An Everdistant Horizon (Worm/Horizon Series)

Brandish has a very black & white view of the world. If you're not a hero, you're a villain. Taylor is getting money for products, which a hero won't do, so she's automatically a bad guy. The other part of it is that Alan, working for the same law firm as Carol, has a daughter that was responsible for the assault on Taylor. Carol doesn't believe Emma was responsible, because Alan said so, therefor Taylor is trying to drag a good man, using his daughter, and his family, into her troubles, ergo another case that supports Taylor being villain. Taylor has deliberately messed with the PRT, ergo villain. Taylor just can't catch a break from Carol the monochrome C**t

Carol is going to go nuclear when in a few weeks, Amy decides to quit New Wave, have the hospital to throw out the existing contract because, oh look it's with New Wave, not Amy specifically, and goes to work for the newest villain in town (according to Carol), that happens to be more hero than any of New Wave could ever be. Amy will also probably start looking into her adoption and find out it was nothing like official, and proceed to tear New Wave to pieces.

As for biokinesis? The world won't expect the bestest healer in the world to suddenly go to work for Taylor's company, but the results of that collaboration are going to set the medical and agricultural systems on their head. They won't have a clue which way is up until the dust settles.

And in the middle of all of it, Amy gets the recognition, support and creative outlet she needs to become a well adjusted person overall. Likely avoiding "The Red Queen" meltdown entirely.
On the one hand I can see the reason in theory why Carol had final say. Putting that on any kid's shoulders is just wrong. On the other hand, in actual practice. Carol should have given that control to the whole of the New Wave adults rather than just herself so that she would have checks on her biases. Which she didn't do. She also never actually told Amy about the contract which is another big no-no. Maybe not just after Amy first triggered sure but it definitely should not have been up to Amy to have to discover this on her own.

Which doesn't even get into Carol's holier than thou and control freak tendencies.

Then there's the fact that Carol signed off as both parent and attorney on the contract. Pardon me if I'm completely wrong on this because I am not a lawyer but that sounds all kinds of illegal or at least definitely not how things are supposed to be handled. That Amy never singed off on it also seems incredibly suspect as to the document's actual legal worth.

Amy's decision to go to the docks alone was kinda stupid under the, it is a legitimately dangerous area, fact. Yet I can understand why she did so. The meeting with Taylor went better than I thought it would though I'm surprised that Amy went full, need to get shit off her shoulders mode, and revealed the actual extent of her powers. Mostly because she's so used to hiding it at this point that breaking her habit of keeping it under wraps seems slightly out of character. Even if only as a giant middle finger to Carol.

On the other hand Taylor handled the revelation very well and the suggestion of a source of universally compatibility synthetic blood is a really good one. There is never enough blood available for everyone who needs it and stored blood does eventually go bad after enough time. This is especially true for the rarer blood types. There's a reason that there are constant blood drives and blood donation centers across most countries. A universal compatibility synthetic blood, especially if it can be stored long term without degradation, would be a literal godsend that would have hospitals world wide pushing for Amy to be declared a living saint.
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I've always hated Carol. A really nasty person. I always wanted her to get what she deserved, to lose what she values most, for example, reputation, and in addition, to get the general approval, especially from Victoria!
Then there's the fact that Carol signed off as both parent and attorney on the contract. Pardon me if I'm completely wrong on this because I am not a lawyer but that sounds all kinds of illegal or at least definitely not how things are supposed to be handled. That Amy never singed off on it also seems incredibly suspect as to the document's actual legal worth.
Oh yeah, as a Law Student - Holy fuck. I doubt that paper is worth the ink that was used to print it.

Not only is there a conflict of interest, but from the general sound of things, New Wave is supposed to be a nonprofit - so using the funds gained from Amy to support a political campaign is an entirely separate level of illegal. The fact that Amy hasn't signed it is a problem as well...

In short, from what I know of the law (which reminder, I am just a student still), any court in which this contract was actually brought up in would throw it out with prejudice.

Not that it would be brought up in a court, because any kind of discovery would start finding inconsistencies with Amy's history. The entire fact that she is a long term kidnapping victim would come out.
Oh yeah, as a Law Student - Holy fuck. I doubt that paper is worth the ink that was used to print it.

Not only is there a conflict of interest, but from the general sound of things, New Wave is supposed to be a nonprofit - so using the funds gained from Amy to support a political campaign is an entirely separate level of illegal. The fact that Amy hasn't signed it is a problem as well...

In short, from what I know of the law (which reminder, I am just a student still), any court in which this contract was actually brought up in would throw it out with prejudice.

