An Eagle Falls From Grace (Wh40k Rogue Trader)

Nervous looking PDF officer dominate a corner of the room. Few are without visible battle scars or old wounds, and almost all of them are far too young for the rank insignia they wear on their shoulders. Their visible youth belies the look of experience in their eyes, however, and they are obviously veterans of the war. Nonetheless, they look at a nearby group of Guard officers with expressions that mix jealousy and professional fear.
Jewel moves to hover around the PDF officers.

"Worried about the war or the party? I'll take a Xenos ship in my sights any day of the week over dealing with some of the other people here. I would hazard a guess that you don't want to be here any more than I do."
"The Emperor's Mercy urges us to address the pleas of the pitiable in need. What help then would the crew of the Duke Quintus ask of us?"

"Holt, do try not to antagonize our patrol-patners too much. We do have to work alongside them, after all. See if you can go mingle with your fellows among the Guard, if you can't play nice with the good Captain."

Quite ready to respond, Yarr has just opened his mouth when Averill beats him to it. His irritated expression turns into an arrogant smirk in seconds as he reaises that the Commissar is, while perhaps not being remonstrated, at least being publicly snubbed. At least, that's what he seems to believe is happening.

"That's right, Commissar. Maybe that crowd will better suit a man of such obvious interests." He says, eyes flicking to Holt's less than subtle cybernetics before he turns back to Averill.

"Yes, well, one does what one must for the Fleet, no? Sometimes you engage in battle with steel and thunder against glorious foes, sometimes you sit on your ass on guard duty and spare a few hours to verify a passing merchant ship and secure a favorable deal for the Navy."

"I don't suppose you know how long it's going to be until our next posting? I'm rather looking forward to being able to work together in a fashion that doesn't have the nearest source of intelligent conversation cut off by a twenty hour passage through a storm-corridor."

"I would think one does ones duty, Gaius -I can call you Gaius, yes? Yes, I think that wasting ones time is somewhat contrapoint that ideal, no?" He shrugs minutely, a disinterested look crossing his face. "I'm afraid I'm not sure, although I'm not sure why you're so eager to find the front lines. I'd have thought escorting merchants was much more your ideal." This is said with a small smile. "Perhaps a month. You can survive another month, can't you?"

Yarr willpower: 55: 1d100 24
3 degree's of success. Somewhat charmed.

"Gentlemen." Scratch asked upon getting close enough. "You seem a bit uncomfortable. Not that I blame you." Scratch said to the guardsmen, shrugging. "Not much for parties myself. Far too...stuffy. At least, this particular type of party. So, how goes the war effort?" He asked earnestly.

The five men, all representing different regiments and different worlds, give the red-robed technicus strange looks for a moment, their conversation petering out at the sudden interruption. Everything is silent, a pocket of awkward looks and grim expressions, until finally it's broken. A woman in the black and tan of the Harakoni regiments, with a colonel's rank pins on her collar, grins broadly and puts out a rough hand to be shaken.

"Colonel Eveffor, Harakoni 9th. Give me a grav-chute and a Valk' any day over this," She jabs a thumb in the direction of the rest of the party.

"It's just as much part of the war as anything else. Besides, my men are very much appreciating the chance to re-arm and bring their replacements up to full strength." The Mordian man says without even the faintest flicker of emotion. "Major Attus, 84th Iron Gaurd."

"You should try getting drunk, try looking less like a Parrot." The enormous man from Catachan laughs, putting his hand on Attus' shoulder. The Mordian scowls at him. "War's going as well as you can expect. Haven't seen a good jungle in months, but the forests are halfway decent some places. You take what you can get."

Never really one for social occasions she heads toward the library although she may change her mind and join the rest of her bridge crewww in awhile, in the time she had been serving with them she had come to enjoy their company,unlike the other crews she has travelled with they had always treated her as an equal rather than a suspicious necessity and for that she was gratefull but first contemplation. ...

A page directs the quiet, yet intense, Navigator towards the Mansion's libraries. She walks slowly through grand hallways and up a broad marble staircase flanked by statues. The library itself, she finds, is just as quiet as the party is loud, lit by low lamps rather than huge chandeliers and occupied by almost nobody. A small head flicks up from where it has been buried deep in a book as she swings the door open.

The person raises themselves up from the desk, mechandrites appearing from behind them and placing them in what amounts to a sitting position three feet off the ground. They skitter - and it can only be described as skittering - towards the navigator, stopping a few feet away so that they can peer down at her.

