did write roughly 90% of it, but the Army of Light is the work of an author who has stopped providing updates for reasons he did not divulge.
- The Empire had taken German fashions with a vengeance. The story shows a rural teacher in jeans, a mobster in an Addidas shirt and Imperial tailors decrying Eterna shirts as they are cheaper and all the rage. The Breton republic has lots of second-hand German clothes. Expat Asur are taking on German garb, this would be seen as gauche in Ulthuan. Especially as German second-hand clothing is so cheap it will show up all over the Old World.
- We did not consider much of the updates past 2012, both for reasons of continuity and as we hate End Times. Some of that made it into the story as inspiration how not to do it. The death of Nagash and the Breton Civil War are an example of that
-The gnomes would be worthy of a part of the story, but all authors are pretty swamped in RL presently.
Unterlüss 22, Wuppertal

The monster pounced on Kurt Schneider. Its mouth was ajar, promising missing limbs and a bloody death. It had jumped him from a corner of the dark cellar, where it had hidden under the detritus of whatever had wrecked the storage room. Schneider had entered, expecting no trouble at all. The ripped clothes on the floor, mixed with the shards of countless preserving jars had alerted him that something was afoot, still he had not expected to be ambushed that way. The only thing that saved him was the cable that tangled the monster, cutting its jump short and dropping it at the electrician's feet. While that saved him from immediate death, it was now between him and the stairs that led to the only escape from this cellar. The steel toes of his working boots left a deep dent in the monster's hide and pushed it back. The monster reared up, screeching and sparking like mad, threatening bloody revenge. Schneider stabbed at it with a long screwdriver, leaving a long scratch that bled a whitish fluid. The screeches grew shriller when the monster jumped back. There was an uneasy standoff between electrician and monster that was broken when Schneider made a feint with his screwdriver. The monster pounced again, just to be intercepted by the electrician's tool box. A substantial case made from sturdy ABS and metal reinforcements weighing nearly 20 kgs that hammered into the monster's flank dishing it in considerably. It flew by Schneider and collided with the wall behind him. The electrician did not look for it, but made a run for the stairs. He managed to close the door in face of the screeching monster and wedged the door shut with his trusty screwdriver.

Frau Meier's voice was shrill with fear and righteousness.
"I told you the washing machine was possessed."
Schneider was already busy dialing on his smartphone.
"No, it was not the washing machine, it was the bloody spin dryer. Why do you keep that clunker around anyways, that Miele can do that on its own?"
"But not as good as my old spin dryer."
"Not anymore, that is for sure."

Druchii camp, before Neustadt, Naggaroth

The sound started as a low rumble and worked itself up to a threatening roar. Something jumped, the clinking of chains and loud wheezing sounds said that the jump had been cut short by a chain and a choker. Cracks were momentarily louder than the beast's fury and its challenge faded with every crack of the whip. Whatever happened ended with mewling sounds that were far too loud for something wordlessly begging for mercy.

Racca Dawneyes shook her head, the Beastmaster's compound did not just smell the worst of all in the Druchii camp, it was also the loudest, at least for now. The candidates for the worst clamor to come were in the next one. At the moment there were the grumbles and moans that spoke of hurting limbs, stressed joints, and hangover. The few Druchii females seen outside the tents moved slowly and listlessly. Seemingly harmless now, the Witches would rouse themselves to a crazy furor with a mixture of wild drugs, an intense orgy, and bloody sacrifices. When they were hyped up they moved with lightning speed, felt no pain, and were deadly with their short blades. Just now they were in the depths of withdrawal and depression and that was where they belonged by Dawneyes' reckoning. Nearly useless against modern weapons they could not be trusted to kill only those who needed to die. If Racca had her way they would not get into a position to do so and still be moderately useful.

The last compound was different. There was the slithering sounds of meeting blades, the clipped voices that gave orders or comments, and not much more. The tents were just so and there was none of the filth that could be seen in the other camps. True elves sparred against each other with huge, two-handed blades they wielded with inhuman speed and precision. Their helmets covered the whole face, resembled skulls and they still managed to radiate a frightening intensity. These were Hag Ganeth Executioners, worshipping Khaine in his aspect as the executioner. It was said they knew how to slay any creature on this world with a single, well-placed stroke. They were disciplined and could be depended upon to leave some of the useful alive. Some Executioners might even get in a position to do so.

Racca felt a shiver crawl down her spine. Turning her head she found the source of it, an executioner who watched her with an intensity exceptional even for a Druchii. She found herself inspected and assessed as something distasteful. Dawneyes recognized the Dreadbringer, the deadliest killer in a city worshipping mass executions. Her hand dropped to the well-worn handle of her revolver.
Her plans had better work, or there would be a fierce competition for whom was allowed to kill her.


Unterlüss 22, Wuppertal

The SEK team that went into the cellar was as well-equipped as could be expected in a middle-sized town far from Germany's border. A ceramic carapace over spidersilk armor plus a few wards covered everyone, they were armed with an eclectic mix of a staff, a warhammer glowing a bright orange, and a few shotguns. They had watched the video provided by a drone long enough and decided on a plan.

Thomas Schneider chuckled when he realized how different they were from what he saw on TV: these guys spent far longer preparing and far less jawing off than on the screen. But when they moved they did so very, very quickly. They thundered down the stairs single file at a speed the electrician would not have achieved without armor. There was no long firefight either, except for two deafening booms and the clangs that a hammer on sheet metal would produce.

A few moments later the assault team emerged from the cellar. Their combat mage led the party, holding a piece of cloth before him with long-handled pliers. There were barely visible symbols on the cloth and they seemed to move ever so slightly. The fabric itself seemed to shift in ways that could not be explained by wind. It rustled quietly when it did and Schneider believed he had heard something intelligible while that lasted. The sounds cut off immediately when the fabric was dropped in a warded container and the lid closed on it.

The mage had an accent that marked him as an Ostländer and he sounded incredulous.
"That piece of dreck was jammed between the drum and the housing of that machine. It might have been a piece of a Chaos banner or a fragments of a Chaos mage's garb. Seems whatever was bound to it was not happy with being laundered. Frau Meier, this is important: Where did you acquire this?"
Frau Meier looked dazed for a moment before she lifted her head.

"Oh that I remember clearly. I bought it at the flea market at Elberfeld. There was this stand from Tilea, yes Tilea. Or wait, it might have been from this nice old man I met last week…

Chancellery, Berlin

The Security Council's meeting had not gone on for long and Uwe Junge was already exasperated.
"Yes, the bloody slaves have held out for much longer than I or anybody else expected. So what does this have to do with the price of tea in Cathay, Christian?"
Germany's foreign minister could be seen taking a few deep breaths before answering in a rather slow and measured voice.

"I do not think that overly concerns you Uwe, but it indeed gives us the chance to rescue the former slaves. If they have a chance to hold a few months longer, and we can improve the odds by dropping a few supplies, we can assemble forces which can indeed end that siege. And the same former slaves might provide the allies we need if we want to keep Naggaroth from becoming a peer competitor."
Uwe Junge paused for a moment before he chuckled.

"My my, Christian, did you read up on asymmetric warfare 101 or what? Yes, having local allies is one of the requisites of winning a guerrilla war. Tell me, how do you think you can control them? After 5000 years of rape, being sacrificed, and tortured the slaves will do the human thing when they can and massacre any Spitzohren they can possibly find. Not that I would personally mind, but I do not think your do-gooders would stand for that. So if we want to control things to a reasonable degree we would need a substantial amount of boots on the ground.

And the Kaiserlichen won't stand for that. It will drag the German armed forces into a quagmire for decades to come, will kill countless good men and women, and hurt many more. I do not think that we can manage such an occupation without using conscripts and calling up reserves. That is going to have an impact at home like you wouldn't believe. Even worse, none of that will do any good for Germany and the Germans, the very people who elected you. And weren't you elected on a platform of lowering the taxes? Forget about that if you want to play Iraq redux in Spitzohren-Land.

And if you get the bright idea of evacuating all the former slaves to Germany and maybe some to the Empire: Forget it. I guarantee you that the Kaiserlichen will leave this coalition before we agree to such madness. We had enough of that during the Bretonn Civil War, thank you very much.
Christian, you mean well, really, but leave such matters to the professionals, please."

It took Junge a few moments before he realized that all members of the security cabinet looked at him with either disgust or exasperation of their own. To him it confirmed how right he was. That Sonja Krieger, the Kaiserlichen secretary for magic, did the same was raising questions that would not be answered for a while though.

Neustadt, Naggaroth

Kuan Ti wasn't exactly running down the communications trench, that was hard to do with the weight of her gear, but she was certainly making her way as quickly as she could. She carried two pails with the food for her squad manning the bunker that was her post. She had to change the grip on one pail and stopped. It was then that she noticed the flickers of light. Lifting her helmeted head minutely above the parapet she saw the dark ground before the wire, about to be touched by the winter morning's cold light. Myopia, snow, and darkness conspired to hide the many bodies that she knew laying before and in the wire belts that protected Neustadt better than any city wall. Nothing could be seen there that could explain the flickers of light. It took her a moment to see the flashes on the horizon.

Her tired brain needed a second to parse that information and when it arrived at the correct conclusion it was reinforced by the menacing rumble of incoming artillery and the klaxon's wail. Kuan Ti had to get out of this trench pronto. The next tunnel entrance was just a dozen meters away, no problem at all. She started her fast shuffle again while all around her pandemonium worked itself up to its full fury. Rockets rose from Neustadt, deploying long-burning flares on parachutes. They lit the much-abused battleground before the wire in an eerie flickering, far too-brilliant light. Machine guns hammered at targets unseen and the first impacts dropped all over Neustadt's defenses. Kuan Ti still refused to let go of the pails, or her comrades would go hungry today. She managed three quarters of the way before something unseen on the ground gripped her left foot. She fell heavily on her face, stunned for a moment and angry at her clumsiness. She was just pushing herself up when something exploded on the lid of the trench she was in. The shockwave pummeled every bit of her body and threw lots of dirt on her moments later. Kuan Ti no longer felt the soil hit her back, she was dropping into an endless darkness already.

500 meters before the wire, Neustadt, Naggaroth

Racca Dawneyes enjoyed gazing at the flowers as only a Druchii could do. They were extremely short-lived, brilliant, full of fire and death. They were so very beautiful to watch from a distance, but offered thorns of shrapnel and overpressure to those close to them. She watched the explosions walk all over Neustadt's defense belt. They lit the sky in rapid succession and the rumble of their detonations merged into an evil surf that rose and fell like the last breaths of a dying man.

It was easy to imagine that nothing could live in the hell Dawneyes had ordered on the rebellious slaves. She knew better from bitter experience won in the fighting against the DawiZharr, having been on the receiving end often enough. That was why she had planned a hurricane bombardment, throwing shells at the enemy as fast as the artillery could manage in a short time. It might kill some defenders, but mostly it would waste its fury on the ground and whatever defenses the enemy had erected. Still, the shockwaves, the sheer noise and the knowledge that a shell might kill you at any time could frighten a warrior into uselessness. Racca had experienced it herself and imagined it must be worse for the slaves. No Druchii they, not born into a world where everybody might kill them at any time. They did not revere the god of murder, they were weak and therefore slaves. They would cower in their bunkers and try to wait it out. They would not like the wake-up call.

More flashes could be seen far behind the wire belts, but these flowers would present their thorns to Racca's people. They showed where Neustadt's arguably superior artillery wreaked havoc on their Druchii counterparts. That was quite all right with Racca, the hurricane bombardment had used most of the munitions in Darkhand's army. Better the arty pukes got it then her Stormtroopers. She could hear the slacking of fire already, the slaves had become good at what they did. Those pieces still in the fight fired the last mission.

Thank Khaine that the Darkhand had not known what to do with the smoke rounds he had been issued with. If it did not kill or wound the enemy the Black Guard was not interested. So she could ask for a deluge of white phosphorous rounds on the defensive belt. Not only would that mask the Druchii assault, it would water the slaves' eyes and burn their throats. Racca knew very well that a high concentration of the white smoke could kill, either quickly through burns or by filling the victim's lungs with their own body fluids. It made for a lovely prolonged, if somewhat painless death. The DawiZharr had done it to her soldiers and she had returned the favor a couple of times. Now she could do it to the slaves manning the defenses before her. Her time would come soon, but not now.

Now she watched the witches emerge from the depression they had been in. Only Druchii eyes would reveal the symbols written in fresh blood on bare skin in the darkness, scars old and new, and a madness eternal. They were as far from their hung-over and depressed former selves as they could be. They were racing to the front, lithe, agile, and elegant. Their cries mixed excitement, lust,and hate into a frightening whole. They were the Brides of Khaine, about to sacrifice all before them to the god of murder. They had to be the vanguard of Racca's attack, not only as they wanted it with all their bloody hearts. They would kill all before them when their blood was up, no matter whom their victim swore allegiance to.

They ran like the wind, unencumbered by heavy armor or arms. Their long daggers would kill all that came into their reach. They jumped any obstacles with ease and crossed the no-man's land before the wire in less than a minute. They paid for that already, Racca saw bullets emerge from the smoke, pulling a vaporous trail behind. Most missed the Witches, many inflicted bleeding wounds that were ignored in the drug-filled madness. Others impacted with the sound a butcher's cleavers makes, ripping off limbs or filling beautiful chests with blood and the remains of their flesh.

They reached the barbed wire with most of them still alive and screaming. Less than a hundred meters before them were their next victims and the bloody communion with their god and lover. Many tried to jump the tangled obstacle, only to find themselves entangled by more of it. Others slithered on the ground like snakes, trying to pass underneath the wire that ripped their few garments off and scratched their backs like a lover in heat. Quite a few of them found where Neustadt's denizens had placed the many traps in the belt. Even crazed and drugged to the gills the witches could not ignore the mines and their bodies started to clog the wire belt. Still others hacked at the wire with blades that could part even the most resilient flesh. The wire simply sprang back, trying to draw blood in revenge.

Whatever the witches tried, it slowed them down to a crawl. The longer they stayed where they were, the better the chances that a random bullet would find them. Less than a minute after the witches started their assault they were bunched up before the first line of wire. All of a sudden fiery poplar shapes rose between them, showing where mortar rounds detonated. Other explosions ripped the pre-dawn sky apart, lashing the ground below with shrapnel. The brides kept what they were doing as long as their crazed hearts pumped blood, never ceasing their advance. Some even made it to the first bunkers, struggling to gain entrance.

At the moment the witches were not able to judge their performance in sane terms, but for immense frustration. So far they had not killed any slave and had lost half of their number if not more. Whether they would be enthused by Racca's appraisal that they had played their role in her plan adequately was very much an open question. The next part was already gathering speed, hollering, hooting, and screaming like a teakettle on steroids.

The beastmasters had used their whips to frighten their charges into a fury and they stampeded for Neustadt's wire. Huge beasts, weighing many tons, they could take a rifle round or ten without dying immediately. Some War Hydras were even tougher than their brethren, having metal plates riveted onto their very bones. The fire that emerged from the fog hit them easily enough, given their huge size. It did not kill them though, not quickly enough. It managed to enrage them to an even greater fury and bellowing their rage while bleeding from many wounds they charged the wire. Any human or human-sized creature that was caught by the razor-sharp edges had to stop or risk losing limbs and life. The edges grabbed the Hydras' skin all right, but did not cut deep enough to bleed them badly. Their rage masked the pain and they were strong enough to rip the poles that held the wire from the ground. Bellowing their rage, defying blood loss and pain the huge beasts demolished the first wire belt meter by meter and nothing would stop them from doing so.

Bunker, behind the first wire belt, Neustadt

Gernod's eyes were watering, even below their protective googles and he had to work for every breath under the thick gauze mask usually worn by workers in Neustadt's more dirty factories. He could hardly see through his steamy googles and the chemical haze before the bunker's vision slits. That there was an attack there was no doubt, the artillery strikes and the screeching and bellowing of the unseen attackers bore testimony to that. He was shooting his machine gun inside its firing arc on targets never seen, but reported through the telephone from observation posts high up. The hammering the machine gun's stock gave his shoulder should reassure him as it usually did. But as he could see nothing and had no idea if he hit anything or not he felt nearly helpless.

