An Imago of Rust, and Crimson.

I got it! This must be a Madoka crossover!

Or Noir!

I think Silent Hill is one of the better guesses, it feels like it fits.
Noctum said:
Taylor's getting actual magic right? Myrrden is going to hate her if he finds out about this. And Tattletale's reaction to it should be amusing.
In a good crossover you make the universes the same from the start. Parahuman powers in general would become magic, because it minimizes the number of unicorns. Most wouldn't be actual Awakened, of course, but I would expect Myrrden and Epoch to be actual mages.

TheSandman said:
Madness and magic...

I'm going to go out on a limb (especially since my knowledge of the game is second-hand) and guess Unknown Armies.
Eh, Names aren't (generally) important. Masks, on the other hand, are. Not impossible - this whole vision quest could be part of the House. I would expect the gates to have been clearly backwards, though.

pheonix89 said:
Nope. Horrible horrible conceptual clashes.
Only if you drop them straight together without adjudicating the setting to fit one another. I actually made a first pass at doing that, I have something like three posts on how you could change the metaphysics to fit. I would expect Earthscorpion to do it differently with different focuses then how I would go about it, but it's nothing particularly hard.


LightMage said:
An Imago of Rust, and Crimson.

I got it! This must be a Madoka crossover!

Or Noir!

I think Silent Hill is one of the better guesses, it feels like it fits.
Eh, if you're heading towards Noir's neck of the woods, Madlax works so much better.
WyldCard4 said:
I don't think that quit works. I don't think Taylor's bullies would shove her into the locker if she was so completely out of it. Just wouldn't fit the pattern. Someone would have probably called someone if a girl was wandering around with no idea of where she was. Not impossible, but if from an outside perspective she's hallucinating I suspect she's actually passed out somewhere from their perspective.
It wouldn't be obvious yet that she's hallucinating, just that she obviously distressed about something. Since they were planing on shoving her into a locker filled with abhorrent filth, that's not an abnormal reaction.
You're all amateurs. This is clearly Goosebumps. It has all the classic signs. First, it's scary. Second, hello? Reader beware. You're in for a scare.

But in all seriousness . . . I'm kind of hoping for Silent Hill. If only because I know what that is. So many of the suggestions are flying way over my head. (Though I've at least heard of Mage the Whatever.)
BlueBiscuit said:
Yes, a Mage crossover! I don't know if you saw me suggesting it in the Worm, but I'm really glad someone though about this crossover and doubly so that it's you EarthScorpion. I liked this idea so much that I had actually started writing a snip on my own, but this is so much better.

So, I can't tell if this is Ascension or Awakening. I'm not really experienced with old Mage, but if this is Awakening my first guess would the Watchtower of the Iron Gauntlet of the Realm of Pandemonium, which would make Taylor's path that of the Mastigos, the warlock, and her ruling Arcana are Mind and Space.
Earthscoprion has gone down saying he much prefers Awakening for whatever reason. Lets not start the edition wars here. Not the right thread, and we aren't sure it's mage yet.
BlueBiscuit said:
I didn't want to start any edition war, and if that is what looks like from my post, I apologise. I was just making a guess like the others were, having read only the Awakening core and a few sourcebooks and being only remotely familiar with Ascension.
Sorry, while I much prefer Ascension, I got sick to death of the edition war years ago. I've seen way to many threads crash and burn on it.

As said, I'm not even sure it is Mage. Everything fits, but everything could fits other things to.
BlueBiscuit said:
I apologise again if I hit a sore point for you. I entered into the RPG world literally a year ago, so I don't have the kind of experience you did.
As you said the second crossover element could still be anything, so I guess I'll just keep quiet and wait for future chapters.
Oh, debating it is half the fun - don't let me put you off.
Hmm... I half suspected it was something Lovecraftian myself with the opening concentration on the theme of Madness.

Not actually sure what, but it holds up to the high quality of writing which is standard for ES. Interest caught and held.
WyldCard4 said:
The fic seems a bit too slow, introspective, maybe poetic to be Taylor. It's not that she's never like that, but she's never like that for such an extended period of narration.

vel10 said:
Interesting. Different from the recent glut, for certain. I can tell this wasn't as highly proofread, though. Or it's simply a symptom of a less familiar writing style. I'd quote but I am posting from my phone
Amusingly enough, you're both right. The version you can see is the result after going through with Revlid's comments and stripping out a fair amount of poetic phrasing, simplifying the sentence structure, and removing about fifteen semi-colons. It still wasn't enough, evidently enough - yes, my authorial voice is notably slower, more poetic and introspective than the way canon chapters are written, and though I try to match canon, it's going to bleed through.

Let's just agree it's the product of a genre shift, okay? :D

(Seriously, the canon chapters go entire chapters without using a single semi-colon. How on earth do you do that? That's just alien to me. :p)
EarthScorpion said:
(Seriously, the canon chapters go entire chapters without using a single semi-colon. How on earth do you do that? That's just alien to me. :p)
I have this urge now to go and check every chapter you've written for semi-colons. Just to see if you actually have one for each chapter.

Is your goal to match Canon's style? The current tone seems to work quite well for a mysterious crossover with Worm.
BlueBiscuit said:
Oh I know how fun debating and theorising can get, it's just that I feel I haven't been on SB long enough to grow a thick enough skin to handle discussions that turn sour.

Stil, since you said you prefered Ascension, can you tell if Taylor's hallucinations (if thats what they are) line up with however one became a Mage (did they still have an Awakening sort of thing there?).
Dream Quests were a bigger thing in Ascension then they are in Awakening, so yes.
LightMage said:
I have this urge now to go and check every chapter you've written for semi-colons. Just to see if you actually have one for each chapter.