"Well hello there, dear woman," The mechanicum woman smiles down from her perch, "Do you come seeking knowledge or peace? Or both perhaps? With a party in full swing, it's rare to see another in this hallowed sanctum."

"Worried about the war or the party? I'll take a Xenos ship in my sights any day of the week over dealing with some of the other people here. I would hazard a guess that you don't want to be here any more than I do."

The officers, more boys and girls than men and women, glance over at the guard before any of them begins to answer.

"The war is long gone, um... Sir?" A boy who can't older than twenty-five with Major's pins says, visibly confused by jewel's uniform. "has been a year and change now."

"We'd rather be rebuilding than wasting money on entertaining," another grumbles, scratching at a reddened scar on her jaw, "No offence."

"Y'know if Petrall put more money into Merrion than putting up the Guard, we'd be done in no time."

They seem, to a one, frustrated with the party they've been invited to.

All of you, roll awareness as well as responding please.
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A woman in the black and tan of the Harakoni regiments, with a colonel's rank pins on her collar, grins broadly and puts out a rough hand to be shaken.

Scratch shakes her hand. "Magos Technicus Scratch, of the Fortuna Patris. Absolutely charmed to meet you."

"War's going as well as you can expect. Haven't seen a good jungle in months, but the forests are halfway decent some places. You take what you can get."

"It's just as much part of the war as anything else. Besides, my men are very much appreciating the chance to re-arm and bring their replacements up to full strength.

"Ah, by the way, you may be receiving a bit more supplies than usual. A merchant vessel decided to donate considerable supplies to the war effort." Scratch said, carefully omitting the details about the KalKithian and the fact that he had 'negotiated' for the donation. After all, bragging was beneath a man of his stature.
"Holt, do try not to antagonize our patrol-patners too much. We do have to work alongside them, after all. See if you can go mingle with your fellows among the Guard, if you can't play nice with the good Captain."
"That's right, Commissar. Maybe that crowd will better suit a man of such obvious interests." He says, eyes flicking to Holt's less than subtle cybernetics before he turns back to Averill.
Holt completely ignored Yarr.

"Very well. I would not wish to further tax their no-doubt limited attention-span."

@HMS Sophia Holt would be looking for warriors/lunatics like himself. So Catachans, Militant Missionaries, Death Cultists, that sort of thing.
"I would think one does ones duty, Gaius -I can call you Gaius, yes? Yes, I think that wasting ones time is somewhat contrapoint that ideal, no?" He shrugs minutely, a disinterested look crossing his face. "I'm afraid I'm not sure, although I'm not sure why you're so eager to find the front lines. I'd have thought escorting merchants was much more your ideal." This is said with a small smile. "Perhaps a month. You can survive another month, can't you?"
"We're Navy men, Captain! If I couldn't survive a month of tedium, I expect I'd have keeled over on my first extended patrol."

Averill excuses himself and wanders over to meet with the Cobra Commanders.

Awareness roll (TN 15): 56, 4 DoF
I would sit awhile but I would see any information your archive's contain pertaining to the ship kalkithan and her crew especially the background of her captain and her navigator

Awareness roll :9
Holt completely ignored Yarr.

"Very well. I would not wish to further tax their no-doubt limited attention-span."

Holt spots a group of priests, who obviously believe themselves to be whispering fervently to each other but are rapidly growing quite loud. Pushing his way towards them through the crowded space, he slowly begins to be able to hear what they are arguing about.

"No, look. The texts clearly state that He claimed all worlds for Humanity and thus we must fight to take them and settle them and build them." One says, his robes flapping as he gestures wildly.

Another, perhaps less of a firebrand than her companion, shakes her head.

"It's a matter of self defence. All human worlds are ours, not all worlds are humans. It is our divine right that we will, as a species, hold our worlds and turn away all invaders. Karl, you must be seeing him as wrong."

"Julian is right..." The third, presumably Karl, says with a deep frown and furrowed brow. The firebrand thumps his chest and grins, "To an extent. Conquering all worlds, taking war to the alien and the heretic and the daemon is our right, as to do so is to defend ourselves."

Holt steps up to the group as the last sentence is finished.

I would sit awhile but I would see any information your archive's contain pertaining to the ship Kalkithan and her crew especially the background of her captain and her navigator.

The red-robed woman of the mechanicum is old, older than this war, the mansion, than perhaps anything else on this world by the lines on her face. You wonder how ancient she truly is, how much of her is tech and how little organic remains.

