I think in the original LN/manga Fran ran into and guarded a merchant who covered the costs? I may be misremembering.
From what I remember, yes she did. But I think I also remember them spending some time training before meeting the merchant. It might be worth it to check the LN again, cause if they did, you can safely say that you will arive earlier with a weaker Fran. That alone would cause some divergences since there would be more time to interact with the town before the goblin dungeon stuff happens.
From what I remember, yes she did. But I think I also remember them spending some time training before meeting the merchant. It might be worth it to check the LN again, cause if they did, you can safely say that you will arive earlier with a weaker Fran. That alone would cause some divergences since there would be more time to interact with the town before the goblin dungeon stuff happens.
With any amount of training, the Fran that gets there is gonna have different capabilities. Particularly, as yet, Neco has not consumed any magic crystals, since she views them as crafting materials, and so the evolution abilities granted by her body have gone entirely unused. I currently have a scene with Neco figuring out that Status exists and what it is written up, but I'm not sure I wanna actually use it, due to this difference (probably gonna post it and then ask opinions?). I suppose the differences in magic system aren't really important, except that since the runecraft Neco's teaching Fran draws on an external source so if she learned both she would have an unusual amount of endurance?

Hmm, on the topic of training, though, I remember Fran and Teacher fighting through a horde of goblins and levelling a lot off of it, but I don't remember if that happened before or after they arrived at the town and became an Adventurer...

Arriving early, I'm not sure enough of the timing of events to know how this would really affect already-in-action things, but arriving with others and most likely actually telling people that she and her companions were slaves (or splitting up with them and leaving herself unrevealed, possibly) would make a difference. I remember someone in a position of authority being terrible (a captain?), and some sort of conspiracy going on I think (involving that same person?), so that could go off early. Also, if people find out Fran was enslaved, then Whatsername the Guardian of Children also finds out, and also probably goes off sooner and stronger than canon...
A Cat's Blood-Red Blade (Tensei Shitara Ken Deshita) 3
Neco stares at the box that showed up when she bound herself to Fran and still hasn't got away as it moves itself directly in the middle of her field of vision again. |How do I make the words in the air over there go away?| she grumbles to her wielder.

"Words?" Fran blinks and pushes off the earthwork wall, and Neco feels Fran's eyes follow Neco's focus and find nothing. "…Like Status?"

|Status…?| The word stirs fragments of memory from before Neco was a sword, and she looks at the box again, closer. |ATK, MP, Skills…| The memories click together in her mind, and she gasps. |Like a video game!|

Fran's gaze shifts, and Neco sees herself in her wielder's hand through her wielder's wide eyes. "Not seen Status before?" Fran asks, incredulous.

|Uh, no, not in real life, I think people where I was made didn't have them, but…| Neco pushes the impression of a shrug into Fran's mind. |I was made after the end, so I'm not totally sure. Maybe I was just broken.|

"Oh." Fran's expression droops, and Neco feels her wielder's chest tighten in a way that brings up memories Neco wishes she didn't have. Neco's wielder lifts Neco to her chest, and wraps the sword (the last bound tool, the reason she's the last) in her arms. "Sounds sad."

Something old and bad builds in the parts of Neco's soul where her binding's loose, and she nestles herself into her wielder's… hug, it's called a hug, as well as she can without flesh. |It was,| she says quietly. |But I'm here now, and I have a wielder again, so it's okay.|

They spend a few minutes like that, Fran sitting there at the edge of the campsite with her arms wrapped around Neco, before Neco notices the box pushing its way in front of her again.

She hisses her frustration quietly into the air. |…How do I get rid of the Status, though?| she mutters. |It's really annoying.|

Neco feels Fran's ears twitch, and Fran tilts her head. "...Should go away when you want it to," Fran says. "...Wants something? Maybe?"

Neco pushes an affirmative thought at her wielder's mind and decides to actually read the rest of the words on the screen.
Name: Neco Age: 67​
Registered Wielder: Fran​
Race: Intelligent Weapon (Soulbound)​
ATK: 157 MP: 100/100 LP: 9113 Durability: 100/100​
Appraisal Lv6, Runecraft Lv9, Set Skill Sharing, Soul Binding Lv1, Soul Manipulation LvMAX, Soul Molding Lv4, Self-Repair, Self-Evolution〈 Rank: 1Magic Stone Status: 0/100Memory 10, Self-Modification, Sorcery, Sword Arts Lv6, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Wielder Status ↑, Wielder HP Recovery ↑​
Set Skills
Remembered Skills
Godslayer, Soul Master, Soulbound Weapon
Red marks. Now Neco's sure Fran is right, it wants something, but--
The sword increases in power by consuming Magic Stones from monsters. Each Rank grants improved ATK, MP, and Durability. Additionally, some Magic Stones grant Remembered Skills which can be shared with its Registered Wielder. Try it now!
|...I think whoever made this body isn't happy I'm not using its features, or something,| Neco says. It's good to know having a body has more of an upside than being able to hit things when she's dormant, at least, but... |Something about consuming Magic Stones?|

Fran glances down at the Hellstone Neco made from the little ones she dug out of all the Demons she killed. It gleams in the dark.


Fran shifts Neco into one hand, grabs the stone from where it was floating around the runescribed piece of bone Neco walked her through making, and presses it against Neco's Bloodstone... Ah.

|Magic Stones are Hellstones, then,| she realizes out loud. |How do I consume it, though? There's no Life in them, just Will--The box changed.|
The sword increases in power by consuming Magic Stones from monsters. Magic Stones are consumed by cutting them with the sword's edge. Each Rank grants improved ATK, MP, and Durability. Additionally, some Magic Stones grant Remembered Skills which can be shared with its Registered Wielder. Try it now!
It's at least being helpful, Neco supposes. |It says to cut it with my blade.|

"Oh." Fran looks at the Hellstone again, squeezes it, sets it down on the ground, and grabs Neco's hilt with both hands. Then, she lifts Neco up, and slices down through the stone and what feels like two bladewidths into the dirt with a very loud thump.

Everything shifts.

|Oh,| Neco echoes blankly. Her body just got a lot better at conducting her, and her edge feels thinner, and the pool of Will she barely noticed under her before is much bigger and she knows how to turn it into fire, and she knows what herbs to give someone for a headache and the kind of weapons the big tusk ones like to use and how to fry bacon and--

"What was that!" the shorter one of the other People, something with a J, shouts as he runs out of the shelter made of logs and Dead bear skin. He looks like he did when Neco first saw him, eyes wide and scrunched up and--oh. The boxes went away.

|I... ate too much...| Neco says, or tries to say, but from how the J Person jerks at her words, she doesn't think she got the concepts quite right.

"Swung too hard..." Fran says quietly, ears folding down.

The J Person looks down at Neco in the ground, and his eyes get even wider. Then, Fran stands up and pulls Neco out of the ground in a spray of dirt and rock.


Neco idly kills the bits of clay sticking to her. |Uh. We were figuring stuff out about me, so, sorry about waking you up...| she says, careful to make proper words this time.

J Person nods silently. Behind him, the other Person whose name Neco doesn't remember at all walks out of the shelter. He looks at the hole in the ground, and then at Neco, and then at Fran, and shakes his head.

"... It's late enough anyway," he says tiredly. "We can each eat some of the leftover meat, and then we can start marching."

Neco feels Fran nod. "Nh." Fran picks up the piece of runescribed bone she made from the ground and turns to look at the wall. "...Neco?"

|Right,| the sword mutters, and she starts running through--her mind catches on some of the Will manipulation knowledge, which provides a much more straightforward solution. She focuses on her power, and commands the wall in front of her to |Collapse.|

Which it does.

Fran looks down at Neco, and then at her hands, eyes wide.

|...Well that'll take getting used to.|
I was having quite a bit of trouble getting this part to feel good, but I think I've managed it, except for the end of the scene. I was also considering whether or not I'd wanna introduce Neco to her powers as a-sword-with-the-same-body-Teacher-had so soon (though I don't know when else I would, really), but having access to Set Skills could make for interesting interactions in combat, and with the reason I've thought of for Neco being here (related to the Black Cats being cursed) it makes sense for whoever brought her here to protect their investment.

Also, the other two knowing more about the capabilities of Fran and Neco gives opportunities for others to learn about that stuff sooner, which could be useful, maybe? Though they aren't really hiding things like Teacher did, anyway, so that might not matter at all, actually...

I think next I'll have the group run into some monsters (probably goblins) and slaughter them all to death.

Lemme know what I might do better here, especially with the end of the scene. Should I cut it? Do something else with the LitRPG stuff?

E: Fixed a minor inconsistency and made a couple other minor edits. Realized once again that Fran's very short sentence habit can make things difficult.

E2: I realized just now that Skills have max level 10 and then ascend, so Neco should have Soul Manipulation LvMAX and [some ascended version] Lv4, and also she should have Soul Master as a title (or a similarly named title, but I'm going with this) for having the Skill at MAX. This is now corrected.
Last edited:
A Cat's Blood-Red Blade (Tensei Shitara Ken Deshita) 4
Fran hears something crunch, and she stops.

"See something?" Mark whispers from behind her. She nods silently, cause that's close enough, and raises Neco.

Something crunches again, and Fran's ears swivel over to the sound, and her eyes follow, and she catches something dark run behind one of the trees. Whatever it is, it's fast, and she doesn't know if Neco's power makes her faster. She needs to—Shield them, Fran thinks at Neco.

An acknowledging feeling flows into Fran's mind, she feels the cooking Skill Neco had been looking at disappear for Support Magic to take its place. |Barrier,| the sword chants twice as Fran crouches down and digs her toes into the ground, and something glows behind her, and she takes a deep breath.

"Stay safe," the black cat says, not whispering anymore, and then she pushes off the dirt and shoots forwards towards the trees.

Neco's moving in Fran's hands before Fran sees the furry thing jumping at her from the side, but not much before, and Fran spins behind her sword to put her magic-empowered muscles behind a strike that cuts the monster in half and sends each piece flying off to the side. Her eyes follow the mostly-intact head as it smashes into a nearby tree, and she thinks Wolves! at Neco.

Groups, the sword thinks back. Kill trees?

Fran responds by letting go of Neco with one hand so she can get more reach and spinning. Fran's heart freezes for a moment as brilliant red flashes out from Neco's point, and then every trunk within five steps of Fran splits and starts to fall. "No hiding," she mutters, eyes wide and ears forwards, and then she jumps straight up into the air.

With a place to look from, and with the leaves rotting off what's left of the trees in the clearing her sword just made so fast they look like they're burning, Fran's eyes catch on another wolf almost immediately, and she spins around Neco's heavy blade in a move she knows like she's practiced it hundreds of times. Going down, appears in Fran's thoughts, and the words feel eager. Fran tugs on the words. She thinks she might be starting to smile.

Then, Neco pours ideas into Fran's mind faster than Fran can process them, but Fran doesn't need to process them, she just needs to act, so she lets her sword's thoughts move her left hand through the air, and her mouth says "Self Launch," and she's flying back to the ground faster than she could ever fall, straight towards the first of the wolves.
The monster doesn't have time to move before Neco's stuck through its skull.

Fran lets Neco's tip dig into the ground, uses the pivot point to redirect her momentum from a fall into a roll, and comes up chanting "Flame Arrow!" Her magic surges out through Neco's blade, and a line of fire crosses the space between her and the wolf that was starting to turn towards her before it can react, and it yelps as the fur across its left side starts to burn. Then Fran pushes off the ground again, and she's right next to two more, already swinging Neco in a wide arc.
These ones fall in half too.

"Weak!" Fran shouts at the burning wolf. It growls back, glaring at her with the eye that's not burned shut. Then, Fran doesn't know how to cast fire spells anymore, and the world slows down.

This time, Fran's jump feels like flying instead of just appearing where she wants to go, and she manages to put Neco's edge straight through the last wolf's heart and Magic Crystal.

For a moment, everything's quiet. Then, the trees Neco cut down hit the ground.
Fran straightens up and tries to control her breathing. She looks around, one of the trees landed on the first wolf she split in half, the pelt was ruined anyway, and then she sees Jorren and Mark still wrapped in golden light three dozen steps away, and she remembers that she was supposed to be protecting them. The smile on her face shrinks, and she waves a hand to dispel Neco's Barrier.

"Okay?" Fran asks them in the tone she learned for keeping what she felt inside.

"Y-yeah," Jorren says. Mark just nods.