He would never see the blood that rushed from Anja's nose or Torsten Breitkop's anguish when he caught her collapsing body. She had managed to push a spell through everything the Druchii did to prevent it, but it had cost her dearly. Gernod surely saw the wind that blew the smoke right into the Druchii's eyes and despaired at how close the enemy was. Even worse, he saw the huge Hydras which wrestled with the barbed wire and uprooted it meter by meter.

He turned his machine gun on the next one and fired a full belt at it in one go. He was not sure if he killed it or if the gunner from the next bunker made it happen, but finally the beast laid still on the ground. Before he could pick another Hydra to shoot, something hit the next beast and exploded the chest. Remembering the heavy guns farther back he looked for targets more suitable for his machine gun. Druchii witches crawled over Hydra carcasses to get closer to Gernod and he could not do anything about it as long as his gun was empty. Steam rose from the barrel's water cooling and the assistant loader took long seconds to insert another one. Where was Kuan Ti when one needed her, she would have done the deed in half that time?

Gernod's world reduced itself to the vision slit to his front. Enemies appeared before it for the briefest of times, being immediately hidden by the muzzle flashes. His only function left in his life was shooting anybody who walked into his firing lane and he did the best he could. Corpses lay before his bunker side by side and on top of each other and still more Druchii charged into the field. Gernod screamed at the loader to load faster, at the others to phone headquarters for aid and at the Spitzohren to die. His throat was hoarse from screaming and breathing smoke and he ripped the googles off so he might see better.

He hardly heard the mines on top of the bunker going off and the bangs of rifles fired from the slots in the rear made no impression. He lived to kill one more Druchii, the ones who had brought such pain to him and his comrades. Things got quieter behind him before there was a gurgling sound besides him. He only looked up from the killing when there was no more ammo to shoot and the loader did nothing. The last thing he ever saw was the hate-distorted face of a Witch. Something unbearably hot slammed into his chest and breathing became impossible then and there. He slipped into darkness within seconds.

500 meters before the wire, Neustadt, Naggaroth

Now this was more like it. The Witches and War Hydras were more or less wiped out, but they had breached the first wire belt in several places and the survivors were keeping the bunkers' crews busy. There was another line of wire past the first one, but Racca saw her next meat shields advancing into the much diminished fire. The Executioners might not be as fast as the Witches and had a tendency to keep tight formations. That made them better targets, but there were fewer shooters interested in them. And those who actually made it past the defenses could be trusted not to kill needlessly. Racca doubted that there would be many left, but they were not her and her troops, so they did not matter.

And when the Executioners reached the first wire belt it was her time. Pulling the pipe from its resting place at her chest she blew it three times. Time to leave the trench and make for no-man's land. Her Stormtroopers were the least impressive warriors to look at compared to the polished discipline of the Executioners or the murderous craziness of the Witches. They did not assemble in straight lines or marc in formation. They kept in small groups and dashed from cover to cover. They had neither artistically forged armor with spikes nor did they display nearly all their skin. Instead they were clad in the colors of mud and snow and tried to break up their outlines with twigs and strips of cloth. Racca was at their front and the closer she came to the fighting the more she liked it. She had gambled all of the resources Kouran had granted her into one assault and failure was not an option.

The Hydras had not just breached the wire, their corpses provided suitable cover to approach the fortifications. And if she heard right some of the Witches and Executioners were keeping the slaves busy. This might actually work. Racca threw herself into a handy shell hole and did not even notice the smell of the corpse that resided in it for some time. Looking over the rim she spotted a breach that she liked and showed it to her platoon. The Stormtroopers were not looking for a fight, they would infiltrate through weak spots and either attack the fortifications from behind or go for Neustadt themselves. They had already split into small groups, all of them knowing the overall plan and their area of attack. She doubted that the slaves were able to fight her soldiers when out of their fortifications.

No pipe this time, just hand signals and a few terse commands sent them forward, past the first Hydra. Her warriors could traverse the rest of the wire by stepping on the bodies of the many Witches that had been slaughtered before the bunker. The bunker itself was covered in corpses and the entrance blocked by more of them.

Still she could make her way forward to the next wire and her people pushed a Bangalore torpedo below. It exploded under the wire and produced a breach through which her people could make their ways forward. When the first warrior sprinted forward he was greeted by a machine gun salvo that ripped him in two. All the others dropped back into cover. Fuck, what now? There was no way to go around the bunker in front and attacking it directly would kill her platoon in no time. She was debating what to do when there was a commotion behind her. Crawling backwards she found herself face to face with Tullaris Dreadbringer, a Druchii who gave pause to the Witch King himself.
He said nothing while just staring at her through the visor slits. Racca froze until she saw the fractional nod of the helmet. Getting in front of the Executioners was worth something even in Tullaris' eyes.

She could not do nothing and letting the Dreadbringer take command here, on a battlefield he was not accustomed to, could only bring disaster.
"I have some smoke grenades left. We will use them at that bunker before us, then we can use the breach. If you reach the trench behind the bunker, you can kill the enemy where they cannot use their rifles effectively."
To Racca's surprise there was another nod, deeper this time.

When the smoke engulfed the bunker the Executioners ran through the breach with all the experience won on many a battlefield. The warriors were trained not to stumble when they fought on slippery ground or when stepping on a corpse, they were not inconvenienced by the mud below. The Executioners still did not stoop or try to take cover and paid for that, but not as badly as they would have an hour before. When the smoke cleared Racca saw most of them on the other side of the belt, about to enter a communications trench. If Dreadbringer and his warriors could clear that trench, Racca would have the next thing to a free pass into Neustadt proper.

Inside the communications trench, before Neustadt

Kuan Ti tasted the mud in her mouth and started to cough. She was not sure of (if not of) there was blood in the ejected matter and did not worry about it. She tried to get her bearings by groping around. She needed half a minute to find her glasses while all around her pandemonium reigned. Shots passed over her trench from both sides and the earth shook with explosions. Cries of anger and anguish, human and Druchii urged her to come to grips faster and yet she could see one or two meters ahead before things blurred into uselessness.

Her heart jumped with relief when she located the glasses that would show her the way to safety. They were hopelessly muddy, but she always carried a cloth for that under her tunic. When she cleaned the dirt away she felt the damage to one glass already and when she placed them on her nose the left eye saw a kaleidoscope image through shards. The right eye gazed at a nightmare. The dreaded slavers were through the first wire belt and some were working on the second one. Many bunkers were ominously still and death was all around her. Kuan Ti froze for an eternal moment when her dream of a safe, good life for her children was drowned in blood.

A group of Druchii was entering the trench she was in and coming her way. All Spitzohren were a threat, having demonstrated their cruelty to Kuan Ti from the time she could barely walk. Those that were in the trench now were the distilled essence of the Dark Elves, elegant, moving with a purpose and reveling in slaughter. Looking around like a frightened rabbit Kuan Ti looked for a way out, a path that would allow her to flee and see her children one more time.
Her children were behind her, no more than a kilometer from their would-be killers.

Ice ran through her veins and made her stand up straighter. Whatever else Kuan Ti was, she was a mother and her children were threatened. The slavers were dangerous, but that was no real problem. She just had to get close.
Kuan Ti had never received a gun as she had not been able to shoot at targets even 20 meters away. It did not mean she was unarmed. Pulling her collapsible shovel from her belt she unfolded the sharpened blade. She was good with that as long as she got close and the slavers before her only wielded swords. She would have her chance to bleed them that was sure.

She lifted the shovel with her right arm, making sure her left hand gripped the cords tightly. Screaming a wordless challenge, guided by broken glasses, the former slave charged the best swordsmen of Naggaroth. They did not react for a moment, looking incredulously at Kuan Ti's charge that seemed so useless. She got closer and closer to them without any stepping in her way. Finally she allowed her left hand to join her right to lend strength to her strike, the cords it had taken with it like a miniature banner.

The Druchii even stepped aside, allowing her to face the one in their midst that looked even more dreadful than the rest. She swung her shovel from her left shoulder, aiming for the gap under the shoulder armor. She never saw the strike that got her before the shovel ever connected. Her vision became a tunnel that showed a world tumbling around her. Her head had not even come to a rest when her real strike unfolded. No former slave in Neustadt wanted to be recaptured by the slavers, ever again. Nearly all had acquired means to make sure that would not happen.

Kuan Ti's post at the front lines meant that it was no problem at all to take a few hand grenades with her. She had pulled their cords on the last steps before she was among the Executioners. Three of them exploded in the tight confines of the trench, wasting very few fragments and pummeling everybody with a shockwave that rebounded from the trench walls.
Tullaris Dreadbringer, one of the few Druchii who could realistically challenge the Witch King had brought his retinue of Executioners with him. They were the veterans of so many years of war and bloodshed, able to kill any living being on this world with a single, elegant stroke of their long blades. The flower of the Druchii old guard was killed by a slave who protected her children.

Inside the second defense belt, before Neustadt

Racca Daweneyes world had turned into a nightmare set in an apocalypse. She had seen the madwoman attack the executioners, remembered her chuckle at the clumsy swing she took at the Dreadbringer himself. It had been a welcome moment of hilarity before the world turned over. The detonations had minced Tullaris and his retinue right and proper, washing the walls with their blood and leaving entails all over the parapet. It had left the surviving Executioners in a daze and her to push on the attack. She was about to organize the next push when artillery dropped on them and she could neither decide nor care who bombarded her people. She could just hunker down in the trench, pull her limbs around her and pray. When the explosions and violence ended her head was in a daze and her ears held a constant ringing tone.

She barely managed to pull a platoon of effectives together from various survivors. They had to assault two bunkers to clear the way into another communications trench that led to the rear. One was nearly easy, but the other one had been covered in mines which exploded when her people got too close. Bleeding from several small wounds and dragging a leg that no longer worked right behind her she led the assault into Neustadt proper. Emerging from the final trench she was greeted by a yard filled with the detritus of war and blessedly no more fixed defenses. She was still looking for the first target to assault when a few strange vehicles emerged from the far side of the yard.

Racca had seen a few trucks when she visited Neustadt in better times and had been regaled with the stories of the first victory against the Hung by the mercenaries. But these looked different, blocky and ungainly. They moved slowly and seemed prone to toppling over. Yet when her warriors shot them the bullets disappeared into the armor without any effect. They trundled right at her command without any attack until they started to spray a dark, sticky substance at anything that moved. Racca had time to smell the oil, but not to fear before the roar of flame consumed her world. She never saw the former slaves that followed the trucks, who advanced by squads, who went into the trenches and counterattacked the few surviving Druchii.
Having failed Kouran Darkhand and Malekith himself Racca was lucky to have been killed that quickly.


Former Kit Kat Club, Berlin

Anja had always been slender and pale as only a true redhead could be. Now her cheeks were drawn in, exposing lines she had never shown before. Tears had drawn runnels through a skin that bordered on translucent. Her eyes were tunnels into the depths of grief and her shoulders slumped as they never had when Andrea Hermanns could see her. She looked like someone who had taken on a huge burden and had no idea how long she could do that.
Her voice was hoarse and bereft of inflection.

"Yesterday the slavers made an all-out assault at our city. They used artillery like they never did before, unleashed their warbeasts and their best troops. They killed most of our people in the first lines of defense and so many from the second one. They took no prisoners, showed no mercy and did their best to recapture us as their slaves.
They failed to break us and we retook all the trenches they captured. We are back where we were before the Druchii tested our resolve. We will never back down and as long as one of us draws breath we will defend our city and our people. The Druchii will not pass as long as we live.
And yet the slavers killed so many in their attempt to recapture what they think is theirs, our lives, our souls, and our freedm. They shall not have it, but we paid a heavy price. More than 8000 good men and women died yesterday and so many more are wounded and crippled. It pains me to convey the news that Kuan Ti, known to many of you, has died defending Neustadt. We will never forget her.

Andrea Hermann could no longer see the monitor clearly as tears clouded her vision. She found it had to breathe for a while and took deep breaths while her mouth twisted this way and that. When she was finally getting a hold of herself she found the empty can holding an energy drink crumpled in her fist. Pushing herself upright she took a sheaf of paper and started to write.
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Frau Meier's voice was shrill with fear and righteousness.
"I told you the washing machine was possessed."
Schneider was already busy dialing on his smartphone.
"No, it was not the washing machine, it was the bloody spin dryer. ''

Wow this stole my breath with amusement.

I had never seen that dark elf executioner picture before, I am guessing they are an end-times unit.

The fighting in naggoroth was very moving, quite horrific, I sometimes wonder what you read specifically to get the feel of these right, WW1 diaries?

our city and our people. The Druchii will not pass as long as we live.
And yet the slavers killed so many in their attempt to recapture what they think is theirs, our lives, our souls, (insert comma) and our freedom. They shall not have it, but we paid a heavy price. More than 8000 good men and women died yesterday and so many more are wounded and crippled. It pains me to convey the news that Kuan Ti, known to many of you, has died defending Neustadt. We will never forget her.
The Insert comm thing reads a bit oddly here, was that intentional?
Frau Meier's voice was shrill with fear and righteousness.
"I told you the washing machine was possessed."
Schneider was already busy dialing on his smartphone.
"No, it was not the washing machine, it was the bloody spin dryer. ''

Wow this stole my breath with amusement.

I had never seen that dark elf executioner picture before, I am guessing they are an end-times unit.

The fighting in naggoroth was very moving, quite horrific, I sometimes wonder what you read specifically to get the feel of these right, WW1 diaries?

our city and our people. The Druchii will not pass as long as we live.
And yet the slavers killed so many in their attempt to recapture what they think is theirs, our lives, our souls, (insert comma) and our freedom. They shall not have it, but we paid a heavy price. More than 8000 good men and women died yesterday and so many more are wounded and crippled. It pains me to convey the news that Kuan Ti, known to many of you, has died defending Neustadt. We will never forget her.
The Insert comm thing reads a bit oddly here, was that intentional?

Thanks for the nice words, I can certainly use them. I try to balance humorous parts with snippets about the new life in Germany and the action parts. As I read Stephen King when I was young, a possessed spin dryer seemed to fit and it seems it did the job.
I have indeed read accounts of the fighting during First and Second World War and saw some documentaries. As I am an old fart I could still listen to my grandfather who fought in the Estonian war of Independence (1919).
And I probably read far too much John Ringo, David Weber and Tom Kratman (the latter I loathe, but who has some very good info)
All of that went into my writing and the experience I have gathered during the last 9 years writing this piece. I am very happy it comes across well.

A reader on is so nice to proofread my words and I missed deleting a comment.
A bit of holiday allowed for faster writing, and the Trevayne overnight polishing service was as good as ever. Given that the last update temporarily exhausted my literary blood supply, this is a quieter piece that sets the stage for the loud parts ahead. Today we finally see what I hinted at at the end of the Albion arc, have a look at Manfred von Carstein's fridge and speak before the Bundestag. Nothing to see here, move along....

The Warp, mostly

The triune god watched the realms from many points of view, in many ways and through countless filters. He saw the mundane world from the warp as an echo of thoughts and dreams, he perceived it through the many eyes and ears of those who kept his faith.
His most profound insights, the clearest view came from the two parts of him that anchored in the mundane world itself. They might be his least powerful parts and, in some ways, the simplest ones. And yet they had an influence far out of proportion to the vastness that was the god.

The part of him anchored in the weapon had been in this world the longest, it had seen countless battles, ended a multitude of lives, and had protected his chosen realm. It had been a silent part in many meetings small and large, public and secret, and had learned the ways of the mighty. The part that resided in a mortal shell which resembled his last body so very much had not borne witness to such eons. Instead it had drunk deeply from the new well of knowledge that had sprung up so unexpectedly. In these new, oh so different, times his avatar had such potential to shape the future for his chosen people.

