hyzmarca said:
I don't think he confirmed it. But it's not like it's easy to track the bloodlines of earlier dynasties. The only thing we really know is that the emperor is a normal human propped up by parahumans.
Chinese emperors don't need to be descended from an imperial clan. Never mind the fact that the Qing were Manchurian, which is kind of counter-productive in post-imperial China.
hyzmarca said:
I'm pretty sure that it's stated that there's massive and politically powerful Neo-Nazi party in Germany which props up the E88 and similar Neo-Nazi organizations worldwide.

The ReNazification of Germany is one of those background things that really does need to be expanded upon, same as the PRC being overthrown by a restored Qing Emperor.
... yeah, it's probably best to assume that Imago has taken everything about canon geopolitics, thrown it out the window, chucked a Molotov after it, and started again from the starting principle of "superpowered individuals started appearing in the late Cold War" and "giant monsters attack a city every few months".

Hence, for example, the fascist groups which have arisen because of aforementioned giant monsters are grounded in "Yeah, that's what happens when the economy is fucked up with massive unemployment", and they are 100% native home-grown American fascists who would respond to German neo-Nazis with "We beat you in Dubya-Dubya-Two! Go back to where you came from!".

(And anyway, looking at the circumstances and the point which things started going downhill and the late-cold-war point of divergence? Germany's going to have far more communists than Nazis (note that I say 'Nazis' here, rather than 'fascists'; they're not the same).)
hyzmarca said:
I'm pretty sure that it's stated that there's massive and politically powerful Neo-Nazi party in Germany which props up the E88 and similar Neo-Nazi organizations worldwide.

The ReNazification of Germany is one of those background things that really does need to be expanded upon, same as the PRC being overthrown by a restored Qing Emperor.
Uh no we only know that a Neo-Nazi crime organisation called "die gesellschaft" the society is active in Europe and that they are more powerful then E88 and buy from cauldron. But then Europe is notoriosly low in details in the wormverse and remember that they never got invite to any of the secret meetups in the storyline.

edit: And next time I should remember to reload a page before posting as I missed that one by a hour.

And in regards to Europe the question is also how the fall of the iron curtain went , as for example people like Ceaușescu where quite likely to get killed by a parahuman.
EarthScorpion said:
Miss Militia clearly had to be declared an honorary native-born US hero who embodies the best aspects of the Founders, because you do have to doublethink around the way that your local gun-loving Captain America-alike is a female first gen Kurdish immigrant. Clearly Lung should declare himself to be American Godzilla.
Less doublethink required then you might think, or maybe better to say doublethink already native to the mindset. Most racists don't see themselves as racist, and clearly they'll have a black friend (they just need to find where they put him, so they can trot him out in front of guests). A lot of the naivest talk will be about lifeboats, and how there is only room for so many people.

Miss Militia lets them say they aren't racist. They can point at her and say, "See, we support her. She makes space on the lifeboat instead of taking it."
illhousen said:
That's interesting. It was pointed many times that the power classification is more about what you do with your powers than how you do it*. I think whether or not Taylor will be classified as a Master depends on whether or not other people can interact with her minions in any meaningful way (which i think includes the ability to perceive them somehow - be it sight or touch) or if it is entirely one-sided (that is, Taylor's creations can affect people in "real" world, while those people can't).

If the minions can't be affected or perceived by people in normal world, Taylor would most likely be classified as a Shaker.

Though she will get Master classification as well once it becomes known that she can affect people's emotions (assuming she can do it, of course).

*It is also very flawed even for the purpose it serves. Masters can clearly be divided into two categories: those who control other people and those who control animals or create artificial minions. Because this two groups clearly warrant different approach when you fight them: you don't need to worry that your allies will turn on you when you deal with someone like Mockshow.
One of Accord's minions has a powerset that's somewhat similar to Taylor's in the 'control being in alternate world to affect this one' sense; I don't recall exactly how his powers work, but he has an 'imaginary self' that lives in an alternate world and can interact with this one to some degree. And he's classed as a Stranger according to tv tropes, so assuming that's correct she might well end up with that classification.
What? I was just glad that the pointless discussion ended, I wasn't even part of it.
HioH said:
What? I was just glad that the pointless discussion ended, I wasn't even part of it.
Eh, happens all the time on SB, don't take it personally. Jace called me names because I chimed in at the end of a lonG argument between two other people once, probably conflating me with Khaos.
megamiaouh said:
Sorry, I remember avatars easier than user names and I made a stupid mistake, should have gone to sleep 5 hours ago.
NP, I know the feeling.