Fran nods back. She glances down at Neco, and over at the dead wolves around her.

|Yeah, I didn't spend much, but we could use more Essence,| Neco says quietly. |...Yeah, there's enough Will—If you could make a circle out of the ash here?|

Fran's nose crinkles, but she nods, steps over to the left half of the last wolf, and starts scraping off the useless charred parts of its pelt with Neco's edge. It smells gross, and it feels gross, but it's important anyway.

|...Something like fifteen centimeters across would work,| the sword says after a moment. |We don't need to conduct that much.|

Fran's ears twitch, and the corners of her mouth turn down. "Centi…?"

|Uh. Like… a sixth as long as my blade? Half as long as my hilt?| Neco says. |It doesn't have to be precise, this is a quick and dirty ritual.|

"Nh." Fran has enough stuff to work with, then. She lets go of Neco to let her float in the air, grabs a handful of the oily ash and starts spreading it into as good a circle as she can make, focusing as hard as she can on how she's gonna wash this off her hands as soon as she's done. "Good?" she asks dully as she stands up and grabs Neco with her dirty hands.
Fran feels Neco focus on the circle for a moment, and then a feeling like a nod enters her mind. |Yeah, this'll do, just stab me into the middle and step back.|

"Nh," Fran grunts again, and she lifts Neco up and drives her halfway to the hilt into the dirt. Then, she takes a step away from the circle.

Neco's orb flashes, and Fran feels something shift inside her, and red flows off Neco's blade into the shape of a strange symbol, and it's cool, but it's not the most important thing right now.

Fran draws two symbols on the air with her left hand. "Touch Water," she mutters, and power flows into her through her heart and out through her fingertips to stream down her hand left and and then down her right underneath it, taking most of the icky oily stinky burnt hide with it. She sighs. Then, Neco's symbol and the circle Fran made around it flash, and the wolf corpses around her twitch, and blood starts to flow unnaturally from them towards the circle. Fran takes a couple more steps back, cause she doesn't wanna get blood on her feet if she doesn't have to.

|Something like three humansworth,| Neco mutters quietly enough that Fran's not sure she was supposed to hear it. |Much more efficient.|

Fran blinks. "Wha—" she starts to say, and then the blood touches the circle and starts to disappear, and she feels really warm, like the opposite of when Neco changes shape or makes things die. "...Oh."

"Uh, you okay?" Mark says from somewhere behind Fran, and she only doesn't jump due to force of will.

"'m fine," Fran says, straightening out her ears and turning around. The human looks kinda pale… "…You?" she asks.
"Yeah, just, uh." He gestures vaguely. "You're… strong," he kind of explains, in a tone that sounds like he wants to say different words than 'strong'.

"Nh," Fran grunts. She feels her ears droop again and makes them stand up straight and takes a deep breath. "You're safe," she promises him, putting as much determination into her voice as she can.

|I won't kill what Fran doesn't point me at,| Neco says from behind Fran, which really shouldn't be as surprising as it is, since she's right there.

Mark looks off to the side. "Yeah," he says in the same tone as before. Then he turns away and walks over to one of the empty wolves.

Fran watches him go, and glances at Jorren who's just standing ten paces away, and sighs. They'll believe in her once she's an adventurer, she's sure.

|Alright, that's that,| Neco says after a moment, and the warmth stops, and there's no more blood.

"Nh." Fran goes over and pulls Neco out of the ground.

"We should take some meat with us," Mark says from the other side of the new clearing. "If it's, uh, still good to eat."

|It's just really dead, it's fine,| Neco says with confidence Fran wonders if she got from the bear yesterday and hopes she didn't, but Fran also doesn't wanna ask.

Instead, Fran just nods, steps over to the not-burnt half of the nearest wolf, and gets to work. The extra Skill Neco sets instead of Support Magic thinks the meat around the ribs should be good, and Fran half remembers something about turning ears in for a bounty...
Well, writing went really well today! This whole scene is all freshly-written, and I think the fight turned out well, though I'd like feedback on it, since I don't think I write enough combat to know if I'm good at it.

I thought about putting in Fran looking at her Status during this scene a couple times, since she's probably levelled, and I wanted to show off her now having the Runecraft Skill, but other things kept happening... and I didn't wanna work out how her numbers should change, or how she should level (or how many enemies are worth a level, or anything like that)... LitRPG isn't easy, especially when it's a system I know nothing about that also might not actually have rules. I'm gonna have to keep winging it, probably, but if anyone's got details on the system from the source material...?

Neco still does that 'projecting a feeling that death is imminent to all who are nearby' thing she did when she was introduced, when she invokes herself, Fran just doesn't feel it anymore (she just feels Neco draining Life Points and getting 'colder'), so that's part of the reason for Jorren's and Mark's reactions to this. The other part is that Fran cut five wolves in half by jumping from one to the other faster than the eye can see in the time between some trees getting cut to them hitting the ground. I still don't know what I'm doing with these two, but this is a Development, which is probably good.

I also got to mention Fran's motivation! Really obliquely and vaguely! But it's kinda there, and it reveals to people who haven't read Tensei Shitara Ken Deshita that she's actually working towards something instead of just coasting through rescue followed by weirdness and power!

Lemme know what y'all think of this section, and about any ideas you might have (about where to take the characters, circumstances of getting into Alessa, LitRPG mechanics or advice about that sort of thing)!
Lemme know what y'all think of this section, and about any ideas you might have (about where to take the characters, circumstances of getting into Alessa, LitRPG mechanics or advice about that sort of thing)!
You could have the list of skills Fran gained/leveled over the course of the chapter, with (reference to when) at the bottom with your authors notes. Then you can save the in chapter 'notifications' for just the important stuff.

You could even leave stats out, cause those are just arbitrary numbers anyways. If someone is stronger than you, they're stronger than you thats all you really need to know. Like you can reference them existing, since its part of the setting, but do you really wanna spend the time it would take to figure out everyone's exact numbers every fight?
You could have the list of skills Fran gained/leveled over the course of the chapter, with (reference to when) at the bottom with your authors notes. Then you can save the in chapter 'notifications' for just the important stuff.

You could even leave stats out, cause those are just arbitrary numbers anyways. If someone is stronger than you, they're stronger than you thats all you really need to know. Like you can reference them existing, since its part of the setting, but do you really wanna spend the time it would take to figure out everyone's exact numbers every fight?
Some good ideas here! I think I won't be referencing numbers very much, except maybe levels and Neco's Memory? Cause, yeah, I don't wanna figure them out, and they aren't... especially important, usually, I think? In the case of important numbers, I can do what the manga does (I don't remember if the WN does this) and only mention the relevant stat (like when Teacher compares his ATK to the other weapons in the city).

I did recently find a list of skills and an information page for some world/system elements (and many characters) in the untranslated WN linked on TV Tropes, which'll make things easier, probably, for some stuff (the section on Magic Conductivity interested me, though that's another thing neither Neco or Fran are likely to figure out until it's pointed out to them), and though it's unfortunate it doesn't have Evolution Point values, if I don't go crazy using those to solve problems, I don't think getting that wrong will be a big problem.

I have decided that Fran's fights between being freed and reaching the road (which is happening in the scene I'm currently working on) gave her three levels, and that was a number I totally pulled out of nowhere, and it feels fine, so.

I feel like the next (maybe last? Probably not last) part of the LitRPG elements I need to address specifically is what Jobs Fran is offered and which she chooses. I suppose I could copy the list from the source, and maybe even choose the same one Fran did there, but that feels lazy, especially since without some of the skills Teacher had, and with different skills Set at the time in all likelihood, and also with different levels in those skills (due to not panic-buying mundane utility while stuck in the ground for a month, and also basically not spending Evolution Points in general as yet). I feel like there probably shouldn't be any classes associated with the magic Neco brought into the setting and is teaching Fran, but Runecraft maybe shouldn't be an outside-context skill, actually, since it's basically an externally-powered analog to the normal magic in setting (though what Neco and Fran know of it is all learned in the way someone without a System would, which likely would lead them to using it differently in the case that it is known to others...)
Yeah, that could definitely work, and that could give me more of a reason to show off (on of the) magic system(s) I brought in with Neco. (Also, even if Runecraft is an out of context skill, the LitRPG elements of the setting are administrated by the gods, I'm sure, and my thinking is one of them brought Neco in on purpose, so there's good reason for there to be classes for the skill in any case.) And, since I can choose what skills are Set, I can pick the ones I have good ideas for the Jobs they'd unlock. This'll still definitely take thought, but I have several scenes till I need to have it ready.
A Cat's Blood-Red Blade (Tensei Shitara Ken Deshita) 5
The sun's starting to fall for the third night of Fran's freedom and Fran's three levels higher, when packed dirt catches her eye. Her ears perk up, and she spins around towards the others.

"Road!" she says excitedly, pointing at the gap between the trees.

"Wonderful!" Jorren says at the same time Mark mutters "Finally…" under his breath.

Fran spins back around and skips happily towards the road. Her Sense of Direction's pointing mostly sideways now, which is the way the road has to be going, so this road has to be the right one! And traveling on a road's gonna be so much faster than going through the forest, and there won't be so many rocks so she won't have to cast so many healing spells!

Neco makes a feeling like laughter. |Careful!| she says cheerfully as Fran loses her sense of the weather and gets that airstepping power instead. |You don't wanna knock the Demon parts off your runebone!|

Fran immediately uses her new skill to catch a hand on the air and spin sideways so the cloud of horns and ears and teeth and things at her side misses the tree she was about to lose them to.

"Again?" Jorren says quietly enough Fran thinks she'd miss it if Neco wasn't boosting her INT, and Fran blushes. She's only run into things three times, and the cloud's getting big!

Fran does slow down, though, and she drops to the ground, and she definitely doesn't start stomping her way to the road.

"Nice to see her happy," Mark says almost as quietly as Jorren was from where he's following a dozen paces back, and Fran's ears twitch, and she starts walking faster.

|Is there... something wrong with people being glad you're happy?| Neco says, her confusion pushing on Fran's thoughts.

Fran shakes her head, and her lips turn down. "Nh." She doesn't... It... "...'s weird," she mumbles.

Neco hums. |I see.| Her tone says she doesn't at all, but that's not so important, cause Fran can feel warm feelings in her sword's thoughts. |I'm glad you're happy too, though, Fran.|

Fran's face heats up more and she walks even faster.

|Runebone,| Neco says warmly, and Fran twists to the side.

"There shouldn't be so many monsters here," Jorren says as Fran uses Neco to cut the horns off yet another--the sword 'looks harder' in that way she's still getting used to, and words flicker into existence--Goblin, another Goblin. "Before--" He cuts himself off and shakes his head. "I'm a builder, and anybody who knew anything would only make a road this nice where there's enough Adventurers to keep it clear."

Mark nods as he pulls the Hellstone out of one of the Demons that's split in half. "Yeah," he says, "and even if something changed and there were monsters every hundred paces after it was done, nobody'd maintain it."

"...Really new?" Fran suggests as she punches her fingers through the skin under her Goblin's ribs.

"It'd have to be." Jorren looks back along the road, hands on his hips. "With the maintenance issue, like Mark said, I'd say--" The Person freezes. "Something's there!" he hisses.

Fran pulls her hand, which Neco felt wrap around something hard inside all the meat, out of the dead Demon's abdomen and spins around. It takes her almost time to catch the shape coming over a hill on the horizon. "Cart!"

|Here,| Neco says as she switches out the Purification Magic she was studying for Sight Enhancement, and she watches detail flow into Fran's vision.

"One horse, one driver," Fran describes simply. She squints more, and then hops a few meters in the air for a better angle. "Barrels and boxes inside."

Neco focuses on the Person in Fran's vision. |Lemme see if--|
Name: Randell Age: 39
Race: Human
Job: Merchant
|--Yeah. Thirty-nine year old Human Merchant, level twenty, named Randell, Fran could kill him in one punch,| the sword reports.

"That's your point of comparison?" Mark says under his breath.

"Nh," Fran says, shaking her head. "Won't kill unless he's bad."

Neco hisses her confused frustration out into the air where it won't bleed into her wielder. |No, what I mean is, he's not a threat,| she tells the People. |So we can safely meet him, or avoid him, or whatever.| Seriously. She's made for killing, not, like, murder.

"Mm," Mark grunts.

"I--I mean, it's good we don't have to be afraid," Jorren says, and his eyes flick to Neco when he says it, and what's that supposed to mean? He clears his throat. "And, maybe meeting him would be a good idea? Because what we looted from Them probably isn't enough for the entry fees for all three of us."

Neco feels Fran tilt her head and move her ears. "Fee?"

|You need to... pay to get into cities, or something?|

"If you don't have a card," the Person explains, which doesn't mean anything to Neco, but Fran nods, so she probably gets it.

Fran looks over at all the Demon parts floating beside her. "...Could sell this?"

"Who the hell are we gonna--" Fran points to the cart in the distance. "Mm. Well, the stones are..." Mark looks at the Hellstone in his hand, and then around at the landscape. "...What was that other thing you killed today?"

"Wolves," Fran says. Her eyebrows scrunch up. "Fffive?"

|Yeah. See Wide Earth Launch from two hills away.| And used up the Aura for probably four meters to do it, but it's not like there was anything else using it.