For such a long time the god that had been called Sigmar Heldenhammer when he last walked among the mortals had known that Chaos would win in the end. He could just aspire to a long struggle, to a hard fight that would hurt the fell gods. It would allow his people lives which would align them with him or the gods that stood for something other than wanton destruction.

And then everything changed in a flash, a little more than a dozen years ago when the Germans had arrived on this world. So very strange, so very different,, (inserand so tantalizing familiar to his people they had changed the course of the fight against Chaos in ways unimaginable before. He had learned about these Germans as best he could and would have shaken his head in confusion, wonder, and disgust if he still had a body.

They had such potential, they could indeed do what he never had dared to dream of. But they had the potential to be the gravest danger to this world as well, and keeping them from coming under the influence of the Four became his first goal. Like all mortals they failed to take the long view. He feared they were on the way to complacency. And if they did that, they would allow new, creditable threats to grow that might threaten them and his chosen.

As much as he had learned about these Germans he was painfully aware that his knowledge was incomplete. Anything he might do to influence them could backfire spectacularly. In the end the god known to mortals as Sigmar did what he did best. He shored up the flagging spirits of those who fought the good fight, he lent strength to the warriors who defended the weak, and helped them rally the troops. He would not and could not change the minds of men and women, they had to make up their own. But when they did, and when they came to similar conclusions as he did, he could give them the will and strength to fight for their convictions, to their end if necessary. It was just that the arena for the fight was as unknown to him as Mannslieb's backside. The army he tried to shore up fought with means and in ways he did not understand. But their goals he understood and he agreed wholeheartedly.
Time to rouse the warriors to battle, even of they did not know him yet. They would have to do.

Castle Darkenhof, Sylvania

The walk-in fridge was closed by a door that would not have stood out in a bank's vault. It contained row upon row of bags and bottles. Some displayed computer-printed stickers full of abbreviations and barcodes. Others had printed labels that were miniature works of art. Still others had hand-written notes written on the containers themselves. The only things they had in common was the red liquid held within them..
Count Manfred walked through the fridge, looking at this bottle or that bag. He nodded at some or shook his head at others. Only rarely would he take a container from its place and gazed at it appraisingly. They were a symbol of the new times, showing the restraints placed on him and his kind at the same time the new possibilities available.

As Sylvania's ruler and the patron of many clients Manfred von Carstein could have gotten away with nourishing himself the old way, He would have preferred that, given for how long he had sated his hunger that way. It offered a terrible intimacy, an additional spice of emotions that the new way would never match. On the other hand, he had to set an example. If too many of his brethren got the idea they might drink from the living directly the humans might become angry. And as these were the new and improved times this was a frightening prospect indeed. So, Sylvania's ruler was a well-behaved vampire and drank the blood as the Red Cross and others sold it.

It would never match the despair of a human who would not know if he would die or transformed into a monster. Nor infuse the blood with the sheer intensity of the orgasm some of his followers experienced when he fed of their vitality. Yet the blood all around him offered other possibilities. As its donors knew they were safe and could plan the blood-letting in advance certain donor types otherwise unavailable could be enticed while others would ingest certain foods or drugs. Given that the blood was stored in a container it could also be blended with other substances. He liked his blood with a bit of champagne at times or a dash of chocolate if the mood struck him. Today he would do something different. Many of his brethren claimed they would taste no difference either way when they fed from a container, but he knew different. He finalized that contract with the DIY-store Bauhaus, so he would indulge himself.

The label was beautifully made and depicted a young maiden at the threshold of adulthood. The words "Extra Virgin" promised a rare delight: The first blood donation of a virgin. It would be such a rare pleasure. And while he was about it, maybe half a bottle fresh from an untreated diabetic for desert? Sweet….

Ice Carrier Leviathan, Gulf of Naggrond

Steering a straight course with Leviathan had been important before, as it improved speed and reduced consumption. Now it was of utmost importance, as deviating from course could run aground, and that would certainly not do. For any other ship this part of the Gulf of Naggrond was easily passable, with the gulf's shores barely in sight. Yet Leviathan was not any other ship it was in a class of its own. Its draught exceeded any other ship Raimund Scheer knew by many meters, which was unsurprising given the ship's construction material.

Two landing craft had been equipped with sonar and diligently scouted the ice carrier's path. Two radar sets measured the distance to the shores with impressive precision, and Black Arks used these waters regularly. Still Leviathan's captain was rarely far from the bridge and her crew was treading lightly about him. This went double when that damnable fog came in and reduced visibility to a few dozen meters.

Navigation-wise this made no real difference, GPS and radar allowed him to establish his position and anything substantial around the ship with more than reasonable accuracy. But the fog had grounded Leviathan's planes. If the Wild Geese and their sponsors had somehow overlooked a DawiZharr dreadnought he had a few popguns to fend them off. They were impressive popguns, but whether they would be enough to deter a well-armored ship was highly debatable. Raimund Scheer did certainly not want to test this. And now radar had made out a couple of contacts which they could not identify.

He took the handle to a field telephone next to his seat and turned the crank a couple of times. The aide at the other end picked up promptly.
"This is the captain. I need to speak with General Böhler as soon as practical."
The sound quality was good enough that Scheer could hear the Cathayan accent well enough.
"Duizhang Scheer, we will contact the General immediately."

Raimund's hand clenched the handle while he waited. Normally the Captain should be next to god on his vessel, but given the expedition's sponsors and the fact that Böhler commanded several thousand effectives on board the relations were a bit skewed. He did not have to wait for too long till he had Wolfgang Böhler on the other end.

"General, we have detected a small number of contacts at 280 degrees, 49 miles out. They seem to maneuver under their own power, so they could be DawiZharr warships. I would like to slow the ship to steerageway until we have ascertained their nationality and intent."
There was a short pause during which Scheer tried not to grind his teeth.
"Malekith's troops are in a terrible shape, we should relieve them as soon as possible. If you think it is possible keep course and speed. If the ships come too close our mages can dispel the fog. This is not easy, so we should only do so if really necessary. But we should place a squadron of dive bombers on ready five alert just in case."

Scheer was unhappy, but managed to keep that from his voice.
"Are you sure about your mages capability sir? If they don't bring that about we would try to sink armored ships with 105s. You could ask the crew of the cruiser Emden how well that works."
"My mages don't do necromancy captain. Still, they are powerful and have proven so on more than a few battlefields. The DawiZharr are better than our stumpies when it comes to magic, but not that much better. Please keep course and speed."
"Yes sir."

Both the cradle and the handle were sturdy enough to withstand Scheer's frustration, even if barely. For the next hours he stood by the radar screen and followed the course of the ships closely. In the end they never turned, never slowed down and made their way up the Hag Graef estuary.

Reichstag, Berlin

Andrea Hermanns was on her way to destroy her political career and she did not waver. She walked to the podium of the Reichstag, the place where power was brokered in Germany as one of the most junior people allowed to speak from it, and she held her head high.

She was convinced that she stood at the cliff where her work and the contributions of so many would founder and come to nothing. Still her back was straight and she had no doubts about what she was about to do. So very many people depended on her to try her best to keep them from horrible fates and she would be damned before she did not try everything in her power, no matter how little chance it had to succeed.

Her grass-roots movement had reached many, so very many people and had pledged their help. Polls indicated that a majority of Germans would support intervention of some kind in Naggaroth and even more were not against it. And it did not change a single thing. The Kaiserlichen had spoken against any action early and clung to it, probably both because of pride as well as from conviction. There was a slightly positive opinion within the CDU and the FDP towards intervention. It certainly did not come to the level where they would risk their coalition with the Kaiserlichen and trigger elections. Doubly so as the current call to arms had come from the SPD and joining forces with them might influence the next elections.

The SPD, for all the fact that Andrea Hermanns was one of their members and had at least supported her drive, had not made it theirs officially, mostly as the party grandees did not want to be associated with a cause that had to end in failure. And all of that meant that Andrea had led a worthy cause, had assembled a mighty host and was about to fail. The Bundestag would not consider intervention in Naggaroth, and Anja and all the slaves with her would die within a few months. The last calls from Neustadt had confirmed that: They had thrown the Druchii back, there was even doubt that the Spitzohren could mount another assault like this one. But Neustadt was cut off from its sources of food and raw materials, it could no longer produce new ammunition or weapons. It was not a question if Neustadt would fall, only when and how much suffering that would bring.

And so, Andrea Hermanns had asked her party for the opportunity for a speech before the Bundestag and they had considered it a salve for her valiant efforts. Neither Olaf Scholz nor anybody else in the party could see any chances for her crusade to succeed and so they had not made it an official SPD issue. Andrea had told them she would give a statement about the situation in Naggaroth and no more. She had lied through her teeth then and would suffer for that, still she had to make the effort.

When she reached the podium, she saw the audience for the first time and it was not what she expected. When a junior backbencher asked for the parliaments time usually only very few members attended. This was not unusual, with all the work to be done in committees and elsewhere a full house was the exception, not the norm. When it came to votes unwritten agreements between the parties made sure the proportions of the attendants were kept, even when the house was far from packed.
By these standards a lot of seats were taken. The government, whose members were also members of parliament, were mostly absent except for a few. But far more seats were taken than could be expected and those who were present were a curious proportion of their parties.
Andrea Hermanns placed her notes before her, but there was no need to look at them, the text was burned into her mind.

"Honorable members of the Bundestag, thank you for taking the time to attend this meeting. On the face of it, it is not about anything that should concern Germany directly and at the same time it is about the most important issue of them all: Who do we want to be?
This house and this nation have been under the shadow of Auschwitz ever since there was a Bundestag. There are none of us who are not aware of this nation's murderous madness that lasted for a full dozen years. There is no doubt about the days when our forefathers brought murder up to the standards of industrial efficiency in the heights of a racism with the utter will to kill all they saw unfit to live. No one in this house and neither their parents did participate and we have left the universe in which our forefathers sinned so badly behind. And yet it is right and proper that we examine all of our decisions in the light of that madness, that we do our utmost that this does not ever repeat again.

For the time this house and this state existed Germany has taken the lesson of this madness to be only to defend itself against external aggression. Only in a very few cases have we agreed to intervene elsewhere, and then only with allies who guided and shaped the mission. We have been reluctant to do so, and have often used our past to excuse our unwillingness to join our allies causes.
If that was a good course of action, I cannot say and the answer would probably be different in each case. But we live in a new world now, a world where we cannot wait for our allies to do what needs doing. Either we do it ourselves or we have to live with the consequences of our inaction. In this very world it is our responsibility to make the decision whom to aid and whom to hinder, what murderous hand to stop and what conquest to condone.

It humbles me to be a member of the Bundestag, the very body which has to make these decisions, to steer us and this very world away from the brink of destruction it was approaching before we arrived here. We have to make wise decisions, not in haste as both our actions and inaction have far-reaching consequences.
Many of us are not that religious, but if we all can agree on one prayer it is:

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference.

What I cannot understand and what I cannot accept is that in the full knowledge of what horrors sentients can inflict on each other we watch a new horror unfold in Naggaroth. We have all seen the pictures and videos from the breeding camps the DawiZharr maintained in Karond Kar and still operate elsewhere.
We know the horrors the Druchii inflict on their slaves every day, we have more than enough proof of that.

If we were powerless to intervene, if we could not reach out to those in need we would have to accept these crimes. But all of us know that this is not so, we know that we can halt the arm that wields the whip and tear the chains holding slaves apart. We just lack the courage to do so.

Even if the suffering of slaves and civilians does not move you, if the valiant struggle to live free does not inspire you: why do you watch a new threat against Germany itself grow that will threaten us all in fifty or a hundred years? I have heard the tales of the Cold War many times, of the murderous border that divided Germany and of the ever-present threat of a mutually destructive war that could break out by accident. Is this the world we want to leave our children? Do we want them to look across the ocean at a Naggaroth dominated by the DawiZharr and worry if their fiery god asks them to sacrifice us all to nuclear fire?

Because this is the choice we have to make: Send our armed forces to this blasted land, rescue slaves and others and try to rebuild into something better. Or do nothing and be the willing accomplices to torture, rape and murder, to leave our children a situation that might doom them and the world they live in.
So, I ask this house to resolve the following: We should send the ready brigade of armored paratroopers to Neustadt immediately and insert them between the Druchii and the former slaves. We should ask our allies to release the Reiksbund Paladins and the Cave Raiders to participate in the same operation. We should…

Reichstag, government bench

Christian Lindner had heard so very many political speeches in his day. Some were full of wisdom, others reflected the speaker's conviction and very rarely both. He had endured many utterly boring ones and those which were just meant to entertain the respective party faithful. He had attended this meeting as at least one member of the government should and as this fell under foreign policy. On top of that he was somewhat sympathetic to this cause, even if it was a doomed one and did not originate from a governing party, which sealed its fate for sure.

Nevertheless, the speech had moved him like very few things had during the last several years, and he found himself nodding and even clapping at the right times. He was rapt enough that he did not wonder the absence of catcalls that should normally emerge from the Kaiserlichen or the Linke. Both parties were dead set against intervention and invoking the specter of Auschwitz in this house was bound to bring emotions to a boil. So far it did, but not in the way the experienced politician had foreseen. There was something about todays participants that was off, but Lindner was too busy listening to parse what exactly he had noticed about it.
And now the speech was at the end and the house was silent for an eternal second. It was as of the world had stopped for a moment to watch and waited with baited breath for the outcome.

The applause started in the rows of the SPD, as could be expected, but it quickly spread across the rows. That the Nanseitochi delegates, who had often asked their German colleagues to be more assertive, applauded was not a surprise. Slightly incredulously Lindner saw Phillip Amthor of the CDU applaud wildly. What really made him sit up and take notice was Damian Lohr clapping and shouting approval. Damian was the leader of the Kaiserlichen young turks, and if anybody should disapprove, it was him. Ok, Lohr had called for a more aggressive German foreign policy at times, but this? Carla Büttner, who wanted to abolish the Bundeswehr if she could? And all the while Christian Lindner was busy standing up, clapping his hands and shouting his approval. It was very unlike him.
He would realize what had bothered him after the resolution was accepted by acclamation: Most of the attendants were the younger members of parliament, those who had spent most of their formative years on the Warhammer World. He would never connect the heat given off by the ward he had received from Sigmar's temple with his own reactions.

Gulf of Naggarond, Naggaroth

Ernutan Doomshackler watched the Druchii defenses like the connoisseur of trench warfare he was. These were different, very much so and he did not like that. Different meant that there might be surprises and surprises meant that he would not fulfill Lord Mordred's commands as quickly and efficiently as possible. They would also cause higher losses, which he remembered to be regrettable in some way, besides reducing his resources to pave Mordred's way.

The trenches before him were not protected by barbed wire belts, but by rows and rows of stakes. They would also slow his troops, but would not grab them like the hated wire could and would have taken much longer to prepare. They would be easier to displace with artillery, if he had a surfeit of ammunition to use. He did not, so he had to improvise.
During the last days his stout warriors had dug several trenches closer and closer to the enemy. He had awaited the Druchii artillery to try and take his engineers out, but that never happened. Instead there had been several nightly sallies from the defenders. Druchii somehow managed to sneak past no-man's land and attacked his troops inside the trenches with cold steel. These attacks had been nasty and frightened the new recruits badly to the point where he had to execute a couple of them to encourage the others. A waste in any way he looked at it, as now the trenches were finished and he would see what his bright idea was worth.