Is your goal to match Canon's style? The current tone seems to work quite well for a mysterious crossover with Worm.
Enough that I manage to get Taylor sounding at least approximately like Taylor, at the very least. Yes, my Taylor is probably going to end up more introspective, poetic, and abstract in the way she thinks and narrates, because authorial voice is a pain to control in first person works, but I am trying to emulate the original voice enough that it sounds like it's the same person.

(Revlid had to go and strip out quite a few Britishisms, because... well, let's be blunt here. I write in a manner which usually would, if the world was a Hollywood film, indicate that I was the English-accented villain. And Taylor does not sound like she is Dr Doom.)
BlueBiscuit said:
Yes, a Mage crossover! I don't know if you saw me suggesting it in the Worm, but I'm really glad someone though about this crossover and doubly so that it's you EarthScorpion. I liked this idea so much that I had actually started writing a snip on my own, but this is so much better.

So, I can't tell if this is Ascension or Awakening. I'm not really experienced with old Mage, but if this is Awakening my first guess would the Watchtower of the Iron Gauntlet of the Realm of Pandemonium, which would make Taylor's path that of the Mastigos, the warlock, and her ruling Arcana are Mind and Space.
If this theory is true, then the PRT will leave behind rectangular droppings. Mind and Space = Simurgh.
Miss Munchikin as a Mastigos? Oh god. How long till she decides to go Goetic summoning for optimal power, and becomes a being capable of going toe to toe with the Endbringers.
Robotninja said:
Miss Munchikin as a Mastigos? Oh god. How long till she decides to go Goetic summoning for optimal power, and becomes a being capable of going toe to toe with the Endbringers.
...You have my attention.
Robotninja said:
Miss Munchikin as a Mastigos? Oh god. How long till she decides to go Goetic summoning for optimal power, and becomes a being capable of going toe to toe with the Endbringers.
Goetic summoning is supposed to be more about controlling others through their sins, not ultimate cosmic power. Well, unless your ultimate cosmic power is you being a dick to other people. Not saying Taylor wouldn't get a lot of millage out of it, but it's not your go to as a weapon against something with so little humanity that I doubt it even has Vices.
djibriel said:
...You have my attention.
Do it right, you can bind a rank 4 spirit of your own sin into yourself. Then use it's power to give yourself 12 in all stats. You have access to all of the spirit powers, and given that you can choose what powers to make it with. . . . 27 dice blast attacks. Plus the ability to spent power to get tons more in a turn. Oh, and if something kills you you can just respawn. Now, there is the minor problem that if she ever gives in to her sin even once, she'll lose all control over this horror. But really, what's the chance of that?
EarthScorpion said:
(Revlid had to go and strip out quite a few Britishisms, because... well, let's be blunt here. I write in a manner which usually would, if the world was a Hollywood film, indicate that I was the English-accented villain. And Taylor does not sound like she is Dr Doom.)
IIRC, in canon worm, the locker Taylor got shoved into *wasn't* in a locker room. It was a hallway locker, for books. But then, Golden Lark did the locker room thing too, so eh.
WyldCard4 said:
I could see arguing either way, but I'd go with Doom. The duplicates, endless backup plans, taking over territory and ruling it well, all of that fits Doctor Doom better.

However, I'm not that committed to this. Mostly I think the idea of Taylor talking like a traditional Hollywood villain with a random European accent that's probably closer to New Zealand than anything else to highly desirable.
It's a joke - she pretty much literally had a Kneel before Zod moment where she made a bunch of out of town heroes kneel before her and ask permission to remove a villain they captured.

I hate explaining jokes. The whole, not funny after you explain it thing.


Zechstein said:
I think we can do this without flame wars. To put in my own two cents: If it really is a Mage crossover my guess would be Awakening as well. With Ascension, you always have the problem of fitting the Technocratic Union into the Worm setting. You would need to weaken them considerably to keep them from solving most of the problems in the setting. The Technocracy isn't a nice organization by any stretch of imagination, but they are very good at destroying threats to the human race.
It's possible of course, but using Awakening is just easier and requires less tweaking.
I don't really agree with this, but this isn't the thread. If you want to talk about a cMtA crossover we can do it in the idea thread.
WyldCard4 said:
However, it is implied that capes exist with much the same general structure as canon from Taylor's thoughts on the alterations to her school. Not a certain thing, but there's probably parahumans as an independent thing from the Mage cosmology.
Actually one thing I noticed was that Taylor is more knowledge about capes here then she should be. Not sure what it means, but canon Taylor ended up asking about Origin Stories - she still thought of superheroes as comic superheroes, where this Taylor already knows about Triggering.

Second, there a stereotype of the 'School Blaster' here. In canon it's noted that very few capes die within the first couple of days of triggering, and that this is dramatic enough that it's a noticed trend. The bullied geek exploding into a pyromatic ball of rage, on the other hand, is going to get killed right quick.

Nothing big, but I suspect that things aren't the same on a pretty basic level, and it just looks the same on the surface.
Undead-Spaceman said:
I just figured that was British slang for school shooter but that's possible too.
No, Blaster one of the power classifications; though we only see it used PRT and Protectorate people in canon. At least, as far as I can remember.
I just realized something. I'm not an expert on Mage but isn't one of their big limiters is that they gain paradox every time they use their power in a clearly supernatural manner? Forcing them to use their powers in creative and subtle manners. In wormverse it is fairly normal for capes to do magic like effects. Does that means Taylor can get away with more flashy effects than in normal Mage?