Neco feels Fran's ears twitch, and her wielder's mind lights up. "Buried! Pelts mostly undamaged!"

"And a fair price on good condition Monster Wolf pelts more than covers all three of us getting in," Mark says, a crooked smile on his face. Then he gives Neco and her wielder a look. "For some reason, I doubt anybody'd try to rip you off."

Fran straightens up and kind of... poses, at that, and she feels happy, so Neco doesn't ask her questions about why that makes sense. Instead, she says, |We could get the wolf bodies back here in about five minutes, I think.|

Fran blinks, and she lowers Neco from where she'd been held up triumphantly to the sun. Fran looks over at the People. "Safe here?"

"Safe enough," Jorren says.

Mark snorts, tossing the Hellstone he harvested from hand to hand. "You've killed everything for ten acres."

Fran nods, and looks down at Neco in her hand. "Air step?"

|Let's try out Instantaneous Movement,| Neco says, and she shuffles her Set Skills, and she watches as the power inside her wielder shifts. |Should be fun.|

And then Fran takes one step, and they're gone.
It's not really relevant to anything in the chapter, but I think if anyone Appraised Neco and saw Godslayer on her Status, there'd be some goddamn reactions. Dunno if that's something I should use, or if I should finally decide whether or not Neco has Appraisal Concealment in favor of her having it. This still leaves that one blacksmith (and every other person with an unblockable title-appraising mechanic) seeing that and potentially Doing Something, but, well, it's a plot hook, I suppose, whatever I do with it.

Also, I managed to write another full section in a day! Barely. But still!

Next scene should be meeting Randell, which means a first impression. I imagine Neco won't be killing anything, so that impression might be really weird or sympathetic rather than terrifying-gonna-kill-me, but we'll see.

Lemme know what y'all think of this one! I'm writing the end of this at, like, midnight, so I've probably got things written less well than they could be and I'd like to hear about it so I can fix it.

E: Altered the spell used to kill those wolf monsters offscreen from See Wide Earth Fall to See Wide Earth Launch because I think that's a better set of words for the effect I'm imagining (the ground exploding up from under the target and then smashing back down on top of it) while still being of a reasonable-ish complexity (since I've mentioned four-Rune spells before in a way that makes them sound difficult/complex).
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if anyone Appraised Neco and saw Godslayer on her Status, there'd be some goddamn reactions
I think the important thing to consider is the amount of heat that would come down on Fran and Neco if that information got out. And if you want to write that kind of story. Its easy to think of local reaction, but I'm talking about the far away people that would take intrest.
I think the important thing to consider is the amount of heat that would come down on Fran and Neco if that information got out. And if you want to write that kind of story. Its easy to think of local reaction, but I'm talking about the far away people that would take intrest.
Yeah, and I'd need to know about those far away people for that, too, which I... really don't as yet (I'm making my way through the WN and manga again as I write, but as I mentioned I never read very far past the necromancer in the sky dungeon), so keeping that less seen would be better. I could straight up avoid the God Eye blacksmith guy if I wanna keep zero people knowing Neco is/was very scary (until someone else has a method to pierce Appraisal Concealment, I remember there being others).

Though, having some people in power invested in either destroying or controlling Neco could make for a very significant derailing from the Stations of Canon, and local groups could keep things secret for a while if they have their own designs, which could delay major, like, national actions until after I have things established. I'd still wanna keep the number of people learning Neco is a Godslayer low, though, even if I'm doing that, though, cause if anyone with Appraisal could see that, there'd be no hope for security at all.

I suppose I'll need to come up with an in-story reason for Neco to care if people see her Status. She's learning to use Appraisal herself more effectively as time goes on, and denying that to others as a tactical advantage would be sensible, so that's an angle. I think what I'd want would be her seeing a Monster with the skill and realizing it's not unique?
A Cat's Blood-Red Blade (Tensei Shitara Ken Deshita) 6
The merchant with the cart is really slow. Fran had plenty of time to get the pelts from the three wolves that didn't get mashed by falling rocks, take off the meat that was still good for eating, get rid of the leftover parts of both the wolves and the goblins, and practice Neco's magic long enough that the spells stopped working, before he finally got close. When he finally does, Fran's eating the food that she and her sword helped Mark cook for lunch.

"Well," Mark says, slapping his knees and pushing himself up from the table Fran pulled up out of the ground, "looks like it's time to talk."

Fran grumbles under her breath, cause she's not done eating, but she does set down what's left of her chunk of seared meat, grab Neco from the cloud over the magic bone she set nearby, and stand up. "Air?" she mutters, and she can almost feel the magic shift inside her when speed changes for air walking in her mind.

|Got it,| Neco says. The knowledge of which rocks are what disappears from Fran's mind, and differences in expressions and tones of voice she's never noticed appear instead, and Neco adds, |Got some Coercion for you, too.|

Fran nods. "Nh." Then she steps into the air, and she can feel the drain on her MP but Neco has her set up with enough recovery for it not to matter, and the walks over behind Mark where he's going back out into the road.

The human merchant spotted Fran and Mark and Jorren a while ago, Fran watched it, but the look on the merchant's face and the way he pulls back on the reins of his horse makes Fran think he definitely didn't expect what he's seeing now. Specifically, his eyes are going back and forth between Mark and Fran and Neco, but mostly Fran and Neco, and mostly... Neco...

Oh, Neco's a sword, Fran's flying, the merchant things Fran's threatening him.

Fran sighs, sketches half a shape, doesn't feel enough power flow into her, stops, and thinks Float at Neco as she lets go of her instead. Out loud, she says, "Not threatening you," even though Coercion tells her he won't believe it.

Mark glances at Fran out of the corner of his eye, and he looks like he's annoyed and trying to hide it, so he definitely wants Fran to stop talking, but there's more she can do to make this work.

"I'm just here to make sure things are fair," Fran says, the words flowing from her skill in a way that feels really strange but really easy. She straightens up, smirks, and waves a hand at the monster parts floating over the magic bone, ears turned like she's kind of angry. "I killed some monsters that I wanna sell off sooner rather than later, and--"

The merchant sighs. "Just tell me what you want, young lady, you sound like you're acting out a play," he says, looking and sounding much more relaxed than before, but not the way Fran meant him to be at all! "If you're as good at dismantling as you are with magic displays, I can buy a couple of your pelts."

Fran's face feels very hot, and she's sure it's bright red, and her ears feel like they're flat against the sides of her head. She looks down at the ground and turns away. "Sorry..." she says quietly. She doesn't know where she went wrong, she has the skill, she did what it said...

"Yeah, she just got the skill as a level reward," Mark lies in a voice that sounds so tired that it has to be the truth. "Hasn't learned it proper yet. Her dismantling is top-notch, though." He gestures towards the magic bone. "If you'd like to take a look? I'm thinking 3500 as a starting price."

And the merchant gets off his wagon and starts arguing about money as Fran grabs Neco in her arms, walks to the ground, and wishes she knew a spell to be invisible.

"Skill didn't work," she whispers to the sword in her arms.

|Yeah,| Neco whispers back, confusion flowing in with the word. |I--Well, it's not that high level, it's level three, but... You did sound really different, maybe the level's why? Lemme, uh--| The knowledge from Coercion shifts, and there's suddenly a lot more of it, and Fran thinks she's blushing even harder now because some of what she learned is about how sounding natural is different for each person and that the way she changed from her normal voice and expression into the ones the skill came up with made everything look really wrong, and-- |Alright, that's two levels higher, how does it--|

"Take it off!" Fran hisses, ducking her face further behind Neco's guard. "Don't wanna think about it!"

|Okay,| Neco says, still feeling confused, and Fran stops realizing more things she did wrong.

She still remembers what she already realized, though, she didn't know how to use the skill at all...

"We've got a sale, Fran," Mark says from close by, and Fran realizes she didn't even notice him coming.

"Nh," Fran grunts, turning around and hiding more behind her sword.

Mark looks down at her, and he frowns. "...Are you okay?"

"Fine," Fran says quickly, looking away again. "Can we go?"

"I... got us a ride on the guy's wagon," Mark says slowly. He takes a breath and frowns harder. "...Look, you weren't really that bad--"

Fran doesn't wanna talk or think about it. She pushes off the ground, catches the air with Neco's point, spins around it, and lands face-down on the top of the wagon so nobody can see her.

"--Oh, okay!" Fran pretends not to hear from the ground.

She doesn't think she'll be moving from here for a while.
Okay, it's actually done enough now! Urgh!

Right. The scene. I intended the lesson Fran learns here to be that Set Skills, not being learned in the normal way, don't come with experience in using them, but I think what I wound up getting was that low level skills are bad and that she shouldn't trust skills. I'm not sure if that's good, and I'm also not sure how I should apply that? In the combat case, it's probably most applicable for using different skills together--like, Sword Arts won't tell you when to pull back and cast, or how likely nothing would tell you how to take advantage of the mobility from Aerial Jump against a grounded opponent, but Fran's good at tactics, I think (or at least, I think the one short fight I've had so far represents her that way, and I remember her fighting well in the manga/WN).
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This post is to say that the scene is no longer incomplete (though it is a bit shorter than I originally intended, I Rushed).

E: Just now realizing I've misremembered which skill Coercion is! It's mentioned in the WN before the fight against Donadrond. "The moment Donnadorondo shouted that, a terrible pressure fell over us. Isn't this obviously the Coercion Skill?" So, something else must be the Social-Fu skill. Dunno whether I'll go back and make that a different skill (how would Neco have gotten such a skill?) or not modify it and accept that I changed the name of a skill in my writing.
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A Cat's Blood-Red Blade (Tensei Shitara Ken Deshita) 7
Fran has to turn a little sideways to get through the doors of the Adventurer's Guild, because her arms aren't long enough to push the doors out of the way of her cloud of stuff if she doesn't. The room inside looks really big, two and a half times as tall as Fran, maybe, and there's a few tables around the edge, and then a big desk at the other end from the door. That's where Fran has to go.

Fran does her best to keep her steps sure as some of the people in the room notice her. She's here to be an Adventurer and do what her parents couldn't, she can't let herself be nervous just cause people think her cloud of stuff looks weird. By the time she gets to the counter, it feels like everyone in the room's looking at her, and it's hard not to look at them all, but she's used to doing hard things, so she makes herself looks up at the human behind the counter instead.

Fran straightens her ears and takes a deep breath. "Wanna register," she says firmly.

The human blinks, and Fran watches her eyes flick to the cloud of stuff by Fran's side and then back to Fran's face. "Ah. Yes, are you registering alone?" she asks in a friendly voice.

"Nh." Fran looks over at Neco, floating beside her in a magic circle.

|Right, uh, sorta.| Neco's orb flashes, and she spins around to point it at the human. |Fran's the Person here, so unless you register equipment, it's just her who's joining the Guild.|

Something in the human's eyes changes, and her smile goes stiff on her face. "...Ah. I see. You are sure you want to become an Adventurer?" she asks, and her tone is stiff, too. "There's a live combat test that you'd need to pass to get in, and both that and the career itself are very danger--"

"Yes," Fran says firmly, ears starting to turn back. She reaches over and sets her hand on Neco's guard, staring up at the human behind the counter. "We're strong."

"...Very well," the human says. "Wait here a moment, please." And then she turns and leaves the room through a nearby door.

As soon as the human leaves the room, the muttering in the room behind Fran gets a lot louder. Even without turning her ears, she catches a few words--'child,' 'magic sword,' 'dead,' 'stole,' 'safe,' 'black cat,' "Brat!" 'what,' 'idiot,' 'threaten'--

--Hand right shoulder flickers through Fran's thoughts, an image of something swinging, and she ducks, steps in a circle, and sweeps her left arm through the strike Neco saw without thinking, heart cold and limbs warm--

She blinks up at the Red Dog Tribe whose right wrist she's holding in her hand. He looks... really angry, but he's pulling against her and she can barely feel it. "...Want something?" Fran asks blandly as Neco sets her hilt in Fran's free hand.

The Dog Tribe growls and pulls his lips back further. "Where'd you get all those materials, brat?" he says as he tries again to pull his hand free from Fran's "You steal em from somewhere?"

"Yeah," says one of the people standing behind the Red Dog, so behind him that Fran can barely see him around the Red Dog's body, "must've!" Fran's ears twitch.

"Yeah!" says someone else Fran can't see at all. Where? she thinks at Neco.

Behind, small, weak.

"Killed monsters," Fran says calmly, but she's starting to get annoyed.

The Red Dog barks a laugh. "Oh, you killed monsters, you, a Black Cat--"

Fran's fingers tighten around the Red Dog's arm, and he tries again to jerk back.

"Don't insult my tribe," Fran snaps, ears back, glaring right into the Dog's eyes.

"Ah! Hey! Let go!" he yelps. "Help me!"