When his arm chopped down the mortars behind him belched fire and threw brittle iron and excitable explosives at the enemy. The enemy's line disappeared in fire and short-lived smoke clouds. He could not keep this up for long, but he did not need to. The artillery nearly masked the shrill call of the pipes which propelled his warriors over the top of the trenches into no-man's land. They ran into Druchii fire and Ernutan's smoke. Besides the trenches huge craters burned whatever wet wood and straw the DawiZharr had found and produced deep, dirty, and opaque smoke. It was certainly less well placed and dense as what smoke shells could lay, but Doomshakler was fresh out of those. Something about the assault bothered Ernutan. He needed a second to understand what he heard, or more precisely, did not hear. The rattle of machine guns had become so common that its absence shook him. He got as excited as anything would get him these days. This attack had a decent chance of succeeding without crippling his forces again. There were the rapid cracks of rifle fire, but with the smoke only a few of his warriors dropped. Pretty soon he heard the sharp cracks of hand grenades and the blessed hiss of the flame throwers. What he did not hear was the scream of dying Druchii and that unsettled him more than he could explain.

A few hours later he was organizing the aftermath of the assault. According to all reports and his own examining of the Druchii fortifications the first trench had been nearly empty. The ones behind the first one were a different business and his warriors had taken their losses there. It had been an ugly business, with grenade, shotgun and bayonet against the same, against sword, spear and crossbow. The enemy had disengaged before taking too many losses and had never tried a counterattack. He was still trying to make sense of that when the camp around him stopped making noise. Steeping out from his command tent he blinked incredulously while dropping to his knees. What was Lord Mordred doing here, unannounced?
He was even more surprised when Hashut's chosen lifted him by his own hand and led him inside the command tent.
His voice betrayed his surprise as well as his misgivings about his failure to open the path to Naggrond faster.
"My Lord, I did not expect you, and now. I could not prepare…oh Lord, how may I serve you?"
Mordred's voice was so smooth, so warm, and showed such compassion that Ernutan Doomshakler cried with relief even before his brain sorted what his liege told him.

"You, General Ernutan Doomshackler, are a price beyond compare, a true gift from the gods to aid me in the difficult task given by the gods themselves. Rejoice, as you are my favorite servant. You have opened the path to Naggrond faster and farther than I had dared hope. You have led your troops without fear and with more skill than any of my Generals. From the bottom of my heart Ernutan, thank you for what you have done. And yet, I have to ask the DawiZharr who has done so much for one more service."

"Whatever you ask Sire, whatever it might be."
Was there a relived sigh in Mordred's voice? He surely knew that Ernutan would do everything asked for? Had he failed in some way…
"Not all my Generals are as successful as you are my Doomshackler. Zhlatan the Lame lost Karond Kar despite a valiant defense and all attempts at taking it back have failed so far. We can no longer ship supplies and reinforcements through the Underground Sea and even the Sea of Malice has become dangerous to our ships."

Ernutan's voice displayed his relief and eagerness clearly.
"My Lord, I will retake Karond Kar if you wish it. No matter…."
"No my valiant General, Karond Kar might be too much even for your talents. But there is a place in Naggaroth that has all the weapons and ammunition that we need. It has the machines and slaves to make even more.
The Druchii use their pet Germans there to make all their modern arms in this place called Neustadt. Ernutan, I beseech you to go to Hag Graef. Take command of all the troops there and then take this Neustadt for me. Will you do that?"
"Oh yes my Lord, I will do so without delay or fail"
"I knew I could count of you, most valued of my followers. I have left a gift for you in Hag Graef. You will find a shipment of Golems there, they will allow you to take Neustadt."
"Thank you, my Lord, thank you…"
My holiday is finally over, I used some of that to pen the next update. Trevayne was so kind and polished, thanks greatly. Today is a tranquil piece that sees the fallout of the last one and contains the dance card for the main event. The red wine will be served for real with the next update, keep napkins handy.

Karaz-a-Karak, side tunnel

Bruglemier looked at the abomination with horror. The clay pipe before him had been laid down centuries ago, probably when his grandfather was his age. It had been the means of providing clean, cool air that allowed the tunnels below it more than the minimum of activity. Even the hard-burned clay had suffered with time and weakened. When a few stones dropped from the ceiling, they had cracked the pipe in two places. Air that had been pumped from (so far above had whistled and shrieked into a tunnel that needed none of it.
It had to be repaired, that was for sure. But before he and the lads had the chance to remove at least three lengths of heavy pipe and replace the one in the middle someone had desecrated the work of the ancients. Crisscrossed over the leaks were many, many layers of silver tape, bulging under the pressure from behind them, but holding firm for the moment. His anger needed a way out and he bellowed it at the youngling who was busy laying a power cord down the tunnel.
"Latr Bornmeister, you stupid kilmin. What evil spirit took hold of your tiny mind and told you that this..this duck tape is any way to repair an air pipe? This will not hold any length of time you waster of good metal."
It might have been a figment of Bruglemier's imagination, but he could have sworn he had heard an exasperated sigh.
"Nice of you to show up Bruglemier. No, that tape will not hold until my beard is as long as yours, but it does not need to do so. Next month the pipe will be replaced by a metal air conditioning duct. That will allow air through for real and we can finally make good use of the lower levels. I say there is no need to work two days to fully repair something that will be gone by Pflugzeit and the Guild will not pay us for such work."
Bruglemier spat at the ground.

"Duck tape here, duck tape there. If we would let you younglings do it, you would build the next Karak from duct tape. It is a bungler's aid, nothing but."
"It is a new tool, and has its uses in the right places Bruglemier, like all tools. There are so many new opportunities, time you oldsters wrap your heads about them."
Both Dawi grumbled and refused to speak to each other while they drilled the holes needed for a cable run that was to run along the tunnel's ceiling. It was when Bruglemier could not extract a worn drill bit from his hammer drill that Latr was there with a small blue and silver bottle.
"Want some help Bruglemier or is this also a bungler's aid?"
"Oh no, that is the good stuff, I feel even Valaya would bless WD40. This shows real respect for your tools."
The older and the younger Dawi had always been at loggerheads, the Weltensprung had put a lot of additional pressure on the conflict. But even when the Dawi argued harder than ever before, they could all agree on the many blessings of WD-40.

Office of the President of the Bundestag, Berlin

The German Bundestag is normally an orderly place, still somebody needed to lay down the law and make sure the rules were followed. The most important task is to head all and any parliamentary debate and votes. This job is given to the President of the Bundestag, one of the highest offices the German government has. The president is elected for the full legislative period of four years and usually from the largest party in parliament. It is seen as the crowning achievement of a politician who does not reach the highest levels of government and calls for somebody level-headed and respected by all sides.
In the Year of Sigmar 2536 Volker Rühe filled this office. He had been a secretary of defense long before the Weltensprung and had tried to become Schleswig-Holstein's Prime Minister. That bid had failed and he had been a Member of the Bundestag ever since. He had convened a meeting of the vice presidents, one of each party, and Germany's Bundespraesident as the resolution which had just passed the Bundestag was highly unusual and at least one party was extremely unhappy with it.

He might not be the most successful member of the CDU ever, but experience, age, and office lent him a certain gravitas. Rühe was not used to being yelled at and resented it, a lot. He had stood the verbal abuse for about two minutes, saw the faces of the other party elders in the room becoming stonier by the minute and decided it was time to stop the nonsense.
When his opponent took a breath to continue his rant he spoke up, loud and clear enough to be heard, but certainly not shouting.
"Herr Junge, we can continue this in two ways. Either you calm down and we talk like adults, then I am willing to answer your questions and address your grievances. Or you continue to scream at me like you believe me a stupid recruit, in this case I will ask the police to escort you from the Bundestag and will fine you. What will it be?"
Uwe Junge's skin color was red before, now it changed alarmingly. It set off the hematoma around his eye markedly. He tried to choke down a reply which would hurt his standing even further. When he was finally able to talk sensibly again he was drawing the words out as if under great pressure.
"I will not excuse my exasperation at the travesty that you allowed to happen in the very halls of the Bundestag, but I will try to remain calm. Still, I cannot believe that you allow this so-called resolution to stand. The proportions were not kept in attendance, the vote was not announced and no white paper for the resolution circulated. Party discipline was not kept and I was not consulted on a matter of defense…."

Volker Rühe used the next break for air to insert himself with a much calmer voice.
"It would behoove you to brush up your knowledge about the laws and regulations about voting in parliament.
First off: That the attendants in the Bundestag keep the proportions between parties when it comes to voting and that a white paper is circulated before a vote is called is a gentleman's agreement, not law. And while I agree that these agreements have proven themselves time and time again: They are not the law of the land. I cannot and will not invalid a resolution voted on by elected members of the Bundestag in a regular session because the niceties were not followed. As for you not being consulted: This is the parliament, not the government. While the members of the Bundestag can and probably should consult you in such matters they have no obligation to do so.
If you would have bothered to attend this session you could have presented your arguments, you chose to be absent.
As for party discipline: Each and every elected member of the Bundestag is bound by his or her conscience, nothing more. This is within your party to solve, certainly not for me to do so.. It is up to the Kaiserlichen to remove the members who voted for this resolution from your faction in the Bundestag. We would no longer have a majority in the Bundestag, but that is up to you.
The best way to heal this, if you think you really must, is to have another resolution and to vote for that too. If every member of the Bundestag who was not at that session would vote your way you'd have a majority, otherwise the results will stand."

Uwe Junge was about to explode again when a voice as dry as skeleton hands shifting dead leaves stopped him cold. Thomas Oppermann of the SPD looked like death warmed over and without major magical help he would have been dead for quite some time already.
"And you will not have them Herr Junge. The SPD has chosen to support this resolution. Put it up again in the Bundestag and the result will be the same. Fail to act on it and we will initiate the vote from our side."
"The Freisinnigen will release their members from party discipline on this one. I do not see many of our members voting against the resolution to intervene."
Sabine Leutheuser-Schnarrenberger was the old lady in the room, the defense secretary glared at her regardless.
His voice carried venom and ridicule in equal measure.
"So, you want this government to fail Sabine? Do you really think the Freisinnigen would be in the next government? Or do you open the gates to the hordes of the unwashed?"
"I am not sure if the Freisinnigen will profit if they shackle their destiny to the likes of you Herr Junge. And may I ask how you got that beautiful shiner?"
Junge lowered his voice markedly.
"I do not know how that pertains to this discussion."
Sabine's laugh was somewhat brittle with age, it still stung.
"Oh come on Herr Junge. What did you do to Damian Lohr?"
"Nobody calls me a coward, nobody"

Frank Walter Steinmeier was the only person in the room who was not a member of the Bundestag. He was Germany's President, the Head of State and held, in theory, the highest office in government. In practice his job was mostly ceremonial, but he had to countersign all of Germany's laws. He did not speak loudly and still everybody listened.
"Looks like you do not have your house in order Herr Junge. I would not recommend another round of voting, but that is up to you."
Uwe Junge shook his head and balled his fists a couple of times before he answered.
"Can none of you see what these young idiots will push us into? We will have to send our prime Quick Reaction Forces into a situation where they might well be wiped out or might suffer crippling losses before we can reinforce them. And even if that pans out: Then what? Do we send thousands of German soldiers there? This is not Former Yugoslavia we are talking about, the parties up there worship gods of fire and murder. Afghanistan was no joke, but this will be ten times worse."
Uwe Junge was surprised as anybody else in the room when Steinmeier started laughing.
"Am I the only one old enough here to see what is happening Uwe? We are just seeing the rebirth of the 68's, that's what this is."
Uwe Junge regained some of his belligerence.
"Nobody calls my guys long-haired hippies you…"
"Uwe Junge, you are an idiot. Of course, these ones are no hippies, quite the contrary. But they are a new generation, who grew up in a very different world then the one that formed us. And they think we still live in the old one, trying to tackle the new problems with the old answers. They might even be right for all I know, I am an old fart. They demand that we change, that we adapt to the new realities and sooner or later they will shape that change. The only choice we have is if we try to suppress them or try to inject a bit of caution and common sense. What will it be for you Herr Junge?"
"If you are so wise about this, what do you propose to do if we indeed save the sla..sorry former slaves?"
"We can only cross that bridge when we come to it Uwe. We might have something cooking by now if you had started that at least as contingency planning, but you did not. Now we cannot take that time, or there will be no one to save. Worst comes to worst we can evacuate, I can guarantee that several states will take technically minded persons in if we do not want to. We ask the Chaos Stumpies nicely to leave and have Malekith sort his icy hell himself. He won't like it without slaves, for sure. Now I can certainly not give any orders, but if I were you I would not step in front of that train, but make sure it runs well."
"I still think this is a folly."
"I did not serve Uwe, but even I know that one does not have to like the orders one is given, just follow them if they are legal. And while I am not part of the security cabinet I am very sure that these orders will be given soon. The Bundestag has voted on them, remember?"

Eagle`s Nest, Imperial Air Force Base at von-Liebwitz Airport, Nuln

Andreas Hoppe and a small group of officers listened to the briefing given by the Young Eagles XO, Eberhard von Roon.
"The tech shop has taken the hints we received from command well and has started generating frames early. From Wellentag morning we are looking at 18 operational Jagdfalke Mk1 and 2. This number includes the QRF flight and I would be loath to poach them. If we wait till Bäckertag we have been promised two flights of Luftwaffe Jagdfalke T2s.
Given that we need to scrounge both our arsenal and Rammstein for additional guided missiles and that von Schiller won't be ready before Bezahltag it seems better to launch on Königstag. That gives us a bit of reserve if Murphy shows up early. The Graf herself is in a good shape, apart from our additional supplies the old lady could launch on Markttag, Aubentag if we are pushing it."
Colonel Hoppe's hand drummed a tattoo on the table before him.

"Any other day I would be more than happy with that readiness and the speed of mobilization. Please give my compliments to Captain Heim and the tech shop, this is good work. Still, we should try everything to accelerate the launch."
Eberhard von Roon's eyebrows rose imperceptibly.
"Sir, what is the bleeding hurry here? We will cross the ocean, will be as far from quick resupply as possible, and should not go half-cocked. And while I want to kick the Spitzohren and the Chaos Stumpies as much as any other man, it is not that the Reiksbund itself is threatened. Neustadt has held for a couple of months, they will make do for an additional week."
"You won't hear an argument from me Eberhard. It is just that the Reiksmarschall has made this his very own cause and has pushed all troops we share with the Germans in the Reiksbund towards higher readiness. When the Bundestag passed that resolution he offered his aid. I can't say for sure, but it could be that the defense secretary wanted to wash his hands of this and gave Valten himself operational command. So, the prince activated all QRF forces: The 2nd armored paratroopers, the Cave Raiders, and the Paladins and told them to get cracking."
Eberhard von Roon blinked a couple of times.
"So, when do they launch?"
"Fuck me sideways."
"In-bleeding-deed. This is not how things are done, and Valten did it."
"Sir, even if we launch on Bezahltag, which would be pushing it, we need a week for the transit. The Graf and the others need to travel by their Rune drives only, we need the gas for when we are in Indian country."
"You know that and I know that, I made very sure that the Reichsmarschall knows it too. Valten probably thinks the troops are hard enough and Malekith knows better than to attack Reiksbund troops. I hope very, very much that he is right. So, what can we do to speed up?"

Ghrond, Naggaroth

The perfect teeth bit into the next morsel of food, beautiful lips drained it of any moisture before she ground it to a paste that ran smoothly down her gullet. Morathi gave off a small sigh of pleasure before choosing another tidbit. The eyeball popped like a fruit when she applied the right amount of pressure and allowed her to suck its contents. Looking at her arm she saw the wrinkles disappearing and a mirror revealed that the popped blood vessels in her right eye had receded. A few more delicacies and she would be hale again, at least for a couple of weeks.

Her nourishment needed to be young, about to bloom into the flower of life. When slaughtered just right, and treated with a magical lore known to very few, their essence would restore her youth and beauty forever. Such a shame, it would be better to have used slaves that were unable to perform their duties any longer. In the lost days of past glory such considerations would have been moot, given the glut of available victims. These days docile, healthy slaves were a valuable resource indeed and not to be wasted. Not that anybody would think sustaining the Witch King's mother as anything but the most important task, lest they become part of the menu.
Morathi dabbed her lips with a new silken cloth that would be burned at the earliest convenience and rose elegantly from her table.
Her voice never rose and still everybody ran to fulfill her needs. Her majordomo knelt at her feet before she had taken more than a handful of steps.
Dropping the napkin on her back she stepped by her servant.
"Alert my entourage and ready Sulephet. My son needs to see the light."
An hour later the pale winter sky saw a swarm of Dark Pegasi rise from Ghrond's highest tower, making for the Gulf of Naggrond.

