An apartment in the apocalypse: A riot quest

[X]Elizabeth Muthee
start buying non-perishable products and hard-to-reach artifacts

start giving maintenance to our traditional weapons of our ancestors
"We're in favor of any relocation that would clearly leave us better-off (in the apocalypse) than we are now."

they could potentially eat dead zombies, if we're comfortable with that
Only if we're not going to eat them in turn.
Or if zombies are basically immune to non-zombie-virus parasites. Which seems a-priori improbable. Then again: zombies.

Basically, if a pig eats lots of parasites that can infect humans, then humans eat the pig, the humans are massively more likely to get sick.
Edit: This is true for other things, too: cows, wolves, vegetables...
IIRC, the US had issues with contaminated produce a few years back, because someone pooped in a field of... I forget, was it lettuce? Something like that.
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Addition: we're explicitly immune, so... yeah if we're only feeding the apartment folk pigs eating zombies should work.
I feel like there's going to be some eyebrows raised buying a bunch of pigs for our NY apartment building. Also where do we plan on keeping them?
Addition: we're explicitly immune, so... yeah if we're only feeding the apartment folk pigs eating zombies should work.
We may be immune to the zombie virus, but who knows what other parasites, and infections these walking corpses are carrying. ROB doesn't strike me as the kind to not leave the possibility of something biting us in the butt.
Addition: we're explicitly immune, so... yeah if we're only feeding the apartment folk pigs eating zombies should work.
Again, this assumes the zombies don't get infected by anything else. Like worms, or bacteria, or other things that love to feast on the internals of a nice nutrient-rich human.

Speaking as someone who wants to stay healthy and alive? Dangerous move.

We may be immune to the zombie virus, but who knows what other parasites, and infections these walking corpses are carrying. ROB doesn't strike me as the kind to not leave the possibility of something biting us in the butt.
You know what would be funny? If ROB was just messing with us and there is no impending zombie apocalypse. Or if we weren't actually immune. Just because this letter appeared out of no where does not mean this being is trustworthy. Bare in mind they said they were sending us these letters to amuse themselves, this could be some cosmic prank. I don't think it is given the theme of the quest, but it's an interesting possibility.
You know what would be funny? If ROB was just messing with us and there is no impending zombie apocalypse. Or if we weren't actually immune. Just because this letter appeared out of no where does not mean this being is trustworthy. Bare in mind they said they were sending us these letters to amuse themselves, this could be some cosmic prank. I don't think it is given the theme of the quest, but it's an interesting possibility.
You know what would be worse? No zombies, but we see everyone else as Zombies.
Since QM didnt specify what type of zombie will appear that will destroy civilization there are several ways it can happen.

1. If its the slow walking dead kind I expect it would turning millions of people instantly into zombies especially those with weak immune systems like the old and the young children and recently deceased.

2. Rage virus highly virulent and deadly, survivors must not ever go to mainland as it spreads through blood(like a drop of their blood splashing on your eyes can turn you into a zombie) and bites.

3. Cordyceps last of us zombies(forgot how virulent it is).

4. Left 4 dead green virus, highly virulent(rumored to be airborne; some survivors will be carriers of the disease) and mutates very easily and quickly so fast it might as well be made in resident evil, the way it mutates depends on the health of infected if he smokes often then he will become a spitter zombie(there are no radiation zombies YET since in the game the players were never near nuclear power plants or irradiated sites).

5. World war z zombies are capable of having horde intelligence that can pile of one another to overcome walls, run, high speed of infection and turning humans into zombies after 10 seconds after being infected. Are capable of surviving deep underwater/on the sea floor even the ones that have enough pressure that can crush humans like a grape.

6. I am legend zombies where there are 2 types of zombie strains 1 is airborne and the other is not, zombies would have high intelligence and act vampire like and get burned by sunlight.

7. Resident evil zombie with different strains like high mutation like the g virus, the fungi virus is resident evil village, las plagas, the t-virus, etc... low survival rate for us.

8. Cataclysm dark days ahead zombies rob throws us the black goo(instantly turns 99% of humanity into zombies with multiple zombie variants like hulk zombies, and electric zombies), eldritch in origin the goo is sentient and can bring back dead zombies back to life in a few hours despite destroying their brain, the only way to put down a zombie permanently is to pulp their body through blunt objects.

9. Prototype blacklight and redlight zombies basically combine movie "the thing" with zombies. Chance of someone becoming a evolved.
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Yeah a lot depends on what sort of zombies they are. Or indeed if there actually will be zombies.

I'm definitely down to move, if folks want to?