"Yeah!" the person behind the Dog who Fran can see says, and she hears the hiss of leather on steel. "Let--"

Fran steps up and to the left, pulling the Red Dog along by the wrist to put him between her and the man--human, it looks like, now that she can see him--that just drew a sword, ignoring the Dog's scream of pain. Neco's still hanging in a low, easy guard in Fran's other hand.

As she feels the warm and cold inside her get stronger and watches the world slow down, Fran wonders if she should kill these three.

"What is going on here!" a voice snaps from Fran's right, and Fran glances at it out of the corner of her eye--It's the guild human.

The Dog hanging in the air by his wrist gasps and his face goes through a dozen expressions in a row. "Sh-she's attacking me for no reason--"

|He tried to hit my Wielder from behind, she caught his arm, he insulted her, his minion drew on her, and she put him in the way,| Neco says in a voice that somehow sounds red, and Fran sees a few of the people nearer to her shiver. |This is self-defense.|

Fran nods along with her sword's words. "Nh." He deserves it, with what he was saying.

The guild human frowns harder, and she turns to the rest of the room. "Was the young lady defending herself?" she asks in a voice that doesn't really sound loud but echoes off the room's walls.

A rumble of 'Yeah' and 'He hit her first' and 'Idiot deserves it' comes from the watching Adventurers.

"Well, then!" The guild human claps her hands and smiles a very fake smile. "If one of you in the crowd would fetch the Guard? I'd prefer to have trash that attacks a child out of nowhere removed quickly."

The Dog flinches helplessly where he's hanging in the air. "Wh--But! The guild doesn't intervene in--"

"--fights between adventurers, yes, that's the line," the guild human interrupts in a friendly voice that sounds like poisoned sugar. "I'd say this fight is already over, so we aren't intervening, exactly--oh! And, the young lady here isn't an Adventurer, is she?" She giggles into a hand like she's having fun, but her eyes are cold. "You're just about out of luck, aren't you, Mercenary?"

"N-no!" the Dog shouts, and Fran sees movement in the corner of her vision. "I won't--"

He's drawing a knife with his free hand.

"Die," Fran commands as she pulls on the cold in her chest and brings Neco through the Dog's arm. The cold inside Fran reaches out through Neco's edge, and Fran pushes them up through veins and bone and Something Else in black lines that reach up to the Dog's shoulder, and she kills the arm, and the flesh breaks along the lines of death and falls into clumps of meat that burn away into dust and nothing before they hit the ground, and the cold snaps back into just Fran's heart, and she blinks.

...Oh, the Red Dog's gone limp. The men who were behind him are on the floor. They're screaming. When Fran looks at the guild human, she's really pale, and abruptly, Fran thinks about what she just did and remembers how sure she was that she was gonna die when she met Neco. Her ears droop, and she drops the Red Dog on the ground and turns to face the guild human and looks down. "Sorry..." she says.

"Th-that's alright," the human says unsteadily. Behind Fran, the screaming stops, and everything feels really quiet, and Fran looks back up to see the human's eyes are very wide. "Are you, ah, prepared to take your exam now, or," the human glances down at the Red Dog on the ground and then back up at Fran, "would you... like to take it another time?"

Fran looks over at her sword. "Neco...?"

|That was an inefficient kill, but we've got plenty of Essence left,| Neco says calmly, and her voice isn't red anymore. |Just leave the killing to the one who's made for it, alright?|

"Nh." Fran nods and looks back up at the guild human. "Ready."

"Very well, just through the door to my right, your opponent is Donadrond, and both of you will be keeping to nonlethal attacks, alright?"

"Nh," Fran grunts again. "Thanks."

And she flicks her fingers, mutters "Touch Dead Pull," and walks to the door as the pieces that got knocked out of her cloud in the middle of things fly after her.
Well, writing went from very rough to very smooth on this one, for some reason! Having a very obviously fancy talking sword and having a large amount of magic stones and monster parts just floating beside her set Damun the Asshole who Threatens Fran Way More In Canon and Loses Commensurately More Limbs off early, and that was fun, and also has immediately given Fran a Reputation with everyone who saw the 'fight' for sure. I also got to show off some of the implications of Fran and Neco being Soulbound, with Fran directly invoking Neco's concept, and I tried to also show that (and sitting with a half-awake kill for several minutes straight) affecting how she thinks. I thought about straight up killing Damun the Asshole there, but I didn't, and I'm not totally sure why? In canon, Teacher tempers Fran's bloodlust, and Neco will Definitely Not Do That. I suppose I just... didn't want to? Hopefully it reads well. Ah, on that topic, hopefully Fran's characterization in general tracks in this scene, with how much happened in it.

I coulda carried this into and through the fight with Big Loud Axe Nice Guy, but I need to do something in ten minutes and this is already long enough to stand alone, so I cut it there.

Lemme know what you think!
A Cat's Blood-Red Blade (Tensei Shitara Ken Deshita) 8
Fran looks around as she steps through the door. There's a really big oni standing across a dirt courtyard surrounded by brick walls. Dirt means opportunity.

"Earth Magic," she whispers to her sword.

|Got it,| Neco whispers back, and nothing changes cause she already had it equipped, but Fran wants to be sure it stays there.

The oni steps forwards, brings the giant axe that was leaning against his side around, and slams it head-first into the ground in front of him hard enough to make cracks in the dirt. "You're the applicant with the talking sword?" he asks in a voice that sounds like an angry rockslide, looking down at Fran even leaning so heavily on his axe's handle and on the other side of a big courtyard.

Fran nods and swing her sword point first on the ground in front of her with a flourish. "Nh."

|She is,| Neco says calmly. |What's the victory condition for this exam?|

"Was told not to kill," Fran adds. The oni smirks.

"That's right, we'll both come out alive," he rumbles. "But." He straightens up to his full height, and then he smiles, or maybe bares his teeth, cause he still looks angry. "I'm not so good at holding back, so you might get hurt. The test's to see if you last long enough against me to impress me." He swings his axe up over his shoulder with an ease Fran couldn't have imagined a week ago, and slides his right foot forwards into a battle stance, and when he opens his mouth to talk again, his voice comes out with force like a magic spell. "I am your examiner, Donadrond! If you aren't prepared for a fight like this, leave now!"

Fran's ears twitch, she unties the leather strip holding her magic bone to her hip with one hand, and she swings Neco up over her own shoulder with the other as her cloud of monster parts falls to the ground beside her. "I'm ready," she says firmly as she wraps her left hand around Neco's pommel, and her heart goes cold as the rest of her goes warm.

"Then let's begin!" Donadrond shouts, and the dirt shatters as he jumps towards Fran so fast she wouldn't be able to follow it normally, but with Neco boosting her stats she's fast enough, and she steps in towards him and counters his heavy swing from his shoulder with one of her own.

Even with Neco's blade against the axe's wedge-shaped edge to redirect the attack instead of blocking it, Fran's light enough that the force from it would've pushed Fran back if she didn't use Aerial Jump to brace against the air, but she does, so it doesn't, and lets go of Neco with one hand and twists her blade to the side to slide further inside Donadonod's guard, and Fire Magic disappears from Fran's mind as punches and kicks and blocks and throws take its place in her mind--and Donadrond's body flickers, and he catches her punch in his hand.

His axe is coming around again, too, butt first.

Fran doesn't have the leverage to pull free from someone as strong as Donadrond, and she'd have no leverage in a block when his attack's coming in low like that either, so instead, she spins Neco out of the block over her head as hard as she can towards the oni's unarmored lower arm to make him let go.

|Barrier!| Neco shouts, and golden light flickers across everything Fran can see, and Fran feels Neco's edge start to dig into flesh, and then Fran's flying across the courtyard so fast she barely registers she's moving before the spell surrounding her shatters and Neco pulls her out of the way of a shower of rock by her hand.

"Strong," Fran says under her breath as she gets her feet back into something like a stance.

|Expensive,| Neco says back.

"Good first strike!" Donadrond calls from the middle of the courtyard. There's a deep gash on his right arm, but it's closing over in front of Fran's eyes without any magic.

"How?" Fran whispers.

|Automatic HP Recovery,| Neco whispers back, and Fran feels magic gather around her, and her sword incants, |AGI Boost II.|

"You shouldn't be so ready to sacrifice your body, but I suppose with a sword like yours, you don't need to worry, haha!" Donadrond's smile looks real, now, as he shifts his grip on his axe and settles into a lower stance. "You come at me, this time!"

Fran pulls her left hand off Neco's hilt, sweeps her fingers through five strokes, chants "See Earth Launch," and as power flows in through her chest and out through her eyes, she digs her toes into the ground and throws herself after her spell.

The ground where Donadrond's feet were explodes upwards, but he's already halfway out of the way by the time it happens. "Oho!" he shouts, and he catches Fran's one-handed swing on the haft of his axe as the fingers on her left hand sweep through three more strokes. "A mage, are we--"

"Touch Earth Pull!" Fran shouts, and as magic flows through her and the chunks of the ground from her first spell fly towards the oni's back, she runs up the air, pivoting around Neco's connection with the oni's axe, and kicks as hard as she can for his chest while he's off-balance.

That attack lands.

Fran's flying backwards again, but she planned it this time, and she makes a dozen weak platforms with Aerial Jump to bleed off her speed as she watches Donadrond slam into a wall in another explosion of shattered brick. And he's still moving, starting to stand up. So that's not enough.

"Collapse!" Fran invokes, and a chunk of the wall above the hole Fran just made with Donadrond's body flashes, cracks, and slams down into him like it was stomped on by a giant, covering him completely in broken rock.

|He still had three hundred HP,| Neco says warningly.

"Not killing," Fran mutters to her sword. She takes a step towards the pile of rubble, keeping Neco up and ready to catch another swing. "Pass?" she calls cautiously over to the fallen rocks.

The rocks laugh, and Donadrond's head pushes out the top with a grin on his face. "Absolutely!"

A weight Fran didn't realize she was carrying disappears, and as Neco's power pulls back and the cold in her heart fades, she finds herself smiling back. "Thanks," she says happily.

She did it. She made it.

Fran took her first step.
More action, here, and the first time Fran's not been able to easily outstat her opponents. I think I might've written this with too much thinking, though I'm... not exactly sure how to reduce that? If it does turn out to be an issue.

Neco did relatively little in this fight, mostly because when you can't kill and don't want to maim, her primary skillset isn't especially useful, but I think I got her playing support pretty well.

I've thought about jobs a bit more, and I think I know what Fran's gonna take (a Runic Knight or something of the same flavor, like what Isiri Pudireach suggested, with a pure Runecaster also recommended, alongside a few other jobs), with the main benefit being some kind of skill or feature to silently use magic so that with predrawn runes on her weapon she could cast them very quickly without taking up a hand. What I'm
not sure about is how the Guildmaster's gonna react to her. His Appraisal is blocked like in canon, so he's not learning concerning things from there, but Fran rather publicly overpowered and dismembered a (very disliked) Adventurer in his guild hall, and the Guildmaster's spirits are gonna notice that Neco's dangerous, I'm sure... I'll figure something out, but if people have suggestions on how that all should work out, I'd love to hear them.

E: Oh, also, I feel like the ending words of this scene really lack the impact I wanted to give them, but I couldn't come up with anything better. If people have ideas there, I'd love to hear those, too.
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A Cat's Blood-Red Blade (Tensei Shitara Ken Deshita) 9
Neco hadn't been sure it was real at first, but as she and Fran followed that giant Person up the stairs to the top floor, the feeling just kept getting stronger.

|Something I can't see's watching us,| Neco whispers into Fran's mind.

Her wielder nods silently and keeps walking.

"The Guildmaster's right through here," Donadrond says cheerfully as he pulls open another door.

"Nh." Fran walks through the door with confidence Neco can feel comes from determination, and she looks around. There's a bookshelf off to one side, a desk in front of a big window in the middle, and a Person with pointy ears sitting behind that desk. Neco follows Fran's sight and focuses on the Person.
Name: Klimt Age: 136
Race: Wood Elf
Job: Greater Spirit Wielder
Level: 67
HP: 180 MP: 616
STR: 87 END: 89 AGI: 138 INT: 259 MGC: 333 DEX: 98
|Well, you're strong,| Neco says as she reads the Person's--Klimt's--Status.

"And you're dangerous," Klimt says back. He leans forwards and steeples his fingers in front of his face in a way that brings a fragmented memory of glinting glasses to Neco's mind. "I get a call only a few minutes after Nell tells me about you in the first place saying that your wielder used you to rot someone's arm off, you've come to me with Dona which means the two of you defeated him, the spirits won't go close to you, and now I see that you've got an Appraisal-blocking skill. Explain to me why I should trust you enough to let you into the Guild."