Ottokar Proktor's office, BKA building, Berlin

The office was as nondescript as ever, the fake wooden furniture had acquired a few more dings and a new potted plant was slowly dying in the corner. The laptop was a new model though and had a few modifications that would raise more than a few eyebrows if known in the right circles.
Ottokar Proktor did not look at it, he had just ended a phone call with a Celestial Mage whose services he used at times. Staring straight ahead, looking at nothing in his field of view, the agent did not move a muscle for a minute at least. A small tic started at his jaw, breaking the reverie.
Ottokar pulled a bundle of keys from his pockets and opened a drawer that had remained closed for several years.
He extracted a bottle of high-grade Schnapps from it and a glass with a faded cartouche on it. He filled it and drank the clear fluid in one go. Breathing deeply, he tried to wrap his mind around the fact that his most important project had attracted the attention of another god, this one on the side of order. And said god had probably pushed the apple cart till it went downhill at a speed that even Ottokar had not foreseen.
The question was: now what? What had really changed and how to make sure the cart crashed at the desired spot?

Gulf of Naggrond, Naggaroth, at night

The kayak's slender hull slid through the black waters of the Gulf with nothing but a quiet hiss. It was accentuated by a rhythmic, very quiet gurgling of water when the paddles were pushed through it. A small flotilla of them was making their way up the gulf in loose formation. The kayaks were meant for two people and most carried exactly that, the few others held equipment instead of a second crewmember. The boats and their rowers were clad in dark colors, offering very little contrast against the water. They had paddled for a few kilometers already from the point where the landing craft had released them. They had quite a few kilometers to go before they could make landfall. None of the paddlers showed signs of exhaustion, they would not be members of the Night Shift if they did.

Ivil Bloodcrest was in the second boat that made it for Naggaroth's shore. His night vision was good enough that he could make out his warriors and had a glimpse of the shoreline. The operator before him used a device that looked like a very fat gun with a monitor on its back. He treated it like a human might treat a newborn and justly so, as there were only a few of these in the Wild Geese. According to the Geese's technical staff these were normally used by fire brigades to look for people inside smoke and worked with infrared. This set saved lives in a different way, by spotting for any DawiZharr that might hide in the sparse brushwork that bordered the Gulf. So far neither that device nor Ivil's fine senses had spotted anything. Hardly surprising, given that the Night Shift detachment would land a dozen kilometers from the nearest known enemy forces. It was a good thing that Naggaroth's winter nights were so long, they could make it to their target in two of them easily.

The assassin had been taught to use many weapons besides his daggers when he was still at the hell called Khaine's temple. He had expected to gain deadlier ones when he joined the Wild Geese, and he had not been disappointed. It had taken him a while to learn that the most powerful of them all was the wireless.

Prince Aenarion Airport, Lothern, Ulthuan

The Asur would not allow the Reiksbund to station or even cycle combat planes through their airports. The seven A 400 M that were currently fueled up were quite common on this airport, as Lufthansa, Deutsche Luftfracht SRL, and a few others were flying quite a few civilian models of the plane. It could land on anything strong enough to support cows, as long as things were agreeably flat and had quite a long range due to their efficient turboprops and their Rune of Flying.
Whether the camouflage gave the planes away was an open question, a single look at the passengers proved beyond doubt that they were not on a mission of mercy. The High Elven officials who cleared the planes transit pointedly ignored the power armors or the vehicles and equipment and made a show of checking documents before leaving the Reiksbunders alone.
There was a small, informal meeting in the leftmost plane, where the commanding officers of all the units in the task force found a place behind the cockpit. Everybody had a steaming mug in hand or close by. All looked at their tablets, looking at various reports.

It was Joakim Vos who spoke up first.
"Nothing broke on the way in, and no one puked more than usual. The Paladins are ready to roll. How about your people?"
Thorgrimm Steinier was the shortest of those attending, but the broadest across the shoulders. His voice was a deep rumble, showing enthusiasm not mirrored by the third member of the group.
"The lads are not sure whose teeth they'd like to kick in most, the Frundarr or the Spitzohren. And none of them would fuck that chance up."
"If that happens we have failed already."

The tallest officer present was a picture of a soldier's soldier. From the buzz-cut hair, the strong chin to a meticulous and probably starched BDU he looked like a career soldier from the world the Germans had left behind. Lt. Colonel Heiko von der Marwitz led the 2nd Armored Parachute Battalion, one of the two Power Armored units suited for airborne operations. One of the units had to have at least one company ready to go within an hour, a tall order if there ever was one. It was also the only purely German unit in the task force, the other two drew personnel from all Reiksbund members. It made for a different outlook for sure.
"Any day I get to shoot Spitzohren who want to enslave the people in Neustadt again is a good day, not a failure. These former slaves earned a chance they fight well."
"I am sure you think so Captain Steinier, but I would still prefer if we can separate the two parties peacefully. It will be much easier to protect the former slaves and to negotiate with the Druchii. Otherwise we learn if this drop is the next Citadel of Lead or a rerun of Dien Bien Phu."

Steinier looked cross at von der Marwitz.
"When Joakim jumped on the Citadel of Lead he did not know if he would win, he just gave it his best shot. Some things are just worth the fight even when you are not sure you will win."
There was a moment of silence while the German took a deep breath.
"I am not sure what you want to say Captain Steinier. I am a German officer, and so the thing that concerns me most is fulfilling the bloody mission. I will do whatever is necessary to do so as long as it is mostly legal. Acknowledging that we are very, very far from support is not a sign of a yellow liver, it is realism. And while I am sure that our lads and laddettes can kick Druchii and DawiZharr butts all day long it is not the bloody mission. We have to protect Neustadt, nothing more. If we can get this done by asking the Spitzohren nicely I am all for it. At the very least it is less dangerous for the soldiers under my command. And if they don't, then I am more than willing to show them why messing with the Reiksbund is a very bad idea."
Thorgrimm Steinier's hand was huge and hard as rock, von der Marwitz swayed only minutely when it hit his shoulder.
"I can live with that lad, and no mistake. Now, I have seen videos of your new toys, but not the real thing. Are they any good?"

Gulf of Naggrond, two days later

Areta Bane had been a Druchii warrior long before she joined the Wild Geese and maritime raiding was nothing new to her in any way, shape or form. Still she had never thought much about specialized landing craft in the old days. It had taken the Geese's return to Naggaroth to appreciate them and the many details that differentiated them from their simpler relatives. They were not fast, even when one wished them to be. The flat bottom that their mission asked for and the flat bow made that impossible. They had armor in many places as they went into harm's way and at least a few crew-served weapons to suppress the enemy if necessary. There was a huge ramp at the bow, so that vehicles and personal could unass quickly.
The Wild Geese and the Imperial Dragon's shipyard had bought a couple of barges usually ferrying cargo between ships and too-small harbors and had used them as parts donors to build a few of the specialized craft. 80% of these were just making their way up the Gulf of Naggrond, past the point where Leviathan could go. They were under cover of the night and so far nobody was shooting at them. Which was a good thing as the Geese had loaded every combat Unimog and their Lastergrenadiere they had on them. They would make landfall between the DawiZharr and Naggrond. That would put the Chaos Stumpies between a rock and a hard place for sure and should put an end to this campaign.

Cantina, Neustadt, same time

Neustadt had always been a loud place. Given that it was given to refining and shaping metals and its factories ran around the clock it was unavoidable. From the deep thumps made by the drop forges, the shrill keen of the lathes to the dragon's roar of the furnaces, Neustadt's air had always been shifted by sound waves. Its inhabitants had gotten used to it while they slowly developed deafness and were able to talk, sleep, and work in the din.
Now the town was mostly silent. The furnaces were cold and the lathes still for a lack of raw materials. No siren called the workers to their shifts as none were to be had.
The Cantina was usually a lively place in the morning as the workers were chatting while they waited in line for their meals or in small groups when they munched on the food. The food had always been good, feasts by the standards of former slaves, and if one spent a few credits such nice treats could be had. Now the gruel served was enough to still hungry stomachs and provide fuel for the day ahead. It was just that few of those in the room were looking forward to those tasks. They were boring, dangerous, and often seen as staving off the inevitable for one more day. Nearly everybody had lost a friend or family during the last several weeks and too many asked themselves if that was the best future they could realistically expect.

Torsten Breitkop made the rounds through the cantinas, trying to shore up morale. It was hard, so very hard to think he had brought his people to this position. The question what he could have done differently kept him awake many a night and lines appeared in his face where none had been before.
Wherever he went his clients became ever so much more alive, it was a marvel to see. But when they asked him if everything would be alright there was a desperation in their eyes for an answer that would soothe their fears and that they could believe.
It turned his stomach that they indeed brightened up when he promised them something would come up, that the Druchii had shot their bolt and that help would arrive. This might indeed be so, but he did not know and he felt like a liar every time he told his people what they wanted to hear.

He was on his way to the next one when he heard a commotion behind him and the walkie-talkie on his hip vibrated to gain his attention. While he unclipped it from his belt he saw more and more people coming from barracks and cantinas, hospitals, and even some trenches. Everybody was looking at the sky and some of the more sharp-eyed pointed at small spots in the sky.
Torsten Breitkop heard none of the excited voices, Anja's voice held his attention fully.
"They are coming Torsten, the Germans are finally coming. I have told Air Defense to stand down, they will jump into the marshalling yard in a few minutes. Oh my god Torsten, we did it."

DawiZharr camp, Gulf of Naggrond coast

Lord Mordred's tent was still the ever-opulent edifice. Many would go into that tent, beautiful in diverse ways, alluring and willing to overload their senses with all manners of debauchery. Not all of them came back alive from that tent, others had lost what went for their minds in the extreme experiences that could be had within. There was never a lack of volunteers for the entrance, it was seen as an high honor except for most of those who entered the tent bound. The latter were rarely seen alive and in command of their senses again.
Mordred sat amid the detritus of last night's orgy in a lotus seat, beautiful and unmoving like a marble statue. The sight was just enhanced by the thin trickle of blood that seeped from the corners of his mouth and painted eerie lines on his perfect marble chest.

Others might have to work hard for intelligence, had to send spies and scouts, build complicated machines and analyzed the info received for every scrap of intelligence. He was the Avatar of the Prince of Pleasure, he could avail himself of the senses of those who had touched his liege in any way as well as the morsels given to him by the Neverborn.
His mind was as intricate and beautiful as his body, and like his body capable of giving brilliant insights and setting the stage for terrible cruelty. He could see the picture behind all these brilliant pixels provided to him. It was just that he did not like the picture. His enemies had blocked the path to his real target, and there was no way he could see how he could best or avoid them. He needed to change plans again, and there was only one left, a very long shot which needed others, not under his direct control, to play their part perfectly.

And he needed to ask his liege for more of his Neverborn, many more. Too bad, he had enjoyed some of those in his tent. Their final acts of pleasure would be the payment his liege would ask for. And he would need to get the situation in Zarr-Naggrund sorted. Time to set the things planted so long before into motion.
Ah I meant to respond to the last one wondering why more vampires hadn't taken up the practice of consuming condesnsed magic at least in addition to blood but I got distracted.

''There was a huge ramp at the bow, so that vehicles and personal could unass quickly.''
What does unass mean? Ah it appears to be a synonym for disembark....probably decending for ''remove your/my ass'' but conveniently shorter than either of those?

Still first time I encountered the term.

I hope the Druuchi let the Neustatters leave, I'm really not sure they've been gaining anything by trying to kill them except salving their stupendously huge and wounded pride/ego they should have quit whaen they lost their oldest assasins and hydras going against smaller forces than their own.
Sorry for the delay, there are things even more important than writing this TL at present. Trevayne was so nice as to polish, thanks loads. Today I take up an inspiration by CjVR about ammunition, send Karl Hermsdorf to dark places while he is proud of his students and have a battle with the gods themselves participating. Yes Pexa, you were right: This is when things become intense. So don your protective googles, because this update needs them.

Haltdorf, Empire

Karl Hermsdorf had been a Sergeant before he had become a teacher. One of the things he learned as a noncom was that it paid off not to show fear and nervousness. First off it would not infect those around him and second it helped with dealing with one's own fears. So he made a conscious effort not to flinch when those sounds managed to bypass his ears and drilled themselves directly into his brain. He held his head high, his upper lip remained stiff and he spoke clearly and slowly when the time came.
He could not be prouder of his students, they managed to do the same despite the place, the time and the ordeal before them. They had assembled in orderly rows and waited their turn. He could see their fear and that they would so much like to be in a different place. Still they stood and waited their turn to enter the dark entrance before them. He saw an older girl extend a calming hand on the shoulder of a younger student. He saw that the boys were not much better off, but did not want to show that in front of the girls.
Nervous they might be, but they were all here, none tried to shirk and all went with their heads held high when the time came. Karl Hermsdorf was the last one to enter the railcar, having made sure that his students went where they needed to go. He could let his mask slip a bit once he was past the curtain that separated the far end from the rest and concealed the instruments of terror.
The man in the white apron smiled when he did.
"Welcome to my humble abode Herr Hermsdorf, I have been expecting you. Your students did well so far, seems that they take brushing their teeth seriously. I hardly had to drill this time."
Karl Hermsdorf was hit by the insight a few minutes later, when he was already seated in the dentist's chair. He had to chuckle and earned a frown from the mobile doctor. It was still worth it.
His current students had never learned that any kind of dental work hurt like hell and left bloody ruin and gaps in your smile. They were already used to the blessed Novocain and the lore that repaired teeth instead of pulling their remains. They were probably looking forward to the small gifts they received if their teeth were cleaned well. No wonder they had behaved so well.
His teeth were a different matter, he had learned about toothpaste and brush when he was already an adult and was unable to shake his smoking habit. He would feel the prick and the drill for sure…..

Before Neustadt, Naggaroth

Joakim Vos walked through a desolation under a pale winter sun. It exposed the ravages war had inflicted on the landscape and the remains of the people that had fought over it. A thin layer of snow barely covered the corpses that lay brokenly in the detritus of war. His boots crunched though bloody snow and ashen bones. Joakim Vos' mood was as least as ugly as the landscape around him.
Nobody who had come with Germany to the Warhammer World could ignore the Druchii's crimes and cruelty. Joakim thought it one of Germany's better accomplishments to have curbed their raids to a nuisance. Unfortunately that had allowed the Reiksbund to ignore the evils the Dark Elves routinely performed in their own icebox. They might exceed anything done by human slave-owners on Earth by a large margin, but they were also very far away.
Now they were not and Neustadt's citizens had given the Druchii's victims faces and voices to care for. The Reiksbund Paladins' CO was fully aware that he and his fellow soldiers were the one thing that stood between the former slaves and oblivion. The weight of that responsibility weighted him down like a mountain. His hate for those who placed that burden there had reached the point where he had to consciously reign it in, lest it interfere with his duties.

As agreed upon four power-armoured soldiers followed him a dozen paces behind. He had spotted the Druchii a while ago, a lone figure leaning on a huge halberd while a few rifle-armed ones hung back a bit. His optics allowed him to study the Druchii at a distance. At first glance he seemed to be the epitome of a Spitzohren warrior, all slender figure and elegant aggression. Closer inspection revealed the recently mended parts in armour and clothing, the fine lines of wounds healed quickly by magic, and the leg that was held at an angle. Neustadt's denizens had gotten their licks in it seemed, good for them.
Stopping three meters before the Druchii he allowed his armour to open his visor and tried to ignore the stench of death that wafted all over the place. The wireless negotiation had worked in Reiksspiel, that was certainly easier than trying his hand at Dominating Sperenthiel.