The library is, when you take the time to look at it, less opulent, less overbearing than perhaps it seemed at first sight. The detailing on the walls is machined, rather than hand carved, the gold detailing is paint and not leaf, the lamp covers are plastic rather than stained glass. it gives the idea that perhaps only the public areas of the mansion are designed to impress at anything but a brief glance - or perhaps they simply couldn't afford the costs involved in such construction.

The books that you can see tell another story, however. While the collections who's titles are clearly visible are not the most adventurous selection of works, they are at least broad and expensive. The library is, quite assuredly, an excellent research space.

"Kalkithan?" The woman says, pursing her lips. Her eyes go blank as she mouths words silently. Finally she speaks again, her voice monotone "Merchant, Carrack class, Captain, Runcible, Douglas, crew, 18,000 souls, Free Trade Warrant." She blinks rapidly and her face lights up again with a smile. "Yes dear, we have several documents in the records on the ship."

She skitters backwards, mechandrites reaching up to tall shelves and pulling down books.

"Now what are you looking for? We have several decades of trade reports? They're sparse, but interesting. The family genealogy of the Runcibles? The ship's construction records? She wasn't built here, but when we became her home port, we took ownership of them so we could do full works on her structure if needed."

She looks at Kaityana expectantly, smiling as she looms over a pile of books.

"Ah, by the way, you may be receiving a bit more supplies than usual. A merchant vessel decided to donate considerable supplies to the war effort." Scratch said, carefully omitting the details about the KalKithian and the fact that he had 'negotiated' for the donation. After all, bragging was beneath a man of his stature.

"Supplies? Hadn't heard anything. Never a bad thing." The Catachan grins again.

"Medical supplies. I read the dailys, Major Brant, do you not?" Attus says quietly, expression not changing, "We've had disease and infection sweeping the ranks on Debicar, I can only imagine they'll be very useful to our medicae teams."

"Your work, I assume?" Eveffor asks. After a moment of self effacing silence, she shrugs with a chuckle "Well, whoever it was, we're grateful to them."

Scratch's servo-skull buzzes at him in binary, bringing his attention to whatever it has noticed. Commissar Holt is making his way across the room, making small talk with this person or another, though his obvious objective is the group of priests arguing just loudly enough to be noticed by everyone in the room about some minutiae of non-omnissiac Imperial divinity. Following him, stepping from conversation to conversation, group to group, just far behind enough that he's almost unnoticeable, is the nasty looking XO from the Duke Quintus.

"We're Navy men, Captain! If I couldn't survive a month of tedium, I expect I'd have keeled over on my first extended patrol."

Averill excuses himself and wanders over to meet with the Cobra Commanders.

Yarr gives a sickly smile before turning away.

The Cobra commander's look up from a low conversation almost as one as Averill appears beside them. The oldest of them, who can't even have reached his third decade if that, gives a slow salute, the others following suit.

"Captain Averill." He says, "Good to have another torpedo-man amongst us."

"Aye, even if the Patris is a little too slow on the bows to work her properly." Another says, her captaincy pins glinting silver in the light, "Not a judgement. Served a stint on a Dauntless, found the class stiff."

"Captain Xinth likes to speak her mind." The first says with a frown. "Captains Duggan, Nettis and Lyanus, all of us of Orzel Group." He points at himself, and then the other two men with him. They are all young, all relatively fresh faced, and all immaculately dressed. "Ever sailed a cobra, Captain?"

"Got better question." The one named Lyanus said, lips thin, "You noticed it in here? The tension? The bodyguards? Think this world more tense than a planet should be after peace. You watch, Captain. Think something will happen."

Silence reigns for a moment, before Nettis breaks it.

"I apologise for my comrade, Captain. He's... suspicious. To a fault."
I would start with the genealogy of the family to know a ship and her construction my people feel you must know those who commission her my colleagues would understand the tech and mech better than myself,so old one I will begin with the people,
The officers, more boys and girls than men and women, glance over at the guard before any of them begins to answer.

"The war is long gone, um... Sir?" A boy who can't older than twenty-five with Major's pins says, visibly confused by jewel's uniform. "has been a year and change now."

"We'd rather be rebuilding than wasting money on entertaining," another grumbles, scratching at a reddened scar on her jaw, "No offence."

"Y'know if Petrall put more money into Merrion than putting up the Guard, we'd be done in no time."

They seem, to a one, frustrated with the party they've been invited to.
Jewel almost utters a reflexive 'Don't call me sir, I work for a living', but he hasn't touched a gun bigger than he can carry for longer than most of these kids have been alive.