Neco feels her wielder go stiff, and the thoughts flutter on the edge of her mind drive out everything about things watching her. "...I passed," Fran says quietly, and Neco wonders if she's quiet because it just got hard to breathe, but whatever the reason is, Neco hates her wielder feeling this way.

|She did,| Neco snaps, flashing her Bloodstone. |She's wanted to become an Adventurer as soon as she heard the Guild was here, don't try to take this away from her!|

"Oh, she's getting in," Klimt says blandly. "You're the troublesome one, Miss Sword, so I'll need to know more about you before I deal with that."

Fran looks down at Neco, and the sword sees her blade glowing through her wielder's eyes. Okay, Fran pushes at Neco in her mind, and Neco doesn't believe her, but Neco pulls herself back inside her body and forces herself into dormancy anyway.

|...What do you want,| Neco asks Klimt flatly, and if she had eyes, she'd be glaring.

"For you to explain yourself," the Person says in that same damn tone. He sweeps a hand vaguely at Neco and her wielder. "You're an intelligent sword, which is rare enough, and beyond that, you have some kind of death magic, but you come out of nowhere in the hands of a child--" he looks Fran in the eyes, and his expression softens a little "--You are a child, yes?"

"Twelve," Fran snaps, and her ears are definitely doing something on top of her head.

"In the hands of a child, as I was saying," he says, and he looks up at Neco again. "What I want to know is, why are you only showing up now? What are your goals?"

|My goals are whatever Fran wants from me,| Neco says. She runs light down her blade and burns Will from her pool to twirl in the air. |I'm a tool, I'm made of and for killing, you think I can make decisions in a word where some People have to die?|

The Person behind the desk straightens up for the first time since Fran walked Neco into the room, and he's frowning. "...I see," he mutters in a tone that, by this point, Neco's sure is some kind of hidden smug.

|What do you 'see', Person? Do you 'see' that you need to stop holding my Wielder's future hostage?| Neco jerks her way out the circle she'd been floating in and points herself hilt-first at the Person in front of her. |I am a sword,| she says, emphasizing each word as she makes it with a thrust of her pommel, |and you give me 'Why should I let you into the Guild' like I'm not Fran's to take wherever she wants, like--what, what are you pretending to threaten me for, I'm not gonna believe you aren't threatening Fran's membership, I mean, who's gonna give a tool a place in an organization for--Why are you looking at me like that?| Neco spins around to point her Bloodstone at Fran as she feels Fran's ears shift more, but as usual, all she can see by herself is a flicker in Frans' Will. |What are--| Neco cuts herself off, pushes her anger out into her blade and into the air and out of her voice, because Fran doesn't need that. |Sorry. Just, what are you doing with your ears, I don't know what expressions feel like with--whoa!|

"Don't!" Fran hisses quietly as she hugs Neco to her chest, and a flood of emotions come with the words, most of them bad. "Don't talk like that!"

"I see that I've misjudged the situation."

|Shut up, Klimt, my wielder's--| Neco's focus swings frantically across the room and then back onto the Person holding her in her arms. |Fran-- Fran, what way should I not talk? What did I--| She looks desperately back over her words. |Is it-- Look, you're a wonderful wielder, you're learning runecraft much faster than my creator, I'm not yours just cause I can't choose who to point myself at, you--|

"Nh!" Fran shakes her head and squeezes tighter, which can't be comfortable, Neco can feel her cold edge pressing into the flesh of Fran's arms from both perspectives, but Fran's doing it anyway. "Can choose!" Fran says.

Neco feels Fran's emotions dig into her own structure so intensely Neco thinks she feels them herself for a moment. She tries to gather together her words. |Fran, I'm-- I mean, the material I'm made of isn't bound up so tight that I have a one-track mind so I'm not incapable, but I am a Bound Tool of Kill, and, I mean, it's not just that a sword's wielder should be the--|

"Nh!" Fran says, shaking her head again, and Neco thinks she should maybe shut up, because Fran's eyes feel wet and Neco's just making things worse. Instead, Neco reaches inside herself, brings how she feels about Fran to the edge of her soul, and presses it into Fran's. It... doesn't feel like it helps.

"...Miss Sword, Fran," the Person behind the desk who Neco'd almost forgotten existed says, "we can go forward with your registration now, if you'd like."

Fran looks up from Neco and blinks her eyes. "Neco," she says emphatically through the tightness Neco can feel in her throat.

"Neco and Fran, then," the Person says, and he pushes himself up from his desk. "I'll take you to the room myself, and we'll make sure everything's ready for the two of you to register."

Neco pulls her attention slowly away from Fran's face and over to the Person--Klimt. |...But, I'm--|

Fran shakes her head hard. "You too!" she whispers to Neco, staring at her with still very wet eyes.

|Okay!| Neco agrees immediately. |I'll try it!|

"Nh!" Fran grunts, and she nods, and she spins towards the door--and towards a very serious-looking Donadrond that Neco entirely forgot was there--and starts to march towards it.

Klimt steps past Fran, nods to Donadrond, and pushes the door open. "Follow me, please."

And Fran does, with Neco still hugged tight to her chest.
Wwwwell! That Happened!

I didn't go into this planning to write something as emotional as that (because I don't exactly plan things in general beyond thinking about how I expect them to go, writing them, and getting something that sometimes resembles what I expected), but I sure did write it, and I very much hope it reads well. I also hope I haven't contradicted myself anywhere here, or messed with my established characterization, because I wrote the start of this story quite a while ago and I haven't done major edits to it since then. The next scene should be from Fran's perspective, during registration for the Guild and Job selection, so that'll let me directly say what Fran's upset about if I didn't make it obvious enough here, though I expect I probably did, despite Neco's perspective.

Due to the development of this scene, and this development meaning Fran will insist on Neco registering as a separate Adventurer to Fran, I'll need to decide how to deal with Jobs for an intelligent weapon. If it were an issue of soul architecture, I'd imagine that whatever Jobs are they'd work fine, since Neco's made from a human and should have a reasonable number of recognizable parts left after all these years healing, but this is an arbitrary system presumably designed and/or run by the gods, and Neco's character sheet (and Teacher's sheet, in the source) lacks a Job entry. The actual card creation aside from that should work fine, since their identification is based on elements of the user's Magic/Will, meaning that as long as Neco doesn't drastically alter herself (and she probably can't alter herself so drastically as to cause problems, since most of her soul is bound into a single shape), she'll read properly as an individual to the big crystal thingy they have.

Also, I made a minor alteration to A Cat's Blood-Red Blade 3 because I remembered that skills don't exceed level 10 and instead prestige after that (and grant a title), and I previously had Neco written with Soul Manipulation 14. I've changed that to Soul Manipulation LvMAX, Soul Master, and Soul Molding Lv4, which isn't an important change, really, it's just something I'd noticed was wrong.

Please let me know what you think of this, and how I can improve it! Also about ideas on what I should do with the whole Neco-Job-situation.

E: Made a minor adjustment to hopefully deal with that dangling thread of something watching Neco (it was the Guildmaster's spirits). May change that more, to smooth it out, my tired brain isn't sure if it matters.
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A Cat's Blood-Red Blade (Tensei Shitara Ken Deshita) 10
"Which one of you would like to go first?" the Guildmaster asks as he walks to the other side of the big crystal set on an altar in the middle of the room.

Fran stops hugging her sw--hugging Neco so she can hold Neco out in front of her.

|...You sure?| Neco asks softly. |You've been so excited about this, and...|

"Nh," Fran says, nodding firmly. Neco's gonna be her own Adventurer, and she's gonna stop thinking she deserves to be property, and Neco and Fran are gonna be the best partners, and everything'll be fine.

"There is some paperwork to fill out, which usually an applicant would complete before receiving a Guild Card," the Guildmaster says, and he comes back around the crystal with a stack of paper in his hands, "so if you would like to fill that out while Neco receives hers, Fran?"

Fran glances down at Neco in her hand. "Not gonna leave," she tells the Guildmaster, and he shakes his head.

"You can work on it here, or you could leave it entirely for afterwards." He holds the papers and a pen out towards Fran. "It is simply that, if you finish filling this out earlier, you'll be fully registered as an Adventurer more quickly--ah, if you can write, that is, though I could fill it out on your behalf?"

"Can write," Fran mutters, and she takes the papers. The Trainers said it increased her value, and thinking about how she learned puts a bad feeling in her stomach, but she did learn... She pushes her memories down, looks up from the papers, and holds Neco out again. "Card."

"Alright." The Guildmaster waves a hand at the big crystal. "Neco, simply touch this, and it will record your mana signature."

|O...kay...| Fran's partner says hesitantly, and she floats out of Fran's hand and tips up to point her point at the altar. |So, I just...| And Neco touches the side of her tip to one of the flat parts of the crystal, and some kind of light inside the crystal flashes.

"Looks like the reading was successful," the human from the front desk says, looking down at a crystal slate thing. She walks over, sliding a bronze card out of her left hand and touching it against the crystal, and light flashes inside the crystal again. "Now all that's left is selecting a... Job..." The human frowns. "That's odd."

"Something wrong, Nell?" the Guildmaster asks, which makes Fran realize she had no idea what the human's--That doesn't matter right now.

"I've never heard of some of these before." The human, Nell, turns the crystal slate around to face the Guildmaster, and Fran takes a few steps into the air so she can see it too.

Greater Runecaster, Aura Blade, Bloodbinder, Soul Artist...? Fran thinks she knows what the Runecaster one might be, and Aura Blade is probably close, since Neco says the power that flows through Fran when she uses runecraft is called Aura, but the others...

|Oh. Oh, well,| Neco says quietly. |So, if this is a thing where I get to choose one, I am not choosing Bloodbinder.|

The Guildmaster stares at the crystal slate for another second, and then he turns to look at where Neco's floating besides Fran, and he's frowning. "...Might I ask what 'Bloodbinder' is, and why you're opposed to it, Neco?" he asks carefully.

|I-- Well, the world I'm from doesn't have Status, or at least I didn't have it, so I'm not sure, but...| Neco makes that kind of hiss she makes when she's making herself relax, and she floats over and pushes her hilt into Fran's hand. |So, bloodbinding is another word for soul binding, which is how you make Bound Tools like me.|

Fran's heart clenches. "Not a tool," she tells Neco firmly.

|B-- Fran...| Fran feels Neco's attention focus on her for a moment, and she's sure Neco's gonna argue, but then Neco hisses again and her attention moves back to the Guildmaster. When Neco starts talking again, Neco's words sound tight. |...So, bloodbinding is the most powerful form of Essence manipulation the one who made me ever got to work, and my sisters and I...| As Neco pauses for a moment, Fran's eyes go wide, and her thoughts race. |Our Creator made us by taking important parts of her soul--not just Essence, stuff that takes years to heal if it does at all--and using a big Ritual and hundreds of humansworth of Essence to bind us into the shapes of our Concepts.|

Fran hears the Guildmaster say something about 'Troublesome things,' but she doesn't pay attention. "Sisters?" she asks urgently, staring at Neco with wide eyes.

|My Creator made three of us, and she only stopped because Cingo stopped her from making more after she was made,| Neco says, and Fran feels regret and sadness and guilt and lots of bad things push into her mind with the words. |I was the second my Creator made... Cingo and Dejugo, they--Hell, they'd be alone now, wouldn't they, and here I am with a wielder and People, and--|

"Where!" Fran looks around uselessly, feeling her Sense of Direction spin, ears almost flat against her head. "Need to--"

|They're on a dead planet with oceans of rotting blood, sitting on the altar where our Creator used me to kill herself, and, I'm being very serious right now, please tell me, any of you, if you know how to go to other words, because they don't deserve to be there, and I can't believe I forgot about them, I'm a terrible sister, I don't deserve--!|

Fran pulls Neco into another hug. "We'll save them!" she promises with all her heart. "I'll Evolve, and we'll save them!"

"I haven't heard of any way to travel between worlds," the Guildmaster starts, "but perhaps you should ask a cleric? The God of Travel--"

Fran's heart freezes for a split second, and she hears the Guildmaster go silent. |We got off-topic,| Neco says in a quiet, flat voice, and her words sound deep red. |Like I was saying. I won't be a Bloodbinder because I'm not going to chop someone up like that, because not only is it unimaginably painful, it also had very very bad effects on my Creator. I'll take one of the rune ones. Maybe Aura Blade. Is there a description.|

"You... should be able to Appraise them, if you have the skill..." the Guildmaster says slowly, like he's ignoring everything that just happened. He gestures at the ground, and Fran looks down, and there's the papers and the pen she forgot she had. She must've dropped them when she hugged Neco. "Once you've decided on your Job, the paperwork is all that's left for your registration, Neco."

|Okay,| Neco says in that same dead, red tone. She tugs at Fran's arms, and her attention turns to focus on Fran, and she hisses again, and Fran's sure the air gets heavier somehow when she does, but her voice sounds a little more alive when she says, |...Fran, could you let me go? I wanna get this done fast so I can go scream where I won't hurt anyone.|

Fran nods silently and opens her arms.