"I am Lieutenant Colonel Joakim Vos of the Reiksbund Paladins. I am here as agreed to negotiate a ceasefire."
The voice that answered did not hide the disdain at having to use a language for slaves and negotiating with mere humans.
"I am Kouran Darkhand, Master of the Black Guard. Why do you trespass on the lands of the Witch King?"
Joakim's voice was toneless, even and colder than Naggaroth's winter.
"The Reiksbund desires a ceasefire between your forces and Neustadt's citizens so that a more permanent solution to this problem can be negotiated. To ensure that no accidents endanger such a ceasefire we will enforce a demilitarized zone five kilometres from Neustadt's borders. No armed forces from either side are allowed to enter, but for such events agreed upon by both parties."
Mocking and curiosity mixed themselves in Kouran's voice.
"So what do you want from these slaves? Do you think they will work better in your factories? Or do you want to steal the Witch King's property and deny him the arms he need to fight the Chaos Dwarfs?"
"You cannot own people Darkhand and neither can the Witch King. We seek an end to the cruelties that you inflict on your slaves and have no truck in your war with the DawiZharr. You can remove your camp and your warriors from the demilitarized zone during the next 48 hours, any Druchii or former slave presence in this zone will be removed by force."
Kouran's answer was hoarse from anger.
"Do you believe we need protecting from slaves?"
"They seemed to do that quite well by themselves. No matter, the Reiksbund wants a ceasefire and it will receive it."

It was Joakim's sword that guided his arm, it had fought for millennia and knew the signs. Kouran was trying to kill its Champion where he stood, he would not have reacted int time. The halberd's blade moved with inhuman speed and even Stormbringer's response and the suit's power could just move the arm in its way. Joakim's limb was protected by layers of titanium deposited in a ceramic matrix and spidersilk. Even that armour could barely stop the blade that struck obliquely and it left a deep scar in the vambrace. By that time Vos was in charge of his limbs again and his left hand clamped on the halberd's shaft.
The muscles of a strong man combined forces with high-tech actuators and Technici magic to fix the shaft as if it had been struck in concrete. Kouran's muscles swelled when he tried to dislodge it and failed.
Joakim's adrenaline surge burned through his self-control and his voice mocked Darkhand's efforts.
"That is not how civilized people conduct negotiations, really now. Can we behave like adults, or do I need to take that away?"
"Who do you do believe you are that you deny the will of Malekith himself?"
"My beliefs are…

Kouran's left hand released the halberd and made for the revolver at his hip. It touched the weapon's grip when Joakim's right fist smashed squarely into Kouran's helmet. The armoured glove was driven by muscles, hate and a power armour, it dished the helmet in, broke an aquiline nose and smashed a dozen perfect teeth from the Druchii's mouth.
Kouran's guards looked at four assault rifles levelled at them and decided that this was not the day to die gloriously for the Witch King.
Joakim watched the Druchii dropping on the ground and bent over the fallen leader.
"Let kings and demons tremble, I am a German citizen."
He turned and walked away without looking back.

Tower of Cold Naggrond

The legends of the Warhammer World and the fears of every Naggaroth denizen said that Malekith watched everyone at any time, being able to kill anybody who displeased the Witch King. Malekith and his mother had done their level best to spread the rumors. They had demonstrated the ability often enough to make it stick and gruesome enough to avoid too many people asking the obvious question: How could a single being, even such a capable one, watch everybody at the same time, make sense of what he saw and react to it? The answer to that was that he could not. Malekith could see nearly any place in his realm at a time of his choosing and could kill unprotected individuals at his whim. He could not see everybody at any time and did not try.
The Witch King had watched the negotiations between Kouran Darkhand and that insufferable German though, given that the Germans were potentially the biggest threat to him and his realm.
At first he had been somewhat relieved when the Germans did not try to claim more than the small piece of Naggaroth denied to him anyway. He was not too happy when the Darkhand snapped and tried to kill the German soldier, this Vos. It would have been a quick, painless death, and Malekith needed more information about the German intentions.
He had been aghast how easily the soldier managed to defeat one of his very best fighters. And then came the moment when his mind, always under pressure from the hate Malekith harbored for anything and everybody broke from the bounds the Witch King maintained so carefully.

"Let kings and demons tremble, I am a German citizen."
That was too much, that was such an arrogance thrown in Malekith's face and such an accurate description of the new times that he flew into a terrible rage. A wordless scream silenced every voice in the Tower of Cold and eldritch lightning broke from the tower's pinnacle.
The rage pushed a decision the Witch King had postponed for some time now. As long as there was some hope that Kouran Darkhand could recapture Neustadt and save at least some of the manufacturing there he could stay his hand. Now all such hopes were gone and the Germans decided to interfere. Did they believe that he would cower in fear of their warriors and their sun bombs? Oh no, he would not. He would show them why he was feared by all and why he was called the Witch King. He would put that fear into their hearts and show every slave in Naggaroth that revolts could end in just one way. one way. He would wreck such a desolation that the Germans would not dare to use their sun bombs out of fear of his retaliation.
Retrieving a key held inside a pocket in his armor the Witch King opened a chest that had been closed for more than a century. A casket inside opened when claw-like fingers pressed the right places and words of power soothed wards that would consume anybody who tried to open it otherwise. A small bag inside held a gem of purest black, etched with runes in a language forgotten by the world around it. It contained the souls of so many male mages that Malekith had sacrificed when he learned of the prophesy that a male Druchii mage would kill him. Stepping into the elaborate circle of warding that was etched into the tower's floor Malekith aligned his mind with the forces of the Empyrean. The words and sounds that came from his mouth would have seared the ears of any mortal listener, the flames that rose from the circles sigils burned the very air they touched. The Tower of Cold lit up like a torch that burned Wytchfire and screams could be heard by every living being in Naggrond, but would fail to show up on any electronic listening device.
Malekith did not hesitate a second before he crushed the crystal in his armored glove. The souls captured within emerged from their prison and were forced to enhance the powers of the being called the Witch King a hundredfold.
The town itself seemed to hold its collective breath when a beam of blackness rose from the Tower of Cold, pierced the clouds above and ripped the sky asunder.

Neustadt, Naggaroth

Thorgrimm Steinier was outnumbered, out of his depth, and surrounded. The threats were of a kind he had not dealt with before and used underhand tactics. He was out of allies too. Joakim Vos was about to explain the new realities of life to the dandelion eaters and von der Marwitz supervised strengthening Neustadt's defences.
So it had fallen to the stout Dawi to shore up the former slave's morale and this Anja had brought him here. Here being one of Neustadt's largest cantinas, where he found himself surrounded by children. Children of all ages and sexes , joyous children, children who were afraid and the others. The others who tried to pull his beard at every occasion, who shouted questions or who tried to offer him something to eat. Some of them tried to climb his power armour before their minders pulled them off.

There was one reason and one reason only why he tolerated this circus: The Dawi were not a very fertile race and those children who were born often did not survive the harsh life in the Karaks. Children were a treasure, cherished and to be protected at all costs. And here were so very many of them, threatened by the Druchii who would work them close to death before using them as sacrifices. If he had needed another reason to see this mission through he had found it in spades.
The kid before him had eyes the size of saucers and was simply overwhelmed by it all. Tears ran down her face and she was unable to say anything comprehensible. She stood rooted in his way and would not move.
Thorgrimm grabbed her and lifted her into the crook of his arm, the power armor stabilizing her nicely.
"No need to fash yourself lassie, we are here now. Nobody will harm you now."
And for a short moment of eternal beauty the girl smiled.
That was when the alarms went off.

The Empyrean

The cave seemed endless, with a ceiling so high up that it was mostly hidden in the smoke that filled the upper levels. The walls were so far away that their features were a bit blurred. The denizens of the cave knew them to be of deepest black, with jags and protrusions of infinite sharpness. The ground beneath their hooves and claws was a mix of sharp gravel and coarse sand that would flay the skin of any mortal. The air was unbearably hot and stank of heated blood. There were red puddles and a river of blood that ran through the cave's middle. It stank from the heat and the things that lurked within. Magic kept the red liquid from congealing and magic kept the beings in the cave alive. They liked it just fine, when they did not fight themselves in an endless orgy of duels and battles. They had no need for a cause, fighting was the goal, not the means.
As all denizens of the Warp they were sustained by the emotional and mental exertions of the mortals. Like all entities of the Empyrean they were specialized, they were best fed by a limited set of emotions and deeds. These ran on violence, on killing and combat. They did not care who fought whom, who died, and whose blood was spilled, all that mattered was that it happened.
They were Khorne's children and they lusted for the next fight.

It was the mighty Bloodthirsters who felt something first. Bestial visages turned this way and that, giant lungs inhaled deeply so that they might get a scent of what had drawn their attention. The Bloodletters became even more agitated, even more willing to hurt those closest to them, eager for any chance to sate their eternal hunger. The hounds gnashed their teeth and looked for the source of the ozone that suddenly suffused the air. A ball of lightning formed above the cave's floor, burning anything below it. It grew into a ring, showing a field of stars inside. When the ring finally touched the ground the picture inside moved rapidly, until it showed a mortal city. A strange one, covered in soot and with many boxy, unadorned buildings. It did not matter to the demons, the many humans and the promise of a fight in the real world did. For far too long they had not rendered mortal bodies, had not heard human cries, and smelled their blood.
They were many, they lusted for battle and blood, and they did not care whom they had the chance to fight. They knew that their time in the mundane world would be limited, they would make the most of it. Hooves tore into the ground and claws fought for purchase on the otherworldly floor of the tunnel that led to a massacre.


The cove, Neustadt

There were very few rooms deeper underground than Anja's coven, and few were more important to detecting threats to Neustadt in time. Ever since the Druchii laid siege to Neustadt they had tried to probe and attack their former slaves magically.
Anja had combed the workforce ever since she arrived for any individual with the slightest inkling of magical abilities. She had trained them as best as she could and formed them into a team that watched over Neustadt as much as the barbed wire and the machine guns did.
While they were very well motivated they should have been outclassed badly against the Druchii witches who had been around for hundreds of years, deep in the lore and willing to sacrifice the sentient to enhance their art. Anja and her fellow mages had a chance because they had to unmake the attacks, which was easier than making them. Any mage who plied his trade in range of Neustadt's guns was not long for the world. Even more importantly, Anja's team was willing to work with each other. To provide for others and not just for themselves. Individually they might be midgets, as a team they fought giants to a standstill.
And now they felt that something was wrong, that something wanted to attack Neustadt, but for the life of them they could not see what it was. It certainly was no spell the Druchii had used before, it was not aimed at them directly, but whatever roiled the Empyrean into a storm was huge.

It took Anja precious moments to realize that whoever was attacking was ripping the veil between the mundane world and the warp asunder. It allowed entry of those normally relegated to the Warp into the real world. She did not know what would come through the tear in reality that started to form, but it could only be devastating.
She wasted a few more seconds trying to undo the spell that kept the tunnel up. She quickly learned how far out of her league she was. She might as well try to stop an avalanche with her bare hands. She had never witnessed such power herself and had only heard legends and horror stories about such events. She was not the one to give up though, and instead of closing the tunnel to mayhem and madness she tried to shift it. As things stood it would open right above Neustadt itself, which could only lead to disaster. The mages that were connected to her sensed her intent without the need for words and she felt a warm stream of power that ran through her chest. Mouthing words of power she pushed her mind at the tunnel that formed above her home.
It moved, but only the tinniest distance. No matter how much power she exerted, no matter that the mages around her despaired from the task or simply dropped from exhaustion. She pushed till blood came from her nose, till the warmth in her chest was a raging fire and till she had moved the tunnel's entrance about five meters. By now the first monsters crawled from the gaping mouth, raging monstrosities that looked like dogs the size of ponies.
Panic began to cloud Anja's mind, she could not bear the thought of her lover and all her fellows being ripped apart by demons. Yet try as she might, she could not see anything she might do to stave the inevitable. In what she was sure were her last moments she prayed to whatever entities might hear her to deliver Torsten and her fellows. When she dropped to the floor her prayers were answered.
A wave of something ran through Neustadt, something that lit the town in an orange light. Whatever it was, it did not destroy the tunnel or kill the things that came from it. But it moved it by the kilometer needed to end before Neustadt's wire belt.

Inside Neustadt

Joakim Vos had just made his way back from the Naggaroth style negotiations when the sky started to discolour and clouds moved at a speed they should not. His suit's magic indicator started blinking like mad and the wireless channels filled themselves with reports. He watched a ring of fire that ripped the sky apart and opened a tunnel into madness. It started spouting monsters into the town right away. He was still trying to form a plan in his mind when something pushed the tunnel's mouth right across Neustadt, some distance before the wire.
Now a wild variety of beings emerged from it, in all shapes and sizes. They were all red and black, they had too many teeth, claws, and melee weapons. They exuded a hate that bypassed the distance and the language barrier with ease. There was an ungodly number of them on the ground already and there were more emerging every second. Joakim Vos ran away from it after a second look. His command post was a hundred meters back and his days as a shooter were hopefully over. He reached the bunker that the Germans had taken over from the former slaves and made his way inside. Things were much calmer inside, but the picture provided by many drones and helmet videos was dire.

There were demons running around in the city, tearing apart anybody who was in their way. They needed to be taken out fast, they could turn the tightly packed quarters into an abattoir otherwise and would be hard to dig out. But that was the least of his worries. The horde before the wire became bigger with every second and the first ones tried to make it through the wire already. Countless Flesh Hounds tore and bit at the razor sharp wire that held even their iron muscles. Bloodletters hacked at the strands that seemed so thin, just to learn that they would spring back. Towering over them like giants in a kindergarten the Bloodthirsters were huge avatars of murder and bloodshed. No wire would slow them down, no rifle fire would do more than inconvenience them. They roared a challenge that shook everybody who heard it and started their charge towards Neustadt. Their axes swept the wire aside like a scythe through wheat, opening a way for their lesser brethren.
Machine gun fire poured from the many bunkers that fortified Neustadt's defence belt. It hit the Bloodletters who assaulted the wire with no thought about taking cover. They were hit by the machine guns and rifle fire easily enough, but they took an awful amount of killing. Their dead bodies often provided another step stone for their peers to make it another meter through the wire. If nothing happened Neustadt's defences would be breached soon, and then the demons would kill every living being inside. Joakim watched the main display, which showed the location of every power-armoured soldiers in Neustadt. He needed a few seconds to make up his mind, then he started issuing orders. Making an effort to keep his voice calm he dialled the connections.

"Thorgrimm, clean out the Steel Way and Coal Road. First priority is that the arty pukes can make it to the mortar pits. Make sure the arty stays safe, we need them. If you can spare some folks, make them hunt what demons remain. I don't think you have to root them out, they'll come to you."
"Will do Joakim. I am at the cantina right now, I'll leave a squad here."
"Do that."
Another push at the panel on his vambrace.

"Van Halen Actual, this is Paladin Actual. We have demons assaulting the wire. Occupy the second trench line from bunker 30 and defend from there. The Paladins will be on your left, I will place the heavy weapons platoon in the center. Bring your weapons carriers to your right, enfilade from there. Bloodthirsters are priority targets."
"Paladin Actual, this is Van Halen actual, solid copy on second trench line and enfilading."

Somewhere along the wild ride that was his stay on the Warhammer World the former ticket puncher had learned how to communicate more effectively with different armies. Skavenblight had been a good start on that.
"All Paladin elements, this is Paladin actual. Take the second line of trenches to the left of bunker 30, bring the heavy weapons to the right flank. Keep the enemy before the wire, things will become ugly otherwise."
Joakim Vos was in a bunker with small vision slits, his ability to perceive the battlefield exceeded that of most commanding officers in history. Several drones provided an overview, the power armor worn by his forces denoted their positions electronically. He could use the video feed of any soldier under his command. He could even give them commands that would display in their helmets as marked targets and pointer arrows. He also had an unmatched potential for micromanagement and had to consciously reign that in. So he watched as the first Paladins opened fire on the closest Bloodletters. They were rather hard to kill, being tough as old boots when shot at by the Neustadt defenders. The Paladin's results were very different. When one of their three-round bursts hit a mighty chest it exploded, offering a view into an inhuman biology. When a thick limb got in the way, it was simply ripped from its owner in smaller chunks.