"Major, the war on your planet might have ended, but the war out there," Jewel gestures towards the local naval anchorage, "And in here," he taps his temple, "doesn't. God-Emperor willing, the war will stay off your planet and you can all grow old and fat and have a bunch of grandkids. But if you believed that, you wouldn't count the weight of your pistol more reassuring than all the finery here."

He leans in closer, and whispers, almost conspiratorially "Personally, I'd prefer it if the money were spent on rebuilding instead of these parties. Never could get the hang of them."
"Your work, I assume?" Eveffor asks. After a moment of self effacing silence, she shrugs with a chuckle "Well, whoever it was, we're grateful to them."

Scratch shrugged. "My ship's work. I'm not going to claim credit personally for it, though I did participate in negotiations to a limited extent."

He notes the priests arguing in the corner...And the XO of the Quintus following his shipmate, who he carefully took stock of. "Hmm. Bit loud over there. Whose willing to bet those arguing priests are deliberately trying to get attention?" He said, with a shrug. However, at the same time, he quickly formulated a plan. "Unfortunately, I can see one of approaching them. One of my more reactionary and...less tolerant associates." He gave a small nod. "I probably need to go over there and prevent a fight. If you'll excuse me, I'll be right back."

With that he began weaving through the crowd, quickly reaching Holt, at which point his voice dropped to a whisper, just barely loud enough to hear. "Holt. You're being followed by the Yarr's lackey. Methinks he's up to mischief." He said.


Rolled Per to analyze Yarr's XO, got 1 DoS.
Holt spots a group of priests, who obviously believe themselves to be whispering fervently to each other but are rapidly growing quite loud. Pushing his way towards them through the crowded space, he slowly begins to be able to hear what they are arguing about.

"No, look. The texts clearly state that He claimed all worlds for Humanity and thus we must fight to take them and settle them and build them." One says, his robes flapping as he gestures wildly.

Another, perhaps less of a firebrand than her companion, shakes her head.

"It's a matter of self defence. All human worlds are ours, not all worlds are humans. It is our divine right that we will, as a species, hold our worlds and turn away all invaders. Karl, you must be seeing him as wrong."

"Julian is right..." The third, presumably Karl, says with a deep frown and furrowed brow. The firebrand thumps his chest and grins, "To an extent. Conquering all worlds, taking war to the alien and the heretic and the daemon is our right, as to do so is to defend ourselves."

Holt steps up to the group as the last sentence is finished.
"It is not defence or conquest that is the reason for war against the Xeno in the Emperor's Name, Brothers and Sister! The purity of purpose and unity of war itself is his gift to Humanity! In war against the Xeno, we are unified, dedicated to His purposes, the petty squabbles that divide us forgotten in the purifying fire of battle! One mind, one body, dedicated to the Emperor's Will."
With that he began weaving through the crowd, quickly reaching Holt, at which point his voice dropped to a whisper, just barely loud enough to hear. "Holt. You're being followed by the Yarr's lackey. Methinks he's up to mischief." He said.

At the warning, Holt casually glanced around to place his shadow from the Duke Quintus. His revolver and cutlass were ready at his belt, as always, should the man wish to be dead.
The Cobra commander's look up from a low conversation almost as one as Averill appears beside them. The oldest of them, who can't even have reached his third decade if that, gives a slow salute, the others following suit.

"Captain Averill." He says, "Good to have another torpedo-man amongst us."

"Aye, even if the Patris is a little too slow on the bows to work her properly." Another says, her captaincy pins glinting silver in the light, "Not a judgement. Served a stint on a Dauntless, found the class stiff."

"Captain Xinth likes to speak her mind." The first says with a frown. "Captains Duggan, Nettis and Lyanus, all of us of Orzel Group." He points at himself, and then the other two men with him. They are all young, all relatively fresh faced, and all immaculately dressed. "Ever sailed a cobra, Captain?"

"Got better question." The one named Lyanus said, lips thin, "You noticed it in here? The tension? The bodyguards? Think this world more tense than a planet should be after peace. You watch, Captain. Think something will happen."

Silence reigns for a moment, before Nettis breaks it.

"I apologise for my comrade, Captain. He's... suspicious. To a fault."
"Suspicion is a virtue in this galaxy, Captain Nettis. And I feel what you mean, Captain Lyanus. Seems the only people in this room who are truly comfortable are the ones engaging in three separate forms of excess at the buffet. Still, there's not yet any reason to draw swords, and hopefully nothing will come of it."