Not that it would be brought up in a court, because any kind of discovery would start finding inconsistencies with Amy's history. The entire fact that she is a long term kidnapping victim would come out.
Well. Thankfully there's a nice independent senior partner of a different law firm that might be willing to make a deal with Amy....
Not that it would be brought up in a court, because any kind of discovery would start finding inconsistencies with Amy's history. The entire fact that she is a long term kidnapping victim would come out.

Didn't Marquis ask Brandish to take care of her after they arrested him? His enemies would never guess that he'd handed off his daughter to the heroes who arrested him.
Then there's the fact that Carol signed off as both parent and attorney on the contract. Pardon me if I'm completely wrong on this because I am not a lawyer but that sounds all kinds of illegal or at least definitely not how things are supposed to be handled. That Amy never singed off on it also seems incredibly suspect as to the document's actual legal worth.
Well, it turns out that parents can sign both as parent and attorney.

The murky part is that there's some argument to be made that the contract was made under duress. While she got Amy's consent, she did so pretty much immediately after her trigger event, which could be construed as forcing her to agree to a contract while she was mentally compromised.

There's a very good chance that Amy could have it voided in court...probably. Not a lawyer. Google is giving me mixed signals about whether or not Amy could simply have the whole contract voided at any time because she's a minor or if she needs to wait until she's close to the age of majority before she can legally have it voided simply by stating her intention to have it voided.

To be honest, the entire contract is probably suspect. There's nothing to really benefit Amy in it, it's all about benefiting Carol and the other members of New WAve. It's especially bad that Carol seems to be using Amy as something of a political tool, healing only people Carol wants healed and using the money that Amy is making in order to pay off politicians.

Also, just realized, the hypocrisy is awful. Carol is making money off of Amy's power and that's fine, but Taylor is a villain because she's making money off of her own powers? Somebody should really point that out to her, I want to see the mental gymnastics she goes through to try and justify herself.
Didn't Marquis ask Brandish to take care of her after they arrested him? His enemies would never guess that he'd handed off his daughter to the heroes who arrested him.
I mean, that's not even a verbal contract, not given the situation.

The bigger problem is that the only way for his enemies to not know where his daughter went is if there is no paperwork tracing where Amelia went. If that adoption was all above board... Well, there is no reason that Amy would have gone to the Dallons. Child Protective Services would have had to have been involved.

And well, you see how the CPS was handling Taylor's involvement in work like this. That contract would never have flied for CPS.
In short, from what I know of the law (which reminder, I am just a student still), any court in which this contract was actually brought up in would throw it out with prejudice.

this is Fiction, furthermore FanFic, so unless OP wants to, this detail is pretty much irrelevant. In the sense that this fic does not involve much of courts, laws and other relevant things (at least for the moment).

Also, seing how the laws about parahumans are really vague, this could be perfextly legal

But good to know for the day i decide to write something.
I'm not laughing to mock the new chapter @AlSmash. I'm imagining the look on Carol's face when Amy quits. Carol's a fucking thief. This is how so many child actors go broke, their parents mismanagement at best or active theft at worst.
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Sparing Amy from choosing who lives and dies: I'm tentatively on-board.

Carol justifying her actions because Taylor is "a villain", completely ignoring that Carol helped make her that way... *Sigh*

Believable and infuriating. :)
that is so much worse.
Carol doesn't just send Amy to the Hospital to heal like sending a dog to the park.
No, Carol had to go the extra mile and make Amy a slave, signing her over to the hospital like she was a rental car. Then gave herself power to be Judge and Jury on who lives and dies. Oh, and using Amy's labor to make herself rich in the name of New Wave.

That is so fucked up.

I'm glad I'm not Amy. I would have ended up slapping Carol and turning her into a deaf/dumb/blind/mute on accident just from the rage of dealing with her crap.
Sparing Amy from choosing who lives and dies: I'm tentatively on-board.

Carol justifying her actions because Taylor is "a villain", completely ignoring that Carol helped make her that way... *Sigh*

Believable and infuriating. :)
Yup. Carol needs a 40 calibre trepanning. I hate parents like these. Their kids often end up troublemakers and drug addicts who spread the misery to everyone around them. Even the social workers trying to help.

