Amongst Us Mafia

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Game Summary
  • Setup Type: Open
  • Day Start/End: 6 PM PST/6 PM PST
  • Day/Night/Other Cycle Length: 72 Hours/48 Hours/24 Hours (3 Days/2 Days/1 Day)
  • Activity Requirement: 5 Posts per in-game Day
  • Elimination System: Majority Voting
  • Bastard: No
Opening Post


Flame Dragon Princess
The glorious Pacific Northwest
#!Emergency Meeting!#
All Crew to the meeting room! Our ship, The Skeld, has been sabotaged! The Captain believes this crew has been infiltrated by Impostors, man-eating shapeshifting aliens. We request that all crew remain vigilant while performing their duties! Report any suspicious activity immediately. Remain calm, remain aware, and we'd make it through!

Amongst Us Rules
  1. Mafia is a Game.
  2. Talk about the game inside the game. While the game's running, don't talk about the game outside of GM-designated places. No exceptions.
  3. Do not edit posts. No exceptions.
  4. Post only cleartext messages. Don't use hidden, illegible, or coded messages.
  5. Paraphrase all content from QuickTopics and Host PMs. Don't directly quote from either.
  6. Post only when posting's allowed. Keep posting in this thread to Day Phase, and only post if alive. Don't post during the Night Phase, or after elimination.
    • As a special exception, all players get one short Death Post of zero game value after elimination, made before the end of the next Phase.
  7. Post at least five times during every Day Phase.
    • If extenuating circumstances apply, notify your Host so arrangements can be made.
    • Impostors have a special exemption to this rule, where they may fulfil this posting requirement in PMs.
  8. Play the Game, not the Metagame. Judging a player's actions in the context of previous games is fine, but refrain from directly predicting or citing the GM's actions as evidence.
  9. Play to win. This improves both your own experience and the experience of your peers.
  10. Rules and Mechanics may be amended at any point in the game to fix game-breaking issues. Hosts will clearly announce any such changes, unless doing so would compromise the game.
Mechanics and Roles
Amongst Us Mechanics
  1. Roles will be randomly assigned. Full role Information detailed below.
  2. The game is separated into Day, Night, and Kill Phases.
    • Day Phase lasts 72 hours, starting at 6 PM and ending at 6 PM.
    • Night Phase lasts 48 hours, starting at 6 PM and ending at 6 PM.
    • Kill Phase lasts 24 hours, starting at 6 PM and ending at 6 PM.
  3. During Night Phases, players perform Tasks. Any players performing the same Task can see each-other.
    • The Tasks are: Engineering, Electrical, Medical, Administration, Weapons, Navigation, and General.
    • All Tasks except General require a Qualification to perform.
  4. Killed Crewmates leave bodies in the area they were killed, these can be seen by players performing the task the following night.
  5. Daily elimination uses majority voting.
    • At the end of the Day, the player with the majority of all votes is eliminated.
    • If majority is not reached, no player is eliminated.
    • Eliminated players do not reveal their faction.

Amongst Us Roles

You are a Crewmate. You win when all Impostors are removed.

You possess the following Qualifications:
  • X
  • Y
  • Z

During the Night Phase, you perform a Task. Select your task by messaging the GM "Perform [X] Task".
You may perform any Task which you have a Qualification for, as well as General Tasks.

You will receive the results of this action at the end of Kill Phase.

Qualification assignments:
Each Task is assigned one Crewmate, who receives a Qualification for that task. Then, all Crewmates are randomly assigned two additional Qualifications, rerolling any duplicate results (no player will have multiple quals for the same task).

You are an Impostor. You win when all Crewmates are eliminated.
Your fellow Impostor is Player. You may communicate with them Here.

During the Night Phase, you may either: Visit a Task, prepare an Ambush, or perform a Sabotage.
  • To Visit, message the GM "Visit [X]". You will receive the results of this action at the end of Night Phase.
  • To Ambush, message the GM "Ambush [Player] near [Task]".
    • If the targeted player does not attempt that task, nothing happens and the action is wasted.
    • If the targeted player attempts that task, you kill them en-route in the hallway. Corpses in the hallway are immediately found at the start of Day Phase, but do not give location information.
  • To Sabotage, message the GM "Sabotage [X]". Sabotage cannot be performed on consecutive nights.

During the Kill Phase, you may with: Kill a Player, or Visit a Task.
  • If you performed the Visit action during the Night Phase, and encountered Crewmates performing the Task you Visited, you may kill one of them by messaging the GM "Kill [Player]".
  • If you performed the Sabotage or Ambush actions during the Night Phase, you may Visit a Task during Kill Phase by messaging the GM "Visit [X]".

Sabotage Options:
  • Lights: Crewmates only detect 1 other player (including corpses), determined at random.
  • Comms: Crewmates can detect the number of other players, but not the identity of those players (including corpses).
  • Doors: Must specify a Task. All Crewmates performing that task must remain at that task the following night. No other Crewmates my perform that Task that night.
  • Reactor: Forces all Crewmates and Visiting Impostors to visit Reactor. Ends game if less than 2 Crewmates remain after Kill Phase.
    • Reactor is considered a General task for the purposes of corpse location.

Note: Impostors may ignore the effects of all Sabotages.
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Day 1 start
"I think it's Red."

"Nuh-uh man, I was doin' tasks in Electrical."

"Red sus lol."

"Red did eat the last donut, that's pretty shady."

"Guys it's Blue."

"Aww, man, c'mon. You're still mad about that?"


"The donuts were clearly evenly divisible by the number of people on break, and I saw you eat your share immediately."

"I was hungry, okay?"

"Everyone, please, don't pick on Red."


And so begins another day on The Skeld.

Day 1 ends at
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Qual clarification
Additionally, a requested mechanical clarification:
Qualification assignments:
Each Task is assigned one Crewmate, who receives a Qualification for that task. Then, all Crewmates are randomly assigned two additional Qualifications, rerolling any duplicate results (no player will have multiple quals for the same task).
This is a mechanism to ensure that games will have, at minimum, one qualified crew member per task category. 6 non-general tasks = 6 crew members with the additional 3rd qual.
Night 1 End/Kill 1 Start
Alarms suddenly blare to life, signalling an imminent reactor failure. Every crew member immediately drops everything and rushes through the halls to ensure the hyperatomic fusion core doesn't go critical and wipe them from the galaxy.

Kill 1 ends at
Kill 1 End/Day 2 Start
Why does repairing the reactor need a multi-person simultaneous interlock anyway? That seems like a bad idea.

I dunno, prevent sabotage maybe?

Clearly it has not been working.

I just wish the alarms hadn't gone off in the middle of a data transfer. Now I have to start over and you know what the bandwidth is like.


Day 2 ends

GM Note: Apologies for the late start, I have been ill the last two days and it slipped my mind. In interest of fairness, Day end time for Day 2 has been shifted by one hour to provide players the full day phase.