"So how have Fortuna's brethren in Orzel Group been engaged these past months?"
He leans in closer, and whispers, almost conspiratorially "Personally, I'd prefer it if the money were spent on rebuilding instead of these parties. Never could get the hang of them."
The boy, the one with the major's pins, smiles a sly little smile. He leans in, the others subtly moving closer, perhaps to shield the conversation, perhaps so they can hear whatever he's going to say. Were you not standing at the centre of it, their movements would likely be entirely unnoticeable.

"So;" He says in a voice that's barely above a whisper, "say the situation was to alter? Say that the resources of this planet were to be directed by those who... who..."

"Better understand the needs of Merrion." Another of the officers finishes.

"Yes, exactly. Were a move made to realign that power, to have less of this and more support for those affected by the war, you would see that as a positive step, yes?"

Willpower to oppose Charm test with 3 DoS.
Awareness as well please.

"So how have Fortuna's brethren in Orzel Group been engaged these past months?"

Lyanuse grins, glad to be understood. He continues in his broken low gothic. "See Nettis. Am just doing right thing. You need be more wary." Nettis rolls his eyes.

"I am wary, brother-captain, but not to the extent that I think this soiree is going to descend into violence."

"Forgive them, Captain Averill, the boys have been still for too long." Xinth smiles at the taller, older Gaius Averill. "We were on the lines until two months ago. That, Sir, is living, in the vicious clash of arms. But, we've been refitting for two whole months and, frankly, we're bored."

"It wears us out, Sir. Our reactors are idling, our sensors haven't had a sniff of prey in far too long." Duggan says, "I'm sure you understand. A blockade hardly befits a Dauntless."

"It is not defence or conquest that is the reason for war against the Xeno in the Emperor's Name, Brothers and Sister! The purity of purpose and unity of war itself is his gift to Humanity! In war against the Xeno, we are unified, dedicated to His purposes, the petty squabbles that divide us forgotten in the purifying fire of battle! One mind, one body, dedicated to the Emperor's Will."
"Your rhetoric speaks well of your dedication to his Will, Sir, but little of your true thoughts." The woman says, Karl nodding to her side.

"Well what can you expect?" The XO of the Quintus joins the group, smiling broadly, hands far clear of his weapons, "The Commissariat is a blunt instrument. An inspirational one, to be sure, but hardly a position for high minded debate. You cannot expect the good Commissar to stand on your level."

"But we must." The thus far unnamed firebrand says, "For how can a man adequately spread the Emperor's gospel if he is not challenged as to his beliefs?"

"And yet surely you'd agree with him, Adelson?" Karl shakes his head, "He advocates for war as a gift, not as a means."

Again, that sickly sweet smile from the XO. "But war is a gift for simple men with simple goals. And what could be more simple than the idea that respect is garnered through fear and violence?"

I would start with the genealogy of the family to know a ship and her construction my people feel you must know those who commission her my colleagues would understand the tech and mech better than myself,so old one I will begin with the people,

"Ah, well, her Captaincy's genealogy is simple. I'm not a Magos Biologis by any means, but we have the trees." She ruffles through a few books, flipping through marvellously decorated pages with what must be hugely old decorations and seals. Finally she comes across the one she needs, opening the double sided tree and turning the books so it reads top to bottom.

The Runcible tree is not as finely decorated as some of the others you've seen, nor does it have as many dangling seals or faded notes of dedication, but it is still artfully designed. It is expansive, covering everyone from each line, though at several points a name is over-decorated compared to the others.

"Here." The mechanicum woman says, pointing at a name about three quarters of the way down the tree. It is framed in gilt paint and reads 'Douglas Runcible'. "That's the current warrant holder, though we haven't had the ship in port for several years. One never knows how things may change in the void."

Following the line down gives two children to an unnamed partner, Mickael and Duncan. The woman is, however, more interested in tracing upwards and thus backwards in time.

"Douglas' father was Danton Runcible, who held the warrant for eighty years. His father was Donald, but before him, two brothers held the warrant in the space of four years." She looks up sadly, not smiling for the first time "That was a sad time for the family."

It is quite clear from even a cursory examination that the tree is primarily interested in male heirs, rarely listing girl children, and spouses even more rarely still.

"We don't even have a millenia here, unfortunately, and we know the warrant has been held for at least two. Were you looking for further back than that?"
"Your rhetoric speaks well of your dedication to his Will, Sir, but little of your true thoughts." The woman says, Karl nodding to her side.

"Well what can you expect?" The XO of the Quintus joins the group, smiling broadly, hands far clear of his weapons, "The Commissariat is a blunt instrument. An inspirational one, to be sure, but hardly a position for high minded debate. You cannot expect the good Commissar to stand on your level."

