An Eldar, Ork, and Guardsmen walk into a Sect ( 40k / Wuxia?! )

Current thoughts: ( will be updated throughout the day )

The extra mechanics around using multiple resources doesn't add much benefit, and adds more complication than is optimal. Likely solution will be to either have no limit to medical use, or limit them to 1 per action, with costs for extra d6 XP being progressively more expensive and rate. Leaving to the second option.

Exploration was added to add more use to perception and stealth, but the discovery of such locations may become part of the story, instead of an actual mechanic.

Talent may be revamped to become a breakthrough mechanic, as currently, cultivation is as simple as accruing XP. Currently, cultivation is much faster than other skills, thanks to the talent multiplier, which will cause skills to stagnate, instead of being a major focus.

Arts and Techniques: I'm thinking the use of Art and Techique slots could use some change. I like the idea of being able to mix and match arts, but having technique slots might be superfluous. It might be better to change it to have only Art slots, and all techniques are unlocked. The problem I have with this is the lack of diversity of abilities until the next Stage. Thoughts?

Crafting: This needs a somewhat major overhaul. Cultivation Levels are no longer required, the focus instead is having a high enough skill to complete the item in time. Each recipe has a total success requirement, and a number of attempts, before it fails/is weakened.

Wraithbone crafting now doubles the required successes, but triples the number of attempts allowed, plus it allows for its level to be added to the roll. This makes it take more time, but is more certain of success, AND due to having more dice and attempts, can allow for the making of items that would normally be behind you.

Recipes for basic items will be forthcoming.

Due to the pending changes, I think we may extend the current ote to Saturday, or even Sunday, so things are fleshed out enough that everyone feels like their options are clear and understandable.
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[x] Plan Need Mats Go Seek

I'll be mostly fine if all information necessary to craft an informed vote were found in the update and the character sheet.

I think that these:
During each Turn, you can perform 3 Actions. These include Training, Cultivating, Exploring, Laboring, Hunting, Research, Crafting, and Event.
should be moved to the update itself.

I am not very invested in our build, and I also don't like it when character interactions compete with mindless XP grinding for time slots, so I am more partial to the system of History's Most Mediocre Cultivator where cultivation was entirely divorced from story/social actions. Of course, that quest got stalled while FoD has finished successfully, and got a sequel, so the jury is out on whether it actually helps.
Quick detail of what you can expect from crafting.


Spirit Weapon ( choose attack type )
Level 1-1
+1 Die on chosen attack
Attempts: 3
Threshold: 8

Cost: 1 beast core, 3 YS

Enchanted Robe
Level 1-1
1 armor, 6 durability, self-repair
Attempts: 3
Threshold: 9

Cost: 1 beast core, 5 YS

Basic Elemental Attack Talisman
Level 1-1
Launch an elemental attack of any kind, with a +2 dice roll. ( no non-talisman based bonuses apply )
Attempts: 1
Threshold: 2

Cost: 2 YS

Advanced Elemental Attack Talisman
Level 1-1
Launch an elemental attack of any kind, with a +4 dice roll. ( no non-talisman based bonuses apply )
Attempts: 1
Threshold: 3

Cost: 5 YS

Elemental Defense Talisman
Level 1-1
3 Armor, 6 durability, lasts 5 turns. ( no non-talisman based bonuses apply )
Attempts: 2
Threshold: 5

Cost: 8 YS

Generic Resources:

Attempts: 1
Threshold: 2
Cost: 1 YS

Attempts: 1
Threshold: 3
Cost: 2 YS

Attempts: 1
Threshold: 4
Cost: 3 YS
[x] Plan Need Mats Go Seek

I'll be mostly fine if all information necessary to craft an informed vote were found in the update and the character sheet.

I think that these:

should be moved to the update itself.

I am not very invested in our build, and I also don't like it when character interactions compete with mindless XP grinding for time slots, so I am more partial to the system of History's Most Mediocre Cultivator where cultivation was entirely divorced from story/social actions. Of course, that quest got stalled while FoD has finished successfully, and got a sequel, so the jury is out on whether it actually helps.

