Ugh, just realized I made a really silly error in my first post after the update. The "fours", aka "waiting fours" aka "W8ing 4s" is just the silly name that the junior skinhead gang uses.
Theres another blonde that's associated with Red in Worm.
I'm afraid I have no idea who you are referring to, probably because i don't remember the hair colors of 95% of the characters.
Ugh, just realized I made a really silly error in my first post after the update. The "fours", aka "waiting fours" aka "W8ing 4s" is just the silly name that the junior skinhead gang uses.

I'm afraid I have no idea who you are referring to, probably because i don't remember the hair colors of 95% of the characters.
I mean, I straight up though Armsmaster was black for a while, so I don't think forgeting hair colors is all that bad in the scheme of things.
As a professional hero, I'm sure that Glory Girl will know exactly how to defuse this stand-off without escalation.
I'd honestly be more worried about her forgetting to record or keep any evidence justifying beating up a bunch of white kids in already racially charged powder keg of a city.
I mean, I straight up though Armsmaster was black for a while, so I don't think forgeting hair colors is all that bad in the scheme of things.

I'd honestly be more worried about her forgetting to record or keep any evidence justifying beating up a bunch of white kids in already racially charged powder keg of a city.

I'm literally looking it up, and I can't actually find a clear mention of Othala's (for instance) hair color in the Wiki. It mentions that she has hair, we know that! And she wears red all the time.
I'd honestly be more worried about her forgetting to record or keep any evidence justifying beating up a bunch of white kids in already racially charged powder keg of a city.
Nonsense! Why would she need to justify herself? She's a hero, after all, and it's not like it'll reflect on New Wave. Remember, it's not Glory Girl working with Panopticon, it's the mysterious new vigilante, dressed in...

But this wasn't her normal outfit. Far from it. She'd been working on this since her first mission under Panopticon. It had to look good, it had to be sneaky, and it had to stop people recognising her. So, first things first, a practical set of black yoga pants, a long belted black t-shirt, and nice heavy black boots that would leave an imprint on criminal ass. Because she was going to kick ass and take names. Yeah.

She sort of wanted a cape, but they had to be fitted carefully and designed so they'd come away if they got caught on something, and she didn't want to choke to death. So rather than that, she'd picked out a black leather jacket. She could float in silently behind someone and slam them with her fear aura. Dressed all in black, they wouldn't see her – but they'd still be terrified. The black woollen balaclava to cover her hair was the penultimate step. There weren't too many platinum blonde flying superheroes around.

But of course, the get-up wasn't complete without a mask. And it had to be a proper one. She had considered a gas mask, because Panopticon looked really pro with that, but she didn't really have to worry about gas getting through her forcefield so… eh. It'd fog up when she was flying. So instead she'd gone to the market stalls in Chinatown and browsed.

Victoria held the mask in her hands. She'd found what she had been looking for. In theory it was a white cat mask. But the mouth was a scary fanged thing, and the way the large eyes were ringed in black made it look more like a skull. A cat skull.

It was so awesome! The bad guys were totally going to freak. Looking at herself in the mirror in her black get-up, she looked nothing like she normally did. Which was the point.

She slipped on the mask and exhaled. A cat-faced monster stared back at her, white skull-like face over black. It was almost freeing. This was the first costume she'd ever picked entirely for herself. Before, she'd always had PR people standing by to correct anything they didn't approve of. This was hers. No one else's.
A black ninja outfit with a Chinese cat mask bought from a Chinatown flea market.

That'll be helpful.
Nonsense! Why would she need to justify herself? She's a hero, after all, and it's not like it'll reflect on New Wave. Remember, it's not Glory Girl working with Panopticon, it's the mysterious new vigilante, dressed in...

A black ninja outfit with a Chinese cat mask bought from a Chinatown flea market.

That'll be helpful.