"H-have you made your selection?" the human, Nell, asks, and Fran looks over at her to see she's almost as pale as the papers on the floor.

|Aura Blade,| Neco says. |By its description, it fits me well. Shockingly.|

"V-very well!" Nell turns the crystal slate around and does something to it, and it flashes, and she shifts it into her left hand and holds out the card from earlier in her right. "Here!"

|Thanks.| The card floats out of Nell's hand, and the papers float over to a nearby wall, and Neco huffs something that's like a laugh if everything happy got sucked out of it. |...Right, I'll have to do this later, I don't have eyes.|

Fran turns to walk over. "I--"

|Register yourself first, I'm fine,| Neco says, and what Fran's feeling from her means that's definitely a lie, but Fran turns back towards the crystal anyway. Neco wants to go, and the sooner Fran's done, the sooner that can happen.

As Fran sets her hand on the big crystal and it flashes, she feels power flow through her like it does when she uses runes except it feels smooth and calm instead of fast and choppy like Aura does. She thinks, normally, she might ask how it worked, and what that meant, but she feels too bad and tired to be curious, so she just pulls her hand back and turns to face Nell. "Jobs?" she asks simply.

"--Ah, Magician, Runecaster, Aura Blade-- Here." The human spins the crystal slate around for Fran to see as she taps another bronze card against the big crystal.

There's something like ten Jobs written on the slate, and most of them don't look very interesting. Fran looks back at Neco over her shoulder, and it looks like the Guildmaster is there reading things off the papers. "Runecaster? Aura Blade?" Fran asks her partner.

|You have hands, and you'll be able to use the stuff I scribe on myself no matter what, so I'd say Runecaster,| Neco calls back. Her voice is still dim red and a little bit hollow. She must be tired too.

Fran nods, and turns back to Nell. "Runecaster," she says firmly.

Nell turns the slate around, does something that makes it flash, and hands Nell her Adventurer's Guild card. "And that's all I'm needed for here, so if I may, Guildmaster...?"

"Go ahead, Nell," the Guildmaster says as he writes another thing onto the paper he's helping Neco with.

"Right." Nell nods, gives a tight, not very real smile, and walks over to the exit. "Good luck."

Fran walks over to Neco and very deliberately reads the paper that's pinned on the wall.

|Oh, I'm sixty seven, and I'm unmarried,| Neco says as she sees the words through Fran's eyes.

The Guildmaster marks that down, and then flips to the other paper and holds the pen out to Fran. "This is the last thing before everything's official," he says.

Fran tries to smile, and it doesn't work, and she stops. "Nh," she says, and she starts writing. It's all really easy, and she's glad for that.

Everything's quiet, for a moment, except for the sounds of Fran's pen. |...I wish I could cry right now,| Neco whispers to Fran.

Fran marks the last box on on the paper. Cry for you, she thinks back to Neco, and then she turns and hands the paper to the Guildmaster.

The Guildmaster nods. "Welcome to the Guild, Fran and Neco. I'm glad to have you."
A large part of the exposition in this chapter brought to you by an Archive Of Our Own commenter asking for more explanation of Neco's backstory, and pointing out I hadn't really said anything about how Neco's magic works!

So. Big thing, here. I don't know if it was a good decision to introduce Neco's sisters being alive as a plot hook. By the time I got a few scenes into my new work on this, I'd forgotten I mentioned them being alive in the first scene, and I'd completely disregarded them as relevant at all, but I
did say 'She'd been with her fellow bound tools, as usual, trying her best to stave off loneliness in the dead world,' and so, here we are. I could edit them dead, and remove Neco's connection to where she came from, but I don't know whether that would make the story better or worse. In any case, any travel to where Neco came from will have to come much later, because it is Difficult, especially if you wanna keep your body when you do it. Aaaand of course now that I'm getting further in, I've written a whole lot that I'd need to alter or replace if I decide to retcon Neco's sisters out of relevancy, which I guess is kind of good since it means it's affecting the story, but that's not good if I do decide to do that retcon.
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Larva Once More (StarCraft 2) 1
The light is far too bright.

Sarah groans and covers her eyes. "Turn... Turn the..." She tries to wave a wing at whatever's making the light above her, and nothing happens.

...Something's wrong. Not just the light being too bright.

Sarah sits herself up with her mind, pulls her arms away from her eyes, and gingerly opens her eyes.

There's... definitely no wings.

Sarah reaches behind her back, and pats around, and there's nothing there. She frowns, grasps around with her thoughts, finds a doctor, and squints over at him, shading her eyes from the light above her.

"...Lieutenant," she starts, pulling the rank from the doctor's thoughts, "where... did my wings go?"

Sarah can't really see it on the Lieutenant's face, with all the light, but she can definitely feel the fear building up in his thoughts. "Let me call the Commander," he says.


"Jim!" Sarah says happily when she sees 'the Commander' walk through the door. "You heard me!"

Jim frowns, and Sarah watches half-formed memories flicker over his thoughts. "Heard what, exactly, darlin'?" he asks.

"You... didn't...?" Something shifts in Sarah's thoughts in a way that doesn't feel right at all, and she remembers that, "No, you did, you were just... But I don't have..." She reaches to where her wings should be, and they're still gone.

"Sarah, what're you tryin' to say--" Jim cuts himself off with a shake of his head and a flicker of guilt. "Hell am I asking--Do you feel alright, Sarah?"

"I... I don't..." Sarah reaches a hand up to her head, which feels like the right weight, which means... her nerve cords are still there, not hair. Sarah's starting to feel like something's very wrong. "...Jim, what the hell happened?" she asks quietly. "What's going on? Where are my wings?"

A fear that Sarah hadn't noticed under Jim's words flashes into terror, and she hears his thoughts race. He wishes for his pistol and thinks something about a prophecy, and memories that definitely aren't his move just under the surface. "We're on the Hyperion, parked over Char," Jim says, and if she couldn't read his mind, Sarah thinks she'd believe he was calm. "Look, darlin', whaddaya remember, so I can--"

"What does Zeratul have to do with anything?" Sarah asks, frowning harder.

"Zeratul? Sarah, what--" Right, Telepath, Jim realizes. Hell, not used to-- "He gave me... How do I explain this...?"

"He did something to you." Sarah leans forwards and reaches into Jim's mind, feeling along the edges of a seam in his memories. A dark future, an abomination, the Overmind's corpse, a fight in a cave-- "Is that me?" He cut off her--No. No, Sarah remembers that fight, now that she's seen it, and her wing grew back, but that doesn't feel so important anymore. What she remembers about herself, her thoughts, she didn't even notice--Her hand flies to her mouth and she retches. She breathes faster, more memories rush back into her mind--she's staring at a purple mess on a dark steel floor, there's a hand rubbing her back, her mouth tastes like acid, her breathing's fast and shallow, she barely notices. Someone shouts something, Sarah retches again--

Sarah blinks up at a bright light on the ceiling.

"She's awake again," someone says from nearby. Sarah hears footsteps. "How do you feel, Ma'am?"

"Awful," she rasps. Her thoughts reach out on reflex, looking for where she left Abathur--Her mind feels disgustingly empty for a moment before she remembers everyone on this ship is human. She tries to swallow. Her throat's too dry. "...Water?" she manages to say.

Something shuffles nearby, Sarah hears quick, professional thoughts from whoever's making it. "I have some here," the same voice as before says. "Would you like some help sitting up?"

Sarah pushes at her shoulders to lift herself with her mind, but everything swims as soon as she starts to move, so she just nods shallowly instead. She feels a hand reach under her back and slowly lift her onto something soft and cool, and then there's a plastic cup in front of her lips.

"Small sips," the medic, or nurse, or doctor, or whoever says calmly.

"Mh." The cup tilts, and Sarah tastes clean water for the first time in four years. She feels like she might cry.

"Small sips, Ma'am," the voice says again, and Sarah leans on the professional monologue of symptoms and procedures going through their mind.

It takes a few minutes for Sarah to finish the glass of water, and by the end, she feels so much better, but still so, so terrible. "...I'm a mess," she mutters under her breath.

"You're well on your way to recovery," the voice--the doctor, a civilian, Sarah hears--lies smoothly. Sarah watches a screen through her eyes, there's some kind of internal scan on it, and thoughts about how unlike anything she's ever seen it is flicker through the doctor's mind as she pans across--That's me, Sarah realizes. "Considering what you've been through, you're in wonderful shape, Ma'am."

"...I appreciate the effort, but pretty lies won't help, Doctor," Sarah says quietly. She leans back on the small stack of pillows behind her and shuts her eyes. "I'm a Gh--a teep. You have no idea how I'm doing."

The doctor freezes for a moment, thoughts flickering across her mind almost too fast to track, and then she sighs. I've forgotten how-- "You're right, Ma'am, none of us are familiar enough with your biology to say how well you're actually recovering," she admits in the same practiced calm tone she's been using the whole time, past the mild annoyance and guilt Sarah feels behind it. "I do think you're improving, and introducing several micronutrients we discovered you needed seems to have allowed your tissues to begin regenerating properly."

Sarah presses her head back against the wall, feels the pressure on her nerve cords. "...Are my wings coming back?" she asks hesitantly.

Something between fear, concern, and disgust flickers in the doctor's mind for a moment before she very deliberately pushes it down. "I... don't believe so," she says.

"Oh." ...Sarah thinks she shouldn't be disappointed by that, but she very much is. "Okay."
And here we see the result of reading shit at 2 AM and starting to write. The big thing I was thinking was that Kerrigan's telepathy really never comes up in the plot except as the mechanism for controlling the Zerg (can you tell? I did all the telepathy here, and I have no idea if I wrote it in a way that reads well). I also thought that losing two limbs so suddenly is gonna have an impact on somebody, which is why one of the first things Kerrigan notices is wrong is that she doesn't have her wings.

I think what I want here is to explore the experience of no longer being insidiously mind-controlled by an inherited directive passed down by the Overmind, and also to write Kerrigan taking back (at least some of) the Swarm without the... everything that happens in HotS, particularly without stopping working with Terrans, but all that's stuff I'll have to figure out once Kerrigan's actually on her feet and I work out some stuff to have happening in the plot. Right now, I'm thinking the next obstacle will be running into some Dominion forces, and either running (to Prometheus like in actual HotS, most likely) or using some manner of Zerg force to fight them off, but there's probably still a couple scenes till that happens.

Also, the title of this piece I don't think is... great? So if anyone has better title ideas, please let me know.
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Maybe "Larva once More"?
That could definitely work. I haven't decided if/how she'll be regaining a Zerg form yet, right now I'm just set on her retaking command of the Swarm, but that title is definitely better than mine, and it's on a good track...

E: Did some Googling, found

divested of the wings —used of postnuptial adults of insects (such as ants) that drop their wings after a nuptial flight
Maybe I can do something with this word, but it sounds kinda weird (dee-ay-lay-ted)...

E2: Realized I'd misread part of your reasoning, and I like it a lot more, now. I think I'll go with your idea.
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Oh, very true! I don't usually do chapter titles and stuff, but that is a place this sort of thing would definitely read well, and, yeah, this'd work best as arc titles, because I really doubt I could come up with enough words for every chunk I post to have its own.
A Cat's Blood-Red Blade (Tensei Shitara Ken Deshita) 11
Something pokes Fran in the shoulder, and she's crawling to her feet, blinking the crust out of her eyes, and looking around for who she needs to hide from before she's really awake, and then her mind catches up with her body, and she realizes she's on a hill between magic-made walls and Neco's the only one around and there isn't a collar on her neck and she's safe.

|...Oh,| Neco says quietly. She bobs up and down in the air, and Fran feels guilt flutter over her mind in a way she's too familiar with now. |Sorry, Fran.|

Fran forces her ears straight, takes a deep breath to get her breathing under control, and grabs Neco out of the air. "'s okay," she says. "Don' feel bad."

Neco shifts and pushes her hilt into Fran's hand, and she hums a dim red.

"Nh." Fran squeezes her partner's hilt back.

|...We should get you a bed,| Neco says, in a tone Fran thinks means she wants to apologize again.

"Nh." Fran scrubs at her eyes with her free hand and looks at the walls around her. "Wide Earth Fall," she mutters absently, leaving the first rune to her new Job, and she flicks her fingers through five quick strokes, and power surges through her and out through her feet, and the dirt walls collapse into the trenches she pulled them up from. "...Bed?" she asks slowly, after a few more seconds of her mind catching up to the morning.

|You're stiff,| Neco tells her, and Fran hadn't really noticed, but she is. |Cause you were out here on the ground all night.|

Fran leans forwards and sweeps her fingers in an arc over her face. "Water." She's staring into a bubble of wet for a half a second before she remembers to shut her eyes, and she scrubs more at them to get rid of the dry bits from all the tears. Then, she lets go of the shape she's holding the floaty self that sits behind her heart in, and the power that was flowing through her snaps free, and the water splashes on the ground. "'s okay," she says again as she straightens up and stretches, feeling much more awake. "Used to it."