The Reiksbund had sent its elite forces to Naggaroth, the ones who had to face the worst this world and the Empyrean had to offer. The Hague was in a very different universe and so the ammunition in the Mauser's magazines was very different. Inside each bullet a small sliver of Zirconium rested behind a nasty mix of explosives and incendiaries. Such bullets would not waste any energy on overpenetration, they would dump their kinetic energy into their target and add an explosion into the mix. Even the Bloodletters. Khorne's chosen infantry took notice when a machine gun literally ripped a group of them apart. They noticed and redoubled their efforts to reach the soldiers behind the wire. They were slowed by the wire and died in droves.
A section of the wire was partly gone due to a Bloodthirster that had swung its axe right through it. Now it was tangled in the wire, frustrating the demon to no end. And while he screamed and pulled at a weapon still tangled in the wire string after string of 40 mm grenades exploded around him. Whether the maddened demon felt any of that was an open question. That the Bloodletters and the Hounds around him did was not. The many fragments produced by the slow projectiles did not kill immediately, but injured, crippled, and hurt. Even worse, the Hounds tore around them into anything close by them, be it barbed wire, one of their own or a Bloodletter. Their victims were not taking it lying down and an absolute traffic jam of dying and fighting beasts ensued, blocking the gap better than the wire had before.
Other targets would not be stopped by the rifles or machine guns. The Bloodthirsters were so big and tough that even dozens of explosive rounds made them mad, but did not stop them. The Paladins had another solution for that purpose. Where other infantry had heavy machine guns around 13 mm calibre, the power-armoured troopers of the Paladins preferred 30 mm autocannons. Using the same ammo as the Puma IFV it hammered a salvo into a Bloodthirster'schest. The rounds were designed to penetrate several centimetre of steel and had no problem with the Bloodthirster's thick skin. The mighty chest was big enough to absorb nearly all the fragments the rounds exploded into. The untouched face registered astonishment for a second before the huge demon fell on the troops around it. Another Bloodthirster was separated from his arm and the whip by a dozen meters when another cannon opened up. Khorne's chosen might be taken by an berserker rage, but that got their attention. Several Bloodthirsters opened their great wings to close with the enemy who hurt them so.
Joakim Vos was about to contact von der Marwitz when the Paratroopers opened fire by themselves. Given the ruckus made by the demons and the fire poured into them nearly nobody noticed the small weapons carriers that climbed from several craters. Quiet electric motors had no problem to propel them forward, rubber tracks made next to no noise. They were camouflaged by their paint and nets, and were probably not perceived by most of those on the battlefield. When they finally reached their firing positions that changed immediately.

The weapons carriers might lack a crew, but they were certainly armed to the teeth. Most carried an RMK 30 recoilless autocannon on their backs. They cancelled the recoil by venting their propellant gasses to the rear, making for huge back blasts. And they had a lot of gasses to vent as they propelled their projectiles to 1200 meters/second. They had been built to tackle Main Battle Tanks and their effects on merely supernatural flesh was horrifying. The small vehicles had been built from the hulls and running gear of Weasel Weapons Carriers, and two of them had been in Naggaroth before. They had supported the Hag Graef raid, now they were here again. And while they were small, they had a terrible bite. It did not matter if the Bloodthirsters tried an airborne approach or to push through on the ground. They were a dozen meters high and far slower than the targets the weapons system had been designed for. Khorne's greatest demons fell one by one, with at least two of them going back to the Empyrean without being hit.
No matter how this battle would end, Khorne's chosen had learned to respect the mighty Wiesel…
And while Joakim was happy with the weapons carriers' something had to happen, and soon. Ever more demons emerged from the tunnel and sooner or later they would overwhelm his people.

Inside Neustadt

Thorgrimm Steinier had stepped into Hell and had to stop it. From coddling children to killing demons in less than five minutes was fast even by the standards of the Cave Raiders. The sky above Neustadt showed all kinds of colors except those which should be there. There was a tunnel that led to the ground before Neustadt and that started…..somewhere. Wherever that was it was better not to look at it too long. Dark clouds moved at high speed and there were all colors of lightning to be had. There was an all-pervasive surf of rifle fire and the roar of fighters both from this world and the one beyond the veil. Flying Bloodthirsters curved here and there, trying to escape the lines of tracers that chased them. One of them crashed into the crossing before the dwarf, missing half a wing. Despite having crushed the wall of a warehouse and missing a limb it tried to stand up anyway. The Cave Raiders were having none of it and RAG grenades expended their squash-head ammo against the beast. Shockwaves raced through the mighty body, mushing otherworldly flesh and shattering bones. There was a deep, painful rumble before the demon released his hold on reality and went up.
Steinier checked his HUD, saw no more red symbols and waved his arm.
"Go, go go"
The loudspeaker made sure that he was heard above the din of battle. Lots and lots of scrawny figures emerged from a hallway. They lacked any armor and had no arms to speak of but for some clubs and hand grenades. Many had nasty scars or missing limbs. They shuffled and stumbled along, squinting at the lightning and looking for anything that might hurt them. They were supposed to win the battle, Thorgrimm became more sceptical by the minute.

He led them down a road that had rails set into its surface. Somewhere behind the Cave Raider a steam engine started to puff and huff. A couple of hounds rounded the corner on the far side of the road, explosive bullets hammered into them. Bloodletters followed and were slowed down by 40 mm grenades that exploded between their legs. Trying to propel themselves forward to one more kill they were slowed by broken bones and their own entrails . A machine gunner to Thorgrimm's left fired into the mess till his magazine was empty and the barrel glowed an even red. Checking behind him Thorgrimm saw that the former slaves were still with them. The ones with melee weapons were to the front and if that would not be so laughable in the face of Khorne's get the Cave Raiders would have cheered them on. They could still respect the courage.
He could just do his level best to bring them further along to their target. And he had to hustle, even the unflappable Vos was urging them on. They did not have much farther to go and the only demons they encountered went down quickly. They arrived at Neustadt's far end, the place where the demon's assault would be decided. Thorgimm could see lots of half-filled craters, trenches, and bunkers.
His comm suite accepted a call by the paratroopers.
"Cave Raider actual, this is second platoon actual. We have cleared the battery of demons. The pits and magazines are clear, we will cover the south side."
Thorgrimm started shaking his head before answering.
"Thanks second platoon actual. Cover our broad behinds Wilhelm, we make sure the pukes can do their jobs."
"Solid Copy Cave…Thorgrimm."

Steinier organized his people, having them use the trenches that still held the rapidly decaying corpses of Khorne's chosen and covered Neustadt's artillery park. As there were no enemies to take care of he had the time to watch as the mob he had just escorted divided itself into many teams in a bleeding hurry. Tarpaulins and nets were cast aside, heavy boards removed from pits and rounds carried from bunkers. In other places bunkers opened armored doors and gun tubes rose up. Thorgrimm had a look at one of the mortar pits. The mortar was nothing special, a simple tube, probably with a fixed firing pin down below, a bipod and a plate to take the recoil. Nothing special there, he thought it was the right size for a 120 mm mortar. The rounds he saw were also simple enough, teardrop-shaped with a distinctive extension on their fuse and a finned tail. Several disks clung to that tail, that would be the propellant. Maybe 20 kilogram to that round, Neustadt's defenders managed to handle them pretty well.
Glancing around Steinier's eyebrows rose when he started counting pits and barrels. He could see at least 40 pits from where he was and suspected that he could not see a couple more. If the Neustadters had their ducks in a row, somebody would have a very bad day indeed.

And they seemed to have it in hand. The amount of shouting was pretty normal and he was very happy about his enclosed helmet when the mortars opened up. He had a professional appreciation of their drill and it was not too shoddy. He saw them firing a dozen rounds per minute and tube, alongside whatever the howitzers could contribute. Even with the protection offered by his power armor the artillery's roar was close to overwhelming. It was a good thing that he kept his wits as red dots appeared on his HUD. Looking around he spotted the huge, winged shapes that made for his position.
"Cave Raiders, prepare to engage airborne threats from the north" made most of his troops hunker down and his few heavy weapons squads search for targets. They were not alone, a couple of anti-air mounts around Neustadt's artillery park opened up as well. They had been designed to kill the dreaded Flugscheiben, massive disks armored with the very steel that was home to the demons that powered them. They could top 300 kph easily and were really hard to kill. Compared to them the Bloodthirsters were slow and soft. Rounds weighing a pound each, being the size of a milk bottle raced at them at better than twice the speed of sound. The Reiksbunders added their 30 mm rounds and a few laser-guided Manpads into the fray.

Some demons tried to evade the lines of tracers or the missiles that rose to meet them, others tried to bully through. The latter regretted it in short order, being ripped apart by autocannon fire. They dropped to the ground, with the wing membranes ripped apart, the bones broken and the mighty chests filled with razor-sharp steel and fire.
The others, the ones who could wrap their tiny minds around the concept that these tiny, squishy humans could threaten them earned a few more moments in the mundane world. Most died in the air, two actually made it to the ground. One lifted his arms to the sky and its challenge overpowered even the artillery's clamor for a moment. The RAG grenade flew slow and straight, like all of its kind. It actually managed to enter the beast's mouth before the fuse triggered nearly a pound of explosives. The headless corpse shook the ground under Thorgrimm's feet when it collapsed. The other one managed to strike with its whip once, cutting a power armored paratrooper in half. In turn it was plastered from all sides with 40 mm grenades and heavy machine guns. One of the latter ripped into the Bloodletter's groin, tearing off otherworldly flesh and releasing a torrent of fluids that should have remained in the Warp. The demon released his hold on the mortal realm before he could be maimed further.
Now that it was gone Steinier realized that the artillery had never ceased firing, not even in the presence of demons whose mere appearance had frightened professional armies off the field. The former slaves would do in Thorgrimm Steinier's mind, very nicely indeed.

Command Bunker, Neustadt

The situation before Neustadt's wire belt and in it worsened by the minute. The combined firepower of Neustadt's machine guns and the Reiksbund forces took a heavy toll from the demons that arrived from the tunnel. Bloodletters dropped, often in many pieces or bled to death when they had absorbed too many fragments. Wounded Hounds snapped at anything, alive and dead, friend and foe in their last moments in the mundane world. None of the Bloodthirsters who had arrived in the first minutes of the battle were present any more. They were just too good targets and too much of a threat.
But new Bloodthirsters had arrived, new Bloodletters stepped in the bodies of those who arrived before and new Hounds tried to leap over the barbed wire. For every demon killed two stepped in their way or so it seemed. Joakim knew that this was not sustainable. Soon the ready ammunition would run out, soon the machine guns would overheat and soon the Bloodletter bodies would bridge the wire. The Paladins had to fight Khorne's chosen in close combat twice when small groups made it to the second trench. One group had encountered Ulrika in her power armor and been eradicated within seconds, the other had managed to kill a heavy weapons squad before going down. This was not going to last for much longer.

And then things changed from one second to another. Something alerted the Bloodletters, something made them look to the sky. Before the demons could parse what they heard the first mortal shells dropped into their midst. The rods on their end made sure that the fuses detonated the shells before they had a chance to bury themselves underground. As the mortars accelerated their shells to a pedestrian speed Torsten Breitkop had been getting away with making them from brittle cast iron. They were filled by a nasty mixture of TNT and an oxygen-rich explosive. Its shockwave assaulted its victims like a baseball bat against every piece of their bodies, the fragments resembled razor blades at the speed of sound. Every shell drew a circle of death more than 20 meters in diameter. A dozen mortar shells exploded every second amidst an enemy that stood shoulder to shoulder.
Joakim saw the carnage for a few seconds, smoke, dirt, and fire obscured the massacre then. A few survivors stumbled from the smoke, easily dispatched by Neustadt's defenders. And yet: Vos looked at something that might be an entrance to Hell. How many demons would emerge and how long could the artillery keep this up?

The Warp

The God sat on a throne of bones, clad in bronze armor and holding the shaft of an axe in his hand that was the size of a ship. His eyes pointed at a river of blood and a shoreline buried under skulls. Yet his mind was not there, it was gazing at the carnage in Naggaroth. The Dark Elves ice box had seen so much combat and provided such sustenance to Khorne that it nearly made up for the disgusting peace that had broken out in the Old World lately. So he had not minded too much when the Witch King opened a portal to his realm and gave his demons access to the mundane world. After all it did not matters whose skull was taken and whose blood flowed as long as they did.
He watched the carnage before him intensely. Rarely if ever had so many of his chosen entered the mortal world. Only once had so many been sent back so quickly, and that had been in the Old World. This was something else, this was in one of the few places that still knew the value of fighting and bloodshed.
What he saw disgusted the Blood God. Yes, skulls were taken and blood flowed, in copious amounts. But it was a soulless thing, a butcher's abattoir, not the glorious field of battle. This was not satisfying, this was boring, a waste of his chosen. Khorne's face froze for a moment and his fist closed with the sound of thunder.
The portal to his realm closed with hardly a spark, his demons had to find more gainful ways to prove themselves than this one-sided slaughter.

Cave below Hag Graef's quays, Hag Graef

The Druchii had built most of their cargo handling facilities underground, between the quays and the city proper. The city's inclement weather tended to damage the two-legged merchandize the slavers had captured all over the world. In the last years doing whatever business was left hidden from the Germans had made them dig even deeper.
Now that Hag Graef was under new management the DawiZharr used them to store the material that had been shipped from ZharrNaggrund.
Flying disks rested on the ground, shivering at times. One was absorbing a slave that had been placed on its upper deck, others were resting.
Like silent statues rows upon rows of golems waited silently for Ernutan Doomshackler's commands. He stared at the assembled might and wondered. He was even too amazed to be angry. If these had been attached to his army when he assaulted up the Gulf of Naggrond many good DawiZharr would still be alive. How Lord Mordred wanted to fight through the assembled might of the Druchii defenders and their mercenaries was beyond Ernutan. His ample shoulders shrugged, Lord Mordred would find a way. And he had certainly rewarded his faithful servant. With these war machines and the host of DawiZharr taking this Neustadt would not be a problem at all.
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20 Kilometers south of Hag Graef

Ernutan Doomshackler was going to war sitting down. Now that was not completely new for him, given that he had used the atmospheric railroad that connected ZharrNaggrund to the World Edge Mountains.

But sitting in a howdah attached to the side of a huge, four-legged golem was a very different proposition. It was a wonderful vantage point from which to see the troops under his command. He had a full battalion of Golems forming a perimeter around his infantry. Some pointed their long-barrelled guns at the sky, scanning for enemy biplanes. Others formed a vanguard, trying to pinpoint any enemy and give him tactical flexibility. The heaviest ones were currently pulling on heavy chains. They ended in artillery carriages and in sleds holding all kinds of supplies.
Above the army a wing of Flying Disks provided additional reconnaissance and should intercept any mercenary planes before they could bomb his troops. They all followed the double set of railroad tracks that ran for miles and miles through the wilderness.

Blocks upon blocks of stout DawiZharr warriors marched through the bleak whiteness, unencumbered by most of their gear as it was carried on the sleds. They were making good time for a winter march and would arrive before Neustadt soon. Even if there were a few Germans there, they could not fight the armed might entrusted to him.

Ernutan tried very hard not to think that he received so much hardware as the ships carrying it had to seek shelter in Hag Graef. The mercenaries controlled Naggaroth's waters now and there was no way Lord Mordred would receive his due. Now Enutan had to use these troops to the best of his abilities. Otherwise the DawiZharr and Mordred would have to do with what they already had and that was not so very much.