"But we must." The thus far unnamed firebrand says, "For how can a man adequately spread the Emperor's gospel if he is not challenged as to his beliefs?"

"And yet surely you'd agree with him, Adelson?" Karl shakes his head, "He advocates for war as a gift, not as a means."

Again, that sickly sweet smile from the XO. "But war is a gift for simple men with simple goals. And what could be more simple than the idea that respect is garnered through fear and violence?"
"It is good that you are humble in your calling, that of pursuing war in the Emperor's Name. Truly, I dub you most simple."

Turning away from the XO, Holt addressed the one called Karl.

"You misunderstand me, Brother. While simple men, like the officer here deems himself, are content to see war itself as an end, I argue that war is a mechanism given us by the Emperor to temper and unify humanity, as a sword is hardened by repeated blows and quenching, the layers folded together into a whole greater than the sum of its parts, a fine edge able to cut through any obstacle. That is the Emperor's Gift to humanity, to strengthen and unify us in the fires of war."
"But war is a gift for simple men with simple goals. And what could be more simple than the idea that respect is garnered through fear and violence?"

"Ah yes. The subtle insult meant to throw your opponent off guard and make him look like an idiot. VERY classy. I would approve, but alas, it was a bit too...'meh', for my liking. Four out of ten starts, meet me after class." Scratch said, interjecting, his voice as dry as a desert.

"This whole debate about war is meaningless anyways. Literally every Xeno in the galaxy is hostile, to either humanity as a whole or the Imperium in specific. Leaving them to fester is giving them time to prepare and build power for when they next assault us. The only safe thing to do is to eradicate any alien life possessing intelligence."

"Whether or not it is a means or and end is, frankly, a worthless question. War is NECESSARY, and until every alien and every traitor is dead and in the ground, will be."
"So;" He says in a voice that's barely above a whisper, "say the situation was to alter? Say that the resources of this planet were to be directed by those who... who..."

"Better understand the needs of Merrion." Another of the officers finishes.

"Yes, exactly. Were a move made to realign that power, to have less of this and more support for those affected by the war, you would see that as a positive step, yes?"
Jewel gives a noncommittal nod.

"The government of a planet walks a fine balancing act between duty to their citizens, and duty to the Imperium as a whole. There are methods for redress, but I'm only the Master of Ordinance on a cruiser. I would not know where to begin, or who to talk to. My captain might, and I could see if he can be dragged away from his fellow captains to talk with you."
Jewel gives a noncommittal nod.

"The government of a planet walks a fine balancing act between duty to their citizens, and duty to the Imperium as a whole. There are methods for redress, but I'm only the Master of Ordinance on a cruiser. I would not know where to begin, or who to talk to. My captain might, and I could see if he can be dragged away from his fellow captains to talk with you."
"You do yourself a disservice, Sir, to talk as though you are in no position of importance." One of the PDF officers shakes her head, surprised at Jewel's modesty. "You have the power of an Imperial cruiser at your fingertips, even if final authorisation is at the hands of another. You could change the course of entire worlds in an afternoon, much more than any regimental command-"

The first officer holds up a hand, interrupting her flow.

"We would find the opportunity to have the ear of your Captain a most pleasing opportunity, thank you."

"It is good that you are humble in your calling, that of pursuing war in the Emperor's Name. Truly, I dub you most simple."
"Ah yes. The subtle insult meant to throw your opponent off guard and make him look like an idiot. VERY classy. I would approve, but alas, it was a bit too...'meh', for my liking. Four out of ten starts, meet me after class."
"I'm impressed, Commissar, that you would allow a coghead the opportunity to interpret for you. Lucky that you have him, since you seem incapable of even the least leaps of logic."

Ignoring the gasps of the priests, the XO turns on his heel and walks away from the group, heading for a table covered in filled wine glasses.

Karl listens to Holt and Scratch speak, nodding slowly. He smiles as Scratch finishes, and raises a finger to emphasise a point.

"You are both so close to the truth, and yet fall so far from His will. War is a forge, Commissar, that is true, and it is necessary, friend-mechanicus, for now. No-one here will suggest that we would suffer the xenos to live, but the direction of the Emperors might must be carefully considered. And thus we debate."