Those words don't make Neco any happier, but she doesn't say anything else about it. |We should make some food,| she says instead, and Fran feels her skills shift.

"Nh." Fran looks around at the hills, and her eyes catch on a rabbit three hills over. "Speed?"

Neco hums and Fran's skills switch again. |There.|

And then Fran leans forwards, and she feeds MP into her skill, and she's gone.
Fran skips her way into the Guild Hall, and Neco's glad she's not dragging Fran down anymore.

Fran's ears move as she goes through the door, and her skipping turns into a sort of march that Neco guesses Fran thinks looks serious as she goes up to the desk.

The Person there, Nell, looks down at Fran's face, and then higher and over her shoulder at Neco's hilt, and then she focuses very deliberately back on Fran. "Ah. Hello," she says. "What can I help you with today?"

Fran reaches into the pouch over the runebone on her hip and pulls out her Adventurer Card and Neco's. "Quests," she says seriously. She's also bouncing on her toes.

Nell's smile shifts, and she relaxes. "Any that aren't special requests are listed on the board over there," she says, gesturing at something rectangular off to the--Right, now that Fran's looking, Neco can tell it's a wooden... stand. Thing. "The two of you are Rank G, so you only qualify for Rank G or F quests right now, but feel free to accept as many as you're sure you'll be able to complete."

Fran nods quickly, and Neco feels Fran's Will flair, and then Fran's standing in front of the board. "G, F..." she mutters to herself, and Neco follows along with her wielder's eyes. "Goblins... Wolves..." Fran steps into the air and pulls two of the papers down, and she turns and appears back at the desk. "These," she tells Nell.

"Alright, let me just..." The Person flips to a different page on the book in front of her and writes something in it. "And your party is registered for the subjugation of three goblins and five wolves! You have two weeks to complete these requests, though you can apply for more time if you can't complete it by then."

Fran's ears move, and Neco feels her smile. "Won't need to."

"I'm sure you won't," Nell says back. "Your equipment, however... it seems like you don't have anything except for your sword?"

"Not equipment," Fran says, at the same time Neco realizes yet another way she's terrible and a failure and why Cingo should be here instead.

|Okay, we need to go shopping.|
I'm releasing this shorter than I intended, because it's been A While I've been working on it, and I threw out two drafts already, and I think it's done enough. I couldn't get an immediate continuation of the last scene to work, but hopefully this does.

I'm also moving this to a thread, since I've written so much of it, and
here that thread is!
Dreams, Video Games, and the Planes (D&D/Overlord [kinda]) 1
Mellara isn't used to not knowing things. She's read all the books in her clan (which was only a couple dozen or so, but it's more than anyone else did), she's interviewed Uncle on his adventuring days in great detail, she's watched every beast in her home forest that she could find (and only got found once!), and she knows the habits of, um, impressive things, she's sure, like dragons. But none of that's helping now.

Not three hours ago, she was writing a simplified illusion spell into her spellbook and whistling a cheerful improvised tune. Now, here she is in an entirely unfamiliar forest, hiding in the branches of a young oak and trying to hold her breath so the goblins marching underneath her won't hear her, and she's alone, and all the knowledge in her brain does nothing for the fact she only prepared one casting of color spray this morning. In fact, that knowledge doesn't even tell her if the goblins marching by are weak enough that color spray would even take hold on them…

This whole everything, besides making Mellara feel vulnerable and afraid and stupid, also makes her wish she'd studied more about monsters she might actually meet instead of more about rocks and leaves and dragons. It also makes her wish she'd practiced holding her breath, because it already feels like it's been hours since the goblins arrived and she's starting to get lightheaded which is a very bad thing up in a tree and they still aren't close enough that she's sure her spell will catch them all, but she's running out of time.

She risks taking a small breath, quietly as she can, and hopes the goblins aren't as alert as they look, because if she doesn't breathe, she's gonna pass out and fall out of a tree right onto their spears, and oh Gods above I'm too young to die I'm only five and forty winters and she's panicking. Mellara tries to force her heartbeat to calm down and peeks around her branch on the oak tree again, to see if they're close enough yet, and oh no.

One of the goblins, the one with the bone helmet thing on its head, is looking right at her.

Please, good gods, let them be close enough.

As quick as she can, and hopefully before the goblins can react, Mellara pulls a pinch of carefully-colored dirt from the pouch tied at her waist, spreads it in an upside-down rainbow across the air in front of her, points her right hand's first two fingers at the goblin's face, and says the last line of her best (and only, really) combat illusion in a rush of strange syllables. The homemade rainbow powder flashes and bursts into vivid flame, and then the illusory spellfire twists and surges forwards, and Mellara closes her eyes to avoid falling prey to her own spell just as the pattern of rainbow light starts to shift again…

She hears three quiet thumps on the forest floor. Then she remembers she can start breathing again.

"Thank you," she whispers to the sky (and the gods up there, and she feels a bit bad for not remembering their names now) as she climbs shakily down the tree towards the ensorcelled goblins.

They're just… lying there, on the ground. Their eyes are open and blank, and the skull-hat one dropped his spear. They look almost peaceful, like old men fast asleep…

Mellara swallows hard and draws her eating knife from behind her spell-pouch. "Just think of it like hunting," she tells herself quietly as she walks over to the three sleeping goblins. "Like hunting. One stab and it's done."

By the time she's over the first one, the skull-hat one she thinks is the leader, and she's kneeling down to put her knife on his throat, she's shaking again.

"Like hunting," she chants as she starts to press down on the knife. "Like hunting." The knife pushes through the goblin's skin and blood pools around the edge. "Like h-hunting…"

There's two more left, lying just a few feet away, once she finishes digging the too-short blade into the first one's spine. Maybe if she closes her eyes when she kills them, it won't feel like she's killing people.

Ten seconds later, she learns closing her eyes doesn't help.

She almost can't bring herself to push through the skin of the last one's throat.

It's only after she finishes climbing back up the tree, almost slipping off what feels like a million times, feeling the tear-tracks starting to dry on her face, that she realizes she left bloody handprints all the way up. She doesn't have it in her to do more than send a mote of her innate magic to wash it away and hope it's good enough before she curls up in her cloak.

She's shaking again. She doesn't have her pack, she's in the middle of an unfamiliar forest, apparently she doesn't have it in her to kill monsters with two arms and two legs, and she's sure to face more before she gets home.
And she hasn't even been wherever she is for half a day…
Aer (yes, that's really my name, no numbers or anything, I just got into the game early) trudges deeper into the forest, pushing branches aside with her four arms and wishing she hadn't put off that Incanter dip in favor of another level of Doppelganger. Yes, the extra tail swipe is useful for damage output, and she got a few extra HP out of it, but one level of Incanter would've let her shape Airstep Sandals and start flying at level eleven, basically permanently, and that fly speed would've kept her from having to trudge through this goddamn forest for so long. The only monsters here are goblins, anyway, so it's not like she'd be missing out on much XP if she just skipped it all.

A branch she missed smacks her in the face, her helmet's durability ticks down by a quarter percent, and she mutters something about goddamn shitty devs making their game too realistic. Then a Spot skill icon lights up in the corner of her vision and something lights up yellow on the ground behind the next tree.

"Huh," she says as she steps past it, into a much clearer area with a wider-shorter tree-thing instead of the narrow-tall trees that are everywhere else. "I wonder what it found—"

And then she sees what the Spot skill highlighted, and she freezes. If it could, if it was real, she's sure her face would be white as a sheet now, because lying in front of her is a standard goblin patrol, made up of a level 6 leader, a level 3 warrior, and a level 1 scout, with their throats grotesquely split open like someone hacked at them with a steak knife and lying in pools of drying blood. It's something she'd expect to find in a horror game, not an 'appropriate for all ages but we hold no responsibility for online interactions' game like YGGDRASIL, and it's also a good example of why she doesn't play horror games, because just looking at this- this mess makes her wanna throw up. Then Spot blinks again, and she slowly, fearfully looks up at the short-wide tree, images of people hanging from meathooks and stuff that she's seen in some of those games she doesn't play spinning through her mind at high speed…

…and she sees a little green-brown lump of cloth-covered something sitting on a branch something like three meters up. At first, she thinks it's a bag or something, probably with some journal or other quest-starting item in it to go along with the horror show on the forest floor, but then she sees the little arms sticking out of it and holding onto the branch, and she realizes it's probably an NPC, which is still probably a quest-giver, and that's not really better, since she doesn't wanna go on a quest about goblins-lying-in-pools-of-blood things, but it wouldn't hurt to at least pick up the quest so she can ignore it forever, she supposes.

"Hello?" she calls up to the NPC on the tree.

The little hands shift, but it doesn't do anything else.

Aer frowns. This is weird: NPCs usually activate whenever you say anything while you're looking at them. "I can see you there," she tries, in case it didn't catch it the first time. "I have, like, Spot rank 18, nothing level-appropriate's gonna hide from me."

"go away," a voice whispers shakily from the little NPC thing. "please…"

"What," Aer says blandly, crossing her arms in front of her chest, "do I have to climb the tree and physically get you down from it like a stuck cat? Because I can." Then she blinks. "…Oh my god, I just sassed an NPC. Why did I sass an NPC?"

A little head sticks out of the little bundle of cloth on the tree (ooooh, it's a cloak, isn't it?), with weird greenish-grey skin, dark brown eyes, tear-tracks along its cheeks, and an utterly miserable expression on its face, and Aer suddenly feels really bad for the NPC. And then the NPC's eyes flick around, like it's looking at something, and before Aer has the chance to do more than be impressed at the detail the devs put into this one character's actions, those detailed eyes go really wide and the NPC falls out of the tree with a scream.

"Wh—" Aer leaps forwards on reflex, the magic on her anklets triggering and blinking her right under the falling NPC, and she catches it in her arms like a pillow. "Holy shit, what was that?" she breathes. "Why the hell did you jump out of a tree?"

"I didn't jump, I fell!" the little NPC in her arms shouts back, sounding offended. "And excuse me for being surprised when the person that finds me being utterly pathetic ends up being a totemist with the Arms of the Girallon bound to her totem!" And then that NPC blinks, looks down at Aer's arms, and her expression goes back to being utterly miserable, and Aer starts feeling confused on top of the everything else this increasingly nonsensical interaction has caused. "Oh Good Gods I just sassed a woman who could kill me with three hands tied behind her back please be merciful Miss Totemist!"

Aer frowns down at the little grey-skinned girl she thinks might be actively passing that Turing Test thing she heard about once cowering in her arms. "…I'm not gonna hurt you," Aer says in the calmest tone she can manage.

The grey girl keeps looking at her with wide, scared eyes, still shivering.

"Um, I really won't," Aer says to the not-NPC. "Would it help if I put you down?"

The girl nods.

"Okay." Aer carefully grabs the girl by the shoulders, keeping her claws out of the way, and lowers her onto the ground. Wow, she's short. "I'm Aer, by the way. Who are you?"

"My favorite names are Mellara Uricarn Salazin Porcution Sparkmaker Climby Loopmottin Nackle Ellywick Marinet Booper Borken," the girl says with the cadence of someone reciting something they'd practiced a whole lot, and Aer looks down at her feeling very confused. Mellara-Unicorn-whatever-whatever looks back up at Aer with the same confusion on her face that Aer feels. "You really only have one name?"

"Yeah, well technically I have another name, but this avatar's—" And then it occurs to Aer that if this too-many-names girl is really an NPC that gained sentience somehow she won't know that players aren't their characters, and she cuts herself off, but from Mellara-whatever's expression, it's already too late. "…Can we just pretend I didn't say that whole, um avatar thing?" Aer asks hopefully.

"…Oh Gods I sassed a goddess," the girl whispers, her eyes so wide that Aer almost thinks they're gonna pop out of her head. "I am an idiot and this is the worst day ever."

Aer stares at the little girl for a couple seconds, and then she starts laughing. "You—wh—heh—a goddess? You think I'm a goddehehehehehes! That's the funniest thing I've heard in weeks!"

Mellara blushes and covers her face with her hands.

"No, seriously!" Aer says. "I mean, I work at one of the better megacorps, and I don't go hungry or anything, but I have precisely zero power in the real world, and you thought I was a goddess!"

And then Mellara makes a little eep noise and takes a step back. "Real world?" she whispers. "But—then this is an illusion? All of this is an illusion?"

"…Um. Maybe?" Aer grimaces and looks awkwardly to the side. "Look, I didn't mean to cause an existential crisis, um, uh, fuck, look, the way I deal with the meaninglessness of life is by playing video games and oh no that doesn't help."