I take that back death is too much. Public disgrace and the destruction of her legal career will do
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"Amy… you are the walking answer to world hunger. You can create crops to survive in any environment. You can develop vaccines and cures for things that thousands of people suffer from. You could break this whole medical industry over your knee and make sure that millions of people live better lives… and instead? You're patching up gangbangers in the ER."
Plus, with Taylor's machines becoming advanced enough to absorb biomatter for power, creating devices to manipulate it, as well having Panacea more or less "teaching them" to do what she does with the tech available via the BCI capabilities of a Focus would be just dandy.
Amy can drop the contract before she hits her majority:
Any person under the age of 18 (in most states) lacks contractual capacity. If a minor signs a contract, they have the option to see it through or void it at any time.

Of course, Amy didn't sign it - her guardian did which I was going to say would bring in child protection laws that would, or should, be under the NEPEA5 laws. But considering the abuse that happens under present laws I wouldn't hold my breath hoping a grimdark world would be better.

She's signed or agreed to a contract somewhere (probably the New Wave contract) that can be dropped and that one will be the keystone for all of the contracts that she will find herself the centre of (that New Wave and the Dallons benefited from but she didn't).

If Amy gets a good lawyer she should be able to sue New Wave for her income back which was donated without her say so or knowledge.
So, I'm in a bit of a quandary, because I have two paths open to me for this next chapter, but they revolve around Ryan itself.

So, first scenario, Ryan dies in the Endbringer attack. The lack of warning and ferocity of the attack provides him no means for escape, but he's able to retreat to an Endbringer shelter, but dies there. As a result, Taylor loses a prospective patron who would be in her corner for reasons, and Taylor will have a harder time going forward, with a lot more pitfalls as her zealotry and Elizabethness rubs a lot of people the wrong way and makes her enemies. It will have somewhat different outcomes later on, at least in the pathing, but we will still end up where I am aiming for the endgame.

Second scenario, and you can blame @BigBadBen for needling me CONSTANTLY, is that Ryan survives. But in this situation, because I want to avoid Taylor having an easy path forward, he's in a coma. Now what this does is that Taylor still has her problems, but it provides a few more paths later on where Taylor can recover and get someone in her corner that understands the politics and machinery of DC. Now, that doesn't magically absolve Taylor of her fuckups, but Taylor gets to learn on the way, but also get a type of mentor figure later on that could help her improve. Think like a political Rost (blame @BigBadBen for that too).

Either way, I'd like to hear your guys' thoughts, I'm not at the point where I'm writing that outcome, but it's something to chomp on and I'd just like to see people's thoughts. I do have an opinion on the direction, but I'm relatively easy to talk into a different outcome, as you can see from the fact that I've been nagged into considering on my Discord lol.
I think the second scenario would work better. Introducing a character who was foreshadowed as a problem for Cauldron just to kill him off would simply a leave a loose end narratively speaking. His death would serve to, at best, drive Taylor further into zealotry and alienation of her powerbase.

As an eventual mentor, especially in the political area, a space Taylor is woefully unprepared to deal with in any capacity except "Hold gun to head," he represents someone who is capable enough to counterbalance Taylor, experienced enough to guide her without falling into the headbutting she has with Danny, and established enough that he isn't going all-in on her future potential.
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Honestly, I'd like him to survive miraculously unharmed. But ongoing effects from Cauldron plots inhibit what he can do. It holds Taylor back and opens up plot threads for unfucking the Gordion Knot that the government has been tied into to allow things like the PRT to (barely) function.
I like the mentor angle. Having him killed off feels… cheap? Like, not introducing him in the first place would have been fine but now you've built him up and just killing him off seems like almost a cop out.
Yeah, the fact that you were planning on killing off ryan after introducing him and building him up is kinda befuddling. It's one thing where he manages to survive but is injured enough that the White House pulled him far away from Boston and Brockton bay for awhile with little to no contact beyond letting Zero Dawn know he's alive, but its another thing to go full Wilblow and kill someone off for no reason after building him up beyond "muh drama". Hell, Accord could even be the reason he's still alive, given that he's right there and Accord absolutely would help rescue him after showing an interest in Zero Dawn like he had. Plus, it'd help get into his good graces and lessen the damage the whole Villain identity drop would do.
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I'd also like him to survive more or less unharmed. Failing that, I'd prefer the second scenario.
Either way, I'd like to hear your guys' thoughts, I'm not at the point where I'm writing that outcome, but it's something to chomp on and I'd just like to see people's thoughts. I do have an opinion on the direction, but I'm relatively easy to talk into a different outcome, as you can see from the fact that I've been nagged into considering on my Discord lol.
He should be alive in a coma. Not only can he be a mentor later but the coma itself can be a driver for Taylor. If she has access to the immortality tech then should should have the entire Horizen medical tech base as well. She will know that if she can push out the medical tech then she can heal him and get someone high in politics in her corner.