I understand that choosing between grinding and social is annoying, which is why every action can be tied to people, who may tag along. Also, Actions will not be the only source of social interaction, as events and general story progression will naturally include scenes with various characters, as well as others not selected sometimes appearing during Action scenes.
Are there any thoughts, comments, or questions on the combat system? I mostly like the current state, but want some feedback on it as well as the other portions.

Still brewing over Art and Technique changes. Another idea is to just have Arts, and get rid of Techniques entirely. Instead, the Art would have actives and/or passives, which grow and gain new features as it levels.
Won't know until we actually fight someone.

Maybe we should go annoy the priestess next turn...
Quest Q&A
Ladies and gentlemen, it's the Slaaneshmas Special Shooowwww! Sooomeone's been a baaaad little booooy, I'm gonna spank you~!

Mmmmmh, hamana-hamana, sssoooooo, it's time to go over the rules! Hope y'all ready!

We'll start with Arts and Techniques. If you have any questions or feedback on this general area of the rules, please post them. My current thoughts are as follows:

1. The first idea is to remove Technique Slots, and just have all Techniques available for active Arts.

2. Ditch Techniques, and just have Arts. These will have a list of passives and/or actives, whose power is based on the skill level. If done this way, I'll probably have a number of Slots equal to total Minor Level, with stronger and/or higher level arts taking up more slots. I like this, as there are less things that need grinding.

Comment below, I'll be focusing on this section for a half our or so, but I will still field questions on other subjects, and we can come back to it later, it just won't be my main priority.
Well, guess I'll move on to Actions. Any questions about the available Actions?

Currently, I plan to remove Research, and add a cost for searching the Archives, but no longer take an action. Next, I will be changing up Exploration a bit. It will provide resources as well, but a high enough success will reveal locations of trials, strong beasts, and Cultivation Sites. Areas that can be explored are limited based on your level. I'll be adding the successes required for major finds tomorrow, along with the current area available for exploration.
Moving on, the next portion I've been thinking about is crafting. I've addressed it above, and want opinions and ideas. Does the system make sense? Do you think it should be better done differently? I want them opinions, dammit! xD
Crafting? Unfortunately I'm not a so-called Math-Cabalist so to speak but hrm. Part of me wonders about elemental attack talisman slots-I assume it's not just one slot per person though I can also see that it kind of looks like it's priced so that in theory, you'd get the most 'bang for your buck' if you could unload a massive number of standard talismans, at least from the perspective of only using yellow stones...
Crafting? Unfortunately I'm not a so-called Math-Cabalist so to speak but hrm. Part of me wonders about elemental attack talisman slots-I assume it's not just one slot per person though I can also see that it kind of looks like it's priced so that in theory, you'd get the most 'bang for your buck' if you could unload a massive number of standard talismans, at least from the perspective of only using yellow stones...

Currently, the idea is that, though minor bonuses to the total pool each round, having a talisman to use every single round, can turn things in your favor, but only if you are strong enough to survive long enough to use enough of them to tip the scales enough. Nuff.

Gives crafters and rich folks a leg up, without it being a insta-kill situation if you have a lot of items.
Well, I'm heading off to bed. I'll be making the changes to the main threads tomorrow, and will conclude the poll soon after. Good night all.
Well, guess I'll move on to Actions. Any questions about the available Actions?

I'm a little confused because I had thought we would lose the stat points that we had gained in the six fold foundation when we switched cultivation arts. Is that something that will stay after we switch to one of the other methods or is it compatible with each of them?
I'm a little confused because I had thought we would lose the stat points that we had gained in the six fold foundation when we switched cultivation arts. Is that something that will stay after we switch to one of the other methods or is it compatible with each of them?

Yes, you'll lose the stats if you go down a level and retrain with a different method. Just switching to a different method for the next level doesn't remove the old methods effects.