Don't watch Adventure time while half-asleep, it does strange things to your mind...
To be fair, ES is a distinctly better world-builder than wildbow when it comes to realism with he social sciences. Which isn't to say mutton's argument doesn't have merit in the details.
Well can you imagine how long Worm would be with ES level World-building? 5 Millions words+ probably :p
Given ES's known propensity for using fellatio as a metaphor for people being so infatuated with something that they brush over it's glaring deficiencies, I'm not sure why guile has that concern.
I do believe neoNazi-ism as a political movement got started in the US inside of 13 years after WWII.
Satori said:
To be fair, ES is a distinctly better world-builder than wildbow when it comes to realism with he social sciences. Which isn't to say mutton's argument doesn't have merit in the details.
To be fair to Wildbow, ES and Aleph are also better than the vast majority of published professional writers when it comes to that aspect of worldbuilding.
pheonix89 said:
To be fair to Wildbow, ES and Aleph are also better than the vast majority of published professional writers when it comes to that aspect of worldbuilding.
You could say that of a number of writers here on SB. It really says more about the standards of professional writers, or perhaps, their readers, than anything.
You mean Flor with the Code Geass thing? She's a borderline sociopath - at LEAST as fucked up as Regent was, probably worse - and a massive pain for anyone but Imp, Dragon and other people with Heartbreaker shards to work with safely.
SolipsistSerpen said:
And that's probably why he wasn't snapped up by any large organizations right there.
Thats like perfect justification for a kill order right there. Especially since the dude cosplayed as the Simurgh's kid brother or something like that.
Well, a lot of the "capes" aesthetic and the cops and robbers thing can probably be put down to "bullshit Cauldron/Contessa hax".

They seem to have figured that that's a decent enough way to either provide more capes for Endbringer fights or to help bring about those post Scion rampage feudal societies.

That said, it is one of the things that I'm willing to wave away for the sake of a good story, even though I look forward to seeing what Earthscorpion has planned.

Even though I suspect that he's deliberately lengthening this chapter just to screw with us because he finds our fumbling for knowledge to be amusing.

Not that I believe that to be a bad thing, of course.
illhousen said:
Well, it is only the first chapter. It is somewhat slow-paced, but it does a good job at exposition in general and character building in particular. I think it's an interesting contrast with Worm which takes Taylor from one crisis to another with little room in-between.
At heart, her power is an observation-based one - she's concluded that much already. Just look at the relative effort that viewing the Other Place takes, compared to making a construct there. Her fundamental power encourages observation, introspection, and "trying to work out what the hell these convoluted metaphors mean and what things I can learn which I shouldn't be able to know", in contrast to the canon command, control, and "swarm them with creepy crawlies". Hell, an obvious first difference is that she won't be able to get her hands on a sweet spidersilk costume, and thus would be rather more flimsy if she went "heroing" as an independent or vigilante [1]. She's a Thinker first and a Master second, as opposed to canon's Master first and Thinker as a peripheral power.

At a narrative and Watsonian level, even before you get to my personal preferences for stories, she's being encouraged to take things slower and work things out for herself [2]. And that's before you take account of things like the deliberate genre flip, towards horror and towards urban fantasy, which promote a slower pace and more of a character focus rather than scale-escalating battles.

[1] If she joined the Protectorate, they'd issue her with gear.

[2] Rather than have Tattletale hand her answers.
Forgive me if this has been mentioned... But I can't help but wonder just how Scion/Zion would look under the Creepy-vision...
Xicree said:
Forgive me if this has been mentioned... But I can't help but wonder just how Scion/Zion would look under the Creepy-vision...
a) Raw, blinding cosmic force

b) A shrieking mad fractured manifold crystal

c) A ham and cheese sandwich. The ham is human flesh.

d) Like Taylor, but mirrored.

e) A pile of stinking meat, squirming with worms and dripping with uncounted oceans of blood.

f) None of the Above

g) All of the Above