"No, this can't just be an illusion," Mellara says frantically, "no mortal could make a phantasm this complete and expansive, especially not with a person that reacts intelligently like this, unless maybe it's a shadow illusion, those can create minds, but those goblins were not surreal creations, those wouldn't b-b-bleed everywhere and seem like people, maybe it's an enchantment, and all of this is just a dream made to seem real, but there's no way to… tell…"

Aer sighs sadly. "That's really heavy, Mellara," she says. "I mean, you're right, there's no way to tell if reality is real or if it's all in your head, but I think it's best to not worry about it, y'know? Since we can't do anything about it and all."

"But… you just implied the 'real world' was somewhere that wasn't here…"

"Hookay, lemme explain," Aer starts. "From my perspective—" And then Aer's eyes catch on the three dead goblins that she's pretty sure Mellara killed from what the little girl said, and it's her turn to shudder. "On second thought, let's discuss this somewhere that's less… bloody."

"Oh." Mellara looks at the goblins too, and her expression falls back to the particular shade of miserable it had when Aer first saw her. "Yes. Please."
Posting this here cause I wanna do more work on it and maybe having it here will help with that. Also, as you may guess, I have no idea for a title for this. I don't remember exactly why I thought of this story in the first place, but I have an idea that the YGGDRASIL devs accidentally created a fucking plane with all the minds hooked into their game and that that's why shit happens.

I've marked this 'Overlord [kinda]' because this is nominally set in YGGDRASIL (before the accidental serial isekai that came with its closing), and the outside world is cyberpunk or post-cyberpunk -topia of some not u- description, but I don't expect many (possibly any) canon characters to, like, matter, at the least for a long time, and also I'll be basically making up how YGGDRASIL's mechanics work based on D&D 3.5 with adjustments.

Lemme know what you think, if you've got any titles, all that stuff.

E: It seems I misplaced Mellara's spell list at some point, so I'll need to recreate that. Shouldn't be
too hard.
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Is Dragon-Magic Science Too? (Girl Genius/D&D 3.P) 1
Here we have a very self-insert, also involving a kobold 3pp-heavy character of mine. Posting this cause the last one I posted reminded me I wrote this.
At the least, I'm glad human-me built me for high damage output. Burning my soul like I've been doing is… very uncomfortable, and also probably not as safe as human-me or fiction-me thought it was, but better halfway disconnected from my body than splattered across the trees by a robot-thing too tough for my swords.

So, that's one point for human-me. The balance is still pretty far against, cause it doesn't matter if it's not fair, human-me's decisions hurt me, and I'm falling into the same mental rut again. I shake my head to try to clear it, my tail rolling uncomfortably on the bedroll under me.

"Self-awareness is a good thing," I remind myself in my egg-language. It sounds a little bit less true each time I say it… I sigh and lean harder on my magic, staring into the orange flames of my campfire. I miss my family. I miss my camp. I miss my friends. I miss my bed. I miss tears. I miss the internet.

Well, at least I'm not addicted to that last one, like human-me was.

I hope.
When I peek above the trees this time, it takes a lot of trying to not shout really loud, cause there's a road there now, and it's maybe seven times my magic's reach, and also apparently I should've been lifting myself way higher cause I didn't take into account how the trees would hide narrow things, and my tail's probly wagging a lot right now cause Dragons above and below that means civilization, and—and I can feel my happiness start to drain away, cause civilization means people trying to hurt me and making me leave, before any of the good stuff. Cause I'm a kobold, and that means I'm bad. So now I need to wear my disguise-hat.

"…Vague ideas about lore and not knowing what to do with a third of my net worth, thank you," I mutter as something I don't quite recognize except that it's not good builds up in my chest. I carry myself back to the forest floor.

The grey hat's in my backpack, and I pull it out as soon as I'm not too busy holding myself in the air. Even though I've seen it hundreds of times, cause I've used it hundreds of times, the part of me that's human-me's still kinda surprised at the beat-up-ness of it. That doesn't matter that much, though, cause its magic is still just fine, and when I put it on top of my horns I feel power around me shift into an illusion of the same human child I usually pretend to be. I stare down at the false tan arms and dull little fingernails above where my real arms are blankly.

"I'm smaller than a ten-year-old," I realize out loud. I blink. I'm not ten, I've been an adult for six years some time this fall and I've already cleared a dozen dungeons on my own, but I'm smaller than a human child. "I really didn't understand humans before."

Then I notice a bit of blue shining through the fake shirt on my fake chest, and I feel myself go still.

"…Bahamut smite me!" I hiss recklessly. "I—How am I gonna disguise myself when my Array just shines right through!"

The spellfire on my chest doesn't answer (and how many times has it ruined my illusion that I just never noticed?). Neither does my shield or the vials of protect-magics floating in my magic around me which is also going to ruin my disguise. And, as soul-burnt as I am, I couldn't carry even my shield reasonably. Fuck, I can't even walk right!

I feel myself start to droop, which is not-good, and so. I make a bad decision, and I pick myself up with my magic again, and I start carrying myself towards the road again, because it's better to meet people and have to run or fight cause they think I'm weird than to never meet people again and also catch human-me's depression or whatever human-me had.

Of course, the road's empty as far as I can see when I get on it, but that's how roads like this work. It's not even paved. My human memories should've kept their expectations low.
I dunno if it's lucky or unlucky that it only takes three days of moving myself along the road to run into people again. It's definitely not lucky that I didn't know they were there until I turned a corner into their sightline, cause just floating at twice my height is a really dangerous first impression to make, but now it's too late and at least they can't see my tail right now.

…But they can see my face. And I've never actually thought to check if this hat translates my tail to my face, but it might oh Dragons.

Someone in the cart-camp I just stumbled up to says something that it takes me a moment to recognize as "Who's there?" in some kind of Gnomish.

"Um." I clear my throat and wave. "Hello!" I answer louder, also in Gnomish, which is probly kinda rusty cause I don't think I've spoken it since that dive into the Underdark but I have a good memory so hopefully it's good enough. My tail shivers behind me. "Um, I'm friendly? Not a monster?" Dragons, my voice is shaking like a leaf… I swallow hard. "C-can I come over there?"

The source of the voice, a human—a human man, sitting by a fire surrounded by logs, stands up and grabs a sheathed sword from where it was leaning against his log. "Slowly, please."

My tail shakes harder at that, but I nod. If I have to, I can kill a swordsman, but I don't wanna find out if I still have the stomach for it, so I carry myself towards him at half the speed I could.

"You're floating," the human says, sounding surprised through his weird accent or dialect or whatever it is. He blinks. "You're a kid."

"I'm not," I snap back without thinking. Then I freeze. "Um. I. I mean, I could, you might, Darastrixi svern—" and I force my mouth shut because there's not a good way to say any of this and I'm not helping myself with this!

The human snorts, and I try to make my tail still and immediately fail. "Sure, you're all grown up" he says in a voice that makes me think he's definitely patronizing me, and then he moves around behind the fire and sits down again and draws his sword to lay it across his lap, which is, um, not reassuring. He gestures at the other side of the fire with his not-sword-hand. "Come on, take a seat. Tell me how you're doing the floating thing, if you want."

I answer "Okay," in a much smaller voice than I meant to, and I pull myself the rest of the way to the fire and set myself down on a log. "Um, for the floating, I'm a mage," I add, feeling awkward. I wave my hand and wobble my shield. "It's the stuff-grabbing magic, um…" It takes a moment for me to hunt down the right word. "Telekinesis."

The human is… definitely making a face, now. "Oh? Magic?" he asks in a tone that tells me that face was him holding in laughter. "Do you have a magic wand too, kid?"

"I have my Array," I half-growl half-grumble, tail lashing angrily. I gesture to the part of the design that goes up my neck. "Makes me the right shape to—" I swing my hand out from my neck and through a practiced shape and pull power through myself "—channel power to do stuff." And I wrap my power around a log and lift it into the air. "So stop laughing at me!"

"Alright, kid," the human says. There's almost no smile left on his face now, which is very satisfying for the second and a half it takes me to remember he's holding a sword and I just maybe demonstrated myself a threat because of what, pride? "Who're you travelling with?" he asks in a whole new sort of voice I don't know the meaning of.

I think of my camp, and my people, and how I'll probably never see them again. I set the log back down and grab my knees. "…No one."

The human makes a 'Mm' sound, and then he's quiet for a bit, and I try not to look too hard at his sword. "You hungry?" he asks eventually, quietly. He gestures to a pot on the fire. "I've got some stew here."

I nod. "If you have a bowl," I mumble into my knees. "I only have vials…" Everything else is still in the home I'll never see again.

"Sure," the human says. He stands up and slides his sword back into its sheath and steps over to a chest sitting between two of the logs and then I see something move out of the corner of my eye and my head snaps around to look at…

"…A horse?" I blink, tail curling slowly. It's still pretty far away, so I dunno what colors it is, but it… doesn't look right. "…Human, why's there a horse with forward-looking eyes sneaking up on us?"

"What did—A what?" I hear footsteps, and then the human has his sword in his hands again and he's standing next to me. "Isn't that the horse Augie brought back?" he asks probably-himself because how would I know. Then he glances at me. "You've got good eyes, kid."

"I'm Charririk," I tell him distractedly, cause I just realized I never actually introduced myself, as I watch the horse that's looking more and more not-quite-right walk closer.

"Lars," the human says in just about the same tone. "Look, something's not right about this, we had that horse tied up. You should get behind me."

I shake my head and wave my hand to lift myself into the air. "I'm strong," I tell him quietly. My eyes follow the things steps, and they're not quite right, there's more moving around than just the muscles that should. "If this thing needs fighting, I'm gonna protec—"

And then the horse opens its mouth which is full of lots of sharp teeth instead of flat ones like it should have and it screams like an angry bird made of stitched-together pigs, and it's too late to talk. I snap my fingers and call my sword into my magic just as the monster starts to charge.

"HELP!" Lars shouts, and then the horse jumps and he barely moves enough that it doesn't land on him. His sword's point hits the horse-thing on the way, and leaves a long, shallow cut, and the horse-thing doesn't even seem to notice.

And then I sweep my hands through the air, and I hit the horse-thing twice. The false-sword made of my magic strikes first, from behind the thing, and it cuts into its leg, and then the metal one drives its point into the horse-thing's chest while it's distracted and tears a long hole underneath it and it turns towards me and doesn't stop moving. It jumps again, this time at me, and I get my metal-sword around to try and cut its head off before it gets to me but it keeps coming anyway even though I succeeded.

"Fuck!" I screech in English as one of the horse-thing's hooves smashes into my protect-magic and barely bounces back. "Regener—Fire?" We have fire. I fling myself over the thing's halfway-detached head, to the other side of the big campfire, and jam my metal-sword's handle into the ground to brace.

And then someone shouts "Eyes!" in the same weird Gnomish that Lars uses and I spin to look at where that came from and—

"Aah!" I screech, because something just flashed really bright and my eyes are in a lot of pain like I just decided to stare at the sun and I almost dropped myself because of it. I pull myself up higher in the air and swing my sword blindly where I think the horse-thing is, cause I'm not gonna do any good while I'm blind, and shout, "Flesh-wounds don't hurt it also more warning please!"

And then something explodes a lot of times in a row and my human memories recognize the sound as gunfire and now I'm blind and deaf in the middle of a battle, which is just fantastic. At least I'm seeing big spots of light instead of just white now, though, that's a sign I won't be blind for more than a few seconds and hopefully the horse-thing can't fly Dragons above and below please don't let it fly.

Of course, my barely-there vision goes orange just when I think that and I yank myself to the side as something that feels very hot shoots by me was that fire? Does this thing breathe fire? "Does this thing BREATHE FIRE!"

I blink hard and keep moving and bring my shield around so it's hopefully between me and the fire-breathing horse-thing and then another very-loud-thing happens and my ears go back from starting-to-ring-less to ringing-a-lot. By this point, my eyes can see kind-of blobs of things and that's enough damn me, so I dive for the big blob with the tentacles because that's gonna be the monster and shove my metal-sword down through its middle and into the ground with a shout.

"I think that'll hold it!" I shout, and then because the gods were apparently listening and are terrible, one of the tentacles I can barely see flicks out and wraps around my ankle and pulls me out of my grip which is really bad because how am I gonna kill this thing before it bites me in half!

And the monster explodes, with another really bright flash, and I'm back to blinded, but also I'm on the ground, which means it let me go. As fast as I can, I flick my hands out and channel power to lift myself up again, and something else grabs me. Before I can react, someone has me wrapped up in a bear hug, and I'm helpless again. I slump.
This one I thought of because Charririk began as a character who was very intelligent and very unwise who accomplished the most impressive of what she did through doing what she only understood enough to use and not to be properly safe with (though she did character develop some), and hey! That sounds kinda like a spark! And also at the time I wrote this, most of my brain by volume was Girl Genius, so.

Also. Maybe I should write in one of my own settings one of these days. Then I'll have
different problems than not feeling confident with setting details or characters who aren't mine!
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