"War cannot be unending. The Imperium will proclaim victory over the galaxy in times to come." the woman-priest says "The great crusade will be continued and the xenos defeated. What then for a people forged in war?"
"You do yourself a disservice, Sir, to talk as though you are in no position of importance." One of the PDF officers shakes her head, surprised at Jewel's modesty. "You have the power of an Imperial cruiser at your fingertips, even if final authorisation is at the hands of another. You could change the course of entire worlds in an afternoon, much more than any regimental command-"

The first officer holds up a hand, interrupting her flow.

"We would find the opportunity to have the ear of your Captain a most pleasing opportunity, thank you."
Jewel turns his gaze on the young woman. It is not the conspiratorial joviality of before, but the sort of "By the GEOM, you have fucked up" glare that comes from years of having that glare backed up by guns bigger than most hab blocks.

"Yes. I can change the course of worlds in the span of a few hours. But my guns do not fix worlds. They break them."

Jewel disentagles himself from the group and spies his captain (@DarthThrawn ) , attempting to make his way to the man with much more flamboyant medals.
"I'm impressed, Commissar, that you would allow a coghead the opportunity to interpret for you. Lucky that you have him, since you seem incapable of even the least leaps of logic."

"Actually I was insulting your utilization of extremely -I believe the term is purile- insults. But I suppose the Emperor takes all sorts. Even the ones lacking wit." Scratch said to the retreating XO, before facing Holt again. "I do so dislike when people do that, walk away from perfectly fine arguments right when I join. Alas, I recognize that intelligent discussion is intimidating for many individuals."

"The great crusade will be continued and the xenos defeated. What then for a people forged in war?"

Scratch shrugged. "You have a more optimistic view than I. The Xeno will always exist. The things are like cockroaches, no matter how many nests you kill, there's always more. Besides, even if we eliminate all the alien in this galaxy, there are other galaxies out there, no doubt teeming with xeno life that will, inevitably, attempt to harm humanity. Even if it takes ten thousand years to traverse the inter-galactic distance."

"And even if we somehow manage to destroy the xeno, there will still be those who fall from the grave of the Emperor and embrace heresy, who will inevitably attempt to rebel."

"We will always be at War."
Scratch said, a dour tone in his voice. He paused for a moment. "My apologies. I tend to get a bit pessimistic when it comes to this sort of thing. Side effect of serving on a navy ship: you get VERY maudlin. I hear it's the result of the artificial lighting."
Lyanuse grins, glad to be understood. He continues in his broken low gothic. "See Nettis. Am just doing right thing. You need be more wary." Nettis rolls his eyes.

"I am wary, brother-captain, but not to the extent that I think this soiree is going to descend into violence."

"Forgive them, Captain Averill, the boys have been still for too long." Xinth smiles at the taller, older Gaius Averill. "We were on the lines until two months ago. That, Sir, is living, in the vicious clash of arms. But, we've been refitting for two whole months and, frankly, we're bored."

"It wears us out, Sir. Our reactors are idling, our sensors haven't had a sniff of prey in far too long." Duggan says, "I'm sure you understand. A blockade hardly befits a Dauntless."
"Aye. A ship like her is meant to roam the Black for months at a time, not hold still in a fixed position while merchant ships pass by. Still, as distasteful as guard duty is for a long-range patrol ship, it is a job that needs doing. I'm just glad it can be done by someone else for a while."

"So! How were conditions on the front when you left?"
Jewel disentagles himself from the group and spies his captain (@DarthThrawn ) , attempting to make his way to the man with much more flamboyant medals.
The PDF officers watch you leave silently, but their leader has an expression of distaste and vague annoyance. He is, it seems, upset that you would not throw in your lot with whatever particular plan they were formenting.

The Captain is amongst a group of younger officers, torpedo-captains to a one, discussing the war effort.

"So! How were conditions on the front when you left?"
"Exactly as you'd expect" Xinth says,

"Overstretched. Undersupplied. Went on patrol only fourteen torpedoes, Captain, fourteen!" Lyanus complains. He looks truly heartbroken that he was forced to leave port without a full stock. But then, with the torpedo as a Cobra's primary armament, sure it's the most likely thing to upset them.

"He's right. We don't have half the escort squadron's for the missions, and the cruisers are all tied up in the grand campaign strategy." Nettis eyes Averill carefully, lips pursed. "By all means, we are not objecting to that strategy. We simply have wondered at times whether Field Marshal Thennis understands the need to escort his merchants."

"The front needs bullets, Captain, and there aren't nearly enough escorts for the level of traffic passing through his sector now."

"Front is otherwise fine place. Fighting is good, war is good, hunt is good. Joy to feel alive and on campaign. Yes?"