Yes, a mysterious vigilante with flight, force field powers, and a fear aura. There's no way anyone could possibly connect the dots--wait.
Yes, a mysterious vigilante with flight, force field powers, and a fear aura. There's no way anyone could possibly connect the dots--wait.
Flight is pretty common, the force field is unknown to everyone and just assumed to be basic toughness, and how likely are people to expect the fear to be the result of a parahuman power and not, you know, the invincible black-suited individual plowing through the wall and putting Johnny three feet into the ground?
Yes, a mysterious vigilante with flight, force field powers, and a fear aura. There's no way anyone could possibly connect the dots--wait.
Fear aura's subtle, especially in a situation where you're getting ambushed by a flying brick (powers incredibly generic, force field incredibly non-obvious) who's in your base wrecking your doods.

EDIT: Jinx!
Problem: Flying brick powers are not incredibly generic in Worm. Quite the opposite, in fact.
Problem: Flying brick powers are not incredibly generic in Worm. Quite the opposite, in fact.

How do you come to that conclusion? There's enough of them that they have their own name as a subset of powers: The "Alexandria Package."

Now, we can debate a lot about the "Incredibly common" part because that requires definitions and the like, but your claim that flying bricks are, as the opposite of common, "Incredibly rare" is sorta odd.

Edit: Note, if ES wants he can reject this as being true or whatnot, but from the Cast Page:

Alexandria – Second in command of the Protectorate. Flies and has enhanced strength, a virtually invincible body, eidetic memory, and senses emotions. The triad of flight, strength and invincibility recurs often enough, in enough variations, that it's often referred to as 'the Alexandria package'. Runs the team based in Los Angeles. Member of the now-disbanded Triumvirate. - Cast (in depth)

So it's at least not canonically incredibly uncommon.


Wait, generic. That's another thing... how would you define generic? I mean, I'd say being called not, "This amazing new cape that has a power that nobody else has" but instead, "Oh, another Alexandria Package" is pretty generic.

Alexandria is the Name Brand, and everyone else is the Generic knock-off.
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Theorically, at least.

In practice there are very, very few such capes in Worm. Alexandria packages being common is an informed attribute.

Then again, Imago is quite different, so who knows?

Some of it is probably a story thing. Alexandria Packages are boring. For all we know, the casualty lists of the Endbringer fights, whose powers we don't have any information on, are filled with them.

So eh. I mean, we have a lot of time where Taylor spends time in Brockton Bay, where Glory Girl is the only direct Brick because of an attempt to create narrative space with powers, and then we spend, like, five minutes in Chicago, and one fight in India, and then it's timeskip time!

There's not really room to develop "Averages" for powers that aren't just narrative necessities. So for my fanfiction I'd probably just go with Alexandria Packages being relatively common because why not? Unless it contrasts with themes somehow.
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How do you come to that conclusion? There's enough of them that they have their own name as a subset of powers: The "Alexandria Package."
Are there? Who? Like, the cast page says the Alexandria Package recurs often enough to have its own name, but the story also says that Glory Girl has a reputation as the up-and-coming Second Alexandria because her power is pretty rare. Like, the only other cape in BB who really has the full package is Aegis, and he runs into well known limits.

Writing inconsistency in Worm! Who would have guessed?
Are there? Who? Like, the cast page says the Alexandria Package recurs often enough to have its own name, but the story also says that Glory Girl has a reputation as the up-and-coming Second Alexandria because her power is pretty rare. Like, the only other cape in BB who really has the full package is Aegis, and he runs into well known limits.

Writing inconsistency in Worm! Who would have guessed?

There's maybe a little there, but I wouldn't say two people is rare? I mean, it's clearly rarer than "Flying blasters", but two named characters in a single city of less than a million people isn't what I'd call rare. Plus, the whole shard thing means that power types tend to cluster.

But yes, there is some inconsistency, but not as much as you seem to be thinking? As far as it goes, that seems a pretty benign inconsistency, anyways.

That said, yes, it is definitely possible that people will associate those kinds of powers, in Brockton Bay, with "Might be GG."