rumblestiltsken said:
So far Imago paints an amazing picture of the mundane disrepair of the world and society in the Wormverse.

If this story continues with Taylor using the Other Side to see the actual misery in the world, cape and normal alike, I am going to be a happy camper. If she actually tries to fix it, even better.
Basically what I wanted from Worm, and got from it at first, was street-level superhero stuff in a decaying world. I had it at first, and then it got lost in the scale inflation and Leviathan wrecking civil society.

You can consider Imago my note of appreciation for very early Worm, if you will.
EarthScorpion said:
No, honestly, to be blunt Heartbreaker is almost certainly already dead in Imago.
Yeah, I always thought he was going to matter at some point (he didn't except as backstory), and without that... he really should have died as backstory. He's sufficiently horrible that SOMEBODY was going to kill him sooner rather then later, and without ongoing purpose in the story it adds a unicorn for him to have survived. A bigger one then Jack's survival, even. Jack at least has t he grace to be constantly moving in a world where infrastructure is breaking down, making it somewhat harder to track people (and even there, that's a thin justification).
Tavar said:
I think Jack's survival is more that he has an edge against most parahumans, Bonesaw's improvements, and the Siberian. A bit earlier, and you can probably add Grey Boy to the list as well.
Not every Parahuman is going to attack him within range of his powers, and we know from the PRT-quest that the military isn't completely gutted. The core leadership has earned a missile to the face - hell, they bombed them in Brockton bay. Manton can't protect Jack 24/7, and that's really what Jack would need. Hell, the chaos they cause probably puts Manton in danger relatively often, so he's going to have to spend some time protecting himself, made worse because he can't make himself invincible, and because he keeps his 'real' body away from the other.
Well, there is one reason to keep Heartbreaker around, for a sufficiently amoral sort of person: using him to breed other capes.

Regent, Cherish, the assorted kids Imp is kinda-sorta playing parent to after the timeskip... Heartbreaker's shard budded a whole bunch of times, and its buds have some fairly good powers for anyone who needs to control people on a regular basis (like, say, Cauldron).

Now, his personality would be somewhat of a problem, but that's what a 9mm lobotomy and a cape like Pretender are for.
Tavar said:
I think Jack's survival is more that he has an edge against most parahumans, Bonesaw's improvements, and the Siberian. A bit earlier, and you can probably add Grey Boy to the list as well.
It was mentioned that every time the Siberian went out hunting he was basically living on the edge until she came back. Between the fact that he wasn't well known to be the brains of the operation, was protected by one of the scariest tinkers and a 'cape' who had fought ALL of the Trimvate together to a standstill... and used the new recruits as fodder to keep himself and his tinker safe while staying on the move constantly between horror showings....

And that the MOMENT someone had the right information his ability to dodge everyone was circumvented. Really Jack had a believable setup and a believable fall. Just that he's horrible so people want to think he SHOULD have fallen despite what the setup provided him with to survive.

TheLastOne said:
Not every Parahuman is going to attack him within range of his powers, and we know from the PRT-quest that the military isn't completely gutted. The core leadership has earned a missile to the face - hell, they bombed them in Brockton bay. Manton can't protect Jack 24/7, and that's really what Jack would need. Hell, the chaos they cause probably puts Manton in danger relatively often, so he's going to have to spend some time protecting himself, made worse because he can't make himself invincible, and because he keeps his 'real' body away from the other.
They did mention bombing them more than once. And hunting them down like dogs the moment the Siberian was seen hunting alone.... but Jack always laid low while his main trump card was away... Siberian if you remember makes OTHER people invincible. And Manton didn't need to get closer than a few city blocks away. Without knowing that you need to target him he ends up pretty much having not a hard time taking care of himself. And if anything actually tries to interfere with him... Siberian suddenly appears and rips them to pieces.

S9's major advantage was always a lack of information on the other side of the board.Without information assumptions made about what they were and how they worked meant they could do as they pleased far more freely that might other wise be done.
SolipsistSerpen said:
Of course all that makes LastOne's point about Heartbreaker's survival being baffling all the more. He certainly didn't seem to have someone that could make him invulnerable, a super-human doctor giving him cyborg implants, or a sixth sense, much less all three.
Well, maybe three of the women he enslaved were the capes that they feared might avenge him, and he chose them for abilities that would make him hard to kill.

Plus, I think part of why he was alive was Wildbow trying to tell us that the Authorities on Earth Bet are really that uncaring, as long as someone isn't being inconvenient for them (and the press is too tightly controlled, or otherwise can't be bothered to make his continued survival inconvenient for those in power).
Adyen said:
I would think that the aftermath is actually the worse part of the situation, as everyone who he used his powers on probably went berserk and on a killing spree that probably destroyed a city or two.
Not everyone. Alec didn't, for one.
illhousen said:
That's because Heartbreaker's children are immune to his power (the triggered ones, anyway). I am also under impression that he didn't use anything permanent on them, probably out of fear that it will prevent triggering.
[citation needed]

Seriously, I distinctly recall Heartbreaker using his power on his children, and I don't think he cared about them triggering or not.
Huh. Thought the power just made it easier for Alec to escape. My mistake.
illhousen said:
The latter is, admittedly, is a speculation on Alec's part, but it was mentioned again when Cherish came to visit, so I take it as close to canon. And yeah, it's resistance to control, not complete immunity, and kids' powers work on each other, my mistake.
Not only is it resistance to control, but it's possible resistance to control from someone who also has a very special power (he also resists Cherish in his own way), so it's not evidence at all, especially as he had no such resistance before triggering.