A distant bang, just loud enough to hear above the hubub of the crowd, punctuates his sentence.

"We will always be at War." Scratch said, a dour tone in his voice. He paused for a moment. "My apologies. I tend to get a bit pessimistic when it comes to this sort of thing. Side effect of serving on a navy ship: you get VERY maudlin. I hear it's the result of the artificial lighting."
"I feel that in this company, pessimism is more of positive that anywhere else." The woman says, a playful gesture indicating Karl, "I do not agree with you, Magos, but your arguments are impassioned and that is something to respect at least."

"Aye, that they are. We will burn the Xenos and corral the heretic and one day the fight will end, but until that day I admire the fire that burns within you. I will admit, I did not expect it from one of the mechanicum." Karl nods. "I have served aboard ship before, preaching to the masses. It has always been a noble fare, but not for me. The lighting is-" He is interrupted for a moment by a distant bang, but continues "- as you say, unhealthy."

Time for a bit of movement, I suppose:
Roll awareness all of you!
Then roll initiative please!
Spark, hyper-aware to the point of nervousness has a sudden realisation that the tone of the room has changed. Certain individuals are glancing around more fervently than before. A few of the merchants and industrialists, a priest and even of of the guard officers, they all share the same look of tense anticipation. Their expressions are covered by the clamour of the room, the rattling of plates and glasses and the loud talk made free by the prodigious quantities of alcohol.

The room, noisy before, is suddenly silenced by a crashing cacophony - at least, the chatter is. The main doors, broad wooden doors that you were all introduced through, are blown open with a bang and a group of armed men and women rush through. The pages and other staff, including the guards stationed at that end of the room, are cut down in moments by booming weapons fire.

More of them crash through the windows, apparently abseiling from the roof and detaching themselves from harnesses even as they raise their weapons. A small group charge the raised dais on which sits Merrion's governor, and begin a desperate struggle with his personal guard. Blades clash, bullets are fire, blood spills.

Others approach members of the crowd, taking hostages. Still more simply begin opening fire into the clustered huddles of people.

This last is the most dangerous to you. The Captain and Jewel have the benefit of being far from the action, but Holt and Scratch, amongst the priesthood as they are , are right amongst it. Four of them come racing up, spitting bullets from their stubbers as they run;

Karl is killed immediately, chest pulverised by accurate burst fire, and the woman-priest is thrown to the ground by a hit. Holt and Scratch are both hit multiple times, standing as they were almost in the centre of the group with much attention being paid to them as they'd argued so valiantly.

The crowd, for all that many of them are veterans and soldiers, begins to panic. None were prepared for the party to turn to violence and few brought even the most ceremonial of weapons with them. Slowly but surely, or slowly it seems, the chatter is replaced by screaming as blood spills on the tiled floors of the grand ballroom.

Group 1 shooting burst 3 at priesthood;
Rolls: 5, 9, 27, 53 against 35+20(surprise)+20 (close range) -10 (shooting at crowd) +10 (burst): 7 degrees, 6 degrees, 4 degrees, 2 degrees
11 hits across 6 targets: 11xd6 rolls (Holt 2, Scratch 4): 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5: Holt hit 2 times, Scratch 3;
Damage: 1d10+3: HOLT: 8, 11, SCRATCH: 8, 13, 4

Crowd counts as a -10 modifier to shooting.
@pspan you can hear the gunfire and are welcome to turn up as and when you think it's appropriate.
All of the groups previously mentioned are still in the crowd, and can likely be rallied to turn back the attackers who are, even now, spilling into the room.
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Scratch swore as bullets slammed into his body, which he responded to by overturning a table and ducking under it. At the same time, he quickly grabbed the woman priest and dragged her with him, to hopeful safety. "We need a medicae over here!" He shouted out loud. At the same time, he drew his bolt gun from the recesses of his robes, before quickly rising and firing it at the attackers streaming through the door. "I don't care if you are heretics, rebels, or just stupid morons, I will personally ensure that by the end of the night those of you left alive will be eating your own entrails!" Scratch snarled at the attackers.

At the same time, he quickly gave his servo-skull an attack order, causing it to quickly float off his shoulder and fly to one of the groups streaming out the window, firing its small lasgun. Scratch didn't expect it to survive, or even do any real damage, just buy time and distract the fucks while his captain rallied everyone.


10 to Hit. 1 DoS for Scratch, Basic Success for Servo-Skull

80 and 94 for hit locations. Scratch hits Right, Servo Skull hits left.

Damage: 6 for Scratch, 4 for Servo Skull