He would take this Neustadt place, make the slaves work for Lord Mordred and rip the secrets from whatever Germans survived his mighty assault. Then Mordred would have to love him, wouldn't he?
The sky was cloudy, but there were lots of breaks in them. Still, the Pfadfinder drone was far too high up for Ernutan Doomshackler to see. That did not apply for the reverse though.

Two kilometres from DawiZharr army, Gulf of Naggrond

Ivil Bloodcrest's head was swathed in cloth strips colored brown, green, and off-white, just like the ground around him. His helmet held twigs and other bits of foliage. He had a bit of snow in his mouth, that hurt but prevented his breath from forming small clouds. He was so far from the enemy that none of that should matter. "Should" was not good enough when his life, the lives of so many others, and above all, the success of his mission was at stake. He looked at the camp before him: The DawiZharr had not dug in as deeply as usual. Which was hardly surprising when one considered the permafrost ground and the raw rock that penetrated it in many places.

There were lots and lots of tents, smoke rising from most of them. There were Chaos Dwarfs who went about their daily business of making war without the slightest inkling that they were observed so closely. Ivil saw the sandbagged enclosures that held munitions, the long trenches that would be full of DawiZharr waste and the exchange of troops manning the trenches towards the Wild Geese on the far side. Using the range finder in his binox and checking against the map again he found that the Night Shift had indeed done their job right. He slithered back until he was out of sight and then made his way to the foxhole containing his radio operator. Just nodding was enough to have the Druchii aim an antenna to the sky where a commercial satellite would carry the message to Leviathan and Wolfgang Böhler.
The temple of Khaine had taught him how to murder any living being, wherever and whoever they might be. The Wild Geese and their sponsors had shown him how to do the same for armies.

Leviathan, Gulf of Naggrond

Raimund Scheer used his binoculars to confirm what his experienced sea legs were already telling him. Pushing his wireless he waited for the scratchy acknowledgement.
"Anchor team, pull in five meters on the starboard winch, repeat five meters in starboard."

A winch motor started up, several hundred meters from him. It pulled one huge chain link after the other from the cold, black waters of the Gulf before stopping half a minute later.
Leviathan's captain waited for a minute before everything he saw and felt pointed in the same direction. The great ice carrier was now held precisely straight into the swiftly flowing waters of the Gulf of Naggarond, holding the ship as stable as it would ever be.
Taking a deep breath when thinking about his part of what was to happen he pushed a button on his intercom.
"Comms, this is the captain. Contact general Böhler and give him my compliments. We have anchored at point Hue, he can commence operations at his convenience."
A couple of biplanes roared down Leviathan's deck a few moments later. They were the first of a full wing. The last ones were still forming up when 16 gun barrels rose from their rest position.

Command Post, Neustadt, Naggaroth

Joakim Vos squinted while he viewed the pictures on the far wall of the command center. It showed lots of black dots of all sizes moving across the white expanse of Naggaroth's tundra.

"What are we seeing here Jens?"
Jens Neugebauer had been Joakim's tech nerd before, he had become Paladin's S2, the staff officer responsible for intelligence.
"Geltow thinks, and I agree here, that we are talking about a brigade of Chaos Stumpies, with upwards of 30 Mechs and Flugscheiben each. And they are coming here."
Heiko von der Marwitz's voice was studiously unemotional.
"Major Neugebauer, what is the ETA on the OPFOR?"
"Something between five and six days, no earlier. We are seeing stragglers already."
"In your and Geltow's estimate, what are the possible intentions of the DawiZharr?"
"Unknown. But given that the mercs working for Malekith control the Gulf of Naggrond and the entrances to the Underground Sea it is likely they want to capture supplies."
Thorgrimm Steinier was not very loud, more of a deep rumble.
"They will not have them, neither them nor the people here."

There might have been a sigh by the German officer.
"I think we can all agree on that. But I do not believe that we can stop these forces. The infantry I could see, the defences here are solid. But a mechanized force with that much air support? We are not equipped to handle these, we would be ploughed under in short order."
Joakim thought it better to intervene before the Dwarf got any idea about yellow livers seated in his fellow officers.
"It would be a nasty challenge. I fought these mechs before and it was a bloody business and no mistake. But we will not have to. Reinforcements are due in 48 hours. Then we have tanks and air defences and I'd like to see the Chaos Stumpies try them for size."
Von der Marwitz was not amused.
"Not much room for mishaps Oberstleutnant."
"Nope. Welcome to my world."

Cliff above DawiZharr Camp, Gulf of Naggrond

The hair was as white as the few patches of virgin snow still to be had so close to the battlefield. It waved with the cold, biting gusts that came from the black waters of the Gulf. The unearthly even features below them were unmoved. The icy blue eyes were fixed on the bustling camp below. Any ordinary mortal would not be able to perceive much detail from this distance, but Mordred was no ordinary mortal. His liege was the Prince of Pleasure and his senses were honed to the point where they'd reduce a mortal to screaming madness in the shortest of time. He saw his army, smelled the unwashed bodies reeking from sweat and rancid food. Greasy, matted hairs emerged under ridiculously high caps, uneven, lumpy features emerging from clumps of facial hair. The thought of them craving his personal attention, of them believing they might entice his lust filled him with disgust.

They were rousing for another day of stand-off with Malekith's mercenaries. During the last days the crude DawiZharr had assaulted the Mercenaries twice under his expert guidance. They had failed, despite his perfect plan. The enemy had brought barbed wire and had seeded it liberally with mines. They had lots of rifles, machine guns, and mortars and were obviously not short of ammunition. Both attacks had not merely failed as such, the troops that made them were practically annihilated. The second time he had lowered himself to support them with his mighty magic. He had blinded the enemy with mirages and nightmares till his keen senses had told him the story of mortar shells sent his way. He had to cease the spells immediately and protect himself lest he die like a common grunt. When he had emerged from cover he learned that the mercenaries had some very good marksmen in their employ. Lifting his beautiful head above the parapet was an invitation to die. That had spared him the sight of more of his troops dying, not that anything of value was lost. He had decided then and there that there was really no choice, but to go through with the most outlandish and risky of the plans in his arsenal. He had accepted the invitation for a parley that he had recently received. That night he had made a pact and sealed it in a most satisfying way, even when he could not meet her in the flesh, but beyond the veil. Even so it had been most intriguing, the mind of his new ally held such delicious and cruel perversions.

Yet he perceived so much more than the failed instrument that was the army below his point of view. His senses finally announced the events that his visions had warned him about. There was a brief flash on the horizon, the clouds reflecting a mere trifle of the energies expended below them. A few brief glowing spots in the sky indicated where the mercenaries on the ship detonated some shells high in the air for reasons he did not care about. There were more reflections in the clouds, brighter ones this time which began to strobe with the rhythm of a heart beating very slowly in the chest of a vast monster. That was bright enough that even a few DawiZharr pointed their crude snouts at the sky and their slow minds began to wonder about the flickering mirage's portents. Before they could overtax their puny minds a rumble combined itself with a shriek to help their mental stumbling along. The first short legs had begun to move towards some cover when the first explosions raced all over the camp. Short-lived fiery flowers blossomed to deadly beauty, beating circles of death under them. Most of the failures who had tried to serve him were caught in the open and died as ugly deaths as their lives had been. Mordred had seen artillery barrages, had learned on how to plan and execute them. This was like nothing he had seen or read about before. The individual shells did not have the brutal impact like some used by the DawiZharr and the Druchii, but there were so many explosions in such a short time. And the bombardment simply did not let up. Every second a half dozen shells put the DawiZharr army under an iron flail. Even those who made it to trenches and fox holes failed to find salvation. Most of the shells exploded a dozen meters or so above ground with astonishing precision. Their shockwaves and fragments reached down in all cover that had no solid roof above it, and such was in short supply. Something guided the death from above, sending the shells to the places where the dwarves cowered in fear and waited for their demise.

It was an eternal moment of violent beauty that removed a flawed instrument from Mordred's sight, but as all beautiful things in the mundane world it would not last. The bombardment ceased with the same suddenness it had begun with and the silence that followed was overwhelming. Mordred's ears received the first selfish cries for help and useless groans of pain when a new sound vied for his attention. A deep droning from above pulled his sight upwards where a flock of black dots resolved themselves into winged messengers of more death. Before long most of the planes turned onto their backs before pointing their noses at the carnage before them. The droning changed into a shriek that impressed even Slaanesh's Avatar to the point where he tried to make this a permanent memory of an incredible sensation.

The planes released their loads at an altitude that seemed level with Mordred's elevated point of view. The bombs were aimed for the few well-protected bunkers the DawiZharr had managed to dig into the frozen ground. The smoke and flames that emerged from their entrances showed where more deaths had happened hidden from Mordred's mundane senses. The planee's drone receded already when there were more explosions, sharper, smaller ones this time. They were accompanied by heavy rifle fire and signalled the beginning of the mercenaries' assault. From what Mordred had seen they would not have much left to assault, but still brought their armored cars along that shot their cannons at anything that could potentially offer resistance. Columns of soldiers followed them and Mordred had no doubt that the remains of his once great army would cease to be in the next hour. The mop-up would be boring to watch, he had better things to do. A nearby cave held several Druchii who held the reigns of a flock of Pegasi. Mordred could hide them easily from prying eyes, which was good. It was high time that he had a good chat with his father.

Close to Brot-aus-Luft Plant, Zharr-Naggrund

Martina Hartwig looked around, but as before nobody was watching her, at least nobody she could see. Then she inspected the lump of white stuff in her hand again. It should be hard and brittle, but instead there were sticky, yellowish vines all through the lump. It held together very well and her small hands were unable to break it down any further. Both the lump and her hands smelled of solvents and other chemicals, but she could not care less.

The lump before her was just like the ten others she had inspected during the last hour. The veritable white mountain before her had transformed itself into this in the humid heat and poison-laden air of Zharr-Naggrund. And for the life of her she could not see how she could convert the megatons of what should be fertilizer before her back into something useful. A great lot of effort was simply wasted and would have to be redone. Now that Mordred's plants had extracted the heavy metals from the ground. Now that the Germans were restricting food supplies to the DawiZharr to make them abandon their campaign in Naggaroth. Now would be the time the fertilizer would be needed and she could not deliver.
She needed a way to distance herself from this failure. If she did not it was an open question of Jasla would punish her even more harshly than before or just gave her to Lord Astragoth as a sacrifice. Even more horribly she could not say which of the two frightened her more.

She made her way back to the carriage that awaited her and did not see a thing while she was brought back to her quarters. She was too far in her fears and thoughts when she entered the corridor that led to her rooms that she ran directly into Johann Prossy's broad back.
Mordred had transferred the formerly pudgy engineer into a mountain of jet-black flesh, complete with ripping muscles and a head as bald as an egg.
When Martina looked up into Johann's face she saw a leer and smelled both alcohol and a weed Mordred had introduced the Germans to.
His voice was slightly slurred, but there was an edge to it.

"Oh Martina, nice to see you. Or the part of you who decides to be here. Where are your thoughts now? Now that such a pretty gal as you should have many, but you are one confused broad, aren't ya?"
Harwig was too preoccupied to see the signs and tried to push by Prossy without looking. That was a mistake, the huge man did not like to be ignored and the drugs in his system had eradicated any self-control. His huge hand clamped around Martina's slender neck and squeezed. Now Martina looked at him in confusion and anger.
"Leave me alone Johann, this has nothing to do with you."
The edge in Johanns voice crawled forward, honing the words to a dangerous monotone.
"It has everything to do with me you selfish brat. When you fuck up we all feel the whip. And the DawiZharr are not in any better mood than Jasla. We build toys for them, but Wolfgang's people have better ones. So we need to stay useful, or we will be sacrificed to Hashut, if we are damn lucky. So could you get your head from your arse and start to perform?"

Hartwigs voice was hoarse from being half-strangled.
"Leave me be…"
"You know what your problem is? Your problem is that you remember being a sadist, but you are in the brain of a submissive. You need to make what is left of your mind up so you can have your head back in the game. Might as well help you decide, hu? Maybe then we will see something from the oh-so-great chemist. Come on Martina, you want it too…."
And with that Johann Prossy led the chemist into his rooms.

Command Post, Neustadt, Naggaroth, next morning

"I did not have the privilege of meeting you in person, but your daughter held you in high esteem. It was a pleasure to serve with her and…."
The voice that interrupted his writing was crisp and insistent.
"Oberstleutnant, radar has two Flugscheiben approaching from the north, Altitude 500, speed 300 klicks. ETA is 10 minutes if they do not change course and speed.

Anything that allowed him to stop writing those letters was to be praised. Joakim put the pen down and stepped towards the rows of Laptops and tablets that displayed several aspects of the situation around Neustadt. One mirrored the display of a Wiesel radar carrier. There were two symbols with some information besides them. They had no transponders, but a very decent radar return, which made them Flugscheiben.
"Thanks Lieutenant. Contact Oberstleutnant von der Marwitz, his people are to engage the enemy when they come closer than five kilometres. He should use only one of his Wiesels, no need to show our full hand. Make that "reveal our assets" when you call him.
"Will do Oberstleutnant."

Joakim and the Lieutenant were not the only ones who watched the flying disks approach Neustadt. They were too few to be some sort of raid, this was probably reconnaissance. Still, there was no need to take any chances or to provide a potential enemy free information. The Reiksbund had declared a five kilometre demilitarized zone around Neustadt, so Vos had no need to check with his superiors whether he was allowed to take drastic action. Given their nature any attempt at communication was useless and so everybody waited to see the inevitable happen.

"Oberstleutnant Vos, Oberstleutnant von der Marwitz confirms that the AA troop has acquired the Flugscheiben. He will open fire at five kilometres."
"Very well lieutenant."
The two flying disks were still six and seven kilometres away when they started to change course erratically. Both dropped off the radar within less than a minute, with none of them having crossed the five kilometre line.
Joakim Vos did not move for half a minute, parsing what he had just see.
"Lieutenant, call the command staff to an emergency meeting in half an hour. Have Major Neugebauer present his findings to us then."

The room the few officers and a small delegation from Neustadt's defenders met was damp and windowless. Nobody cared about that as the news they received occupied their minds quite well.
"Collecting the data from the drones that keep tabs on the Druchii camp and our observers several anti-air guns opened fire on the Flugscheiben at the same time and shot them down within seconds of opening fire."
That the professional von der Marwitz would react like this showed how rattled they all were. The German turned to Torsten Breitkop who sat at the far end of the table.
"What guns could the Spitzohren have and why did you not tell us about them?"
Breitkop shrugged his ample shoulders.

"From the video these are combined mounts, we made a hundred or so for the Druchii. They have a belt-fed 13mm machine gun for range finding and a 37 mm gun. The first 50 or so were single shot, they ones after that use 20 round magazines. From the video I would say they are the latter ones. We did not tell you about them as we did not know about them. We have no air assets and so the Druchii never got a chance to use them."
"Wonderful, I am sure. So what is their range?"
"Up to two kilometres if you are shooting at a flying disk."
Joakim tried to keep his frustration from his voice.
"And if they shoot for a bigger target? Something like an airship?"
"Oh then it should be five kilometres and more. I had to make the shells armor piercing, so they have quite a bit of muzzle velocity, around 800 meters/second. That makes for quite a bit of range if accuracy is not so important."

"Oh how very and truly wonderful."
Von der Marwitz was not amused and rightly so.
"As long as the Spitzohren are in that position and have the AA-guns we cannot land the Zeppelins and offload the reinforcements. And without them we cannot fight the Chaos Stumpies. Not good, really not good. So what do we do?"
Thorgrimm Steinier had been silent so far.
"Attack of course."
"Attack the Druchii as we are now? With 480 effectives against what 5000 Spitzohren?"
Joakim saw his options before him, clear as day. All different kinds of bad, only one acceptable. Some days it did not pay to get out of bed.
"Yes, that is what we do, we simply have no other choice."
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