Anyway, Jack surviving (or Heartbreaker surviving) makes no sense whatsoever because both aren't hard at all to kill, both are inhumane enough that no one will hesitate to kill, and both have made a shit ton of enemies. Seriously, who is going to think "i won't kill heartbreak because i might die afterwards from the people he mind controlled" when Heartbreaker got your daughter as a victim? People who wants revenge don't give a shit about their own survival.

Anyway, back to the fic: i am amused by the constant nods to canon by having Taylor going 'woe is me i have a sucky power'. I really hope she isn't going to lie to herself as much as she did in canon about it, though, as it really got annoying there after a while.
Arkeus said:
Anyway, back to the fic: i am amused by the constant nods to canon by having Taylor going 'woe is me i have a sucky power'. I really hope she isn't going to lie to herself as much as she did in canon about it, though, as it really got annoying there after a while.
Taylor: "Hey! I would totally accept a less powerful power if it meant it was less horrible!"

Taylor: "... well, maybe."

Taylor: "A little bit weaker. Not too much weaker. As long as it still worked in the same way. And could do all the same things."

Taylor: "But I'm still not as powerful as Alexandria! And it's not my fault I'm not popular!"
EarthScorpion said:
Taylor: "Hey! I would totally accept a less powerful power if it meant it was less horrible!"

Taylor: "... well, maybe."

Taylor: "A little bit weaker. Not too much weaker. As long as it still worked in the same way. And could do all the same things."

Taylor: "But I'm still not as powerful as Alexandria! And it's not my fault I'm not popular!"

Yep, it's Taylor all right.
EarthScorpion said:
Man, you don't even need that. All you need is the OP


Creepy chains, check. Creepy brickwork, check. Thematics of isolation and separation, check. Clearly the OP for a horror series, m'right?
I dunno it could be an action show from that too. But god that hilarious when you know anything about the series. Hilarious and sad.
Wow, read it all in one go and it's certainly...different from any other Worm fic I read. In a good way. The writing is excellent and poetical in it's trippy allegorical symbolism and the world-building is top notch and clearly well thought on multiple level (and from the comments I have gathered that is a particular strength of the author).

As for the latest chapter can't wait and see where it goes and I have enjoyed the Biblical citation. Though I have to wonder why a good Rapture-believing presumably Protestant apocalyptic is referencing an eeevil papist like Dante ;).
utherdoul said:
As for the latest chapter can't wait and see where it goes and I have enjoyed the Biblical citation. Though I have to wonder why a good Rapture-believing presumably Protestant apocalyptic is referencing an eeevil papist like Dante ;).
Considering that he's also talking about the Soviets doing things at Tunguska, and the Tunguska Event was in 1908, it is quite possible that he is not the most academically rigorous crazy street preacher.
EarthScorpion said:
Considering that he's also talking about the Soviets doing things at Tunguska, and the Tunguska Event was in 1908, it is quite possible that he is not the most academically rigorous crazy street preacher.
Well, or the Soviets used to have a cape kind of like Phir Se, until an experiment with his powers went horribly wrong.

The possibility of such, of course, is why they were doing the experiment in the far northern bits of Siberia in the first place.
EarthScorpion said:
Considering that he's also talking about the Soviets doing things at Tunguska, and the Tunguska Event was in 1908, it is quite possible that he is not the most academically rigorous crazy street preacher.
If he knew (and cared) more about history, he might have blamed Rasputin (who I could easily believe was a Mage in this setting, if it ends up mattering, and who was alive at the time), instead. Mind you, I don't tend to expect accuracy or good education from crazy street preachers.
SolipsistSerpen said:
Of course all that makes LastOne's point about Heartbreaker's survival being baffling all the more. He certainly didn't seem to have someone that could make him invulnerable, a super-human doctor giving him cyborg implants, or a sixth sense, much less all three.
Someone more cynical might compare the amount of media resources and police attention spent on missing middle class white girls and compare it to the amount of resources spent on missing girls of different income brackets and skin colors.

I'm pretty sure that it's canon that Heartbreaker survived because he limited himself to acceptable targets, for certain values of acceptable. As soon as he overstepped his bounds and used his power on someone who actually mattered, the authorities came down on him like the fist of god.

Prince Charon said:
If he knew (and cared) more about history, he might have blamed Rasputin (who I could easily believe was a Mage in this setting, if it ends up mattering, and who was alive at the time), instead. Mind you, I don't tend to expect accuracy or good education from crazy street preachers.
Napoleon, the infamous French Communist.

Listening to a crazy street preachers for advice is probably a sign that you're crazier than he is.
hyzmarca said:
Napoleon, the infamous French Communist.
Talking about Liberty, Equality and Fraternity? Well, equality is clearly a Communist thing, and as for fraternity... that sounds like it might be part of the homosexual agenda. You know, like Legend and his rainbow laser beams [1]. I think you're onto something there.

[1] Technically known as "gayser beams", at least according to Florida Man.
EarthScorpion said:
Talking about Liberty, Equality and Fraternity? Well, equality is clearly a Communist thing, and as for fraternity... that sounds like it might be part of the homosexual agenda. You know, like Legend and his rainbow laser beams [1]. I think you're onto something there.

[1] Technically known as "gayser beams", at least according to Florida Man.
Florida Man has such a way with words.

Truly, he is the Shakespeare of his generation.